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Defenders of Evropa
They ain't defending me from my own government though.
its a russian statue

jews just changed logo
I honestly don't give a fuck about eurocucks at this point. You can get raped by a pack of feral niggers for all I care.
Jupiters moon? What are they defending it from? I thought they had more important things to do?
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>pick unrelated
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This is what they believe kek
It doesn't matter. As long as your troops are killing ziggers, you get our support. Next portion of aid will get dispatched next tuesday. Last one, should be arriving today or tomorrow.
>triggered Russia into rearming and dusting off buffer doctrine
>Russia, PRC, Iran, Saudi Arabia, now all on the same side
>bankrupting Europe, denuded of arms, further occupied by USA forces
I've seen a few 'defenses of Europe' in my time and this is a great one, certainly as epic as 1941-45
didnt your non-couintry send them like 5 lawnmowers and a digger?
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Go back pigger and take your pale of settlement diaspora with you
>Kiev.. or at least it used to be...
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It is not as bad.
There was Javenlin and Stingers given by us to them BEFORE invasion (remember, when USA warned that there are threat to invasion, but zigger media said that it was lies?). Who knows, may be some of early helis were shoot down with our stingers.

In our budget, there are written that aid for Ukraine will be certain percentage of overall budget.

Donated even planes, which can be used for training purposes.

Also, by our current law, in case if guy got caught drunk driving, car gets confiscated and donated to Ukraine. If that car was not his property (rental or lended from friend/relative), then person need to pay fine in value of that car.
Also Baltics are quite active in EU to pressure to impose additional sanctions against Russia. It fucked up our ports, as there are less cargo flowing trough them. But to damage zigger economy are way more important than economic loses we getting.
lmao the war in Ukraine did nothing but perpetually lock the american yoke on Yurop, and the fucking retards are still cheering for the war to continue kek
It's kinda endearing how idiotic and gullible euroids are
Ukrainians were originally supposed to be the army of Europe and kick out Americans so they can focus on China instead.
I sincerely hope Russia annexes your entire country
Don't give Turkey any ideas now, they are closer to Russia than Greece and they already betrayed 2 christan nations already
They have been salivating for decades.
For them Baltics have some kind of obsession. Or sacral value. Similar as Jerusalem for jews.

Also, there are ongoing preparations for that scenario as we speak. Frequently on TV are videos, what to do in case of nuclear attack and so on.
with jew president.
I doubt it.
it's a slav squabble.
I don't care at least I'll die killing Turks
this + the world wouldnt even notice
That's true and that's why the people on 4chan who hate them are always immirgants from North Africa/India living in Canada, the UK, Germany, and Australia. A few Russian paid propagandists will pop up once in awhile but they've been losing a lot lately and because Trump won they know their time is up.
>A few Russian paid propagandists will pop up once in awhile but they've been losing a lot lately and because Trump won
Why because the Russian government no longer needs to shill Trump back into office?
>Why because the Russian government no longer needs to shill Trump back into office?
Democrat and Putinist propaganda. Trump slaughtered Russian troops when Putin disobeyed him last time Trump was president. And Putin knows that Trump won't play games like Biden/Kamala has been playing.
There is low unemployment in Russia at moment.
Shills, who know english good enough, they can find other, better paid job prospects. Which makes it more expensive operation.
They are not better than paid for mercenaries.
Their Entire war effort since the very beginning has been a purely Americanist-european strategic project.
The US and to a lesser degree the EU have input over ~150B USD in total to sustaining this war effort, all Ukraine has achieved beyond stagnating Russian advancement is generating a frozen conflict with no near term resolution, if this is to continue we'll be looking at a long term proxy war.
It'd be better if Trump were to deliver in his promise and broker a deal between Russia and Ukraine, one which can settle peace in the region for many years to come
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> Defenders of Evjopa
Ukraine is fighting for the preservation of their nation against an invading army. Trump will force Putin to concede and the war will end. Ukraine will gain economic prosperity, the ability to trade with whomever they want withotu Russian interference, protection, and a future aligned with stronger economic growth. Russia will get Putin going on TV ranting about how "We defeated Adolf hitlers and the nazis" etc.
Nobody is forcing you to renew your visa in Germany. You are welcome to move back to Russia whenever you'd like.
>if this is to continue we'll be looking at a long term proxy war.

