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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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As AG she sent black men to prison for marijuana but she does cocaine?

>Multiple officials involved in the White House cocaine inquiry now say the bag of powder was found in a cubby near the White House's WEST EXECUTIVE ENTRANCE not the formal West Wing lobby, as was previously reported.

>The cocaine was found in an entrance area between the foyer and a lower-level lobby, the sources said. The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the VICE PRESIDENT'S LIMO OR SUV, park. It is one floor below the main West Wing offices and on the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

But what if it's not just cocaine she's snorting? There is a rumor going around among several high ranking individuals that Kamala Harris has a bad drug problem and its coming out.

Still voting for her
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I understand your frustration, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.
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Who cares

just let whoever is president do cocaine. they'll have an endless supply, it's not like they're gonna be sucking dick for it
You can always trust a faggot when it comes to gossip:

word on the street is that the bag of cocaine they found in the whitehouse was Kamala's. They played the Hunter Biden card so people would think it belonged to him.
Wow just like the former diversity hire that was a supervisor. Boomer manager let him off coming to work drunk and on coke. "Its just a bit of fun". Fuck off.
I could use a bump of cocaine right now.
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Chael Sonnen in the pbd podcast was the most coked out person i have seen in my life. How many celebrities etc are coke heads i wonder
I love cocaine, but still not voting for her.
And? Outa curiosity, if Trump had been caught let's say oh... having established a pharmaceutical department that regularly doled out countless drugs to staffer while he was in the white house... would you care? No? Hmm.
BASED. Definitely voting Kamala now.
I wasn't going to vote for her but now I definitely will!
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I was talking to the bolivian coke lordsthe other day

They said that in order to conquer the US faster they would just turn kamala into the cocaine chungungo
Issue is her putting people away for it. I dont give a fuck what blumpf does you insufferable faggots. quit allowing the democratic party to be a hypocritical cesspool because "x and Y did z"
>Kamala is le slut and does drugs
Woah this will surely make Trump win, just like when everyone spammed photos of Hunter Bidens penis 4 years ago.. wait
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Can't the guy who posted this get sued for defamation? I think we should encourage a lawsuit.
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I just tried to watch last night's Gutfeld and I turned it off because this unfunny fuckwit was on there spewing his unfunny mouth at 1,000,000 miles an hour.
No fucking clue who he is, but I have Instant hatred.
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death by cringe
They can suck my fucking cock. She was in front of the VP mansion and in the WH press room calling Trump Hitler earlier. Lock her ass up!
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Rush rush get the yayo.
>wing has dozens of people entering and leaving per day
>it MUST be these two people!!!
Swear to god you fucks embarrass yourselves on the daily.
Yep she's a cokehead.
Lol, I wonder why husein obama did not get this idiot to go to the diner recently and hold a speech! lol

Were they locked in or some shit, couldn't leave the basment.
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Retarded leftists are only interested in the latest daily bullshit lies the Dems make up about Trump with zero evidence.
Explain the op twitter video faggot
good because people on cocaine think faster, she would be much better president than trump who is a criminal and bigot and racist and hates lgbt
Yes mindless consumer use our coke you need our coke

Lol this is to fun thanks bolitas
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It's fucking DC you turbo sped.
EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN AND THEIR STAFFERS are on drugs and molesting children. This isn't a real revelation until you have explicit proof rather than "uhh akshully I'm a drug expert (I did marijuana twice in highschool) and this woman is 200% tweaking"
I'm not interested in either, migatard, lowering yourself to their position just makes you faggots look as retarded and insane as them.
Trump hasn't even had a single drink of alcohol in his life.
Yes, the billionaire who routinely had/visited parties of the most elite hates alcohol so he totally wouldn't do any other type of drug especially in his 70's when he starts to cognitively fail.
He's a straight edge christian and each time he's been offered a doobie he turned to Jesus for strength to say no.
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>Yes, the billionaire who routinely had/visited parties of the most elite hates alcohol so he totally wouldn't do any other type of drug especially in his 70's when he starts to cognitively fail.
>He's a straight edge christian and each time he's been offered a doobie he turned to Jesus for strength to say no.
Me 3
No, you are not.
Soijaks are not an argument.
Crazy that you're upset I'm just making shit up about Trump, but are okay spreading it about Kamala, huh fagmeister?
Your post didn't deserve a serious response. Trump has said repeatedly that he hasn't drank alcohol in his life. It would be virtually easy to demonstrate this is false, yet the media has yet to do so. Therefore he's telling the truth.
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He doesn't drink alcohol.

That means he's never done anything else. Because I, who also hasn't ever drunk alcohol for the same reasons as him while into my late 20's, totally haven't done shrooms, cocaine, weed, LSD, ecstasy, and DMT.
It's just not possible.
Some people just aren't interested in using recreational drugs. This isn't inconceivable. If he was lying someone would have demonstrated so by now.
She's a naughty girl
With a bad habit
Bad habit for drugs.
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Maybe she's just got a comet. You know, one of those huge hard boogers in your nose that's got a soft squishy tail on the end of it that goes all the way into your sinuses. Maybe its bugging her but she can't exactly pick her nose on air. Probably just a cokehead though.
Explain the jaw movements. Looks like coke jaw to me.
There's no way he could be more coked up than Vinny
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Let's check

