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people heard her speak
Harris is essentially giving the finger to her base every time she appeases conservatives
The goyim aren't falling for the show anymore. They see the past repeating with Jill Stein being shit on, Harris being presented as a 'clear winner' (a female president who is only there cause she sucked dick), everyone proclaiming if Trump is pres this and that will happen (2016-19 tranny camps anyone? They sure loved trying to project jewish fear tactics pretty fast), and the outright support of Israel not being hidden by either candidate?
All the dem try hards are being demoralized. Not surprising. They already threaten to kill themselves if they miss a pharmadrug refill, let alone hearing Kamala praising the death of Hamas leader after trying to project herself as "caring about Gaza"
They picked a woman to run for president.
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She was exposed as being unable to form coherent thoughts by herself and requiring people to spoonfeed her a prompt to regurgitate to her sheep.
Did you watch the debates? She's clearly more competent than Trump. She's politically conservative though which is costing her support
Hillary had being white going for her.
Kamala is double dipping in the woman and shitskin pools. Far too against the norm.
By the way, the next election will see two women as our choices, so that either side can claim the "historic" first woman President.
RealClearPolitics, a right-wing website, currently has Harris in the lead. Youre screenshot is doctored kek
>she talked
>walz talked
you should watch some more interviews and Walz debate

thats when it all came tumbling down per the polls
>right wing
Jfc do you trannies ever get tired of lying 24/7?
everyone knows kamala is dumb now
ignoring the fact that you're obviously shilling for the dems, are you seriously trying to base their competency on a debate performance instead of their proven track records in office?
It was created by conservatives, dumbass
Dude, no matter who wins we all lose. Both Harris and Trump are conservative meaning they represent a regression of society.
Even Bret Baiar admitted that Harris knocked the wind out of him, she demolished republicucks at their home base. Meanwhile Trump did so bad at FOX that his staffers are cancelling all interviews lel
she literally vomits entire sentences of incoherent word salad, it sounds like a very dumb AI chatbot programmed to try to sound like an aspiring politician, its fucking bizarre. im not voting for trump but its extremely weird what she does, its like she knows all this shit is fake and public opinion doesnt even matter so she just fills in the blank with whatever
Can you link a clip of this happening? No idea what you're talking about
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>Even Bret Baiar admitted that Harris knocked the wind out of him
Its almost as if people forgot that they didn't let her speak previously on purpose.
> "Im not voting trump"
> Regurgitates MAGA propaganda

Sure zogbot
>Despite BILLIONS in funding from hyper donors and foreign enemies
>Despite BILLIONS in combined womynhours working triple overtime to shill Kamala on every channel, public forum, and website
>Despite every mainstream news program defrauding polls and shilling support for her
>Despite dozens of celebrity fronted concerts for crowd photo-ops (before everyone leaves when Harris takes the stage)
>Despite every one of our carefully tailored AI crowd images
>Despite not one but TWO federally trained assassin's sent after annoying orange
Despite ALL this. How the FUCK did orange hitler obliterate this ENTIRE psyop astroturf campaign?! He called her a STUPID BITCH on NATIONAL television! Every unscripted public event makes her look like a fucking RETARD!?
Tim AWOLz EXPOSED as a gayclub grooming pedophile and a military deserter.
THE Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took a half hour to DEMOLISH our FRAUD campaign in it's entirety!?
The ENTIRE WORLD has seen her spit cum, babble, and shit the bed in her pathetically short "interviews"
Harris' AND Timpon's ENTIRE families disowned them as a whore and a fraud pig coward and support literal SATAN instead!
And the ONLY big name supporters of /ourslut/ are REPUBLICAN NEOCON MONSTERS who supported literally Bushler.
Even our carefully scripted, second by second, "debate" /ourho/ spent WEEKS memorizing lines for knowing EVERY question beforehand, HitlerMussoliniLucifer babbling about eating cats made MORE of an impact than ANYTHING she said!
Our VP pick was AGAIN exposed as nothing but a boytouching, blubbering blabber mouth Chinese plant.
Every good hearted, well meaning, red blooded American found out our scam to throw all their hard earned tax money at illegal terrorist monsters and foreign parasites while starving our citizenry and stealing their land post natural disasters!
Harriswhores, I don't think /ourProstitutor/ can suck balls, rim asshole, and throttle cock to get out of this one...
Fake headline, Bret never mentioned who it was, but it's since been clarified it was producers. Another MAGAt lie debunked
This anon gets it.

