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Why do Germans love Hitler?
Everyone loves hitler
Your mom loves Hitler and my cock
They don't.

They hate him like nothing else.

I loved to trigger them by stating he was way too kind back then.
because they can't speak german
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He might have been the only man to care about germans in all of the worlds history.
Prove me wrong.
Germans relate to Hitler in the same way that Americans do, with the key exception being that their patriotism is associated with him.
I brought up Hitler around my father once and never again.

I found his paintings ...inspiring and the fact how a normal guy can become a hero, maybe he is not with us phisically But his legacy never die.
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That movie is so fucking good

>Prove me wrong.

I can't.

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>not a single German ever cared about Germans for over 2000 years until Hitler came along
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So you cant name them???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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How was that even legal with Germany's anti-nazi laws? Was it a social experiment approved by the government?
>name every German that ever existed
Suck a bloody dick you disingenuous kike
you get an exception for the art, here is the thing they fucked up one thing that ruins the propaganda of the movie alone
the actor is too tall it shifts the entire perception
Do Germans like to break anti-nazi laws for shits and giggles? Like doing a nazi salute when the cops drive by and run away.
Everybody has a father but it takes a special man do be a dad. Hitler was germany's dad and no amount of self-hatred will change that
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Hitler will never be Bismarck
Absolutely, being a "nazi" here is like smoking weed
the guy isnt a german hes greek
he plasters all over this board
What happend?
hitler fixed the german birthrate, if china or russia implemented his measures they would beat the US handily
You have to understand postwar german educational system first. Young kids are taught that Hitler was the unquestionable, absolute manifestation of pure evil. Nothing about this person had a good or admirable quality, and thinking so or admitting there has been something positive is akind to a mental illness. So with this image in mind, indoctrinated into the childs psyche, he stops being a historical figure and starts being an archetype. Like the devil, like in Fausts Mephistopheles.

This ofc backfires, especially for young male adolescents. "Abhitlern", "alle vergasen" - common phrases used to express anger or wishing to act out on inner conflicts. It has not so much to do with literally wishing him or naxism to return, but about freeing from the otherwise repressive claws of contemporary politically correct and oppressively orderly german society that dictates always being nice, lawful, tolerant etc.
Slavs were dumb enough to get duped into Bolshevism.
Hitler was there for us (all of us) to fight the Bolsheviks and their gargantuan Slav and Mongoloid army.
He is virtually guaranteed to go down in history as the greatest of all mankind.
who, Hitler?
Germany was in the shit way before it had any turks, niggers and other shitskins. You relate to a kike-made concept of Hitler that is nowadays just controlled opposition and so do the americans.
And next you're gonna claim that it's still like that today and there's otherwise nothing wrong with the west, right kike? War with Russia and Iran is the solution, right kike?
Because he wouldn't stand for the things happening to Germany today. Imagine what would happen to a Somalian rape gang in Berlin in 1935.
He saved their country and almost saved the world from international Jewry
So you can’t. Cool. Then kill yourself
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It’s the love of going extinct, either in trenches or just like that. But especially in trenches.
You don’t?
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what's not to love?
>the thing they fucked up
Great movie but when they made him kill the puppy just to make him seem more ebil was retarded. The reactions from people put the lead actor in to psycho ward for a while because he had a melt down at how people seemed drawn to him when he espoused his "racism and nazi rhetoric" which they used for those scenes with crowds
He was a pupil of Anglo empire terrorizing the world for centuries. He saw the anglo get away with it and thought 'why not Germany also?'
All of his violence and 'solutions' were learned from the anglo:
>thing bad or potential threat? put it in a camp/kill it
>they disagree? gas/bomb them
>want land? demonize them as inferior, throw them off/kill them and steal it
Take away Hitlers admiration and awe for anglo empire and its methods and you would have a much different politician.
Bismarck is a little bit of a retard who antagonized France way too much and basically laid the GROUNDS for Germany getting raped in WWI.
He was the working class hero man of the century
And if it weren't for the drunkard bastard Churchill. The world would be a different place today.
A better place.
are you udner the impression we lost against France in WW1?
made germany great again after a decade of shit
why did Nietzsche pretend to be polish?
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If he cared so much about them, then why did he get millions of them killed by starting a war he had no hope of winning?
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Because he was right.
funny how the good guys always win, isnt?
Funny how you didn't answer the question, isn't it? Hitler being the good guy or bad guy is irrelevant to the fact that the war he started was unwinnable from the start. And yet he went through with it anyway and got millions of his countrymen killed and his nation conquered.
they were tricked though. They were given a tolerable 14 Points plan by Wilson if they agree on ceasefire and disarming. Then after they were defenseless the Allies said Haha it was just a prank bro and skinned Germany alive with Versailles. Germany did not like that.

