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>Be a soft liberal country
>Allow the natives to participate in parliament
>They can't go 5 minutes without chimping out

Many such cases.

I know the pain anon
>why is she wearing animal fur?
>It's also their culture to rape children is that okay?
At least the parliamentary male abbos can keep it together, tbf
Have they asked the Moriori about their opinion on this? Oh...
I’m so fucking tired of these murry cunts.

Me too anon. They have constant tantrums every time they are not given special treatment. Absolute spoilt babies.
I used to envy NZ a little because of how well I perceived the natives got along with the colonisers. During the Voice referendum the NZ whites came out en masse warning Australia not to do it. It was then I realised that the relationship between NZ whites and browns was not so great.
>Daily Fascism Support +0.10
I think New Zealanders will begin realizing that people they were programmed to hate by the media were right all along
what is this circus lmao
Government is ceremonial now
The haka, a war dance performed by browns and rugby players.
it's spelled 'abo' you perfectly typical aussie
As far as I'm concerned these are humiliation rituals. Like, literal rituals. I tried to post the UK one but it says file too large. Countless examples though.
My dad would refer to them as
The same shit is happening in Canada with our conquered low IQ gas huffing feather indians. gimme gimme gimme. I wish our grandfathers finished the job with these subhumans instead of leaving us with the mess
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A handful of hori's that have jumped on the victimhood bandwagon and figured out that without too much effort they can get into parliament for big bucks and very little work. Thanks to our corrupt and non-representative form of democracy they are vastly over represented in parliament and have created a significant distortion in proportionality. The Maori party got 3% of the vote and 5% of the seats - this is one of the many reasons MMP needs to go.
How are the Maori natives when they colonized New Zealand in the 14th century?
By that logic, are British-descended Americans about to become natives in 2 centuries?
There were other Maori there, other Polynesians. Europeans attacked other Europeans, do they not belong in Europe?
Beats me anon. They also claim to be connected to the land spiritually, while hunting several species to extinction.
In Polynesian mythology, Hawaiki (also rendered as ʻAvaiki in Cook Islands Māori, Savaiʻi in Samoan, Havaiʻi in Tahitian, Hawaiʻi in Hawaiian) is the original home of the Polynesians, before dispersal across Polynesia.[1] It also features as the underworld in many Māori stories.
So all these Polynesians are related. Maori, Samoan, Hawaiian etc. It seems they get along well.
There were ancient white fairy people on those islands and the maoris killed and ate all of them.
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>"How can we sleep, when the beds are burning!"
>Ah, take a seat, m8.
In Europe, the Normans attacked the English, who had attacked the British, who had attacked the Celts, who had attacked the Picts and the ancient druids. Now Africans show up and say Europeans don't belong there. How is Muslim invaders killing Europeans different than Europeans killing other Europeans throughout their bloody history? Europeans should still be offended.
Did those fairy people come from Europe?
Me too anon
The people who want to flood New Zealand and Australia with Indians, Chinese, Nigerians, and Sudanese are mainly Europeans, not Polynesians.
The future of New Zealand and Canada depends on the indigenous people taking their rightful land back before deranged liberal Europeans destroy it.
Natives? Maori got to NZ like 400 years ago bruz, the natives were eaten long ago.
The first people to reach New Zealand were Polynesians in ocean going waka (canoes). Their arrival likely occurred in several waves, approximately between 1280 and 1350 CE. Those Polynesian settlers, isolated in New Zealand, became the Māori of later years. According to an early European synthesized interpretation of various Māori traditional accounts, around 750 CE the heroic explorer, Kupe, had discovered New Zealand and later, around 1350, one great fleet of settlers set out from Hawaiki in eastern Polynesia.[35]
They said the Hebrews genocided the Caananites, now we know they intermarried. Jews today have Caananite ancestry. This has been proven. Did the Angles and the Saxons eat the native Celts? Should they be replaced with non-Europeans? Of course not.
How much racemixing did it take for her not to look like the typical abbo baboon?
>indigenous people taking their rightful land back
never got this "righfullness" thing
sure they were the ones before, but are they the first ones there? Or just happened to survive when the new population took over?
Civilizations comes and goes, if you keep to yourself on a stranded island progress might stagnate, and when outsiders come with superior weapons they can win with little effort.
why this obsession with previous colonisers that have failed to grow and prosper? why dont people see the cyle that they cant possible have been the first?
They just want free shit and demand respect when none was earnt. They are just full of envy when they see what white people built in a relatively small amount of time. They don't think further than that.
>are they the first ones there?
Yes, Polynesians were the first ones there.
Yet, you complain when Non-Europeans move to Europe. It is Europeans who are flooding indigenous land with Indians, Chinese, Nigerians, Pakistanis, etc.
Does this argument hold for Sweden being invaded by Somalis?
Got a source on that? since I find it hard to belive they are the first one to occypy that land in the history of our world.

