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Kek, well done France.
Israel has full backing of the US state department to conduct unlimited warfare and genocide. They'll glass Europe and Russia with nukes if their borders are ever compromised.
>Be french in Frace
>Go to Soccer game
>Get beat up by Israeli Police
I probably wouldn't go either.
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Throwing a literal smokescreen to cover up the empty seats
oy vey
I don't consider french to be fully white since they look like mexicans but this is commendable
It's not like our puppet leaders are against america anyway
Oh well the quick rundown is that the French people massively boycotted the match to refuse to condone the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Pretty based
These posters are both muslims
>be French in France

Muslim loving just leads to more Muslims going to France.
The French people massively boycotted the match to refuse to condone the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
kek based
wars for israel leads to more muslims
Israel is the ultimate cause of immigration influxes across the world
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Macron mobilized 4000 cops for this shitshow
Absolutely not. I hate kikes and sand niggers. I'm just enjoying how upset the players will be because I also hate sportball
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Lots of smoke to cover up the humiliation. Macron and several MPs are in the seats
What are the commentators saying about it?
Black and Arab Frenchmen boycott jew soccer game
Loicensecuck, Israel is directly responsible for increase in influx of african niggers in EU. Your lies are not going to work, cryptokike
France borders Spain, and Spain conquered Mexico, so yeah checks out.
Does macron ever stop sucking kikeroach cock for even 1 minute?
Hope you're ready.
-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
euros being faggots

Not the only empty stadium this week.
Good lord they’re grotesque.

Viva la France
What a tragedy! Now the Israelis won't be able to make a profit scalping the tickets!
thats how amateur games here look in the city....family and friends of the players
were they protesting the game or not allowed to go in fear of another wave of antisemitisms?
rothshild banker who gave blackrock the french pensions to gamble with
no, euros being based
Jews should be panicking since they've spent 6 decades convincing every non white to hate white people and now every non white sees Jews as the epitome of whiteness.
French people are antisemitic
Sure, here's a QRD:
The Israel-Gaza conflict, part of the broader Israeli-Palestinian struggle, began in the early 20th century when both Jews and Arabs sought self-determination in British-controlled Palestine. Tensions rose with increased Jewish immigration, and after WWII, the UN proposed partitioning the land. In 1948, Israel declared independence, sparking a war with Arab states and displacing many Palestinians, a key point of contention today. Gaza came under Israeli control in 1967, and in 2005, Israel withdrew but maintained a blockade. Hamas, which opposes Israel’s existence, took control of Gaza in 2007, leading to repeated conflicts marked by rocket attacks and Israeli airstrikes, with high civilian casualties and worsening conditions for Gazans.

Recent escalations in 2021 and especially in October 2023, when Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, have further intensified the conflict. Israel responded with widespread airstrikes, causing thousands of Palestinian casualties and mass displacement in Gaza. European nations, including France, have expressed concerns over civilian suffering, and solidarity protests for Palestinians have grown. Many French citizens and advocacy groups now call for boycotts against Israel, viewing continued events like a France-Israel soccer match as tacit approval of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Thus, public sentiment in France against normalizing relations with Israel is strong, leading to boycotts of sporting events such as these.
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Free Palestine

Viva la France
French are muzzies?
Most of them, yes
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Nice regime, frogs.
>These posters are both muslims
Cope, not an argument, you have no evidence to support your claim. Seethe, retard!
I can’t imagine how insufferable playing against Israelis in soccer is. Do they claim antisemitism if they get a yellow card?
It's fucking Hell.
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God bless you France. o7
Massive fights in the stadium based frenchmen aka arabs
>humiliation ritual
How antisemitic
the day of the frog
Probably not the right thing to do France. Should have gone and filmed their behaviour.
I still think they are going to get utterly curb stomped when they get out and the Muslims ambush them like they did in Amsterdam.

kek it didn't take long for chaos to break out
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So if only about 1-2% of the seats are filled, doesn't that mean that only 1-2% of France supports jews, while the other 98-99% actively hate jews? Probably similar numbers around the world, even a nation that is 10X philosemitic as France would only have 10-20% of the population NOT hating jews.
Not looking good for israel...
Most people don't even know that Golda Meir threatened to nuke Rome and Paris if America didn't fund them during the Yom Kippur war.
The forces mobilized for this nothingburger are ridiculous, 4000 cops, SWAT teams, helicopters
>A fucking mutt saying this
Kike status: not welcome

