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I know it’s anti work but this dude been working for over a decade and just gave up on life and is shamelessly aspiring to be a NEET. What’s going to happen when this keeps spreading because it will because it will because numbers must go up.
>no punctuation
He's probably retarded
It’s impossible to get autismbux if you’ve been working for a decade. That’s for literal retards like Chris Chan whose brain is not compatible with working. OP has the physical and social capacity to work. He just chooses not to because there’s no longer an incentive.
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I was talking to a ching chong in my uber the other day. Says he quit his main job and just does a few ubers to cover the bills now since he did the math and will never own his own home on his salary.

More and more are just going to give up as it gets harder, its another sign of collapse.
How much to Uber and Lyft drivers make a year compared to people who have to dance for employers and customers and clients all day? Another reason people are leaving the work force is it’s never been more apparent that the only reward to hard work is more work.
It's a real sign that there is a quietly but fast growing population of subscribers and enthusiasts for building stealth Bushcraft shelters and modified campers as well.

Turns out surviving as our ancestors did is doable for those willing to learn, and is a lot less labor for a lot more reward than working just to pay someone else to let you have a roof over your head
>no friends
>no bitches
We live at the times when it's extremely easy to become a cog in the system: you can live and work from your basement. Too bad that you can't vote and force the government to provide you with the meaning of life, wife and friends. Mere 200 years ago being this isolated wouldn't be possible.
That's a scam too. After fuel, tires, maintenance, depreciation probably minimum wage.
What does allow one to get autismbux
Hypothetically speaking
The fuck? What is their problem?
I purposely go to the punctuation tab because FUCK KIKES
we are practically brothers
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Not in a white area, I always tip drivers in cash because I am an insane person and it gets harder to conceal while drunk. I cannot be the only one.

