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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Atlanta, GA 10/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v5iun4c-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-atlanta-ga-101524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Town Hall, Oaks, PA 10/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v5iprmz-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-at-town-hall-in-oaks-pa-101424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rallies in Prescott, AZ 10/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v5ikwtn-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-prescott-valley-az-101324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Remarks at Coachella, CA 10/12/2024
https://rumble.com/v5ihgsh-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-coachella-ca-101224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speech at Reno, NV 10/11/2024
https://rumble.com/v5idmmi-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-reno-nevada-101124.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Aurora, CO 10/11/2024
https://rumble.com/v5icm59-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-aurora-co-101124.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally, Reading, PA 10/09/2024
https://rumble.com/v5i4n1x-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-reading-pa-10924.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>485102457
Ultra MAGA.
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Zoomers never learned the lesson about (((neoconservatism).
In 2016 most right wingers in America were sick of the pro-war neocon establishment. They learned the lesson from all the gay wars of the 2000s. That is why Trump won.
But now zoomers are everywhere and they barely even remember the 2000s, and they have all jumped on to the pro-war neocon bandwagon that older conservatives rightly abandoned im 2016.
Zoomers are so stupid. They think it will be like Call of Duty. And yes I can tell it's zoomers behind all the pro-war posts. I cam see it in the way they talk.
Zoomers will destroy this country.
Don't ignore my post this time you fucking retards.
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See >>485108967
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What happened?
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from loaded questions to the constant interruptions, everyone agrees baier's interview was an embarrassment for himself and fox
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I can't believe /pol/ doesn't see what the point of that interview was
It was designed for 10 second Tiktok and Twitter videos showing how mean Fox is to Kamala
And it worked
Fuck rick
the joy's gone.
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Tis a good day to be MAGA. All the shills preparing for their suicide come November 3rd
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you do know that Bret is not running for office?
hey why aren't you posting polls lol
He never said it was Kamala's handlers waving him off
It was the Fox people because he ran out of time
So many lies from your tards, I can't keep up
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Sam finally put up a compiled episode 1 of Fishtank S2 on jewtube so I'm distracted from awooing in the awoofternoon
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Everyone is getting drafted.
It's Nov 5th nigga DON'T FUCK IT UP
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>the shilltard is massively coping
Please no ebonics, Mario. You can say "NIGGER!" here.
Ok nigga
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Reality is a cartoon. I find it amusing that she thought she was handling the interview well and wanted to continue but off camera her handlers were sweating bullets waving their hands like maniacs to end it.
Stop trying to make Vance a thing. He’s not one of us, never will.
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bros, is it happening? is ww3 finally here?
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Nov 5th is the vote, the 6th is the day of the mass suicide, the 7th is the day of "uh acksually no one believed kamala was gonna win lol omg drumpf almost lost to a wimmen! BTFO! hahah I'm not angry youre angry!"
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WW3 started in 2019 when the chinks ree'd about the tariffs.
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>He’s not one of us
Based Vance lurks here, he's always been one of us.
I don’t like him just because he pissed away his genetics for a fetish. He sometimes brings bantz but it’s really, really hard to overlook the racemixing.
agent Z threatened nukes for Ukraine if he can't join NATO
where will he get them, I wonder
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It's fucking over. First Bruce Springsteen, now Dave Bautista.

The boomer vote? The athletic vote? Lost.
"It's a whitelash, I tellya. Fkn field African-Americans."
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Transgender suicides are expected to spike after the 5th. If you are transgender and considering suicide do not dial 988, do not post on reddit looking for moral support, and do not cry about it to your family because they don't care about you. Nobody cares about you. Kill yourself. Do it.
He ain’t winning PA NC or GA or AZ or NV or MI
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almost all the private PACs aimed solely at anti-Trump rhetoric are run by jews.
The Krassenstein brothers (jewish)
MeidasTouch - Meiselas brothers (jewish)
Occupy Democrats - Rivero brothers (mexican-jewish)
they forgot to actually go out there and get voters and just spent their time making epic memes
Tim Walz raped high school students and recieved oral sex from a black minor
>>485103530 #
>no refunds jack

