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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I moved to Tokyo last year for work (three year temporary relocation) but I have been traveling here for almost a decade.

Bruh, Japan is getting bent over and ass fucked without lube. The people I've spoken to about politics are PRAYING (despite being godless) for a Trump victory.

I think a terrible sense of dread is creeping over the average Japanese right now. For almost 70 years, Japan towered over the rest of Asia. Japanese were seen as wealthy and sophisticated, and everyone else a garbage heathen. I'm not going to get too much into it because everyone is going to accuse me of "muh china" but Japan was only rebuilt and invested in by the US to build a ring of bases/alliances around China, who after falling to communism after WW2 would become America's enemy. America literally invested billions into Japan to rebuild it's infrastructure IMMEDIATELY after WW2, also bringing over american business men, industrialists, etc, to teach japs how to manufacture shit. They did not become the 80s powerhouse on their own, it was because of America, and same thing with S Korea and Taiwan but just happening currently.

The problem is that Japanese people really did think they were hot shit for a long time... but now they're becoming desperately poor. I'm paid in USD and no joke, Tokyo feels almost as cheap as Bangkok now, actually even cheaper in some cases. The nice parts of Malaysia and the Philippines actually cost MORE than Tokyo. The average Japanese is suffering hard, only the very wealthy can afford to go to America/Europe, and Japanese are now even too poor to go to Thailand so they now go to the cheap parts of the Philippines like Cebu for vacation.
It's crazy watching everyone from all over the world come into Japan and treat it like a sexual playground. You're even starting to see niggers come here because the yen has been so devalued. Estimates now say that 1 in 9 women in Japan have worked in the sex industry. If you look at the popular escort sites, their rosters have added 400-800% more girls in the past few years alone (I know because I've been fucking Japanese hookers for a while). Bangkok is still cheaper that Tokyo for sex, but not by much.

Does this remind you of something? Perhaps of Germany pre-WW2? Where the entire world treated Weimar (Now Berlin) like a cum rag? There were entire streets of pregnant hookers, places where you could fuck mother daughter combos, and famously, you could even pay to fuck an entire household (mom, dad, son, daughter).

Right now the whole world is coming to Japan and living it up. Eating everything. Drinking everything. Butt fucking everyone and nutting in nubile Japanese womens' mouths (probably men too). It's a crazy site to behold, Japan is falling from grace at a meteoric speed and it will spark change. What that change will be, no one knows.

what caused this terrible state of affairs?
I had no idea. I like honda
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The Japs, an ethnic and cultural strong hold has been economically collapsed!? What group could have done this???
My brother lives in Cebu most of the time. I'll have to visit him there some day
Tokyo has a huge jewish population, so this is not surprising.
Is this really that bad?
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>70%gringos can't afford 3 meals a day
>random nigger in japan telling japan is fuck and worst off than america
want to believe
I really enjoyed Tobita Shinchi
I vote for Japanese zombie meth warriors
why does japan care
Mom i posted it again
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you gonna keep making this bread huh?
How many threads have you made now?
Third day in a row, huh?
A plateaued population growth that has now been in decline for over a decade. And the reality is even worse than this graph due to the ageing population.
People need to understand a very simply equation. Economic growth = change in worker productivity x change in worker population.
Worker productivity is driven by technology and by shifts in industry. You need one person to do a job that took 10 people a hundred years ago. And if your workforce shifts from growing rice to building cars then they have increased their economic output. Economies of scale also aid worker productivity. If you have the production capacity for 100 units in a year, but only get orders for 50, your workers are essentially half as productive as they could otherwise be.
But worker productivity being so dependent on technology means that its contribution to economic growth is rather consistent across the world, and fully developed nations like Japan can't reap massive economic growth by shifting their industry focus cause they already reaped those benefits 50 years ago.
And so for a modern fully developed nation, population growth is going to the determining factor in how they grow relative to other fully developed economies.
That is why Western countries have been addicted to immigration. Japan didn't go this route, and good for them, but they are feeling the economic realities of that decision and are starting to crack under the pressure.
So to answer your question, Japan has ended up in the position because they did not address the cultural issue of low birth rates. This is a problem that all of us who oppose migration will have to find a solution for. You could just stop mass migration and cop the economic downturn, but people are simple minded and greedy. And that goes for people at the top of society right down to the bottom. For any anti-immigration platform to actually be successful in the real world it has to be accompanied by a plan to increase birthrates.
But, pray tell, why did the population growth plateau?
>places where you could fuck mother daughter combos
That's pretty hot tho
Plaza Accord
Do you really have to ask? You know the answer. Jews, it’s always Jews.
In short because they fell for the women in the workforce meme.
The more complex answer is that there are a bunch of factors in the modern econony that incentivise having fewer children, the main ones being decreased child mortality and the fact that old people are no longer dependent on their kids in retirement due to access to banking and pensions. But the key cultural force is female independence and access to the workforce. The other factors wouldn't matter if women had nothing better to do than have kids anyway.
But there was huge economic incentive to put women into the work force. If you refer to my equation in the other post you'll see that adding women to the workforce is a shortcut to economic growth. It increases the working population. It also means all the work a woman does is taxable, as is all the work that the woman used to do like child care and cleaning, which you now pay someone else to do. But all of that is short term economic growth with a long term cost, because it does reduce your birth rate and thus your future working population. In the West our leaders don't give a fuck cause they will just import more worker. They think they can have their cake and eat it too. But if any government is serious about a low migration policy, they have to accept that they can not enjoy the economic growth and tax revenue of having the majority of women in the workforce.
Japan isn’t even that bad. I was there a month ago. I saw 3 niggers get the living shit out of them by 5 yakuza and one doorman who I think was yakuza too, and when the cops came they just looked the other way while the yakuzas got into 3 cars and left, and waited a good 10 minutes before calling the ambulance who just slapped/nudged the niggers around, propped them up on their feet, and send them off.
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OP (an AIDS infected homosexual) has been spamming this thread at least 2x/day. Then the kike with the Aus flag immediately follows through to shill Keynesian economic "NUMBER GO UP NUMBER MUST GO UP" gaslighting, based on the GEE DEE PEE PEE ponzi debt system.

Both parties want you afraid of deflation. The number going down = less expensive housing, food, and less job application competition, which is the thing the kikes fear most. Kill all permabulls. Bear markets will liberate the world from the globalist keynesian vicegrip.
Notice his blob of text response wants you hating your own people for lack of childbirths?

The real answer is people don't have kids because hyperinflation. Nobody can afford rent. Nobody can afford food. 100% of every young couple's salary goes towards basic CoL. It's funny how he acknowledges this by admitting feminism created a worker supply surge, while telling you that populations should still always increase forever.
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>My boyfriend called me a f***ing "n-word"
Is this about correct?
>I know because I've been fucking Japanese hookers for a while
Great you get the bullet first.
are you being paid to shill against japan on here?
it's pretty noticeable that you do this every single day
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>The people I've spoken to about politics are PRAYING (despite being godless)
>Japanese were seen as wealthy and sophisticated, and everyone else a garbage heathen
Sgt Gomez... Japan was always a proud Heathen country
Not one cause, obviously.
Some of the likely causes:
* refused to adopt new more efficient methodologies/technologies - fax is still used, administration is a nightmare, Japanese work hard not smart, etc.
* more exposure to pollution particularly plastics - fish accumulate a ton of pollutants, and Japan consumes a fish-rich diet, other food if highly packaged which increases plastics in it, etc.
* invested in the wrong industries - not Japan's fault, just guessed wrong
* population didn't learn English - terrible for a globalised world
* overly protectionist business environment - protecting strategic industries is necessary, Japan goes too far and just means they're protecting bad companies from vital competition
* like all countries, but more quickly: didn't find a role for young people (particularly men) that is valuable. Hikikomori exist in other countries (NEETs), but not in as high a number and not so checked out.