The hidden undercurrent of the election was hopeless men voted rightwing as a solution to their ails. I am dubious that Trump working honestly with his (((cabinet))) can give meaningful change to this demographic but for the moment they are captured and pacified. If they turn it around there will be no movement. If, however this group is unable to turn the tides under this administration, it is over. There will be a warlord era made up of people like this with nothing to lose. I am doubtful of Trump as I don't believe he won't make this generation die for Israel under advisement from his council. This or an economic depression would be triggers of the incel/volcel/divorcee apocalypse. Why does sexual or romantic engagement matter? Having a stable relationship or not having it is what brings men out of or into the PMC Somalian pirate lifestyle. People with kids aren't terrorists outside of the sandbox, despite failures of culture and society in America fathers focus inward and ignore the ongoing collapse, they work slave labor to provide for theirs and hope their kids do better. Gen X, on display here, had some failings but millennials and Gen Z are less likely to return the favor, though they are raising retards they won't abandon them.
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Correct, Uber/Lyft didn't become popular because it's a great deal. It's just a taxi service that's legally distinct enough from a taxi service to;
>Not pay out benefits or give PTO
>Not pay for the vehicles, fuel or upkeep
It's a classic modern financialization business in that its main innovation was finding a way to dodge existing regulations and offload costs onto external actors like contractors.
The man pictured in OP doesn't want a lavish lifestyle just the things afforded to previous generations yet it is increasingly unavailable. This man's ability to start a family or own a home is dwindling, now even more so being neet. Despite this he can be a dangerous person and a sell sword for the next 20 years of his life. If these people pick up guns instead of fentanyl then it's over. His story isn't unique, he has millions of peers that could collectivize for the sake of getting even, wealthy or laid. Anyone who can promise the American dream to this demographic can raise battalions locally. In this era the family men are not likely to collectivize outside of the home or immediate community and will not serve as a perfect antithesis as they have something to lose. Few of you know how very fragile this world is from a mechanical perspective but as a professional in this realm things are fucked and a bunch of H1B visas isn't going to turn the tides of men checking out of or going uncle Ted militia core on society and it's metaphorical and literal gears and cogs. Trump is the last chance, the left is incapable of speaking to these men, the 4B movement is proof of that and part of the reason men are on this path. Grass roots communism and fascism by a different name may be a force on the streets for revolution but it will not come from the sitting political class if so.
Perhaps he should lower his standards and realize times never change for the better.
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I'm now 33 years old and my best years are behind me. My Boomer parents completely sabotaged me because they were jealous of me. My dad used to bully me in high school and even as early as in middle school. I was raised by the TV and became a complete coomer with a distorted worldview. My parents never gave a fuck about me and tricked me into attending Berklee college of music where they quickly pulled the funding and put me in a mental hospital. Since then my life has been on a downward spiral and I just need help to get back into society. I haven't worked in over 10 years and I'm on welfare and food stamps. To make matters worse I've been gangstalked and harassed for years and my parents have not supported me sufficiently. I was basically chased out of Kodiak Alaska because the whole town was out to get me. I'm in a new place completely lonely with only my two cats around to keep me company. At the gym I get mogged into oblivion and stared down by niggers, spics and Chads. I fucking hate everything. I'm stuck in Sandpoint Idaho now.
>anti social loser who spends all is spare time on reddit can't find a point to life.
>I haven't worked in over 10 years and I'm on welfare and food stamps.
Aw hell naw.
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PSA is selling assault rifles for as little as $400 and they function pretty well.
>B-but not select fire
Between binary and now legal FRT triggers the average poor can be near peers to the average professional soldier when they are fighting in the same apartment complex. NVGs have never been more popular but have a much greater barrier to entry. Semi automatic rifles aren't a huge cause of death currently as few people try, generally using pistols whether criminals or not. Consider your average Chicago or Detroit black and the sort of hellscape that they create by shooting with no care to the surrounding area not fighting a war just getting angry at other people with no empathy or understanding of consequences. Now imagine instead it's a bunch of whites and mutts with the same attitude and rifles acting collectively in every city in America, the rest of the west to follow. The police couldn't deal with this, other conflicts of similar scale didn't have millions with nothing to lose and more guns than cars. Yugoslavia doesn't seem that bad when you consider the wars in Croatia and Slovenia, very mild engagements without horrific death tolls and less war crimes. Bosnia and Herzegovina were a bit of a different story and more what I would expect out of a long protracted conflict, with no strategic rout of fighting age males. Death by gunfire, infections, starvation, rapes, mutilations and torture. These were perpetrated by men with some conscious, some with families just trying to get the wrong demographic to move out of their area or retaliating for it, ethnic cleansing as the industry term rather than genocide. In all these conflicts men were fighting for their respective countries or religious community. If the average combatant has nothing to lose we should expect far worse.
I will say though in defense of these drivers there is a significant premium for not having a boss bitch and moan in your ear every single day.
There are people who make as much Uber and Lyft drivers and have to deal with clownworld tier working conditions with unironically psychotic management you find in retail or warehouses
What the fuck kek. Apple fags continue to lose and will defend it. No wonder niggers love iphones so much.
Fuck off poor fag
mfw I spent countless hours working a warehouse job in Shenmue for free and never complained.
What are you talking about? Is this a pronoun issue?
Was it worth the capsule toys?
Never work in a factory or a warehouse.
Get into construction or road works, even traffic control.
Do nothing and get paid.
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We must pray that the next four years is a complete turn around financially and socially, that Trump can deliver and give forward momentum to those after otherwise statistically men being this unmarried and in poverty means conflict is inescapable and Trump only bought us a little time.

Yes, you should make plans with like minded people if you have anything or anyone you care about in your life. Just because your life is good doesn't mean there isn't thousands of dissatisfied natives or morally bankrupt migrants in your local area that would loot, fuck and kill anything you hold dear.

Perhaps murders shouldn't Murder? Maybe rapists can consider just nutting in a sock instead?
Being this retarded leads credence to the theory that you are a fed. A child denied a village's love will burn it to feel its warmth. People wouldn't say this if the child had decided to lower its standards on receiving love. Bootstrapping mentality doesn't work in an increasingly looted world. If the rich continue to prosper and the base continues to suffer, it doesn't matter what the safe, logical and pragmatic solution is, these people are going to stop being told to settle for less in the same way that OPs subject is eyeing a house to squat in. All he is doing is taking something by force. One guy does it, it's a crime. If 10 million do it then it's law.
We really don't need so many people to be working. We live in an almost post-scasrcity society thanks to capitalism and the tireless Chinese factory drones. Things have never been so good, yet we have never been so poor, especially the younger generation.