Why cant he complain? they are oppurtunists looking for a easier life.
How is what Somalia is doing to Sweden any different that what Sweden did to Finland? Guess they can't complain about the Africans or the Muslims. Even Norway, they're Scandinavian, they're related too. They shouldn't complain either.
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>It is Europeans who are flooding indigenous land
Kikes aren't European anon.
The Moriori are the first settlers of the Chatham Islands (Rēkohu in Moriori; Wharekauri in Māori).[3] Moriori are Polynesians who came from the New Zealand mainland around 1500 CE,[4][5] which was close to the time of the shift from the archaic to the classic period of Polynesian Māori culture on the mainland.[6][7] Oral tradition records migration to the Chathams in the 16th century.[8][9] The settlers' culture diverged from mainland Māori, and they developed a distinct Moriori language, mythology, artistic expression and way of life.[10] Currently there are around 700 people who identify as Moriori, most of whom no longer live on the Chatham Islands.[11] During the late 19th century some prominent anthropologists proposed that Moriori were pre-Māori settlers of mainland New Zealand, and possibly Melanesian in origin.[12][13]
They are indigenous because nobody was there before them. The first human beings who colonize Mars will become its indigenous inhabitants.
To be fair if they came enmasse and seized sweden with a war I´d be okay with it. a propper conquest that is. the stronger wins.
But in this case it have only happened since people withn previos governments have not understood what it meant to bring in the third world enmasse
>but they will bring engineers, they will pay taxes and make us even more money
people were this delusional and thats why we have the current situation in sweden and why more then half of swedens population is in favor of lower immigration now, even if its too late.
The Moriori, however, were not extinct, and gained recognition as New Zealand's second indigenous people during the next century. Their culture and language underwent a revival, and Moriori names for their islands were prioritised. In February 2020, the New Zealand government signed a treaty with tribal leaders, giving them rights enshrined in law and the Moriori people at large an apology for the past actions of Māori and European settlers. The Crown returning stolen remains of those killed in the genocide, and gifted NZD$18 million in reparations.[16][17] On 23 November 2021, the New Zealand government passed in law the treaty between Moriori and the Crown.[18] The law is called the Moriori Claims Settlement Bill. It includes an agreed summary history that begins with the words "Moriori karāpuna (ancestors) were the waina-pono (original inhabitants) of Rēkohu, Rangihaute, Hokorereoro (South East Island), and other nearby islands (making up the Chatham Islands). They arrived sometime between 1000 and 1400 CE."[19]
we have another thread about this btw