I hate their faces
Numbers don't lie. When Trump will be in office, I shall come back to the US.
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>massive cope
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Mystery niggas!
>It's never been more over than it is now.
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Cocomelon is promoting kids to join aryan gangs
NC 100%, AZ 100%. Others are tossup.
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someone show actual evidence that this is real besides some nog's twatter video. Otherwise this is all just pic related.
stop posting this image
Lmfao what the fuck
Does anyone have the screenshot of what I think was a Tweet from a troon accusing a football player and a cheerleader on the sideline was nazism?
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i know which one you're talking about it
the caption was something like "this reeks of nazism" or something lol
Is Occupy Democrats still around? I haven't heard anything from them this year
Hmmm yes.
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can confirm
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Lol I want him to win but nothing is stopping team blue from engaging in ballot harvesting fuckery again. They’ll simply invent the votes needed like 2020

Women, Jews and brown people can’t be involved in elections if you want them to be fair
It’s hilarious how they don’t realize these literally whose do nothing
would trump really win california in a fair election or is that schizo copium for boomers
Kamala made sure to tell me that Donald Trump was running. Came as a total surprise to me. What are we going to do?
it's already over anon, rurals are showing up, moreso than 2020.
Trump is winning the popular vote
holy shit, i dont know how i remembered what it exactly said, kek
but based
Interesting how much Dems are campaigning and asking even the UK labour party for help in Virginia, also suing Youngkin for keeping illegals off the ballot in VA.

Probably will be blue on election night but might be the surprise flip of 2024 if Trump overperforms.
Based. Thank you, fren.
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>He ain’t winning PA NC or GA or AZ or NV or MI
You better not look at pic rel then
not with the 6 million+ migrants in the country and rigging
no, we're not in 2020.
2020 was easier to rig, because of mass mail in voting where 70% or something of all votes were vote by mail, not a thing now.
dem governors don't want kamala to win because that'll prevent their 2028 chances, so they're not gonna help kamala with any rigging.
we also have more than 200k pollwatchers and teams of lawyers. just a handful of poll watchers and lawyers helped Youngkin win blue VA in 2021.
also, we got a LOT of election rules and laws changed to make elections secure in places like PA, AZ, WI, GA, etc. a lot of these laws stop the same rigging techniques used in 2020, like post election day receival of mail in ballots. there's a reason why the kike dem lawyer marc elias is seething daily and pre-emptively saying "if trump wins, it's because of muh voter suppression"
also, there's just not enough ballots for dems to rig it with. it's becoming too big to rig.
also, the polls are much better for trump. Trump is up in 6/7 swing states.
so, all things considered, it looks good for trump.
we CAN'T be complacent though. make it too big to rig. go vote as soon as possible, and get your entire family to vote for Trump.
Rural NC voting is out the door. Same thing as GA and VA. Republicans killing it.
(no trump is just a lovable boomer who genuinely thinks he can win california) (it's forever changed)
Oh damn Michigan. Stretch'n Grechen must be worried.
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I love good tranny seethe.
np fren
2 big 2 rig
i'm pretty sure CA is 100% vote by mail
so who knows
they were a few points away from getting a republican governor a few years ago in 2021
It's overwhelmingly old people who are leaning 2/3rds Harris. Yikes.
I want to believe he'd be very close but he'd still lose it due to the latinx infestation.
new trunk rally
>Donald Trump will hold a rally in Greenville, North Carolina on Monday at 3PM ET.

