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>haka tuah rip up that thang edition
>bonus edition we welcome international haters of maoris (no Canadians as usual tho)

>maori antics that barely surprise the average New Zealander make international news and humiliate us again

>Maori funeral worker from a TV show showing how professional maori funerals are was taking money for fancy coffins but just stuffing people in black rubbish sacks and got busted when a flood washed some corpses up lmao

>Tarrant's court appointed lawyers have successfully given themselves name suppression so muslims don't behead them

>What's for dinner cunts? Chicken (Settlers Bird) wings and Settlers Potatoes for me
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>we welcome international haters of maoris
Fuck yeah let me just grab a seat an-..
>(no Canadians as usual tho)
O.. oh....
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>gay Columbian comes here thinking White guys are the bad ones and gets bashed by murrys for being a faggot lmao
based Maori!!!

Actually it's all good, I immediately cringed out when she started singing
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Don't mind my flag, I'm sure you moaris don't even know what it means, so it's fine, right?
I just want to say that "haka tuah rip up that thang" is the best joke I've seen on pol in probably years.
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Sorry it's just a cultural thing
Ironically she is on the side of the zog big time
They are declaring war on White people
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They're basically doing this in every town in NZ, working their way up to Parliament and then protesting that White people would dare wonder if the Treaty means maoris skipping the line at hospital and not paying business tax
Yes but we have jeets on our side. Jeets hate maoris with all the shoplifting and petrol drive offs they do. Jeets remember Fiji when the natives had a coup. We have 50,000 jeet allies coming in every year

Please genocide the coconut niggers, I'm sick of their gay little dance making world headlines.
i'm with her i agree with her
Over here in some cities there is a button at the lights and if all 4 corners are held the intersection shuts down for 2 minutes to let maoris protest haka in safety
I don't agree with her but I'm glad she done it
so maoris are your uppity niggers, got it.
I figured this couldnt be real but then I remembered reading something about NZ having gay haka stoplights