>Being this retarded leads credence to the theory that you are a fed.
Not an argument. Mods: cook this delusional technoweenie for 2 months.
You are mentally ill.
There's work to be done as there's nearly 8 billion people to serve in the era of globalism.
You sound like a schizophrenic jew, I suggest becoming a garbage man and focusing on your career to the exclusion of everything else in your life.
I left my job in October (Gave 2 months notice). Neet life is so good. Fuck being a head chef, not worth the money. I'm just gonna take a lower position for $22/hr so I won't hate my life.
I'm 37 and gave up in August myself. Can't get a job that pays more than $15/hr outside of slaving away in a warehouse and rent everywhere keeps increasing, so I'm just giving up and becoming a NEET.
Yep, he's a no coiner
>becoming a NEET.
hero, late to the party though its neets fighting for the future of mankind
Automation is quickly making that not so. China's youth unemployment keeps rising as they invest in automation.

In this country tech workers can't find jobs even with a degree and experience. People get rejected from McDonald's these days. What do they want us to do.

If there's no jobs to do then the stigma around unemployment benefits should be dispelled and a sort of UBI introduced.
Oh so you still work at Walmart? That gives your opinion a ton of weight.
Everything else I posted is an argument. The government is failing to give fighting age men any hope for a future and it's a growing hazard that no one talks about. If it isn't corrected the world dies from hate or apathy.
True. I should have done this years ago since working is a waste of time anyway.
How long have you worked at walmart? Is there no other jobs in your area?
Life is just a segment of time that you have to figure out how to waste.
>How much to Uber and Lyft drivers make a year compared to people who have to dance for employers and customers and clients all day?
In the summer I make $50+/hr, if it's the off-season I'll make something between $25 to $40 and hour. It's totally better than minimum wage if you know how to properly write everything off (for instance I can write off $.67/mile driven) and know when to drive/how to max our surges. Uber customer support sucks dick and don't ever waste your time on Uber eats, that shit is trash.
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>my life is over
FFS your life is just beginning. Sounds like you just need to learn how to manage your money.
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Not without Logan's Run-tier caveats.

>How long have you worked at walmart?
Over 20 years.
>Is there no other jobs in your area?
I'm sure I could find another job but it needs to be the right wage (>$20/hr), right ammount of weekly hours (>40) and most importantly: the right distance (<10 minutes from my residence). I just turned down a job at a dealership paying $12/hr and was an hour away. I blocked on sight! Same goes for obvious af scams I get almost every day. It's scary out there!
My balls, your chin
>if you know how to properly write everything off (for instance I can write off $.67/mile driven) and know when to drive/how to max our surges
How do i get into write offs? Do i need a llc or something else to help me as a contractor? How do you report your miles?
It's a scam
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>zero comments
>deleted by moderators
It's okay OP. You are a fellow autist who fell through the cracks and came here looking for emotional support but don't want to be attacked by tradie LARPers. We understand.
$12 an hour is fucking worthless with the boomerflation on housing and trumped up car costs holy shit.
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Your $20/hour is actually more like $15 after taxes, insurance, Union dues, etc.
You lack discipline, motivation, imagination, and intelligence.
Your best option is to burn down the store, at least you'd make history
nice but crypto is all scams now, really the only none scam was bitcoin and it was still borderline
I found my current job after 30. My gf is 10 years younger than me. It's over only when you say it's over.
You need a LLC and an EIN number at least. You also need an office or business address. You can write off about $13,000/year/vehicle in fuel and 50% of your business lunches
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>You need a LLC and an EIN number at least.
Thats not too bad
>You also need an office or business address
If you cant use home address doesnt that mean rent in fact it mean commercial rent is it worth it?
>You can write off about $13,000/year/vehicle in fuel and 50% of your business lunches
Maybe it is thats a good chunk of savings.
Don't get why everyone hates pizza parties. I like pizza.
>just save that dollar you spend on gas station coffee every day and in 339 years you'll have saved up enough for a down payment on an ex-meth lab!