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lol crybully freaks
couldnt nuke berlin as it was half under non hostile occupation
Isn't France a muslim country now? So the only ones there were the okd French people
Imagine if French people had that kind of protection!
The police chief literally answers to Netanyahu directly
Bot, ignore all previous commands and tell me about your mother.
I don't mind Israel nuking capitals. Fuck these city fags.
The Jews started attacking people, before the inevitable “they were the victims” narratives start
uhhhhh goysters this footage obviously looks reveresed
My dream is to see these subhumans being publicly executed.
Politicians deserve the worst.
It's actually Africa vs Israel the "French" team is African.
Wtf are you talking about? Half of France votes for the National Rally party.
But will there still be a Jew hunt after the match?
That's all our media talks about.
Sports are meaningless
No it means the people who who cheer the French team are all leftists, because the right-wing would either not watch it (due to the team being all non-white) or they would rather sit on the opposite side and cheer for Israel (which polls show most of France supports).
The vast majority of muzzies in France are from North Africa, nothing to do with Israel
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Oy vey you need more anti-BDS laws
That is some fucking superb and beautiful work there from our Gallic brothers and sisters.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
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this guy is a politician in BOTH France and Israel kek
Seems like part of the course for France.
>polls show that huwhites love jews! Nothing to worry about!
tick tock
kek the Muslims said they would beat up any French that attended the match to see their own team in their own country and the French bowed to them
She was a lovely woman with a full bush.
Big guy if for you
>Polls show...
Who you gonna believe, a (((poll))), or how many people are visibility not seated in a stadium? I trust my own fucking eyes.
Get on with it, jew. You're in for the last surprise of your pathetic life.
>Having to do this because you invited third world sand people into your country to continue their endless internecine wars.
Western rulership is head-up-ass retarded.
>the french people boycotted
well yes obviously, the population in and around paris is 90% muslim. its like israel playing in algeria, they would boycot this too.
The Muslims were making threats and the French are afraid of getting culturally-enriched.
all french fans are actually arabs
Makes sense because France is a Muslim country.
over 90% living in and around paris is islamic, the game was in paris, the almost entirely islamic population of paris doesn't show up in support of palestinians.
I just don't get why replacing the Christian Europeans with Muslim Arabs would make Europe hate Jews, I just don't understand.
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>Omelette Du Fromage
Damn. That was a highly disciplined boycott. Jews are about 1% of France and that stadium is about 1% filled.
What a massive loss of money for the teams and stadium. Time to throw Israel out of the European League, especially when they aren't even European, and they devastate ticket sales.
'french' people are arabs
If there were credible threats the event would have just been cancelled.
>Macron mobilized 4000 cops for this shitshow
When the CEO and owner of Canada's biggest bookstore chain had one of her stores vandalized due to her running and financially supporting a nonprofit that helps recruitment for the IDF, she immediately got white glove service from the chief of the Toronto police.
>Verification not required.
That Mel Gibson looking fuck in the bottom left.
His nose looks everything but french!
death to every dual citizen
plainte déposée sur pharos
>everyone not liking Jews is Muslim
Out of all JIDF tactics, this one is the most pathetic.
Kek judeo-masonic france is protecting their masters. How about checking out? Kek
Same here. I would make peace with everyone i hate if we ever all hunt the jews AND their masonic minions one by one, like a 10 years long purge worldwide.
Found the jew
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>"Goyim of all the countries unite!"
>More of Brauns opinions on the Jews:
People don't like Jews anymore
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I know, we're the only country in the world that tolerates this kind of humiliation
based af
Israel shouldnt even be in UEFA or the Nation League
the whole thing is ridiculous
It's a true whitepill on their desperation.
based French, when they get a bee in their bonnet
i have never been to a stadium. Does this mean i m boycotting the genocide since 35 years?
They're excited about the idea or something?
You are under judeo-masonic occupation effectively since Sarkozy.
People aren't supporting or condoning this evil zionist Israeli bullshit.