It's real and it's always at traffic choke points so it as the dual purpose of making traffic worse and therefore encouraging 15 minute cities
Is that a good thing?
What the fuck should Maoris pay business or property tax for on their own land cunt?
yeah there's not much point, they're net takers anyway
You want to enjoy their island, it's not their financial obligation to provide any contribution for your desired lifestyle.
You can fuck off back to where you came from any time
i know a guy who thought the red image was a guy on the toilet
no, but I can't wait to tell women that the Treaty won't matter to all the Indians that are taking over and watch their cognitive dissonance
why can't these ppl just behave themselves? some tribal groups in the u.s. act the same way
Where is my fucking poe 2 you cunts
You know what’s worse than a murry cunt, fucking white woke liberals. Fuck shameful seeing these ducking retards march alongside these cannibal apes.
yeah our guys flew over there and taught Indians how to protest and put their hand out. I assume Jews chartered the flight over
yes, the type that have "nga mihi" email footers
Haha what a fucking idiot they can get off our land if they dont want to uphold their end of the treaty
All the biggest radical natives turn out to be like the outcasts of the tribes as well. Every fucking time. Give all the normal people a bad name
their end was to follow our laws, they haven't gone a day since when they didn't commit crimes lol
>get conquered
why is it always other people's fault when these people can't hold their own in society?
>What's worse than.....
You are wrong, as usual.
The worst kind of human on this planet is your type....
-Uneducated, gets all their knowledge from social media echo chambers.
-In the majority so who gives a fuck about anyone else- hurr hurr.
-Ignorant, arrogant and smug.
-A total loser.
I’m going to rape you to death you fucking nigger
Godspeed, brother.
Prime Minister Luxon is a gutless, spineless coward for not backing the Treaty Principles Bill and throwing David Seymour under the bus. I'm sick and tired of the Maori worship in Wellington and the public service. This nation is a joke and it shouldn't even be called a country anymore. It's an economic zone. Being a New Zealander doesn't mean anything anymore. I'm so tired of it all. They're passing a bill to give all the Samoan cunts citizenship but heaven forbid we have a discussion on what the Treaty means. Government MPs are abusing their privileged access to economic analysis underpinning policy decisions to enrich themselves, but ordinary people are being priced out of existence. Police are too busy cracking down on spicy social media posts than kicking in the doors of the Maori thugs who poison our communities with drugs and crime because they don't want to be seen as racist. The legislature is full of gutless, spineless, corrupted political prostitutes; the executive is compromised by the cult of Maori worship and the religion of political correctness; and the judiciary is full of capitulatory cowards who won't discharge their duties properly because they'll get sacked or disbarred if they do. Its all fucked. For posting this, some losers at the Department of Internal Affairs are going to start an investigation to make sure I'm not some heckin ebil nazirino Tarr*nt 2.0, and I'll have my personal freedoms and individual liberties trampled on as faceless government officials invade my life and privacy. That's just what life is like in Aotearoa in 2024.
It’s about time these fucking coconut niggers acknowledge the real natives which they genocided and cannibalised.
NZ needs to stop coddling the natives and tell them and the rest of the world straight up that they asked the King of England for protection and that he was given the right to govern over the lands.
European New Zealanders have every right to be here and not pay out perpetual reparations to butthurt natives if they have a problem with it go see the King.
Nah, you guys can actually go back to where you came from.
They can't.
Learn the difference, douchebags.
Not everyone loves your money scamming colonizing empire game.
Go fuck yourself hernandez
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>t. average zealand mutt
Did anyone actually make a screencap of the Haka Tuah post? I've never been in a ebic screencap before
Nah cunt you fuck off back to America this is our land fair and square.
Nah, you are british property and remain so until this day by the very language you didn't originate.
What do you not understand about this
They asked the King of England to come and govern the Islands and all the people that were living here that was their decision not ours New Zealanders are as native to this land as any other.
Nice self portrait faggot nigger
You fags can go back to England and beg for their acceptance for your sorry asses because the Abos and Maoris were too kind for you and didn't care to pay you the same money that you made up to begin with (in order to enslave peoples)
You cunts talk shit about jews but you can't escape the same claws they pull you cunts in with?
You fucking worthless scum.
Oh you poor racist baby.
No fuck you, you can go back to America this is our home and our lands we upheld our end of the deal and stopped your nation and others from enslaving them.
I don't have to go back, you're on my internet.
I guess you guys really never made anything huh?
What did I say that was racist you fucking poof
ao new Zealand isn't the multikulti paradise I've been led to believe?
We've been here for 200 fucking years cunt
>shitskin declaring war on whites
>you're just supposed to take this on the chin and make excuses for them while continuing to pay their salary instead of just genodicing them into oblivion like they deserve
They genuinely think they were here first, any suggestion they weren't turns them into an unthinking rage. Best thing is to just have nothing to do with them, pay as little tax as you can, turn 360 degrees and walk away if you see any
Goo goo ga ga that's only going back about 8 people
This is your brain on American idpol
one minute you are British the next you haven't invented anything at all
Too bad so sad that the world doesn't fit into you version of morality and groups of people are allowed to make deals with each other to stop the French and Americans from invading and enslaving them.
Nah probably not, people don't screencap like they used to. Maybe you can, use Picpick
You are just some british luggage discarded like a tissue in the trash.
Now you're using the big American internet to express rage toward the people who want you to be free, unlike the british treaty wielding contractors that actually own your banks.
If we have to go back to Britain, then so do you lol. Unless you're not White...
No, Americans earned their independence.
You fags just got more management than any of your individual people could understand or care to comprehend, so you don't know how you're still a cuckold.
Basically all races here are pretty gay for each other except maori who hate everyone and everyone hates them
Can't be fucked. Now NZG has gone to shit thanks to the jewish news cycle lol
We want to be free of them as well if you have a problem with the way things are then go take it up with the king because he is just straight up not doing his job as the head of state at all and is leaving us to govern ourselves.
The treaty is literally nothing, it's not a founding document like your ones. It was found and dug up as a way for maori elders and their lawyers to get free stuff
Fuck off and give more money to jizzrael, amerimutt
Business idea
>toilet paper with the treaty printed on it
Lad, George Washington and the boys sailed across the Delaware on Christmas Eve to stab sleeping british soldiers in their sleep.
You guys are not hardcore like America is.
It's OK, you don't have to be.
We're fighting for your freedom with more reason than your gaslighting captors ever knew.
It'd probably take about 5 minutes but fuck it, the moment is gone. Jewish news will do that, but it's OK, one of the main reasons I personally bake NZG is to embarrass the nation in the eyes of pol about how retarded the country is
that and mokos and famous murries lol. Just make 1 roll and leave it in a public toilet and it will make international news (along with SIS tracking you down lmao)
Lad your nation tried to invade the south pacific islands and enslave those peoples for your own plantations but got cock blocked by the British crown so don't play high handed with me.
I’m going to stay exactly where I am and you won’t do shit you fat nigger mongrel.
We should retvrn to /b/ desu. Not that I was around back when there were NZ threads there but honestly fuck this place. i'm really getting sick of the shitskins and turdies ngl
Get fucked nigger
Here's what I don't understand about the whole treaty thing. They're filling New Zealand up with Indians, Indians already have bad blood with Polynesians due to the '87 race war in Fiji, and the series of racially charged coups since then. Indians are already seething that all polynesians get affirmative action while they get nothing, Polynesian Fijians get free shit while Indian Fijians get nothing in New Zealand, it's completely arbitrary.