>UK flag
into the filter you go
By out the door are you referring to the fact they’re all dead now (and thus democrat voters)
Checked but idk man
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I'm sure this is completely normal
This state is already automated we just call them spics
You have to be 18 to post here.
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By the way I have known four coal burners in real life, and two of them were Jewesses.
Because they think the economy is good because they purchased their house 40 years ago for cheap.
This isn’t foreign interference because?
Everyone knows this, the issue for Harris is this would only matter to die hard leftists. So if she has to prop up her own base by getting slammed in an actual interview with real questions, that’s bad news for her.
Ok but when is he going to do the NBC and CNBC interviews he cancelled last minute?
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>that means she's winning
>rural old people breaking for harris
it's over anon
Only one candidate is offering $25k grants to young people to help buy homes anon.
he realized he didn't need to go on those shows because he's winning :)
something something don't give the house nigger any cotton..
>Literal foreign interference
The globalists are taking out all the stops. Somebody needs to make a pic of all the establishment rooks who are supporting harris
No it’s White rural people who are voting Trump.
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Ok but when is Harris going to do that National Association of Black Journalists interview that Trump did?
Ok but when is Harris going to do that TIME magazine interview that Trump (and even Biden) did?
Ok but when is Harris going to do that Bloomberg interview that Trump did?
Is there a stream for the female townhall?
>only one person is bribing voters with free money
>This is Dave Bautista, you may remember me from such blockbuster films such as Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Love and Thunder, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
>You should listen to me about the country's future because...
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>TFW there was a whole article in that atlantic paper celebrating how jews basically engineered modern western society & all the shit that came with it
TKD when? These fucks are the worst people to ever exist.

>wow, i'm so glad kamala gave us $25k for an $800k house, surely this won't inflate the price of that house to $825k!
lol. lmao even.
Thats a bonus for boomers, in Australia it just made the price of houses go up and was another wealth transfer from the young to boomers.
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And I'm sure that will go about as well as when Dems gave out $7,500 grants to buy electric cars lol.

Trump: 50% (+1)
Harris: 49%

Last month: Harris+1

RMG | 10/10-16 | N=787LV

Is she gonna win a single swing State?
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>new way forward
>great leap forward
They still sticking with the Chinese genocide slogan?
Maybe Trump shouldn't have killed the bill that would've saved them.
once again retard, not scheduling events is not the same thing as cancelling them lmao

>decide to schedule events
>40 minute sundowning dance party happens
>Hispanics visibly cringing at your responses on the townhall
>suddenly dont want to do those interviews anymore


>Trump proposing largest tax cuts in history (whilst applying tariffs that will cost the average family $2,400 - more than the tax saving).
They engineered its destruction by taking advantage of it and raping it after a couple good kikes made something more or less probably libertarian in nature
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Reminder that you all are in a bubble. Kamala won that interview and came off very strong to the average voter. You all lost the narrative
Great, so now when I buy a 400k house it will be 425k. Thanks Kamala!
>the Ukrainian border bill would save them
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>Brit doesn't understand economics!
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You are fucking retarded, you should focus on British politics
Snoop Dog on a radio interview:

Radio DJ: Many of fans get mad when I talk bad about Donald Trump.

Snoop: You need to understand that a lot of your fans are racist.

Snoop continues about people who support Trump: “If you like that n—a, you motherfckin’ racist. Fck you and fck him, and fck Kanye too, now what? They drew the lines. Before him, there were no lines.”
no wonder they weren't releasing polls lol
Tariffs are a tax on imports. Not families. No tariffs for things made here. M
Tariffs are a good thing for your country. Bad things for merchants.
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I have a nick name for Kamala -

Train-wreck de Aragua

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TDS is well known for appealing to normies after all
>le reddit article
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Yeah, it went so well that 4 of her aides were frantically trying to cut the interview short from just off-camera.
Because she was doing so well.
Makes perfect sense.
>kanye said my jewish owners were bad, fuck him
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Thank you for the unrequested negro opinion. *Puts in garbarge*
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>kamala not even attempting to go onto a BLACK journalists' conference is worse than trump making an attempt and then changing his mind when he realized they'd be just doing gotcha questions the whole time
>"i'm smart, i swear!"
>Snoop Dogg says
nigga u retarded
Proof is “just trust me bro”
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it had to be posted once by me
Tariffs are a tax on companies. Who make less money. Who raise prices to compensate. Because they literally can't buy what they need domestically. It's not difficult sweetie.