non New Zealanders have no idea how retarded all this is
The Moriori were hunter-gatherers[20] who lived on the Chatham Islands in isolation from the outside world until the arrival of HMS Chatham in 1791. They came to the Chathams from mainland New Zealand, which means they were descendants from the Polynesian settlers who had initially settled in New Zealand – the same Polynesians from which Māori had also descended. This was because Māori had also lived in isolation in New Zealand.
Linguistic similarity and genealogical comparisons with Māori on the South Island indicate the Moriori settlers were from south of Cook Strait. We know Moriori lack genetic diversity, which points to there being only one arrival, possibly with just one canoe. Further educated guesswork points to that arrival being a trading (not war) canoe or canoes (women must have been on board) from the far south that was blown off course while travelling northwards: it could have been taken eastward along the existing ocean current to the Chathams,[22] with archeological discoveries implying they settled first on Pitt Island before later moving to Chatham Island.[23][22][24][25][excessive citations] The Chathams were the last islands in the Pacific to be settled by Polynesians.[26]
>The first human beings who colonize Mars will become its indigenous inhabitants.
American flags are already there. Americans are indigenous Martians.
Moriori and Māori are both Polynesian. They both have the same ancestors. They are both genetically similar. If there was another founding population, such as Africans, they would be detected through DNA analyses.
So they are an offspring from mainland and heavily incested race of people who are the first recorded ones on NZ -is what I got from your text.
So I can agree with you that they were the first ones recorded, so they now own the rights to the land forever? its as humorous as >>488406893

just how many times do you think similar things have happened in our history? people find new land to settle in just to be taken over by a superior force, and how many times do you think this superior force let the settlers survive?
More evidence to support people staying where they fucking belong
This is the "your enemy should only fight fair" argument. It makes no sense. The Chinese didn't consider the Opium Wars fair. The Jews didn't consider the Holocaust fair. You expect the enemy to fight you in a pitched musket battle. That's not how it works. Every group fights on their strengths and your weaknesses, even Indians and Somalis. In Afghanistan, the Taliban would attack out of civilian villages knowing our rules of engagement. Was that fair? Should we have provided them with our weapons and equipment in the interest of fairness?
I can't believe any of her ancestors were ever those hippo monsters.
If they're not chimping out about losing special rights, they are chimping out to demand new ones.

What they fail to realize that when they ask for all these privileges, they are implicitly stating that they can't be successful if they had to play with sameĺ the rules everybody else has to run with.
you base this as the somalis got some ulterior plan for Sweden.
their people have prospered from sweden ignorance and they will do that till they see its no longer prosper -that is the extent. not some plan to take it over since that would mean they can no longer live off the goverment.
You points still apply to Sweden. Should it be homogenous derived from its founding population or should they be replaced? Should the people of Iceland be replaced? They are also heavily "inbred" and in need of "diversity".
You could apply it to Muslims as a whole in Europe. In the UK they already have Sharia patrols and Sharia courts. In Germany people were calling for Islamic rule. In other parts of Europe there are protests, attacks, and riots.
>mfw it's 30 minutes into my day as a record keeper for parliament and I have to write down "the nigger party chimps out" for the 5th time
>who are the first recorded ones on NZ
Yes, that was my point. The Polynesians are indigenous to New Zealand. No other proof has ever been presented.
>so they now own the rights to the land forever?
I didn't say that and that's moving the goalpost.
But yes, I believe Maoris should have a greater say in New Zealand.
This right here must be a reason why the Brits colonized and made the maori their bitches and not vice versa. The only question is why are these fucks allowed into buildings?
I belive the winner of all battles can claim the land. if two forces have battled out and one is crown the winner and one the loser you have to adhear to that. you being first of anything didnt mean shit back in the days and have only gotten traction since people got weak and dont want to lose things and go to war as you had to do before.
>but I was here first!
>say that to my axe!

for example that makes the situation in israel complicated, since the jews lost the land in battle, only for it to be given it back when the palestines lost it to europe. so imo they didnt earn it back but the palestine have lost it in battle.
What the Europeans are doing to New Zealand and Australia (to everyones detriment), is no more justified than what some claim the Jews are doing to Sweden (or Europe as a whole).
There are brown people sitting down in parliament who also look sick of this shit. Are these people a fringe minority among the non-whites?
and my point still stands, they are here to take advantage of the systems not to usurp them.
What is a battle then? How is mass immigration, sanctions, trade, espionage, subterfuge, propaganda not a battle also? How are Muslims and Somalis not winning "their" battles on "their" terms?
How many kids does the average Somali refugee have? How many the average Swede?
The issue is we didn't really plan to kill them, and so we signed a treaty with the ones that can be reasoned with.

