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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar killed in Gaza, Israel confirms

>Liam Payne's hotel room found in 'total disorder' after balcony fall, police say

>Tory politician's wife jailed for race hate post

>Ministers complain to Starmer over spending cuts
i have 0%
Jewish DNA
according to
Free both Lucy's
Hail the clean one!
two things I like about Sir Keir Starmer

He is tough when it matters

But forgiving when it doesn't
as it should be laa.
whats the breakdown?
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once they pump you with ozempic you're off into the bogpod
jews now have 100% of your DNA though bloodskins
Useless fucking newfag.
We should organise a charity gooning session
Watched like Big Brother,
One sentence for another,
Long live Keir Starmer
its pretty much a maxim of psychology that when you find someone who is socially reclusive and insular as a result of low self esteem, they will usually project that outwards and target specific individuals who they identify as holding some kind of archetypal reference point to something in their past that they blame for being the way they are presently

in a nutshell, I vehemently believe that at some point in time, a pajeet cucked bogdan. stole a girl he wanted. one he perhaps even loved. and as a result he became a total recluse, an alcoholic, submeged himself into online communities and took his issues out on them while also attempting to create his own to alleviate his loneliness (his streams)

then he came across p00m4n, who moggs him in every single way. he's better looking than him, he's more successful than him, he moggs him in regards to technological knowhow (the only thing bogdan is good at). this triggers him because it reminds him of the pajeet who cucked him. everytime he sees p00m4n posting, or is reminded of p00m4n when mogged by an anon (because anyone who moggs him must be p00m4n, apparently, which just indicates how superior he considers p00m4n to be to himself) it takes him back to the time the girl he loved was taken from him by a pajeet. and he subsequently starts lashing out while drinking to numb the pain until he eventually passes out, only to repeat the same process 24hrs later
Get fucked, the last thread said the same thing
i have bad news for you lads
>t. Muslim
not arsed
what are they going to do with it
clone another aryan chad
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>Most of my friends are becoming more pronatalist and more anti-immigrant. I don't think this makes sense
firstly, wb
and yes it does, retard, "works for a housing think tank, doesn't think" many (many) such cases
>Most people will point to this OBR graph to show that low-wage and average-wage migrants are net drains
>BUT this doesn't mean we're better off without them
>1. By working in the NHS/social care they're driving down spending
>2. They are probably making British people more productive
>3. They are filling low-paid but important roles that British people would otherwise have to do
Ahhh, the blank slate idea that everyone can do everything. Dumb Brits need jobs to do too, and at decent wages and conditions, and not be taxpayer funded scab subsidies. And nobody actually cares about the fucking rNHS or social care
>But, it's the OBR's job to tell us the consequences of current policy, not to make predictions. If we don't massively boost productivity, we're going to increase taxes and cut public spending. So immigrants are not going to cost us as much as the OBR has forecast
The OBR doesn't know its arse from its elbow, they have an agenda. Productivity is hampered by issues like pic related, and the fact capital investment is lagging due to a a labour glut. AND THE FUCKING ENERGY PRICES as well as rent and planning. No, less BAMES aren't going to cause taxes to rise because they suck most the taxes they can, net negative workers (of those that even bother working)
>The same graph also shows that the average British person is also a net-drain on the public purse (more so than the average immigrant)
Likely true but that's due to shit like the antiquated rNHS and pension system and all of TONE's handouts
just some kike nudge bot, ignore
actually i'm a
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>The General Medical Council (GMC) said too many doctors are still being reported by their employers for alleged misconduct compared with white British-trained medics.
or you know just let the population decline whoch would be better for everyone
Just an understanding of chan culture, tourist.
Westminster insider here. Keir ordered the leaking of the letter info himself. He wants to use it as the starting phase for getting rid of Angela and will ramp up divisions between them in the next few weeks, the plan is that she won’t see Christmas as the Deputy PM.
That's not nice muhammad
Tonight I will be hiding in one of englands woods, if you can find me the money is yours
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More or less
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
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>according to an American personal genomics and biotechnology company based in South San Francisco, California I have zero Jewish DNA