Here's an article from the Bush Institute (GOP) in 2018:
>Tariffs Are Great – If You Like Raising Prices, Undermining Jobs, and Inhibiting Innovation

But Trump, the man who LOST money compared to the S&P500 over a 30 year period knows better, right?
I thought the shills told me that Trump was king jew and their greatest friend? Why isn't that the case here?

Some douchenozzle dropped 25 million in bets that Trump would win. A bunch of slackjawed 4chan retards jerked themselves off to the changing polymarket odds, when Polymarket is just trying to cover the spread so that the house always comes out ahead.
tankz homelz!
imma go grab me that new flat screen i wuz telling you 'bout *smacks lips* OOH that shi' HOT muh nigga
Someone needs to post the version with everyone shitting on her in the comment section.
On a scale of 6 million to 6 gorillion what is the hoever status?
Proof is the direct statement of Bret, the interviewer.
>who raise prices because they want more profits
Cope. Tariffs are a great thing.
Fake news
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Are there any fools left willing to go to jail for the Cult of Trump?

In the closet, wearing eyeliner?
Shitskins absolutely in meltdown

>the bill where only 10% went to the border, 90% went to ukraine
>the bill that doesn't fix the problem, still allows ~2 million illegals to come in, and codifies catch and release
>the bill she doesn't need to close the border, that she opened (and can close) with the 94 executive orders signed on the first day

sounds like cope, lmfao.
At this point Indians wont associate with Kamala because she is stupid, and Blacks wont associate with Kamala because she’s a trifling bitch.
Re-read the tweet twit.
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she sounded like she was about to cry only 8 minutes in 2bh
Snoop Dogg you're a nigger nig nigger with kendrick the game and j cole just a bunch of genuine genetic defect porch monkey fat ugly tiny manlet freaks and j cole is goofy actually
It's literally on video, niggerbrain.
Maybe you should actually watch the fucking interview instead of copy/pasting your opinions from r/politics.
Man, I would love to be a shill like Harry. Its essentially retard trolling, which I imagine I would be good at.
>Tariffs are a great thing.
Really? Because every single non retard who's studied them has found otherwise. Including GOP think tanks.
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/ptg/ back to reality the next day after the mass Russian bots spam last night.

Kamala WON the Fox News interview
She is surging in all polls
trump is slurring his words and is low energy and weak
You failed to change the narrative

How does it feel?
Your cope is like a fine wine. Pls, more cope.
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Snoop Dogg has AIDS I'm not kidding
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>In the closet, wearing eyeliner?
its a big closet, he has lots of company
So do it
RINO cope doesn’t bother me. Merchants (jews) can whine all they want. Don’t want to pay a tariff? Make your shit here. Otherwise cope.
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Trump won, wins, and will win the popular vote in the other 49 states. CA has such a large and growing serf population that it single-handedly flipped the popular vote to D in each election since 00, excepting 08 (I think).

We could consider reintroducing the 3/5 compromise for calculating electoral representation in slave states, imo
Foreign election interference. Arrest them all.
They’re going to desperately try and claim she is an underdog against a sexist patriarchy
Tyler the Creator is probably a rapist but he's definitely a gay nigger
Proof chicken
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Are we supposed to care?
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>don't want to pay a tariff? make your shit here
I look forward to you paying $5000 for your new MADEINAMERICAtm phone.
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these questions are always crazy to me. this poll was trump +1 in michigan, but trump +10 when asking who neighbors are voting for.
I really hope this happens, because then they'd have literally nothing to use to try and overturn the election other than hoping for an impossible number of faithless electors.
be honest, all of you would be signing his praises and calling him based if he came out and supported Trump instead. How does that not make you hypocrites?
Democrats are front runners. They don’t know how to campaign when they are behind. They get desperate and do things like that FOX interview last night.
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>she sounded like she was about to cry
I noticed that too!
Mei is best demon girl though, not Vigne. She's just never going to make it into the anime because season 2 never ever.