Watch the utter discombobulation from our current “leaders” when Israel hits Iran
>Did you watch the debates?
She insulted the viewers by not answering a single question.
Your voting records are public. You will be killed soon.
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>Can you link a clip

She gave far more coherent answers than Trump lol
They will let him win to assassinate him.
She did win the debate - Trump took the bait and couldn't contain his narcissism and the format certainly maximized things for her.
But after that, it's been all team Trump. JD wiped the floor Walz and still kept things respectful - he's been doing a great job on that side.
But the biggest thing going Trump's way is that she's been finding herself in unscripted, dynamic environment, and her complete stupidity just can't be hidden at that point. It's costing here all that creamy middle, independent support.
The real funny thing is that Trump has been the weakest part of the Trump ticket. He's been pulling the Biden thing and staying in the basement, not agreeing to a 2nd debate, and letting Kamala destroy herself.
World is healing.
Trump is doing all the boomer and zoomer podcasts because of Baron and Dana White
>run a literal retard nigger
>ahhh why is she losing
Might want to have a look in the mirror bud
I voted for Trump and have regretted it.
The establishment wants Trump. He needs to be the face of what is going to be the most unpopular war in American history most likely, and he needs to convince white people to enlist for the army to fight it.
ive heard it myself and so did my friend on separate occassions, entire sentences of nonsense. i caught it happen at least for one or even two consecutive sentences in the debate between her and trump and i was hardly even paying attention to it, it was fucking hilarious

im trying to find a really good video of her just speaking total nonsense like that but instead all i find are videos of her being kinda retarded but she full on just says total nonsense, the word "platitude" comes to mind but its its actually far beyond that in how meaningless it is, she says things that are utterly and completely devoid of any kind of coherent meaning to anything in the real world, its like someone tripping on a really hard dose of psychedelic drugs or a retard with schizophrenia, its fucking hilarious i cant believe i cant find a compilation video of this or something
No she didn't. She looked like a weak, screechy, chiding shrew. Kamala has accomplished nothing in any of her positions except being an establishment puppet.