As the Indian demographic grows, they'll simply vote against all this Maori Waitangi shit, all the special gibs they get, and they'll want Hindi taught as a second language option instead of being forced to learn Maori at school. They'll (rightly) argue that they weren't even here for the signing of the treaty of waitangi, so it's an irrelevant document now. It's not hard to imagine an Indian in parliment in twenty years saying "this does not apply for us".

NOBODY in the New Zealand political scene is talking about what the Jeets and Asians want. But it seems to me to be a relevant part of the conversation because the country is filling up with them, one of the most relevant actually. The entire conversation is framed as White vs Maori, white supremacy vs maori indigenous rights. But it's like the Abo referendum in Australia, the neighborhoods that voted the most NO were Indian and Asian, they were like "lol why the fuck should they get anything?".
Not at all. You don't make any sense while you run around expecting those islanders to pay you your currency.
The only one enslaving them is literally you.
I know you're staying where you are, you don't actually have a home to return to either.
Now you're the monkey in the middle between the Maoris and the british.
They play you so hard.
You are fucked on both sides.
The least you can do is befriend the Maoris.
The british and the bankers hate you, so do all the billionaires buying your people.
I was and no. We will never have big titty bitches whoring themselves out for (you)'s like before. It will all be trannys wanting us to compliment their cocks.
Yes but that sort of critical thinking is not welcome in the halls of power.
kek they weren't a very regular thing but they were comfy. Every single one there would be people asking to buy weed yet after years of NZG I don't think anyone has ever asked or even said they smoke weed
We all grew up. I was embarassing back then.
Ironically over 99% of White people's ancestors here came later too, it's as valid as Indians and chinks saying why the fuck should we pay for them when we had nothing to do with signing the treaty (which never even says they're getting gibs)
you weren't one of the ones milo and bong posting were you?
Is that the national storage team?
henlo Nigeroa! I hear you got a kino chimpout yesterday!
nice, very nice!
Realistically do you think the king would actually get involved? It seems pointless for an English king to get involved because then it forces the issue into the uk. Even if it is technically his.
yeah man they beaten team Rebel Sport to win the Bunnings Cup
just the usual fren although this one made the news
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Which one i have a bunch of shit
They wanted Europeans here to end the tribal warefare
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No i don't think he will get involved at all he needs to step down from the head of state and allow us to elect our own so we are stuck in this limbo and have to tolerate dumb shit from the natives.
truly kino! it is fascinating to see cannibals scream and dance and play (((democracy)))!
that was very educational.
>milo and bong posting
Don't tell Health NZ
What exactly does the crown still run in NZ? The commonwealth is very interesting.
Oh just the one we all replied to in that thread earlier today lol
I never meet any Maoris like these ones, it must be a north island thing
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I don't give a fuck, Europeans made a deal with the natives here to protect them from nations like America whether you like it or not is too fucking bad for you because that is what happened and we have every right to be here.
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Yes but the Indians and Asians simply won't give a fuck. Which makes the moaning of Maoris over white supremacy especially ironic, there's a wave coming in afterwards immune to those arguments.

