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Those purporting any amount of Anti-Semitism anywhere will be brought to swift justice when this bill passes.


>The bill would order the federal Education Department to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws.

>With campuses again hosting all manner of “anti-Zionist” activism, the cause is urgent. Universities need to know they’ve got to stop turning a blind eye to thinly disguised Jew-hate.
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When I say OY you say VEY.

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They're running out of time lmao.
america will never be free until a nuclear bomb is dropped on tel aviv
I thought Trump was for free speech.
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>The bill would order the federal Education Department to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism

Funs over you fucking chuds.

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The Jew hate shall not abate.
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Checked and based.
They can't it will kill their party.
The fact that they want to outlaw conspiracy theories is the biggest evidence that they really do control everything. At least people seem to be waking up to their bullshit, especially the youth.
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Good thing Trump is going to get rid of the Federal Education Dep.
>Jews wants special privileges that let them bypass the 1st amendment and prevent any and all criticism
The fucking gaul of these kikes
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It’ll just be struck down by SCOTUS. Why even pass it?
I knew this was coming either way, it's just going to make people dislike jews more
>Post Editorial Board
they're seething
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I figure they're going to try and pass digital ID laws.
This dumb old jews going to get himself yeeted by some methed up redneck or similar.
only white faggots obey the (((law)))
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Jews are seething and impotent, these laws don't mean shit and won't hold up against the 1st amendment. God I can't wait until Iran glasses them all into ash.
“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
Fucking kikes didn't even define antisemitism in their definition of antisemitism. Just a 'perception' of the jews that remains undefined.
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>Funs over you fucking chuds.
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>you better not slander jews with nefarious accusations of being in control of everything, or else we'll use our influence to pass a law that makes it illegal to criticize us
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Thats covered. Watch your mouths.
plz donald will do whatever he is told and you know it. little marco and joovanka are in and you and yours are out i’m afraid
Fuck israel
where do you draw the line, though?
It's pretty dumb to make something that is easily proven to be true a crime. Imagine the lawsuits and the disclosure in a court setting. pic related - Piers Morgan used this 11 million lie to attack Dan Bilzerian.

110 here we come.
God bless the United Israeli States of America
This bill will definitely make people like jews even more. Remember, jews overwhelmingly vote democrat
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Oh Moshe you just can’t help yourselves.
>IHRA definition of anti-Semitism
>"a certain perception of Jews, ..."
^That's it.
That's the definition.
It literally doesn't mean anything.
What the fuck is "certain perception?"
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doesn't matter.

Hopefully, every single MIGAtard will be sent to GITMO before being shot in the fucking head.
I love when Jews huddle up like the rats they are.
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>Real or imagined
1st amendment exists. It supersedes this gay kike shit.
So at that point what is the definition of antisemitism

If I cough in a weird way is that antisemetic?
>"TKD" and "merchant memes" will now be a punishable offense
Oh yeah, kikel? I will utilize Constitutionally legal lethal force to defend myself, do you fucking understand, you troll-blooded murderer of Christ?
>1st amendment exists
Since when did the Jews ever respect the law. How many jew pedos have fled to Israel after being charged and proven guilty?
And a REAL holocaust ensues.
>these laws don't mean shit and won't hold up against the 1st amendment.
Or the 2nd.
Jews are as stupid as niggers, it's why they must use nepotism as their main parasitism vector
Checks flag
Anyways .. ADL defended the KKK's right to freedom of expression. The jews know that's a double edge sword.
Memes will turn into lynchings. If that's what you want, ban memes.

You already know Zion Don will push this through on his first day.

