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RFK just put out a 5 minute video blasting the safety and toxicity of American food products by name. This video focuses on Yellow Dye #5 and all the health problems it causes, especially in children, as the first of many harmful chemicals he's going after that have been poisoning Americans for the past decades.


Products like Cap'n Crunch, Doritos, Cheez-Its, Gatorade, and Vitamin Water were listed in his description of how Tartrazine (Yellow Dye #5) is a toxic byproduct of the coal fire process and causes obesity, anxiety, heart disease, ADD/ADHD, hormone disruption, depression.
Has he said anything about enrishing flour? When I was a kid they put vitamins and iodine in the flour. Now they don't. We're eating fucking poison.
is europe gonna finally stop making fun of us for having a bunch of artificial additives in our foods?
He has zero right to control what we voluntarily eat. He wants to control your food choice. Don't fall for it.
Really based. They need to cut sugar in pop, too.
Rome fell because of chemicals in the water supply.
America will fall because of chemicals in their food.
The future of America lies in its health, without it, it'll make way for countries on which the people eat actual food instead of goyslop.
kikes won't let him

we're done with jew liberty
What are you talking about? All the flour I buy from the store still says it's enriched.
what's the chances they'll ban or tax foods with corn syrup?
ok retard
how about you go eat the tide pods in your fucking closet
>antivax retard appointed to official minister of cereal inspection
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The worm-brained electronic voice box better not fuck up my Capn Crunch
Jew detected.
Can he name the jew?
Enriched flour is horrible, most people cannot process folic acid. There are way more efficient ways to get vitamins and minerals now
This isn't a new video but the left will screech about it because for some reason they're against safe food and water. I wonder why that would be
seems like hes the first based health officer or whatever they are called
too bad germany is still a woke dystopian shithole
flour is poison. its seed sludge
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So he will sponsor and finance research on this subject or is the goy science settled?
the republicans will win the house
He's gonna make Capn Crunch healthy and you're gonna like it
Most of them are also on a fuckton of pharmaceuticals too.
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can he get dyes out of the Monster flavors that aren't the white or black one? I like the flavors but I don't want to drink that shit

Were on the best timeline ever boyos. We will finally have healthy food to eat.
This feels like the first video in what's going to be a serise. Yellow #5's a good pick because I don't think there's anyone in any political persuasion who would support it. So I'm going to laugh when I see all the journasharts come out in support of food dyes now.
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Based. He's already gone after these industries plenty of times as a private citizen, and won court battles. Now he'll have Trump backing him up.

Can't wait to see Fake Meat banned.
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This man is your friend, he fights for freedom.
There is no excuse why we eat the way we do. We have plenty of land to farm and grow crops and animals for meat. We don't need to spray them with roundup and pump the animals full of hormones and antibiotics. The people who have been doing this to us should be punished but I will settle for healthy food options.
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RFK Jr is gonna wormpill the whole of North America.
The last time our people were wormpilled at such a scale is called The Enlightenment.
Which occurred after worm killing spices (cloves, cinnamon etc) started being mass imported from the East.
Can you feel it?
A new Golden Age is dawning!
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>He's gonna make Capn Crunch healthy
Ok, compromise. He can fuck up the original as long as the Peanut Butter stays real.
How have they not killed this guy the way they did his dad and uncle? That's some dangerous ass rhetoric he's spouting.
How old are u old fag?? Ffs
I've been eating poison all my life
This is bad news, we WANT non Whites inhaling goyslop.
You have the right to drown. Your life preserver is just trying to limit your option to sink.
>has nothing to do with autism
This guy is owned by kikes.
I’m in the hospital right now and THIS is the slop they offer to us. This shit is not good for you. Unironically the pudding has yellow dye 5 in it
Unless he bans HFCS he's a scammer pretending to do anything. HFCS is the root of all evil. It is Satan's piss. It is the end boss.

Thanks memeflag, what’s Tel Aviv like this time of year?
>He has zero right to control what we voluntarily eat.
Actually he literally does have the right to control what we voluntarily eat. But if you really want to drink a glass of yellow dye #5 and become even more retarded than you already are I'm sure you can find a way.
possible that they worried that offing him would make people start asking more questions. better to try and make him seem crazy instead
What's the argument for not banning artificial paint in your food? It doesn't even affect the taste, only how the food looks.
you can pretty much hear it now
He sounded crazy to normalfags the second he opened his mouth about vaccines. His mistake was not going all the way and accurately blaming them for autism. In fact, he did the exact opposite. Because he's a shabbos goy cocksucker.
Zero. Archer Daniels-Midland will crush this midwit.
ban high fructose corn syrup
I want him to ban the production and sale of corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup and all seed oil.
Sorry /pol/ is no longer libertarian we're a natsoc board. The health and safety of our people comes first before your freedom to simp for your toxic dealing corporations.
Banning HFCS means fighting the corn lobby. Better to take on smaller targets first that no one will object to and build momentum.
Based. A shame Trump will deploy him to Iran, Russia or China instead of working with him to... make JewSA great again.
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when is he going to rip into basedbean and canola and all seed oils?