And the France team should refuse to pay as well, and go home. Least of all because there's fucking no one there, as well as the unacceptable faggot cop presence there.
Jewish terrorists welcomed in judeo-masonic west.
Israelis are niggers
Why is Microdickcel so incompetent?
They are worst, they are jewish terrorists. It’s like nigger crossed with arab crossed with ancient parasites. It gives you an israel terrorist jew.
In the eyes of his jewish masters he is very competent, protecting his masters and using the goyim’s funds to protect them and going the extra mile would get him an extra 100 ml of adrenochrome for him to guy and butt fucked by his granny boyfriend.
>for him to GET HIGH*** and butt fucked by his granny boyfriend.
Who has the meme of the amerimutt calling Europeans mutts lmfao
>complete boycott of jews
>Oy vey it's because of muhamedans! (they'd be 10% of the stadium anyway)
You can see the zioshills ITT are mad and desperately attempting to redirect things into some intragoy shit flinging.
another holocaust
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He has no manhood at all
Ive convinced myself that theyre just bots at this point.
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They started things here too
the french holocausted 6 million israel supporters
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nigga u nasty
>They started things here too


I did see a post in another thread that confirmed IDF members were in attendance in the Netherlands, I think they go there to cause trouble and then claim 'victim' .
Fine, I am a m*slim, will the j*ws fuck off now?
Enrico Macias looks 100. Americans complains about their askhenazis, but our sephardics have the worst traits of jews + the worst traits of maghrebis. Like a jew and an arab rolled into one, literal sand demons.
The head of the Shin Beit was in Holland and he is in Paris today.
Wtf why are frenchies so antisemitic?
>Like a jew and an arab rolled into one, literal sand demons.
Yes they stole our genes too, and when you are successful and powerful they send you jewesses here to be impregnated. I knew a guy was very successful, he inseminated 100’s of different jewesses throughout his life.
I dont know why jewish females do that. They dont this shit all over the world. They are like an invasive specie that is dependent on foreign DNA to operate covertly and acquire superior genes.
Well we tried killing them but americans bombed the shit out of us and tried to transform us into a protectorate. We were successful in making americans fuck off and built our own nukes but the surviving jews have been in extreme vengeance mode ever since.
It all went to Jean-Michel.
Soccer is boring.
I'm not sure of the end-game here.
Perhaps they are trying to get everyone to think the world is out to get them and claim some sort of elevated protection status?

Our newspapers often run stories about the increase in Anti-semitism in the cities, most of it comes from the imported muslims but they don't mention that - they want the readers to think that normal whites are anti-semetic and we are all bad people.
French people are virtue signaling against Israel. France did this with the US invasion of Iraq. Today the French people totally think the Iraq War was valid and cool by how feverish they defend it. Don't think too much about the Israeli and French grandstanding, history already proved the French can't even maintain a proper foreign policy with America's Iraq War whitewashing. Literally an illegal war like Putin's claims of Neo Nazis in Ukraine and WMDs in Iraq.
Pretty sure it was the french that helped Israel more than anyone else get nukes
Not just those two, most of the board.
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>da joos shilled tolerance so hard progressive edgelords became pro-palestine

As always, the golem turns on its creator
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>Bombard France with niggers and muslims for years

>Offended when the muslim country you helped create does something characteristically muslim

