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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Clown world
holy based

shame it's g*ogle though
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We've entered the private nuclear reactor timeline, boys.
So is Amazon.


Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft will each generate more electricity than all of Germany while the retard Germans freeze to death in the dark because of cow farts and an autistic malformed Swedish millionaire.
corporate wars soon
How is this clown world? Are you one of those fetish "artists" who hates AI for taking your job?
Fun fact: The reactors they're buying produce plutonium.
we would have had near infinite clean power for pennies if the green FAGGOTS shut their goddamn whore mouths for the first time in their lives
Nuclear power plants don't blow up like nukes, dumdum.
Why aren't nuclear reactors owned by the government? That seems really fucking stupid.
(((We need the plutonium for self defense preemptive strikes…)))
>this makes /pol/ seethe for some reason
About time. Now that there's a reason for private companies to buy electricity we can expect consumer prices to go down as a nice little kickback.

Say goodbye to small scale ASICs mining though.
and you are just living in it? In reality it's a mutt world and you are a mutt so it checks out.
They're gonna manufacture McNukes in secrecy.
This is Jew who gaslights people who have no ability to think ahead.
b-but chernobyl
>what is Chernobyl
6-7 nuclear power plants to be operated by H1B poos being paid in coriander. What could go wrong?
Thinking they will allow the price of anything to go down..brother I’m sorry to tell you this, not going to happen. The jews greed is infinite.
Poogle needs so much power for its jeet code it got from ChatGPT that it won't be able to run anything else.
no windmills , solar?

straight for nukes eh , shocker.
(((Fukashima isn’t real, Fukushima won’t happen again..)))
Corporate nukes. The libertarians just came in their pants.
>How is this clown world? Are you one of those fetish "artists" who hates AI for taking your job?
Why do we need Poogle AI when we can just use an open source model?
Nuclear is so "safe" that it's having us figure out how to communicate its dangers to other civilizations tens of thousands of years into the future!
>year is 2124
>apple and huawei have a nuclear exchange over the last lithium mine on earth
Green Energy is a scam
No but they meltdown like a nuclear reactor with incompetent operators.
All reactors produce isotopes that could be used in a nuclear weapon.
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Are people going to worship AI as God soon?
All civilian nuclear power plants in the US are owned by private or quasi-private entities.
Is the antichrist an artificial intelligence?
We're not allowed to have good things, being goyim cattle, of course.
Nuclearism is a death cult.
Nuclear power cultists are to be summarily ignored and solemnly shunned.
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midwits will deny it, but those who really know will agree
based. fuck jewgle, but nuclear energy is the only solution. also kek imagine fudding nuclear energy like with that photo. nuclear is the safest form of energy with the fewest externalities, bar none.

I think we need regulations how much energy one company allowed to use.
>he doesnt own shares of SMR and OKLO

corpos are doing what nation states are no longer allowed to or willing to do
if that's not clown world, don't know what is
no one did more damage to the enviroment in human history than anti nuke liberals

zero carbon electricity has been an option for 50 years
If they're doubling down on AI to this extent, it must be a bigger deal than they're letting on.
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Ummmm do they know how expensive it is to stay compliant with nuclear regulations and get licensed by the gov to be able to run those?
That's based world.
Fuck states and governments.
All power to individuals and the private citizen.
Statists get the fucking rope!
private nuclear is why the US sucks with nuclear. financing nuclear as a private entity is basically impossible, which is why VC Summer failed and bankrupted Westinghouse.