Like we should have a 39 minute dance party to killer hits like Ava Maria and Pavarotti.
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typical Fox sandbagging interview, they used it just to play a Trump campaign ad haha, cant wait for Rupert Murdoch to croak and take up his residence in Hell where he belongs for all eternity
>Make your shit here
But then i cant use slave tier labor or skirt environmental regulations and I have to do health, dental and pto and the workers expect to be treated like people
Is anyone in here seething about the deas Hamas shitskin yet? also good afternoon
Kamala rocking up to the fox interview 15 minutes late means she is black after all.

i look forward to finding out what any of this has to do with someone in the UK, lmfao.
we'll worry about our country, you worry about yours.
Because I'm right and if you disagree I'm going to bully you nigger. It will never end. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Every second. Every nanosecond. Every moment. Every little nigger.
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CPT is real. Niggers have no concept of time, it seems.
So be it. You sound like the faggots that whine “ but who will pick out crops if you get rid of the illegals?!?!” If your American business needs 2nd class labor to survive, your company should die.
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>Tyler the Creator
Literally fucking who?
>Re-read the tweet twit.
Actually watch the video, you cocksucking faggot
He never says it was her handlers
this was really funny
because he's saying a malcolm x quote
and they immediately go "you're racist"
this is a conversation between 3 niggers btw
If Kendrick Lamar isn't genuinely at gunpoint and, to me? Even then, he and any other black artist worth more than 1mill gross is a gorilla house nigger
Things have to get worse before they can get better. Lancing a boil is painful but necessary.
These people have lost the plot entirely
just the jewish shills.
They think it will make us mad but are getting mad instead because we aren't getting mad about it.
>the people telling braier to stop raping kamala is fox, a conservative network, not kamala's staff, who are trying to save her
lol. lmao even.

Georgia Fulton County
>40% black voting
>55% female voting
>15% of voters were non-voters in 2020


This is how you know leftists have lost. They are calling each other house niggers.
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ohnonono groyperbros not like this. no way the lego mexican was lying to us.
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So you ignore facts and just hear what you want to hear when it comes to Trump
I accept your concession
>still not the levels she needs
Rural counties outpacing you nigger.
Wow rev up the nigger cattle
>they are calling each other
Anon, the woman in question is a conservative HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA.
will the tripcuck be executed before or after the Labour Party officials trying to commit election interference
>oh you don’t like when a person says a retarded thing? What if they said a less retarded thing, huh?
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>i do mental gymnastics and make stuff up, and when you debunk it, orange man bad
>you conceded because i said you did. checkmate atheist.
Fulton and the overall black vote is down compared to 2020.
She got BTFO last night. So bad that Dems are starting to accept she’s losing.
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rate my fit /ptg/
nick in absolute shambles
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Chang Goldstein is NOT going to be happy about this.
>conservative niggers on CNN
>'get out of your echo chamber'
>posts r/politics
pick one
His claim to fame is that tweet that instructs people that online bullying isn't real and that if they turn off their computer, it's gone.
I just checked pickens county on that link and 30% are first time voters. fulton is 18%. Dekalb is 15%. It's over anob.
>Plebbit coping hard I see. Has someone taken away their shoe laces?
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>Nate finally forced to flip his model to Trump
Is it over, Coconut Sisters?
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>says leftist propaganda on a leftist network
>"no they have an R next to their name"
>Atlanta is a bunch of black women!
>Drumpf B T F O
Do they tell you anything before you get election troll duty? Is there any training at all?
What is anticipated results and what’s that based off of?
Reminder that black voting in Georgie is down over 10 percentage points from 2020. It's hoever.
>'leftists are calling each other house/field that means theyre losing!!'
>actually its a conservative saying that

>I accept your concession
The quickest way to signal that you lost the argument.
Do you all actually suck Russian dick or do you just do it here? What a pile of worthless faggots. Most of you are what? Fucking Indians or Russians on VPNs? I find it hard to belive any of you are actually American as the Americans I have known were good people and would not vote for scamming kremlin garbage like trump and retarded bitches like moscow Marjourie.
Oh, okay. I do have a passing familiarity with him then.

