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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What the HELL is going on with men??
well this is what women fucking wanted, emasculated non threatening "men"
Foids will never take responsibility for societal decay
desperate whore trying to get attention from incels
" what's up with men they are all so gay now "
and y'all clap and act like she's based and redpilled or someshit
Women deserve this.
>Hot woman has opinion
I am automatically interested.
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Women demand society be gay and stupid so they feel equal... Why is everyone so gay and stupid
What’s her complaint?
I thought women didn’t want to always be viewed as sex objects?
Having a girlfriend is GAY
>What’s her complaint?
She's kvetching that it's men fault that her gaydar is malfunctioning
Good eye, friend.
My girlfriend has a tail
Isnt this what women wanted?
this, they said masculinity was toxic and now they hate gay shit too... moral of the story: women are never happy and always complain
The only men in relationships now are effeminate men. Chads only pump and dump and average men are incels who have checked out. Then there are simps who are either in a relationship or are desperate to be in one. If you look at the average married man in 2024 he is a gay emasculated cuck whose wife "let's him" do stuff.
No incel is interested in being nagged for not being heckin masculine. That's a boomer conservative thing. Her @ also suggests she's Christian, which also appeals to that audience.
She's right tho
Looks like she has more than one
These whores must cope and seethe for ruining society
Also these hags know the wrinkles are appearing and their days are numbered so they start panicking calling the younger men "gay"
We taught men to hustle for the money and find a loving girl with dignity, not these sluts, and it's working
Expect to see more of thesd whore seething soon, it's just the beginning
take their rights away, make teenage pregnancy by 20/30y old males great again
twitter screenshot thread should be a bannable offense
she voted for it.
Every time he said my girlfriend goes to a different school the shit caught me off guard. I didn’t even think he was telling the truth about it being a girl. It?
Raised by single moms, they had no male role models growing up. When young men cover their mouths when surprised at something, that is female behaviour.
this is what women said they fucking wanted even though they actually didn’t*
also women
>eww this nigga gay
Women are so fucking retarded it’s unreal
I often wonder the same. There are some faggy looking/sounding effeminate zoomers and millennials, and women seem to like that
What the HELL is going on with women?? Why don't they want to fuck me?
There's a name for those guys. They're called White Dudes for Kamala.
This never happens. She's just a homophobic spic who mistook his playfulness or something, for gayness.
Fagmaxxing. Women go nuts over the idea of "turning" a gay man straight.
They want men to have a set of DIP switches that can be changed to whatever best suits the woman in that particular moment in time. But better make that control into an iphone app as DIP switches are too technical.
/Thread, those are dudes who only had female influence in their lives from their mothers and her female friend circle. Everything they do and say is effeminate and they are completely out of their element around men, puts them in a majorly rough spot because they tend to be incels 99% of the time as well.
What does my girlfriend line mean
So masculinity is toxic and dangerous, but men should be masculine?
Turns out women actually wanted brutal rapechads all along who'd've thunk
That's what JEWS wanted. Women have zero independent thought.

Beat them & treat em like shit. Its all they respond to. And coincidentally, they'll be wet from it (they're fucked up).
Bitches won't suck dick
So men will do
Hail Hadrian
It means she's surprised he has a girlfriend
>So masculinity is toxic and dangerous
This is a catholic MIGA e-girl, I really doubt she ever affirmed anything like that
On my bar last night I had a black chick ask me if I’d ever had my ass eaten and then told me she liked my smile. Shits wild out here.
She's right. Men my age act gay as fuck. Shits so annoying.
No its not retard, its what kikes wanted
So you pussied out?
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same applies to women.