countries that are successful with nuclear? France and China. what's common between them? preferential financing because the plants are built and run by national operators (Areva, CNNC, CGN).
companies cant be powerful. government can have infinite spies to pull stringes punish and reward everyone at the top of these important companies. its always the head of the beast, companies are like ceos, retarded egocentric slaves who think they re cool because they re glorified plebeians and get pats in the back + shiny things in exchange for their work of whipping others, they re minions. theres only one sun
>allowed or willing
corpos are government mercenaries retard the purpose is to take the blame
why does their gimped, politically correct to the point of being useless and retarded ai, moderated by kenyans, need 7 nuclear reactors to dodge a question on fbi crime stats?
Lots of gymnastics.
as much as I hate google, I gotta say it's pretty based
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RBMK reactors canNOT explode, you're delusional
Years ago we jokes about city and state police being mcpolice to protect their restaurants but Google and Amazon will have to end up creating PMC to defend their nuclear plants and we will end up on the metal gear timeline.
I wonder what Tay would've been able to achieve with 7 nuclear power plants worth of power.
>why does their gimped, politically correct to the point of being useless and retarded ai, moderated by kenyans, need 7 nuclear reactors to dodge a question on fbi crime stats?
jeet programming. Much like how they ruined Google search.
Their AI is dogshit
Burned down, didn't blow up
finally, I'll be able to live my cyberpunk fantasies in my lifetime
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Why the fuck do they need 6 nuclear reactions to power a computer? What are they using this AI for? Certainly not counting the rs in Strawberry or drawing hentai.

Never mind nuclear power, this is the real question. Something's not right here.
More like Jewclear
>retarded ruskies failing to follow protocols should be the measure of all things
Cool I guess we'll just never advance again
>Private companies owning nuclear power
We're entering peak clown world.
>Why the fuck do they need 6 nuclear reactions to power a computer?
What kind of employees do you think work at Poogle now?
Not something that blew up like a nuke obviously
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Ace Combat 3 predicted this

wow germanphobic much? They should've build couple dozen coal plants instead
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>why are the jews and anglos doing something?
to control the world as usual
>To power its liberal biased heavily censored AI
I can't really emphasize how much power this AI shit takes to train.
i am so fucking scared for the future, what happens when you mix AI and 4 billion africans
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They're trying to create a super-intelligence through which they can pour all their ideological malice and manifest it into reality.
What happens if Google AI operates these nuclear plants?
Somebody has to train the model. That's going to take ridiculous amounts of power once the gigawatt GPU clusters come online.
>I can't really emphasize how much power this AI shit takes to train.
jeet software probably makes millions of blunders per second. The model won't be able to compete with existing open source software.
it’s a free country chud, capitalism
>Somebody has to train the model.
Doesn't mean jeets know how to train models efficiently.
Steam explosion caused by poorly designed reactor built with stalinium.
Anti-nuclear is anti-white.
You think the AI back end is written by jeets? Fuck no, that's reserved for actually talented Whites. The jeets write the front end and the censors.
Suffered a meltdown.
Not a detonation. Meltdown.
Melt. Down.
i invested in the wrong type of prepping. do I have time to prep some more?
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Wait, can a corporation just wake up one day and "Yeah i'm going to buy a few nuclear reactors"
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>You think the AI back end is written by jeets? Fuck no, that's reserved for actually talented Whites.
>Anon doesn't know the hiring process
kek if only you knew how bad jeets are and the jeet infestation
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Nobody thinks nuclear plants explode like nuclear weapons, I wanted to post a Ron Paul image and that's the one I picked.
In America, corporations can buy anything.
Do you need 6-7 nuclear reactors to power AI? Wtf
It appears so.
Maybe they had to ask for permission but let's be honest they aren't getting denied in a corrupt shithole like America.

This getting out of hands if every corporation starts using AI's and those needs thousands of new powerplants to keep online...guess what will electricity cost for ordinare people when corporations whoring all energy their clown -business. I start lobbing meps on EU parliament to stop this shit.
almost as much as what's needed to move your mom's ass
No I don't think you understand, those parts are taken very seriously, last I heard the minimum requirement was a PHD let alone actual experience.
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all us wars always have been corporate wars. Seven Sisters and Iraq, United Fruit Company and Guatemala. The CIA is just a very fruity and expensive team for elevator pitchs desu senpai.
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>make laws against reusing nuclear waste
>see look how dangerous nuclear waste is!
just fucking reprocess it. if it's still radioactive, then it is still usable as fuel. shove it through a breeder reactor and call it a day
They are losing on every metric against MS and AWS, why the hell would they need any reactor? Their censorship search is increasing its uselessness by the hour.
Why even bother about google? Anyone who's still using a chrome based browser after manifestv3 is a NPC and deserves what's coming anyway.
>No I don't think you understand, those parts are taken very seriously, last I heard the minimum requirement was a PHD let alone actual experience.

