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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Liam Payne accused of DMing young girls, raising concerns about his online behavior

>Aussies outraged as Sydney school girls cruelly mock Liam Payne's tragic death

>Liam Payne's love story with Cheryl - and real reason for split

>In pictures: Life of former One Direction star Liam Payne
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Simon Cowell arrested for noncery and murder when?
I never listened to a single song of theirs, I know absolutely nothing about him. But he looks like a bender
4/10 for this thread, which is a personal best for the OP. Well done.
>Simon Cowell arrested for noncery and murder when?
I think he's too attracted to himself to be a nonce.
>DMing young girls
>liam payne dated a freshly 18 year old
Why do feminist roastoids seethe at competition ?

Only in this cucked feminist clown world are men shamed for wanting peak women
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New photos just leaked
Thank you. I think if I keep up the hard work my next thread might be a 5.
Which copcam video is this from?
Boku No Pico.
been doing the rounds for a few days now. manlet chang cop got slashed by a negress with a knife and he shot her. of course ooga boogas say the cop was bad, because i don't know he should have asked her to stop stabbing him or something.
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His career went from flying to flat.
Why are we namedropped in trump general lads
Yanks have NPD so they irrationally envy us.
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Envy from being the oldest general on pol
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Sunder Katwala is crying again because people haven't been banned from all social media for failing to believe David Lammy is English. He's also upset that Steve Laws hasn't been arrested for calling for mass deportations. This is where your tax money goes.
This stuff is actually pretty nice and cheap on some ryvita crispbread with diced spring onion and fresh chillies.
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Fuck your nigger nonce people and nation
Gonna fuck your people up wherever I find em
Hey, lads, let's leave the world bank.
How? You're a half-willy.
Your election was stolen and you dindu nuffin kek
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Who upset him this time?
no election interference there, move along
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>round two
Jokes on you
We're gonna revoke their passports an leave them in your neck of the woods
More fat lesbians for you
You've got a good voice, kid. Would you like to open for Gary Glitter on his comeback tour?
Don't care wife beater killed himself
Fuck off you poof, having euthanasia now will not fix our economy or return me my 2 years of life back. OH SO PRECIOUS AS LONG AS WE SAVE ONE LIFE DANCE NHS DANCE.
Oi m8s what gives? Why you lads officially interfering in our elections?
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He's one of those people I frequently forget isn't dead.
Pity really.
But yeah, I'll join his comeback tour.
Batter him like a jumbo cod backstage.
'ate nonces
>gun says 20g
>shells say 12g
We will steal your election and nowt u can do about it la
How long until nonce hatred is a hate crime?
We're tired of the antisemitic bigotry from across the pond.
We're sending over David Lammy to secure the election for that wog woman
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Gobbo outed himself as the aussieflag pakispammer then. Ashamed to say I didn't think even he was that much of a sad cunt.
Oh I do love a cheeky little holibobs to sunny Spain

Whatchu gon do bout it tyrone?
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Israel got the new leader of Hamas lads
Have you ever noticed that the CEO of homosexuality looks just like the CEO of paedophilia?
>wasn't melaaa
>was in bed
we are sending gobbo to America to sway public opinion
America WILL have a /brat/ winter
>Court cites ECHR for why it's blocking the deportation of a foreign rapist
>Usual types claim leaving ECHR and scrapping the Human Rights Act wouldn't make a difference
Based get fucked
The crime is the tyranny to dictate emotions
They seek your enslavement on the mental plain
There's nowt wrong with a bit of bum fun it doesn't make you bent
>Usual types claim leaving ECHR and scrapping the Human Rights Act wouldn't make a difference
It wouldn't. They WANT them here, other countries can do it because at worst they'll send us a strongly worded letter that no one but Kier gives a shit about
Thread theme


>Belly belly man feed dem belly
Inspiring lyrics.
why does he keep doing this?
it's been 3.5 months
does he have dementia?
Yeah it's fucked, he said to me the other day, as "josh"that he hadn't larped in 2 years and now he just chill posts and he "achieved everything he wanted to on britpol 2 years ago".
Lmao the loser has been waking up every day and booting his VPN up and making bad jokes about raped children every day for 6 months.
People didn't believe it was him because they didn't want to believe he was that disgusting and pathetic, but he really is the biggest most awful loser
>posting nigger shit
S to SPIT you nigger faggot GTFO OUT.