as long as she loves hitler I am fine with this
Poland lost in two weeks
France in five
what exactly was unwinable?
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have you ever considered that our laws arent actually as insane as /pol/ makes it out to be?
Look who is talking, you croats like Hitler even more. Didnt we have to stop your camps because you killed so many jews even for our standards?
I guess it was a We have no chance, lets utilize it. if they want to take you down better go down with a bang.
He also thought England was too intelligent to throw away their world empire for a small european conflict.
The overall war. It was inevitable that the world would dogpile on Germany and defeat them. Also, Germany simply didn't have the resources to win the war in the long term. Even in France, they were starting to experience the logistical issues and fuel shortages that would prove fatal to them later on in Russia.
Oh look its captain hindsight!
he did not start the war -anglosaxons did
churchill is a war criminal and deserves to hang
lol ok
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Coolest man ever.
fp the bp
All >>488394666
That’s a movie based on the book „he’s back“
They tried to frame that Germans are still Nazis and are still liking the ideas of hitler to show how terrible we are.
But it backfired and a lot of people actually agreed with hitlers statements in the movie.
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Why don't you?
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>get more Germans killed through his decisions than even sworn enemies of Germany ever managed to kill in a single war
>completely destroy the whole country and doom the survivors to a life of servitude even to this day
>"fixed German birthrate"

Bismarck was the only good leader Germany as a unified country ever had.
go back to Greece already, you monkey
It's not hindsight. Some of Hitler's own generals at the time tried to persuade him against the course of action he eventually took. They knew then that Germany couldn't win against every major power at once. They knew that Italy wasn't ready for war yet. Even Mussolini himself told Hitler in 1939 that Italy wouldn't be ready for war until at least 1943. Hitler ignored him and went through with his plans anyway.

Face it: Hitler may have been a great politician and societal organizer, but he was a poor military/geopolitical strategist.
Hitler conquered all of Europe
what are you even hllucinating about?
Clearly he did not, else he would have won the war.
Any committed truth-seeker loves Hitler, regardless of nationality. Only brainwashed people and jews can hate him.
he clearly conquered your shithole though
youre still butthurt abotu it
If that were true, then why are foreign military bases occupying German soil to this very day instead of the other way around?
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he was right
because americans arent Europe
youre the worst thing that ever happened to this continent
>He was a pupil of Anglo
He kind of looked like he was larping as a BEF officer: Trench coat and small moustache.
Hitler never conquered Europe. You can cope all you want, but last time I checked, conquering a continent doesn't involve getting your nation completely destroyed, having an entire generation of your men killed and millions of your women raped by Slavic invaders.
Hitler didnt planed to fight France and England in 1939.
He thought he could get away with annexing the German parts of Poland(old Prussia, German for almost a millennial and lost after WW1).
But England didn’t bluffed and so he had to face France and England while Russia was also massing troops for an attack and to Bolshevik all of Europe.
Honestly Arminius was pretty based
On the other hand I would dismember baby Martin Luther in his crib with my bare hands if I had one ticket for one time trip
Why are you a retarded troll faggot. This place is becoming shittier every day with these gay threads. OP is a homosexual confirmed
let me tell you about your continent
stick to your own shithole, Pancho
Germans always blame deception for their many defeats.
jews love hitler thats for sure, the nazis are literally the best thing that ever happened to the jew rats in their entire 2,000+ year history.
you may try to prove me wrong, but you cant.
Which, like I said, kinda shows that he was a poor strategist. Of course his biggest blunder in my opinion was not waiting for Italy to properly mobilize before getting aggressive. Had hex waited, Italy would have been in a much better position to actually support him as a real ally and he wouldn't have to divert critical troops, supplies and resources to babysitting the Italians.
I accept your concession. You clearly can't refute the points raised.
the soviets were preparing an attack, thats why he had to act
you have no points
yove asked me why there are americans in Germany and somehow that is a refutation that Hitler conquered Europe
youre just stupid
>Hitler didnt planed to fight France and England in 1939.
was adolf a fucking retard, then?
france and UK told him ten thousand times they will declare war if germany wont stop niggering around europe.
>annexing the German parts of Poland
according to tge population census germans made, no such lands existed.
in fact, this census proved it was Poland that was 100% in the legal right to demand the anschluss of half of Prussia from germany.