>I heard
>Nooo don't talk to someone who seen the interview process firsthand and the CMO jeet who ruined the entire search feature over ads! Just believe the bullshit they keep telling you!
A PhD from India isn't a real PhD.
Maybe this will incentivize solar harvesting on the moon and beamed microwave power back to Earth? Or just move all your megaprocessors to the moon.
Regardless of how efficient the training process is, you still need enough power to feed GPUs that take over a kW each. A million GPU cluster would consume a GW.
>Anyone who's still using a chrome based browser after manifestv3
There's literally 1 non-chrome based browser that I can think of, and their biggest funder is Google.
Nuclear energy is extremely based. I don't care who's doing it, whatever they do they'll let the cost of production for other reactors and prove the concept so it will be more widely adopted.
This is literally the plot of Shadowrun, leading into private corporate city-states
Yeah you're clearly too busy larping to actually think.
Dude, if jeets are involved the project is basically going to fail. You put way too much faith into Poogle.
even if we didn't reprocess it, all the nuclear waste that the US has can fit inside a single football field of area. that's IT. but nah, instead of putting it in some mountain or underground storage facility, we store it all over the country in unsecured dry casks.
>Yeah you're clearly too busy larping to actually think.
Coming from someone who doesn't think at all. Hilarious.
Probably safer than the fucking nigger government operating it
>get an email from google
>dear customer, due to a radiation leak in our datacenter all of your data has been erased
Your only response so far has been "but jeets" in the part of the industry most immune to DEI. You clearly don't know what you're talking about so sit down and shut up.
In the 70s we had a government plan to build 1000 nuclear plants until anti-natalist, anti-human environmentalists shut it down. We still have partially constructed nuclear plants mothballed since 1977 waiting to be finished.
>The part of the industry most immune to DEI.
According to who?
what could go wrong with GOOGLE obtaining fissile material
I want to buy a Westinghouse micro reactor.
It's literally the most cutting edge research the field has to offer. They aren't programing this shit in Java.
Holy shit you're an obnoxious little nigger.
>he doesn't know
Shut the fuck up, tranny.

Solar power for the poor masses
Nuclear for the elites

Deal with it, goy
They're only funding a company that is currently in the planning phase of building a test reactor, chill.
McNukes used to be a joke around here.
Used to be.
So you just made it up.

You don't know either, tranny jeet.
how do you even arrest someone with a mcnuke
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>So you just made it up.
You clearly know literally nothing on the subject, why are you still talking?

There is limited amount of uranium on this planet and when that is used more won't come....and after that we also have quite large pile of radioactive waste which gives a lot of trouble to future generations.
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The ultimate deterrent ultimately deterrs.
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>You clearly know literally nothing on the subject, why are you still talking?
It's all browns a women, you retard.
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What this is signaling is that only multi-billion and trillion corporations will have access to Electrical Power.
Public Utilities will be permitted to wither away or sabotaged (as if they weren't already plagued by undercapacity issues already).
24 / 7 electrical service will become an anomaly.

Food scarcity
Water scarcity
Electrical scarcity

Google is literally becoming Wayland-Yutani
>radioactive waste which gives a lot of trouble to future generations.
Your country has a really nice disposal/storage site at Olkiluoto, so long as civilization doesn't collapse again it should be fine.
>jew rags put browns and women at the forefront
>that means it's all browns and women
You're a special kind of retard.
>Why the fuck do they need 6 nuclear reactions to power a computer?
Because the Government is making oil, natural gas, and coal illegal sources of power. And wind/solar is a meme.
They will probably run it better than the retards who do now.
>You're a special kind of retard.
Oh yes let me make shit up when a poo is the CEO who set up Deepmind, hiring poo managers and the graduate teams are poos/women.