And if your white British, every ancestor in your nations history is spitting on you right now
Zoomer Sheilas don't care for your housewifes choice boybands
Was Liam Payne of the verge of naming the Jew?
Definite bender for not sticking with Cheryl
The main thing is the Human Rights Act. It means the ECHR is enforced here where in other member states it would be ignored.
>just woke up laaaa
>haven't been here all day laaaaa
>I never seethe laaa, it's James laaaa i'm not the problem, it's James
>i've been havin chats all morning laaa and getting along with everyone laaa
Should've known it was him after his comments on the Southport attack.
>Human Rights Act
Just send them anyway lol. What, you're going to get a letter and some commie boomers turning up outside No. 10? Worth it to me.
Excuse me sir. Tis an inspiring tale of how a man provides for his community to the best of his ability even in the most trying of times.
Shame on you for your reprehensible and narrow minded view.
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He has no dreams, no direction and merely wakes up to do the will of the people. Any alternative views are far right thuggery and will not be tolerated.
Amazing that the life of one filthy, degenerate British kaffir surmounts that of 40,000 innocent, pious Palestinians or the thousands of Lebanese murdered by the Jews. I'm sick of this world and sick of Western hypocrisy.

new doctors arriving in spain - 2024
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amazing to think that this guy would have almost certainly lived to a normal age had he never entered the (((entertainment industry))), free from drug addiction and depression. If he'd have simply been a plumber, he would have led a happy, normal life with a normal wife and kids.

but instead, he was taken as a teenager and thrust into a world of degeneracy.

think how many young people have died as a result of this twisted fame machine throughout the years.

i don't give a fuck about this specific faggot, but it's interesting to think about the entertainment industry's unending connection to premature deaths and sicknesses.
it's literally like these people sell their souls for temporary fame.
To be fair I thought it was him since the beginning, just because of the persistence and the bad taste of it, other namecunts might have done it but really very few people have the capacity to be so utterly detestable for so long.
Lots of people might larp here and there out of boredom, but it rarely lasts 2 threads let alone a day, whereas this kike lives and breathes being vile beyond description, he probably can't even contain it

People are always getting hooked on drugs or falling off balconies.
It's one of many reasons why entertainers should not be idolized.
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More fake nurses
Lads I can't believe it, turns out, that Keir Starmer bloke? Three jewish paedophiles in a trench coat. Un-fucking-believable.
Oh my bad, i love fictional propaganda to try paint niggers as responsible caring member of the community, while they basterdize the English language, and glorify their faggot rap culture.

totally based and red pilled then. import a million more niggers ASAP.
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not where i'm from, they're not.
that's exclusively a bourgeois pursuit.
yeah this. who do we know that's here every single day, for months on end, who would do something like this? all signs point to him. I've also always said it was him. When he tried to play detective and figure out who it was cemented it for me. He always does that when he wants to throw people off the trail, he plays cluedo like whirrr guys who is it, lets check the archives and such.

he's a nonce. a gutless fat nonce who has nothing better to do that try to make people angry and he's here forever like if 4chan shut down in the UK i think he might actually kill himself
Fake it till you make it.
We need more of this entrepreneurial spirit in the UK. Import 400,000 more like her immediately.
To give you some sense of the scale of the issue, Harraga is a widely popular phenomenon among young north Africans (Moroccans, Algerians etc). There are large youtube channels and the like dedicated to interviewing those who have successfully "burned" their way to Europe and Britain (i.e., paid a smuggler and burned their papers to claim asylum), and many videos explaining how to go about making a living in Britain despite coming here illegally:

Royal Navy subs should be sinking these cunts. No rescue.
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>Mother-of-three Natalie Shotter, 37, was attacked after apparently falling unconscious during a night out in Southall, West London, a court heard.
>Mohamed lidow, 35, is accused of orally raping her around midnight on July 16, 2021, the Old Bailey heard. He denies rape and manslaughter.
Her replacement will be an unqualified immigrant.
Accidental discharge of a trident missile in the general direction of Calais. Promote the Captain as punishment.
It's basically human sacrifice. There's a South Park episode about it.
I remember back a long time before I came to this website there was a news article about people who had been trolling the parents of some child that died. They were pretending to be the dead girl and telling the mother that they were burning in hell and other absolute filth.
Thing was when the found them and the went to court it turned out they were FAS/downies, literal care in the community retards, the type where you can see their mental disabilities etched on their faces.
That's just what josh is, an old school troll, I don't mean to flatter him in anyway though, I just mean he's mentally disabled and just has no idea how to conduct himself in society and he shouldn't be allowed unrestricted internet access
They live short but bombastic lives, nothing new.
She was ENRICHING your healthcare system.

Why cant you see the value these JEETS are bringing to our society. Stealing Jobs from white medical students and lowering wages is what makes the west great.
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Who tf is paying for that? And why would yanks give fuck what they say?

I mean imagine forens telling you who to vote for...
how do you know josh is paki spammer? not him btw I dont keep up to date on namebames, before I get accused due to 1pbtid
>He denies rape and manslaughter.
Thing is the jury will fall for this. These bames genuinely think what they do isn't wrong so theres no "intent" behind it which is why none of them ever get proper charges.
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I haven't seen the episode, but I know that South American sacrifices were treated like princesses for some time before the sacrifice itself, nobody could refuse a request from them, could eat whatever/go wherever etc. Does the episode focus on that sort of "fattening of the calf" aspect of human sacrifice?
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yeah, i know my blog post wasn't original at all, but it just struck me ESPECIALLY because this guy won a banal ITV singing "competition" as a kid, then ended up a dead drug addict a decade later.
it's not like some gangster rapper or rock star, just some cringe kid on a singing competition made for extremely low IQ single mums

as reddit-tier as this sounds, it's like Black Mirror or something.
>win competiton
Tbh, even the legit qualified street shitting doctors are dog shit. I dont even go to GP anymore because its a waste of time.
Do Ukrainians realise their war is getting in the way of my play time or are they really that deeply selfish
I wonder if the hr women get it in the neck when this shit happens

"Police ‘left children at mercy of Pakistani gang paedophiles’ in Rochdale">> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rochdale-police-grooming-gang-paedophiles-b2478657.html

"Police left children ‘at mercy’ of Pakistani grooming gangs, report says">>

I'm sure America already has landlord pimps. Renting is the modern term for feudal sex slavery.
Just put in place a DEI captain, and the global media will come up with reasons to defend the captain.
>I'll keep doing from a britflag or a memeflag
Literally can't contain the filth inside him, honestly a completely irredeemable headfucked loser
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The absolute state of this country
Yes, that’s a recognized behavior, especially in individuals who exhibit traits of **pathological lying**, **narcissism**, or even certain **personality disorders**. Here's why big-time liars may refuse to admit dishonesty, even when confronted with undeniable evidence:

### 1. **Preserving Self-Image**:
- Many habitual liars, particularly those with narcissistic tendencies, rely heavily on maintaining a grandiose self-image. Admitting to lying could shatter that image, so they go to great lengths to avoid acknowledging any dishonesty. They often believe they can manipulate or bend reality to suit their narrative.

### 2. **Cognitive Dissonance**:
- When someone lies consistently, especially if they've built their identity or reputation on dishonesty, admitting the truth creates **cognitive dissonance**—a state of mental discomfort when faced with contradictory facts. To reduce this discomfort, they double down on their falsehoods, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

### 3. **Exploiting Doubt**:
- As you mentioned, even when proof is presented, liars may latch onto the **smallest sliver of doubt** or uncertainty. This tactic—often called **gaslighting**—is meant to confuse or cast doubt on the truth, making others question the validity of the evidence or their own memory of events.

