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The subreddit is melting down again over the JD Vance podcast
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I didn't listen to it, what happened?
Anything dramatic?
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I'm 1 hour in. It's a great podcast. So far they've talked about Trans crazyness, the lie of the Covid Vaccine, and big Pharma funding democrats. It's very good.
>Complains about how there is no non-right wing podcasters that make money
>Only way to make money is to shoot for smooth brained wanna be alpha males
>Who pay out more
Huh it's almost like white men tend to bring in more cash than some faggot tranny in a diaper crying about black people.
Funny that
Based thread. It's a real treat that there is someone who makes purple haired faggots seethe more than Trump.
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>The arrogance to disagree with that community is mind boggling
Yeah, you halfwit retard, that's why they all pretend to agree. It's a self-selecting group that excommunicates people who disagree. In no small part because pea-brained morons like this fucking reddit faggot consider the opinion "beyond the pale", and wish harm in anyone who holds it.
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Go back nigger.
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Doesn’t Gavin own uncensored media?
I watched like 30 minutes of it. The redditors are right. It was obvious Joe was all in for Vance.
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A thread that doesn't involve plebbit faggotry died for this. Shame on you OP
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Migapedes fake moon rocks not stars convexvectors not a pla e higher levels of education. Addmited the flat eaether roman catholic king edward the viii tried to catholicism luthern and jew la d came up with nat soc eat shot you imbecilic retarded non human mongrel
>2018 newfaggot talking about rogan like he was some unknown gem
If you weren't there for the live ustream days at a bare minimum you don't get to have an opinion on "how things were"
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>right wing grift pays more
>Spotify-JRE deal was 1 billion dollars
>implying Joe needs money
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>end meritocracy in federal hiring

You can't end what hasn't even begun
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The want to end meritocracy in federal government.
When the fuck was the last time the feds used meritocracy.
Fed jobs are basically welfare or straight up theft.
All these leddit faggots are literally chasing away their own voting block in favor for Trump. You don't insult JR like that. It's going to be a fun ride the 5th.
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Go back, I'm not reading bots talking to bots. Thiel niggers can tongue my anus
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Funny how the majority of Rogan fans can't even comment in his subreddit. If Joe Rogan said Joe Rogan things on that subreddit, he would be banned from Reddit. These fucking people all have to hang.
>grift is when someone disagrees with me and is popular
test.. ti...cles
Nothing like le epic reddit owns to make me start liking right-wing leaders. Whatever these assholes say is wrong, it's right.
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>I don't get it
>97% of the people whose life work depends on the existence of man-made climate change say that climate change is happening and is being accelerated by human activity
>The arrogance to disagree with that community is mind boggling
In this podcast, Joe technically admits to knowingly committing a federal crime. He smokes weed religiously and shoots guns.

Technically the same thing as Hunter Biden.

They will make an example out of him soon.
>Check em
Kek blessed salt mining OP
>comes out as Christian
Mask off moment right there
I had no idea so many Rogan "fans" support child sterilization and mutilation. Honestly that doesn't make sense and this whole thing is suspicious.
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>I'm a liberal soiboi limp wristed silly billy who will support The Party™ no matter what they do to me
>I listen daily to an anti-vax MMA meathead podcaster with center right leanings who has previously platformed some of the biggest right wing voices and I'm..... LE ANGRY
Why are they like this
>He went full MAGA
He offered Kamalala ding dong a seat and she refused
Imagine listening to anything joe rogan has to say.
>97% of bigfoot hunters claim bigfoot is real
No wonder these disloyal faggots are so salty. They probably LOVED Joe Rogan before he had Trump and Vance on. Now, since they're all triple vaxxed tranny democrats, they can't stand him. It's a microcosm of how useful idiots who worship their ideologies as dogma will turn on you the instant you don't play along with their delusions. That's why they're always the first to be purged in communist/marxist societies; they're completely untrustworthy people and backstabbers.
They're right. Joe really showed how much of an rich faggot he is
>"Who cares if your property is underwater or if it's hot? Move somewhere cozy!"