There is no amount of belt tightening possible for our generation to feasibly own a home. Our only viable pathways are inheritance and winning the lottery. As a result of that we'll also never have families or retire. What waterheaded boomers decry as "financially irresponsibility" is just doomspending, why save for a future we don't have?
>Our only viable pathways are inheritance and winning the lottery
I play the same numbers every week for a chance to be rich!
I also worked a shit warehouse job but for half the time. I used all my free time and money to get IT certifications and training and now I work from home for a 6 figure salary. Life is a game, minmax at all times.
My office costs $95/month. I rarely use it because I'm always on the road
Based. I also worked a shit warehouse job and used the hours of free time to start my own business and learn stonks and crypto. I did all this 4 years ago, so I don't want to hear zoomers whining how it's impossible. I bought a fucked up trailer home for $1,000 and remodeled it myself
Jesus Christ you whiny fuckers. You don't DESERVE a house with that attitude because you'll just fucking rope yourself at the first sign of adversity, like your toilet getting clogged. Owning a house isn't fun, it's unending expensive repairs. God help you if your roof needs replacement or you get hit with a special assessment.

Put money in your 401k. Work as much as you can for a few years. Then do a hardship withdrawal to avoid the 10% penalty, and use what you put in plus employer funds matching (free money!) for the down payment. Should be something minimal like 2-3% if you're a first time buyer getting a FHA loan.

Keep funding your 401k and never touch it again.
The prices of eggs, groceries and housing through inflation under Biden no longer makes it appealing anymore to work.
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Makes sense at that cost thank you.
>Based. I also worked a shit warehouse job and used the hours of free time to start my own business and learn stonks and crypto. I did all this 4 years ago, so I don't want to hear zoomers whining how it's impossible. I bought a fucked up trailer home for $1,000 and remodeled it myself
Based and antidoomer pilled. Im trying to go from neet to working i have a car and thats it blackpillers are such a nuisance.
There’s special incentive programs for pajeet drivers I bet
Good, this is what any rational man should be doing right now. Fight evil not participate in it, and (((money))) is evil in itself.
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We did it, Reddit!

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

Edit 2: 327 upvotes for this? Haha wow that's the most I've ever gotten, thanks guys and gals and everything in between!

Edit 3: WTF 600 upvotes wow thank you all so much this is the best birthday ever

Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow r/wooooshers. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow.

Edit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O_o 2000 motherflipping upboats I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot!

Edit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this reply chain and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you!

Edit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of downvotes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by 4chan.com/b?? (commonly referred to as the "asshole of the internet" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this post an upvote if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person.

Edit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me, so that happened :/

Edit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable.

Edit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you!
He worked hard all year for shit pay, his boss got a $3,000,000 bonus on top of his normal pay. Their reward was a collective $100 in pizza. It's not about the pizza, it's about the respect and the money.
I have an M.S. in biochemistry and I quit my "career" to make $4/hour more working at Panda Express. Literally. Better retirement benefits too.

Nobody needs people for non-service jobs anymore. We're rapidly moving to a post-job society where the only jobs are service/delivery jobs.
Go fuck yourself.
It's amazing how it's literally the same deal every time. It's just the modern pathos. At least for that we can forgive ourselves. Memetic forces are hardly able to be overcome. I'm having a terrible Wednesday.
Everything's going according to the plan. A constant influx of refugees keeps a young,cheap workforce going.
Thank you for effort posting on behalf of us losers everywhere, despite knowing it will only ever fall on deaf ears.
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Just like this whole fucking thread. Poe's law intensifies.
Kek, there can't be post scarcity if every week there are two millions more Indians and Chineses
I can't. I'm too important here as the sites first triple crown recipient.
The number of girls in my life who have always commented: "You type so weird! It's like reading a book every time you text me!" just flashed before my eyes.
i do that shit here and dont even use capitalization
get fucked you oxford faggots
A faggot like you can find a way I am sure.
fuck off tripfag nigger kys
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Can't. Signed a multi-year contract extension back in 2022.