>23andMe is reportedly facing an uncertain future.
>The ancestry company, known for its spit test method, launched in the UK in 2014.
>But it was hit by a major data breach in 2023 and its board of directors quit recently, save the CEO.
>So, what will happen to your DNA if you handed it over?

if only there were more vague biotech companies promising what you want
sorry dude i dont watch eastenders
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I bet the posters in the lefty/pol/ version of brit/pol/ post their willies. They aren't scared. I bet their version of eddie has actually been in a war and has loads of cool stories
Strictly Dionysian
didn't some dudes pet lizard come back as having jewish DNA?
>Lots of the anti-immigration arguments (they strain public services, they put more pressure on housing, we eventually have to pay for their pensions) also apply to new babies.
No? An adult (and their entire extended family) does not take the same space and resources as a baby, and a baby is expected to be supported by its parents, while BAMES are endlessly supported by the state
>Actually new babies are even worse because we have to pay for their education/welfare about twenty years before they pay any taxes AND we may even lose a productive worker (their mother) for a few years.
Most women don't do shit, and most BAMES don't work. AND THIS IS ALL A PONZI SCHEME, Britain then becomes a fertility shredder then every generation we have to BAMEmaxx to keep the lights on (in theory) with the vague hope that a solution will be possible in the future
>I think there are lots of inconsistencies here. Basically, if you're arguing for pronatalism on economic grounds and you're concerned about dependency ratios, then you might want to change the current system, but you should be generally pro-immigration.
Dependency ratio is a meme, nobody should be pro immigration because it's a mentally ill position
>This is not what I find. Mostly, pronatalists are anti-immigration.
Because my family>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your unwashed turd world family, IT'S NOT FUCKING HARD
>Read the rest of my blogpost on this
I would rather lacerate my eyeballs with chicken wire tbqhwy
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No progress can be made until everyone old enough to have experienced Live Aid, or worse donated to it, is dead.
yeah well I'm re-writing it in lieu of not being attacked in my own country for being a native Briton. Nigger
What an utter retard that woman is.
>Lots of the anti-immigration arguments (they strain public services, they put more pressure on housing, we eventually have to pay for their pensions) also apply to new babies.
>Actually new babies are even worse because we have to pay for their education/welfare about twenty years before they pay any taxes AND we may even lose a productive worker (their mother) for a few years.
I hate this type of thinking as well. "How dare you invest in our own children. Let's import immigrants instead." The evil bitch belongs in a vat of acid.
gave me an accurate dna test tho so not arsed
you get it
There’s a reason why we don’t capitalise generals newfag.
Why don’t you go and figure out why that is?
let's not be hasty
>if you're arguing for pronatalism on economic grounds
They can't think past the economy. Everything is GDP to them.
ima go look at lefty/pol/ brb
where do I look to find hamas sympathisers seethe? first idea was X filtered to arabic only
It's probably because when a British doctor fucks up someone comes along and explains what he did wrong and how not to do it again. When a bame doctor fucks up and someone tries to explain to them what they've done wrong they probably stare at them blankly and then start jibber jabbering in forrin