Japan isn't doomed though. They still have a common culture and importantly, respect for honour. Masculinity isn't gone, it's just overly controlled. Whereas here in the West, masculinity is almost banned completely in our culture. The government/Emperor could galvanise the country and make the hard but necessary changes: deregulation, mandatory modernisation, forced retirement/youth-advancement in management positions, ESL every year in school to a much higher standard, taxes on single people and the elderly, etc.
I don't care about non whites.
Another economic illterate sped who doesn't know what he is talking about.
The decline of the birth rate predates our current hyper inflation and CoL crisis. Japan has had deflation for most of the last two decades. And I don't want anyone to hate anyone else for not having enough kids. You're just sperging out.
And the fundemental observations of Keynesian economics are not equal to the monetary systems that Keynes promoted. They are observable realities that can be seen when looking into any civilisation going all the way back to the ancient Greeks. The problem is that modern society is geared to so efficiently exploit these economic principles at the expense of broader goals including the quality of life of the individual. If you want to advocate for a total rework of the approach to global economics then more power to you. But don't pretend that this is the only solution to the death of White majority countries when it is not.
>addicted to immigration
Unironically why is it still so difficult to immigrate for someone like me if developed countries seem to love immigration
Because they only want shit colored niggers, not white niggers.
But there aren't any immigration programs specifically for people with certain skin colors, are there? They must be using standard immigration programs, but how are they getting in when these seem pretty strict? Asylum?
I don't know probably cause you are Russian and our government is racist against you and your government doesn't want you to leave.
There are really three paths to legally immigrate to the West. You either have a degree and get sponsored by a company as a skilled migrant, you come here as a student, or you are a family member of someone who has migrated.
For most people becoming a student is the easiest option. The whole thing is a fucking scam really. There are businesses in places like India and Bangladesh whose whole business model is getting people into foreign Universities. And our Universities aren't really Universities. They don't make their money because of the education they provide. They make money because they have been given a licence to sell visas. They are making huge profits, with their top staff getting paid millions a year, all because they have been given an exclusive right to sell entry to the country. Shit is fucking putrid.
There's plenty of (((NGO)))s dedicated to finding the darkest, niggest of niggers to send to white countries. That and what this >>485847177 (checked) anon said.
>For any anti-immigration platform to actually be successful in the real world it has to be accompanied by a plan to increase birthrates.
Another "number must up", it isn't sustainable white bro, unironically billions must die, hoping for ww3
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But asset inflation due to monetary expansion has skewed the economy so that asset holders (older people) are much more wealthy than younger people who are starting out in their careers, so it becomes unaffordable to start a family while young. This is happening all over the place, but Japan has had interest rates below 1% since the mid nineties, so they are well ahead of everyone else. Low interest rates perpetuate unprofitable businesses and government projects, causing misallocation of resources through malinvestment, further hollowing out the wealth creation possibilities as the people who already have wealth hold onto theirs.
What you say is all true. And of course the cost of living issue is a massive hurdle in people starting families. But it is not the root cause. Birth rates dropped massively in the 60s due to contraception and women's lib. Real wealth for the average person did not start to drop until the 70s/ early 80s. In Australia we have been below replacement birth rate for over 40 years. You can graph asset inflation or real income or inflation and compare it to birth rate and you will see that the correlation is very weak. There are larger cultural and structural forces at play. The problem now though is that cost of living is prohibitive to starting a family. Even if there was a cultural push to have kids younger, or for women to leave the work force, they simply can not afford to do so.
But my point is only that if you want White people to have more kids you have to address the cultural and the economic simultaneously. The cultural alone is meaningless when people can't afford to have a family, and economic prosperity will not push the birth rate above replacement alone. And without an above replacement birth rate, the wealthy will keep letting in more migrants to maintain their capital growth, which will in turn raise cost of living and make having families even harder. If there even is a solution to this problem, it will have to be a holistic one that accounts for all these factors.
>"Tokyo feels almost as cheap as Bangkok"
Maybe it is finally time to become a passport bro
but I am going to eat my breakfast?
hold up i think i know which ex wrote that post
I guess, it's all thanks to the jews.
Ok, I checked out the historical birth rate in Australia. It dropped below 2% in 1980. And the rate was dropping (from the baby boom high) since 1965. But, consider that Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, the same year that the Australia dollar started to be pegged to USD. So we could say that the great inflation started from 1971, and the decline in birth rate from 1965 was a correction after the baby boom. But, the unaffordability of daily life probably hadn't arrived yet by 1980 so I guess we can't say it's primarily financial reasons that have restricted the birth rate. Late baby boomers were already having less kids.
although there are legitimate issues with the weak yen, you posted this thread yesterday.
There are more prostitutes in America.
There's your problem, all major cities are shit. Countryside or bust
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The dumb foreign redneck English teacher who comes to Japan can't read or speak Japanese.
They didn't graduate from college so they can't read crime statistics.
Japan's crime rate continues to decline while crime rates in the West are increasing due to immigrants brought in by the Jews.
it's normal
>go to japan
>taste something
>"Warui desu"
>the chef kills himself
English teachers would know
Japan is preparing legislation to impose a tourist entry tax of $10,000 per person.
Therefore, stupid and poor foreigners will no longer be able to enter Japan.
both america and canada are far richer than mexico.
Hey, I've been meaning to reply to you. I learned Japanese when I was a teen and it has been very useful for me because Japan was such a civilized and prestigious country.

But in the last few years, Japan has been going down the shitter so I started learning Chinese at my current age of 32. It's kind of disgusting how Jews are clearly destroying Japan out in the open and no one seems to care or try to stop it. This beautiful country that I thought would last forever is being destroyed.

Anyway, I'm just a foreigner so there's nothing I can do about it. And there's no more profit to be gained from knowing Japanese.

I did just take a vacation there earlier this month to meet my friends (30-50 year olds) but they will die soon with their country. Also, inflation is out of control, the food portions are smaller and lower quality than ever.
why are you pretending you're not a foreign english teacher?
White male English teachers in Japan are ridiculed not only by Japanese people but also by foreigners.
White men who have been staying in Japan for a long time tend to be highly educated, high-income elites, so they are always insulting white English teachers in bars.
If you want to live in Japan you should at least graduate from an Ivy League or Oxford University.
Otherwise you will be stuck as an English teacher for life.
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You know what? I hope you do get a boat load niggers and you chink eyed gooks get nigger mutted like you arrogrant midwitted fucks deserve.

By the way keep holding our debt while china dumps the bags on your head, which is the whole reason your economy is going to shit now.
Your fucking existence.
Tik-tokers are ruining Japan.