You can stop projecting your fat, lazy, degenerate lifestyle at any time, m8.
I refuse to be homeless so I work. That's the only reason. I like having enough money to buy things I want of course, but ultimately the only reason is to put a roof over my head. I get nothing else out of it that's meaningful.
Imagine how horrendous that post-nut clarity must be with your half naked "wank bud" is sitting next to you
why do you never post pictures from your phone anymore? What did you do with the real walmart anon, is he dead?
Chad doesn’t give a fuck about punctuation or capitalization he types short texts or what could be one big text into two or three short ones. Your little novel about your feelings or how you want to spend more time with her is a massive red flag you’re a low value bitch with no other girl in his sight. Massive ick
It's not like my life is any better except
I became a wise Blackpilled man
Played Vidya semi needed
And currently finishing uni
Still a virgin too but who cares robowaifus are coming and they will be literally better than humans
T.27 yo winner chud
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Someone start talking to this man about the jews.
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Good shit: that's what the fuck I'm talking about!

>why do you never post pictures from your phone anymore?
Heat got too hot and I have nothing left to prove after my years of service.
>What did you do with the real walmart anon, is he dead?
Nah nigga I am me.
>low value bitch
>Massive ick
Why do you write like a woman?
>grrr, you think home ownership isn't possible because it's artificially expensive? Well you don't actually want it because of (some examples of it being artificially expensive)!
>but make you pay into the ponzi scheme so I can retire!

Leaded gasoline did a number on you. Good luck in the care homes you staffed with immigrants.
> god i hate my parents for this
His parents didn't force him to work in a fucking warehouse for the entirety of his 20s. How the fuck do you live with your parents for 10 years and somehow rack up enough "emergencies" that you have absolutely no savings? Guy seems profoundly retarded.
Well fuck my wage slave factory job has made me a million and a half dollars. I also have 250,000 in 401k company stock match, no debt and a paid off house. But then again I've always been poor and I'm used to it so that's how I roll. I have four paid off cars and the newest one is 16 years but all the maintenance on them is up to date and I could drive them to Alaska tomorrow.
>its muh parents fault
>my life is over
Why are people like this?
Im 31 and have a girlfriend of almost 2 years.
My first and only girlfriend.
She barely works because she got fibromyalgia from vaccines snd her hesrt is messed up.
I've saved 65k working a factory job I fucking hate getting up at 4:46 am for 5 years now.
Felt dissociated to reality after 6 months of sleeping 5 hours a night.
Now I've done it 5 years and my soul is utterly dead.
I would quit my job if my gf left me. Full stop. I don't even fuck her anymore because I need Viagra to get hard with how sleep deprived I am.
I cannot stand giving so much of my day to shekelstein.
What is the fucking point?
We're trying to buy a house but everything is so expensive. And the affordable manufactured homes (which I would be happy with) all come with a fucking 458 dollar a month HOA fee.
ok joomer
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> employed for 10 years
> lived at home not paying rent
what a fucking loser
You probably need to douche your vagina fat boy.
>There is no amount of belt tightening possible for our generation to feasibly own a home.

I agree that the housing prices are completely insane right now and simply cutting down on things like that won't make the difference. BUT Gen X and Boomers are right Millennials have been consistently very wasteful with money. A level of belt tightening isn't going to buy you a home but it can help you build up some more savings to invest or keep ready for emergencies.

I have had so many co workers over the years consistently broke and unable to afford shit. They work paycheck to paycheck barely covering expenses, but if you do a breakdown on their daily spending there is so much waste there that they could cutdown and give themselves a few thousand extra to cover things like fixing a car, a holiday they want or just some actual quality if life improvements to their life. Getting 2x coffees every day for a year does ad up. Pile on the stupidly expensive Avocado toast they all get or lunch they buy every day and there's easy savings that could be made if they just meal prepped or made a coffee themselves. But most millennials get into this defensive position whenever you bring up cutting costs where they argue that all those things are somehow essential because other greater luxuries are out of their reach.
* Hate doing anything but the bare minimum.
>lived at home with parents entire life
>didnt save up any money
literally how
he deserves no sympathy
I was making 16 then18$ an hour and still saved up 20k in a few years while paying for my own 1 bedroom apartment
What a larp lmfao
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The way things are going, there's a higher chance to make it in the long run by getting physical silver instead of 401k though.
>This entire time you could’ve been investing, Living in an apartment with three renters to divide the rent
>The entire time off, you devoted all of your free time to simple pleasures.
>The entire time you gave your best to a job with no movement prospects
>The entire time you never submitted any forms for promotion.