Adolf was the biggest fucking retard that ever ruled a country.
Thats what you get for trusting austrian painters.
It wasn't Churchill. It was Roosevelt, that old, senile guy truly believed Stalin words, that he will allow free and fair elections on the lands under Red Army control. Churchill was warning him against trusting Stalin numerous times. He was the one who coined "Iron Curtain", to describe events that happened right at as the war with Nazis ended.
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>the soviets were preparing an attack
no they didnt.

>On January 17, 1941, seven days after the German–Soviet Border and Commercial Agreement, Molotov asked German officials whether the parties could then work out an agreement for entry to the Axis Pact.[64][90] Molotov expressed astonishment at the absence of any answer to the Soviets' November 25 offer to join the pact[90] and never received an answer.[90]
On March 1, 1941, Bulgaria joined the Axis, which further unsettled Stalin after Germany had continued to ignore Stalin's November 25, 1940, Axis entry proposal.[91] After six months of preparations, Germany invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, which ended any hope for the proposed alliance.
According to Stalins daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva she "remembered her father saying after [the war]: Together with the Germans we would have been invincible".[96]
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I miss that nigga like you wouldnt believe
Yeah I agree with you. He overreached his cards.
If he actually wanted to conquer all of Europe is debatable.
In „mein Kampf“ he just stated to unite and protect the German people in a German country and that expansion and colonialisms is wrong until you can’t sustain your population on your own country anymore. Which wasn’t the case at that time.

But that’s just speculation.
Germany didn't conquer Europe though. Conquest implies making permanent territorial gains. Key word there being "permanent". Hitler's Germany made no overall permanent territorial gains for Germany and even ended up losing territory by the end of the war. Not only that, but Germany was then occupied and split into two nations for almost 50 years after the war.

Holding on to territory for a few years and then immediately losing it is not "conquest".
Stalin broke the Molotov Ribbentrop pact by occupying regions beyond it
these talks are meaningless
thats funny
youre still jerking yourslef off every year about D-Day
who controlled France at the time then?
everything was fine, russia was begging for a permanent alliance with germany, but adolf didnt want it and invaded them instead.
Do you not know what the word "permanent" means? What permanent territorial gains did Germany make as a result of the war? What land did they take from other countries during the war that they still hold to this day? None. In fact, you were even forced to give up some territory at the end of the war.
>The Soviet invasion of Bukovina in 1940 violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, since it went beyond the Soviet sphere of influence that had been agreed with the Axis.
do you know what D-Day is?
Yes. Now stop trying to deflect the conversation. The fact that you keep trying to steer the conversation onto irrelevant topics tells me you can't refute any of the points being raised. Germany did not conquer Europe in WW2. No amount of coping or dissembling into irrelevant tangents will change that objective fact.
But thats how it basically was. They were not defeated on the battlefield, especially not b France. Their good will was tricked.
read a history book.

I think Germany being blamed for WW1 because they declared war was a reason why Hitler didn't declare war on Poland because if you dont declare war und just do a small military operation people wont give you the whole blame. But he was wrong.

I wish they would just make themselves honest and say We defeted you, fair and square or not. Now we do what we want with you instead of this stupid Propaganda stuff that tries to shift the blame and make one more moral than the other.
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>On January 10, 1941, Germany and the Soviet Union signed an agreement that settled several ongoing issues.[154] The agreement formally set the border between Germany and the Soviet Union between the Igorka river and the Baltic Sea,[155] It extended trade regulation of the 1940 German-Soviet Commercial Agreement until August 1, 1942, increased deliveries above the levels of year one of that agreement,[155] settled trading rights in the Baltics and Bessarabia, calculated the compensation for German property interests in the Baltic States now occupied by the Soviets and other issues.
>After Germany entered a Tripartite Pact with Japan and Italy, in October 1940, Ribbentrop wrote to Stalin about "the historical mission of the Four Powers – the Soviet Union, Italy, Japan and Germany – to adopt a long range-policy and to direct the future development of their peoples into the right channels by delimitation of their interests in a worldwide scale."[146] Stalin replied, referencing entering an agreement regarding a "permanent basis" for their "mutual interests."[147] Stalin sent Molotov to Berlin to negotiate the terms for the Soviet Union to join the Axis and potentially enjoy the spoils of the pact.[
There is nothign irrelevant about D-Day
It shows who controlled France
cherry on top:
>In response to a written German draft four powers agreement, Stalin presented a written counterproposal, including the Soviets joining the four power Axis if Germany foreclosed acting in the Soviet's sphere of influence.[150][151] Germany never responded to the counterproposal
Aren't those Albanians?
and no, they dont. modern germans slurp up every piece of guilt they can find.
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Everybody post cool Hitler pictures to own the glowies
Again, temporary occupation is not the same as conquest. And that's all Germany achieved in WW2, temporary occupation. Conquest is the permanent acquisition of territory. Germany made no permanent gains. And just because you willfully ignore this point doesn't make it any less true.
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I miss him so much bros, it's unreal.
youre a retarded troll
>But thats how it basically was. They were not defeated on the battlefield, especially not b France. Their good will was tricked.
read a history book