There are over 50 million black people in America.
They rape over a million white women every year.
Both Republicans and Democrats are slaves to the Jews, so they will not try to alleviate the suffering of Americans.
You should be more concerned about America than Japan.
Today, Kamala Harris let 300,000 illegal immigrants into the United States.
Abe wanted to stop this. He was anti-immigration. Then he got assassinated by a “””lone wolf””” attacker
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i aint worried about your genes cause you will sterlize yourself, but your friends and everyone you knows kids will be forced to be mated by their nigger to produce a work force you retards. You had your chance for white ubermensch genes but now you are forced to get mudslime niggers.
cool story most of that is bullshit
ah, 'their numbers not going up'.
Japan is OVERPOPULATED, it is same size of germany territorially, but with 40 million more people.
>People need to understand a very simply equation. Economic growth = change in worker productivity x change in worker population.
I see we have a i totally suck at math - person.
WRONG. it's the final gasp around the world of retards who believe in infinite growth. It is a credo spurred on by USA and is entirely false, they don't need higher gdp either, they need MORE TAX REVENUE, since they won't increase taxes, their higher tax revenue is then entirely accrued by gdp increase, creatin the illusion that you need infinite growth.
THE WORLD IS OVERPOPULATED, non europeans are massively overpopulated, japanese slightly overpopulated.
This bastard species is choking this fucking planet in almost every single way. Elon retard musk is wrong about everything and only care to keep wages low to collect more shekels.
Why is it you foolish american turds always use australian vpns? cause you think it's funny.
Mass immigration CREATES A DEFICIT, it lowers wages and thus lowers tax revenue. The country that has done it the most is nearly going bankrupt after doing it for last 50 years.
There IS NO LABOUR SHORTAGE and if you say who will take care of elderly you have temporary guest workers if you even need it.
The reason to not overpopulated is cause it's easier to go up than to go down. Because to go down meanse to have less children and in some cases none.
It's a varation of you turds saying incel and shitting on single people, and saying 'just have more kids' to stop mass immigration/racial warfare.
as if two random colleges matter on the other side of the world.
he continues his mental retardation wrong about everyhing and now steers it into women hate. Everything he says is nonsense, which is typical for the anti euro and anti japanese 4chan roach which is nothing but american scum who are judaised and negrified, the only thing hitler was correct about, nazism is not euroepan identity, nazism is and was almost entirely jewish. Judaism and Islam is as if nazism was a religion but 100x worse. Do you know what's going to end? global overbreeding of non europeans. Destroys their living standards btw. and chokes and pollutes the earth. FREE SPEECH AND FREE PRESS is going to end too, especially online, and also freedom of religion.
Free speech? you can't lie like you do in op, talk shit like you do, you never should be able to in first place, no there's nothing good about it, no there never will be anything good about it. It's american judeomason CRAP of the worst shelf. Companies can no longer set their own ToS, means they can't enforce corporate double standards and manipulate society like this, or elections in different countries or norms and values worldwide. There will be no double standard and acceptable speech will be determined at the state level, never again by private individuals or private corporations
No freedom of religion, now judaism and islam can be sanitized COMPLETELY with massive public approval. No rights of gathering, no hiding behind religion to spew bile and propaganda and to organize with nefarious purposes, in other words the total end of islam and judaism, and also of masonry for that matter.
Also, keep building AI, aka the guillotine for jews, muslims, rich fucks and in general unpleasant humans who thrive on making everyone elses lives uncomfortable.
That chart doesn't account for the cancer that is anime. Add it's relevance to the chart and maybe then I'll take it seriously
>You know what? I hope you do get a boat load niggers and you chink eyed gooks get nigger mutted like you arrogrant midwitted fucks deserve.
HAHAHA the only ones who deserve to be utterly destroyed is USA, no other country deserves total annihliation with all its people. You are the most arrognat idiots, wrong about everything, causing mass immigration aka racial warfare to planet. every single american idea belongs IN THE FIRE ALONG WITH THE US CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS; especially free spech and free press for you to run your lying whore of mouth 24/7.
The age of USA is over and not short enough it was, the age of american destruction has begun.
USA is an anti country anti people all its values principles and idiotic fraud terms, and notions spurred on by its endless lying aka free speech and muh free press. is bullshit. Everything what americans believe in is nonsense, all it has produced of philosophies belong in the garbage can. EVERYTHING AMERICAN STANDS FOR IS CRAP.
pewds.. is that you?
>immigrant seething about how the place hes shitting up is all shat up
what could have possibly caused the decline
op is an english teacher who brings fast food back to his apartment every night
Jesus! I can't fucking read your gay ass post. Please start reddit spacing I don't care if you think it's gay or your anon friends won't like you. This formatting sucks
why hide your american flag?
Wow that sounds really based and like something that actually happened
the only real white men with any testosterone left europoor generations ago for america, I'd hate america too if i were you if were in your shoes anon.
its cause he is an europooor
he's a retard, like the typical mass breeder moron excusers, he neglect the fact that japan is OVERPOPULATED and is a tiny island same size as germany, with 46 million more people than germany. It's why they live in tiny little japanese apartments.
The idiots even do same with chinese
>number not going up all time, chinese is dying number must go up
LOL china is 1.4 billion people they are like if USA 4x its population right now, welcome to china, cause it's near identical territory.
>number must stay same or go up
AMERICAN ARE THE DUMBEST IDIOTS THAT EVER LIVED ON PLANET EARTH, and i mean it totally unironically. Everything they believe in is garbage and i mean EVERYTHING they believe in.
From mass immigration to their fake races of white black and brown which are jew castes, and not actual biological human types. To thinking it's nazism to have a country for your people except israel ofcourse, they can have it. ANYTHING AMERICANS SAY, throw it out. They are trying in desperate online manipulation including on 4chan to make everyone as stupid shittalking lying bastards as americans. But they are not ultimately succeeding in that.
Also btw. usa is underpopulated compared to europe and japan. Only slightly underpopulated nations have high living standard because overpop means lower living standards cause there's too little go around for each, might want consider that LOL
The little pic he has is saying that the number is heading towards 80 million, know what that is? the population of germany which even germans say
>we could do with a few less people.
japan and germany almost identical territory size. japan just have 46 million more people.
Japan is grossly overpopulated compared to USA lmao
You post this same shit thread everyday EOP.
show your american flag.
>why hide your american flag?
geoflaggot retard, why you pretend you can't buy a vpn and pretend to be from any country in the world for very low amount a month? stupid american lying scum.
>the only real white men with any testosterone left europoor generations ago for america, I'd hate america too if i were you if were in your shoes anon.
HAHAHA americans are discount europeans, the worst garbage europeans of them all. Only garbage european trash like amerilards negrified judaised scum could ever bankrupt USA by the sheer incompetence of it. It's good USA is going bankrupt in 15-20 years. That will be the end of american influence.
Imagine being so retarded to push mass immigration and undertaxation for 50 years so much that you end up bankrupting your own country eventhough it has like 200x more natural ressources than say europe, on same size territory, and under half population. Near ideal situation and then fuck that up.
USA is the trash of every race. Infact if all US citizens dissapeared NO RACE OR PEOPLE OR COUNTRIES WOULD EVER MISS A SINGLE ONE OF YOU. You are a discount/garbage version of something decent that exists elsewhere.
Nobody is jealous of you. You ruining the world with your endless lies, shittalking, nonsense and garbage philosophies, you push mass immigration and infinite growth cause you retards who don't realize what you need is higher tax revenue not higher gdp all time. Because you are a nation of bastards duped by rich fucks who dupe you by muh free press free speech lies, so they can lie to you all time which you defend their right to do. USA has 2 parties cause it's USA of retardistan, so the rich fucks can rig it super easy. Has no political system. USA is a total fraud LOL
stfu garbage amerilard vpn retard. Geoflaggots and 4chan roaches always the same. You lie you lie and talk shit cause you americans. This entire species but especially americans needs its pathetic simian mouth SILENCED. and only to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.
I'm Canadian. why do people that hide their flags pretend that everyone was on a VPN? if you were using a vpn to hide your flag you wouldnt be using a memeflag. and you'd only use a memeflag to pretend that you're not american because you're a self hating american.
>Plaza accord
>Mutt fucked them in the ass
>Losing important technologies to Korean and Taiwan (Mutt fucked them hard)
>Saved housing companies during economy bubble, the stagnating economy is the price they will pay forever, until those companies and related banks collapse
why are you pretending i'm american? I showed my canadian flag.
The age of americanism and liberalism is OVER, enter misanthropic governmental system, anti trust, no rights for rich middle or poor, no rights for politicians, no rights for anybody, no freedom of speech or of the press, the greater filtering of human garbage is recommencing. Aka humans talk too much nonsense, lie too much and they need their retarded mouth SILENCED if they do not speak the truth and nothing but the truth. USA is a nation of liars and filth.
Anyone got a picrel of that beak nosed kikess who became a round eye Miss Japan?
Against a huge field of native japanese females?
How fucking blatantly perverse?
Its pretty fucking obvious the jew is fucking them up and also manipulated the crashing value of the yen for the last 20 years
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you are readable cause you a emotional baby almost like a bitch in heat
Are you retarded? Unless there is DRASTIC course correction, in that Japanese women start having 3-5 children on average starting RIGHT NOW, there will only be 8 million Japanese people between the ages of 30-40 in 20 years.

20 years isn't that far away, and for a country with 180 million people (currently), having a prime work force of only 8 million in 20 years is insanity. It will destroy the country.