That's big if even Nate Cardboard had to flip the chances
>Nate Dirt
…you don’t understand how these numbers are bad for cumala?
Nate Copper has abandoned us Kamalashillsters!!!!!! He says Kamala will lose!!!! How did we let this happen?!?!?!?
>misspells fuck and You
Gavin McInnes from wish/10
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just a shill that gets paid per reply, just filter them lol
Good for putin though hey comrade?
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>He never says it was her handlers
Except for when he said it was, sure.
Pretty sure he just started using the pirate flag same brown opinions, also pirate took it off once and it was Australia
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I firmly believe that blacks actually vote less than 50% of the time they are claimed to vote, and that the various DNC machines that "turn out the vote" are literally just running mass election fraud. I think, like the hall of costs, black voting is a foundational myth. As proof take this picture.
It was hoever before it started, my dear nip friend.
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lol this cope is pathetic. Just take the L and move on.
>cant wait for Rupert Murdoch to croak and take up his residence in Hell where he belongs for all eternity
You're not alone in that and the same for Ted Turned, FOX and CNN did great harm to news reporting and journalism.
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holy shit, this shill is totally going to kill themselves come this november
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Imagine watching that kumallah abortion last night and then having to get up and come shill here today...
Oh, yeah, I remember that season.
that's not true, I vote every election
New England Urban Camo.
It's funny because the house negro (snooty anti Trump guy) was constantly talking over the "Feild negro"
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Your betting odds are a sham
>you can win an interview
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>More popular then Obama
>Least counties won in history
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>im so confident shes going to win im going to respond to everything that hurts my feefees
ok rick
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If you understood per-capita voting you would know I'm right. Do you hear a chirp?
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>leftists "win" interviews
A kilogram of pistachios is already going for 26 dollars here and jews want war with Iran, prices will skyrocket.
Marjorie sucks Putin dick in public and wipes it on your face, Reagan, Truman and the other good guys are spinning in their graves. I beg any of you who are American here not to vote for Trump. The world cannot afford for him to help Russia a nation that has targeted Americans with nukes for half a century. Do not do this.
>Muh bellwether cope
Land doesn't vote, you fantastically-stupid motherfucker.
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I'd love to hear from someone how in the actual FUCK it's possible that Trump
>survives until election
>is allowed to partake in election
>wins the election even with fraud from voter rolls not being purged in swing states and most likely digital tampering of voter software and it being blamed on Iran,China, or Russia
>harris campaign concedes
>survives until 1/6
>survives until inauguration
>current administration hands over power

How? Tell me how the fuck this is possible after all we've seen thus far leading to this election. To think Trump has a good chance to win is just straight up retarded fuckery - time to join reality and temper your expectations before you lose your shit on the couple days after election night when the votes are added to Kamala's numbers to offset Trump's leads.
no fucking way AHAHAHHAHAHAHA
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Rick's just using his edited pictures, kek. here's the real one from 2020.
You need to get out of Ireland you brown piece of shit. Ireland is not for nigger.
CNN made modern journalism with their Gulf war reportage forever iconic
no, they pay to harvest ballots

I've heard $10 payments to hood crack niggers for filling it out and handing it to these organizations, which as you've seen, proceed to the ballot box and stuff them with armfuls of ballots. that's not the ONLY way its done also.