### 4. **Fear of Consequences**:
- Admitting to dishonesty can have significant consequences, such as damaged relationships, loss of trust, or legal repercussions. Some individuals will deny wrongdoing until the end in an attempt to avoid these consequences.
Missile would fail to detonate on target though. Could end up nuking Falkirk by accident, or just gifting the French a fully operational nuclear missile.
It shows up in quite a few ancient cultures. A child is considered blessed by the gods, or is a vessel of the gods, and is raised in luxury until they come of age at which point they're sacrificed.
If they're injured or raped, that taints them or something. Obviously Hollywood doesn't give a shit about that part.
### 5. **Pathological Behavior**:
- In cases of **pathological lying**, the individual may be so deeply entrenched in their web of lies that they genuinely find it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood. For such individuals, lying becomes second nature, and admitting to dishonesty isn't just unlikely—it may feel impossible.

### 6. **Deflection and Blame Shifting**:
- Instead of admitting the lie, such individuals may **deflect** by blaming others, discrediting the evidence, or attacking the credibility of those who confront them. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect their version of reality.

### Conclusion:
In many cases, habitual or "big-time" liars prefer to manipulate others into doubt or confusion rather than admit wrongdoing. This tactic often works when people aren’t fully confident in the evidence, but even when confronted with undeniable proof, they may continue to deny their dishonesty. It’s a psychological strategy rooted in self-preservation, avoidance of consequences, and sometimes an inability to fully confront their own lies.
true true
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will yous fucking qrd me ffs, this is what I get for not being glued to my PC today, yous will keep referencing it and I'll have no idea and no one will explain. If no one tells me NONE of you are invited to my birthday party.
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shut up gobbo you absolute nonce
I imagine he was pretty pissed off about Harry's success. Seething every night.
Should have done an Andrew Ridgely. 'i.e. take the money and run and shut the fuck up.
They'll just spin it as always, about depression and mental elf. Then set up a trust fund to help talentless egotistical faggots make it big
liam pain
The jewish version of human sacrifice which is now dominant in the western world probably involves a lot of "tee hee if I nonce this kid from behind a curtain god won't know and can't punish me for defiling his vessel" or something. Or maybe noncing kids is okay within an eruv idk.
I just wanna know how he was outed so I can throw it in his goblin face when he rears his ugly head
shut up gobbo you absolute nonce
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Post left hand
Isn't QT from Rochdale tonight?
Or some other BAME stronghold
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>bane of eddie + ginge
Kek he's still seething that eddie and ginge accomplished more in 3 months than Josh has in his 35 years of existence after bullying them about their life.
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>Harry Styles
>stylish hair = hair(y) styles
>Liam Payne
>I am in Pain
Who were the other two?
He didn't mean to kill her when he blocked her airway with his cock for an hour.
That’s not exactly conclusive, an has been posted loads since it happened. I thought something new had come out
>gobbo trying to sow the seeds of doubt
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NOT gobbo now tell me the qrd, gobbo doesn't play guitar
No timestamp no qrd
Never stopped the good people of Rochdale from voting Labour though.
Wog infestation of Rochdale was under 10% at the time.

The people have absolutely divorced themselves from their own actions. Literal spiteful infant level of stupidity.
>No timestamp
What's the point of an untimestamped photo?
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Fuck knows. I had to look up the lead singers name
no I cba doing that I need to put my laundry away, you can search that specific image in the archive and you WONT find it, ive also posted that ibanez before
>Spammer from last thread posted the same image but slightly resized to change the image hash under a different ID and memeflag after he accidentally posted under his brit proxt
>Polish josh does the same thing after he was taught how md5 works
gobbo busted
Civil war when?
Why are pakis, jeets and ngubus so rapey? Is it a lack of pre frontal cortex (IQ)?
because white womens only do brown people in jewish (((content)))
A lot of it wasn't rape they were just dirty paki shaggers. If you start mixing with Pakis and want to get sexual with them I've no sympathy for you at all.
>young girls
>18 years old
why is that an issue now? did he really commit suicide over this?
Doesn't the US decide our elections?
Wouldn't that mean this is just Americans campaigning in America?