probably already has.
Fuck you kike. Do you know how fucking fat Americans have gotten?
There was a time when women weren't able to be harvested for lamp oil because of all of their blubber.
There are reddit posts of people freaking out about the fluoride removal from water and asking where to buy fluoride to fluoridate their own water.
Read it again. It's a dance.
That's literally what the FDA does, you meme-flag fucktard.
Canola oil is the only really bad "seed" oil.
Fuck off with your timid read between the lines bullshit. It's time to go mask off.
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>You have to get in the crystal with the libs and doom posters
That will be a $50 hospitality service added to your medical bill.
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>Products like Cap'n Crunch, Doritos, Cheez-Its, Gatorade, and
wait that is like my breakfast tho you cant ban my breakfast
I don't disagree but I will call you out if you think RFK Jr. is kiked.
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Froot Loops are available everywhere in the world. The US is the only one that inexplicably allows industrial waste added into theirs so they're brighter coloured. The shit still tastes exactly the same. Why the fuck would you be in favour of that? There is no net benefit to anyone other than allowing a bunch of companies to make billions of unnecessarily adding trash to food.
why don't they just brush their teeth with Colgate Neutrafluor 5000 Plus
Why do I care? This poor raspy fucker isn't getting a cabinet post--just a bullshit "Czardom" that won't do shit.
Do you have a vagina now?
Jewish talons typed this. Show nose
It's total fucking nonsense virtue signalling. Americans are fat because we eat too fucking much.
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He's gonna make junk food great again, anon. He's said it before, so many of these products were just fine before they started getting ingredients swapped out for ever more harmful garbage. And it's something, if you're old enough, you should be able to notice: everything tastes BAD now. Every cherished snack and fast food from the US has gotten progressively worse in taste over the past couple decades.
theyre all bad
Bootlicker niggers will such off boomer retards spouting nonsense and then turn a blind eye to trump's admin doing literally nothing for issues that actually matter, again.
Right. Medical establishment wants repeat customers. Also totally corrupt.
If there isn't bipartisanship support for this then I'm done with this party.
>anchor tat on web of hand
>like dong anchored in the pooper
mandate cooking in lard and butter
Fucking based
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yes I'm sure under trump it will be a healthier country
you got it backwards, it used to be unbleached, unenriched flour. Then they bleached it, which ruined the nutritional content and made people sick. So now it's bleached, enriched flour. Which is still worse for you than the unaltered stuff.
They can't call Trump cheeto hitler anymore if the cheetos stop being orange. Well played.
>They need to cut sugar in pop, too.
No, they need to cut HFCS—out of everything. Pure cane sugar (in moderation) is better than that cancer sludge.
i noticed and i member, jap. oh how i member. when they phased out the good shit in the late 90s it was a dark time for humanity.
Yeah, nothing more based than virtue signalling about momscience instead of literally anything productive. The people supporting baseless regulations are spiritually vaxxed
Don't ignore the context of this photo. It was a dab on the government shutdown
>Pure cane sugar (in moderation) is better than that cancer sludge.
Wrong, it's exactly the fucking same, and both should be eaten little to none.
what happened anon?
Just gave me a business idea. Big pharma might beat me to it by adding fluoride to each covid booster. Liberals only.
>people start eating sacks of sugar just to spite him
Hospitals are there to starve and kill people. Get out.
kek none of you guys unironically eat this shit right?
RFK jr is absolutely based, I cannot wait for 4 years of him
>need more tallow
I don't think that's it alone. Chocolate, soda and cheeseburgers aren't new inventions. Chronic obesity, increased diabetes prevalence and widespread heart disease are though. Something changed and I'm not sure it's just that people are eating more chocolate than they used to.
We aren't the only ones that matter, mate.
People do eat too much. Yes. But WHY? Why is it impossible for them to stop? Why can't they just "put the fork down"?
>they're just dumb/bad people, not smart healthy pro champs like me
Ok, I'm not defending "weak wills" and sloppiness and hedonism. But why does that number go up every year? Why are everyone's hormones, not just testosterone and estrogen, but cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine, growth hormone, all FUCKED? Why are so many Americans/westerners yearly just completely checking out of the notion of caring about themselves at all?
Depression and addiction are huge parts of it. Constant stress and anxiety of the social climate is another part. And on top of that all we are the product of the chemicals being pumped into bodies.

You can brag "oh, *I* always make the right health choices, so I got mine, everyone else is bad", but most people don't have that opportunity. A lot of people just trying to get by with their 20 jobs to feed their family and not having time to cook a full meal, they just buy a box of cereal off the shelf. And so they're poisoned, and the toxins, both chemical and social, spread from there, sending creepers up through the entire system to affect the whole. Nutrition touches everything in our societies, nothing exists in a vacuum. Improving nutrition improves everything else, even if it's not the ONLY cause of every problem.

Stop defending poison.
now you get bromine flour which robs your body of iodine
enriched is literally a nice sounding name for stripping the wheat of it's natural benefits and reconstituting it with other ingredients/chemicals so that it will stay on a shelf for a long time.
wow actually based

loving this timeline
And that makes food being full of poison fine why?
Its hard to avoid. Kike corporations hate you.
Now point out what he said that is wrong. Oh nevermind, I just looked at every other cope post you've made in this thread.
Based ancapistanian.

Bizarre false flag.
He's trolling. don't feed the trolls
>leaf intellect
Got to feed them something. Their food is full of industrial waste
ancap is kike nonsense, kid
if combined with a new farm bill that would be based. if not, it would be a disaster. many things are currently up in the air, i feel. but it's an interesting moment, with a lot of potential.
A few might come around but look at the "news" programs? Who funds this leftist propaganda? Who advertises there? Big Pharma and Big Food. See any exposes on these industries? No. They advertise there to guarantee their silence.
God bless this man.
he also won in court against monsanto
>I don't think that's it alone
It absolutely is. Yes, junk food has existed for a long time, but it used to be way smaller. OG coke came in 7 ounce bottles. Hamburgers used to be barely bigger than sliders. Of course it also doesn't help that we went from an economy where 80% of people did some kind of manual labor to maybe 20%. People could keep their metabolism up by exercising, but almost nobody does any kind of semi regular exercize.
What is being put into n the food is not food, it’s chemical poison!
Somehow you're too autistic even for this board
get well soon anon
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do it RKF. destroy the slop. purify it all.
Do you what else harmed kids? The mandated covid vaxx! Execute Fauci, Birx, Bancel and Bourla now. Electric chair for all of them.
Someone who actually gives a fucking fuck.
Oh shut the fuck up kike you yellow dye pushing piece of shit fuck you
fast food used to be cooked in lard. Now its cooked in seed oils which is poison. It has changed.
It's not poison. There's literally no evidence of negative health effects. At best it's fretting like a woman over nothing, at worst it's petty tyranny, banning things just for the thrill of forcing people to follow stupid rules.