>fuck this I've tried to explain to him and he won't listen
ctrl + f

matches regardless of case you bellend. Just go and get yourself diagnosed you prick. Or at least sit the next one out.
>where do I look to find hamas sympathisers seethe?
>They are filling low-paid but important roles that British people would otherwise have to do
Aka they're the slave cattle but dolling it up in a lefty-righteous way
a few on british twitter complaining about people being more upset about liam payne dying
>walls of cope, seeth and attention seeking
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The replies are good, by the way. Since Musk took over, there's always an army of nationalists ready to berate these subversives.
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>How does it not make sense to you? More migrants means competition for housing, jobs, social services and overall less social trust.
>More children means that as well (maybe not lower social trust, but I'd guess that if the average age went down crime would go up and social trust would go down as well)
The average age went down crime would go up? Fuck me, that's a level of dishonesty that's truly impressive. Also children can't compete for housing! They go in a cot in the corner, while an adult BAME needs a whole load more infrastructure
>Realistically average age is not going to go down under any pro-natalist policy, we would be lucky to maintain the current TFR levels
This as well, it's more just levelling off the TFR than boosting it to say 4.5 (as that would require naughty things like women out of work and education as well as banning contraception)
>I'm not even one of these 'send them back' headbangers but you really don't want to open the crime rate aspect too.
>more of us, fewer of you
Pithy, well said
>You ‘don’t think it makes sense’ because you’re an immigrant
>I'm in favour of my football team scoring lots of goals against other teams but I'm opposed to other football teams scoring lots of goals against my team. This is not, in fact, a senseless position.
who/whom, friend/enemy, WHERE THE FUCK IS SCHMITT?
>Oh I wonder why 'Aria Babu' thinks this doesn't make sense. Among the joke justifications is the idea that native kids are welfare queens. This is disingenuously short termist, ignores the fact you get a contributing adult at the end of this, something immigrants will never be.
lol x2
>Immigration is the ultimate cheat code that no one wants to use. US is super dumb in this regard too.
cheat code to a failed state

I cba to mention Pareto, that most productivity would come from a small number of people and not society wide improvements, but the gist is that you should woooork and consume and outsource reproduction to the turdies
Try again you colossal retard. I’ll give you a clue, it’s to do with bump limit.
Also Windows. Fucking casual.
Bet they have a namefag gang of straight married men with kids larping as lefty lgbtq types that are grooming anons to turn them straight and improve their lives.
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Musk provided us liberty over the summer, if it was the old regime the mostly peaceful protests wouldn't have happened and the cracks wouldn't have begun to show
i was one for a while
got bored of twitter tho
ledittors walk among us but I can never place what they must look like. statistically you must encounter them even a small number of times, but what the fuck does the """"person"""" typing this shit actually look like
lol fuck off
bump limit is 300 regardless.
£464 and i'm protected
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UK GDP from 1975 to 2024 grew from £1tr to £3tr.
This is 3x growth.
What specific good/service are you getting now 3x more than someone in 1975? A 3x bigger house? 3x the pints of beer? If there is nothing, then what specifically has grown by 3x?
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>For everyone who thinks that suburban intensification = tall buildings, here's an example:
>This lovely scheme by Harp & Harp replaces a sprawling house on a corner plot with 7 family homes. Doing this on every corner would yield hundreds of thousands of new homes in London alone.
And another housing wonk who wants to literally ruin Britain, turning it into a massive BAME favella so on paper it can look good with GDP (while in reality no growth has occurred for decades)
fat trannies with aids
Mental how people can be anti-capitalist except when it comes to importing millions of niggers then, suddenly its about le geedeepee and be anti-natalist about the country being overpopulated except when it comes to importing millions of niggers, then suddenly its about le population peeramid and PEEEEEEENSSSSSIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
All growth has be concentrated and focused on BAMES
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sick of it
you not only initially replied to it but continued a conversation with it, fucking embarrassing tbqh
It’s 270, newfag.
Keep digging.
More children does not equal more competition for housing. They don't require their own housing. Nor do they immediately require school places. You can plan long term. You can't do this with immigrants. Deport this witch.
Balconies to Brits are what escalators are to Chinks
Bugman podslop trying to immitate Dutch housing
>who has legions of followers sharing her work online

then why do i need to pay for it
Remember few months back when government was threatening to make pro pally protests illegal and all the lefties were screeching about how unsafe it made them feel to see large groups of muslims gathered around the country?