Notice that this faggot has nothing to say about the ongoing unlimited immigration into UK?

Notice that this faggot has nothing to say about the paki rape gang menace?

brit/pol/ is run by paki child rapists!
Imagine a cinema screen with the word rape constantly flashing on it in giant letters. This is basically how their consciousness works.
Polish josh rumbled
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now you have to tell me, not josh, I want a qrd.
Children don't have fully developed threat assessment centres in their brain. That's why we protect them from threats. The government and police nerfed our ability to protect our kids when they made racism illegal. "Don't associate with pakis" is a clear, simple, easily understandable directive and it works, it keeps kids safe. Now that we can't issue that command our children are in danger, and it's the police's fault.
The architects, implementers and enforces of our replacement will receive Nuremberg like trials. Every politician who voted for the anti-nativist law that is stirring up racial hatred should be tried as well.
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>A lot of it wasn't rape

Sure, mohmed

In muslim terminology, it isn't rape if a devout muslim rape a non muslim woman!
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Liam Payne 2: The Fall of Liam Payne
I-is that crayon?

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>Handing gay occult hand tats
Nice try
It's a mystery. They do it in their home countries. They rape women, girls, boys, goats, dogs. Any hole is a goal.
A lot of them weren't children.
>more to come
Based irl lady shitposter.
commie fucking shit hole

>gets asked to post a hand
>posts book with writing in it instead
The post you originally responded to specifically referenced children.
what comes up on your youtube shorts?
for me?
>Comedy (usually quite bad)
>Top gear/Car stuff
>Stuff about watches/expensive things
>reddit posts with cookery/minecraft
>food stuff
>law stuff
>marketing stuff
>someones random hobby
i dont search for any of those things what does that mean?
>be tory
>import wogs until 25+% of the UK isn't British
>increase racial and minority protections
>start a company called GasThemAll Ltd
>get arrested
Just used his spongebob ragecaps post format from the Australian rape spammer ID
what? my thumb?
Nope, I am clearly not him stop being a spaz
goodnight sweet brince
>good, hope they fucking burn, cunts

"Police ‘left children at mercy of Pakistani gang paedophiles’ in Rochdale">> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rochdale-police-grooming-gang-paedophiles-b2478657.html

"Police left children ‘at mercy’ of Pakistani grooming gangs, report says">>
refer to his image, josh has a wrist tattoo, clearly nothing on mine, also josh isn't capable of playing guitar or bass
>spongebob ragecaps
wtf is that
Can you tell us who you are in Australia so that someone has a chance to get you locked up?
No it didn't. It referenced "minor girls".
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im scared of what rNHS will be like in 20 years. need to get healthier
That's how retards say children.

"TOMMY ROBINSON TRUTH BOMBS: On His Upcoming Movie “The Rape of Britain” ...PAKISTANI Fathers and Sons Rape Girls Together"

Leading British Islam critic Tommy Robinson is the most politically persecuted individual in Europe for his determination to defend young English rape victims and their families from PAKISTANI rapists.

2 percent of the British population are PAKISTANI, Robinson said, “but responsible for 90% of gang related ‘raping’.

Rotherham has a 3.7 % Muslim population, we have 1400 children raped by these PAKISTANI gangs. Telford, 1.7% (Muslim population), we have 1000 victims… And we’ve had a hundred cities identified where these gangs are operating.”

