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Indians. Chinese.

Pick 1.
Chinks for sure
Chinese and it's not even close
Euro>East asians>spics> turks> Arabs> gypsies/niggers/indians/gays
The Chinese—the Chinese have been part of America for several centuries already. They’re the military industrial deep state, they selflessly hire whites to important positions, Indians are far more of ethnic narcissists

Many think it’s the Jews in charge of the MIC, you haven’t dug deep enough. We will deal with the chinks later
Chinese by a mile.
thats easy, china. you dont even notice they are here. not like the loud obnoxious indians that are constantly protesting and fighting eachother in parking lots.
indians. the chinese are sneaky and have spies and police here in canada. indians are very respectful and kind and are "Net benefits to Canada and the Canadian economy.
Unironically chinks and it isn't even a contest
At least they don't celebrate holidays in shit
Chinese. I work with a bunch of foreign scientists. The Chinese are way better than the Indians. The only women that have ever held the door open for me have all been tiny 4'11" Chinese women.
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chinese. trust me.
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Make me proud to be half Chinese
Chinks, no contest.
>picking soulless bugman over hardworking people
You wouldn’t get it, Indians are extremely foreign to America
I am going to China once deported from the US.
It is not saying much. It is like being proud you are better than aboriginal Australian.

Cute suit.
None, both die.
>Pick 1
for what exactly?
I personally do not want either. Excessive Chinese immigration means a bunch of CCP spies and a substantially different culture that values human life less. Excessive Indian immigration is civilization ending.
India is an actual free country so there are the odd people to come from there who have a rich soul and are interesting, China will burn an entire apartment full of people to kill one person like this
Chinks, indians are like if someone had managed to take all the worst aspects of our browns and condensed them into humanoid form.
This. Indians are the niggers of the Asian continent, but Chinese are the Jews.
You don't "prefer" one or the other. You only dislike one less than the other.
Unfortunately, the Nip was right. You guys are bugs.
Cheer up and go get yourself a ladyboy or something.
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I'd prefer neither. But if I really had to choose I'd pick Chinese, because they are cleaner, less smelly, more intelligent, somewhat less sleazy/scamming. Also the Chinese look less like shit than Indians, their accent is less annoying and their women are more fuckable.
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I don't even believe that post is native Japanese lol

>You guys are bug
That's what you nazi will become in the future. Hive mind and less individuals. If we are bugs then so do you .
I am not Japanese. No Japanese flags posting here are native.
the chinese may be vermin but at least they're semi intelligent vermin
Chinese. Fuck street shitters.
Oh look a chinky thread. Look at all these insects.
Fucking die in an escalator, Chang.
Your country is a literal insect swamp shut the fuck up you inferior insectoid.
The gods you worship are gods from India.

You cargo cult clueless copy-worship without even knowing a word of the Arya Rig Vedas.
You are a CHINK and that's all you'll ever be
Chinese. No contest.
Wow enjoy getting your ass raped by the CCP and drinking gutter oil.
You freedom hating communist.
Go eat your dog stew and die you stupid chink
Chinese without communism
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i like chinese manhwa.
I recomment demons and stangers, its so good.
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The Chinese without Communist characteristics?
Anti-Dengist movements would be great, but there's that whole Tiananmen Square thing.
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Nice vpn Alex
the oven can be big enuff for both, guys...
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God damn are Indians the worst niggas you can deal with. Not even American exceptionalism can compete with curry nepotism in thinking they're everyone's betters.
>and the currynig still will still never address or care about solving his own problems
>God damn how big this list gonna get this year
Chinks, if only because the one child policy proves they're not as retarded as jeets.
Ok tranny chink.
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the infinite growth who come with communism destroy any benefit it could have in their case
they're about to turn China into a parking lot
when is progress just too much
they won modernity and lost their souls on the way
Yeah because we outperform you in every metric we are your doctors lawyers and ceos and you're butt mad that a brown guy outperformed you because you assumed whites were the master race in your little bigoted head.
>Wow I love impotent sexless insects
Yeah. I'm sure you can relate, Timmy.
Meanwhile India is the most populous country in the world because we

Oh I dunno.......
Actually have SEX?
You.... DO know what sex is right?
>Curry nepotism intensifies
I swear your CEOs caused more damage to near all those companiesthan any competitor could of
I love how you whites scream nepotism like it's a bad thing.
Why don't you whites simply do the same? I thought you wanted to build the "white ethnostate" or some shit.

We're simply good at the game.
You? Not so much.
Now go throw more hissy fits at Indians while we dominate you till you die.
I choose TND
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The choice is obvious, fellow nerubro.
The Chinese by a fucking mile.
I challenge anyone who has not done so recently to step foot on one of the higher ranking college campuses in the US. Skin, the color and scent of shit, as far as the eye can see. At my campus they do their disgusting Hindu celebrations out in the open. Our college gym locker room will reek of curry staring at 6:30 AM, to the point that I’ve wondered if they think it’s a funny bit to smell like that before they leave the house. White and East Asian women will never lay a finger on them, and they will shamelessly invade spaces where they know they can get free food, networking opportunities rendered useless by their numbers, or straight up to take a job away from students who need it more.
Some anon a while back posted how Indians raid Canadian food banks despite nominally being wealthy, overseas students. That’s not even scratching the surface of their disgusting skullduggery. They are genuinely deranged, and when confronted in the plain English they absolutely speak, they act as though they’ve just dropped in from another planet and can not fathom consequences.
Nuke their whole fucking subcontinent.
Chinese. How is that even a question?
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