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>Frédérique Tutt, global toys industry analyst at the research group Circana, told Business Insider that although adults have always bought toys and games, their share of the global market has grown significantly in recent years.
>She described the rise of the "kidult" market as a "global phenomenon," which she said is particularly strong in Asia, notably Japan and South Korea.
>Nostalgic escapism seems to be driving it, and brands are capitalizing on adult memories of childhood favorites.
>Tutt said the release of Star Wars series like "The Mandalorian " and the box-office hit "Barbie" movie have boosted sales of related merchandise among adults.
>According to Circana's data, 43% of US adults said they had bought a toy for themselves in the first five months of 2024, with socialization, enjoyment, and collecting given as the primary reasons.
>A Circana report from June on the US toy industry described adults as the "most important age group" for the industry going forward.
>Tutt told Business Insider: "The potential growth of this target group is actually huge."
adult here, nobody is doing this.
I'm from /toy/ and we do this.
It's not like kids can afford them.
And kids can't even get jobs anymore, because grown-ass adults are working all the entry-level positions.
i am 27 and i still play with action figures and i still do make believe battles with those green army guys. i wish i could buy cool things like anime girl figurines but they're like 150 dollars each. i work for 7.50 an hour so a week's pay could barely buy me one. sucks being poor.
Does anyone here still buy things? I don't spend my money on anything outside bills and groceries. I just don't want anything.
Who cares? Boomers buy Hot Rods and Bikes as expensive toys.
Closest thing I'm buying as a toy is a video game. I would get back into magic, but I don't want to spend the $600 to make a competitive deck.
If i want nostalgia i will watch some period specific videos on YouTube.
>i am 27 and i still play with action figures
that's so sad. don't ever tell anyone that.
Unless Police is forced not to report on cases of children abduction. So someone is hiding their own leash child in the basement.
Back to >>>/toy/ a cancerous place you should stay.
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That's not true, I'm probably going to buy a cheap Luce figure, stick it in a jar, and post it drowning in cum lube to piss off Catholics on /pol/
Nah, model kits are fun as hell and a relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Adults who buy chinkslop kid's toys for themselves, sincerely, because they don't have children, need to be slain.
why are you seething not like /pol/ is much better in the cancerous regard
I kinda just got my Super Nintendo at 8 years old and I was done with toys and life basically.

What a terrible birthday present jfc...
Just find cheap mates to play with, cheap decks can still be fun.
no one cares what some fat, non verbal autistic 40 year old says
Why is it my business what working adults spend their disposable income on?
no one cares what memeflags have to say either albiet
migatard election tourists don't count
is that your girlfriend? She's cute!
Get the hell away from my Godzilla collection, you can't have it.
I use toys to cope my ocd from being exposed too much from any electronic.

podcast is except. I don't watch podcast but listen.
Just build cheap commander decks or pauper.
I can’t engage in expensive hobby’s like cars anymore. So here I am installing HDMI ports into old gaming consoles.
I take my kid to the toy section in target every time we go, and it always has way more millenial reddit looking people shopping than parents with kids. Its fucking annoying because their fatasses block up the aisles. Luckily though most of the aisles they are in arent ones I take my kid in.
I just got a Casio tonebank keyboard from the early 1990s
>some memeflag schizo response
point proven
Recording online music?
I bought a toy pig from QE Home recently because he's a cushion and great for endless memes.

I guess I'm part of the problem.
ocd is fake you retard, get a hold of yourself
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I came really close to buying these. Unfortunately my Nephew doesn't care about army men.
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The autismo detail really caught me off-guard
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>installing HDMI ports into old gaming consoles.
just get a crt you retard
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the only thing I missed about the past was inflation not this bad
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They have all kinds of sets like Viet Cong, Soviets vs Taliban, etc. Obviously a certain theme caught my eye though.
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It's the last step before suicide.
>I wonder if buying this toy will make my problems disappear and I can live like a child again.
I see YouTube videos of people sulking toy stored and sering nothing but piles of nuStar Wars and Mattel crap in the discount sections. Nobody is buying toys. This is just gaslighting to stimulate sales.
no it's not. 90% of humans are living in poverty and working in minimum wage jobs. usually after having intense video game gameplay they are very stressed and won't realize it... OCD has a 5-10 second rule. during those minutes is some sort of meditation.