Now they're trying to spin it that they did us a favour when signing that treaty, and that they easily could have evicted us from the country if they had wanted.

They're a minority. The Maori Party barely even gets votes from Maori. I have plenty of Maori in my extended family who are sick of this shit and think it makes them look bad.
You're basically saying Somalis are harmless, maybe even beneficial. Mass immigration is good if it helps the economy.
>But yes, I believe Maoris should have a greater say in New Zealand.
I mean.. lets say sweden now get conquered by somalis, the year is 2224
>be indiginus swede, surviving the swedecaust. only 5% now live up north where the somalis do not want
can I expect that they will regard me as some sanctioned animal with special right now since I was there before them?
No I dont expect them to. they took over my country and let me live.
Maybe after the gibs run out they will move (to another part of Europe).
You aren't a Swede, fuck off kike.
2% of the vote and you would think they are the only ones that matter
>propaganda not a battle also? How are Muslims and Somalis not winning "their" battles on "their" terms?
you base this as their govement have an ulterior gole to take over contries when in reality thir people just want free money. thats the diffrence.

irellevant and wont be a problem when rules comes that limits how much you can get for more then 3children since they only pump out +7children since you currently get more money the more children you have, new legislation will put a cap on that. (currently on the way)

this is what I get from all this. they coudnt win a war so they signed a treaty so they could been spared, and fast forward they now dont want to lose their status as special citizens with benefits
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>fuck off kike
>checks flag
You can see how that was a hostile act, resulting in your displacement. What right do the invaders have to flood the country with non-natives, non-Somalis to the detriment of both. A reasonable Somali would support Swedish right's. Somalis like Ayaan Hirsi Ali support Europeans' rights. Why? It's in her interest.
they are not native, if they were then europeans are native to the americas
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Lady Ferguson[a] (born 13 November 1969)[1] is a Somali-born Dutch-American writer, activist and former politician.[2][3][4] She is a critic of Islam and advocate for the rights and self-determination of Muslim women, opposing forced marriage, honour killing, child marriage, and female genital mutilation.[5]
Stop lying, kike.
What some of you dumb cunts don't understand is that Europeans are in New Zealand by right and not by conquest and are native to the land just as much as the Maori are
Maori are chimping out because they signed their sovereignty over to the crown of England in exchange for protection and now don't want that protection anymore and want their sovereignty back.
Too bad for them they don't get to keep the silverware if they want a divorce there is no reason why NZ Europeans should pay them anything at all.
The narcissism on her face tells it all.
In 2003, Ali was elected to the lower house of the States General of the Netherlands.[12] While serving in parliament, she collaborated on a short film with Theo van Gogh, titled Submission, which depicted the oppression of women under fundamentalist Islamic law and was critical of the Muslim canon itself.[13] The film led to death threats, and Van Gogh was murdered shortly after the film's release by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Moroccan-Dutch Islamic terrorist, driving Hirsi Ali into hiding.[13] At this time, she became more outspoken as a critic of the Muslim faith. In 2005, Time magazine named Ali as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.[14] Her outspoken criticism of Islam made her a controversial figure in Dutch politics.
Should she be on her knees like the Poles?
land can not belong to a certain race
Tell that to the Abbos
When people get divorced, they can get the silverware.
It's not that they couldn't win a war, they didn't even try. They were happy to ally with us because they turned the muskets we gave them on the other tribes. The two sides to the Musket Wars were Maori.
>NZ Europeans should pay them anything at all
Just kill them.
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You first.