Monke and russian media propagandists they already see it as proxy war. We are ALREADY past it. That thing that Best Korea are sending their troops, does not help either.
Pretty sure it's now something like 4 dead Hohols per one dead Russian. It's not going too well, sisters
Putin had 3 years to achieve something. He failed. Trump won so the war will end. Sorry that hurts you.
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Its worse actually
And how does that prevent you from no longer renewing your visa in Germany and moving back to Russia?
>Lord Bebo
A paid off propaganda account that knows his pay will be drying up soon because Trump won and Putin will concede the war and he'll have to find a new scam to push.
>so much effort for so much little pay
I sometimes pity the memeflags before I remember they are kikes/jeets paid just to rage-bait.
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I dont remember asking smoothbrains high on copium
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Russia had superiority in artillery for most of this war.

I get, you are sympathetic to position of Victor Orban. Interestingly in one of interviews he said something along the lines, that he does not care where border between Russia and Ukraine is. But still, he does not want that Hungary would have direct border with Russia.
Copium is you posting on a Western website and spamming Lord Bebo Twitter accounts because Trump won and you know time is up. You'll have to get an actual job now I'm afraid.
>actual job
Like shilling for daddy Trump saving me from evil russia? Kek
No, you are stuck in Russia for life (Putin has crashed the ruble meaning you will never be able to afford going anywhere in your life again). That's your own problem not anyone else's. Even funnier is the fact that you had THREE YEARS to achieve something and you failed. Trump won the war will end. Ukraine will get trade agreements, the ability to reform and make headway for EU membership, the chance to develop into a NATO ally (and thus never have to fear Russian imperialism ever again). You will get... lol
Only Ukrainian poster that I can believe is organic
Why is it always memeflags that shill for UKRAINAAAA so hard?
Thank you for a large text of copium, i ll be sure to read it mr. mentally challenged
Imagine a Greek shilling for imperialism after suffering under Ottoman occupation for generations. What a complete and total joke. Are you going to convert to Islam now just to "own the Orthodox Slavs"?
That's OK I will be very happy to see you all disappear once Trump ends the war and you lose your job.
Christian Imperialism is fucking awesome
Islamic imperialism is nigger dirt dogshit
hope that clears it out
Russia is not a Christian country. They've sent Asians and Muslims to join their imperialist invasion of Ukraine. You're such a LARPer. Are you a Turk or something on a VPN? There is no possible way you're Greek.
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NATO has outsourced shilling to India.
I see the cope has already begun. Putin paid shills and Shareblue activists have been on suicide watch the last week. It's only going to get funnier. There is going to be so much cope until January 20th.
Russia is an ally of India - BRICS. When are you moving back by the way? You seem to avoid that question.
>Russia is not a Christian country.
fucking kek
>There is no possible way you're Greek.
>Retard doesn't know most Greeks actually really like Russia and only our government shills for ukraina
lmao, lol even
Run to Russia, lol. They gladly accept Ukrainian refugees and they will not give you away by the first Zelekike call
will you show your real flag?
100% a Muslim Turk confirmed now. kek you faggots are too obvious. Let me guess
>Ukraine needs to be Islamified and replaced with Asiatics because Hitler
>Turk demands people show a "real flag" while LARPing as a Greek
Devshirme rape baby.
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>I made shit up therefore I win and always knew it
what a fucking jewish moron you are
Η ηλιθιότητα δεν έχει όρια
>while he barges into every ukraine thread to convince random people that daddy trump will save evryone
In the last decade, poojeets overnight spawned all over the west and are now pressuring wages on the skilled labour market. So it’s not just the underclass anymore that is getting fucked by globohomo but upper middle class which is politically influential and is known for revolutions throughout European history. So the day of the guillotine is coming. Don’t you worry. You’ll have to find a new scam job then, Rajeet.
scared little bitch afraid of showing his indian flag
ahahahahahahahahah biiitch
This sounds like Ivan under a false flag. Nice try there.