I honestly think it would take years for Kamala to sign it just because she's a lazy drunk nigger.
Could they make it any more obvious?
Trump signed an executive order making the Civil Rights act follow the IHRA definition of antisemitism on college campuses way back in 2019.
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How is it antisemitic to disagree with Israeli government? This has gone way too far.
lmao land of the free
Imagine we here in cuckana have more freedom than those 'free' mutts
This will start the beginning of the end of the jews.
They will start naming any and everything (such as hand gestures, different words, numbers, etc. like they do now) anti-semitic. This will just cause everyone to kill or kick them out. I'm down for Glassing Israel first.
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equal protection act....
any law protecting semites also protects
Hamites and Japhethites

an end to anti-japhethitism and anti-hamitism
Lmfao, they are quite literally admitting that all of these relate to them. Like I said, this is the beginning of the end for the jews. Guaranteed.
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it's absolutely fucking wild because if you weren't sure the jews run the world when they literally spell it out for you like this i have no idea how else you can see it.
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Can't arrest illegals... But you can arrest citizens questioning 9/11? Ain't habbenin... Even when the naughtiest illegals do get a deported, still... Not.. habbenin.
>jewish propaganda outlet demands antisemitism laws
They're not even trying to hide anymore
And then we'll be arresting people for their antiwhite posts next, logically right? Why not? That wasn't on your drawing board?
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They would piss off the Muslim population they have been catering to for decades
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So are they trying to get government sponsored protection from criticism? That doesnt sound like the Democracy that I know.
White people cant be discriminated against because they hold the institutional power.
Riddle me this, and this ones a dozy!
Who molests kids and puts them in movies??
Punish these nuts.
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What about this?
Supreme court status?
Nah, none of your abstract merchants will be affected. Only real life antisemitism and especially outside of 4chan.
But Jews did kill Jesus? Ben Shapiro defended it recently.
It just means clogging up the courts with people that will win on appeal. It accomplishes nothing except perhaps making people consider that there might be merit to the things being said that jews are trying to silence.
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lol you poor, delusional cuck: https://armoneyandpolitics.com/supreme-court-arkansas-times-lawsuit/
see >>488396966

this will backfire bigly ,they think this will work no it will just cause more people to notice
Ben Shapiro follows the Rambam (Maimonides) who thinks that Jesus was a political rebel during 70 AD and the goyim deified him as God after Christianity spread.
It's not exactly the same claim.

But I agree, the New Testament makes it very clear that the Jews killed Jesus: the authors make the Romans look friendly to Jesus and the Jews look like evil swindlers.

Jesus says that a Roman centurion has more faith in God than all of Israel, and Pontius Pilate washes his hands. Meanwhile, Jesus says the father of the Jews is the Devil, says they will be replaced by the Gentiles, and from a purely critical - storyline standpoint, the character Judas Iscariot is a literary device representing the tribe of Judah ("Judas" is Greek for Judah and, like the Judah who sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for 30 silver coins, sells Jesus for 20 silver coins). "We want Barabbas" is meant to make the Jews look criminally evil.

It's like common sense gaslighting. Who are these Zionist Evangelicals? Have they actually read the Gospel more than one time?
>Roman Centurion

Remember, the Jews viewed the Romans as violent oppressive enemies. The Jews got independence from the Greeks around 150 BC during the Maccabean Revolt.

Imagine if someone claiming to be the Jewish Messiah said that the Nazis had more faith in Yahweh than all of the Jews. That's basically the claim Jesus makes.

Do you think the New Testament really supports the notion that the Romans killed Jesus and not the Jews? Lmao.

It's a whole other discussion about whether the New Testament is anti-semitic or not. But it's just basic gaslighting by the Jews to pretend that Jesus liked the Jews.
>they pass this every law under a new name every year
>they all circle jerk and autofellate about it
>they publish these types of articles
>then its never enforced outside of plea deals because any 1st ammed challenge will see them thrown out.
so basically only niggers are punished for antisemitism while performing other unrelated criminal acts under these laws.
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>FuNS oVyEr ChUd!
jews are the enemy

How much more evidence do you need?
>Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews
Checked and keked
Oh no guise..im....imma..im going to perceeeeeeeeeeive jews
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I thought americans had freedumb of speech, lmao.. the constitution is just a useless peace of toilet paper
Piers Morgan upped it to 12 million kek
Fuck kikes. Nuke Israel. Free speech makes those kikes seethe.
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So come up with new ways to say the same thing.
> Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name
of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
Oh, is humor and satire considered a radical ideology now? Also Jews collectively owning and destroying the planet isn’t a conspiracy. They’re massively overrepresented touching all levers of power.