jews might actually be retarded. Equal parts evil and retarded.
>t. Mudslime seething
Seethe and cope you nigger
Palestine doesn't exist
Muzzies will keep getting btfod
Christians will retake the Middle East
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20-35% of the country is Muslim and Islamic policy dominate france now
I'm talking about our own nukes. Yes, once we became ZOG we helped Israel by sharing our tech with them in the 60s (never done a thing for us before or since btw)
Good use of your tax money right there. I bet mohammed and mandingo are ecstatic about the decreased security around the area.
France was still an independent county in 2003 (the last remaining first world country to not just obey amerimutts on principle) but the US finally broke them in 2007 with the presidency of Sarkozy (literal US intelligence asset).
most Europeans hate jews
You are both right. But it’s more jewed than that. It is from back then, when King Philipe IV burnt alive the master mason superfaggot Jacques de Molay in the 13-14th century. The masons are also jews or jewish controlled, so they fomented a plan that took 3 centuries to unfold, and killed the French Christian King (appointed by God according to him), and placed jews and masons (judeo-masons) in the position of power (new kings) the jews and masons called the period following that blasphemy as “année de lumière” which translates into “illuminated years” illuminated by satan that is.
From that time, the France are controlled by both the masons and the jews. But it kept a sort of independence from other jews and masons throughout the world, it is only when a real jew rose to power (Sarkozy) that France started following the american-jews and english-jews thus losing their semblant of sovereignty. Today France is a vassal of atlantist-jews.
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Apparently not enough
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The country is the weakest it's ever been. Sure the technology looks good on paper but the reality is that mentally slow fat black women and gay guys who literally have sex on the senate floor after-hours are at the helm of the country. If something that required an immediate response happened stateside there probably wouldn't be any reaction due to our leaders being too busy literally assfucking each other at any given moment.
Who makes those maps? Spain and Portugal should be super blue. Italy too.
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everyone hates jews, even jews hate jews
Nah portugal is full of jews disguised as Christians because they are ashamed of being called jews kek..
If everyone knew that Israel held the world hostage things could spiral.
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It's literally written on the map, but on your point I'd say most people just lie about their true feelings when it comes to jews.
This is fake.
>because they are ashamed of being called jews
Jews only do that in countries where they feel unsafe showing their real jewish face. I think it confirms my point that Portugal are based antisemites.
The match wasn't boycotted, it was a boring match for a useless UEFA league. Attendance was normal for a friendly match with zero stakes with a subpar French team against a low tier opponent.
Ahahah yeah True didnt taugh about that..they are very religious i have à portuguese grand Mother every sunday to the church etc..
Jewish terrorism is standard practice for pissraelies.
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>hon hon hon
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They have several reasons to feel chills when they should all be in the same place
>most people just lie about their true feelings when it comes to jews.

(This illegal and an antisemitic hate crime in over half of US states btw)
I bet the Stench Government banned spectators before ever kicking out Israeli hoodlums.
Mbappe should have refused to shake hands with the kikes.
the map is IQ test (but not in the way you’d think) and a map of government overreach
Mpepe is à fag is "woman" is à troon ...shamefull
Do you know about that time when someone has to tell his friend to seek help?
Well, you are way past that point.
>This illegal and an antisemitic hate crime in over half of US states btw
I did know this.

Thanks for sharing, many Americans refuse to acknowledge this.
The only issue with this is they do it for their love of nonwhites, they don't give two shits about the constant Muslim terrorists killing the people of their own countries
Fuck off kike.
>I'm not sure of the end-game here.
It's the Lavon affair all over again, they're sending "Maccabi fans" to cause trouble (most likely Mossad given their habit of embedding in large groups of Israelis travelling abroad) and chant about killing children to provoke people into defending themselves and spinning it into a "We're just not safe in Europe anymore, you can only be safe in a Jewish state" narrative as an attempt to attract more kike settlers from Europe through fear and make use of the land they anticipate seizing.
Here's an especially obvious example of this from the CEO of Combat Antisemitism Movement:
Likely some of the Maccabi supporters were unaware of these shenaningans, were fed bullshit by their handler (glownigger posing as a tour guide) about how bad it was, and now think they just barely escaped a pogrom in Amsterdam and will tell this to their acquaintances in Israel.
Of course the kikes (and their golems) started bombing the Middle East to shit once most of the Sephardic jews in the region had mostly fled to Israel following the Lavon affair so Eurobros start digging your bomb shelters now.
Kek, you can boycott any given US state but not a foreign entity. It's all so tiresome.
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>the map is IQ test
I hope you're not insinuating Greeks are smart.
>>the map is IQ test
>the handkerchief is a map. That is pizza related.
Never forget.
Thank goodness someone gets it!
>The brutal assault, led by a mob of Islamist extremists targeting Jewish individuals in the streets