t. raised by a single mom, life was trash until i moved out
i always giggle at that shit
This is what women wanted
no its literally not tho. its what kikes wanted
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Women (and a lot of male normalcattle) are so blinded by their social conditioning, they can't see basic cause and effect; henpeck men into allowing all kinds of subversive social engineering, turn their own wombs into haunted graveyards... 'waahh, I need more meds, why won't real men date me?' This is the dysgenic experiment they demanded, yet they'll never connect the dots for themselves. I feel bad for zoomers who never had a chance.
wtf lol i just want dudes to nut in me because i want babies. you're autistic af lol
facts unironically if i didn't find /pol/ and come to understand the JQ id prob be an obese childless cat lady. The social conditioning is fucking insane.
youre not a girl bro lmao
>Western “women” who long abandoned traditional femininity wants to know why men abandoned traditional masculinity
if thinking im a nigga is what helps you cope with your autism.. whatever
>Men my age
then date older
I run circles around dudes in their 20s, in every fucking way
my fiance is 2 years older than me. I'm not opposed to being with older guys, i have been most my life (tho in retrospect some of it was pretty sussy desu)
i have been saying this for years
no one else has noticed till now?
>they're turning the frogs gay!

t. like ten years ago
>my fiance is 2 years older than me
and you're saying
>wtf lol i just want dudes to nut in me because i want babies
fucking weird
im very autistic yes but you have a penis
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well let's see now, what are things that make us feminine and what are things that make us masculine?
let's start with the former, estrogen is acquired from
>sugar, alcohol, sneed oils, soi, microplastics (so pretty much everything)
in the other corner, testosterone is gained from
>black pepper, rare meat, tobacco, raw onions and garlic, turmeric, getting into life and death situations probably

boy I sure wonder what the average 21st century fatherless worm of a man is most likely to acquire on a daily basis.
i mean when i say dudes i mean specifically my man lol

i dont. i have 2 toddlers tho?
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you've got 2 toddlers and aren't married
I dont talk to women. I dont notice women. I fuck men.
Yes. unfortunately my 1st child's dad cheated on me and left me right after she was born. My 2nd child was an oops tho me and her dad are engaged at least.

Not to make excuses but up until like 4 years ago i was an addict so i wasnt making the best life decisions.

I don’t like niggers, and that wasn’t even the full interaction you retarded Mongolian, it was a brief aphorism
Shut the fuck up faggot
That's gay
Post milkers
I don't think there's any mystery why you're attracting sub-par men, the men you want can do better than you .. sorry
Men taking women seriously=telltale faggotry
>up until like 4 years ago i was an addict
Kensington addict, or just normal addict?
>women when they find a man who wouldnt abuse them
>man tries to show he's not interested
>girl doesn't get it
>man drops "my girlfriend"
>girl rages
You shouldn't have cut off your dick, bro, you could have healed after you left if you gave it enough time
Fair, but a lot of boomer dads failed to pass on this kind of basic advice, so some of us had to learn the hard way. "Go ask your mother" was a common thing, even worse for those raised by a single mom.
craaaaab people craaaaaab people
Wow, homophopic much, lady?
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I have a sane gf who's father was in her life and still is to this day, and a few femboys that I fuck on the side. It makes childless roasties seethe for men to find pleasure and happiness in life without them.
That's a certain group of women who took over their men more than 2000 years ago
more or less. my first baby's dad was outta my league. He just broke up with his gf and wanted a rebound, guess that was me. we ended up being together for like a year and admittedly he was great to me while i was coping with sobriety. After like a year and a half i decided i wanted to try for a baby. little did ik he was already cheating on me with his ex behind my back when he was away on "work trips". he got me pregnant anyways and then like 2 weeks after she was born he told me he really didnt have feelings for me, that he was just staying with me because i was pregnant he felt obligated but that he truly loved his ex. At this point i knew he was sleeping with her reguarly but i was too pregnant to give a fuck and honestly just desperate to keep our "family" together for my daughters sake. so i basically allowed myself to get cucked the last few months of my pregnancy. then surprise he left anyways right after the baby came along.

we coparent and he's an okay dad when he has her. he helps me out a bit financially (less now tho bc i have a new fiance) but im still really unhappy with how things ended. lesson learned, he was WAY out of my league.