8 million is the number of spics that enter america illegally every day, and there will only be like 30 million Japanese people under the age of 50...
your flag doesn't mean shit for where you are from you stupid american bastard. always this 4chan roaches pretend VPNS don't exist as they larp as people from every country. I hope you go to the countries you have shat on so in future you go to prison for retroactive speech crime. Of trying to mock and ridicule and slander the entire people there. Cancel all your global vacation plans for rest of your life, you will find this liberalist garbage USA represents is going bye bye in your life time. Total bye bye never coming back.
>Are you retarded? Unless there is DRASTIC course correction, in that Japanese women start having 3-5 children on average starting RIGHT NOW, there will only be 8 million Japanese people between the ages of 30-40 in 20 years.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. This is american black lies matter math. I hate you fucking american turds so much that words can't even describe it. If i was an alien i would seek out this planet just to stomp on some american skulls.
Africa and India have an population surplus, I'm sure they can help your country like Mexico is invading ours.
You know you could always just incentavize white western immigrants instead of shitting on them but you pride will take a few decades to learn that folly.
>you need to have fucking 5 kids otherwise humans are going to cease to exist.
actually we have a crisis because there's too many non europeans on the planet, too many humans. It's destroying the entire biosphere cause it's choking it with the way too rampant demand.
Japan going to probably be around 80 million in the future which is perfect for japan.
holy shit this nigger is SEETHING
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im kinda enjoying how emotional he is getting lol
>Africa and India have an population surplus, I'm sure they can help your country like Mexico is invading ours.
haha and first comes the american retard on japanese vpn, and then comes the ameriturd and says
>omg i'm sorry japanese dissapearing they going to be 8 million if they don't have 3-5 kids
>ah i am amerilard this is solved by importing more africans
ah, the death of americans makes angels sing, everytime an american dies, the world should celebrate. When americans suffer, others have it better.
why are you so black?
nono, i'm not seething i HATE on a cellular level anything american, any us citizen, especially euro americans but also african american, asian american latin americans, jewish american, muslim americans, i hate every single one of you discount trash scum who think you best of world. When you are infact the worst garbage. You have gone to USA and corrupted your own mind with your retarded nonsense. and endless lying which is what the only thing free speech and free press is about lol, to erect double standards and to lie all time.
Duh. These places weren't westernized capitalist countries before America conquered them. The first thing America did to Jaoan was to implement massive estate taxes to abolish the feudal aristocracy which had ruled Japan for many hundreds of years. Left to their own devices, Japan would not be what it is today and imposing American style hyper capitalism is a cruel punishment inflicted on a defeated nation.
why you pretend you hate africans? you going to go suck their dick in 2 seconds you negrified american scum. Sucking african dick is practically an american tradition.
>muh minotiries i got to protect da minorities
lol stupid amerifart don't even know how big africa is.
You make a compelling argument, but I think you fail to account for the fact that I do this thing called what I want, mommy. Despite the tension I anticipate this creating between us I do want you to know that I think you are a cutie-patootie, mommy.
usa garbage country who ruin japan just as it is trying to ruin europe after ww1 and ww2, which USA was instrumental in interfering with and creating which fucked up europe in a massive way and is the reason why putler is even a thing now. So ofcourse americans fuck up japan with their stupid ameritrash nonsense. NOBODY NEEDS ANYTHING AMERICAN FOR ANYTHING, never did never will. Americans just pretend they do.
show your flag since obviously you're not using a vpn.
Cultural my ass. Current economy system promise growth as long as population grow. But resources on earth are limited. Population have grown faster than capabilities of technologies, leading to lower living standards for almost everyone. Population won't go down forever. It will stabilized when the balance is reached, when developing technologies and provide steady living standard increase for their country
>You make a compelling argument, but I think you fail to account for the fact that I do this thing called what I want, mommy.
americans are simply lying trash garbage who want to have muh freedom to act like piece of shit.
>don't tell me what to do.
Oh but i will and the age of where you can do whatever you want is ending. Sorry but not sorry. It never should have existed, same as every other idiot idea that come out of ameritrash's heads.
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why are you so black anon?
Answer the question instead of being a nigger.
all geoflaggots are vpn users. For international agitation. Look at me i'm lying ameriroach i can pretend be from every country in world on vpn and try to instill international hatred in every direction look at me i'm ameritrash. WAAH DEFEND MY RIGHT OF SPEECH WAAAH DEFEND MUH RIGHTS WAAAH I AM AMERICA RETARD SO RETARD a monkey is smarter and better than american idiot.
usa of niggerdom, is calling me african.
Go suck an afro dick about it you pathetic worm creature, aka ameritrash.
and also nigger means BLACK.
The total annihilation of all US citizens is the best thinkable option, aswell as the total eradication of anything american.
if you were using a VPN you'd show your fake flag but you're not using a VPN and as always you're an american pretending you're not american
Japan is a service economy just like the United states. But it's crescendo of usefulness is just about up just like the United States is. This is what's happening. You're seeing it now. The end
This is important: how close to India are you?
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why are you such a nigger?
Answer the question instead of being such a nigger faggot anon.
japan actually sells lots of value added stuff like cars, semi conductors, electronics, videogames (nintendo), anime, expensive denim, etc.
Because the earth don't have unlimited resource
Living standard grow > pop grow > resource for each reduced > living standard drop > pop reduced.
The key is technologies which can unlock new resources or recycle resouces to improve living standard. The core of it is energy
>Cultural my ass. Current economy system promise growth as long as population grow.
nobody needs infinite growth you just need enough tax revenue to pay for everything. And enough jobs that almost everyone can get one. All this is made more difficult with endless population increase, living standard also go down. THE WORLD IS OVERPOPULATED, usa is underpopulated territorially, but doesn't need mass immigration either. It's what is driving down wages and causing the US deficit on top of americans not paying enough tax revenue.
See the infinite growth myth comes exclusively from USA and it's because. IF YOU WANT HIGHER TAX REVENUE WITHOUT RAISING TAXES, you need higher gdp.
Because then the tax revenue becomes higher without you raising taxes, but you can just raise the taxes and you get same.
USA has 28 trillion gdp but only 4-5 trillion tax revenue, they pay almost no taxes. This is why AMERITRASH SAY INCREASE GDP if you go to 40 trillion gdp or something like this insane like this. then you get more tax revenue without raising the tax as a %.
it's actually mass immigration is lowering salaries generating less tax revenue and is crashing the US economy by increasing welfare and labour surplus haha
This RETARDED COUNTRY NEARLY BROKE, it has 10-20 years left rofl
kiss more afroturd dick, amerishit.
oogaboogamerican. SHit on indians so more, no not indian, but i'm sure the indians in usa that ameritards bring in appreciate how much you shit on them. I hope they take dump in front of your house lol. Choke on multiculti multiracial and multifaith and enjoy the wonderful society of you having nothing in common but being greedy parasites in love with screwing ecahtoehr over for money which you soon will be without entirely HAHAHA
Stop reading kotaku, chud
is this not normal? I tell my woman she is arguing like a nigger when she starts repeating the same thing over and over.
What are you going to do next? repetitively clap while you’re talking? twerk on an ambulance? Get a high-paying fortune 100 job?
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just say you love black cocks anon thats why you cant stop talking about them
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I was there in July, I saw trash on the ground for the first time in my 30 plus years of traveling back and forth from NYC to Tokyo.

>Japan has fallen.
Unit 731-B when?
americans lie till they die, this is their fate to be retard monkey forever even to their grave they think their monkey nonsense is correct but it never was and never will be. They decieve themselves and others by their endless lies and this is what amerishart is.
They lie and provoke and annoy and push their lying toxic nonsense to rest of world. And soon they will be bankrupt.
tomrrow ameritrash will lie, day after ameritrash will lie and always they push their incorrect invalid garbage nonsense as the stupid circumsized apes they are. You cannot fix americans there's nothing to fix, it was never good it is a broken mess of trashheap of planet.
Bye bye 4chan fake nazi limited hangout roaches LOL
suck more afroturd dick american bastard. Btw. when you die you will be tortured aswell? did you know this? you have lot to look forward too.
>what caused this terrible state of affairs?
Are you joking? Japan was always extremely degenerate. Weimar degeneracy is nothing new to Japan.

Historically, it was less powerful and advanced than China. OP literally just told you Japan was propped up and invested into heavily by the USA post-WW2 as a bulwark against communist China. They had a huge recession in the 90s and they never recovered since. Look up Lost Decades. Japan is a small archipelago with scarce natural resources and now things are normalizing to reflect that. Population, wealth, industry, culture.