“In these gangs, PAKISTANI fathers and sons rape girls together”, Robinson explained. “When you see the arrests, they’re brothers and cousins. They share young 12 or 13-year old white English girls with their family members".
ITT major gobbo samefagging
He posts a particular picture of spongebob and the tEXt IS raNDoMlY iN cAPs. He usually does it after copy pasting people's replys back to them
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>2 percent of the British population are PAKISTANI, Robinson said, “but responsible for 90% of gang related ‘raping’.
Only ever seen him post that here. Rumbled.
josh is musical
he fingers a minor on the reg
>PAKISTANI Fathers and Sons Rape Girls Together

Will these judges eventually pay for what they've done?
Where is she imprisoned?
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>Will these judges eventually pay for what they've done?
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>Court Calls Destiny Waugh's Actions Stupid After She Aided Rioters by Supplying Eggs During Protest Outside Hotel Housing Asylum Seekers in Newton Heath
Egg check: based
I grew up in Telford when this was happening and I can tell you a lot of them were known as Paki shaggers. We used to see them get into the Paki cars. A couple of the girls published a book about it admitting what they did with them.
Maddie? She's in my cellar, she's doing fine don't worry about it.
The same women who accused Liam Payne of being a piece of shit and an abuser are the same ones using his death for attention all over social media it's really weird behaviour and just shows how evil women are.
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Why did he do it, lads?
They watch too much porn and think it's real
Based eagle eye
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>Rotherham has a 3.7 % Muslim population, we have 1400 children raped by these PAKISTANI gangs. Telford, 1.7% (Muslim population), we have 1000 victims…
>I'm sure America already has landlord pimps. Renting is the modern term for feudal sex slavery.
I kneel I would have been a loyalist despite you faggots fucking everything up for the next 200 years, I will be visiting as much as you all need to be firebombed
It's accelerating to the worst form of feudalism, nobody under the worst feudal rule heard the fucking rumble of cars, more like huge pods that transport people in one safety bubble to the next, at 4:30 in the morning like today I just heard
Still all your fault, but I really need to call people out bluntly for the feudal sex slavery.. the second you really get that deep they start jew seething about sex education and the police
Stop nasa
You still seeing me everywhere? What an obsessed gay little paki. No wonder you can't even figure out file hashes.
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""We're coming Lucy Connolly""
I would rather die in the dirt than live in a communist shit pit of tyranny
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>Rotherham has a 3.7 % Muslim population
>A new Josh larp has entered the game
dead men tell no tales
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There's this lass I have on Instagram that's posted at least 20+ stories about him including videos of her almost in tears as if it's her boyfriend that's just died or something, women are mentally ill
>A lot of them weren't children.
>A couple of the girls published a book about it admitting what they did with them

Can you pls ask your pakistani family to stop raping little white girls?

See if pic related is your uncle
>Rumbled so pulls out his other larp
Jesus fucking Christ, the name Clockwork nonce fits him so well
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>Beauty student, 19, who joined rioters outside migrant hotel dressed in yellow cocktail dress is branded 'extremely stupid' by judge as she's spared jail
>Ms Waugh, of Risbury Walk, Manchester, pleaded guilty to the charge of violent disorder and was sentenced to 16 months in young offenders institute, suspended for 18 months. She must complete 150 hours of unpaid work, attend 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days and pay £150 in costs.
Oh I see now. Yeah no she's fucked. All the men are dead. She will suffer because she saw the truth and stuck her head above the parapet and nobody will do anything about it. On the plus side the average human lifespan is only like 75, 80 years.
>be famous
>die in hotel fall
Lol does anyone even believe this, it was probably the music execs trying, bet they he was holding out in some way and stopping them from making money
I'd like her to supply me some eggs iykwim
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All suicide is:
a. the worst form of rebellion against God (Who created your immortal soul)
b. attempt to make those left behind feel guilty
They should not be sympathised with or for. They should not be buried with normal humans. Don't give me that "no respect for human life" bullshit, THEY did not have respect for the human life they had.
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>Be stuck in traffic in London
>Ambulance comes behind me
>Look in rear-view mirror, driver seems annoyed.
>Chilling for a few seconds
>Turns on siren, everyone moves out of the way.
>Huh, must've just gotten a call.
>5mins later down the road.
>See same ambulance and the driver at a petrol station eating a sandwich as his partner is having a fag just away from the station.
I fucking knew these fags turn on their siren even if they don't need to just to get to their food break faster!
>attend 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days
I wonder what that entails
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Where did you get a pic of my foot
Poached or scrambled?
they wanted to boost sales
>can't fizzbuzz
>can't figure out file hashes
>sees me everywhere
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What would be the best course of action to solve this issue?
Ready to be fertilised
Google: Mortons Toe
She will learn how to use her eggs productively.
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Why is Jnigger mad today? Is he still seething about anon getting a date? Or did someone btfo him again last night?
Refute this. You can't.
Yids gonna yid
Careful Ella Cockbain might appear
no. it was the fact that he would never name them that tormented him so much. he knows what they did to him and he had to just keep the money and shut up.
>a. the worst form of rebellion against God (Who created your immortal soul)
I'm not rebelling I'm just saying I know the big man can do better than this. He might be the almighty but that doesn't mean he can get away with putting in no effort.
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You know what they say about suicide, lads...
Checked satan i actually have a bunch of issues with the metatarsal region probably because of it.
Maybe he was inspired by the unraveling of the American music sex ring and he was going to rumble the British one so they took him out?
as my late mother used to say
Suicide is always a long term solution to a temporary problem.
all of that + cute cat videos for me
That's the second time I've got triple sixes in the last hour or so
reformat your chatgpt shit to take away the markdown.
>“In these gangs, PAKISTANI fathers and sons rape girls together”,

