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Fuck. Elon. Seriously.
my tax dollars shouldn't go toward funding left wing propaganda.
Cope. Seethe. Dilate.
Defund communist propaganda machine. It makes no sense to continue to fund NPR if all they're gonna do is promote communist left wing ideology.
haha cry more zecken scum
I like NPR
It's relaxing
plus tiny desk concerts are legendary
its a good start, but realistically the npr budget cannot be that much it sucks as a first target
Looks like he's going to fuck your NPC factory infrastructure instead.
Any space with uncontrolled speech will eventually become right wing.
It's inevitable.
>Nooo not my heckin' CIA propaganda
>funding left wing propaganda.
It's a clip
That was the clip where the NPR dumb bitch said "truth gets in the way of our agenda"
NPR definitely shouldnt be such a left leaning mouth piece. If you get tax dollars you should be neutral.
National Public Radio his a ton of rabid jewish feminists and male submissives. Its overly politicized and leans 90% in favor of Democratic efforts
Don't forget the constant black life stories.
Faggot. You probably like troontunes
Right speech is free speech
You will still be able to watch it, but you will be asked to fund it.
NPR lost their tax money privileges some time around 2011. Good riddance
None of you reddit faggots listen to NPR.
Now that Republicans control both houses of Congress and the Presidency, they actually need to defund NPR. It's taxpayer-funded propaganda. They lie to benefit Democrats using our taxes.
You've said 3 words, and despite the fact I despise elon, I can still tell you're a kike. My jewdar is incredible.
1) Go back
2) I may not listen to it, but my taxes are funding it
Hey OP kill yourself NPR is for faggots only
r/npr has been melting down since the election because apparently NPR was "sanewashing" Trump
They were calling for Biden to stay in and attacking anyone who said otherwise as shills until the minute he dropped out
and yes, they are using taxpayer money for this, no one would care if it was a mother-jones type independent outlet
let that sink in
NPR is a government propaganda outlet just like the rest of the mainstream media
this guy took the covid vax
No refunds migger
Denying won't work, plus it's not your choice.
Today on NPR, we will be talking with Enrique Sitting Bear, a world renowned minor attracted poet about sex.

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Are you mad? You seem mad.
>1 pbtid
>1 pbtid
it took OP 60 seconds to samefag on his iPad

>new anti-spam measures
>There are actually people who want to defund the national public radio, and people on /pol/ agree with it
Fucking WHY? It's literally a network of hosting public radio stations. It has no political leaning or agenda. I'd love for anybody reading this post who wants it gone to reply to this post and type at least 3 sentences on why you think that should happen.
Don't tell me what to do niggerfaggot.
No, it will become pro Russian, which is a form of right wing but not the one you have in mind
>I like NPR
post your favorite scarf
Democrats are employees by it
Democrats want it to stay funded
Democrats are useless fucktard scum and everything they want is bad for the country.
I listen to npr back when they played classical music. then they stopped. now I listen to youtube or podcasts via blutooth
All americans on pol are lolbertarians
To weak to take over the government they seek to destroy it
>chuddies scared of fuckin radio
Tiny desk shows shit “””artists””” that sound shit with shit performances listened by a shitty audience. Fuck NPR, fuck you, fuck leftists, fuck tinyretardesk shit concert that stinks of shit like India.
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NPR is a democrat mouth piece so they should be violently dismantled and their journalists imprisoned. They ran defense for the dems when they were stealing election
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elon studied the blade
Leave /pol/. Seriously.
Has even NPR had any decent programming since Car Talk end? I stopped listening when the local station put Latino USA on during my early morning commute; I could not stand her voice.
Factual. Rolling.
>It has no political leaning or agenda.
Dems and reps have the same agenda you foaming retard
another lame 'arrison wannabe
that's a new one ahahhahaha
Today on NPR, we will be talking with
>Enrique David
a world-renowned

Today on NPR, we will be talking with
>Enrique Sitting Bear
a world-renowned

Today on NPR, we will be talking with
>Enrique Sitting Bear
a world-renowned
>women's rights

Today on NPR, we will be talking with
>Enrique Bramaputra
a world-renowned
>climate change