my new bf is honestly not nearly as attractive but he's funny, and caring, dick hits good enough and hes got his life in order. i feel better about it. The baby we had together is over a year old and hes been nothing but great as far as being a dad so

honestly pretty kensington lol. I was smoking meth almost daily for 4 years. got in all sorts of legal trouble. brain is fucked. did gross stuff with gross people.
im not a cockchopping tranny retard. i fucking hate troons lol
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alright nevermind she's based
microplastics, eat good food and don't wear polyester and you won't become a faggot
They do though, these are the guys with girlfriends
>non-existant woman
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>Shit test society at large
>Society falls for it and is ruined in the process
what phenotype is this?
>my new bf is honestly not nearly as attractive but he's funny, and caring, dick hits good enough and hes got his life in order.
imagine if he knew that's how you really feel
he's the compromise, the consolation prize
>doesn't overreact
sure and her pussy never smells either right
Sounds like she's just mad she's trying to fuck metro sexual men who already women more than anything. Shes probably single in her 30s with drying ovaries and no prospects for starting a family.
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For me personally it's a smash
Bitch shut the FUCK UP nobody cares about you or your life you fucking retard
A jew lmao.
I said before I’ll say it a thousand times, you should never ever listen to a woman when she tells you what she wants. She doesn’t even know what she wants. You have treat women and their outbursts like you would a small child, you absolutely cannot take it seriously let alone buckle for it. Our grandfathers were always right about women.
i mean id imagine he feels the same about me. I doubt he tells his family im a former meth addict with a body count a mile long. Honestly dude no one is perfect, and if you arent willing to compromise on things you're never gonna find someone and be happy.

I didnt say he's unattractive. (hes not) he's just not a 10/10 chad.
Point is, it's not "CRAZY" it's totally fucking predictable, she just wants to join the new wave of 'influencers.'
thought so lol
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Or like my dad - the beta orbiter who ended up with my mom when she was post-wall. She wanted out of a small town and he was a Navy Pilot, she saw her way out and "accidentally" got knocked up. She's passed away over a decade now, my father is still..STILL the biggest fucking bitch I have ever seen. Absolutely has no self respect and white-knights like the moat pathetic sperg. Not one single time has he ever helped out my brother or I financially, but if some fucking woman gives him a sob story he's already writing the check.

Boomers really are the worst fucking people in history. All of them a new york jew-tier kikes when it comes to money, absolute shabbos goyim when it comes to politics, completely degenerate coomers when it comes to social interactions, and absolutely pathetic, spineless, beta male proto-s o y faggots when it comes to women. Every lesson I ever learned about masculinity I learned from my father - just the opposite of what he was doing. How to be a man to me = don't act like dad

God I hate boomers so much
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You have to go outside in order to achieve this fren. Good luck.
You guys make these posts like anyone id surprised you'd fuck a chick who wouldn't fuck you. That's your life story.
>I doubt he tells his family im a former meth addict with a body count a mile long.
jesus h christ
woman annoys you in hope they get rapped.
I understand, my dad died from war/alcohol related heart attack when I was 1 years old. My mother's side grandfather died in the 60's in a drunk driving truck accident, and my father's father died when I was 9 because he got ran over by a bus crossing the street (ironically, he was a retired bus driver). I had pretty much no male role models because they all either died or emigrated to australia/texas. I even used to consider myself a feminist in college years, but that direct experience made me realize how retarded women are
Birth control makes women like faggots.
>Or like my dad - the beta orbiter who ended up with my mom when she was post-wall