Unfortunately, they are backwards, inbred tribalists and will only support each other. The “good” Jews will never call out the bad Jews behavior. But the bad Jews will throw the good Jews into an oven and collect a check one way or another. It’s an IQ thing - we can’t be mad at them. Inbreeding, schizophrenia, drug abuse. It would be hell to be an average Jew.
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>Kissinger (Polish Defector Goleniewski; James Angleton believed him)
>Feinstein's PLA Chauffeur

Oy vey, counter intelligence criminal profiling of Communists is child's play.
> Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or
exaggerating the Holocaust.
This one is pilpul in itself. The Soviet Communists invented the holocaust. We and the British exaggerated it so we could loot Germanys shit because they were too honest and autistic. The only thing Jews did here was play along with it because they got fat stacks for doing so. We’d all do the same. Unfortunately for them, no one is paying us to give a shit and Jews constantly work against whites.
> 2020
Uhhh… hmmm
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God willing, yes.
>The bill would order the federal Education Department to...
okay seems like an easy fix, eliminate that department. problem solved.
Wait until the people pushing this find out that the palestinians and syrians and whatever that they always cheers the deaths of are literally exponentially more "semitic" than georgian-ukrainian turks like schumer and them.
What happens to all those creatures who celebrate dead babies and all that? That's rough, supporting either side means you are fucked.
Doesn't this violate the first amendment?
53 They took Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests, the elders and the teachers of the law came together. 54 Peter followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire.

55 The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any. 56 Many testified falsely against him, but their statements did not agree.

57 Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: 58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’” 59 Yet even then their testimony did not agree.

60 Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, “Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?” 61 But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer.

Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”

62 “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

63 The high priest tore his clothes. “Why do we need any more witnesses?” he asked. 64 “You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?”

They all condemned him as worthy of death. 65 Then some began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, “Prophesy!” And the guards took him and beat him
Everyone in the story above was Jewish btw. JEWdea was an irrelevant and shitty vassal. They threatened to stop paying taxes and start rioting if Jesus wasn’t dealt with.

It’s like if the state requested that the Feds deal with the Capitol punishment or life sentence or whatever.

As long as these lying thieving idiots were paying their taxes Rome didn’t give a fuck about a 4 square mile sliver or desert.
>illegal memes
so hard i'm dripping
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Not gonna happen.
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I will kill over this
They are literally committing a genocide
Imagine being that faggot and needing to pick the big red bubble glasses because they make your face look less like an insane italian mob boss criminal piece of shit.
Westerners should stop pretending that they have free speech at this point. Most western countries will put people in prison for denying the holocaust.
I don't understand how they think this will stop it. Silencing views doesn't make them go away.
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TKD is an abbreviation for tae-kwon-do.

Facts logic and reason shlomo.
oy vey!
So....huh, what if TDK means Totally Dank Kibble?
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It came from vash the stampede the 6 gorillion dollar wanted goyim...
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Total S-laughter Total s-laughter..

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Why don't white boot lickers season dey food?
using laws that point to an changing outside source for what is illegal to say is about the most retarded thing ever

violates so many principles of statecraft and law that it is tedious to start to list them
>we going to use media economic, government, and societal institutions to censor you saying we control these things
It's just too funny.
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Anon...Did you forget your meds? There are no chuds in college.
Maryland nigger. You know a black man invented that spice mix.
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Working defamation league....
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so mutt posters here are gonna get even more boring..yay...
Gustav Brunn, a German Jewish immigrant, invented Old Bay
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Not my problem.
>Funs over you fucking chuds.