Huh, actually nothing yet. Monitor this page for faggot changes though.

>Tartrazine is among six artificial colors for which the European Union requires products that contain them to be marked with the statement May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.

Would be better if we had something like this.
did you know julia louis-dreyfus' family owns the only other commodity/shipping syndicate big enough to rival ADM? dreyfus family, very powerful, very rich
But Cheez-its don’t have Yellow 5, they’re naturally colored from annatto and paprika.
Neither do Doritos wtf.
This is the ingredient list for nacho Cheese Doritos:

It’s really not trrrible
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You vill eat clean, real ingredients.
Und you vill be healthy.
paid shills are lower than worms, at least worms regenerate soil
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It's coming.
You will eat meat too, Hitler
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kill yourself, seriously
Meat eggs dairy fruit veggies. Thats literally all you need. Modernity has turned us into cattle. We are not cattle we are wolves.
haahahahahaha good one
Explain this health risk display then NIGGER
I eat only meat, eggs, milk, water and salt. I am ripped at age 56, feel great and literally never sick. Tradwife has been cooking healthy clean meals for 30 years.
>But WHY?
Because they're lazy. Because they're stupid. Because they refuse to take personal responsibility. Because our culture now enables the willfull weak and pathetic and gluttonous and hedonistic.
>they're just dumb/bad people, not smart healthy pro champs like me
>Why are everyone's hormones, not just testosterone and estrogen, but cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine, growth hormone, all FUCKED?
They aren't. You've been spending too much time on snake oil youtube. The only trends we see are those associated with an aging population, because jews convinced every western woman that having babies was bad. You know, an actual fucking problem, rather than glysophate or yellow #5.
how about anarchosyndicalism, daddy?
you can pick it up accidentally in sauces and things like that but actively eating bags of Doritos and shit like that is completely avoidable
You vill enjoy delicious fresh meats and produce und ve vill not cease with only USA
Baby boomers never learned to deworm their children, or themselves. Now we've got multiple generations infested with assworms.
This used to be common knowledge
For thousands of years... Until the boomers lost all curiosity about the world, and obeyed only their TV programming.
Lose the worms == lose the weight and lose the diabetes
RFK Jr got rid of his worms and he's doing pretty great!
>Leftists are now going to say junk food is good just because of rfk

Kek you niggers were the ones banning soda
>A lot of people just trying to get by with their 20 jobs to feed their family and not having time to cook a full meal
DON'T FUCKING COOK A FULL MEAL. Just eat LESS! it takes negative time and money!
Anon, the food you eat impacts you way more than you think. Post your pantry and hold up your fatass hand.
I agree
that's the way. I'm a fan of veges too but I can definitely agree not to eat the goyslop. Once you stop goyslopping for about a week you don't even want the shit and after a month it disgusts you
Fauci investigation will be rolled out. Specifically his gain of function lab and the ensuing coverup. Little jesuit is going down. Screencap this
Don't feed the trolls, newfag
>just eat less of the nutritionally devoid food that makes you feel like you're starving because there's no nutrition and your body treats it like toxins
Its objectively bad for human consumption. If you want to eat the slop, go to slopland. Hes not telling you to do anything, hes telling the jewcorp they cant sell poison to white Americans.
>>But WHY?
>Because they're lazy. Because they're stupid
Idiotic, personal virtue-based argument. This is not an analysis of the trends that have led to exploding levels of obesity in western society. "They're bad people" was the ironic rhetorical argument you just adopted to be weakly contrarian.
my old lady would worm us religiously. sometimes she'd give my friends worming tablets as well.
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>voluntarily east
You have no real choices. It's all a monopoly.
I’ve been here 4 days now
Chronic intestinal inflammation lead to an internal blockage and I had to go to the ER
>Now point out what he said that is wrong
Fucking food dye is not "poison", and pretending such things are why our nation is unhealthy instead of unchecked gluttony, sloth, and drug abuse does harm by distracting from those actually real problems.
They're gonna take food colouring dyes and paint themselves in them as a form of protest.
How much DE does one need to clean up parasites?
gigabased, food dyes are awful. get rid of them all.
Homeopathy tier retardation. You feel hungry when you start a diet because it's notwhat you're used to. Keep it up for even a couple weeks and normalizes.
The corporations don't have the right to decide what choices you are allowed to volition into.
The answer is you do not have a right to eat poison and junk food. Prosecute corporate executives.
have you read how these food dyes are made?
here's a pro tip: you wouldn't eat it if you had to make it at home
ouch, that sounds bad. get well soon
Don't feed the trolls, faggot
it's controversial. Worms are soft bodied so the DE doesn't really effect them. DE kills chitinous stuff pretty well though
Shut the FUCK up koala ass LICKER
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your only diet should be organic, properly grown plant food, clean local protein, and distilled water. Maybe a multivitamin and a source of omega 3/vitamin d. thats it. dont over complicate things. allow your children to eat only this and watch as they excel.
People should find out how many grammes they shed per day (metabolic rate) and simply consume less.
Eating 700gr of meat won't fix obesity issues, it's way too fucking much so the meat just sits in your guts waiting and rotting away before the enzymes can get to it.
>tell me what 2+2 is but don't you fucking say 4!
Is it really surprising that a people who know longer value virtue do not act virtuously? Go fuck yourself, they ARE fucking worse.
that video is over a month old
buy an ad
Yeah now's really not your fucking time to comment while we clean up the fuck heads who have been gaslighting and spamming propaganda the last few years.
We're going to set these cunts straight and your own eyes will get adjusted to the severity of reality with how fucked in the head these cunts were
This is dumb. Jews are also the ones poisoning food, Monsanto was founded by a Jew. Having a chronic disease also makes people less likely to have kids. You are dumb if you don’t realize Jews are approaching this from all possible angles.
Stop feeding the trolls, newfag. It's like wrestling a pig in the mud.
Just have to decentralize and keep our communities local. All this bullshit is a product of globalism, so we can subsidize shipping shit around the globe causing real environmental issues.
ban chemicals in food! absolutely based
Their food CAUSES intestinal inflammation, brainlet
Hey I wrestled your mom in the mud the other day and had a fucking blast m8 what are you on about.
You are not American.
Stay out of American affairs.
If you continue to reply with the same comment "don't feed the trolls!" it's because you're trolling, yourself.
You're not funny, and if you think we can't sail across the ocean to slap the shit out of you and all your politicians then you really got another thing coming, bitch.
huh? Enriched flour isn't good bro. It's illegal to sell unenriched flour here in Canada actually. You know folic acid is one of the most supplemented mineral in the food chain, and HALF the population can't even fucking process it!
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>the holy trinity of Dutch bakeries (pepernoten, speculaas)
Um. Feel free to eat slop but stop clogging up hospitals. Enjoy.
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>muh yellow soda