this is my step dad hardcore. My mom was trash my entire life and then when she met him (i was like 20 at the time) she put on this "im a great mom and productive citizen" facade when in reality most her life she sat around the trailerpark getting shitfaced with our equally shitty neighbors annoying me except to ask me to bring her more beer. she was a neglectful piece of shit that very well might have literally traded me for weed when i was a teenager but then when my step dad came into our life she suddenly pretended she was this perfect middle class mom bullshit lol. im like 99% sure she cheats on my step dad but hes the kind of dude that as long as he can watch football in peace and gets his cock wet once a year he's not going to argue over anything happy wife happy life its honestly sad. i love my stepdad and its just so depressing to see what a broken dude he is. Dont get me wrong my mom is attractive for her age (shes mid 40's) and hes alot older but also he has money and a good job and shit he could def pull better than a fucking dumbass like my mom.
this is white men
trust me its depressing af.
lmao idgaf, why are some american's existence defined by how many holes they fuck?
Woman like it because those men are easy to boss around but she will eventually cheat because he isn't capable of making her squirt. She will then gaslight him about how it's his fault she cheated. Seen it a million times
She wants somebody that will spit in her mouth while choking her. Pass.
on the one hand, I detest women like you .. back in the day if I ever matched with you on a dating app and found out, it'd be a hard delete/ghost
on the other hand, I'm glad you found someone who will hopefully help you raise kids who don't fuck up like you did
Gay dudes are a certain way becuase they're affecting effeminate mannerisms which were born from purposeful observation, deconstruction, and mimicry of womens behaviors as part of a decades old culture which intentionally adopted these mannerisms as a form of gay signaling and covert communication to one another and gradually became more exaggerated and pronounced.
Now however, unfortunatly for the men effected by it, theres a whole generation of men raised by single mothers and female authorities who didn't have any significant male influences in their upbringing who authentically have similar effeminate mannerisms and manners of speech becuase of that upbringing but aren't affecting or signaling anything by it.
thats the goal. i dont wanna be a single mom dude. my kids need a real family and stability.
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Because they have no higher principles, basically animals not deserving of the title "human." New Dark Age, I guess.
I dunno but go watch House-hunters to see this phenomenon in nearly every episode block.
who doesnt?
truth trips
Ahh look in the eye gay. I thpught you couldnt tell lmao
>its based to act gay

What a cope. i expect better from Russia.
Honestly mannerisms like that, while feminine, don't set off my gaydar. The weirdest thing is straight guys who sound gay and/or seem to have gay facial structure
Go for it girl I'm just not that dude, guy. Andrew Tate has like a million disciples to pick from. Lol
actual women don't usually want men to spit in their mouth during sex. roleplayer.
This goes hand in hand with modern rootless jewsmopolitan woman's obession wirth faggy south korean men.
actually thats fair the spitting part is kinda gross. The choking though? fuck yes.
I wrote nothing of the sort. My point is that she's playing a specific character with that post and that character is meant to appeal to boomer conservatives, not incels.
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>could it possibly be MY fault?
>no, it is all men's fault.
Yep, the jews knew exactly how to exploit the weaknesses hidden within us, whether via women (new breeding material for invaders, they don't care much about the pre-existing society) or materialism (boomers got their rewards for selling us out). It's become institutional treachery. Like a rotted-out, decrepit forest that's just waiting for a fire.
its cringe that they turn this into something political instead of just admitting the fact that they wanna get fucked by dominant men lol.
>women want something
They always want what they don't need.
men are fucking faggots thanks tot he Alex Soros "Make everyone gay campaign"

Not a single beautiful woman wanted this, you refer to the sub5 monsters that want to ruin it for everyone because they are disgusting looking trolls
Eh............... Yes, I do wanna rape them (subconsciously). Yes, I do want to imprison and impregnate them (subconsciously). Yes, I do want a loyal female to hold their wrists (subconsciously). Yes, I do want to drive myself into their fertile wombs (consciously)