This is an old andean test for cokesters

This will give us an accurate reading in shakes

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The seething's actually getting sad at this point
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>She doesn't get enough cocaine,
>She doesn't get enough party,
>She doesn't get enough girls,
>She doesn't get enough....
>She doesn't get enough money,
>She doesn't get enough sluts,
>She doesn't get enough hoes,
>She died from an overdose....
She thinks retarded shit faster than reddit while on cocaine.
Dont we all
people taking cocaine have colder noses on heat vision cameras due to vascular contractions or whatever, where the blood vessels shrink. if you have an iphone at a kamala event you can use heat camera to look at her face and if her nose is colder than her face then possibly she is on coke, but i doubt it.
Chael doesn't do coke. He's living his gimmick.
I mean it really really looks like it. I’ve seen her in other interviews and this is completely bizarre behavior for her. Not even exaggerating. She’s super slow and calm to the point of putting on a show with her behavior usually. The lack of calculated body language leads me to believe it, along with the hands to the nose over and over again for fear of nasal drip, the shine on her forehead indicating sweat (could just be warm lights, studio lights are insane), the almost violent shaking movements. The chewing of the jaw, the rotation back and forth, and then the obvious coke behavior. She seems like she’s nervous that she won’t be able to act right but the coke is carrying her through the jitters. Anyone who has ever had too much to drink knows the feeling of “Boy I hope they can’t tell how messed up I am.”
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I mean she can take a drug test and this will all be over tomorrow
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Kamala shills are desperate. See this
She sent a A BLACK MAN to jail? OH GOD THE HUMANITY!
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It's even worse than this: They have cameras covering every inch of the white House inside and out.

THEY KNOW WHO IT IS. But refused to actually tell everyone whether it was some government retard, secret service, or someone higher up like a senator.
This is the least trustworthy faggot you can find.
My thoughts exactly no way in hell they don't know who it is so that tells you it's somebody high up
Madame vice president you left your bag of cocaine in the west wing.
We can't keep erasing the video.
Why even release the information at all then of they just want to protect the culprit?I
You Trump faggots are such desperate scum. You are shit on the shoes of humanity. What are you going to do when your big orange nonce loses? He will simply go back to his lavish lifestyle while his trash supporters stay in their bitter shitty little lives.
never was able to get high from it
People talk and tell their co workers what was found, that spreads, the investigation ends and realizes they can't fully disclose what happened without looking like retards so they don't and threaten everyone to keep a lid on it.
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>his trash supporters stay in their bitter shitty little lives.
The ironing is crisp
she's under a lot of pressure, OKAY?!?
Alcohol + smoken amanita peel > cocaine.

Anyone doubting my claim, just give it a try. (amanita: muscaria that is)
What does she say ?

>Are you a nigger ?
>No I'm not
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It's been a long time
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Tomcraft just died a few months ago too. What a shame he had some great tracks
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Why is the left full of hard partying chads that dab on niggers all day long and the right is full of low energy cucks?
Why does the background look like a gas station restroom stall?
>twitter post pulled from my ass

are these russian shills again?
Nobody asked you, Nigel, so how about snapping your fucking yap.
How is the host of this particular video relevant?
>President goes on air cocked out of her mind.
>People act like this should be normal.
And don't give me shit about "Well Trump...!" It's embarrassing what's happened to presidential standards.
>Anyone who has ever had too much to drink knows the feeling of “Boy I hope they can’t tell how messed up I am.”
I've never done coke but I definitely got that feeling from her when watching the webm.
I'm old enough to remember when Dems screeched that Trump was on cocaine and that it was disqualifying.
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Based, I appreciate your love for democracy, but as someone who became a ballot counter after 2020, I just threw your ballot in the trash. Sorry. Something just looked off about your signature. Sorry! Try again next election my fellow democracy believer bro.
>Can't the guy who posted this get sued for defamation?
--people who slander Trump constantly.

Do you have any actual evidence or do you just come here to play make-believe like a little kid
There is a video of she and Bobbi Brown getting fugged up!!
She has autoimmune issues with her sinuses and eyes you disingenuous little shit. She released this information in her health record. You are a vile little rat.
Even if it isn't cocaine, it's still disgusting. Wiping her nose with her finger multiple times in front of the entire world.
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datt pipe
Only good reason to vote for her is that she's the chaos candidate.
>is presented evidence

>"ok so fo you have any actual evidence (that furthers my agenda)"

go home shill
You simp for a brown slut cop cokehead.
all politicians have been doing cocaine since at least the 60's. its not even really some baseless conspiracy theory, its a fairly well known fact. Trump may actually be the only one who wasn't using cocaine while holding office, but i have no doubts he was doing it some decades ago.

but its 100% true. obama, harris, biden, clinton, bush. they all LOVE to get high and fuck. its what satanists often do.
She's not wiping her nose. Watch the video again. It's not a full wipe. She's just doing a quick check to make sure that she didn't forget to clean up any powder. Cocaine users are paranoid about that and will compulsively check.

t.former cocaine user
Thoughts on her jaw movements?
whataboutism and projection.

you dont get to decide if people care or not "if" trump had been caught..
This only make me like her more
They are actually safety deposit boxes. It's a bank. On a jewish podcast.
I'd wager most celebrities are coke heads
>There are people who support coke sniffers.
>100% disgusting
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Roger stone hold the record for the most coked up person I've even seen. And that includes 1980s Robin Williams


This video makes me feel tweeked just watching it
Very obviously drug induced.

t. Former everything user, including cocaine.
>I'm a degenerate so everyone else must be too
Wat? She's the neocon continuity candidate. You've essentially had the same government since Reagan.
I only smoke banana peels
Here is your October Surprise lol
>I only smoke banana peels
dude dont. its impossible to quit. trust me.
It so mellow
She loves to party.

>still voting Harris
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Eric Adams the NYC mayor found guns and drugs when using Kamalas office to show how to detect drugs & weapons on your home.

actual video unedited:
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>muh criminal
>muh racist
Get new material already
Why do you need to cut the video in such an unbelievably faggy way. Just let the video roll, not all of us have a seven second attention span. Jesus.

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