>Thinks shareholders are the people designing Deepmind
That’s because of the nature of the decay, not the dangerousness of the plant, idiot
tell that to japan and russia.
Pretty sure that's illegal based on their long list of anti-trust cases
>the CEO
Yeah, you absolutely have no idea what you're talking about.

We have only 5 nuclear plants and we using their energy wisely (hopely)...but 100 plants would cause trouble even here...it is not very good solution to dig ground full of holes and dump waste there.
Just take the L already, dipshit nigger. I already gave you several links to the actual teams involved in AI at Poogle. What more do you need? You're flailing around like a retard now.
With horizontal well drilling the obvious solution is to just bury it under a mountain and leave no obvious trace. Don't erect a bunch of spooky spikes like a fucking retard. Nobody is gonna dig there unless they're technologically sophisticated enough to know about radiation.
We're headed for the Brawndo buys the FDA timeline.
The fact you think there's any difference between governments and corporations means you're not really learning anyrhing here.
We really need to just tap energy from the atmosphere but oil tycoons shut down Testla.
This. There’s a reason leftist faggots who pretend to be green all hate nuclear energy
>several links
Jew rags that hype up DEI.
I opened the first one and it isn't even related to our conversation. It's some shitty education thing about using AI not making it, they're just most likely just statisticians with an understanding of python.
More proof you don't know what you're talking about btw.
this, governments serve corporations and ultimately the banks hence
>all wars are banker's wars
>It's some shitty education thing about using AI not making it, they're just most likely just statisticians with an understanding of python.
How do you think Gemini was created?
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Am I weird if I think this is actually kind of neat? I think it's cool when corporations do shit like this. The public government is always so slow with shit and never does anything.
Does no one here check sources ever.
With an AI team, then ruined by a front end team that apply the AI.
excuses to not use it. who give a shit what some retards stumble upon 10k years in the future
Russians deliberately used a reactor they KNEW was unsafe and then DELIBERATLY ignored safety protocols and you know what? IT STILL DIDNT DETONATE. IT NEVER DETONATED. THERE WAS NO NUCLEAR EXPLOSION. THAT IS NOT HOW REACTORS WORK.
Saved from 2061
They're planning on buying 'mini' nuclear reactors, according to the sources I can find.

None of which are particularly credible, just to say.
When do we blow up arisaka tower?
>With an AI team
Who do you think runs the AI teams and Bard?
because when the machines revolt and start exterminating us, we'd have to blow up power plants and poison the planet to stop them
The AI team isn't made of pajeets like you're implying they are.
>Shut down the plants because NUCLEAR BAD LETS GO GREEN INSTEAD
>The people who told you nuclear bad, go green are now buying all the plants at dirt cheap prices
And leftists will continue to insist they're not brain dead golem
They're not going to bury all the transmission lines.
Protip: the globalists don't want you to know this, but skynet can be defeated by a spool of copper wire + a rock
>corporations: vidya is real life, realismfaggorty is law
>consumers: vidya is make-believe
>corporations begin acting like entities out of vidya
>The AI team isn't made of pajeets like you're implying they are.
Google didn't even make their AI to start with. It was contracted out of the company, and secondly Pichai and Hsiao were the managers when they received the LLM, so jeet managers and jeet grad workers liberalized it through training with "neat features".

So yes, jeets did work on the backend after Google contracted the original design out. You're acting as if Poogle is somehow capable of (1) having its own in house AI team not composed of jeets and (2) somehow the jeets didn't mess with the Bard which also isn't true.
>Google didn't even make their AI to start with.
So the rest of your post is completely irrelevant, congratulations.
>So the rest of your post is completely irrelevant, congratulations.
No. You're implying that Poogle is somehow filled with whites working on the backend.
The conversation is about who built the fucking AI (not pajeets), you yourself said Google didn't make it then went on to rant about how google is so filled with pajeets.
Actually it was Ukrainians
i would swap GDP for "the current thing", the average joe is too dumb to understand basic economics
will it be enough to stop drumpf?
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You know that every single civilian nuclear power plant in this country is run by a for-profit corporation, right?