OK. Getting rid of fluoride in water when?
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>I’m in the hospital right now

Its the Same in the USA,medical death is the #3 killer

>Roughly 12,000,000 Americans are misdiagnosed each year.

>Medical errors cause an estimated 250,000 deaths in the United States annually.

Mexico is slopland they can go there. Have you seen those disgusting dogs?
Food does matter. There isn't some magical reason health is declining. You being a fat tetard and ignoring it is one reason why its so shit. I can feel your fat post wrist so I can laugh at you.
it'll taste the same, it just won't be as yellow.
Based RFK.
Total goyslop eradication
Nope, absolute fucking horseshit. People have this innate trust of "they wouldn't be fucking with the food", and that trust should be ENFORCED, not abused. We live in a complex world, you can't expect everyone to become nutritionists now. Food SHOULD be one of those things that you trust not to kill you.
>Chronic intestinal inflammation lead to an internal blockage
literally stop eating, go on a fast
You are either an ignorant shill or just ignorant. You are what you eat and 95% of high profit margin "foods" sold are filled with shit we were never intended to eat. Corruption at the FDA is rampant. Fluoride is an industrial waste and is the main toxin in rat poison. Did you even watch the video fag? Its not about controlling people its about limiting the damage corporations, in conjunction with bought off regulatory agencies, are doing TO people. Clearly the toxic shit you eat is clouding your mind.
Take a chill pill
>non-argument rhetoric
>don't look at the poisons and the science and the money and the steady generational collapse of US culture goyim, just think you're a better person for arbitrary unanalyzed reasons and pay no attention to what this means on a social scale or how to influence it
Weak peabrain troll shit
Shut the fuck up retard
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Here's the fire diamond for acetic acid, IE fucking vinager.
250k deaths that's a massive underestimate
I really want to know about how he will handle fast food....yeah I'm fat.
Yeah, because the whole point is to keep you sick and murder you. Why would they make food in NYC hospitals vegetarian otherwise?
>Don't ignore the context of this photo.
Story time for anyone interested.
I went to Clemson when this happened.

So for any anons ootl, Trump ordered a bunch of fast food for the Clemson football team that visited after winning the Natty.
A White guy in one of my business classes was on the football team. The teacher was an absolute rabid anti-Trumper (as well as a fuck ton of commie teachers on that campus). Each class when he'd share his screen on the big board, dozens of tabs would be opened from MSM sites.
>Russia Russia Russia shit.
>"Orange Man Finally Finished This Time!"
You get the idea.
But once the team came back my teacher asked the guy what it was like.
>"Oh it was pretty cool. Trump was just like a really nice guy and it was super chill."
The teacher was visibly caught off guard. "Oh, well, like...what did he do though? What happened?
>"We just walked around, took a quick tour of the White House, and he brought us in and we had a bunch of burgers. It was good."
The teacher kept pushing him on shit but you could tell his hot air balloon was deflated. He was apparently expecting Trump to burn the team alive and feast on their bones while that gorilla channel played in the background.

I have a lot of crazy stories. I was in the belly of the beast during that time. Went to an english class the day after trump won but i had forgotten about the election. THat was a fun one.

I fucking hated college.
Noooo! Not my dorritos locos tacos!
Fucking astrology.
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>a massive underestimate
thats just what they can prove, you are right
i wouldn't care if junk food still exists. but tax that shit 1000% per cent
>hes infringing our right to poison wells!
Escape that asylum dude, you’re not crazy.
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Ban all goyslop, sneed oils, and synthetic ingredients. Tax all these toxic food and beverage companies into bankruptcy.
No, I won't stay out of your politics. I will continue commenting on it and redpilling people about kikes. There's nothing wrong with that and you shouldn't say that there is.
he was having a sports team to the white house and instead of fine dining that the white house and staff are known for he served them cold fast food, that's not a dab it's disrespectful nonsense and idiocracy, all because he's a lardass
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This brain worm addled loon is going to destroy science and public health, what an absolute farce some conspiracy addled ambulance chaser like this will have input over the care and treatments of experts MDs who have been studying it for only...THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING LIVES
speculaas are so damn good
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My grandmother gave us castor oil regularly.
Boomer parents gave me breakfast cereal and fast food.
Once grandma was gone, I was screwed
Now you can't even get castor oil here without speaking to a pharmacist (who will shill some big pharma crap at you).
Picrel is a potent dewormer you can buy at Chemist Warehouse, but if you look at the label, there is no mention of worms or parasites. They aren't allowed to use those words.
Even though it has "Para" in the name....
Hospitals are all networked back into a centralized database (CIA) and that's where they can pick and choose who to murder in the back of an emergency room and write it off on paper with their jewish, italian and mexican cohorts who didn't witness the murder from the other room saying "I don't know, he just died!"
It's too fucking easy and we have hundreds of thousands of "unsolved" murders as is, which tells the real story the media is too chicken shit to report about life.
Libertarians are so gay. You are gay. You’re okay with corporations putting poison in food.
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Endocrine disruptors are altering the development of the brain during the fetal period. This is not some whacky conspiracy theory, and serious research is increasingly being done about it.