EU taxpayers keeps your country afloat, can sense the jealousy in your post
Devshirme rape baby.
Cope is you clinging onto Lord Bebo. But at the very least you refuse to serve in Putin's army, so you're ultimately just LARPing on 4chan.
Russia is an ally with India in BRICS, you sound very russophobic right now.
Russia is friends with India in BRICS.
Guess that mantle better go to Poland or something because they are not long for the world.
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He is kinda right. Ask russian flags, if you are not sure.
They have post-soviet secularism. Orthodox Christianity are relatively rarely practiced. Would not be surprised, if in some research they would found out that they have more active muslims than active christians.

Just ask russian flags on /pol/, they know situation better.
Kamala harris lost the election. Putin ran out of time in Ukraine. Accept it or these next 4 years will be incredibly hard for you.
You misspelled khazaria.
So much for the brave defenders of Evropa, eh.
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you are a literal jew/jeet.
when the day of the rope comes you will be first.
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cool it with the russophobic remarks
I do not give a flying fuck, You are not speaking to a Russian shill and i could care less about that double nigger Putin. I am however more angry at my own government for letting this drag on as long as it did.
The general populace wasn’t giving a fuck about that proxy war in Ukraine when all of the media and the political establishment was brainwashing it, but now since the economy imploded and the poonami has begun sweeping over the national labour markets we‘re approaching 1848/1849 again.
I will remember your posts the day Russia wins btw. Remember me as well, I will be throwing a party and enjoying your seethe.
I would prefer that ziggers remained in their homes, drank vodka and asked each other "do you respect me?".
But it is what it is. They invaded.
>if you don't like le heckin' transwomen you can go to Russia!
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Putin already lost along with their jeet friends in India. time is up. Trump won the election and Putin will obey or he will get bombed again. You can cry all you want abdul.
You lost.
>Devshirme rape baby.
Your mother will get cancer in 2025. Enjoy her while she lasts.
the opposite, wreckers of europe
lol 100% a muslim migrant living in Australia hahahahahaha
every putin shill winds up to be a mutt, nigger, jeet, or muslim living in someone else's country. without exception.
>I will remember your posts the day Russia wins btw
Define, what would be considered as "win" in this case.
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We will see soon, Moshe
real soon
Either way, Greece isn't affected. I'll get to laugh either way
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do you also hold poo hands?
dont play pilpul with me, win means holding onto the territory they have + ukraine guaranteeing not to join nato
now you swapped. Except the problem once again is that many jews are Russian and many Putin shills are jewish.
Take for example the Russian-Israeli dual citizen Ilan Shor who was chased out of Moldova for trying to incite war there and fled to Israel then Moscow. He's a famous pro-Putin shill. You're very bad at your job abdul.
Ukraine will get to make trade deals, which is already a defeat for Putin. Putin started the war in 2013 to prevent Ukraine from having trade agreements with countries. I'm sure Ukraine will likely cede Crimea, but in exchange they will get the free right to trade, align with the EU and NATO, and be free from being bombed by the asiatic federation of Russia for the rest of their lives. There is nothing you can do about it. Putin ran out of time. Trump won.
>replied twice to that reply
aww did i hit a nerve, hohol?
its ok, you'll have more important problems than that when half your fucking country gets eaten by Russia. Have fun :))
>jeet with a memeflag and a baltnigger barking is all what's left of the Ukranda Internet Defence Force
Don't worry drumpf will save you just 2 more months
you're either:
>hohol living in europe and ashamed to wear his btfo flag
im leaning towards the latter now
So now you're pro-jew and pro-india. That didn't take long for you to flip LMAO
Putin shills are always such trash, they must know time is running out.
Russia is in alliance with India - BRICS.
>win means holding onto the territory they have + ukraine guaranteeing not to join nato