But.. and I think this is the important part.. the main thing is, it is all our fault DESU. Did women get voting rights themselves, or did we give it to them? Did women make "domestic abuse" illegal by themselves, or did we make it so? Etc.
Thumbnail made me think "maybe." Then I clicked the image. Then no.
lel that was pretty much exactly my mom, too. except, instead of drinking, she was a hysterical naggy feminazi who was constantly on my ass. she fell for the liberated woman meme and left my dad and killed the family dog just because. and now she bitches about me not ever showing any emotions...
But at the same time, women do wanna get raped. So, you know.. just don't take women seriously and treat them like children, which they eternally are
that's so stupid, they only do that crap in the movies, practically no one does that for realz.
>Yes, I do wanna rape them (subconsciously). Yes, I do want to imprison and impregnate them (subconsciously). Yes, I do want a loyal female to hold their wrists (subconsciously). Yes, I do want to drive myself into their fertile wombs (consciously)
I don't. Except maybe the imprison part, but that is to be followed by execution, not impregnation.
my mom is too retarded to understand politics or care about it.

since i left home most her life revolves around drinking still, working at family dollar and watching bullshit reality TV. I talk to her like once a week now, she cant understand why im short with her. in reality i realize how fucked my life is because of her and i honestly kind of hate her.
you either got it, or you don't. i've seen tonnes of dudes get laid, and there's zero consistensy amongst them. short, tall, skinny, pudgy.. and then there are the in-betweeners who somehow never get any no matter what they do. and if they by some divine miracle get some, it's just a quick one-night affair, and nothing more. life sure is weird, brahh.. it sure is weird..
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>it is all our fault DESU
I guess you could say blaming vast societal issues on individuals is a form of gaslighting, right? Too bad chances for communal bonding have been hollowed out, there were all kinds of men's clubs in the past but we know what happened to those (except the approved shabbos-types).
>I guess you could say blaming vast societal issues on individuals is a form of gaslighting, right?
It's a form of autofellatio. Better to pretend to be a temporarily embarrassed omnipotent macho man surrounded by faggots rather than admit your worthlessness.
You know at this point I'm just going to move to South America where the women still respect men.
But I'm not blaming it at individuals, I'm blaming it at men collectively. Modern men fail to take responsibility. Just like modern parents refuse to take responsibility over their children - so do the men fail to take responsibility over their women, and women are just barely above children realistically. And just like a parent can say (and be somewhat right) "it's not my fault, it's the touch screens and pewdiepies", men can say "it's not our fault, it's the social medias and kardashians". And sure, there's validity to that, but at the end of the day, it's the fault of the parents for not smacking the shit out of their misbehaving children, consequences be damned.
>wtf he isn't into me?!
>i have a girlfrien-
femcel thread
Don't like the Russian see this
She's just mad because he rejected her "He must be gay" is cope. It's like how incels call women whores when they get rejected.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that's what you were saying. Just wanted to point out part of what's kicking the can down the road for anything turning around.
women don't know what they want
>women don’t want to date conservatives
>end up only able to date leftists
If you’re a mid woman, you won’t be able to get a masculine leftist man. Those are uncommon and they get the pick of the hot leftist art hoes.
Gay hands typed this post, be a real man you fairy!
>and they get the pick of the hot leftist art hoes.
no they don't those types only date conservatives you know it all incel faggot
okay gay boy
tits. now.
What do women want? Simple, they want more. More of what? More of everything. When they get it, they aren't happy, so they want everything to change. And when they get that too, they're even less happy.