there's a lot of unscrupulous shit going on. remember that legacy media presenter that zoomed in on a woman stuffing a ballot box on accident, and distracted the camera? they know
Your shoop sucks. At least get the fonts right and line it up.
I've killed communists, leftists? Trump is moscows man. Same filth different day
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epic fail
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So triggered they don’t even want to (you) me. That’s how you know I get under their skin with facts.
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he also makes fake twitter polling accounts to post fake polls here.
By reporting from the soundstage and faking war sounds?
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i'd love to know why you post this in every thread, despite being debunked 6 gorillion times on this
no one's falling for your demoralization attempts, kek.
We have the actual audio already
> https://x.com/Steamman19/status/1846721504148402428
Why’d you post true things?
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You seem particularly upset today XD
You think the paleniggers regret chimping out?
The image you posted is from 2024 lmao.
Polymarket was not around for the 2020 election.
>Do you hear a chirp?
why, do you not?
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>How? Tell me how the fuck this is possible...
Go away, troll.
You're not American but I am Irish. I beg you all do not vote for Trump, it is not 2016 this thread is mostly paid shills from dictatorships who hate America drooling at the idea you will vote in an idiot like Trump
>Media is now running with electoral college is gonna tie
Now we know what they'll do
Kek, I was reading his updates every day and the cope was hilarious. Genuinely surprised he flipped the odds for trump
It was the format more than anything
Why did you post 4 true things with a clown image? Are you retarded?
Reminder that I am still baking.
Their frontal cortex isn't developed enough to express regret
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I know you are but what am I?
Yeah, it was a hoax. (the reporting, not the CIA invasion of Iraq)
Still voting Trump
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That dumb nigger is a moron.
The only thing she cares about is, how much longer today, until she can get drunk; just like Pelosi.
>CNN made modern journalism with their Gulf war reportage forever iconic
More rolling news but ultimately the political partisanship and fake fear disaster reporting was extremely bad. Both FOX and CNN dwell on partisan opinion pieces and are vehicles for them any facts that make it in are just decoration or there by accident.
Just like modern news :^)
I bet she hit the bottle hard last night.

I posted it a couple weeks ago unless someone else is copypasta'ing it. I'm 100% serious, in what reality is Trump allowed to be in the White House after all we've seen? You honestly think Kamala will concede, NOT certify the electors, and then the entire Biden administration hands over power peacefully to Orange Hitler? Come on. The fact this gets called shill tactics is just further proof the cope in here is beyond levels imaginable. Yes, he will probably win. Will he get into the White House? No.
Yep, it's all fake.
Pravda Propaganda for the retarded
Yellow journalism
>Except for when he said it was, sure.
Show me on that video clip where he said it was her handlers
what we do is hire 10 niggers to fuck your mother in the ass while everyone watches. and then we save the world.
This is the worst way to find out my nigger alarm vid has sound and can't be posted here.
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Shills are going fucking mental.
Haven't seen this in a while.
If you are an American, a nation I respect and admire and where I have many friends I can only ask you not to. Please don't vote for Trump while a hot war is raging against Russia on the borders of Europe. You can see the shills of foreign dictators working to shill trump even in this thread. Just ask yourself why.

Hey I said CNN and Turner created modern news and that it was iconic (their Gulf war coverage) not that it was healthy for modern society
That's election betting odds, stupid fuck.
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>Kumallah butchers her election chances with the worst interview ever and shills are arguing who ended the interview.
New thread
New thread
no potato nigger, now i'm definitely voting for Trump
Trump is best for America.
They have no idea what to do or say anymore.
Aw, wittle Rick angy
>CNN made modern journalism with their Gulf war reportage forever iconic
even better:
remember when Geraldo Rivera got kicked out of Iraq for violating opsec by disclosing the river crossing?
Watch your mouth
Yes. Leftists. Faggots that think men in dresses are women. Weak beta men that believe in “equity”.
I don;t think see is a good candidate either and its a poor reflection on both US parties the choices that they are providing to US voters but electing Trump now would be an unmitigated disaster for American and the free world.....God Bless you all and please do not vote for Trump. If you dislike the other candidate deeply than abstain.
And you posted a lie
Again I've killed communists. Your trump is moscows man along with that retard marjourie . You're a traitor to people like me who stood against communism during the cold war and your dancing for the kremlin.
And "neocon" means "the new jewish con" all the neocon leaders are jewish communists.
Those are niggers
He just came out with it, give it time

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