Its not even fucking started cunt.. disaster upon disaster is going to come to you abusers of humanity and its your appointed lot for your misdeeds. double down motherfuckers your not hidden anymore.
someone get him to say, "shut it down" the internet will go nuts and they can then do a dragnet and round up anyone sharing memes making fun of it.
>those purporting any amount of Anti-Semitism anywhere will be brought to swift justice when this bill passes.
>palestianins are semites.
>killing semite muzzies in Gaza is an global act of anti-semitism

And why are jews so fucking dumb?
Are kikes really this stupidly brain dead?
Lets see them get unforgettable when muzzie semites sue the fuck out of all the turbo kikes over gaza

Fucking hilarious dumbfuckery never ceases to amaze with jews
>trying to use the law to unethically bludgeon millions of people
>doing so in a collapsing state
jews are fucking retarded, no wonder everything always blows up in their face and no country on Earth wants them
The jews who created the soviet union dictatorships moved to the west and have practically remade communism. They just call it whatever you want, capitalism, liberalism, rules based order, NWO. But look around. You have a uniparty, a unimedia and a ruling class that is 100% jewish. Apolice and surveillance state with secret service baaseding on and harrassing dissents.
Right wing kike rag.
Fuck the talmud

Nah their not stupid they just couldnt help boasting and gave the whole game away where beforehand it was a carefully concealed secret..
Given American freedom of speech laws, I somehow doubt it will have much staying power.
1st amendment, sorry schumer. Hate speech is still free, protected speech. all you can do is criminalize conduct acted as a result of that speech .. which, you know, committing a hate crime is already illegal.
it only applies to university campuses and aimed at foreign students who chimped out on jew students by screaming for a global intifada every day and blocking them access to the campus. It would pull the school's fed funding not prosecute anyone.

You can stand outside the campus and still scream about the jews
Wow, now we know why Trump is dissolving the department of education
This could actually be good for the development of free speech universities.
Judaism should be abolished. It should be illegal, denazified and stamped out forever. Scientology is not 1% as harmful as judaism.
The way to end the orwellian newspeak cry bully slur
>anti semitism
Is to make that slur illegal.
That still makes killing semite muzzies a crime because it is an act of anti-semitism
Its patently beyond dumb fuckery.
But kikes are gonna kike like double digit morons they are
>some dumb kike nigger jew bill
>sez i can't call nigger jews
>nigger jews
>trying to be passed byna bunch of nigger jews
>much to the adulation to a motley crew of misfit nigger jews
>nigger jews thinking they'll ruin muh 1st amendment

nigger jews, everyone
If the West was run by White men and in our interest then these laws would protect White men from jews
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>Especially after the pogrom in Amsterdam, proving yet again that the Jew-haters themselves draw no such nice distinctions between the Jewish state and Jews more broadly.
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Except trump is getting rid of the Dept. of Education, so schumer's dumb. Then again, I think we already knew this.
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It's one topic on which both Dems and Repubs will have no problem converging to make sure they uproot the venom of anti-semitism from US society

Gonna lmao watching more arrests of US 4chuds because they wrote the incorrect anti-semitic thing on the internet
>Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for
acts committed by non-Jews
When it's Europeans, it's okay, but when it's Jews it's a conspiracy theory. Being a paranoid Jew is okay, but when the media tells you White people are bad and starts the soft dehumanization of White people, you're a paranoid psycho to be worried about that. Only Jews are allowed to be worried about what could happen to them. It's not hard to see why people dislike them.
I happened to be listening to this video while shitposting:


Starting around 1:20. According to this, the Israelis were the aggressors? I haven't really been following it.
>Holding Russians directly responsible for the actions of Russia
>Holding Americans
>Holding insert people
Jews are pathetic
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They try to trick god with laws. Arrogant people.
>Accusing jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing
no fucking way
>real or imagined
>we don't care if you have proof of our human atrocities, goyim
>it'll just be imagined like it didn't happen
Don't we have a Supreme Court and a First Amendment? How's that gonna go?
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Whites are the most impotent race. You will worship Judeo-Christianity.

>We're not a collective but we'll vehemently defend rioting hooligans in your country and if you disagree you go to prison.
Kek. Jews gonna jew.
Stfu. You won't do shit.
Their entire historical narrative is being a victim. We all know people who claim to be a victim all the time and it's never a one way street. Somehow we're supposed to believe that Jews are collectively victims all of the time. Feeds right into their narcissism.
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>Whites are the most impotent race


Oh gay camp jew seed....bi the trans turdy shite.