Funny old world
nah, she's part of this undercurrent of british neo libs, who are all brown and gay and whose sole goal is encouraging consumption because either they're gay and have no future or they want to give handouts to their own ethnic kin, no actual liberalisation of the commie British economic system would occur if it was up to them
just stop being a whiny bitch to OPs
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Sing it with me anon, "T H I N G S, can only get better!"
endless circus of nothing ever happening really
Lurk moar or fuck off.
they don't post frogs, fuck that shit
Buildings on the left are a lost art. Cunts can't even put up a newbuild without the walls being wonky.
>London is not a serious city. This map shows our current housing density: pink is 0 - 50 dwellings per hectare, blue is 50 - 150. There are entire boroughs that don't even break the 50dph threshold. Densify the suburbs!
Yeah you can tell, there's an endless supply of shiftless wogs living on the public dime in the centre of a global city, that's deeply unserious and they should be all evicted and the properties sold at market rate to natives, council housing is a con
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one killed moar babies than yer mam


Hows everyone doing ?

getting a drinkies here
remember lads
royal family is german
but blacks are english
as english as you and atkinson grimshaw
I thought the philosemites in government dropped that as Israel just kept overplaying its hand it terms of atrocities and realised there would be too much blow back to enforce it now
inflation would make that 1975/2024 £1tr to £7.55tr though
I feel the need to complain about something
very sad indeed I blame the 70 uni student cunts

New towns ..shyte towns
Freddo Lucy didn't kill anyone
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Starmer reminds me a lot of a young James Bond
weather ..?
With all the Muslims in England, how tf fuck did this jew get into power?
Deadliest warrior, but it's Brits vs balconies, chinks vs escalators, jeets vs trains
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any of you lads been to whitby
true kek
>Brits vs balconies, chinks vs escalators, jeets vs trains
The future for Channel 5 is bright
>implies muslims are sentient enough to make conscious political decisions
>100% paki
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You suddenly have the power to pardon one and only one of;
>Lucy Letby
>Lucie Connolly
Which one and why?
Can't wait to leave and become an American in a few years
yer but i was a teenager at the time, i member they had nice fish n chips and was proper nice seaside town but in those days we had the remains of a fishing industry
Muslims aren't as influential or politically engaged as the internet makes out. They're mostly just ghettoised and the ones who want to take part in mainstream politics must accept Western Liberalism IE give up Islam in all but name.
as a kidder back in the 70s
is that the one with a train cable car going down the beach ?
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no, but I wrote to letby. She hasn't responded yet. Playing hard to get, obviously. That's fine, I can play the slow game
Sinwar. What a name.
Fortunately he didn't shipost on twitter
out of firing pan into Larva
Austria looks BASED , somone here was telling me about their Direct Democracy that looks gud