Germany was defeated on the battlefield in WW1 though. The whole reason Germans were negotiating a ceasefire to begin with was because they were suffering unsustainable casualties and with the US entering the war, Britain and France were getting an influx of fresh troops. Germany saw the writing on the wall and knew their defeat was only a matter of time.

As for the deception and rug pull at Versailles: That was all on Europe. Wilson had every intention of honoring the 14 point plan he initially proposed, but the US didn't have the influence over Europe back then that it has today and he was ignored by the other Allied Powers.
>waves to a bunch of muslims, jeets, slavs and a nigger
>ah yes, my germanic aryan ethnostate.
>Resorts to insults when he can't refute the points raised

I accept your concession.
Hitler made up his mind when the Soviets broke the pact and occupied Bukovina and parts of Lithuania in 1940
everythign else behind that was for show
literally noone but you denies that Germany controlled France
youre just babbling along
russia talked with germany a hundred times since then, totally friendly relations between the two countries, stalin kept begging for an alliance.
germany still stabbed them in the back and invaded russia while crying its a defensive move.
very, very jewish behaviour.
Germany temporarily occupied France. They did not conquer it. You understand this but refuse to admit it out of a misguided sense of national pride. Which is funny because of the mass rapes that occurred at the end of the war, you probably aren't even German. At least not fully. One of your ancestors is probably some smelly Red Army grunt who raped your great grandmother.
we have no culture
he was an anglo cock sucker
because he loved animals
Is that Guess Who's Back? I loved the book, but I can't find the movie in English subtitles or dubbed. Can you help an anon out?
youre a retarded nigger
Hitler made up his mind way sooner actually, read mein kampf to learn more.
They took down the other one with over 1 million views.
The Soviets also wanted another war against Finland, which Hitler couldnt accept
That was in the talks between Hitler and Molotov in November of 1940
Hitler talks about all of this in his meeting with Mannerheim, which was luckily recorded
He didnt trust the Soviets and knew they were up to no good
They also had offensive military positions towards Germany
Just pointing out that I don't think there are any pure-blooded Germans left.


heil hitler
fpbp o/
Rothschild and the Federal Reserve are the best things that happened to the jewish rats
>yes i agree russia kept begging germany for a permanent alliance and they were very friendly but adolf was obsessed with starting a war with russia and so he did
thanks for agreeing.
>Rothschild and the Federal Reserve are the best things that happened to the jewish rats
and never forget it was Adolf who personally made sure that Rothchilds will run away safely to america to avoid the war and fund germany from across the ocean!
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because deep down every piefke wants to be austrian
It is possible to go to war without jewish gibs? They pretty much have all the money in the world
Hitler remarked to his top military chiefs that Stalin "demands more and more", "he's a cold-blooded blackmailer" and "a German victory has become unbearable for Russia" so that "she must be brought to her knees as soon as possible."Hitler had already decided to invade the Soviet Union in July 1940, but this apparently accelerated the process
adolfs obsession with conquest was insane, it cost the lives of 8 mln germans and a partition of germany.
truly the dumbest motherfucker that ever ruled anybody in the world.
Roosevelt was a commie who blatantly baited Japan into a war by cutting off their fuel supply because the USA people wouldn't bite. So he allowed Pearl Harbor to happen(they knew about it the entire time). Abusing the honor of the rest of the Axis powers who kept their alliance to forcefully send Americans to fight ww2 against the rest of the Axis.