Ah, that.
If they join EU, then they got protection of EU (Lisbon agreement). They even don't need to be in NATO.
How comfy is Ukraine in the summer time?
The cope is settling in nicely.
allies with russia
alleis with russia.
Really bad shill man. Why do you support BRICS and jewish russian dual citizens like Ilan Shor?
Apparently the shill bot isn’t trained for communication with actual Germans yet.
You aren't German.
Wana join us?
ok, you actually helped me out with this post since you ignored the last part
you're a hohol in another country, arent you?
>keeps changing his strawmans after losing them
So you support india and jews like russian israeli dual citizen like Ilan Shor and now you're trying to think of a new strawman because you got exposed as a lying turk hiding behind a greek flag trying to create problems which don't exist in the real world.
probably among one of the SADDEST putin shills i've come across, and you are a sad group of people especially with the war coming to a close early next year when Trump takes office.
Defending us from what?
Bot malfunctioning. lmao
ahahahah i got him
get back to the front lines lil piglet, Zelenskyiyiyi needs you to save Kupiansk lol
go lil piggy go, ill stand here and watch your people get raped to death
he's a hohol in the uk or poland or some shit like that lol.
>no argument
Not surprising.
Why do you support india and russian-israeli jews like Ilan Shor?
Why are you avoiding answering the question? You brought up kikes and jeets and now suddenly you've become VERY quiet about it. LOL
I dont know what the fuck your question was and i dont care lil piggy. Man you Ukrainians are the bottom of the fucking barrel right now, a people disgraced, raped and ashamed. Go back to the front line Artem. oink oink
Yeah, think so too. And a rather simpleminded one, unable to refute actual facts and thus resorting to boring sophistry. lmao. I’ve done that when I was 12.
Why would I? I'm a Russia shill lol
>I dont know what the fuck your question was
Notice how the Putin shill just plays fucking stupid when they get exposed. This is how they all behave.
This cocksucker supports jewish terrorists like Ilan Shor and is now trying to slide it. Hahahahaha
What facts? You support jewish putinists like Ilan Shor, you are an immigrant in Germany, and Trump won the US elections and will end the war. Time is up.
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Yes he will, YES HE WILL!
How are you coping now that russian-israeli dual citizen was forced to flee from Moldova? Ilan Shor the jewish putin activist? How are you coping with it? Do you also intend to return to Israel and Moscow now that he left?
nigga your country is getting raped to death right now and you're posting on 4chan. you're a fucking traitor, think about all the brave hohols in the front line.
at least be a brave piggy
only a fucking hohol would even know who this Ilan shor is you stupid retard. you are a traitorous fucking pig who abandoned his country.
Why do you keep changing the conversation? You suck jewish cock, you suck Ilan Shor's cock. You got caught lying. Youre a jew.
Trump won Putin lost.
Dilate about it.
>claims to be against jews
>Why would I?
Pretty sure, romanians are not thrilled about zigger Shaheds falling in Romania.
God damn, this pigger's spedding out
I actually lost all respect I had for Ukrainians as a people ever since they tried to fuck Russia up with Crimea, but even more so since they willentlich became battle thralls of our parasitic elites. lol. And even the those that fled to Germany started all sorts of monkey business here, for example by collecting donated furniture for free, renting cheap apartments and then trying to sublet them for a quadruple of their worth with that shitty furniture they got for free in the first place.
>incoherent niggerbabble
your people are being exterminated one by one right now and its bringing me joy. i hope russia never gives your home back, hohol. have a good day watching your people suffer.
Are you going to immigrate back to israel and moscow because the jewish putinist shill in Moldova was forced to flee?
>romanians are not thrilled about zigger Shaheds falling in Romania
Yeah, I'm sure everyone here is outraged that some stray debris landed on our sacred land. Get over yourself, faggot.
Nobody believes your fanfiction Sasha. Move back.
Aww the little jew lover is having a meltdown on 4chan because he knows he lost.
Time is up shill.
Love Kief. A city which is a big ass wood.
yea the ones in Greece do weird scam shit too, don't trust them.
Why did Ukraine pledge its undying support for Israel hours after October 7th?
zelenski was the reason he almost got impeached... Russiangate was triggered by a scandal zelensky created...