Pay less attention to what people say and more to what they do. People often lie with their words (they especially lie to themselves), but they'll rarely lie with their actions.
What women have been expressing that they don't know they've been expressing is that they don't like niggers they scare them. Their retarded female brain however has to group all men together so in their minds all men are just as bad as niggers. Yes, this is the extent of what they've done to you.
Women only repeats what they have been told through the media like NPCs
>gay, happy in french
Why women hate happy men? Why are they so evil?
So do many men to be fair.
I curse every other word, I'm racist, sexist and hate faggots.
They wouldn't like that either so fuck off roastie scum.
>Be man
>A 3 holed entity shambles to you
>Act as gay as possible to discourage further contact
>Catch a whiff of the primoridal stink oozing out of her gash every time she waddles
>Drop a "My girlfriend" and 360 away
Every art hoe I’ve ever met has dated either tall skinny blonde dudes or some guy 20 years older than her who owns a tattoo shop
I have seen it plenty of fail videos. It's real.
Women created this fad
Men aren't the only ones to blame. Women on birth control are the reason these "men" have girlfriends to begin with. The most sterile coupling
I can't help it, my mom raised me to be gay. She used to dress me up like a girl at age 10 - 12, and she had me doing ballet and horseback riding since I was around 6. I've been thinking about getting speech therapy to de-gay my voice.
both are conservative
you lanky faggot
Huh never thought of it but true, men don't do that. At least I don't. Usually I immediately look and analyze the situation.
Nothing but meaningless buzzwords. Call me when she actually adds some detail to her post and explains "what talking like a fag" actually means.
Translation from foidspeak: She’s calling some dude effeminate/low status and telling us that she doesn’t think he deserves to reproduce
People who go to art galleries and wear turtlenecks generally aren’t conservative.
>thinking im a nigga
This made me unhappy. Is that seriously the word for a gender in your language?
>I've been thinking about getting speech therapy to de-gay my voice.
I used to think this too but my dad also sounds gay. I'm not gay though. What it really is in my case is a singsong-y autism voice, like a kid. There *is* a difference between that and gay voice but most people aren't aware of it. I do my best to mask when talking to friends and talk more monotone and gruff but it burns a lot of calories and I need a lot of sleep afterwards.

Sorry anon.
>getting speech therapy to de-gay my voice
Also you can do that for free. Practice in your car or something and record your speaking voice on a few sentences. Keep trying until your voice sounds how you think you should sound in your head.

You can also practice impressions of people you want your voice to sound more like.

It is pretty tiring though and there's no guarantee you don't go back to sounding gay when you're relaxed.
you must never let that one russian see this. holy shit.
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Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
Horseback riding is a hole punch on your man card. Patrick Swayze practiced ballet. But I do understand your predicament. Try to hang around guys. Join a boxing gym, get a part time job in a garage, work construction. They will shape you up.

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>well this is what women fucking wanted
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>I've been thinking about getting speech therapy to de-gay my voice.
I tried that because I am nasal, but singing lessons were all that is offered around here for voice. the best advice to de-gay your voice is to relax, breathe deeper. Watch movies and real people and see how they talk. Nothing wrong with taking what you see from from others what you want for yourself. I wish I did that more.
he moggs that mid tier bitch lmao

he could have done so much better, I'm not gay but naturally attractive males with no make up no nothing and an upsidedown triangle physique as so much more aesthetic than some meatbag with a hole

brutal stuff man
based roastie telling it like it is

on the flip side you have guys mostly rural chuds who speak in a purposely grating tone seemingly attempting to sound more masculine.

humans are trash
>People who go to art galleries
people who go to art galleries fuckin' suck. HUGE bunch of assholes.
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My German brother.
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this is what they voted for.
Females have evolved to follow strict rules, religions and to observe social consensus to breed with the best males in the tribe according to social hierarchy.

>why are women so crazy

When instructed by society with social consensus set by social media they will conform.
The tribe is under occupation, the hierarchy was taken over by parasites, the religions are fake and they get their social consensus from demon worshiping social parasites through black screens in the form of psyops created by military intelligence and demon worshipers.

Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood castes who travel to large ethnic groups and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the ethnic group.

The new (((priesthood))) force a religion(moral framework) on the population which is based on a foundation myth(souls, one god, equality ect). The moral framework sets the social consensus. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. Due to the social hierarchy normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class. This is the origin of the normie.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group. The best of each caste must also be rewarded with rights to reproduce to improve/refine the metaphysical body. Should the least capable: the lazy, deformed, cowardly, unwilling, degenerate or abnormal breed. The metaphysical body will degrade.
A moral framework must account for this.