You will be killed soon for being a terrorist shill guilty of attempting to manipulate the American public in bad faith.
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>do nothing
it's a unique position he's in due to Kamala being abhorrent. Even vs Biden he'd have to do at least something.
No you didn't. You are a paid shill. You will be killed for terrorist activity.
im not its just fucking funny
im happy to pay attention to this bs election when it means getting to laugh at either candidate and i laugh at both equally
The GOP establishment picked DJ Vance as VP because they know Trump won't live for another 4 years. The couchfucker is essentially the unofficial president elect. And the world sees it now with the cancelled debates, cancelled interviews, incoherent speeches at rallies, and then most recently the 40 min music episode? Id be surprised if Trump isn't in a wheelchair by Nov 5
a poll one month ago revealed that voters did not understand Kamala's platform for running for president, whereas the same poll said they understood Trump's platform. That triggered the "Kamala media blitz" where she still isn't answering why she's running, therefor is imploding the campaign. She hasn't answered what she's going to do to fix the border, she hasn't answered her plan to end the Ukraine russia war, she hasn't answered what's her solution for the middle east conflicts. All her answers have been "Trump Trump Trump"
reality kicked in. i knew it would right when the debate shakeout happened. didn't lose a wink of sleep.
her presidency would be coasting on american decline, aka biden 2.0
He's going to be great. Best scenario is another 8 years of JD following this year. Trump has to do at least 2.
She's already answered all of that. She wants to tighten the border and send unlimited aid to Israel and Ukraine in that order
im watching this and she isnt saying anything incoherent so far
man i thought you'd migafags would be all over this shit but it looks like you're too dumb to be useful for literally anything
Good goyim here's your shekels
Oct 7th. Trump visited the Rebbe's grave while Harris is anti-Israel. All those who seek to harm the Jewish People will suffer the curse from God Almighty.
If against all statistics that trump wins, he'll only last 2 years at most. His mental state is rapidly declining and he's morbidly obese + he got some experimental jabs. Then couchfucker will stay the rest of the term and implement project 2025 politics, but won't be reelected, he's just too weird
Harris has promised Israel unlimited weaponry. Are you insane?
It's because Trump needs to win to help Israel.
1 mile of Israeli land is worth more than 100 miles in Ukraine according to the jews
she is literally claiming Joe biden is the most competent president ever basically, while scamming him out of his job over dementia concerns. If she can lie about that to your face, there's nothing she won't do to defraud america to fail upward as the DEI candidate
It's weird how you guys say trump lies all the time and never does what he says, but when he says he cares about kikes you lap it up.
Are you still getting paid for that shit? I thought that talking point died out almost immediately with the baggage you faggots are carrying.
Speaking of failing upwards. Has trump ever had a successful business? He'd be richer today if he had put his dad's money in SP500, instead he pissed it away and now he is grifting to get it back lol
>conservatives are right wing
Lol ask me how I know you're jewish
Biden says she was running the show with him hand in hand. Without specifics, no way you can take her word. The 'bipartisan bullshit border bill' basically legalized 5,000 illegal crossings per day before the fed is required to act. Who even keeps count of crossings, nobody trusts that bill and it needed to die
Why even bother lying about this lmao. Who do you think'll believe it? Trolling used to be good
>Speaking of failing upwards. Has trump ever had a successful business?
Should be easy to figure out. How much money did he get from his dad?
Super weird to bring up a private LGBT event some chink on twitter attended. Why would i care?
>our candidate being a geriatric doesn't matter, look at this random gay celebrity
Has she really? I thought she was playing hardball with Netanyahu.
You can look it up, it'll be the first result on google, kiddo
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Yeah I did watch the debate. No zingers from her. No “I’m speaking”. She’s clearly lost her edge. The only memorable thing Kamala said was that people should go to Trump rallies and that she loves Israel more than him.
>every time she appeases conservatives
what the fuck are you referring to?
Name one time
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The United States has just elected it's first woman President.
And speaking of baggage, who can forget this weirdo?
$300 mil
kikes decided trump would be president
She missed the Al Smith Jewish Kabal din din
Matt Damon?
You sound like a fucking moron. The bill didn't legalize crossings, it required the president to close the border if crossings hit a specific threshold
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>now he is grifting to get it back lol
how much does he need?
*holds chin with index finger and thumb and looks at you smugly, while weirdly grimacing*
Hahaha, fuck no. Her and Walz keep regurgitating whatever Israel says
2nd time you bring up some weird LGBT stuff. What is your point other than you've saved these photos?
Nah he really did win

There was good reason he came out swinging and saying whatever the fuck he wanted to
It was basically 2015 debates all over again where it didn’t matter what Trump said but because he sucked all the air out of the room, he left the greatest impression and more importantly, denied Kamala the opportunity to inspire Americans to her side. The cherry being Vance able to floor waltz in intelligence and reassure undecideds that Trump’s presidency isn’t reflective of his brash personality. Now Kamala has a very uninspired movement
>howard stern
>private lgbtlmnop event
The cope is real
How about just stop being a weird public degenerate?
Her plan to tighten the border?
Considering he owes 3B from law suits and his net worth is pumped up by the DJT stock, which he can't sell, I'll say he still needs a lot
heres similar to what im talking about but ive seen and heard far worse lol