The USA beat Japan in WW2 because the USA is much more technologically advanced than the Japs. Japanese equipment didn't match the superior US equipment. We had better tanks, aircraft, ships, firearms, trucks, you name it.

I realize it might be hard to swallow but that's is only one way out for your people.

Come to Christ, His Catholic Church and repent for the sins you committed and those of your ancestors.

It is clear ancestor worship does nothing by now
Going full protestant would make you even more subjugated by usa and it's toxic ideology
Islam is too retarded for you
Buddhism is nihilism in disguise
Ortodoxy is subjugation by Russia.

Catholic doctrine is the only way forward for you. It do you choose death?
>older people are much more wealthy than younger people
If that was true no one would care about not having enough people to care for elderly. Because old people is rich enough to pay for those services from the young. The problem is the assets they are holding have inflated value. If those return to true value, economy will collapse, but it's also provide a new chance for the young to thrive. Unfortunately elderly voters don't want this
>Ortodoxy is subjugation by Russia.
Catholicism is subjugation by Israel via a pedophile cabal centred in Rome, what the fuck is your problem Pawel
>21 turbo posts in 30mins
its a kike demoralization shill that much is obvious
Finally someone who can think above propaganda
But the truth vs things they want you to believe are different, that's why free speech is needed
Average net salary in Japan is $1.7k/month. Enough said.
4.4M yen annual gross -> 3.24M net -> $1.7k month

A mcdonalds worker in the us makes more than an average Japanese salaryman.
But the have biggest guns, dude. Who will trigger the collapse? The jew? That's even worse
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Yes, do this, come to Christ.
They have missions full of niggers ready to flood your country with them to exploit your empathy.
The church asylums will even keep police from entering the premises to look for nigger rapists like they did in Norway in the 90s.
Jk, you don't need to worship Jew demons to rip birth control off the shelves, and ripping birth control is the only way.
Don't fall for the Christ shit they have millions of niggers ready to import Through their asylum schemes.
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>mfw the government will eventually pay me to settle and breed Japanese women
>fax is still used
and for good reason, modern tech is bloated, slow as hell and unreliable
Where is the proof of this?
If this is true then I am staying the fuck out of Japan.
Yeah it's a ponzi scheme. But the us dollar have the power to export inflation to any country holding it in federal reserve. They still control many important trade routes on the sea
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Core harder. We beat muslims here, not worship them like bongs.

And jews were expeled twice last century. While you are feeding them in their villas in the City.

Also I was taking to Japanese, not subjects of wife murderers
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Norway was not catholic and now you are niggerish.


Also the only catholic countries that have this issue are actually run by communists (Spain) or liberals (France)
>Core harder. We beat muslims here, not worship them like bongs.

You will

>And jews were expeled twice last century. While you are feeding them in their villas in the City.

Expelled by your superior neighbors, never you.

>Also I was taking to Japanese, not subjects of wife murderers

You're genetic filth of both east and west, pale gipsy. Ruined the continent more than once Mr. Honorable negro.
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>there will only be 4 million Japanese women between the ages of 30-40 in 20 years.
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Teaches weak faggot shit like tolerance and letting your enemies step on you.
Fuck your niggerloving pope.
This nigger keeps reposting the same shit. Sage and report for spam.
>Catholic church
No way. It's complicit and has a pedo cult which means they don't actively believe their own dogma, since Jesus outright said to kill anyone who hurts children in any way by using a millstone around their neck and throwing them into the sea.
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>catholic nations aren't cucked
1 close borders
2. arrest all non nihhons and kill them
This is done by jeronimo martins. It is not widely known or used
Yes we did. Learn history,not just LGBT+ history. You might have to leave Norway for that.
Fuck off, chuds, weimar is the ideal liberal democratic country. All democracies will convergence into weimar like countries. Future is female and weimar!
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That is not what he said and you sola scriptura niggers should now so I just assume you are bad faith debateer
Japan society is getting very old, and more old people = more taxes = less wealth. Either multi-use robots are invented soon to do most of the work or we'll need to go back to the old system of family rather than a public system providing for one's old elders.
>For almost 70 years, Japan towered over the rest of Asia. Japanese were seen as wealthy and sophisticated, and everyone else a garbage heathen.
Yes it's called industrializing first.
Now, japan is on it's fourth lost decade.
The problem is that Japanese people really did think they were hot shit for a long time... but now they're becoming desperately poor
30 years of stagnation does that. Japan death-spiralled it's economy by applying culture to business like retards. Oh wow you kept the price popsicles the same for 20 ywars that was so worth the wage stagnation, job loss and all the other forms of cost cutting slowing the economy down.
>The people I've spoken to about politics are PRAYING (despite being godless) for a Trump victory.
How the fuck is making everything made is US uncompetetive and giving ground to china gonna help the japanese
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>what caused this terrible state of affairs?
Gee, I wonder.
There are over 50 million black people in America.
90% of the population has no access to healthcare.
America has the worst Gini coefficient in the world, with Jews, who make up just 0.01% of the population, owning 90% of America's wealth.
Over one million American women are raped by black men every year.
Democrats allow 3 million illegal immigrants into the country every year.
America's murder and rape rates are over 1,000 times higher than Japan's.
70% of modern American weapon parts are made in Japan.
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Japan has net external assets of $3.6 trillion, the highest in the world.
Japan's GDP per area is the highest in the world.
America was built by slave labor and is still a slave colony to this day. But check out how many billionaire jews they got! JewSA! JewSA!
Oh stop being so tsundere jap chan unless you want papa USA to drop another nuke on your island. Japan is our vassal and Japan doesn't have a military lol
We protect you for free so shape up unless you want China to happily gobble you up
>think about teaching english in Japan for a bit
>really considering it, but decline because I am a shitskin and I know how racist Japan is
>turns out I was being more respectful than all the faggots going over and "teaching" english but really just working as salesmen
Damn, how did foreign english teacher get such a bad rep anyway
I love black people
What do yakuza look like in japan
I hope Japan closes themselves off from foreigners again for a few decades. They need some 'me' time to get their shit right.
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I understand your passion for this topic, but if you're going to keep making these threads as soon as they are purged, you might as well come up with a funny name (I propose /chin/ - Comfy Happening In Nippon) and make standard 4chan-style OPs, with links to the previous threads, etc.
Cause no one cares if he made them. Nigger OP knows it’s a one trick wonder.
Shut the fuck up subhuman zainichi gook
>random nigger in japan telling japan is fuck and worst off than america
Wtf does this mean?
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>That is why Western countries have been addicted to immigration.
From incoherent jabber on economics of scale, productivity to rather retarded conclusion that immigration is "the determining factor in how the economy grow".
Really? Being productive means low fertility rates? God you are so silly, I guess your brain turned into a mush thanks to mRNA vax and copious amount of brainwash you get from the internet in your comfy anglophone bubble.
30/10 three tails
>Woman hate
Logically answering a question isn't hateful retard
>Nazism is jewish
Oh you're retarded, got it.
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>In short because they fell for the women in the workforce meme.
Another super retarded take. Looking into nations with explosive population growth. It's India, countries in africa and such. Women there do what they can. They are a art of the workforce. Women were always a part of the "workforce" there.
Yes, and they have niggers and you poojeet.
We both have things to complain about.
>I know because I've been fucking Japanese hookers for a while

How much do you pay for 1 hour?
Everything OP said is pure bullshit. The majority of Japanese unironically think Kamala will/should win since Japs are the definition of herd mentality. The "unbiased" news in Japan generally shows Trump as having a "rough" image and Jap politics are 100% about image rather than results hence the shitfest that is Jap government. The only people that will admit to wanting Trump to win are Nationalist (minority in Japan) and you have to show your power level by talking shit about china first for them to even mention Trump
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true that
>Gee, I wonder.
It's not that. The issue is that men there don't fuck their wifes as often as they used to. And when they fuck the wives use birth control pills / IUD or force the husband to use a condom.
That's how it works.
Why did that happen? The consensus was manufactured, the people were brainwashed and told that you gotta be super rich to have children.
IT's that simple.
Look at shitholes like africa or gaza or india. No nothing, no toilets, no hospitals, no food yet they procreate.
you will understand what europe is going through and you will crash much faster than we have.

