Because nobody is paying attention, I just wanted to let you guys know Republicans are taking congress
>>487198600Good for you, burgerbro. Wish you all the best.
>>487198600if trump loses but we gain congress and senate , thats how you know its rigged.
>>487198600Im hoping after election we get to go back to larping as Nazis
>>487198600the fact that the president can be blue and any part of congress can be red at the same time should have made the rigging obvious decades ago.
>>487199243Thanks fren.
>>487199243We are gonna make it
Repubs are taking everything
>>487199439>wins house>wins senate>wins presidency >does nothing with it and lets whites get overrun with pooskins anywayAw man, a rerun
I am. Balls deep in Republicans to take the House bets so I'm watching this one close. Looking really good, really see no way for Dems to do it in such a down year for them nationally.
>>487198600checkedthanks frenadded
>>487198600Ted Cruz is winning!Trannies BTFO'd from the girl's locker rooms!
>lose president win congresspolitical implications?
>>487198600Nice early results. Thanks, OP.
>>487199486> Im hoping after election we get to go back to larping as NazisPlease let this happen. How’d that woman in the pod not die from asphyxiation, but the showers kept it all in?
>>487198600That's not necessarily a good thing. Grid lock stops the government from reaming your ass, regardless of who is in charge. That said, I wouldn't mind a Republican Senate so Trump can get more judicial appointments.
>>487200845Nothing changes. If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it.
>>487201380>theywho would that be?
>>487200159if he does this, there is NO WAY i am vooooootin for Trump again in 2030.
>>487201307Poo engineering vs German engineering
>>487199243republicans hate Europe
>>487198600Cool deal. I'm going to get some much needed sleep and find out tomorrow.
>>487202819>muh jewsfuck off nazi
>>487203796I'm going to be up late unfortunately. Get rest anon. Tomorrow will be both tense and wild.
>>487203797>muh nazisCry about it noseberg.
Yeah and Mitch McConnell is confirmed OUT
>>487199486The second Trump is declared winner I'm going back to calling him a kike on twitter.
>>487203336Yeah bro, Europeans totally hate Europe...
>>487198600gaining seats in arizona
>>487198600CheckedThis please me.
>>487200159If that happens then never vote again and dedicate your existence to stopping others voting… either by convincing them or other ways. Non-participation is the trie death of democracy.
>>487205642Way ahead of you senpai.There is no political solution.
>>487203336self hating whites are D voters
>>487200159still nice to demoralize all the women
>>487205010youre like jews youre european when it suits you
>>487199486that would be sick gop needs to be the party of nationalism
>>487198600Taking it where?
>>487198600Coconut cadavers we're getting killed out there!
>>487199439>Rhinos and nearly all of his staff/cabinet will stab him in the back>For a second time>Both parties refused to budge on debt ceiling so there's an economic bomb that will go off in his hands since the dems will hard 180 and sooner die than do their fucking job and keep the government funded. Let alone cut bullshit, and try to pay down the 34 trillion fake money denbtsIt's just going to be round 2 of tax cut simulator since it's the only thing that gets done.
>>487198600First they had to show America what the Dems would do. Lesson learned. Long live the Republic.
>>487200159Because the International Banks run everything. Politicians are just actors.
>>487202089Bro your presidential term limit reps? He's gone for 2028/2032. The best he can do is VP in a system that sabotages him constantly.The real loss is that we were robbed of an Obama-Trump ticket. You may be able to have two dads but you can't have two VP's for the Ron Paul, Obama-Trump vp power hour ticket to heal murrica either. (you probably can but whatever)
>>487204883Don't worry, the votes are going to look like a sledgehammer hit them in a couple hours. Again.... Heil Dominion!
>>487200159It's Bidover. The cancer has metastasized we're talking 80 million+ people. And that's before outsourcing and accepting that funny graph line can't keep going up and up and up for 80 years. Each and every member of government, business owner, landowner, realtor, etc. chose their future.
>>487200159Less pooskins than Harris would let in. Make no mistake: we want Trump to win not because he's an end in and of himself, but because he'll buy us more time than the Dems ever will. It's called "tactical voting."
>>487199243It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that the whole world cares about our election.
>>487203336We hate Western Europe.