wait til deep state steals the election for DEI kammalas in a few weeks
been interested ever since i read dracula but never been
>is that the one with a train cable car going down the beach ?
don't know
only 15%
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These people really do need to suffer. They should have zero power in this world.
Don't worry. I'm sure The Not So Secret Cunt will be around to cite sentencing guidelines to justify this.
its funny6 as a kidder growing up , I was told beaware of the funny handshake Freemason lot , sticking together now its done on the prayor mat
If only the sentencing guidelines weren't unalterable universal constants, gosh darn it.
The 2 things have nothing to do with one another. We all know that car worship reigns in Britain especially on the right and if you want to kill someone and get away with it you just do it in a car.
but they won't, and they do.
until they collectively cop it, and then it's going to be current gen z white women and uppity third generation migrants calling the shots
something to look forward too, THOUGH
I do know the town does a Goth /Drak festival weekender soon
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why is gold so expensive, iinflation if below 2% now. This is an example of market manipulation with Sir Keir Starmer holding strong
Now with Hyularon
What a nigger loving twat, I hope the build nigger containment homes on this cunts doorstep
>There was no intent behind it
Followed by a typical lefty-style condescending sneer of
>Hope this help
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Do you think the IDF thought Hermitage looked like Gaza when they visited?
> Islamic gigachad child slayer
New war vid from chosen company pretty mental trench assault
Inflation is increased money supply. A pint hasn't magically inflated 568ml x3 (or from 20fl.oz to 60fl.oz). The purpose of the printed money is that person A & B benefit most, whilst persons C, D & E get shafted with the increased money supply.
Person A gets to spend the inflated money, who buys his shit from person B, whom buys all the shit from C but not D & E, that takes longer for it to "trickle down", inflation is great when you start it out, but late-stage, you're having to use inflation to print money or re-distributing money it using taxes on person A & B to pay E (robbing Peter to pay Paul).
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The one time that cunt could have been of use and he failed to show, ffs
the lefty mob have been after ridding cars since the 70s
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Why are they like this?
I hope a nigger personally enriches him
>you will own nothing and you will be happy
reddit tier safe-edginess aside, you have shit coloured skin, mate
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Come get your Disinformation Slop, 77 trannies!
>I've mostly worked in tech policy. I'm interested in pronatalism, effective altruism, and generally making things better.
There's a whole small ecosystem of these cunts, you'd think after fucking the weasel on meth came to light they would stop using that identifier but no
Willy posting is down 20% in the last three months.
something to do with magnets
Fucks sake
I just sold a rental prop in the mid 80s and looked buying gold bars but was talked into investing elsewhere , breaks my heart now that chart ..
feel like that would be cringe and woke desu
just want to go there on a dark winter evening
sit by the sea
77 immediately bans anyone willyposting because they hate having to log it as some 'far right behaviour' and send those reports to MPs
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back in my day we used to smoke soap bar which was shitty hash resin, but it seems kids these days are smoking actual soap
this post is in my pornography folder
I'll work for SpaceX one day lad
>I’m having trouble finding a good argument for a pro-natalist, anti-immigrant position which doesn’t ultimately boil down to racism and/or xenophobia.
That is a good argument though
>Question: “I don’t think we should accept immigrants who are going to decrease the quality of life for British citizens. This means I think we should be stricter about accepting dependents.” Dependents as in children and elderly parents?
Well elderly parents are the easiest, fuck them, but children as well, if you must have some immigrants then get the younger ones without kids so their kids can at least be born and raised in Britain and be a bit C I V I C. But then the problem is they don't have much experience and therefore are basically useless as additions to the economy
>Cathy Reisenwitz
>Creator: Sex and the State. Fighting loneliness through vulnerability. Bylines in TechCrunch, the Daily Beast, The Week, Reason, etc.
horror kino ..?
>sit by the sea
wot u been eating lad?
>so their kids can at least be born and raised in Britain and be a bit C I V I C
r Axel was Welsh
>if you must have some immigrants then get the younger ones without kids
You're giving them an inch. None should be coming over.
i think its inflation really so you would be better off but maybe the same if you invested in housing

The minge singe syringe
they not hiring cleaners at the mo?
What was the Dove soup used for?
what lad
Soap sex arse
product placement
Another junkie. Sick of them.
Sounds almost magical ..
theres some gud fish and chip shops I believe ,
as one scans the darkness with a fish supper
and can of light refreahment ,
ponder what its all about ..

That booster rocket landing in its cradle ..wtf ..
Gud Luck , hope you get there lad
Hey man, I'm trying to look for the thinnest gruel of arguments here, in reality there are basically no reasons for immigration into Britain at the present. Under based world though there would be immigration, but very sensible. French nuclear scientists to help with all the reactors we would be building, French waiters because I quite enjoy them being snooty, Russian ballerinas, Australian beach volleyball players, American cowgirls, Greek bardesses, Austrian artists, German milkmaids, Swedish beach volleyball players (again) and Spanish flamenco dancers because I'm gooning rn
I wish this wasn’t clown world.
Hey man, my dad fucks me in my sleep.
I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.
Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),
"You know what? She ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Oakland Kam's got my vote this year."
I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of "Yes sir" and "Damn Straight" from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod
Yeah guess you are right
I have got some silver coins here
thank you fren, i'll shitpost on brit/pol/ from the moon one day
glad you get it lad
So what’re the narcissist symptoms in comparison to that description of a normie?
An NPC is someone who doesn't engage in enough willyposting behaviour.
what did you say anon?
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DONT start me on the tired NIGNOGS made the NHS
NO they didnt they were cleaners .. who were gud at cleaning ..
they then were like pet Monkeys alowed to be care staff..