your populace is law-abiding, peaceful and peace-loving and now it is confronted with niggers that are and always will be children. children test boundaries with their parents (or society) and as a result your nightly strolls will become increasingly less safe.

you will see vending machines vandalized, scrawled over with graffiti, public utility damaged or filthened and your general quality of life will drop because politicians love niggers.

you will either have to learn to love niggers or solve the issue alltogether by banning them from your daily life.
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>Look at shitholes like africa or gaza or india. No nothing, no toilets, no hospitals, no food yet they procreate.
These shitholes lack mind virus of the left. And also the dangerous COVID19 somehow spared them. despite they used no masks no social distancing no vaxxes of any sorts. What a coincidence lol.
>The nice parts of Malaysia and the Philippines actually cost MORE than Tokyo.
JapAnon, I'm sorry that you got scammed here.
thy look Japanese
Their parent's "economic miracle" was financed by debt. Now this generation of Japanese are fucked and need to whore themselves out to make a living.
Things aren't much better in other parts of the world.
in canada like a quarter of the chinese prostitutes these days are tatooed up and larp as yakuza.
How much for a Japanese woman? What are the going ranges?
What age groups and services can I expect?
asian prositutes go for 100USD pretty much anywhere in the world. more in china if young and beautiful because chinese are rich as fug

a hooker at a massage parlour said that in china customers will buy them houses and cars.
How do I get chinese money?
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>it's because the hecking *current propaganda*
>it's not because they're using paper currency (the yen)
Unironically "yen" means silver/money.
Do they wear suits?
does that happen a lot? my home city in Central America hosts a us naval base and it's a human trafficking hotspot.
I wouldn't really care nearly as much if they were only girls of age. We're talking literal prepubescent children. Boys included, a ton of em, being sold away by pimps in public parks. You can tell easily.
Grow up in china post-1978
traffickers sell children in parks in mexico?
Central America. Guatemala. Near the border with Mexico. And I meant sell as in pimping. ESL please understand.
people actually pay to blow loads in prepubescent children in latin america? do locals not find it offensive?
Wow, you can feel the deep love and respect Nihon-niki have for the gooks.
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>And I meant sell as in pimping.
You'll own nothing and rent everything.

I don't support these kind of things, but it's obvious those pimps are just part of globohomo, doing exactly what globohomo wants and following the same principles of globohomo.
Both of these are bad
Japanese gouvernment officials had to use floppy disks to transfer certain documents, not because the machine runs on COBALT version 69, but because the law says so.
That law didn't get changed until this year.
It does seem to have accelerated exponentially post Abe assassination. Idk if it’s coincidence or it was planned but sadly every country is suffering because of corruption
Women getting the right to vote because a jew wrote their constitution after they lose the war, and America manufacturing the lost decade via their controlled central bank. See "Princes of the Yen"
This seems fine, but it's not gonna stop the mass importation of labour jeets and shieets.
live and let live is the bromide all protestant parishioners repeat, and they're content fighting squabbling against other cultists and the rapidly diminishing catholics anyway. it's more of a soulless grind everyone suffers though. Because of migration waves, no one keeps tabs on anything, nor do they have time.
Besides it's all cartel business. 40 years of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous Guatemalan Mayas seem to have broken them spiritually. It's all Dutch, English, French surnames enjoying the vibrant diversity in resorts. Lots of beaky Israeli faces too.
>population didn't learn English
This is good for slowing down the spread of jewish mind control though.
Did it ever occur to you that they didn't want to be (((Westernized)))?
>For any anti-immigration platform to actually be successful in the real world it has to be accompanied by a plan to increase birthrates.
The anti migration has to come first so white families can be single income families again. Right now the only people that are breeding are the ones with time to take care of children because they are retarded niggers/spics on welfare.
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>Does this remind you of something? Perhaps of Germany pre-WW2? Where the entire world treated Weimar (Now Berlin) like a cum rag? There were entire streets of pregnant hookers, places where you could fuck mother daughter combos, and famously, you could even pay to fuck an entire household (mom, dad, son, daughter).
Sounds like America. Our number one export is our degeneracy
Shame Americans FOREVER for doing the Jews dirty work like fucking idiots.
Jew S A
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Death to tradcucks
He posted another one yesterday. This feels like engagement farming.
Years h the irony that it be only a meme flag to connect the dots properly and find truth.

Japans state of affairs is entirely a result of inflation; the persistent degradation of their currency through unfettered credit expansion. The Yen is backed nearly 60% by Japanese government bonds, and it is clear now that the USD:YEN rising directly proportional to bond yields. In short, the Yen is an inflationary scheme that has reached its end of life. All manner of absurdities will manifest in This state of affairs. Since the Yen is so deeply connected to the US treasury, it might destabilize the whole global monetary system as it dies. Either that, or Japan is the future that awaits all of us.
There is no escape from this hyperinflationary end game.
>70%gringos can't afford 3 meals a day
Nigga 70% of gringos are overweight/obese
So they're catching up to the rest of us then? Well, shit.
US has been monetizing its debt into the yen for decades.
>Since the Yen is so deeply connected to the US treasury, it might destabilize the whole global monetary system as it dies.
Wasnt that what almost happened in August? Im just a crypto degenerate and everybody was shitting their pants for like one week or something
You could have just said 'with jews you lose'
all he's here for is demoralisation, probably not a real gook.
If jews keep getting their way they'll summon the demons helping them (interdimensional ayys) and they'll harvest the human race.
What happened in August was some portion of the Yen carry trade unwinding. It’s where for the last few decades, traders have been borrowing yen, and then selling them for dollars. This allows them to profit off the spread in interest rates across the two, which was large for a long time since BOJ held interest rates at 0 (even negative) for 30 years. But as I said above, the Yen has become the Japanese government bond; by suppressing interest rates, no one would buy the Japanese governing debt except the BOJ. As the BOJ runs out of ammunition to suppress the rising bond yields, the yen starts to devalue, this accelerated the carry trade and this accelerated the devalueing etc etc. they did an emergency interest rate hike in august that unwound some of that carry trade but how much is unknown.

The problems get worse, this carry trade has been a primary source of US government funding for 30 years. The dollars that get bought during the trade are used to buy Tbills. The nature of the carry trade Also forced the Japanese commercial banking system to almost exclusively buy US treasuries and foreign corporate debt in search of yield, so in effect, the Yen is plugged into the US treasury in a way that no other currency is.
The yen destabilizing forces a sale on treasuries to defend the yen, which will distort the treasury market and destabilize the dollar, which in turn destabilizes the yen. It’s all fucking feedback loops that can’t be exited.
>keep getting their way
If they don't get their way and the goyim start to throw off their yoke, expect some really bitter shit from those denouncers of Christ.
>a sexual playground. You're even starting to see niggers come here because the yen has been so devalued. Estimates now say that 1 in 9 women in Japan
it boils down to US fed money supply and japs hyper capitalism all meant in both countries boomers eyes to drag all the children to school, make being a parent suffering, and we live in a matrix where you go outside and the children have been taken from the daylight
the money is a complex solution, but give the children back their daylight
They rejected Abe's teachings in favor of gunpla and pedophilic comics
If I ever visit Japan for any reason I'm fucking a tiny Japanese whore. My buddy actually fucked a Jap Chick off Tinder here in Latvia. She had an Australian accent and spoke English tho. She just wanted to be stretched out by a big white cock.
Good analysis.
>number must up
Retarded strawman.
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3rd world cope
Just fuck the guy we tell you and they all fucked the same guy
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Kys kike
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That said, we should all take a moment and laugh at South Korea.
How can it recover?
Have sex you fucking retards before it's too late
I usually do not post on this hell hole of a board anymore, but it seems you were not given an answer to your genuine question. What caused this terrible state of affairs for Japan? Japan's economy is half or more directed by the state and their currency has been destroyed. The short answer to your question: oversized government, bad banking, and Keynesian economics.
Ask me how I know you're lying
How can what recover? The entire global monetary system after 55 years of a debt money experiment and infinite credit embezzlement?
The end of life is death, it can’t be avoided it’s just the way she goes. So too is hyperinflation the end of inflation.
Says the kike / jeet using a vpn
There are always people who will say, yeah indirectly it might be the jews but jews are not the direct subverters of a country like Japan, they practically have no foothold there.
Then why is the tokyo lgbtq pride is 100% funded by the embassy of Israel?
Show your flag projecting kike
Pretty smart for a raving memeflag. Past a certain point, human and economic expansion no longer accelerate technological development. A society that maximizes technology and optimizes population, rather than the reverse, is inevitable.
Catholicism is the pagan version of Christianity.
Nigger or Kike English Teacher in Japan
Trump won’t change shit
I am a twenty-five-year-old man from the capital city of a Western European country. I have a good job and a young family. I pay my taxes and I follow the law. Yet, I do not feel safe or even at home in my own country. Every day, I walk through streets that are completely alien to me. They are filled with people who don't look like me, who don't speak my language, and whose culture is so fundamentally different and hostile to my own, that it has taken the lives of so many young, European children over the past ten years that I have lost count.