What was the 2pm sentence then?
baking. will post at 300 to avoid 3 Brit/pol/ threads.
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notice how when this cunt was asked to give his thoughts on how to solve the problem: >>485101644
he instead chooses to spam twitter screencaps

This poster is likely a gloating paki or gchq/77th shill here for pure demoralisation purposes.
Of course, a foreigner by the name of Naeem Valli was the one prosecuting Lucy Connolly.
>Connolly, who has no previous convictions, also sent another Tweet commenting on a sword attack which read: “I bet my house it was one of these boat invaders.”
>Another post sent by Connolly - commenting on a video posted by Tommy Robinson on X - read “Somalian I guess” and was accompanied by a vomiting emoji.
>Tom Muir, defending, said in mitigation Connolly had lost a child in horrific circumstances and was distinguished from other offenders using social media in that she had sent the tweet at the heart of the case before any violence against asylum seekers had started.
>Mr Muir said: “The horrendous way in which she lost her son, being turned away from the health service, can only have a drastic detrimental effect on someone.
>Recorder of Birmingham Judge Melbourne Inman KC said in sentencing: “Some people used that tragedy as an opportunity to sow division and hatred, often using social media, leading to a number of towns and cities being disfigured.”
I want these people to suffer.
The phrase **"reformat your chatgpt shit to take away the markdown"** is likely someone asking to **remove the Markdown formatting** from the responses generated by ChatGPT. Markdown is a lightweight markup language often used for formatting text on the web (like creating bullet points, bold text, etc.).

So, what they mean is:

- **Reformat**: Change the structure or presentation of the response.
- **Take away the markdown**: Remove any special formatting like headers, lists, bold, or italic text. This means they want plain, unformatted text, without any Markdown syntax.

### Example:
If the response originally looked like this (with Markdown):
- First point
- Second point
**Bold text**
They want it to be restructured to look like this (plain text):
First point
Second point
Bold text

Essentially, they’re asking for a simpler, unformatted answer.
having to listen to this https://soundcloud.com/judenihal
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The bible is very clear on the matter.
Bold strategy let's see if it pays off
>What would be the best course of action to solve this issue?

The best course of action would be to castrate pakis like you
>"Noooooo" - Liam
that's a neat webcomic desu
Saw my ex at a cafe, she came and sat with me unprompted just to tell me she was seeing someone from work, after she feigned being nice and asking about me. We last spoke one month ago. I'm not saying I'm a saint, but fuck I'd never do that to someone. Why are women like this lads?
>The best course of action would be to castrate pakis like you
Funny how this cunt has the same post style as a certain polish jew that frequents the thread.