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Women have always thought I'm a meathead rapist solely for being a gigachad who looks like he could play in the NFL
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Just Plap them bro
It's so simple
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>Having a girlfriend is gay
It kind of is,
>Drained balls
>Drained wallet
>Always going shopping/doing gay shit
>Holding purses, getting gay girly drinks and snacks all the time
>Have to act sensitive and emasculated all the time or she will bitch at you
>Can't talk to/check out other women essentially making you act like a cuck
>Always dealing with emotional shit, eventually you start taking like a fag
She's mad because she got rejected
America has a masculinity crisis every 30 years
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This, they likely even have milk squirting out of them
>masculinity crisis
you can say jews here
America's Jew crisis has been continuous since the 1890s.
No one wanted this, you fucking faggot. So sick of you people. Shut the fuck up.
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oh it goes back much further than you realize
phytoestrogens in the food. It's been going on for decades.
Anticipating the (((usual suspects)) to publish articles like "Yes, phytoestrogens are in your food and men should eat more, here's why." any time now.
This is what MILLENNIAL women wanted. Childless fat feminist cat ladies with no future.
Gen Z wants men.
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> i realize how fucked my life is because of her and i honestly kind of hate her.

Yeah, our fucked up upbringings can lead us down some bad paths, but remember that hating them for being what they are is like hating fire for being hot or water for being wet…and it’s just one more weight to carry

Don’t forget what you experienced, or what they are, but don’t let it define you.

You know that carrying that burden will have you sucking dicks for a fix like any other coal burning, beaner banging, fuckhole…
So keep yourself on the better path
interesting that a fucking swedes says this though...
Does the word "metrosexual" not exist in this bitch's vocabulary?
sdolen valorr fuggg XDDD
Women don't know what they want. Never give a woman what she wants, give her what she needs.
I take back my previous advice. OP just doesn't know what a dandy or lady killer is. There used to be a type of straight guy that was just smarter and somewhat feminine but not as feminine as an actual woman. This has been taken away from us.

Go rewatch cruel intentions. If that movie came out now, audiences wouldn't understand why Ryan Phillipe's character isn't gay. Frasier. Schmidt from new girl. Chandler from friends. There used to be a ton of gay but not gay characters up to a few years ago because it's a type of person who exists. Tony hinchcliff, John Mulaney.

Be a pussy get pussy. Dandymax. If a man hits on you take the compliment, women don't hand them out.

It has worked for me. It's hard to be friends with other men though. Normies don't trust you and other dandies are catty and over socialized and competitive. Don't be like them.

But do find your niche and don't take shit from anyone.
Who cares? I prefer to fuck men.
fucking tattoos, goddamnit
Only white guys do this btw
why is spitting not okay but kissing with tongue is? same fucking shit, exchange of saliva
Miranda is a humongous faggot. Ignore.
literally what they wanted
they voted for it, threw heroes in jail for it, killed for it, told everyone they'd die for it
now they're getting it, and suddenly they don't like it any more
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Yikes sweaty, this botched mtf'er is giving me mayor ICK y'all.
Female psyop to humiliate men to man up and act masculine AKA start working and providing for women and their lifestyles you dumb chuds
humiliation stopped working on millenials. you could shame genx into submission but millenials will only double down
most men who are in relationships with women are closeted homosexuals.
Just look at justin Beiber and most singers/ pro atheletes/ rappers etc. Most of them were former cock suckers who are now in relationships with women.
I think I'll just buy more motorcycles instead.
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>women still thinking they have any value left to burn through shaming or humiliation
This is the saddest part tbhfam
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Nope, that's what kikes wanted and you faggots fell for it.
By far the most common marker of a homosexual man is sitting on the toilet to shit. Heterosexual men shit standing.
>What's going on with women, they're all whores
women take so many words to say nothing of substance.
go clean dishes, whore.
>take birth control
>go out of your way to talk to men that look and act effeminate because that’s what your newly implanted hormones are telling you to do
>”why men gay?!”
As someone who works phone sales this is so true. My biggest pet peeve is white guys with faggot lisps and then half of them have wives somehow.
So here me out… there’s something in the water
most men are turned gay by their wives. Live with a woman for 5 years and you end up wanting to get a good bj from a twink instead of listen to her nag and bitch and rape you financially
This is what it is.
It's a game women play for cheap validation.
> flirt with the gay guy
> he flirts back
> he thinks he's being one of the girls
> she convinces herself that if he wasn't gay, she could seduce him, and that strokes her ego

but then...
> he mentions he has a girlfriend.
> so not only do I not win, he's blocked me
> it's him making the decision, not me, my ego suffers.