>What right do the invaders have to flood the country with non-natives
What rights do I have as the loser in a battle? None.
The Musket wars killed more Maori than any European wars ever did they are acting completely hysterical because NZ Europeans don't want to pay them hand outs anymore.
Too many Kiwis moving to Australia NZ just can't afford the Maori drain on the economy either it stops or the country will split and half will join Australia while the other half turns into Zimbabwe.
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Our future Hitleress
Sant. Vinnaren gör vad fan de vill, så har det alltid varit. Minus utvändes påverkan (international intervention) så har det alltid varit "might makes right"
thats hillarious and sad. So they really lucked out and are pissed they must become regular citicens? how well have they assimilated into the population?

im so glad we dont pay our samis any gibs, they got the rights to some hunting grounds that they proceed to rent out and making money that way, still to far imo.
New Zealand is demographically fucked anyway. You're just a little bit along the path from the rest of us.
In their defence there has been some injustices against a fair amount of Maori since those times, but generally speaking everything is on good terms now. The issue is certain subgroups of them from certain tribes (or iwi as they call them) either benefit, or want to benefit from forms of reparation in perpetuity.

The bill they're protesting doesn't seek to impact existing arrangements, but is a step towards preventing further ones.

I'm incredibly racist, but generally speaking they have assimilated well. They're perfectly normally people, my step mum and her family are as Maori as they come and they're just regular people like myself. The issue is this sense of victimhood a lot of them have, and when life isn't going well for them (as it doesn't go well for a lot of us) they blame it on white people, join gangs, start meddling meth and rape, and somehow it's our fault.
>trainers in parliament
NZ isn't a serious country. it is local politics
>The issue is this sense of victimhood a lot of them have
if you tell people at a young age that they are a victims they will start to belive it as you said. it´s sad but the reason to many problems in todays world,

So why do they get reparation this far into the future? shoudnt the goal to be for them to assimilate or go and live alone? What is the point of the goverment giving them reparations if they dont plan to assimilate into the population?
Are you for fucking real this is the crowns fault they forfeit their fucking job but won't resign
>So why do they get reparation this far into the future?
They don't want to face the fact that they sold their sovereignty to the crown of England in exchange for protection and are trying to re-write the treaty that was signed between them and the crown of England.
>shoudnt the goal to be for them to assimilate or go and live alone?
No they want total sovereignty over the nation and the people
>What is the point of the goverment giving them reparations if they dont plan to assimilate into the population?
This is exactly why they are chimping out because the public voted in a government to get rid of their hand outs and now they are throwing a tantrum in parliament
God I miss when being a republican was so easy.
now it's oro Israel that and tranny this. I got to do a college level course just to know the right racist terms to call a he-she.

I miss a good old niggers are ruining the country platform.....
Pandering them is a political tool for those who benefit, the woke left who like to feel morally superior, and the myriad of people involved in the settlement processes that get paid for it to be dragged out as long as possible.
>This is exactly why they are chimping out because the public voted in a government to get rid of their hand outs and now they are throwing a tantrum in parliament
didnt see that one coming.
it's amazing how many borderline libtards get alienated by this shit
power tripping niggers doing whatever the fuck they want
didn't they hate each other back then?
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So basically NZ saved their ass from getting slaughtered and they still feel like they are the victims,
>This is exactly why they are chimping out because the public voted in a government to get rid of their hand outs and now they are throwing a tantrum in parliament

We didn't really. National are just as bad as labour when it comes to sucking native cock, but they got so few votes that they were forced to make a coalition with Act and NZ First, and seeing this bill this far was one of Act's demands.
Both NZF and National have said that there are no principles to the treaty and are removing all references to the principles from the law.
They don't see it that way they think they were tricked somehow despite the crown giving them equal rights as a British citizen and skull fucking any other tribe that attacked them as well as any European nation that tried to conquer them.
there was some bad shit done by the crown but no worse than anywhere else like the Irish or the Scots.
Maoris aren't even natives right? They killed the actual natives and settled 100 years before Europeans discovered NZ?
Wouldn't National and NZF be supporting the bill in that case?
No because the bill that ACT proposed seeks to define the principles of the treaty into law and it has The Maori Party foaming at the mouth because it would give everyone equal rights and the tribal Maori will have no power over anyone at all.
National and ACT just want to get rid of the principles and go back to the original treaty which give the crown sovereignty to rule.
>National and ACT
National and NZF i mean

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