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Until now, Europe only experienced an underclass and lower middle class immigration that pressured the native lower classes and spawned successful neoliberal right-wing parties. The currently ongoing poonami pressures all middle classes but the specially the upper middle class which is now sandwiched between the billionaire upper class and Indian immigrants. A politically influential social strata is now entering the ring, and it’s going to get bloody.
I don't really see that happening here.
As much as i hate poos, the job market is different here.
A massive influx of uberjeets will be felt, but you cannot fire everyone and substitute everyone with H1b visas, north american style.
But it must be said that agricultural work here is 100% jeeted. If there is a job opening it's going to go to Rajesh' second cousin from Bangalore.
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Indic men will take over all the high class positions because they are superior to dumb pink cavemen.
The ongoing poonami consists mainly of two types of jeers: students doing shitty jobs to finance their studies and highly educated professionals. Former will pressure the upper middle class in a few years on the labour market, latter already do.
>students doing shitty jobs to finance their studies
'students' are registered at shitty colleges to be able to get a visa and a shitty job

>highly educated professionals
fake degrees from poo scam academy
I think you meant "devolutions".
Yup. In Canada they don't usually go to actual schools. They go to fake schools that were started by other pajeets for the sole purpose of being immigration scams where they turn the "students" into uber eats slaves.
Indians turn everything they touch into shit.
>Single most populous people going everywhere else on Earth fucking over the indigenous populations
I would tell you to suck start a shotgun, but you're too much of a slave to even own one.
Interesting. Perhaps something similar is happening here too. I just know that they live in small apartments with only a mattress on the floor. It’s multiple people per room. Shit that was common during the Industrial Revolution.
how do you think the job market is in Canada? Its white genocide idiot.
They take timeshares on beds. Ranjeet sleeps in the bed from x to y hour, Sanjay from y to z and Praneet from z to x.

Not only are the Indians flooding Western Nations but even the companies of those Western Nations are outsourcing jobs to India and not just China. So Western natives are being replaced in their own countries while they lose jobs to outsourcing where Indians take those jobs.


Get your smartphone and record where these scam schools are and report them to the authorities and make sure you make a recording of yourself reporting the problem to authorities. Also, vote out Trudeau and his freaking party.
Holy fuck. This is insane. In Germany even dogs use(d) to have their own place to sleep. This immigration will definitely be the spark that will set here the entire system on fire.
>People keep talking about Indians being well educated professionals
>I keep seeing them working at fast food counters
I will also try to find out about such scam schools in Germany. The Indians here appeared almost overnight, worse than what we experienced with Syrians in 2015, yet all apparently legally. This is such a large scale that would actually require state funded immigration programmes, which we don’t have here with India. And it’s actually quite difficult for foreigners to come here and find job and apartment right away, unless you’re a high professional relocating to a subsidiary or so.

It's either the Turks or the pro-Israeli Jews.
It is exactly because it is unthinkable to us that they managed to do it for so long.
Whenever I visit uni, it's 90% jeets around the halls.

I think sometime last month there were some stories in the news about food related illnesses at McDonalds linked to their Quarter Pounders. Probably due to some Indians working in fast food.
there's 1.4 billion of them. They're flooding every job opening, be it the McDonalds floor licker, or the CEOs ass licker. There's more jeets then the population of Europe and US put together. There is more jeets then the entire population of Africa. .
And they’re used to a living standard of an animal. This is what capitalism brought us.
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You wont do shit
Two more weeks
You have to go back Pajeet

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