It's the same reason why 20-somethings always flirt with 80-year old impotent men.
good point. If you don't smile and give modern women a flirtatious vibe and kiss their asses, then they will slander you and get offended. Biggest insult to women is ignoring them
kek. I know exactly what she's talking a about. wife follows some youtube fag who literally makes a living just by making fun of fat women for slightly less fat women to watch and feel better about themselves. channel name is something like "lordy it's jordy" and he sounds gay as fuck, like 400% super AIDS gay. apparently he has a wife and kid. 100% talks like a woman/fag, but apparently he can still get it up for a woman and nut in her at least. or he's just a fag/cuck with a fake marriage to save face. sad either way. many such cases.

There's such a thing as you're talking about, but Tony Hinchcliffe isn't that, he's actually gay
Can’t believe nobody is stating the obvious that all the faggiest gays have transed now. after all, gays were always pathologically and neurologically female shifted, the trannies were just the ones who couldn’t do the cost/benefit calculus and resign to play the hand they were dealt.
Now gays think the tranny thing is their ace when it really just a joker (or that instruction card you throw out with the plastic wrap)
Turns out humiliating and traumatizing school kids for being le heckin white males from age 5 on would desensitize them to embarrassment. Who would have thought?
Zoomers all sound like flaming faggots.
I literally cannot the difference between a faggot and supposedly straight zoomers. Every Western male under 30 sounds like a faggot to me.
Isn't that what wamyxn wanted?
low testosterone
>signaling to woman he's uninterested in her
>reveals he's not available
>h3 Mu$t B3 G@Y!
lol stupid predatory whore

latinas are the ones who do this the most often, really disgusting
Just wanted to post I made the mistake of zooming in on wojak's head whilst being high as a kite, I laughed so hard I almost choked
his right you know
its so bad that the current generation of teenage / young men dont even have grandfathers, their moms are single moms and their grandmas were single moms
I've noticed the nonthreatening feminist ally look and mannerisms have infected a lot of 20-40 year old Christian men in the last few years. Not sure why that is, but it makes me gag.
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>Twitter screencap
>likely bot post
>low quality thread topic
>300 replies and not a mod in sight
Don't ever believe that what they've done to this place was to "stop spammers."
4chan is dying, make no mistake.
Bloodhound gang started
>i wish I was queer so I could get chicks
kys subhuman and go back.
also nobody before you posted anything about that whore being based and redpilled.
>'Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races;
out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.'

>Bhagavad Gita [1:41]

There is a reason that the first thing kikes did to get the ball rolling was is push "women's liberation". Almost all of the formative early feminists were jewish women.
>says "bro"
Sounds like she is a dude, and they're a match made in heaven.
None of this is happening.
Sounds like a leftist issue to me...not my problem...
not everything guys do is meant to get women horny, fuck off
>looks 40 year old

Yeah it's a smash with a fist
fuckin lel
nice job with the first post. thats a lot of it. men are oversocialized and especially white men have been turned into 6lb lapdogs. Jewish feminism attacked masculinity but not that of brown/indigenous stock. Just white guys. White boys have been growing up with feminist poison stuffed between their ears and are afraid to even hint at flirtation with girls because its all connected in a thousand ways to sexual harassment and sexism
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Why the zionist t*urkshits who sucking Netanyahu's dick all day long are so deluded?
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It's too late, I already told him.

>but not that of brown/indigenous stock
>he doesn't know
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>REMINDER: All of these post
from women complaining about men is just then complaining about one specific man but they're too afraid to actually name them.

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