Naw he was fucking retarded and constantly glazing Vance
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Holy fuck you need to go back... If I wanted to read this faggot shit I would go there wouldn't I? Fuck you
And the whole "carbon is good for you" because of plants was another thing. High CO2 is literally turning us retarded, lowering world IQ and causing shit people going insane and cutting their dicks off.
Imagine reading any of this...
The constant twitter threads are annoying but at least they are sometimes from celebrities
reddit is for losers
>The subreddit is melting down again over the JD Vance podcast
How many are regulars and how many are paid to be there?
I'm convinced at LEAST half of all political posts are bots. Plebbit was never "great" but holy shit every other fucking post is anti trump
The best part about this is Joe is literally just an average Joe. He's got the average opinion of 90% of working Americans
>fringe liberal ideas
worshipping satan and aborting children to satan at the top of their list of ideas worth share, thanks for coming to my ted talk
that one got a lol from me
>oldfag here, been posting since the 2020 elections.. let me tell you how it used to be..
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Surprisingly, there were a few posts about this on the reddit, buried under thousands of screechers of course. We know from the Kamala Discord shill group that they were specifically targeting subreddits to spread disinformation about Trump, so most of these comments are probably from shill tourists.

Call Me Daddy makes bank though.

There are two ways to respond when you hear that “97% of people” agree on something.

The first is the proper way: with immense suspicion, because 97 out of 100 people can’t agree on damn near anything in regular human life. So the default and proper reaction would be to assume that either fuckery or groupthink is afoot.

The second way is to shut your brain off, accept what they say like sheep, and convince yourself it’s arrogant to disagree because they’re smarter than you. This is what life is like in Russia, China, and North Korea where 97% of the leaders agree on everything.
> live ustream days
I was there! I even joined his shitty forum for a while. As far as I can tell, the only good reddit about Joe was joerogan2. I've spent 5 minutes trying to understand why most of the rogan reddit angrily posts about him on a daily basis and it's because they are vaxxed.
How about a fucking link to the podcast, faggot
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To be fair, Joe's "fringe liberal ideas" used to be just that before the liberals became the biggest boot kissing, servile establishment dick lickers this country has ever seen and deemed those fringe liberal ideas to be heresy.
The leftist mantra is "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach" with their primary way of stopping speech they don't like is to threaten those who give a platform to such views. That worked for a while but eventually people like Rogan saw that there was no reason to comply with the recreationally outraged, especially once he signed the Spotify deal.
Most of them haven't and won't watch either the interview with Trump or Vance. They just know that both were able to speak openly without the media censoring them for three hours. That's pretty much a nuclear bomb to them.
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They don't realize those "scientists" only get the grant money from the Big Green Lobby if they produce studies that confirm their position. It's the same way Big Oil pays other people to produce materials saying the opposite. I even heard a pretty credible rumor over the summer that Big Oil was secretly behind the "Just Stop Oil" campaign to get everyone pissed off at the environmentalists by telling them to blocking off the highways and do all kinds of other stupid annoying shit that makes people angry. A cruel trick, if true.
Some of those posters have to be LLMs. It's consistent with the stuff they post but is too formulaic.
Most of plebbit eventually devolves into hate boards for the topic they claim to cover.
i think more of them realize this than you think. it's deemed acceptable because it supports something they believe is right so they don't vare about ethics
Listening to the two of them discuss psychedelics and weed and hemp.
JD asking Rogan about psychedelics and how to allow veterans access psychedelics.
Rogan needs to learn more about DEA scheduling. The DEA has an absolute no-tolerance policy on anything that isn't alcohol, weed(only now), and nicotine(though the government is at war with this now).

Imagine thinking Kamala Harris could talk about this in any way at all.
Thank you
Any of you getting the captcha bar that won't slide?
I really wish more people knew how absolutely fucked the DEA is.
They are easily as bad as the ATF.
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Zero critical thinking. Yet will wings about big tobacco studies.
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Soon all whites will be replaced by poop skins. What’s your response to that?
>fringe liberal ideas

How much more liberal can we get past normalizing pedophilia?
She’s not even an attractive jeeta
Probably true considering there are no such thing as Oil Companies. All of the "Oil" companies have diversified their portfolio to become "Energy" companies instead. Just search whatever "oil" company you can think of and look at their portfolio. The vast majority of them have Solar Farms. Why? Because why not? What are solar farms made out of? Plastic? And it doesn't last forever so you have to buy even more solar farms made from plastic? And they get to get into the Electricity market with federal tax dollars being thrown at them like strippers at the club? Hilariously enough the electric companies have been doing the same thing and diversifying their portfolios to become "Energy" companies. It isn't Oil vs Electric. It is energy and the world can't function without it. Everything else is a marketing campaign and a grift.
Kys plebbit faggot
I am here for Vance's naked body and his wet mouth. Yes, sir. You heard that right.
>lives in such an isolated bubble he can't even begin to comprehend that maybe the shit the talking heads on TV say isn't the truth or that its not always a majority opinion evennif they claim it is
wheeeew lad
I used to think these people were misguided, that they could be saved. They dont want to be saved, they arent misguided. They happily sow the wind and worship the whirlwind they reap upon us. Their slavish loyalty doesnt come from ignorance, they know what they are doing and they think its a good thing.
That would be based
>Nazi Germany was hilariously dysfunctional