I can explain
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I buy unneeded guitar pedals. who want to start a post rock band
I do childish thing like gather toys to cope with childlessness.
These were so fun to collect as a kid
>i am 27 and i still play with action figures
>cool things like anime girl figurines
>i work for 7.50 an hour
I normally don't recommend people to get hooked on drugs and alcohol but I'll make an exception for you.
I buy toys for money reasons. I usually keep them for about 4-5 years before reselling alone because most of them triple in value at that point. Never had any issues selling them with the exception of Star Wars stuff. Never buy that because Disney killed the market for it with their shitty 7-9 movies.
Boomers hoard junk when they are lonely, as a kid the man next door to my house almost never had visitors, he did have a son, but rarely ever visited. Neighbors in the next house over regularly checked on him, he was like one of those old men you'd see on the pickers/antiques show selling obscure boomer merch to collectors. This is more of the same, I notice gen xers are more about movies/comics, while millennials and zoomers do it for videogames.
As an abdl fag this is wholesome and based.
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You're right. I collect Yugioh Cards, instead.
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This bad boy will arrive any day now.
I'm super excited.
Why does it show girls toys and not mention gender?
Nah man that's all good, it's better than watching netflix. Maybe in another life you could have ben a general.
Get a better job tho it's worth the application hassles, you could become a plumber or something and do certain jobs at 10x your pay rate
>tfw i haven't played this in nearly 20 years
If 3d scanning was good and cheap I'd buy them to scan them for use in blender then dump the toy at one of those Christmas donation things in December, but a good scanner costs a ton of money.
I don't blame them. I'm 34 and I miss my childhood everyday.
I buy toys sometimes, if I like how one looks or it looks like fun. I always check toy and collectible sections when I go to stores, just because those are the coolest sections. I always give right of way to families or kids, and wait for them to leave before I look at the toys. Toys are fun in a depressing and stupid world.
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See I had this idea to start a business where you get a whole bunch of toys and let people play with them. I thought it would be hilarious because you could watch a bunch of adults play make-believe with a bunch of toys. I guess I was onto something.
its called a library.
This would be a million dollar business in Japan.
if I buy a toy I buy it as a figurine not an escape or chase the nostalgia
Stop making me feel things! you fucking guy!
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You are getting your shit stolen on the first day, kek.
You would also need to have privacy features so your clients don't get doxxed and mocked at their jobs or so. Do not underestimate how psychopathic can normalfaggots be and how they still have the same bullying traits they had in middle school or so.
Yeah, I recently had the masculine urge to buy a LEGO Ferrari and build it in a day. But then I remembered I was the retarded kid who never finished his shit outside videogames, and so I stopped considering purchasing it even if it was less than 40 USD or so.
Funny how my retardedness helps me not buy shit nor engage in any kind of hobby outside posting on 4chan, haha. Even though, like the other anon said, I am basically a half step from disappearing and killing myself without anybody noticing, as I am as hopeless as my fellow adults, my millenial elder brothers, my peer Zillenials, and the Zoomers I don't understand shit but at least I get their despair.
> as if the gaming industry hasnt been growing to be the latest entertainment sector since the 2010s
> warhammer

adults have been buying toys for ages
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>Adults buying toys for themselves to help cope with life

This is basically being a firearm enthusiast.

i was shopping the other day

2 boxes of licorice
8 scoops of mashed potato
5 cartons of soup
1 chicken dinner
4 bottles of coca cola
4 bottles of lucozade
12 bars of white chocolate
4 cans of red bull

and there was an African American barbie up on the shelf where the toilet paper used to be

Makes sense when you think about it ..
How the fuck is a SNES a terrible birthday present? That console had a shit ton of good games. Super Metroid, Earthbound, A Link to the Past, Terranigma, Final Fantasy 4...
Jew adults are buying more and more kids toys for themselves in a quest for nostalgia and escape.
Ah well there's no better way to cope with failed tranny conversions and 4B and dramtic global rise in antisemitism amongst zooms.
I say give the infantiles the benefit of the plastic jew so they can at least be distracted before getting ovened
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i loved playing with gi joes so much
Based. Don't let the faggots talk you down.
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Kidult here. Just bought a $300 gi joe
Barbie was the creation of a German man and Mattel just strait up stole it and got sued and now they claim it was created by Ruth (((Handler)))
Sound familiar
>that burnt electric and plastic smell
Oh shit
I buy chines pedals because I’m poor
>he fell for the CRT meme
/g/ is a mental illness
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Turns out that molly-coddling children in a hyper-feminized, nanny state environment, where "everyone's a winner", turns them into hyper-infantilized man-children.
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There are adults buying TCG products, anime figurines, scale models to make diaramas etc.
I buy tools and diy shit instead. Bought a chinese mini excavator, best toy i've ever got

omfg you just brought back so many memories for me... thanks
also had this as a kid
and this
and this
and this
and this
and these
things don't stop being fun when you get older, retard
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>buddy needs toys to make believe
Listen here amateur, i touch myself naked and all of a sudden there are naked women in my mind
Get on my level schizo
Gooks and chinks are the weirdest variety of humans

Bug people for real...
>let's make the gain knob say SHAZAM instead that'll be heckin coolerino!
I hate "boutique" faggor hipster pedals so much its unreal
make a tulpa bro, best financial decision of my life
Having my own kids and getting to sheperd them through the carefree salad days of their youths has brought me closer to reliving the joys of my own childhood than desperately trying to recreate years that are now gone.
I started feeling better about my wfh job after I started building gunpla during downtime.
I just fuck OPs mom

Funky pop is the lowest level of collectors item of them all
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I was looking for a model kit to buy but couldn't find one I liked. That's about the closest I got.
I only spend money on keyboards.
I'm on board with you. Seems every week it gets tougher. I guess because I've been single for a long time and I'm 34. I thought about getting into building models but they're pretty expensive and most big stores don't sell them anymore except small privately owned hobby shops. Like Colin Farrell in True Detective builds models and has them all over his house because he used to build them with his son. I just haven't yet and most likely never will.
I bought a rubiks cube for my daughter but my wife and I have been playing with it a lot so I’m going to buy two more for both of us so we don’t have to steal my kid’s.

I like little games and puzzles however and often buy board games and such to play with friends of family.
As for dolls, my grandmother collected barbies and other dolls until she died.
This is true, before I had kids I never found much satisfaction in trying to relive nostalgia.

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