shes got to be incredibly retarded and narcissistic the way she just vomits nonsense like this with her insufferable way of speaking. she somehow manages to speak in a way that makes me so annoyed like i literally dont even want trump to win, id rather kamala win so all the miga retards get dabbed on but holy SHIT this bitch comes off as an insufferable narcissist retard far more than trump even could, at least trump doesnt just spew word diarrhea like he's so madly in love with the sound of his voice. i mean ive definitely thought he loves the sound of his own voice but kamala takes it to a new fucking level lol
i wish i could find a good quote like i heard and saw before but this is the best i got
im not sure what search engine isnt pozzed, i cant find anything funny on even yandex much if at all these days
So he has 5 billion now that he won the fraud case appeal and got his 500 mil back.
I don't think 300 mil translates to 5 bil in today's cash but I could be wrong.
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lgbtlmnop people are quite weird. they’re basically modern day carnival circus tier freaks
trump campaigned on getting rid of illegals and after not doing that now brags about wanting to flood us with legals
anyone voting is a fucking retard
RCP is a poll aggregate, retard. They pull polls from all over.
Trump has a real-estate empire. Real estate has way more potential for outsized gains than index investing. Trump owns 100s of properties, and Trump tower alone could sell for upwards of a billion dollars. Cope
Here's another - it's your degenerate, not mine.
Cope with what, that you guys are obsessed with LGBT? I literally do but give AF, but it's weird you keep talking about it
I still can't believe Matt Daemon did that
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>Scroll down, see moobs
Shuddered irl thanks.
It's so you won't go vote for the right. To think you can stay at home and still win. Get off your ass a vote in person on election day you fucks.
The fact that you’re dumb enough to think a Howard stern interview calling it a “lgbt private event”
The vast majority of Americans are either accepting or ambivalent towards LGBTQ+ people. Only the far right freaks take issue
really makes me think. real estate wouldnt be worth so much if this country wasnt being flooded with more useless brown people on welfare like the pajeets he wants or the mexicans he refuses to actually stop and get rid of
if the illegal count is what you vote based on, why wouldn't you vote for Trump.
It's all a Russ to get demoshits to go vote. I don't care though because I voted for Jill stein
Trump org is cooked, finished. He had a ponzi scheme going was all. What else?
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Well, I guess if you say so. While you're worrying about a famous billionaire, who's paying you? Blackrock or Vanguard?
>the far right are the freaks
>not the low value beta males who put on whigs and makeup and call themselves women
Top kek
okay, that's why we need to move the needle and lock in the population we have by building walls, remain in mexico, etc. Vote Trump
because i dont care if they're illegal or not, all the brown people need to fuck off and die
You better hope so in November. But I suspect most see them as suffering from mental illness. And a party that appoints to them to cabinet level positions will probably be held accountable.
>lock in the population we have by building walls
lock in all the brown illegals? the fuck
she tried opening her mouth for something other than a dick
It might be a good plan if Harris was actually likeable, or there was legitimate enthusiasm for her, or, she was, you know, actually nominated.
In your dreams, if there was Ponzi, one thousand NYC prosecutors would be indicting him already
Why does someone feeling comfortable being effeminate make you seethe so much? You're acting Iike you want every man to be a beefcake stud or something...
So you have at least 3 LGBT photos in your possession. I'm noticing an obsession here, so weird
What happened is money is getting thrown into the betting. It’s money that changes these odds, not polling.
>if you don’t like trannies that must mean you’re sexually attract tho then
Man leftoids really are delusional living in their own little worlds
americans love to stick their cocks and get dicked by browns, it's ogre already
Netanyahu is such a bully. He does whatever he wants and US politicians will just suck his dick.
Why do you hate trans people?
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It's over.
Got more - always fun pointing out the party of degenerates. You'd be surprised how people who planned to vote for Kamala react to this, especially girls. Did you know that most moms with kids don't want their daughters competing against biological males? Weird, isn't it?
Soros is breathing down my neck and putting coins in my pockets as we speak. Or at least that's what republicucks like to think
>are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
Why do you hate Nazis?
she's doing great, making sure that we never have a woman president
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We have elected Kamala Harris by a landslide. The Trump nightmare is over.
Melania isn't on the ticket, kiddo
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Ahahahaha he believes it
Ding ding ding ding. Get in line
I bet over 5 grand on Trump in 2020, "elections and democracy" are a fucking farce. There is only one vote now.
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does anyone have the gif from this? its so awkward how everyone there cant dance and is doing some extremely repetitive simple 2 part movement seemingly over and over again lol its so much fake energy, its mindboggling
and god she's so hideous
Because they're directly responsible for genocide. Your turn.
Take your meds
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AZ - Biden won by 0.4%

GA- Biden won by 0.3%

PA - Biden won by 1.2%

WI- Biden won by 0.8%
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>Soros is breathing down my neck
I thought it was your mother.
>no source
Oh so you love Jews which is why. Nevermind the genocide Jews are causing right now, right shlomo?
Her border is about as tight as her 70 year old vagina, if you know what I mean.
What does that have to do with anything? Your mind wandered from DJ Vance being called weird to show me photos of LGBT stuff and now you're talking about mothers and daughters. Do you think you're representative of MAGA in general, is this how y'all mental state is?
>"trump clampdown begins"
right when a literal supposed pandemic started
and then it went back up before biden took office

also im pretty sure all those numbers are fake and its way higher all around
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Thats right, its all fake. She didnt repeal the 90+ trump orders the week she got i to office. Shes totally gonna secure the border
She dropped out of the 2020 race pretty early for a reason
She's been found out.
Being "Not Trump" isn't enough