Yet somehow they were more efficient at gassing and cremating people than modern day methods are?
So basically they are admitting DEI is just about hiring people with certain opinions, but as long as it's a leftist opinion it's okay.
Why would they laugh at a guy wearing eyeliner?
I thought they loved faggots and trannies over there.
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I just went and checked to see some of these posts and nearly every single account i clicked on has never posted on the JRE subreddit before the trump interview.
Im sure these are real JRE fans and not bots or trannies trying to astroturf
>hilariously dysfunctional
>still managed to basically 1 v the world because their allies couldn't be counted on
this nigga "lorican" is nolifing reddit lmao
The JRE subreddit has always been like this. He used to run the JRE forums on his website, which was full of psychopath lunatics that were all obsessed with Rogan in a weird way. They obsessed over everything he said, but in a negative way, and combed through every podcast in order to talk shit about Joe. They loved hating him, if that makes sense.

They closed the forums down and these lunatic faggots had nowhere to go, so they migrated to the JRE subreddit. They are all a bunch of neo-libtard faggots that do nothing but flood the JRE comment section with shitty memes and constant niggerdom. They do this shit for every episode.
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I clicked on 4chan but I just see reddit??
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>Mask off moment right there
Just in time for Halloween!
>his wife and her kids
not news but these people don't actually believe in anything, they're just mad there are a few survivors crawling around out there they haven't killed yet
no bro you don't get it it was a scheduling conflict she wanted to do it but joe wouldn't work with her
I believe it's censored dot TV. And he bought out Anthony Cumia and merged his network into his as well. Gavin is doing fine.
JD Vance is gay af the podcast cemented it, I thought Reddit loves Gay men
Stfu faggot
"I need to control the format completely and have to limit the time to say less otherwise I'll say something dumb"

Rogan basically only does podcasts outside his studio in very rare cases... like being under house arrest or something, where it's impossible to do the interview legally.
Reddit is just millenials who had bad parents that sat them in front of a TV and let it raise them. They treat whatever comes out of the TV or TV equivalent like the word of God. Sad shit from fat assholes.

The vaccine was Brandon's loyalty test though. Even in the military and all across society. Didn't take it? Say adios.
Best part is when jd vance was unapologetic about saying taking the covid vax was the worst he felt ever under illness in 15 years and that he talked to friends and families that expressed that 2nd vaccination did the most amount of damage. And there are people that got severely hurt by the vaccination that don't want to come out in fear of the social stigma. Sounded like a very relatable person the average independent voter.
Oh, so now they care about DEI hiring practices all of a sudden? lmfao
Tough tiddy said the kitty but the milk still good
Why doesn't Kamala just go on?
There is still time, she can go on this weekend.
Joe seems happy to invite her anytime.

He said they refused unless he travels out to her HQ, only has 1 hour to talk, and she has to have her handlers there at all times.
Fringe liberal ideas went mainstream and people realized they were trash and rejected them outright. Leftoids are in denial. They've convinced themselves they were the majority and they simply aren't, it was all a corporate and institutional illusion.
>He said they refused unless he travels out to her HQ, only has 1 hour to talk, and she has to have her handlers there at all times.
ie. saying "no" while making it look like the other person is the one refusing.

"I would but he wouldn't meet my schedule"
>peter thiel funded fascist
Ah, so THIS is where that talking point has come from.
>Why doesn't Kamala just go on?
Because she's a fucking idiot and couldn't last three minutes, let alone 30 minutes, let alone an hour, let alone 3 hours like Trump and Vance have each done.
>so what's on your mind kamala?
>*undecipherable cackling noises*
He said he will do it any time, but in his studio and open ended just like he did with her opponents.