Among many things, it could be influencing sexuality and gender identity
You are going to be required to have an American ID card if you want to remain Australian
Maybe you didn't quite read the last two words of my post there.
You shouldn't have worms in the first place
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Im loving to see this.
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>what could go wrong with DEI requirements in medicine?
Tallow is superior.
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No fucking way. HAHAHAHAHA
Beef tallow my man
seed oils are a huge instigator of inflammatory response
Your body uses a basically set amount of calories. Even exercise doesn't matter because it just rearranges your calorie usage.

With few exceptions it's just people stuffing their fucking faces.

In more than 99% of cases, they could be losing weight real quick if they just stop doing that.
He isn't libertarian
I already had my colon removed 5 years ago it was so badly scarred that it couldn’t perform it’s function properly
>it's a non-argument because I said so!
Kill yourself. "Poison" isn't why you're fat, it's how insulted you are by the very concept of dicipline.
>and the science
I am a fucking scientist. In biomedical research, in fact. And you know what actually fucking works, what actually matters? Caloric restriction. There is no substitute. I have watched retard professors waste their whole careers chasing phantoms for choestrol types and gut flora and anatomic distribution of fat and macronutrient proportions, and it bever fucking goes anywhere. It's always and only been about eating too much. Like a fucking mouse fed ad libitum.
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shits fucked buds, if you need something, call a veterinarian desu
One teaspoon per day mixed with water is a good start.
It helps break up and bind the biofilms which protect these bastards, which gives your immune system a better chance to attack them.
Best used as part of a stack with other antiparasitics
Don't feed the trolls, newfag
making more excuses for that orange nigger is all you are going to do
Okay anon, someone only has 30 minutes a day to dedicate to preparing food, give your 30 day meal plan that doesn't incorporate slop.
Defiantly. I have lost any desire to eat that shit. And am disgusted at the bloated land whales waddling around like zombies.
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You can keep the doritos.... but they vill not be bright orange!
Everytime I see those containers I just see giant firecrackers
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>nooo you have to trust the High Priests of the Church of SCIENCE(R) (Brought to you by Mars Milky Way S-CORP & PepsiCo)!!
>castor oil
>Castor oil is made by pressing the seeds of the castor plant, Ricinus communis
>Originally from West Africa, Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis L.) is an annual or perennial shrub which can grow to 6 meters tall. It has large shiny glossy 7–9 lobed leaves to 60 cm wide. It has scattered populations throughout all the mainland states of Australia.
umm you might be able to do it yourself
you need to be very specific with your diet then m8, look up foods that are anti-inflammatory, since most of the shit these days causes it
I've always wondered how Code Red would taste if it was made with actual sugar.
>I am a fucking scientist.
What's your name and what organization do you work under?
Stay away from my cheese its nigger.
If you were a scientist you'd know that things aren't created equal. HFCS and sugar and not the same even if you say they're 4 calories per gram. Also calories are made up bullshit, our bodies are not calorimeters.
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Great video! I hope Trump gives RFK full control over all heath as promised. After tackling food and water, I hope he goes after air. The chemtrails and 5g. Those are three major attack vectors. These issues will be a great bipartisan populist unifying issue and strengthen the Trump coalition greatly. I can't wait until we remove fluoride from the water.

This effectively does. The demons come crawling out of the woodwork if you don't want to take your poisonous food, drink, or shots. Oh and turns out they have a lot of genetic diseases so don't have their own kids get the shots, but get very scared and uncomfortable if others don't all take it, as it could spread and get to their kids. But now when they expose themselves they are up against a growing movement against them, who has the full power of a united United States government behind them. We are so back!
Hate to tell you this buddy but we do. Sure we have plenty of land and some of the highest consistent crop yields as any time in earth. It’s not a problem of supply though, it’s a problem of logistics. A lot of food goes bad if you don’t process it somehow. You’ve got to get that food distributed to 360 mil people every day. It’s a nightmare at scale. Some small rural communities may be ok, but the cities would starve. I’m not in favor of processed foods, I’m more in favor of eating local but it’s a logistical nightmare to get all that food to all those people without some sort of centralized processing and or added preservatives. We grow enough food in America to feed every human on earth we just can’t get it to them.
It's synthasized in a lab. So fucking what?
Stop feeding the trolls, newfags
Yellow-dye-#5-enjoyers...it's over...
Want to know what changed in the 90's?
UV filtering was introduced in windows
Take 10K iu vit D3 per day anons
Thats not "food" anon. If it didn't exist 150 years ago or has more than a few ingredients listed stay away or feed it to democrats.
That was terrible. The sun is good for us.
I just did, you braindead faggot. A health hazard score of two has literally no imications on whether it can be safely consumed.
you know, maybe we shouldn't consume synthesized chemicals for the purpose of making our food brighter colors for cheaper
>Cap'n Crunch, Doritos, Cheez-Its, Gatorade, and Vitamin Water
I don't really give a shit about anyone who chooses to eat that ultra processed garbage. I only feel bad for the kids whose parents buy it for them and keep that shit in the house.
>he hasn't read RFKs twitter lately
lol we are getting rid of that shit too.
Guess what happens if you get too much sun?
judging from the responses to this thread people are mostly fine with eating poison and i seriously doubt anything will change since republicans are such corporate bootlickers and the orange nigger can't stop shoveling mchdonalds in his face, if you make it healthy it's going to cost even more and that's a no no, is trump somehow going to make them accept lower profit margins
You have the right to get the fuck off this board.
>just dox yourself bro!
Eat shit.
Your histrionics do nobody any favors. Flour isn't poison. Seeds are good to eat.
Worms feed on sugars. Cut the carbs
Oh but it's free on all the new double glazed windows which you need to save on your heating bill and sunlight yellows the plastic products you own in your home so you really need it.
You won't get too much sun inside your house. You won't get enough if you block UV rays.
Damn and he's got dank taste in cunnies too
Imagine that sweaty cunncunn leaking out two weeks worth of your NoFap load from her spankies/miniskirt region
Yeah it is. Its cheap food made for slaves. Rich people always ate meat.
That’s not the point. You’re a disingenuous kike who thinks Trump hates women because he’s a man. Kill yourself
No you didn't you dumb nigger but nice try. Answer the question. Fag

Fa gg ot.

