There is massive amount of voter fraud happening in Austin, TX. The friend of popular streamer Nick Polom, called Nmplol on Twitch admitted that he voted for Kamala besides not being a US citizen.He even said that they don't check for ID which is required by Texan law. is massive amount of fraud happening yet it isn't ackknowledged. They're trying to pull another 2020.
>>487062590Over 78% of Twitch viewers and streamers will vote for Harris.
>>487062590Yeah, duh, Einstein. You let them get away with it, so why should they stop? Human decency? Democrats? Are you for real?
>>487062653It's insane.
>>487062718I already sent a report to Twitch. The guy is not even a US citizen and can get deported and fined for that.
>>487062590Honestly, I thought I’d reached peak nigger hate… but no, after watching that clip apparently there was room for more.
>>487063020I'm sure the trannies who run twitch will pit a stop to this
>hey guys my friend’s neighbor’s previous air conditioner owner said there was fraud!
>>487063020He's 100% American, retard.
>>487063264He is not a US citizen you braindead nigger.
>>487063116Same here. Encouraging people that are not US citizens to vote is an act of felony.>>487063226That's the sad part.
>>487063341He was born in Michigan you retarded faggot
>>487063469Didn't you listen to the clip? I said the guy in the back who is not an US citizen illegally voted for Kamala.
81 million votes by the way.
Austin is breaking Texas law.
>>487063255If you don't see it you're braindead.
>>487062590Outvote the riggers, it is the only way.
This is boomer facebook meme tier of threads
>>487062590Lol Austin isn't going to flip Texas blue nigger. It only guarantees down ballot democrat wins and the state will continue to impose measures that make liberals seethe and miserable.
>>487062590a room temperature iq trump cocksucker got trolled like usual. he was born in michigan google it stupid fuck
>>487064755I will post this clip on Youtube or X because no one seems to give a shit about voter fraud.>>487064811He didn't say it sarcastically. He said I voted not for Trump.
You won't do shit.
It's fake, you retards. Trump will have a much harder time committing voter fraud in 2024 than he did in 2020 or 2016. Stop believing every literal who on the internet, it makes you look stupid.
>>487062679damn, all that shilling to gaymers for nothing
>>487064925His friend in the back voted illegally. Now go back to your trannybunker.>>487064982We will see. I will post it on X and the truth will out.
>>487064916I know but I want to have a fair election not a third world shithole piece of thing.>>487065098I believe voter fraud will happen like it did in 2020.
>>48706514778% sold out.
>>487062590Video is fake and so are you, Ivan.
>>487065745There is a link in the picture and it's not fake.
>>487062590>me friend said words on twitter, that means trump has to be dictator until he dies!!!bump for bait
>>487062590Anyone publicly claiming to have committed voter fraud is definitely just trolling.That doesn't mean it isn't happening.
>Hey goys I had a dream that this election was fake so here is some shit I heard other people made up>ShillflagFuck off russian glownigger
Make way independent electoral observer passing through
>>487067777Do you really think that this guy is trolling?
>>487062590>the cope has started
>>487063020Disenfranchisement. They didn’t uphold the laws in 2020. Why would they start now you dumb faggot?
>>487068819Maybe it gets popular on X and people will know the truth.
>>487062590>popular streamer Nick PolomThat sounds made up
>>487062679It's why I can't stand to go on there. Place radiates dark fag rot energy.
>>487067777Huh checked? Fuck it digits are digits. I mean if it is real. I guess visit from the FBI?
>>487062590Lmao, republicans can never just lose gracefully. Ever think that most people just don’t like trump?
>>487069186No it's not. He has a large audience of 30,000 people each stream.
>>487069359Any right wing opinion on there gets immediately banned. It's a cesspool full of degeneracy.
>>487062590i mean if the guy in your clip is serious then he would face a lot of consequences from his statement. I still do not get why you would say such a thing on a streaming site
>>487069457there is a possibility that voter fraud is happening. So why do you give OP shit for it?
>>487062679>people who would rather watch than participate voting for democratsChecks out
>>487062590James O’Keefe sting video catches noncitizens ‘potentially’ voting in Philly
>>487062679They arent even americans and cant even vote.
>>487062590AndYouWon’tDoShit>but Muh 2nd amendment!When a bunch of MAGA retards went to DC to try and stop (what they thought was) tyranny taking over, they showed up unarmed and when they get the book thrown at them and sentenced to decades of nigger prison they say “OH BUT I WAS JUST TAKING AN UNGUIDED TOUR!” So even in the face of perceived tyranny and government take over American conservatives will not use their 2nd amendment and then lie about what their intentions were in the capital. The 2nd amendment has become the equivalent of women’s hand bags and designer clothes but for overweight men. They’re there to pose with for Facebook and Instagram tryin to look tough and mean. You don’t even need to steal an election from Republican faggots, believe it or not most of the world doesnt support blind Zionism, nigger love (but with low taxes), and the softest form of nationalism ever seen. And if they do need to steal it from you, you will NEVER do anything.
>>487062590So they just throw the vote out because it's not on any voter rolls.>>487069457Because they bought into the meme and can't admit they're losers lmao
>>487072604I told ya they will "misplace" green votesIs only a matter of counting votes
>>487062679You mean 233% because they'll just vote multiple times
>>487071693He sounded serious openly bragged about it. And then the retarded comment from Nmp saying everyone should be able to vote that stays in the US but not a citizen.>>487072128Saw it as well. There is massive amount of voter fraud going on again.
>>487072337>>487073182They will vote multiple times because no one gives a damn about photo ID.
>>487062590>democrats move in>re-use their usual voter fraud tricks to turn city "blue">use this fraud to overwhelm the rest of the statesame story, different day. Americans won't do shit, btw.
>>487073460>There is massive amount of voter fraud going on again.I haven't seen any evidence of any, so far. Just like in 2020. All I have seen is submissive sheeple miga cultists believing anything they are told mindlessly.
>>487071693Main character syndrome, these types believe they are living a movie and there will never be consequences.
>>487075488You see the evidence on X. And most Jews vote Democrat so fuck off.
>>487075918Yes, twitter screenshots are enough evidence for low IQ submissive sheeple. But not for human beings.
>>487076934So which television personality has to tell you something before you can believe it then?
>>487077347Which twitter channel do you blindly believe without spending 10 seconds to verify it?
>>487077734How will you verify it?
>>487062679Really? Whatch'a doin', Rabbi?
>>487078061Most retarded streamers on the site are leftwing.
For anyone too retarded to tell, they're joking. Non citizens definitely are voting in the election, but that guy isn't one of them. Texas requires ID to vote as well.
>>487062679I see cunts.
>>487079002Perhaps the streamers, but that's not the same as the audience as my screenshot clearly illustrates.
>>487062590>admitted that he voted for Kamala besides not being a US citizen.source: dude trust me this is a legitimate anecdote and not just seeding the ground for the inevitable "stop the steal grift 2.0"
>>487063701The last decent election was Reagan in 1984.
>>487062590Then report it to the Texas secretary of state's office instead of screeching about it on the internet.