America is fucking done for Jewed to Death like us, like most Western countries.
I denounce the Talmud and call upon Jesus to remove Israel
Aw yes because the worst thing a foreign student can do is scream about Jews.
>Americans always make fun of Europeans for having anti-negationism / genocide denial laws
Now look, you have those too!
Europe seems to have as much freedom if not more than the US.
The only liberty Americans can now claim superiority is gun ownership.
If freedom of expression comes under attack with bills like these passing in Jew York and Commiefornia, it will affect a significant % of the total population.
Then again, probably unconstitutional to limit freedom of speech like that, so it will probably not pass, and if it did, it would be easy to have it dismissed as it contradicts the 1st amendment.
Then again, us living EU countries also have freedom of speech written in our constitutions, and that didn't stop them from adding more limits of free speech, like anti-racism and anti-genocide-denial laws.
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Crazy how this only really applies to jews and their troon golems
Just put me down already. I'm not going to shut up from out of the fear.
But we don't have them. You wrote all that for no reason because you're retarded
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Who cares about your feeble 4chan postings. You are a slave race that is inferior to Jews.
Our universities allow anti European sentiment. Our country is so bad, those in power are White and evil that they want to stop people from saying bad things about Jews. Bad things about Europeans/Whites is totally fine. What a shitty White supremacist country i live in. They're doing a really bad job at upholding White supremacy.
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That's because you whites are an inferior race. Ugly weak race like yours needs to be bashed down to extinction. Weakness attracts haters who are just itching to put you down.
This image is an all time classic that never ages a day, after God knows how many years.
Any "Jew" with no pioneer ancestors is an illegal trespasser. Any "Jew" that thinks they are chosen, are fraudulent against the declaration of Independence, and cant be an American. Chuck Schumer is a chi com agent and enemy of America.
>But we don't have them. You wrote all that for no reason because you're retarded
I think there's a clear error in miscomunication, but it's okay, it happens, I wasn't very clear in my post.
Simply put : EU countries like France have limits to free speech that you don't have, and vice-versa, you have limits to free speech we do not have.

I was also commenting how this bill could have the potential to break the US legal system.
If republicans can claim that Abortion laws are to be left to the state, then Demofags can do the same with Free Speech laws.
They can Reverse Uno you faggots, but are probably too retarded to figure out how to do this properly, yet.

If you want to discuss the Limits to Free Speech, we can do that.
However, instead of autistically typing everything out, see pic related instead, I screen capped one of my own posts where I go into excrutiating detail, naming and explaining all the Limits to Free Speech in the US.
Read that first and then respond to me what you think, agree on, disagree on, all that good stuff.
I agree. The bill should pass then the Education Department should be removed entirely.
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Project harder disgusting jew rat.
Your whole race is made of dysgenic hideous inbreed mutagens

>Fuck Israel

Indeed! These Jews against Israel could use your support, good sir.

I love how all the kike shills in this thread are poverty jews on basic wage.
We are the ones who will keep living on this planet while yours dies out.
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How exactly is this going to end positively? Like, how do they expect this to turn out? That there is a protective people above the law that was set forth by the nations founders whom they had nothing to do with? The hubris....
Do they really expect people to be okay with this?
>"You're not allowed to criticize jews."

kikes will just jew each other.
almost pottery that you're all wretches to the end and will fuck other kike over as a means to an end
Whites aren't afraid of you. Sorry, Moishe Basedberg.
Badly flawed. It goes against the Constitution on free speech.

It goes against the Constitution on equal rights, in that jews are protected from criticism more than other groups.
Come and take it.
Why even bother with all these bullet points? Just say, "You're not allowed to criticize Jews or say anything bad about Israel whatsoever."
it's a waste of time
it's clearly unconstitutional
it's just pandering and intimidation
>a parasite thinks that he can live without host
Or what is a Jew? Is it a race or religion?

Why only should they get a collective right? Why not White people?

Jew is a religion.
Zionism is a political movement.

A rabbi QRD on the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4g4Uxdcf78
It doesn't matter. The supreme court will rule in favor of the jews. You know this.
Name of girl?
Just forget Judges America
Because the kikes are getting desperate because the jig is up.