I oppose genocide in all forms like any human should. The genocide against Palestine is being carried out by Zionists, not Jews collectively. You ever gonna answer the question?
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Just vote for Trump you stupid fucking goys. Don't you want to fight and die for Israel like a Hero?
It's not even that bad, Indians will come to replace you when you are dead.
The VP doesn't revoke EOs
Zero proof of any genocide happening in Gaza, other than the one Oct7
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Zero votes.

Even Michael fucking Bloomberg got more votes then Kamala.
and there it is. You’re a jew who says nazis are evil but then say jews aren’t. Hypocrite, figures.
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Glad you're still around. Here's another weird thing about the Democrats - just letting garbage pour across the border.
Do you know who this guy is? He killed a college student in Georgia. Care to hear about how he entered the United States to do that?
Are you gonna keep dodging the question like a whiny little bitch?
wall street priced a trump victory in 2 years ago. keep enjoying the theater though
Nobody even knows or cares what your question is retard.
Why are all right wingers so stupid? You can't even remember the only question I asked?
Why do you think trannies are a super special privileged group that deserves to be except from criticism?
Said she'd blast someone who broke into her house
"White guys for Kamala"
DNC hard pivoting towards patriotism with all the American flags
Welcoming in Cheyney

Both candidates are clearly trying to poach each other's voters. That's why Trump is pro tranny, pro abortion now.
I don't. Why are you clearly not getting the psychiatric help you need?
who are you going to vote for then? and in what state? only Pennsylvanians matter
You’re the one defending low value beta males in whigs and dresses, perhaps you need the psychiatric help
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I haven't seen this woman coherently and succinctly answer a single question she's been asked, she is an expert bullshit artist

Trump might be a retard but at least he's to the point and not afraid to say what he thinks, even if it might be unpopular
Turns out the hiding in the bunker strategy didn't work out too well for Kameltoe
Why would someone living their life happily without affecting mine, bother me? Why does it bother you?
Harris is a NWO jew puppet , she does nothing without direct instruction from her superiors.
Why is this super special privileged group deserved to be exempt from any criticism? Hilarious how you avoid that question.
Shut up retard
Yes because Zion Don the puppet of Israel is much better
why the fuck would i vote? you stupid fucking nigger
> Right wing
lol where are you idiots coming from ?
They aren't, please get some help and stop letting delusions rule your life
If they aren’t then why are you so triggered?
The problem is “what he thinks” could be anything, nothing, or everything all at the same time. Dude has dementia. If that was a stopper for Biden it’s a stopper for Trump too.
Jewish or ignorant
Trump doesn't even pretend to try answering questions. You ask him something, and he just instantly goes on a rant about something completely unrelated.
Oct 7th happened
Jews want trump to win
the end
Hiding in the bunker by holding rallies and interviews every day?
I'm not, I'm trying to understand where your hatred for trans people comes from.
Of course you. One person makes a comment pointing criticism about mentally ill men in dresses and your response is for them to see psychiatric help

