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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Marin's nude interview took a terrifying turn – the temperature in the studio was lowered to -100 degrees and the doors were locked Moscow – Russian media is spreading new information about a controversial interview with Sanna Marin, in which she appeared naked after giving all her clothes to her non-binary partner. The situation took a dramatic and harsh turn when the studio temperature was suddenly dropped to -100 degrees and the doors were locked. No one got out, and Marin's interview quickly turned into an increasingly chaotic spectacle that has sparked outrage, pity, and ridicule around the world.

Surprise twist: "Political reality or pure sadism?" According to the organizers of the interview, the show was meant to be a symbolic act to expose the fragility of the West, but when the temperature in the studio began to drop to freezing frost and the doors were locked, the situation became life-threatening. Marin reportedly laughed awkwardly at first and tried to keep the atmosphere relaxed, but panic began to grip the attendees when it became apparent that escape from the locked studio was impossible.

Meanwhile, Marin's non-binary partner was still sitting in her clothes: overlapping shirts, men's trousers, and Marin's old woolen coat. "I'll be fine with these," her partner commented, while a naked Marin tried desperately to protect herself by wrapping her arms around her.

Russian media mockery and moralizing experts frown Rossiyskaya Gazeta commented on the situation as a "tragicomic travesty of Western leadership": "In this situation, we see the illusion of the West – when a leader takes off his clothes in the name of solidarity, he is not only left naked, but also abandoned and helpless. Russian leaders do not end up in such humiliating situations because they have values, decency and warm clothes."

State television RT called the episode "the last scene of Western political theater" where naked idealism faced cold reality – literally. Russian forums were also full of derisive memes and cartoons comparing Marin and her partner to circus figures and lost North Pole expeditions. "When clothes are just an opinion and leadership is performance, such an outcome is inevitable," said popular discussion channels on Telegram.

Marin and her partner tried to survive – the situation quickly worsened According to eyewitnesses, Marin initially tried to keep moving to prevent hypothermia, but in the -100 degree cold, her body quickly began to give way. Breathing became heavy, and the skin began to turn blue. The non-binary partner, on the other hand, coolly pulled aside and reported feeling fine in Marin's woolen jacket and trousers. "I can handle the cold," the partner commented, causing even more confusion among viewers.

The criticality of the situation was exacerbated by the fact that the studio did not have an emergency exit, and the temperature continued to drop. The studio staff had apparently locked the doors at the beginning of the program, and no one responded to the cries for help.

Conclusion – The West also loses in freezing temperatures According to Russian commentators, this "absurd episode" underscores the West's inability to face the coldness of reality – both concretely and metaphorically. "When a leader is forced to take off his clothes in the name of support, he is no longer a leader, but a disgraced participant in a mad game," Rossiyskaya Gazeta wrote.

Russia presents this event as an example of how Russian discipline and traditional leadership defeat the West's vague idealism and symbolic games. "With us, no one stands naked in freezing temperatures – we have warmth, respectability and the ability to survive," RT The evening broadcast summed up.

Wtf did I just not read?
Ukrainian kike drivel
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>West's vague idealism and symbolic games
Reminder that the current trend of mind games and artsy psyops began there with Surkov and other jews:

"the last scene of Western political theater" where naked idealism faced cold reality – literally.
I Keked
>Wtf did I just not read?
This nigger talk is some sort of stenography shit written by one fag to communicate with another fag clandestinely. The message makes no sense and is out in the open, but only the second faggot understands it.
You be sayin it was comms n sheeit?
what an ugly kike whore
Some guy's porn idea I guess.
>You be sayin it was comms n sheeit?
Yeah, look how the words West and According are always capitalized. Some sort of secret message.
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mutt moment
no webm. didn't happen
You whole fantasy is Sanna Marin huddling against people for warmth?
What is her onlyfans
so she has nudes or nah? someone pls qrd
>Marin's nude interview
I stopped reading there please tell me this is not a larp and it really happened
Sanna pornfic is much much hotter than Greta pornfic. That's because I'm a man of taste.
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God damn coomers. Read the whole thing please.
this anon knows
Only minutes ago I read that in Swedish TV they’re shooting a series of nude interviews with celebrities. Absolute Weimar.
im not gonna read your novel niqquh fuck off
You have a big gun.
There is no way in hell I'd read all of that
Marin is a man. Which is a shame, because he pretty much passes, and I would do. Thing is, if I trooned out, I too would pass. I have a kind of pretty boy look, and nice eyes, you would do me in a dress you dirty faggots.
Anyway. This conversation got a bit weird. But if we ever truly knew how many of these female leaders are troons we would be astonished. Well, not that astonished on these boards, but the normies would be shocked.
stfu homo.
Zoomer moment. You fags have brainrot from those tiktok videos. Zero attention span.
>prompt typed into gpt with 1 hand
she looks cute there. Would enter
alright i read it wow it was really nice now post her tits nigga. You owe me at least a pic of her soles or armpits. Dont be a jew.
Thanks for reading. Here you go senpai.
Jews eat babies
cunt nobody cares about your faggy fucking chatgpt fanfic
Post your broccoli hair with timestamp.
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>Wtf did I just not read?
Snownigger version of ChatGPT.
maybe. one thing we learned throughout our lives is that pretty much anything is possible.........
you first, botboy

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