As the boomers die off they will be afforded no protections. Then wack a yellow star on them and shove them into walled ghettos just the same as gaza.
If they all want gaza so bad give them their own little gaza in every city. No food no water. >Reminds me of something in europe following a period of inflation and degeneracy.
What goes around comes around
Maybe if you don't want people hating you don't gleefully livestream your atrocities then ask for money from the rest of the world to continue killing children?
Any perception aside from being their narcissistic supply.
They have acquired so much power that they can now enforce a jewish supremacist dictatorship.
The situation is unprecedented. They own the entire political spectrum, all the media to the point that they can cry about antisemitism while they commit a genocide on live television.
Even with all their power over the western institutions and medias they will never be able to force people to love them.
It's just impossible.
The harder they reveal their power level the harder they get fucked in the end, it's an Historical consistency.
doesn't work like that, first amendment, bitch.
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>by Post editorial board
kek. obviously all those "steins" and "bergs" in the byline would have clued off the normies too hard.
You will still get arrested, if jews perceive it to be offensive.
It's about perception not words.
How exactly do they expect this to end?
But they were France's Greatest Ally in the 60's..

What happened?
He will still pass the bill and use other departments to enforce it.
He is a cuck.
Fuck him.
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Communist China is their template. A ruling class of billionaire jews controlling the police and surveillance state while the goys live in pods and own nothing.
Criminalise hating them.
>Now they will love us.....
>muttmericans scream MAH GUNZ
>Immediately surrender when cops turn up
>muttmericans scream MAH FIRST
>mumble something about TKD when no one is within earshot
Is there a more vile and pathetic lot?
kill yourself kike, enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the supreme court, also it's not passing, faggot
i thought drumpf was gonna dismantle the federal education department anyway LMAO
But jewish citizens ARE more loyal to pissrael than America.
That is just a fact.
People like Ben Shapiro fucking brag about it.
Obviously they can’t enforce that due to the first amendment.
You Poles are just seething that the Donald will end support for Ukraine. You Poles have an irrational hatred for Russia.
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>can't mention stereotypical things
This alone is a real chin-scracher of a loop.
They must first define what stereotypes jews have so we the cattle don't use it by mistake. Otherwise it's not an actual referance/too broad of a law.
You know they aren't allowed to fund and arm a country that is committing a genocide and harbors undeclared nuclear weapons? You still believe in the bullshit rules based order? Laws only apply to goys.
This is hilarious because many leftist jews are also critical of Israel
ameriniggers will go to prison for critisizing jews. now you faggots will now what it means to be a true European. free speech is for criminals and must be punished
They bribe republicans as well, see Trump.
When will they realize Arabs are semites, and that consequently Israel is antisemitic?
You know very well what happened you're in the same situation.
And....everybody is just OKAY with this and its NOT going to lead to a violent bloody end and outcome?
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They might do a rug pull and get the liberal secular Jews on the Zionist train throwing their liberal allies under the bus.
>Ive gotten in touch with my roots, tee hee!
>It just so happens that with these pro-business policies we can unite and outcompete the gentiles through nepotism.
>We teamed up with the gentiles to fight for Palestinians not because we were antisemites like them but because we were humanitarians
The redpill is that liberal secular jews are more terrified of being blindsided by what they call left-wing antisemitism than they are of right-wing which they find juvenile.
cool it with the big brain anti semitism goy
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>Arabs are semites

You're thinking of the ACLU
Orange nigger supports all jewish states.
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Why is nationalism fine for some countries, but not for others?
How is pointing out yourself as different from others making us all equal?
How is being discriminatory toward one group not racist, while at the same time favoring others?

People around the world are tribal and enjoy preservation of culture. It is a natural defense to gravitate to like-organisms, we see this phenomenon even down to the microbial level, as is evidenced in quorum sensing. Why are people made to feel guilty for this natural inclination? Why is nationalism fine and even encouraged for some, but not for others?

And why don't liberals like free speech if they really want everyone to have a voice?

Progressives and classists feign concern and ideals of egalitarianism for all, while simultaneously setting themselves apart, which then exposes their faux unity for everyone to see.

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