I mean if Trump can manage 3h of casual talk, why can’t Kamala do at least 1h? She’s been visiting Texas regularly anyway, and it would only help her (unless she is totally braindead that is lol oops!)
>Implying bigfoot hunters have the same credibility as academics
I'm more than happy to acknowledge bias in academia, but at some point if you're not willing to defer to academic consensus in a widely studied, with no proof except blind belief in a massive conspiracy to defraud all of humanity, then you essentially reject the notion that scientific claims are even possible to make or analyse. You're not just demoting the scientific method, which would be fine, you are actually discarding it altogether, which is 60 IQ retard levels of ignorance.
Reddit is all bots and simply has traffic shifted to it by Google, especially since Twitter has been taken out.

I read some of the forums for obscure Tolkien topics and similar nerds shit and there will be entire conversations that are word for word repeats of what was said 6months ago except the users changed and no one in the sub Reddit notices. It’s all AI darpa bots all the way down.
JD Vance scares the fuck out of Reddit wayyy more than trump does. The vitriol in those screen shots eclipse the trump threads
Stalinist femmunism with a council of sacred mothers .
It's actually pretty benign desu
Vance definitely comes off as well spoken and relaxed, but is kinda milquetoast although that's probably a good combo for a big personality like Trump
Just funny to see people lose their shit that would otherwise be a boring political interview ten years ago (albeit a long one at 3 hours)
lol you Jews and your shilling
Enjoy your feces laden ruins lol
George Bush was Hitler, then John McCain was Hitler, then Mitt Romney was Hitler. Donald Trump is Hitler now, but that was nothing compared to JD Vance who is Hitler. Ron DeSantis was almost Hitler, maybe he'll be Hitler too.
This is why you just don't interact with these non human entities. They don't believe in a single thing they say, so why should you?
I don't want salt, I want dead kikes. I will not be placated by anything less than total kike death.
He's Hitler. He's Hitler. You're Hitler. I'm Hitler! Are there any other "Hitlers" I should know about?
Tom Cotton is probably Hitler.
I'm out of here.
Haha exactly.
They have thousands of tv channels, shows, YouTubers and yet they want all of it to be fringe liberal crap.
what is a maga conspiracy theory?
i love how the eglin bots got weaponized here and now are being redeployed back on eglin's primary platform. only a matter time now before the "this is a kike" spammer pops up in one of these ribbit screenshots if they need us to feed its algorithm due to lack of engagement there
Looking forward to the inevitable mass suicide when Trump wins. I have no doubt in my mind that some of these freaks have been so brainwashed by media and alternative media alike that they believe Trump winning is worse than a nuclear holocaust.
Get ready, anons, the cult is prepared to make contact with the comet.
>no you didn't suck e-celeb dick like I sucked e-celeb dick
Kill yourself.
all of those things that weren't happening until they were and then it was good that they were
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Your comments remind me of this post.
r/Adamcarolla is just how much they hate Adam, and how much is show is failing and sucks. This has been going on for years. Adam has had essentially the same views, that were once liberal and now is a right winger.
>I just don't get it. 97% of lifetime, accomplished scientists and doctors who's life work is infectious disease agree that the germ theory of disease is even remotely true. The arrogance to disagree wit that community is mind boggling
They really think they got it all figured out and they're the super concerned investigator who cares about the truth.
Isn't the panda a symbol for abused children in the pedophile network? There was a connection between Seth Rich and pandas too.
Every now and then you get some find some gold among a sea of turds.
The redditors didn't listen to it. Joe Rogan was literally talking about soldiers going overseas and treating PTSD with schrooms and JD was like "why did hell aren't we researching this?" Joe still has his liberal ideas, but he is smart enough to realize democraps aren't the people to get shit done.
If you're going to salt mine pleddit, at least make it funny.
You've failed to do so this time.
So fuck off back to fedddit and stay there you tranny cuck faggot.
Nobody has heard of the My Pussy Stinks podcast until the cunt came on to cackle about dildos or whatever
Reddit is actually pretty useful for a lot of things, don't lump the whole site in together... lot of based subreddits like r/4chan
Did you have a stroke while writing this?
JD Vance has absolutely no subtlety. Trump managed to sound a lot less radical in his interview despite having the same ideology. Trump knows how to handle optics like a true professional and he can blend into any environment and make his presence felt welcome. It's all a balancing act of charisma and JD still has a lot to learn about this. He needs to hang out with Trump a lot more.

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