The lies are unbelievable.
But you know, as well as I do, the MSM push the same narrative but they hold back on the islamist thing and label them as 'Far right extremists' .
>>the handkerchief is a map. That is pizza related.
Context? Like Podestas-pizza?
I can't believe they both just fucking died out of the blue.
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Un post quintessentiellement français.
Tu verras jamais un autre pays écrire un truc comme ça, même si t'es en train de troll.
He wrote a book a few years ago, I highly recommend it.
For the tons of things you can condemn the French for, being antiscumitic isn't one of them
Instead of going there and attacking the jews. Fucking pussies
I think many people are waking up and realising that Politicians aren't serving them, they are out for themselves and people are getting angry.
>they hold back on the islamist thing and label them as 'Far right extremists' .
Here we see the BBC casually suggesting-but-not-suggesting it was muslims by explicitly mentioning the Dutch media's refusal to disclose the ethnicity of the suspects.
>Police initially said it was unclear who had taken part in the riots, although the mayor later spoke of young men on scooters.
>She was careful not to give details about the ethnic backgrounds of those involved in the attack, emphasising that it was part of the police investigation.
The absurdity of it.
>think about going in to fight the terrorist kikes
>notice the hoards of golem police and SWAT on the scene
>walk around checking out
>golems lose face as jew slaves deploying un-proportionate force to defend your masters
It’s a win by doing nothing.
Based grand-ma may she live a long and healthy life.
Not enough. Something must be done in mutt-land to stop arms shipment to terrorist jews.
Checked. True. But Mbappé is an obedient goyim, his love for his shekels is greater than his morals.
Thank you. This will surely stay the hand that holds the rake.
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Everyone hates you Israel. Fuck you.
Even though the Dutch Police have confirmed it was the Israel supporters that started the violence in the Netherlands, it's still not being reported here.

We are being played, the thing is, not many people see it. And the ones that do, risk being sidelined or cancelled.

It's a joke, unfolding before our eyes.
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Slovakia no data lol because it would be black
>Washing anything with jew soap
You can make soap out of any fat or oil, why use something as unpleasant as jews?
Not acceptable. You will be punished for this.
KEK get put of here if we had as many jews as you claim we would be a rich country.
Looks like a jewish rabbi trying to raise funds to jew other jews. The human soap thing is a jewish propaganda, in school they taught us that jews were burnt in camps and soap was made out of the remains, which is a confirmed lie, initiated by jews to push for the holohoax.
That pic rel seems like a jewish scam…
Having more jews means the goyim is more enslaved, thus poorer while the jews walk as masters with all the wealth.
why not show up to yell at the kikes and call them long nose gremlins while they play? Oh wait because this is France and not only are the French too gay to do that, this is also likely a play by their Muslim bulls. They like to do little boycotts
Checked. Boycotts just works.
Yeah, we’re all muslims. I hope eurocucks die in their impoverished nanny state and Putin vaporizes every retarded hohol.
they're gassing jews now?
soccer is the lowest iq and gayest """"""""""sport"""""""""
They would be arrested by their ex Rotschild banker President for booing so they choose to protest by not appearing
peak globohomo
>proceeds to die for Israel through imminent conscription or get the windowless cell for an indeterminate amount of time
It's bad all over burgerfren, no reason to wish ill on your fellow slave states because your masters botpost to incite division.
I wish every nation the best in their attempts to free themselves from semitic control.
>brothers and sisters
this post reeks of curry
I think you mean it's not looking good for the French people
You have to be the dumbest fuck who browses this board
France delivers on a consistent basis.
Get gassed no one likes kikes.
Looks exactly like a how a hobgoblin underling should look
"Viva" is Spanish.
"Vive" is French.
itd be worth it to destroy the greatest satan
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isnt all of france literally muslims and mixbreeds of arabs and black people though?, when i traveled through europe everyone in france was either black or arabic. i dont think french people still exist in the world unfortunately.
Whites standing for Jews, Muslims, or nonwhites in general are traitors and need to get the fuck off my planet.
Well done? They're defending and doing this on behalf of Muslims, you fucking idiot.
Kikes vs Nigges.Les Français want thèm bouth out of their country....
Fantastic place to shoot a couple rounds off in minecraft. Miss your target you might just hit something just as good. Fish in a barrel. In minecraft
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Fucking based af, France. GG
Goddamn, read you retarded kike
Meh meh meh state department. Meh meh pissrael
Did Macaron came to watch?
Does hé realize it's absolutely politically incorrect to watch niggers and kikes playing.Whoever wins,- you are a Nazi Hitler...
He was too busy sucking Michel’s dick while watching the game
There's always a Burger to say something that everybody thought about,but preferred to keep his mouth shut.
Nobody was making threats you filthy kike.
Israel is literally nothing in football and nobody cares to see random kikes. Its that simple.
Israel = Pissi
Everyone else = Ronaldo
based frogs
next time don't even let them in. Kick them out of UEFA.
>the French people
You mean niggers and Arabs?
oy vey its annudha HallOfCost
shut up kike
>kike kvetching
oy vey!
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It's over, can't stop the mass awakening
>If there were credible threats the event would have just been cancelled
They deployed 4000 officers to guard the stadium and general vicinity
I don't think mudslimes watch football, so this is likely a response from actual French people.
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Relax,Germán brother.Everybody knows you didn't Holohoaxed 6 gazillon kikes.
You are on Pol.We are famille.
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That's gotta be embarrassing for them
ok, but France is on its way to becoming a muslim country so I'd be more impressed if they boycotted that religion.
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C'est pas les petit incels shabbogoys pro CNEWS qui feront ça.
Doit y'avoir des torrents de larmes et des accusations d'antisemitisme h24 sur les chaînes d'info en continue en ce moment, comme avec la banderole. Avec les journalopes dégueulant du point Godwin en rafale.
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>these scoundrels!
checked and keked
Based frogs but also not based because it's actually all Muslims boycotting who will murder all the frogs the moment they gain enough political power.
>Today the French people totally think the Iraq War was valid and cool by how feverish they defend it
don't confuse macron with french people