I gave up on NPR many many years back. It seemed like they wove LGBT stuff into as many stories as they could. They'd have a story about dog walkers in the gig economy and they'd inevitably talk about how it effected the gays.
Reddit != npr
The fact that nutjobs on reddit got so mad at them to the quality of their journalism
Honestly the only english news sources using are NPR and Reuters
This sounds more like vice desu
Fence sitters dont have the IQ required to participate in this discussion
Fuck. NPR. It’s literally a government propaganda outlet.
The top 1% is NPR's core audience.
Jesus christ how is his meme game so bad? He just regurgitates whatever was mildly funny on reddit 10 years ago with not real context
All Marxists should be shown the door, at the border. I have no doubt that NPR is full of woke Marxists.
Same. NPR is comfy. I remember driving with my dad as a wee lad and Robert Siegal coming on. Poltards are always bitter and faggoty about everything
I like NPR. I like the TED Radio Hour with Manoush Zomorodi. Please don't kill NPR, my little Noushie will cry.
NPR is evil. My dad was calling them National Communist Radio back in the 80s. no fucking way my tax dollars should be going to those Marxists and post-modernists who openly promote and support white genocide and the destruction of the USA as a nation-state.
NPR is claiming that his platform was ordered by Elon himself to deliver massive amounts of misinformation to help Trump win.
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He's old. This is how we'll sound bringing out grandpappy's meme collection in 30 years. Except we won't have grandchildren because god fucking dammit I fucking hate women so much (except Tulsi).
NPR stations play nice music but is everyone working there a blue haired LBGTQWGPR+?

NPR is to the left of MSNBC.
NPR is shit, and a waste of money. Start slashing the fucking budget. I hope the illegals get fucking nothing. Niggers next.
op mad
let's go
You lost anon.
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Holy rollling
Car Talk was great. I really enjoyed listening to that. Seems like those days are long gone.
Rollin like that video meme of the guy blindly throwing dildos onto the wall to pick the subject to write about.
>The fact that nutjobs on reddit got so mad at them to the quality of their journalism
>Honestly the only english news sources using are NPR and Reuters
good morning sar
Seethe faggots fuck you
Trump and Elon will become enemies soon. They will despise each other because 2 narcissists can't exist in the same room together.
Most everybody grew up with NPR and then saw it turn into yet another leftist rag full of subversion that somehow our tax dollars pay for. Ofc we're bitter, you cucked faggot. It was great 20 years ago, and now it's a travesty.
That can only happen after they run out of stuff to fix. And there's alot to fix.
NPR used to be good now its just democrat propaganda
just shut the whole fucking thing down, start up a different one or leave it dead
only good NPR thing was car talk
>yael halon
You can't fucking be serious. I used to listen to NPR in college a decade ago and it was woke trash then. It's so much worse now. The only way you could listen to their overtly pro democrat, pro LGBT, anti Trump programming and not conclude it has a political leaning or agenda, is if you are already so lock step in line with that agenda that it seems "normal" to you. Libs living in their bubble assume their views are the default and anyone who disagrees is the deviant one. Rightists at least can appreciate the center from which both wings deviate. Libs think they are the center. The kind of person who argues that LGBT issues are "not political" because "basic human decency" isn't politics. And are they criticizing as indecent the disgusting troons, faggots and drag queens that parade their degeneracy in public, including in front of children they are grooming to join their ranks? No! Instead they are criticizing you for not loving and worshiping it!
fuck the tax dollars, take away their FCC licenses
If they are going to act like a privately funded partisan MSM outlet treat them like one.
Good. Fuck NPR. Bunch of cat lady librarian nigger loving bullshit.
I only listen to the Car Talk podcast. The rest is cringe.
NPR is not communist propaganda. It's neoliberal state department propaganda.
same thing you filthy greasy faggot
>Your tax dollars are paying for this
So, just like Musk himself
Rightards can't handle heady subjects. That's why they fail high-school in droves.
I gotta agree with this comment under yours. It is the same thing. Realize that "Progressive", is just watered down communism. Watered down as a disguise, so you wont recognize it as such.
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nigger sneed
Remember when the Left sucked this guy of on the regular? The even had him appear on The Simpsons as a quirky super genius.
Rolling. Sad because this is my experience. When I was a kid my grandparents would listen to it while they were babysiting me or my brother. One time by had it on when I was visiting them recently and this was basically the slop that it had devolved into.
npr sucks. it has sucked for as long as i can remember, at least twenty years. it's got the hardest left slant of any media and it's state-funded. if they can't be unbiased then they shouldn't exist.
Can't wait to see them go tits up after tons of liberal retards give them funding out of their own pocket, but it just doesn't ever seem to be enough.
have you noticed that for a news tv to exist they need to have the "DOD avail" to use the space air without any repercussion? not only for transmission but to fly helicopters?