Answer it.

Also, Vinegar, which is only a percentage of Acetic Acid, has been around for centuries. I wonder how that was, oh yea because normal people weren't handling pure acetic acid you dumb fuck.
i want some toothpaste without the bs!!
They should switch all public infrastructure and government lighting back to incandescent and also unban the sale of incandescents (which Trump did before during his first term).
You ever seen what the left side of long haul USA truckers faces look like ? They look like cancer from the sun shining there exclusively
Haha yup! Can't upset the rich tranny celebrities kids!

I've been saying this to people for so long now and over 98% of the time they stare back at me with the blankest look on their face like I'm supposed to do a magic trick and offer them a ticket to Wonka land. No one cares when you tell them anything
"Yellow #5 might be toxic, but can our underprivileged communities afford to lose its anti-bacterial effects?"
-Some stuff about why Yellow #5 should be subsidized here
With all the excess fluoride I wonder what will happen to all that toothpaste manufacture?
Maybe people start thinking and use non fluoride toothpaste and boom there goes the far left voters.
Oh and while I was researching about it I came across multiple papers by woke academics already shaking and seething about it, calling it transphobic and homophobic and even plain out saying that even if it's true nothing should be done about it
>HFCS and sugar and not the same
They are. Sugar is sucrose which breaks down to 50:50 glucose and fructose before it hits even your stomach, let alone your gut. HFCS is 55:45 fructose:glucose dissolved in water. A slight fructose enrichment isn't what makes people fat, eating hundreds of grams of sugar does.
>Also calories are made up bullshit, our bodies are not calorimeters.
Yes they fucking are, unless you're literally dying, or some kind of cold blooded lizard person.
Rich people ate both.
Or is "Cake" a food for the peasants now?
And that's a good thing. American food regulation is laughably bad and companies take advantage of that massively.
I don't live in a truck honestly
Whats the best home distiller?
tell that to the girls and women he raped or the culture he's nourished with mottos like your body my choice, all he does is create bigger divisions between men and women
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>eat shit
Food matters, rabbi. A strong family starts with healthy food
Stop feeding the trolls
You will never get an answer
You are wasting your time and making the board worse
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It takes three minutes to cook and omelette, and ten minutes to cook rice for days. Just eat omurice for every meal. It's a perfect diet. You have no excuses not to cook whole foods for yourself. It's the most important use of your time. Health is wealth.
>polysorbate 80
Yellow die is the least of your worries, anon...
prove it with a biochemical analysis
compare sugar water against HFCS water
ulcerative colitis?
>bro just eat eggs and rice every day forever
Either you're an autist or a bad faith retard
To go a little further into this the huge crop yield thing is a double edged sword. We’ve been getting more and more efficient with the growth of food. Crop yields are at all time highs bc of hormones gmo’s ect. We can feed a fuck ton of people which means people live longer which means you have to get even higher crop yields and more efficiently get food to people bc there’s more mouths to feed.

If your tribe learns how to make spears and kills a mastodon that is good and your population will grow.

If your tribe has so many people they need to start herding them over cliffs to feed everyone, that’s not so good.

We are here, we’re stretching the crop yield to the absolute highest we can squeeze out of it in order to keep our population fed and it’s not sustainable.
They didn't have to
Yes, cake is bad for you, fatty
>Also, Vinegar, which is only a percentage of Acetic Acid
As opposed to a fucking food dye, which would take up much less than 1% of the mass of a food product.
>has been around for centuries.
So has drinking mercury, but I bet you're not in a fucking hurry to do that.
A steak
Everyone reading this exchange knows you lost Troonfag. Read a book.
I guess your house has zero windows and that's why you're not understanding.
>I'm a SCIENTIST, you have to do what I want!
>knows nothing what he's talking about
>is anonymous
Then I'll discount everything you have to say and continue putting my support behind the guy who is actually doing the things I want to see in society.

If you don't want to dox yourself then don't open your mouth and make a retarded claim like "I'M A SCIENTIST, JUST FUCKING ACCEPT WHAT I SAY" and expect people to kneel to your demand because of your arrogant nonexistent position of authority.
And you're free not to.
Why would anyone want even more chemicals added to their food? The people are realizing the fact that they have been poisoned. 'muh good looking food tho!' faggots, like yourself, can be euthanized expediently
True, but they also don't have the right to create a financial cartel that, in collaboration with a propagandistic apparatus (that includes a state component), literally make it so most of the shit avaialble includes some form of poison. You are defending corporations that go against the free market, even if I agree with you in that no specific component should be banned (but there should be companies and/or institutions that grade and certify exactly how shit your stuff is for health).
>families should spend $50/day in steak and only eat steak
Post your tits.
Out of all the promising things under the Trump administration this is the biggest one for me. It's insane how much of this under table lobbying has been going on and we're just getting slowly killed by it.
Yeah. It's healthy. Cheap food is bad for you. Its cheap for a reason. You're paying for your health.
>you have to do what I want!
Dumbfuck forgot what the argument even was. YOU'RE the one arguing in favor of regulation. Also no, I know more than you about this, and everything else.
Pretty much impossible and you have to go to specialized organic grocery stories and spend at least twice as much or more for the same food. All because kikes like you want to save 5 cents on ingredients.
>this dude thinks synthetic vitamins are beneficial and not industrial runoff
>they didn't have to!
>and cake is bad for you!
Neither of those actually mean anything to what you or I have said.
Are you Jewish or retarded?
Truckers are right next to the window. The sun hits their face for hours. I don't think you're understanding.
guess what happens when you get too little D3,
>Every cell in your body besides your blood uses D3
They make a lot of the same brands here. Minus all the fucky ingredients. Taste better in most cases. Really gets the noggin joggin.
Stop feeding the trolls, newfag
>They are. Sugar is sucrose which breaks down to 50:50 glucose and fructose before it hits even your stomach, let alone your gut. HFCS is 55:45 fructose:glucose dissolved in water.
Thank you for confirming you are not a scientist.
At best you're some woman nutritionist operating as someone who knows "the science" because it comes on a script written for her by the FDA-approved authority.
This will unite the nation. Once the first load of real bead is baked and eaten by a crowd of slop dependent burgers it’s over for Monsanto and Bill Gates. So many people are going to the gallows. RFK Jr will investigate, prosecute and regulate food industry like what happens with Big Tobacco in the early 1990s. One more head of the Hydra will be cut off. This is very much needed and I’ll stay in America and kiss his ass forever if he brings us real justice.
No. They hate us because they hate themselves and blacks ofc, and Arabs, and Asians, and jeets and their mothers. They project that hatred back onto us like what Jews do to chickens and goy children. The ridicule will never stop because they will never stop being not okay.
enriched mainly means its been "enhanced" with basically non bioavailable iron and folic acid (note: not methylfolate/folate).