Sorry, but you’re clearly triggered.
How demoralizing it must be to lie for money.
How do you live with yourself ?
Troons are so mentally damaged , I guess nothing matters.
>she won the debate
>but drumpf refused a second debate!
Lmfao do you think before you type?
Yeah people heard her stupid, pandering, empty, shrieky, bitchy, cackling and nagging drivel.
She kinda looks like a dehydrated camel, maybe thats why her named is Kamala. And also to me her face kind of looks like dry dirt and clay that is about to burst into cracks any moment like a mask.
Every public appearance
How would you feel if someone criticized you for being white? That's no different from criticizing someone for being trans
trump has a record of anti interventionism. israel wants globalists in office. its why he came .1% from being shot to death :DDD
Fake polls.
Why did he loose?
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>25 posts ITT
bro who hurt you
From troons like you that harm others for money.
You know you will all be killed now
I’m not white but democrats do that shit on a daily basis. Trannies are okay to make fun of anon. Get all that sand out of your vagina. This is why people don’t like you.
People started listening to Kamala speak and realized that Dementia Joe was more articulate.
That's not remotely true and attacking someone's personal characteristics will always be wrong
The fag that molested him when he was a child or the quack that cut off his just junk and made him a horrific freak
Shut up tranny gash
Why do you hate trans people?
Most Americans don’t mind privately gay men or women who don’t make their identity a public display constantly. What people are grossed out by is the government pushing a state of mental delusion as a legitimate “gender” and pushing laws to enforce this delusion
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> That's not remotely true
You sound pretty ignorant about current events
Far left pollster outlier
You are a perfect example, read my posts , you disgusting creature
Poo in loo
You hate trans people because you're a far right bigot? I'm asking why you really hate them
And what troons never realize is that they are being used by Marxist Jews to tear the social fabric of western nations apart.
Jews hate troons more than anyone else , but they are useful idiots.
People don't actually want to spend more than they make on groceries and the white collar libshits are losing their jobs to immigrants now.
You sound triggered.
People are allowed to think and say what they want, fascist.
Oh it’s this guy again
“ far right bigot “
It’s a bot or a mentally ill troon
True, but I'm guessing that at this point the majority of Americans would take a senile old codger who has their country's interests at heart and is immune to the moral blackmail mafia we call the woke movement over another lefty puppet who is actively going out of their way to avoid difficult questions
Error 404, President not found
Please the trump is senile bit has worn desperately thin.
But the rest of your analysis is dead on.
And I'm free to ask where your bigotry comes from. Why does that trigger you so much?
You seem like a bot since you can't legitimately answer a simple question.
I’m pretty sure she is doped up on anti-depressants. My Mom and brother both take them and have similar sort of goofy mannerisms and odd ways of speaking.
You're indeed crazy. You want to force rhetorics and ideals.
>I can't let you think bad things
So, we’re policing thoughts and opinions these days? Keep hiding behind that shiny facade of righteousness. On some real shit, underneath all those noble-sounding ideals is just someone desperately trying to shape the world according to their own skewed sense of morality.

Get off your high horse faggotman.
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Well I was talking about perception rather than fact, I personally don't believe he's senile. Eccentric, and a little slower in his old age sure, but the man seems to know what he's doing for the most part.
Trans “people” on suicide watch!
Why do you feel so strongly about practicing bigotry?
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>quint 7s
>unironically being OP
Absolutely fucking checked and witnessed. Suck on 'em.
Same as any feminist. Low value beta incels deserve to be laughed at.
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Why? Did a trans person cuck you or something?
No I’m not destiny KEK
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Checked and Based
RPC is trash. Use a different aggregator. They all still show Trump having a higher percent chance of winning, but it's not retarded like this.
None of those things are pandering to conservatives dingus thays run if the mill mealy mouth politicking and manipulation.
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Elon has his twitter algorithm tuned to generate trump support, he spent 45 billion to get trump elected, so he can stay out of jail for securities fraud
Your confusing conservatives for lefties. Conservatives don't have the memory of gnats so when she says that the conservatice asks why the fuck didn't she already do it.
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The graph on the wall
Tells the story of it all
Kamala failed to get any moment in the debate, and then trump canceled the debates entirely crushing kamala'a hope at getting a big defining moment. Because of this, Harris's campaign did a media blitz which backfired hard because she sucks at speaking unscripted, then they tried to get Obama who backfired because he was begging black men to vote for a black woman (impossible), and before the Fox interview, they got Bill Clinton who showed the world that he is a corpse who also accidentally blamed Kamala'a border policies for killing a girl. Then finally the Fox interview where Kamala couldn't even answer simple questions about her record.
>Conservatives don't have the memory of gnats
>Why the fuck didn't the Vice President shut down the border?
shitcoin rugpull
Youre really, really bad at this. I'd strongly advise you to print out your posts and give them to your high school english rhetoric teacher, and ask them what you did wrong.
Her actual track record shows the first is a bald face lie. Last two are true.
What is this hideous gray blue line touching the fantastic red line?
everyone in the democrat party is a paid actor.
At the end of the day, noone is voting for a brown female to lead them, let alone a female.
Even women themselves subconsciously understand that females cannot be leaders. Biologically incapable.
>suffer the curse from God Almighty
Kek, kikes are of their father the devil, that’s why the world is theirs until the Lord returns.
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>>are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
yes, Covid is way down, stocks are way up
The retard literally fakes different accents and changes her early life story depending on the crowd she's trying to talk to. I'd only consider voting for her if a moderator on this website was her only competition. That's how ridiculously bad she is.
>attacking personal characteristics will always be wrong
you chose to be a troon youre lower than a nigger on the totem pole