we need to go back and sink the windrush boat ..

eat the shitskins

Absolute fake authority, I would probably bound over the desk at a brownoid "Judge" if they gave me a fucked sentence
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I'm not gonna sit here and listen to a mongol who gets his shopping through co-op deliveroo
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brit/pol/ writes Lucy Letby a Love letter 3 words at a time

Dearest Lucy

You're not meant to inject it into your genitals. Are you?
>My understanding is that immigrants have lower crime rates than natives, so I don't think you need to account for high-profile cases than buck the trend.
fucking lmao, it's not 2012 anymore, the B O R I S W A V E has happened, people have memories
>I don't think public opinion is the most important thing here, I think the public has inconsistent desires in this case
People have always voted for less wogs
>I agree, but the public also wants lower taxes and higher public spending. It's not clear that lower immigration wins against those two
And both would be possible if hundreds of billions weren't wasted on wogs, and neither of those policies are positively correlated to more wogs
>German milkmaids
willy has gone
>biggest mascara of joos since the lolocoaster
Rest in peace Yoyo Shinguards
ozempic is the new vaxx there are tons of issues with it but for some reason it's being covered up like it's the best shit ever. i guess its because starmer wants his fat arse future army to be thin or to reduce bennies
and knocked up



the AID was *GIVEN* to WARLORDS who Brought WEAPONS with it from the KIKES

Show baps bb
let's play a game where we make a sentence but each contribute only one word
i'll start
Based sweaty Irishman
How do I give him more fucking money?
>liams ded

How will Noel cope with his new tour ..?

he could ask Bez to come dance about like monkey on stage instead no worries
Let's play a game where we discuss british politics one post at a time I'll start:
Aw shit. it's harder than it looks
>only wog women match with me on dating apps
is this it bros...am i destined to have wog kids
have you tried, uhh, just deleting it?
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I just lay the punchlines out for yer lad ..kek
you're a payne you are
wasn't talking about that liam
Scrotally scrupulous
way hotter when it's the indian woman or arab woman or whatever
I went Swaziland many year ago on a trip to Apartied SaRTH AFRIKKA ..
them Kafia dance topless and nude for the tourist rand..
this is literally me
any sexy women in tonight?
Oh ~I see what yer did there
HAHAHAHAHA .. HA ...tee ye Not
Are we really sending Labour party staff to the states????
To bolster Kamala Harris?
My jewdar is going crazy.
You can only use ozempic for up to 24 months. It works by insulin moderation, and by moderation I mean the etymological root moderare, to control. The dictionary doesn't let you use moderation the way I'm using it but fuck the dictionary people. Insulin can have effects on your appetite. Ozempic reduces your appetite while you're taking ozempic, so the effect would stop after 2 years and you would go back to eating your normal diet after that time. What ozempic should be used for is making it easier to change your habits, so instead of trying to rebuild your lifestyle and battle gnawing hunger at the same time you only have to change your behaviour. People aren't overweight because they're stupid, well some people are, but the vast majority of fatties are obese because they're not having a good time in life. Temporarily reducing their appetite won't make them wake up one day and say hooray I fucking love life, they will just find another way to engage in self destructive behaviours.
Muh russian interference

who is going to tell him ..
explain please
m8 it's been going on for decades
fabian society organise it
oh, right, thanks i didnt know.
tell me wat
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is thursday the new friday
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back in your box gimp.
Thursday is Friday's Friday
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define 'we' chud
Evening fellow nationalists
Are you a proper shrink ..
cos you on the ball lad

my way would get them fit
FECKING FAT BLUBERY CANTS need to get off fat arses and do brisk walks not greggs
now drop give me 10 push ups ..
or its in the greenhouse in scum
>i slipped Sir
> well slip back on yer Feet then ..
ethno* nationalists
agutter was a bit of alright
i'd show her my railway any day of the week
She gets her baps out in Logan's run
why is it so warm, is your bedroom window open?
isn't that election interference?
>etymological root moderare
fuck you josh and fuck chat gpt
cheese or bacon?
October is the new July
'ello, pet
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i do plan on doing nothing whilst waging from home tomorrow... so pretty much
knocking them out over her and Yank Werewolf in LAHDAN