Basically it was ww1 false flag done all over again. Which is how it works for Americans who lean very heavily towards isolationist so they come up with ways to force wars.

Churchill was a warmongering scumbag zionist who garaunteed the death of the British Empire and the genocide of the Brits. Really though the Allies all had top class scum for leadership.
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because he was a good man that sacrificed everything for us and we almost saved the world. the hell you live in now is because you didnt listen.
thank you mein nigger
at least they have a politician worth loving
Any laws against the free expression of ideas are insane.
>america noticed the Empire of Japan is getting ready to gobble up half of the planet and take a shit on american busines interests in this part of the world
>america fucked Japan up
based America.
Be proud of that, it was one of the most based tactical moves ever made.
you were misrepresentign the situation
they werent begging, they were making demands
>Commie flag

Opinion discarded.
you are misrepresenting the situation
they werent making demands, they were actually begging germany for a permanent alliance:

On January 17, 1941, seven days after the German–Soviet Border and Commercial Agreement, Molotov asked German officials whether the parties could then work out an agreement for entry to the Axis Pact.[64][90] Molotov expressed astonishment at the absence of any answer to the Soviets' November 25 offer to join the pact[90] and never received an answer.[90]
On March 1, 1941, Bulgaria joined the Axis, which further unsettled Stalin after Germany had continued to ignore Stalin's November 25, 1940, Axis entry proposal.[91] After six months of preparations, Germany invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, which ended any hope for the proposed alliance.
According to Stalins daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva she "remembered her father saying after [the war]: Together with the Germans we would have been invincible".[96]
Got rid of the non-Germans
The problem is that we have laws that don't allow us to like Hitler or talk about national socialism in a good way.
>Molotov conveyed Stalin's interest in reviewing the status of the Bosporus and pressed for a guarantee for Bulgaria, at least in principle. Molotov later noted that Hitler became "markedly agitated" at the request to revoke guarantees to Romania. Molotov stated Stalin's wish to grant a guarantee to Bulgaria similar to the one that Germany and Italy had granted to Romania Hitler pointed out that the Soviets had entered Bukovina in Romania, which went beyond the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. Hitler stated the parties had made a prior oral agreement that the former Austrian territories, such as the Balkan states within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, were to fall within the German sphere of influence.
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>The Soviets had meanwhile produced the biggest surprise. In an unannounced November 25 visit in Sofia, the Soviets told Bulgarian Prime Minister Bogdan Filov that if Bulgaria permitted transfer access to Soviet troops, the Soviets were prepared to drop their objections to Bulgaria's entry into the Axis, and most surprisingly, the Soviets stated that it likely would not be an issue, as it would "very probably, almost certainly" lead to the Soviets' own entry into the Axis.[91]


>German negotiator Karl Schnurre [de], who could not conceal his delight over the offer, immediately telegrammed Berlin that "in view of the present status of the negotiations here, Molotov's statements today must be viewed as a surprising indication of goodwill on the part of the Soviet Government. Molotov's proposal regarding compensation for property claims in the Baltic states considerably exceeds our expectations".
Just give it a different name. But please do it again in Februari.
>Hitler, however, saw the Soviet territorial ambitions in the Balkans as a challenge to German interests and saw the plan as effectively making Bulgaria into an adjunct of the Axis Pact.[11] On several occasions, Molotov asked German officials for their response to Moscow's counterproposals, but Germany never answered them.[11][92][94][95] Germany's refusal to respond to the counterproposal worsened relations between the countries.

aww geez.
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we all love Hitler
he tried to save us from the demon spawn that subverted humanity
did you miss this part:
> Molotov later noted that Hitler became "markedly agitated" at the request to revoke guarantees to Romania
The Soviets were making moves on Romania, which would have cost Germany their oil and made them even more dependend on Russia
Hitler talks about all of this in his meeting with Mannerheim, which I already mentioned
>hitler was agitated
oh no, thats so sad.
sounds like hitlers problem, not russias problem.
because the russians wanted the oil in Romania, which was vital for Germany
why wouldnt he get agitated about that?
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idk he just seems like a swell guy
I'm sure he has great prospects in politics, I wish him the best
>germany didnt even bother to negotiate romania and its oil fields, they just cut all contact with russia and invaded them
adolf really was the dumbest motherfucker that ever ruled a country.
There was nothing to negotiate
it was vital to germany

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