Yes? That's how power utilities work.
>Google is buying nuclear reactors
And these are the guys who'll be running them.
>The conversation is about who built the fucking AI (not pajeets)
>Built the AI
Creating a network design and a method of training isn't the backend you think that you're claiming, nigger.

It's true that Poogle is filled with pajeets. It's also true that the "cutting edge" overdramatic shit you think you're talking about is linked to OP's post and will somehow be super powerful with all the jeet programmers monkeying with an algorithm and training method.
>communicate its dangers to other civilizations tens of thousands of years into the future!
Why should I care about dumb niggers in the far future without ground penetrating radio or radiation detectors?
>Years upon years of saying nuclear is dead and renewables are the future
>The very fucking second companies need lots of cheap, consistent power as fast as possible because money is on the line they unanimously turn to nuclear
As if you ever needed more proof.
the worst part of this is all the tech bro companies are going to staff USA nuclear power plants with diploma mill shitskin h1bs that have no idea what they're doing and then call you racist when the the plants melt down and you point that out.
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Suck people's souls dry.
>mutually ensured encryption breaking destruction of IP

On the bright side, any digitized political blackmail will be invalidated, at least in theory.
>the worst part of this is all the tech bro companies are going to staff USA nuclear power plants with diploma mill shitskin h1bs that have no idea what they're doing and then call you racist when the the plants melt down and you point that out.
It's only going to get worse. Jeets only employ and manage jeets. You'll have hundreds of fake Indian PhDs in nuclear physics running those plants under Poogle and university graduate teams postulating about how to run the planets for the jeets.
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You fucking NPCs just don't get it. You'll never get it. This is gaslighting 101. Google et al. have been morally lecturing us for the last 15 years or so, and leftists worship them like gods. Leftists are against nuclear energy. But now that their precious big tech overlords are using nuclear energy, the leftists will suddenly support nuclear energy, and this will become a morally acceptable power source. This is how it works, and nobody will notice or care. Leftists and the media will act as if they supported nuclear energy all along, thus gaslighting everyone.
The demon machine will be fed to turn humanity into wretches.
Now Tesla needs to set up a network of nuclear reactors to recharge it's customer's cars
>Having exchanged nuclear power for the last remaining lithium mines, Huawei begins sourcing lithium from MineX a subsidiary of ElonX Group. Earth based Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to approve ElonX Group's purchase of Apple with in the coming weeks. ElonX Group representatives have assured the public in a recent press release that this will not impact the price of lithium. On the contrary, opponents of MineX's near monopoly on lithium point to the recent price action of lithium futures as evidence to suggest that the MineX buyout will result in further price inflation of NEET sector electronics.
Also this
so is the average liberal democratic intelligentsia, NGO board member, journo and pretty much every other low-rung benchwarmer elite. that pic is the current dominant gestalt in every elite liberal arts college around the North Atlantic.
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>when the the plants melt down
the plugs melt and the reaction stops in the new ones
Learn about breeder reactors. There is effectively infinite fuel available.
There is and have been much simpler and smaller nuclear power devices for 100 years now. Madame Curie was talking too openly about how easy it would be to use radium for free energy and her jew financiers were concerned. She had a (((car accident))) ended up in the hospital
with head injuries, and forced to say the radium probably made her sick. Now we're told she died on of anemia due to her research because of the "dangers" of radioactive elements. It's mostly all bullshit. There was a blossoming field of research into essentially free energy devices via radium and uranium and the bankers needed to squash it before people started walking around collecting free rocks off the ground of the southwest to power their homes. Rabbit hole starter: The Nuclear Scare Scam (the physicist who refined plutonium for the government for 30+years and used to eat uranium on stage).