Dixons staff were not happy

Josh in the mud
waging war?
>are you a civic or an ethnic nationalist
>I'm not a nationalist I'm an anti-nationalist
>aye but are ye a civic anti-nationalist or an ethnic anti-nationalist
>Dixons staff were not happy
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Just dont trust the Scots tbqhwya
Logans run ded by 30 (thats labours kill the non tax payers bill going thru )
she was a cutie
has your shunting engine got up a head of steam yet?
that film is such a boomer dream
>hope i die before i get old
the way they were disgusted by the old cat man is hilarious
Apparently not, and is probably part of a good legal defense for interfering with the US elections online.
most here thinking whos he ..
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tit's like 2 footy socks with a handful of sand in each one
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it is a bit weird isn't it, we had a frost a week ago, now it's all balmy,
I don't know which smock to put on when I get up in the morning,
ooh er, look at are SUSSEX with his fancy 4chan pass the posh cunt
Got some good stuff from them. Comet were alright too.
Make an exception quick
>old cat man

Peter Ustinov CLASSIC LOVIE actor ..
Amazing what the budget can stretch to once you get in to bed with the IDF isn't it.
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where do i watch question time outside of the UK and without a VPN
Getting a bit bloody annoying.
Paid for by my Israeli counterparts.
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dont say you wouldnt buddy. Id tongue her arse the night after shes had a spicy garlic chilli chicken and pilau rice
i've blown a gasket already...
has anyone else seen that film 'i start counting' where she's a schoolgirl in love with her adopted brother but is only 16 irl
its pretty creepy
cor almost as good as penny from faulty towers
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I liked the fashion,
Specky cunt
So did I went the TECHNICs Brand shop and was quote near 1500 for a top sound system .. Comet did it for 999 ..
salesman just wanted his comission .. bet his bosses hated him
the raconteur's raconteur
could talk the legs off a donkey
polly not penny and fawlty not faulty sorry
Grow up
Richer sounds
evenin' officers
in your hotel room
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townie girls are all the same,
Whois that? Looks like my dad's second wife. And judging by that photo it looks from the 80s and that's when she looked like that
2016+ Leftard complains about russians influencing american political votes.
2024 Leftard deploys Uk leftards to influence anerican political votes
Hail citizen
>It comes as the UK's communications watchdog Ofcom warns that social media companies will face fines if they fail to keep children safe.
Parent can't be at fault of course
Taking wolfie patients home ... weeeeeeeeee WOOOOO OOOOWWW .. that TRANSFORMATION WAs AMAZINg BACK then no CGI Bollocks
get in that shower david she said
Fav kino
Am a lost cause, you however….
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ok, you get a bonus pic then,
>cosmo told me the countryside was chic but theres mud everywhere!
What are you on about
learn to read you twat
*rushes you because I notice that both hammers are not cocked
Ah right , i got you, yeah, hadnt thought about it that way. The left really are bad people, you can rely on that maxim when dealing with them.
Got a Goodmans mini-hifi system for Christmas one year, kinda miss that thing.

That's my go-to now for anything sound related.
>inb4 filename retard
Already read it. It's not her
He’s on a yts
Wish I could dial up the circuit and have her wander in tbf
The Russian influence operation wasn't merely stating an opinion is was a wide ranging attack featuring hacking, large scale social media campaigns and espionage. You are comparing apples to oranges.
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the totty was better in the 1970's, classier,
Wouldn’t consider anywhere else tbqh
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Might get a Fred Dibnah hat
was it mum or dad who dropped you on your head?
clothes basically made for easy shagging
what a strange film
is there anywhere else?
Im just not convinced the Labour government is all that bad. Its quite cozy actually
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Absolutely my good man. In fact I once knocked one out to a webm of her riding a suction cup dildo stuck to a dinner plate on her bed. And, AND the dildo was white. So I rest my case, she wants my cock. Simple as
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calm down tarquin
How come your acting promotion didn't stick then? I'm not complaining about having you back, just curious.
Fucking great show. Funny how they thought it were going to be all gull wing cars an that.
Nice waists are sorely slept on nowadays
must catch that to .. eh .. review it obv .. at least can do a slow wank at home now instead of hiding behind white goods in dixons