Probably nothing.
i promise i wont hit you up or anything.
but are you a woman?
It's literally josh, he was rumbled last thread, so that means he's the polecunt too, sad boy for sure
Wouldnt be suprised at all, satanists cleaning house and eliminating weak links isnt far fetched, which is funny
Hitting the blessed digits, todays your day go buy a scratcher
if she was truly over you she would have ignored you, doing it to twist the knife, either shes a cunt or hurting and wanted to make you hurt. How did it end?
The bible was written by men to control other men. God exists and is so far beyond my comprehension or yours that to claim you know what he wants is NPD in the extreme.
hes everyone, I dont know why you wankers engage with him.
>young offender
It was clearly a suicide stop investigating.
We were together 2 years but the last year was on and off, we couldn't seem to break it off. I went away for 2 months and we still spoke, but I stopped talking to her about a month ago in an effort to try and finally let go, after which she blocked me. Nobody cheated or anything I just could not commit to what she wanted me to at this time in my life.
How do you do fellow josh.
Ride out and meet them
Women aren't responsible for their actions until they turn 25, chud.
already proven its not me, that means all of you are josh, guilty until proven innocent. Every poster must post their left hand and a time stamp or else they get permabanned.
I don't have the right to keep my own armorial bearing.
>didn't throw hot coffee at her
so you cut it off in the end? probably hurt her so shes being a childish wanker, no other reason for it. You should continue not talking to her and it will hurt her even more for her little stunt.
Sounds like something a josh would say.
Young offenders institutes/wings take people 16-21.

Also corr she's not bad is she?
Is that why they get offended if you guess their age is 26 and above, because it means they have to be responsible?
refer to my posting history and timestamp josh
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>>Liam Payne

Who likes word games?
Yeah but I had to, every time we tried to break it off in the past I either caved in or she would try and make me jealous in some way to pull me right back in, and it worked every time.
>rich celeb dies younger than me
Sounds like you need a hobby
>ooga boogas say the cop was bad
Apparently this idea is being 100% astroturfed by Alt-right ZIOGLOWIES because they feel social tension declines people focus more on Israel Kill'ems.

This appears to always the case with any story that gets spammed on this board all of sudden in multiple threads. You can be sure it's being spammed on twitter and elsewhere at the same time.
of course, you need to stick to it though, she sounds like a childish cunt for doing that
even now there is hope
>already proven its not me,
nope. you didn't. in fact you refused to post the top of your hand
Tim Walz raped children and sodomized black men
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>Sounds like you need a hobby
>another VPN/memeflag 1pbtid
Only mathematically.
Thanks lad, it's crazy how much good pussy clouds your mind

He's a sad fat cunt. I'm sure he'll be along once he's had enough paki/pole posting and say
>alrii laaa just woke up
but you cant refute the point that josh doesn't play guitar or own guitars because he'd have mentioned it and is incapable of doing anything meaningful
So did he kill himself?
>Here's a guitar which could be anywhere, this proves i'm not gobbo
>No i won't post my hand have a book instead
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18 posts by faggot

Faggot never mentions ongoing immigration crisis.

Fagggot never mentions the paki rape gangs

Faggot is a representation of pakis who've taken over Britain and brit/pol/
Yeah, then he'll just enjoy himself telling lies until he rolls out the Australian or pole again, groundhog nonce
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and make retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/ (the successor to /cvg/).
I posted the first image showing my left wrist, he has a tattoo there, you can also see its clearly indoors and his flat is constantly red because he hates sunlight, he has no friends either so it cant be taken at a mates
Migrate when you're ready gentleman
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We shall see

The grooming gangs typically use young teenage boys to act as "Romeo's" to attract young girls and then introduce them to the rape gang members, usually in a kebab or similar shitty Paki takeaway, where they groom the girls, provide them with cigarettes, vapes, drugs and alcohol and then the sexual abuse happens where the girls get passed around between different men and sometimes trafficked to different towns to get raped by men in those towns too.

It's fucking amazing how this was allowed to happen for so long due to the authorities reluctance to pursue any reports for fear of being called 'racist' or 'Islamophobic.'

The UK is truly gone to shit.
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The BBC transcript stated that the worker said that Payne had been "trashing the entire room" before his death.
I didn't know Egyptian art was AI generated
Those aliens sure were advanced
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