At night, if I am to take my wife out for a meal, we must walk past large groups of young, foreign men who look at my wife like prey. (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53517022.amp)

If I am to put my children into public school or even allow them out into the street to play, I must worry that they will be groomed, raped, and even killed by foreign men whose cultures tell them that this is okay because women are chattel and white Europeans deserve to be harmed.

Every year, more of them come into my country and every year the demographics shift slightly in their favor.


Eventually, there will be far more of them than us, and I shudder to think what will happen to us then. Already, our "new European" politicians talk about how our governments, businesses, and families are far too "white European". (https://humanevents.com/2023/11/24/must-watch-irish-prime-minister-vowed-to-change-very-white-country)

We are told that we must accept the aforementioned behaviors or we are racists who deserve to be pushed out of society. We are told that when a refugee is given a suspended sentence for raping a child, it is because he could not help himself, but when a "racist" is de-platformed, de-banked, or given a prison sentence for daring to criticize immigration policies, it is for the greater good.


The country that I lived in as a child is gone, and it only took about twenty years to happen. We opened our arms to "integration" and "tolerance" and we received violent demographic replacement in return. We were told that we needed immigrant workers because our population was aging out of the workforce, yet most of our new "workers" don't work and supplement their welfare checks with criminality and thuggery.



We were told that we must accept refugees because it was the right thing to do, yet how can it be right to sacrifice the safety of European children in the name of protecting outsiders?

The rights of the citizens inside a country should never be sacrificed in favor of outsiders. We are told that this is the way things will be from now on and any who dare to oppose it will be corrected, by force if necessary. That is simply tyranny, there is no other word for it.

I will be called a racist for these words and thoughts. Whatever, the label means nothing to me anymore. But I will make a point of insisting that I am not just talking about non-white foreigners. Japan should also reject white foreigners as well. You have already seen how the worst detritus of the white world feels free to act in your country. (See Logan Paul, US Military rapes (although this is more of a multi-racial issue), white foreigners inserting Western political dogma into Japanese politics, etc.) Do not allow them any more leeway than you should allow others, which is nil. Send them back to their own countries, to deal with their own problems there, rather than cause you any more. They think you are weak. They think you are soft on crime, naive to the realities of identity politics and tactical victimhood. They will use these things to undermine you, subvert you, and ultimately overtake you through demographics and social pressure. They will insert themselves into your politics, your culture, and your very history, and then turn you into a pariah for questioning their right to do so. They will do all of this because these are the tactics that worked against them in their own countries. You must show them that they are wrong. That the Japanese people are strong. That they will not be replaced.
Because you are just lazy. When Afrikaans just take a boat and immigrate you just cries in your home and do nothing for migration, apparently, expecting that they should come to you themselves and give you all the necessary papers and money
I will be called a racist for these words and thoughts. Whatever, the label means nothing to me anymore. But I will make a point of insisting that I am not just talking about non-white foreigners. Japan should also reject white foreigners as well. You have already seen how the worst detritus of the white world feels free to act in your country. (See Logan Paul, US Military rapes (although this is more of a multi-racial issue), white foreigners inserting Western political dogma into Japanese politics, etc.) Do not allow them any more leeway than you should allow others, which is nil. Send them back to their own countries, to deal with their own problems there, rather than cause you any more. They think you are weak. They think you are soft on crime, naive to the realities of identity politics and tactical victimhood. They will use these things to undermine you, subvert you, and ultimately overtake you through demographics and social pressure. They will insert themselves into your politics, your culture, and your very history, and then turn you into a pariah for questioning their right to do so. They will do all of this because these are the tactics that worked against them in their own countries. You must show them that they are wrong. That the Japanese people are strong. That they will not be replaced.

I am writing to you because I see the same thing happening in your country now that happened in mine. You are being told the same things and it will lead to the same results. Already you see foreigners flagrantly harassing the native Japanese population breaking your laws, and broadcasting it all over the Internet to mock the Japanese people. This will continue. And it will get worse. If you give people the power to act as they please with little to no consequence, they will use it. Others will learn from their example, and the decline will continue.
>, to teach japs how to manufacture shit. They did not become the 80s powerhouse on their own, it was because of America, and same thing with S Korea and Taiwan but just happening currently.
USA destroyed Japan and you are a mistake


It is far too late for Western Europe, we have already committed cultural and demographic suicide. Japan still has a chance. You can reverse the process before it is too late. Instead of importing foreign "workers", encourage young men and women who have dropped out of society and the workforce to return. Encourage and incentivize young people to start families again. Encourage the preservation of Japanese culture and society. Fight back against the politicians and NGOs who want to bring an uncontrolled, unsustainable stream of non-Japanese into your country, in any way you can. Do not allow Western-style far-left progressives to bully you into accepting replacement by people who hate your culture, and do not let disaffected far-right whites and apolitical passport bros overtake your country as an “escape” from a West that they failed to save. They have no right to seek comfort in your land and contribute to the same downfall that they allowed to happen in their own.


Do it now, before it is too late. Your people and your country have a right to exist the way they have for thousands of years. Japan has no need for the type of "change" that the people in power want to bring to it. It has no need for foreigners, whether white or black, Christian or Muslim or otherwise. Your country has always, and will always have what it needs within its own borders. Its own people, its own culture, its own tradition. Protect these things. Protect your home and your children. Protect your future. No one else can do it for you.

Thank you and good luck,

a friend.
some Trade negotiatior who done whatever came after TPP cancelation when trump was in power was saying just yesterday that in the Trump POTUS situation Japan isn't going to be considered in any tariff stuff on Asia and that Japan should basically just ask Trump what he wants Japan to do and then do it because japan isn't in a position to negotiate and is far, far behind china in terms of importance and consideration.
> The rights of the citizens inside a country should never be sacrificed in favor of outsiders
Nothing in this world will make sense to you untill you accept the fact that you are conquered. Now you live by the rules of the conquerer. React accordingly.
Wow no way, now that America has gone pants on head retarded it's vassal states aren't doing too well?
Reminder that they essentially shut down /pol/ three weeks before an election with their new captcha rules.
you belonged to us in the beginning and you belong to us now. You are 2nd or 3rd tier. You should have been friendly to whites and treated us like royalty, and even let us come produce art with you. Now, you will die
For the better.
It was completely unusable.
You can also tell these measures nuked the shills from the Middle East because the best threads which also last 9-12 hours now instead of 2 hours at best are the threads made in America's early morrow.
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>Japan is the future that awaits all of us
funny you say that. i was procrastinating, came across a paper i skimmed through. it argued for the study of Japanese society, politics, economics, etc, because it essentially worked as a 'herald state'. lemme see if i can find it. google is being cheeks rn.
imagine engagement farming on 4chin.