he might be magnanimous and forget about it... kek... but he also might not be...
Because of you and our parasitic elites the general populace had to trade trustworthy business relations with Russia for being a sugar daddy of a failed shithole. But don’t worry, you’re just contributing to the acceleration, so in the end I might even thank you.
did you recollect yourself Artem? Good. We still know you're a hohol, go to the front line or you will forever feel guilt, regret and shame for betraying your entire country.
ONONONO I forgot about this. Good job Romanianon
They didnt pledge "undying support". Also why did you change the conversation and not answer the question? Wh yare you trying to cover for the russian israeli dual citizen putin shill Ilan Shor? Are you related to him?
You aren't German please stop LARPing already.
Chimping out won't change anything you got caught lying and now you openly support jews and jeets after trying to claim you were against them. Paper thin. It didn't take much for you to start cucking for jews either, just had to name a few of them. Are you paid by the jewish financier in russia Arkady Rotenberg? Profiteer from putins war against Orthodox Christian people?
Here we had huge fuss about that one Shahed (which crossed Belaruss) fell here. Government and civilians asked army why it was not shot down and so on.
At the end, portion of aid (drones and some MRE) got sent as aid ahead of schedule.
Why is Russia on friendly relations and active military trade with Iran, Israel's biggest enemy?
you sit behind a fucking memeflag and call both me and the german vpn shills. Man you Ukrainians really are rats huh? Filth, truly the kikes of Europe. No wonder your president is a fucking Jew.
why is all of putins agitators and shills jewish? like ilan shor who was kicked out of moldova? Someone you 100% know about it. so oyu clearly are pro-israel, as you support putin and his agents.
You're just getting angier and angrier because you got exposed. Go suck off another kike like Rotenberg, Shemalov, Sokoylov, Shapiro or Shor you fraud.
Isreal did not allowed us to donate Ukraine Spike anti tank missiles. Israel have way more pro Kremlin stance, than pro Ukrainian.

Keep in mind, in israel there is huge diaspora from Soviet Union. Russian language there are third or fourth most widely spoken one.
They know this. THey are pro-jewish and are only pretending to be against them in order to try and blend in on /pol/. When the war ends next year these people will disappear from 4chan forever.
I seem to have broken the bot. It now is simply in an endless loop, unable of providing contextual answers to the postings it quotes. That’s what happens when you let poojeets code AI.
Why are Ukraine and Israel both getting funding from NATO and America?
you cant easily run to russia as a ukrainian
they are blocking people from leaving
you can sneak out to a western country or you can try to cross the war zone to the east (which is basically impossible due to soldiers on both sides who will probably shoot at you)
if you sneak past border guards to a western country then you need to get a ticket to some neutral country like georgia or turkey to get to russia
even then they might think you're a spy from ukraine
Ukraine needs more money.
>When the war ends next year these people will disappear from 4chan forever.

Who knows. Those might be NEETs, and if it is the case, then they will switch to other topics.
Angry? I'm chilling watching your people get fucking mauled lol I'm in nirvana mode rn.
Go to the front lines hohol. Traitor.
Country of russian jews that fucked up Nordstream. The footage that comes out from both sides show they're pretty much the same people. Their biggest defenders online seem to be liberals and homosexuals, not sure why.
when the war ends next year your people will disappear forever btw. kek
>Israel have way more pro Kremlin stance, than pro Ukrainian.
Baltic troons believe this. Surely they agree with the Kremlin's stance on building a Palestinian state, right?
>Keep in mind, in israel there is huge diaspora from Soviet Union. Russian language there are third or fourth most widely spoken one
Yup, a lot of kikes were in Russia, most of them fled when the war started. A lot of them moved to America when the Soviet Union collapsed and some of them now rule the West. Your point?

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