it's entirely useless, possibly dangerous
Checked. What are the most common endocrine disruptors so i dont give them to my kids?
You want me to prove to you that sucrose is a polymer of glucose and fructose? An extremely basic organic chemistry fact?
>noooo muh sugar
get a grip, manchild
Flour was invented for slaves to eat. It doesn't matter if rich people ate it. It is bad for you. You're supposed to eat meat. We didn't eat flour before we invented it.
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But hey, if it was good enough for the JNJ...
Point out a single thing I said that was wrong, nigger.
Nigger the window concentrates that sunlight. Your windows at your house have uv coatings to protect you. Why are you niggers this stupid? Go out into space and absorb some uv radiation directly so I don't have to see your drunk bogan posts any longer.
Direct them to the nearest aluminum smelter. Maybe they can fall into one of the arc furnaces.
Your logic doesn't compute. Try again, Retard.
The food companies write the regulations
Holy shit kill yourself jew. I shouldn't have assumed youre an Aussie.
and fructose is demonstrably worse for mammal physiology, possibly everyone.

if you are knowledgeable as you claim you should be familiar with the literature.
only way eating fructose makes sense is in small amounts in the form of honey or fruits
Prove they have precisely identical effects on the human body over twenty years of consumption. You can't, because that's the real science, not the low-resolution checklist info like "55:45 fructose glucose mixture" you looked up on wikipedia and repeat like this absolves you of the responsibility of close examination of human biology.

Thanks but I'll reply to whomever I want.
>Why would anyone want even more chemicals added to their food?
It's not about "wanting", you stupid faggot. It's about bring opposed to baseless and petty regulation that's only pushed for virtue signalling reasons.
>The people are realizing the fact that they have been poisoned.
The people are getting fooled by scam artists on youtube.
Sure, but even the smaller ones that aren't involved in that use dangerous chemicals in food products.
Toms of Maine
you are correct, but saying we didn't eat something until we invented it makes you sound like a moron
No argument detected

You didn't address the fact that their face is exposed to direct sunlight for hours
On sunday grill 7 steaks/chicken, make rice, eat fruit.
>Point out a single thing I said that was wrong
Error by omission. Your information is low-resolution. It's a basic layman's wikipedia understanding of glucose and fructose. Not scientific analysis of the health crises affecting America and the west over the past 40-50 years.
>sugar is a molecule so there haha, prove me wrong? oh you can't guess i win
>and absorb some uv radiation directly
Why do cold norther climate countries have lots of blacks with diabetes in them?
Not enough D3 for those with dark skin
>you sound dumb
Not an argument. Flour isn't natural to eat. It's bad for you.
How is a poison, directly on the ingredient label, just some scam someone cooked up? Access to healthy non fucked up food is a human right you dumb faggot.
RFK Jr is based af. Jews on suicide watch.
This conversation was about food dye, not you being a paranoid faggot about the existence of pesticide. You know you can wash vegetables, right? Oh what am I saying, you don't eat vegetables. You think you're fat because there's "poison" in the cheetohs you eat every day.
>No argument detected
You'll need to do better than "flour was created for slaves [false], and therefore it's unhealthy [bad logic]" if you want a real argument.
Arguing with a retard does nothing, so at this point, I'll settle for insulting you.
I'm suggesting that a highly chemically processed slop like corn syrup is not identical as sugar. It's the same bullshit claim that non-GMO corn is the same as GMO corn. It's like saying food grown with organic fertilizer is the same as food grown with chemical fertilizer. They're not the same.
keep getting baited. That's smart
Go ahead and buy chips without food dye at a normal grocery store you fucking retard.
I lose nothing you fucking dumbass by being here. Piss off or contribute faggot.
Thats often the main use (or abuse) of the regulation is to turn the industry to a few cartels and squeeze out any real competition
We lived on meat. Flour has nothing except sugar. It was made for slaves to eat until they decayed and died early. It's cheap. It isn't natural to eat.
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I smell rat poison and Matzah balls.
You're making the board worse by responding to trolls. You're helping them shit up the thread. You're getting annoyed by agitprop which is a manipulation tactic. You do lose.
You're shitting up the thread repeating yourself over and over you moron. I can only assume this is a troll on your part.
>We lived on meat.
We lived on everything. Tubers, seeds, meat, fruits, etc. The only people that lived on meat alone were fucking eskimos and their guts are specialized for it.
You're an idiot.
>Error by omission
I omitted nothing. It is a fucking fact that HFCS is not molecularly different from table sugar in any way that matters. The entire conversation about corn syrup was never based in fact and has no plausible mechanism, let alone evidence. You should be demanding cane sugar because it tastes better, not because you're too fucking stupid to not eat a gallon of the stuff.
Get the poison out of your food first, figure out the market monopoly problem later.
>old rice
>It's a perfect diet
wew fucking baka lmao
>he thinks he's arguing against trolls and shills
>half posts are commanding people to stop demonstrating their points
Not how 4chan works. The act of shining a light of truth on shill rhetoric and pilpul is not to change their minds or even directly refute their non-arguments, but to stand as an open testament to the world how they operate and attempt to spread poison in free thinking minds.

