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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Uh...didn't operation barbarossa fail epicly?
The nsdap was anything but against women, certainly against todays "Feminists" though
Yeah, bad choice for an operation name and very unoriginal desu
Doesn't matter because anyone who had any real plans to do something wouldn't talk about it on the internet, especially not in a discord.
“Why are our birth rates so low?”
Korean women is what happens if you let feminism run its course.
Completely anti-man, anti-natal, anti-humanity, societal and national wise completely self-loathing and suicidal.
The average woman in Korea supports feminism and Korean feminism is explicitly advocating for birth rate collapse
If an incel actually had that kind of drive and aspiration they wouldnt be an incel.
He's an incel because he's a fucking loser that has never done anything for himself or anyone else. Why would he suddenly start now?
just stab a bunch of w*men you retarded gook
>cyber warrior
Played like a fiddle.
It’s literally one of the most anti feminist countries ever lmfao.

It’s what happens when you let patriarchy run wild. Well whatever. Patriarchy destroyed the west and now the white race is legitimately on life support :) thanks a lot guys. Hope it was really worth it. All that you did will now be destroyed by other races because you couldn’t stop being misogynistic.

Great job really. I hope you’re very happy with the results
It's over for moids. Women are going to take over the world. Then men will be extinct.
I notice alot of Korean women run youtube channels about their pet cats. They either are single, or they have a husband but no kids and don't seem to have plans on having them.

Lots of cats, spoilt rotten (like on a level not even Westerners do). Im talking about treating them like fragile new borns and taking them out in prams.
4/10 your bait could use a lot of work
Fun fact Korea actually had a literal feminist cult running their country not that long ago
You tell em sister!
Spite can be a powerful motivator
>east asian nation adopts christianity
They had a female president that was taking orders from a cabal of other women.That sent their incels into overdrive after they impeached her once that came to light, it'd be like if Hillary won and it was found out that a cabal of shadowy women was running the country through her. All this male vs female stuff comes from that, an actual feminist cult with power trying to oppress men and then men oppressing women in return. It's why you need to strive for actual equality instead of what's happening in the west where it's women punching down at men after having been punched down upon for years. They want to get some quick revenge but that cycle never ends, ask the Islamic countries that used to have women's rights how that scenario played out for them.
I think i heard the last president was a woman and she was pat shit insane doing shady business on the side before she got arrested. no wonder this changed how the native men there view women
Oh wow, literally Hitler hits women hardest in a hitleresque alt-right cyberwar.
I can't even.
"Oppression" is not a vaild construct
>It's why you need to strive for actual equality
"Equality" is neither possible nor desirable. One should strive to exterminate anyone who claims otherwise.
>after having been punched down upon for years
They have never been "punched down" in the history of ever. The vaginal holocaust that they seek revenge for, much like the "real" holocaust, is completely fictional.
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why are korean women so much worse?
>why are korean women so much worse?
I doubt they really are, it's probably "the grass is greener" but in the opposite direction.
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>war against women
>Operation Barbarossa
Nigger wtf does this mean? Equal money spent on mens and womens football even though the women are worse? Equal number of men and women as Staff Software Engineers even though 99.99% of women would hate the job and be better off raising a family? Men and women are not fucking equal and faggots like you are the problem. Now kys.
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Chat is this real
>Nigger wtf does this mean?
Male feminism but with less self-awareness
You'll be gone before us mongoloid
Fucking based
gooks are fucked up
i'd nuke them before chinks
That country sounds like a dystopian nightmare despite it having some cool parts. Weren’t they ruled at one point by the real life equivalent of a tzeentch cult? And when it came out it was memoryholed very quickly, before the cattle could lift their heads from the slop bucket? I think that was the only instance in history where they got sloppy and accidentally revealed a layer of the shadow government, the real rulers. Which is fucking sad because it means that feminazis exist even in the highest elite tiers lmao we so fucked as a species
Jeets would never allow women to do this btw, gooks are infinitely worse than Jeets.
how is north Korea doing in comparison with their women problem? do they even have any?
Because of women and sniveling little pussified simps like you. I hope KaharuMatingPress takes over the world and slices your neck open on global TV.
Thing is a cyberwar will do nothing
Real-life deprivation of resources is what causes people to drop any narcissistic or selfish acts and start behaving like better individuals
I will solve the world's problems by impregnatint Israeli women until Tacosrael is born.
TacoIsrael is your president.
Women brought it upon themselves. Their mate selection decides what behavior men will slowly adopt.
And women think like niggers - to them, kindness and generosity are weaknesses to be exploited. In their mind, the generous, nice guy will always be there to take advantage of no matter how she treats him. Because he's kind so what else is he gonna do, just stop? Lol!
Then eventually the kind and generous guy gets tired of being treated like slave cattle and adopts a more aggressive view, especially since he can see it working for other men.