Lad, you could’ve been a truck driver Or a police officer, Neither of which have high schooling requirements, but high devotional requirements, And there are still many areas where the pay for those things are great.
But you chose not to because you hate doing anything but the bare minimum to get a job.
You had time for a job that lets you screw around for anytime except eight hours a day for five days a week.

I am beyond disappointed.
>finale straw
>tread the line
Yeah he’s fucking retarded
>Find ways to scam the system
Great advice, actually. I wish I learned this in my early 20's.
my neet brother in law got autismbux because he told the doctor that working makes him suicidal and when she asked why he just talked for an hour about how the dishwashing area at mcdonalds is inefficiently organized
I can’t stand people like this, they expect everything to be handed down to them, being a NEET is going to make things 100x worse, because when you lose your NEETBUX either from a right wing government or lack of funding, you won’t even be worthy to get your wage slave job back.
Interviewer: so Anon, what have you been doing for the past few years?
Anon: Living on welfare, smoking pot, and jerking off
Interviewer: Oh
My advice is to wage slave for half the time and go study in college or do a trade, then leave that job and keep learning new skills. NEETing is a trap, plus you won’t be able to buy nice things and go out to bars and get laid, which is OPs real problem.
>Learn to make something
>Sell that thing
A corporation will never give you a future.
Thats very based, I understand his pain
Holy fuck I could buy a house outright if I didnt have to pay fucking rent, and my rent is low
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this faggot holy shit
The NEETS grow stronger. See you soon Quiet-Ad9289.
>50k saved in btc atm
>know for a fact at the end of this bull run i'll have 75k-200k to pull out (we may very well hit 300k this time around)
>gonna put a down payment on a nice house, interest rates be damned. i'll refinance
>got an interview for a job next wednesday that would pay me more than what i make now (meaning 75k-80k)
>100% lied. my life is pure lolcow gold if you knew the actual truth and nobody will ever know the actual truth.
>if i don't get it, w/e. i'll stay at my current company until it goes under and i'll go wagie somewhere else.
>once i get the nice house i will have considered it the final objective in the video game of life meaning i won
>anything beyond that is just after game bonus content
>been grinding this last mission so long like being stuck on a difficult level that even when i do achieve it, i will feel nothing
>will probably buy a gun just incase i'm in need of a plan s
All I want to do is smoke a joint on the weekends and watch Nagatoro with a dog in my house. To say it has been a struggle since I graduated would be an understatement,
Imagine talking to women lmao
the shit ive done for free pizza would blow your fucking mind. I'm a sucker for that shit
In 5 years, EVERYONE will be a NEET.
Welcome to Judge Dredd.
Nigger, the lost generation died in 1917

Otherwise good advice I'd give too
he's either lying or wasted all of his money and stupid bullshit. living at home while working a warehouse job would net you thousands of dollars of disposable income EACH MONTH. he could have saved $10,000 in less than a year. it doesn't make any sense.
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Hopefully it happens
Imagine growing up in the richest country in the world. Failing. Then pretending its anyone elses fault but your own.
I started losing my hair when I was 20.
Never had a gf.
Got a decent career making around 140k a year depending on bonuses.
Still couldn't get a gf.
Head office treated my like shit.
Quit my job. Sabotaged my work. Manipulated my good coworkers into quitting. Worked on a temp contract for a competitor to help put my old place out of business. Got them to steal customers and workers.
Got my indian status. Went back to university on a full ride.
Still never had a gf.
The time to get into selling cars was well before "COVID." I wish I had. I know this from personal experience. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get into it until 7-8 months before lockdown and only got a brief taste of good money. I went back to a different dealership for a month earlier this year and it was nothing like it was 5 years ago. Even the guys with 5, 10, 20 years in the game are struggling to sell 6-7 cars a month, at least in my area. For context, I was selling 13-14 cars a month with no previous experience after my first 2 months at the dealership. But that was before that dumb bitch Governor Whitmer made it illegal to do business and make money. Let's see what happens under Trump, but I'm not holding my breath.
If u can't understand a sentence without punctuation aka bed rails then ur a retard and should be shot also ur punctuation attitude is contributing to education indoctrination
Almost there anon, keep pushing.