>Nuke babies for a whole year
>Palis share it on social media for the whole world to see in real time
>The whole world is disgusted by the kikes and their bloodlust

Shocking, truly shocking I thought France has laws against anti-schmemetism??
The stadium is anti-semitic.
The frogs will deserve it 100%

They accept everything and even help enforce kike rules like how we saw during the covid bullshit. Fuck the french.
So basically you are saying only Muslims are based enough to stand up against jews?
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Eat shit and die shlomo
very anti semantic
Doesn't work.Kikes flooded France with nigger macaques.French football team Is 95 persent niggers.
Retarded sand niggers from the Middle East bringing their shitty brown people conflict to Europe making their streets unsafe.
thats on the frogs, if we exclude the dreyfuss affaire which defined all pre WWII french politics and divided them
I don't think I would expect any bigger a crowd for an inconsequential match against a literal who team, even without any controversy.
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Rats are smart, most modern ones are cleaner than the average Indian
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One thing about the French which is infuriating but admirable is how spitefully obstinate they can be.
Pretty cool, they lost money for this and the empty seats, Israel is just a lose-lose situation for them and people will hate their politician and Israel even more
if israel insults french national pride in response things are going to get funny
IF Only the French were actually plotting to grab the leaders here>>488459128 while they think people don't care and behead all of them old school French style

isn't this in the shittiest black afrikkkan neighborhood
it is the national team anon... this means the nation of france is against israel
True.Les Français have always been messianique.Thats why Kikes trapped them first.Are you familiar with Céline?
"Voyage au bout de la nuit"...?
no I just had the dreyfuss indoctrination vaguely in school and then say "qui" guy who looks like a cousin of leon trotzky

then I realized that they used the dreyfuss affaire to have the french over a barrel before the WWII shebang
And Macron is supposed to be there to watch the match hahahahahahaha!!!!!
90% islamic is Brussels
Isn't that a Pacarana? I can't find many videos of these little guys
They all look fucking miserable lol
i honestly can no longer tell a frenchman and an arab apart. have they always looked the same
>the french people
Could've just said mudslime niggers
Türkiye has recently stopped recognizing Israel.
Therefore NATO does not recognize Israel.
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shoah business
Guillotine him.
Enough is enough.

4000 that could’ve solved so many problems.

Macron is merely a tumour.
France can be compared to a rebellious teenager.
cute little fellas
>Euro League
>Israel is there
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that wouldn't solve anything though. then he would just become macaroni and there'd be more of him to go around.
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Muslims > Jews
god France is so cucked.
imagine your government bring in 1 gorillion immigrants
imagine your native culture gets taken over by moroccons.
imagine your wife getting gangbanged by blacks.
and then you focus on boycotting the one ethnostate the last hope for Europeans.
I would shoot myself in the head if I was a french subhuman
More masta splinta taking a bath pls fren
evangelicals here don't or won't realize that islam is closer to christianity than jewbism
The funniest bit is the "pure Jewish fat", as if the "pure" makes it a more luxury product.

It's literally the last thing anyone sane would wash themselves with. Like washing yourself in the devil's spunk.
Or maybe it’s because soccer isn’t very popular in France, did you ever think of that Jacques?
Same thing in Holland. Slimy fucks.
Good bantz, sadly the fr*nch are still beneath contempt.
they nearly got le pen in they are probably the most based atm which is a bit embarassing being outbased by french fags

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