plenty of gash shots in it

He certainly was ,
but very enjoyable in a drunk old guy way ..
Oh thinks im him
theres another based top place ..
just drop the dress now .. sweetie

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Do proper love birds in that shiny silvery short skirty space agey attire me
My purpose was served, they saved up enough for a Keurig so my job was liquidated.
She gets her tits out in Sharpe
modern mattress technology has come a long way lad
you should get down dfs
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my favorite Carry On girl
She wouldn't be able to fire a desert eagle, it would dislocate her shoulder. This picture is bullshit. I'm closing this thread down
Jayne fonda were a traiterous bitch but she was fucking fit in bararella
He literally has a magic door in his apartment that accesses willing young whores, sex friendly clothing is an obvious idea
Thanks for the reminder, time for a coffee.
It's nice to have you back baldybits.
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Bit late pal its almost bedtime!
stop posting now. I've closed it
Just passing through is all
It’s the time of year for hat dilemmas
And commando soles
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>my favorite Carry On girl

>not are hattie

true. even the random bird who does a striptease in clockwork orange is extremely pneumatic
All leftist and centrists+ (tories)must hang
i see youre the entrepreneurial type
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you Muricans are strange people!
Dunno, am a creature of habit
I had an afterlife experience. It was very strange but incredibly vivid. There is an afterlife of some sort
just a quick head count then?
shame you didn't stay dead
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Making sure you're all behaving
Fixed the wall I beat the shit out of the other day in a pretend fight
It was a kind of passage for lads in the 80s a Hifi system ..


go check out a sex *comedy* The AU PAIR GIRLS .. Miss Drake totes nakkieds ..

just a soft porn kino

Lynsey Wagner .. Gorge

EVERY Sun Morning
BASED as watched with my dad ..
great series and all anderson stuff
still fit as feck and shagging her nephew
yes jellus ..ok
It's purely medicinal. I'll go up like a rocket until about 10 then be exhausted from adrenal fatigue and be in bed by 11.
based bedroom brawler
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have some more retro totty
Did you win?
I like it before I have a kip, the warmth tires me and by the time I wake up the caffeine has kicked in
she used to get nude in *Lds Mags* back in the daze ..
she did some nudes for Mayfair too , proper nudie mag
Undercooked my pidsa :<
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country girls are more wholesome
Yeah I taught it not to come off the wall again the cheeky fucker
> pretend
>next time you have a str8ner with that wall get a refree ok

It fites durty ok lad ..
I'm calling the Police you pedo
Still would
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>Just dont trust the Scots tbqhwya
for me it's the Swedes
don't trust em
won't trust em
love all me UK brothers an sisters though even them strange lot in niron
When ready gentlemen

the wall just called you a bitch
that video in her leotard

obvios my mam and sisters were disgusted with me having a sly wank watching TOTPs and yet ARE JIMMI was presenting it
My sis said isnt he a Great Presenter with the crowds ..


top tier kek

I recalled this as I did her euogoly at her funeral , suprised many didnt laff ..?
Evening officer.
5 years hard bumming, reduced to 2 months due to professionalism and masterful sphinctological manipulation.

.she did an interview on some kids show in the 80s , and think was swap shop ..??
and she was asked about her yung life and she went into hanging around the dock gates for sailors ..
Maggie philbim shat herself
supposedly she was a call girl and the name of the band came from all the johns calling her
>hey blondie
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70's sci fi had some oddball costumes!

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