>Pretending Joe Biden didn't make her border czar

>Pretending that Vice President is incapable of using office to force policy

>Pretending that the average voter is going to separate her from the administration she is part of
Checked and libertarian-retard with democrat flag pilled
Don’t care still voting brandon
It means the fascist forces of sleaze, war, corruption, slavery, hate and pedophilia cant stop Trump.
Basically this but even worse. You can’t listen to feelings or dump money into ads with this shit you need some old school mother fucked like James Carville to explain demographics to you and also how people vote with their wallets. Cumala has been fucked since. Well forever. She was a DEI VP who did nothing and is tied to a disaster administration.
sounds too easy bros... why is he getting support out of nowhere
>White guys for Kamala
Not voting for trump is a vote for kamala
Those forces are all aligned with Trump though
>its over
>we never had a chance

jews are true experts on this shit, i would just wait for results and avoid falling for their mindgames
We all know she's a shit candidate, pushed by globalist vermin. Like putting lipstick on a pig.
even women don't want the first female president to be an idiot.
The world distruts both, both are mentally retarded, ironically Joe would be winning over Trump because he is so senile that he is the slow entropic candidate, you know shit will get worse but on a predictive pattern.

With Kamala and Trump it's full schizo shit, kamala wanting to create tax on gains that don't exist and Trump wanting to punish nations that leave the usd while simping for russia who leads the coalition of such nations.

Ironically Joe represents the end of stable white male leadership in burgerland, not that the last 50 years of that shit were good at all, but it was predictable, these two morons are dangerous in many ways.
she did a "Republicans for Harris" rally yesterday, anon
Is that why I cringed every time she spoke in platitudes and Trump genuinely made me laugh multiple times? She’s smug and unlikable meanwhile Trump has legit energy behind him. Plus she was installed last minute
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he took a small loan of $1M from his father to start his business. when his father died, he left him ~$190M but by then Trump was already a billionaire.
i dont get it when i checked harris was up 2 points all month. Is this fake or am i retard
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Don’t worry, this is how it will go
No one caresabout your puppet shows anymore
kamala's body language is already that of defeat. it's over and she knows it.
cool story leaf
Not sure. She cratered this week like a mother fucker. What caused Kamala to fall behind Trump in EVERY battleground state?! She was at least still leading in Georgia til the new polls for this week started being published this evening.
taking in Cheyney isn't an attempt at courting GOP vots? Lol ok smart guy. Thanks for the analysis
To put Trumps loan into perspective, Dawn of Dead 1978 had a budget of $640,000 and made $66million. Trump claims he received a $1million loan in 1975. (some reports say it was much more but its not important) Trumps assets are now worth over $1 billion dollars (The highest estimate Ive seen is $5.6 billion.

The point being you might as well say that George A. Romaro pissed his money away around the same time.
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Everyone wants to hear her
The Trump Train has no breaks.
No shit they wanna hear her so they can laugh at how retarded she is
The best thing in comedy since Obama
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We got too cocky Trump bros, Big Mike is replacing Tampon Tim, looks like this weekend or Monday, so says Polymarket Walz markets
>shows cable news ratings as proof
lol lmao even
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>private LGBT event
The Howard Stern show is a "private LGBT event?"
>weird you keep talking about it
The current white house is obsessed with appointing transvestites and homosexuals to important posts in their administration. Surely you must have noticed.
I know you're supposed to be a bad-faith propaganda troll, but you are not good at this at all.
They’re giving you false hope to make it hurt even more.

They never intended to let Trump, the games been rigged from the start. It will happen when the weather cools.
>just posts poll aggregates
>this makes them right wing
The Act Blue Foot-Lick Narrative

- Pre-June 2024


- Post Dropout


- Post Loss


All it ever will be with these fucked-out, dilating, med-poppers is a narrative shift to look accordingly

It's a waste of time
Dead cat bounce
They need a war, you retards.
Kamala self-destructed because for voters security is a top priority
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>38 posts by this ID
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Everyone wants to watch her embarrass herself

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