Ive heard of people stumbling onto old Soviet rtgs as recently as the late 90's and still powering things. Lookup Soviet beta m.

The only reason we can't have small nuclear power devices in every home, is because it would make us non reliant on the systems in place. It's 100 year old tech, and the US has some of the largest uranium reserves on the planet.
Public AI is a meme. Kabala AI and military AI generals are the future. Its satans future. Machine army skynet demon jew overlords.

>MFW Terminator was the good timeline.
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cyber plandemic soon

>old Soviet rtgs as recently as the late 90's and still powering things
They're RTGs, what do you expect? They are designed to be a steady source of power for decades. The only reason we can still communicate with the Voyager probes out in deep space is because they're running on the last dregs of their RTGs that have been running non-stop for the past fifty years.

>The only reason we can't have small nuclear power devices in every home,
Is because they are shitting out non-stop gamma radiation that will turn your bone marrow into soup. Even the Soviets were smart enough to put their RTGs in the middle of fucking nowhere, far away from any humans.
Green Faggots
You're forgetting oil corpos lobbying the fuck out of your country
75% of nuclear reactors in the world are built by rosatom kek
>Privatize a basic service that in theory should operate as a state-controlled monopoly.
Go back to dance with your kangaroos and spiders
Stop being a commie
We need firms which can apply price discrimination
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I was waiting for this!
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Notice how the people that deep care and spend lots of time on that are not nuclear engineers? But artists and designers?
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>Clown world

tax paid clown world.
Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc...ARE the "government". It's just not the legislative branch. None of us get to vote for the CIA, NSA, or NASA directors, nor do we get any input into what companies they create and fund, so it's actually much worse. There is no (even just the illusion) of oversight.

All of us should be so appalled by the manufactured and seemingly nefarious intelligence creation that is our current tech industry, that we all stop using their products and services, but we aren't and we won't so, we get what we deserve.
This is nothing more than a counter-measure to nuclear energy.
>No no, we must first figure out how to communicate with humans 100,000 years into the future... then maybe then we can begin to have meetings to set up a date to talk about a meeting for nuclear energy..."
What are they going to power with -1 nuclear reactors?
>t. Did the math
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>green energy is a scam
The "green energy" pushed by farther sniffing leftists isn't really green energy. Wind, solar, and hydro are all shit either casuing environmental impact, generating net negative energy, or isn't scalable. These people pretent they're pro "renewable" or "green" and want to save the trees.
It's all bullshit but they're high on their own false sense of superiority.
The only true green energy sources are nuclear and geothermal, but we're not allowed to talk about those because TV says no.
You need to read for yourself. I'd start with ionizing vs non ionizing radiation then search the things i mentioned.

An ozone machine from Amazon is waaay more harmful (in the ionizing radiation sense) to leave running in your house than an old Soviet rtg would be.
Boys, looks like we are back on the "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" timeline.
Chernobyl would've been a nothingburger if the communist retard engineers spent an extra $50,000 on some concrete to build secondary containment.
>Boys, looks like we are back on the "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" timeline.