they have reporters in almost every block in any city, they are the cia, your taxes isn't funding anything because money is fake and gay but they are taking away your resources and your own gov. ideas are what you see on the tv.
This is too accurate
based, npr is government propaganda and if there should be any government propaganda it needs to be produced by soldiers to achieve national objectives not by academics to spread communism
NPR used to be comfy it’s straight neolib bullshit now.
I've never even heard anyone talk on npr except to introduce songs. How is this propaganda you fucking dipshits?

It's unironically the only radio worth listening to because they don't run ads.
cue the african tribal singing while we wait for the next segment
They talk all the time on there dumbass wtf are you talking about
NPR def should be defunded. They radicalized me in 2016, made me come here, and now I’m here forever.
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>god fucking dammit I fucking hate women so much
all they have to do is live in my house and play with their own babies by me. instead they want to party from 16 to 46 and when theyre sure they have no eggs left then ask me to marry them, and they wont even convert to Christianity before asking me
Pretty funny desu
Still voting for Trump
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NPR officially died when they axed A Prairie Home Companion
They have qt black chicks sometimes who wear really REALLY loose dresses
Youre a faggot
NPR has been nothing but REEEEEEEEEEE TRUMP since he ran the first time.
Its fucking incredible, what's even more incredible is the people that try to deny it.
It's amazing they get public funding with how insanely biased they are.
Fuck NPR. In my old Jeep there was one station that I loved that played great alt rock and it shared the wavelength with that shit. One moment you might be rocking out to Social Distortion then all of a sudden in a hushed faggy tone
>Then... Orange man... was... bad...
NPR and PBS aren't funded by the government. It's public as in publicly funded by regular people. They get some money for the emergency broadcast system.
Obviously, just imagine the seething when him and Vivek axe NPR, lmaoo
Reminder that the Jewish head of NPR tweeted that Trump is “a racist”, that “white silence is complicity” and this:
>I mean, sure, looting is counterproductive, but it’s hard to be mad about protests not prioritizing the private property of a system of oppression founded on treating people’s ancestors as private property
Why should $300 million in taxpayer money be given to this woman to spread this propaganda? The whole station needs to be closed immediately.
Lmao this right here is the dumbest take so far
It's not like the BBC. It's funded through people giving them money not the government.
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Coorect. People don't realize corporate interests are government interests. And people look to corporations and zionist billionaires to save them, buckle up sheep its only going to get worse. The enemy was always within, corporate zionist masonic feudalism usury capitalism.
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Back in our day memes lasted more than a week on social media.
Based. The seething trump and the crews elicited from trannys and the rest of you far left cult faggots has been glorious. Even better than 2016 at this point.
I fucking hate npr. garrison keiler was cool. but thats done now so fuck em.

He's right and these are all shill threads.

Trump 2028
Why do u hate autistic people anon?
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That's nice. Now the face the wall sweaty.
all in on double jew
>It has no political leaning or agenda
pffffft hahahaaaaha, nice one
Not an argument.
It's a clip
Ultra fucking based. Fuck NPR.
Doesn't matter. We're defunding it. It's as good as gone.
Wignat commiebros, what's our latest narrative? How are we going to fool the chuds into hating musk this time? Defending npr will be a hard sell.
>Decide to turn on NPR music station on 4th of July
>Within minutes I hear about White privilege and how horrible our ancestors are
Defund this shit
Still not an argument.
It's a clip
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>It has no political leaning or agenda
My lived experience where that doesn't happen

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