Nah its a doomposter anon who changed his copypasta after he was called oit yesterday when making a similar thread and saying he couldnt live with 11 million yen a year (the average jap makes 3.5 to 4 million) and needed his daddy money from a trust fund he has in the US to survive, he is not being payed in US.Turns out he was a retard who wasted his money on prostitues, uber eats or eating out 3 times a day.. He got really mad iwhen it was pointed out it was hilarious and now he posted the same story but removed the details of how much he makes.
as op accurately describes this state is caused by delusion. a delusion that modern japan just happened without american help. now that the yen is being rugpulled by wallstreet jews and the globalist jews are sending waves of rapist invaders to japan to fuck them into submission the japanese are still in a state of confusion and ignorance and are probably trying to just vote harder and work harder and serve the gaijin harder and bow down further to apologize for the holocaust harder...but it's all futile.
this current fifth-gen warfare attack (against civilians) will either completely destroy and demoralize japan (as it did with germany) or rile them up into becoming fierce samurai again who will eviscerate and kick out the gaijin.

ps: goymoney is the perfect example of the bad outcome of such an attack. the soccer world championship of 2008 (a memoryholed event) was it's absolute peak of post-war germany where it showed the entire world that it is a magical clean land where everybody is friendly and wealthy and welcoming and everything looks nice and clean and the son is shining every day. millions of tourists from all over the world visited germany and couldn't believe their eyes how beautiful it is because all they knew was the gray rainy depressive shithole from the schindler's list movie. this made the jews so angry that they rugpulled germany similar to japan now and send wave after wave of rapefugees and ideologically attacked germany on all sides and now almost 20 years later goymoney is the depressive brown angry shithole the jews always wanted it to be. goymoney, which was built up after the war with american money to make it the industrial export powerhouse was not able to resist the buckbreaking which is now coming for japan. japan was only lucky that it is a far away asian island nation too exotic to be perfectly permeable for the jew so it's demise simply got delayed a bit until it was westernized enough to be thoroughly rotten.
>I live in chile a shithole country named after vomited up ground beef and beans

>8 million is the number of spics that enter america illegally every day

Yep, you're fucking retarded.
This nigger just admitted to being a childless loser in his 50s who goes to asia for cheap sex.

Is this the first honest /pol/ user?
I wouldn't call it cheap. If you take a whorecation to asia it's cheap, but if you LIVE here it adds the fuck up.

Also I'm 31 nigger, sorry if I like having tons of sex and I'm not a celibate fag like you
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>It was NEXIUM! And we're not investigating any further, goy! Arigato!
Brother thinks fucking hookers counts as getting laid.
10 years older than me. You should be an example of what not to be in the future. Get a life you degenerate
Abe said have sex but not like this...
Let me explain something to you. Your body cannot tell whether or not you "pay" a girl for sex. I actually see very little difference between taking a girl out for dates and fucking her VS booking a hooker for anal sex and then eating dinner by myself afterwards in total peace and serenity.

What your body CAN tell, is if the woman is attracted to you or not. If you're a higher functioning being, as in not a nigger, spic, Indian/Middle easterner or SEA nigger, you will actually feel BAD after sex if the woman was disgusted by you.

This is why losers and incels don't feel bad after seeing a hooker. It's not just about sex, it's also about a woman feeling attracted to you. Her attraction to you is the part that makes you feel good emotionally, whereas the sex makes you feel good physically. Both are key.

So if you're tall and handsome, like me, hookers actually enjoy having sex with you, and your body feels like you just successfully reproduced because of it. That feeling is better than therapy.

If you are a gross incel, you might feel good cumming but you will feel bad emotionally because you know in your heart of hearts the girl wasn't attracted to you.

show flag, curry nigger
I can’t wait til Japs start killing niggers
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your graph shows zero correlation between population decline and AGR.
Why did you mean by this?
Sky jew will save us from the jews
Yeah all you traitorous fucks went
>Japan is so special and based and pure! Waifus are magical unicorn women! Asians are the master race! White people suck and love globohomo!
For years and years and years not realized they were targeting whites because they were the strongest and put up the best resistance. Now watch the rest of the dominos fall one by one. You traitorous fucks can cry about Japan when you shat on your own people suffering. Fuck you.
Yes he would but the Japanese will never believe unless they’re forced because they have no independent thinking. They’d resist Jesus harder than they’d resist globohomo
The japs have one of the healthiest populations, why is your reply so botted and gay??

Netanyahu and the IMF are working to destroy Japan. Shinzo Abe was the last leader actually interested in protecting his people and Netanyajew had him assassinated because he wouldn't eat dessert out of a jew's shoe and let himself be humiliated.
Fuck you schizo. It’s fucking unhealthy to think Jews are behind everything. That’s why hitler lost the war you faggot. The Jews were living rent free in his head and the obsession grew to the point that he diverted resources from the Russian war effort to kill Jews. That’s why he lost
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That's not good. If Japan falls so will anime. I won't watch soulless chinese or korean anime.
I just hope Jomons oust yayois and rule Japan again.
>You're even starting to see niggers come here because the yen has been so devalued

good we coming in and fucking the japanese chicks who love black dick and you whites sit and watch jerking off

so fucking jealous we got more puusy then you lol
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>Weimar is when things happen that I don’t like
trump wont do shit for the mericans and he damn sure wont do any fucking thing for japanese people.
>i fucked a hooker so i got insider infos from the industry
i wish they shaved their pussies more
but what if you didnt have breakfast?
asian bush is nasty but its ALWAYS CENSORED WHY???
destroy your economy completely ,why don't you
and cartel drug lords and even the middling workers make far more than the average worker in either country
>The japs have one of the healthiest populations
Yet amongst the lowest fertility. Paying for elderly care in taxes is crippling the young. The West kicked the can down the road by importing millions of working-age people to spread the tax across a larger population (delays by 1 generation). Japan didn't. They're the canary in the coal mine. If they collapse, that's a ~20 year warning to the rest of us.
what end of islam? we're breeding pretty fine here jeeto
lmao japanese are not "healthy", they are just thin, which yes, is a huge part (like 80%) of being healthy.

AND YET, they consume tons of fish which is the most polluted animal protein and everything they eat comes out of plastic.

This is why they're turning gay and having no kids, toxins from seafood and estrogen mimickers from plastic. If you removed those two things, yes they would 100% be the healthiest people on Earth.
this is the face of mental illness
they think the pussy is sacred, so it simply led to scat and vomit porn
but there are no young manly men to revolt, they are all sissies and shutins - nothing will happen
just slow decay and complete birthrate collapse
TLDR USA moved all the production to China cause they have cheap relatively decent labour
I've never thought about it that way

I don't fully agree and think you are coping but I can't help but feel that there is a dose of truth to what you are saying

would you recommend coming though ? I don't like it here.
we need 10 millions churkas to build new houses and roads! (so officials can steal more money)
Revenues from foreign tourists account for just 0.5 of Japan's GDP.
Japan would have no problems excluding all foreign tourists.
>our economy sucks
>surely losing more wouldn't impact it
I agree with you and desu escortcelling doesn't feel that bad as an incel because at least you're paying her. I know whores are disgusted by me, but I also know they like money and if they're willing to let me do nasty shit to them for a relatively small fee it can't be that bad.
120 million, not 180, you fucking retard.
You need to plow through a mountain of hookers to understand this.

I'd say 98% of the hookers I've been with have found me attractive. Many have given me their LINEs and let me see them for free so I know this is true.

But the times that I felt a hooker didn't like me actually made me feel like shit, like I had been rejected by a girl despite nutting in her.

So I know from experience. I also know my ugly friends, even ones with money, don't really like to see hookers, probably for that reason.
Your catholic shithole has one of the lowest birthrates in Europe.
Yes, if a whore is disgusted by you, the only course of action is to lean heavily into the transactional nature of it and abuse her holes and dignity without mercy.
So how much longer till them japper whores are blowing niggers for a dollar?
The US cannot afford to save Japan.
The intest payments are already way than military spending, the US is in a death spiral and anyone with a brain knows this. Trump would need to cut so much of the budget to make it "work". Its all fucked now. Pray that the food situation dont become too bad were you live.
The real key to destroying a democracy is allowing women to participate in it. It is not a coincidence that the nineteenth amendment so closely followed the federal reserve act.
They gave Japanese women the right to vote on December 17, 1945. Part of the conditions set by their conquerors, USA.
All the rest was sure to follow.
Oh yeah, first thing Weimar Republic did: give women the vote. In 1918.

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