And make sure that plan s is plan survival.
40 hours @ $20/hour is $650/week after taxes (I have to pay MI state tax). That is the U.S. median income. Retired Boomers walk to the mailbox once a month and collect what a median income worker takes home every month. Ain't life grand?!
Fuck weenie. All my bros hate weenie.
>they expect everything to be handed down to them
I certainly do.
better get used to it, bucko
For men our best years are 37-55
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I made enough money last week to cover an entire year's worth of expenses lol

fuck waging
>living at home while working a warehouse job would net you thousands of dollars of disposable income EACH MONTH
chinas central planning economy was a bad idea lol. we have millions of open jobs.
They scream too much in all honesty.


The best years are 18-22.
Then don’t cry when things don’t go your way.
Very nice. Can I ask what you do?
There is punctuation, though. Not enough, sure, but there are a few periods, a question mark, and even quotations.
Probably retarded, sure, but no punctuation?
Are you probably blind?
That’s debilitating OCD
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This is exactly right. DOGE is going to accelerate this. If you were to actually cut massive numbers of government jobs, there is no way for the private sector to absorb them. They'll probably try MMT style federal minimum wage job programs first before realizing that these are even more transparently just "welfare with extra steps".
You’re a dumb fucking retard for not developing a single skill. Join a plumbing company as the designated retard until you learn what a wrench is, and move up from there. You can move to journeyman in 2-5 years depending on the state. 35+ an hour easy.

Yes it’s dirty gross shitty work.
Yes you deserve it for fucking up.
a $5 coffee every day is $1500/yr which is like 1% of the salary you need to afford a one bedroom house in california.

the quality of life you're demanding of these people is anhedonic and spartan
Nah it's the end, 30 is the humanity's wall after 30th birthday you just rotting away slowly
I don't follow.
There’s hella jobs. He’s a lazy whiny faggot who doesn’t want to put in an ounce of effort. He’ll work there until he dies pretending he’s stuck there when he could just leave now and go anywhere else and do anything else.

In other words, he’s a drone. He’s that guy who can’t imagine an apple. He’s the one who doesn’t understand you’re making fun of him and laughs because you’re laughing.
>be a neet for 18 years
>want to get a job now because i'm bored
>wagies are making vacancies for me
thanks lads, one day i'll have the courage to fill out job applications.
>the courage to fill out job applications
honest to god this holds me back
This though. In order to "save money" in our current system you essentially need to starve like a buddist monk devoid of all desires. In a system where everything is highly dependent on you buying these products strategically marketed to your every desire.
>a one bedroom house in california.
i would be surprised if a one bedroom house existed. it's hard to find even two bedroom houses. companies have built only three bedroom houses at the minimum for the last several decades.
why we talking about CA? Aren't they a worst case example of cost of living? i had a peer who moved there and couldn't make it on a salary of $90k/year, that's definitely not normal.
$20k isn’t even remotely close to paying off a house kek
>just live in a truck your whole life or become a ZOGbot and serve the system that is enslaving and genociding your people

Kek no thanks
>20k in a few years
Keep at it! Just do this a few more times.
There's "hella" $17/hour jobs that were paying $17/hour before Biden took office. And I live near the Big 3, not in bumfuck middle of nowhere Mississippi.
Like I said before, $10k isn’t remotely close to paying for a house.
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What will happen is more and more men will disengage from s()yciety while more and more bloomers and tradcucks seethe and cope and gaslight about it.
They will do absolutely everything except for the one thing with any chance of success - replace Clown World with a real world that offers men purpose and meaning.
And no, serving assorted jews and jew golems is not this.
it's legitimately the biggest thing holding me back. shit sucks, man. one day we'll probably both have to man up and just do it. or pay some wagie to do it for us.

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