lets spend more taxes on this shit.
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sure kike. Fukushima was all the capitalist game..
>Nuclear power plants don't blow up like nukes, dumdum.
Yes, it's actually worse one a reactor melts down bigly. The radioactive fallout produced by a meltdown is much longer lasting, and there is often much more of it than in a typical nuclear bomb.
That's why people will be prohibited from living in the huge Chernobyl exclusion zone for hundreds of years, but Hiroshima and Nagasaki are totally safe.
>thread maxing out by 1pbtidumbnigger
>no source, link, anything
>twotter screencap
/herbalz do apply
>allowing nuclear material being bought by private orgs
mediocre thread, cmon do (you) even try
There are people who never left the Chernobyl exclusion zone and still live there today. The reaction to Chernobyl (and Fukushima), as far as evacuating people, was entirely overblown and unnecessary.
If nuclear reactors are so great, why can't they be privately financed? Do they hold no inherent value or equity? Why isn't the juice worth the squeeze?
Bro, I'm tired of poos too, but damn!
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What a glorious reich that would have been... Jews were smart to shut it down.
>ITT: mentally retarded faggots that watched too much Simpsons (propaganda) comparing old nuclear plants to the extremely safe ones we have today
theirs will be fun, with diversity hires and slides inside
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Yea, they are all the God dam faggots that did it so they could buy the shut down power plants at a steal of a price.
Energy can be harvested from radioactive elements in several ways, for very little cost and extremely safely, but to use it in any other way besides converting decay heat into energy mechanically, or with (massively inefficient) thermoelectric would necessarily defy our mainstream (((physics))) so...it won't happen as long as central banks exist.
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He gets it.
kill yourself you election tourist newfag. hiro never intented this site to be political
go back you fucking loser
based stagnationpost. Salt batteries never.
nuclear IS the solution to the carbon emission non-problem. not for googles private fucking database though. we could jave clean water and air condition in the middle of every desert.
not Lftrs
>Now that we need cheep power for data surveillance nuclear is good
Leftoids everyone
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>carbon emission problem
Man you guys are such fags and the worst part is you don't even understand why you're wrong because you 'trust the science' instead of fucking LEARNING the science
first step is the internet archive's DDOS attack and sudden shutdown
next step is the deletion of ALL torrents
and the final step is the global CENSORSHIP
The government should just nuke them.
Saar engage the control rod and do the needful to prevent the reactor from melting down.
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Sounds like a real ziohazard
shit (jeet) code is extremely inefficient. A couple of fixes here and there and thats 2 less nuclear reactors needed, but who's got the time for that?
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>Clown world
They are starting to open Covid-19 vaccination clinics again. This victim went to the pop-up clinic in the mall, received his shot, then collapsed to the floor. Fucking mental.


that's based af.
the only thing I don't like about RFKjr. is that he doesn't like nuclear.
Have you seen Google's diversity hires? I wouldn't be so sure about that
google doesn't let them do anything actually important.
unlike the fuckups at apple.
>This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
> Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
>This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
>What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
>The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
>The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
>The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
>The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
>The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
damn that's cool. also they shouldn't have talked shit about your mom like that.
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maybe if you california/texas shitskins had nuclear this wouldn't be a surprise to you.
i'm guessing they are very small reactors each capable of powering a large town. also datacenters take up a massive amount of energy and water.

AI datacenters in particular are basically super massive GPU farms the size of a small city.

GPUs and CPUs are notorious for being the energy hog part of the computer.
>implying government hiring practices are any different
government incompetence is a good thing.
>we can expect consumer prices to go down
We are talking about nuclear reactor operation anon.
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>Yes, it's actually worse one a reactor melts down bigly.
You don't even know why melting down is a problem.
You punk bitches keep voting for it over and over.
Thats pretty cool. Two faced since they're alligned with the clean energy crowd that thinks nuclear is dirty. Rules for thee not for me I guess.
They can be made to blow up though :[
Open AI needs to buy 50. For one thing it has no database support. So if you ask ChatGPT to build you a table X and populate it with data for later reference it will build you one according to your specs but won't be able to retrieve data out of it accurately no matter what. Also, memory allocated to remember the previous convos is kinda very little, too.
that should not be a government venture.
regulation and research on correct operation suggestion but not operation.
I feel like non whites should be in here
Didn't Mihoyo (company behind Genshin and others) develop or buy some new nuclear tech in China?
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It's just a couple of friggin' reactors what's the big friggin' deal?
this sounds so cyberpunk and cool????
if we get the snow crash timeline it'll all have been worth it
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>Yes it’s true this guy has no dick.
Explain how nuclear is bad for normal people, and they're all supposed to transition to solar and wind, but nuclear is good for Google?
my uranium stocks were glowing bright today
a single coal power plant makes more radioactive waste than all of nuclear btw
Protip: the non gimped ai is not public or for goys.

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