Women are always the architects of their own misery, because everything they do is dysgenic as fuck.
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Unbelievably based.
>Society is all carrot for women and all stick for men
>Men even uttering a whisper of defiance to this
>And women think like niggers - to them, kindness and generosity are weaknesses to be exploited
That's more of jew think. Niggers don't think, they just chimp.
Only because the West wanted it do.
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Are they going to take out instagram and onlyfans? That would be hilarious.
Last I heard it's the only country in the world without a woman problem now.
>Last I heard it's the only country in the world without a woman problem now.
Technically Vatican is a country.
>after having been punched down upon for years
In all seriousness though, back during the "patriarchy" women used to wield real power. Antiquity and the Middle Ages are full of queens and ladies who conquered and ruled with an iron fist.
Nothing like that is possible now under feminism. A feminist woman can barely manage to run an HR department, actual political power is definitely out of question.
The centrist faggots, which are well poisoning, controlled opposition simps, know this. They simply want us to accept women privatizing gains, and socializing losses. Equal women in positions of power and privilege in cushy air conditioned offices, or playing in a circus for the masses, but men need to man up when it's time to die on the frontline to drones, or collect garbage, or mine coal, or weld oil pipelines, or fix plumbing, or clean sewers. And of course we always need to be equal economically by redistributing the men's hard earned money which they put their bodies and health on the line for, but we can never redistribute women's sexuality, or ever demand of them to do any compromise on anything related to their bodies. Libertarianism when it's time to reproduce, communism when it's time to raise the little bastards and pay the bills, that's their "equality".
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>not that long ago
just because Park Geun-hye was arrested then pardoned by her replacement didn't exactly change who's running the country.
Their current president, Yoon Suk Yeoi, is also tied to Ewha Womans University and the Church of Eternal Life.
Not everywhere. Ever wondered why western elites are all pedos or gay? They're encouraged to do so to weed out simps. You either have a strict patriarchal hierarchy like the muslims, or need to find ways to exclude the simps from your ranks. That's how none retarded shadow governments do it, and that's why they're never fully out in the open like the one the women ran. There's a reason not a single matriarchy made it to the bronze age.
Perhaps a part of the issue is that Korean names all sound so pornographic.
Korean women have one of the highest suicide rates in the world as it is.
>"It’s literally one of the most anti feminist countries ever lmfao."
>what is the rest of asia
>what is the middle east
>What is latin american machismo culture
At least have some perspective anon. Besides, its for the best, most women these days are retarded.
Nope. This is going to be us in 10 years. Our top educational institutes (IITs/IIMs) literally have a foid quota and give 5% extra marks to foids for 'gender diversity'. I hate the vaginal jew so much it's unreal.
Females are deeply infected by Judeo-anglo ideology. This infection has lead to them holding humanity hostage ot bio-terrorism. This is a defacto declaration of war on humanity and the future of civilization.
>females control the means of reproduction and seek to continually increase this control
>through that they control the fate of humanity and civilization are threatened
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>Females are deeply infected by Judeo-anglo ideology.
It's not a matter of ideology, but biology.
I thought supervillains revealing their master plan before it happens was an unrealistic trope
It is because he's not a villain
>women stop upholding their part of the civilization contract (monogamy, sexual communism, etc.) to chase genetic impulses and have sterile sex
>men slowly realizing the contract is broken
>men's genetic impulses cause entire nations to burn
How the ending to this situation isn't obvious to some people is hard to comprehend.
His twitter post
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>declaration of war against korean women
Double based.
But if you have a carefully laid plan, you should not tell anyone, its like iran raising the red flag of anger or some shit just act polite and sucker punch the other guy when he least expects it. Putin saying he will nuke is stupid, a smart monkey would pretend he cannot use nukes, not even mention them, be quiet and smile with everyone, then while someone stupid chimps out and everyone is looking the other way, BAM! launch all the nukes
>I'm not neo-Nazi FOR NOW
>act polite and sucker punch the other guy when he least expects it
Cowardice is effeminate.
He's obviously trying to enlist more men for his cause, even trying to spread it internationally. And he has my sword.
The way I deal with the futility of appreciating women’s beauty and with knowing that most if not all of them will betray me, or never even love me at all is by ignoring them. Maybe you guys could try it. I literally look away when women smile at me. Of course I’ll be polite but I’m just going about my day, there is unfortunately nothing there for me.
This is what happens when you're on the border of China, they infiltrate and subvert your country by creating divisions. The gender divide will stop Koreans from breeding and seal their fate.
Ignore the hateful fools replying to you. You are correct, anon.
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Stop talking about shit you have no idea about like you are an expert. That is nigger behaviour. Are you a nigger anon?
So is this verified? Because it's really fucking suspicious that he called the German party "far right". Why would he specifically need to add "far right"?
The post isn't from him or anyone sympathetic to him, it's from one of the feminists.
it's discord shitpost you fucking retard, why does this even deserve a thread
I've seen the original translated post from the guy, the translation says AFD is "far right" and I find that suspect as hell
Because it's effective propaganda you far troglodyte. This is why you retards are struggling in the US
korean society is feminist? people dont have children because they live like corporate drones in a dystopian society where everything is too expensive

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