No. You don't control the board.
Hell, we're well past bump limit and you're still seething. Interesting.
mmmm tubers :)
i suppose it's okay things like widespread cancer, heart disease, brain diseases, getting sick multiple times a year and more are just looked at as normal now.

better eat more seed oils, sugar substitutes, actual fat substitutes and drown everything in fructose rich sugar as well. oh yeah also avoid vitamin D wherever, at most hold to the pitiful 400UI per day recommendation forwarded by (((doctors))), but ONLY during winter.

you are just very ignorant and our system is actually too liberal in letting retards like you browse the internet and procreate
>>Error by omission
>I omitted nothing. It is a fucking fact that HFCS is not molecularly different from table sugar in any way that matters.
So, you're not a scientist, and you have nothing meaningful to say on the subject We've established that already. Get some new material.
>and fructose is demonstrably worse
Only in hyper physiological quantities. No study has ever shown a measurable difference between isocaloric feeding witn 50:50 fructose:glucose vs 55:45. Because of course they haven't. You would have to be fucking stupid to edpect there to be.
It needs to be said until you understand.
Stop feeding the trolls. You are making the site worse.

Not true and none of that is flour. Flour is processed crushed seeds. That isn't the same as fruit. We're not supposed to eat flour. In the ancient world the slaves and peasants had to live on bread while the rich got access to regular meat because that's what people actually wanted.
Flour has no nutrients except unnatural sugar.
i never said it wasn't. i agreed with you. can you read?

but saying we didn't eat something until we invented it, is like saying "i was asleep until i wasn't".
it's just superfluous and stupid
>You are making the site worse.
Not your "site", tourist.
You are making the site worse and I'll stop feeding you (the troll).
You're just running around in circles. At least I'm talking to a person acting in good faith.
>because that's the real science
Lmao, no, longitudal dietary surveys are not "real science". The only thing you can trust less than a woman talking about her past is a fatty describing his diet.
Think he is saying that agriculture was not developed until 10,000 years ago. Before that we foraged, ate animals and drank clean water. Humans have been around for a loooong time. Our diet has been shit for a blink of an eye in comparison
Nah you're just being a retard m8.
It is my board, faget
>m-muh poison!
It's not poison, and nobody is making you eat it, you don't have to buy funions.
How would you write it?
>At least I'm talking to
Good for you? But you don't get the right to demand no one else talk. That's reddit tier thinking. You have like 40 posts in this thread and 20 of them are "stop talking, I don't allow it". Sorry, it don't work like that.
Thread's popping off the board anyway in like 20 seconds, I'm glad it was actually as fruitful and active as it was in spite of your shit, lmao
based /pol/
>not poison
>in dozens and dozens of foodstuff not just chips
>you still being a faggot

wew lad.
Other people being fat and sick impacts me you retard. Stop being such a bad faith faggot. Even if I eat healthy it doesn't change that 60% of the grocery store is products that will make you fat and sick and it's mainstream to think they're okay to eat.
I agree im picking at ideas of blaming companies or blaming the state they are often the same thing and separate at the same time its a constant struggle. When you take free market capitalism and state controlled socialism to their ultimate conclusions they will look and feel very similar to populations subject to them
>implying washing gets rid of that

the massai eat basically only meat, organs, milk and blood and they are very strong and healthy, all things considered.
also tell me what kind of plant matter our forefathers ate for >100k years during the winter months.
sure our species ate basically everything it can, but acting like meat, fat and organs weren't the bulk of our energy source is ignorant at best, dsingenuous at worst.

just think for a moment of the de facto caloric content of plant matter vs. the effort to get it and how small these things were in nature, before ee domesticated and bred them to be multiple times larger.

just use a bit of logic when talking about things
I do tho. It's my board.
>i suppose it's okay things like widespread cancer, heart disease, brain diseases, getting sick multiple times a year and more are just looked at as normal now
It always was you dumb faggot. Social security retirement was set at 65 because that's when most people would be dead at the time. People constantly got sick and died, usually without any investigated cause beyond "they had fever" or "they had diarreah". Before the 20th century, the infant mortality rate was north of 30 fucking percent.
>Flour is processed crushed seeds.
By the time you're done chewing them, ALL seeds are crushed, idiot.
fructose is actually worse than glucose. fruits contain very little amounts, so it's not significant when eating them, but hfcs introduces more fructose unnaturally. fructose needs to be processed by your body into glucose, which strains the liver. It also does not suppress your appetite, so you end up eating more before feeling full, among other things.
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You've been Trolled!
You've been Trolled!
You have probably been told
"Don't reply, to this guy;
he is just getting a rise,
out of you!"
Yes it's true
You respond and that's his cue
To start trouble on the double
While he strokes his manly stubble

You've been Trolled!
You've been Trolled!
You should probably just fold
When the only winning move is not to play
And yet you keep on trying...
Mindlessly replying...
You've been Trolled.
You've been Trolled!
Have a Nice Day!
You eating chips at all is the problem, dumbass.
Don't eat seeds
Other people being fat and sick impacts me you retard. Stop being such a bad faith faggot. Even if I eat healthy it doesn't change that 60% of the grocery store is products that will make you fat and sick and it's mainstream to think they're okay to eat.
>I'm suggesting that a highly chemically processed slop like corn syrup is not identical as sugar
And you're fucking wrong. Well, table sugar does taste better
>It's the same bullshit claim that non-GMO corn is the same as GMO corn. It's like saying food grown with organic fertilizer is the same as food grown with chemical fertilizer.
Two other things which are true.
Why are you talking to a bad faith faggot?

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