You know the Malays aren't native to Malaysia and they settled the land over an already indigenous people? The indigenous there are most likely some type of austronesians, while the malay wandered down from Thailand or Vietnam.

The Malays bully the fuck out of their indigenous people, flaunt their majority status, simply have affirmative action for themselves as they're the majority, and say "lol deal with it, we're the majority". They kicked out Singapore to ensure the Chinese didn't have too many numbers. Other races have to work twice as hard while the majority gets given an easy ride on their backs, more spots at university, all the good government jobs, etc. The Chinese have learnt to deal with it, the Indians there sneed and sometimes riot, and the aboriginals are dispossessed without a say.

I use this example and Fiji because they're pretty close to us geographically and have similar groups in the country. It's pretty much how it'll go down here if (when) whites do become a minority.
Bitch nurses get paid like $2000 a night just to sit on facebook and then can't even bring in their own milo
nothing, but all law is technically under "the Crown".
wtf is with all these Maori threads today?
Is it some national holiday in NZ or something?
yeah and also apparently 40% of them have a single gene that makes them criminals. That's why some maori are fine and some are fucking animals
Which tribe requested that?
YEah now you might open your eyes cunt
Look at you mad about people
I think were staring down the barrel of becoming South Africa
You don't have to protect anyone from America, America owns you too.
I don't know why you are this stupid, it must be some insane amounts of flouride the billionaires put in your water because they can afford bottled fiji.
Alot of things it is actually quite complicated the Natives are protesting because New Zealanders want equal rights for all but the Maori want special privileges granted to them by the crown. I think NZ will just end up getting split and half will go back to the state of Victoria like it was originally and the other half will turn into a shit hole like Fiji.
thats some mentally ill retard that escaped their leash and tardminder and got into the adult building right?
International MSM have picked up the tale of a stunning young woman standing up to the patriarchy
I don't know, I would tap her, She looks like she sucks mean dick
Governor general holds alot of power and our courts are all still part of the crown although the high court is NZ only now iirc.
>America owns you too.
Delusional fat ass thinks he can tell us what to do.
No but I did put milo on baked beans and post a pic of that.
glad I missed that one
South Africa was a black/white dichotomy, blacks are pretty racially conscious and knew what they want, there was a relatively smooth transition of power there.

New Zealand is becoming more of a hudge-pudge, with serious white flight to Australia and all the ethnic minorities looking at each other all schizo from their ethnic enclaves. I'd say a Yugoslavia situation is more likely.
it's all purely symbolic though especially the governor general
Yeah because you aren't the world reserve currency.
Welcome to money, poor boy.
It's all blood.
I love how nurses bitch to the newspapers constantly too. One had a massive crybaby sneed a few years back because her dipshit 19 year old son was earning more than her on a fishing boat.
Yeah true I guess so. I'm thinking about leaving myself, just Australia sucks too and I don't really want to leave, I want the immigrants to leave
Give me a qrd. What's going on with you kiwis?
kek what a cunt, but she will be comparing her base pay only, as all nurses do
>muh reserve petrodollarino
it's dead, you know. have been for some time now. Saudis dropped your dollarino like a hot coal
just some silly maori stuff, storm in a teacup really, but funny to watch
Honestly its probably for the best. Let them run themselves into the ground and laugh.
It's not petrol dollars.
It's blood.
Lithuania will never have the world's largest killing machine ready to slaughter any nation challenging its economy.
You lost the game.
>can't even with goat herders of Yemen
>navy just floats out there and does nothing
>fear us! we're still relevant!
I wouldn't even be mad if I was from your country.
You have literally no reason to be a faggot because we carry you through everything in life.
Send AKM's cumrade
maori girls love a German tourist
isn't that bitch chimping out over a bill that will no longer give just the Maoris special treatments?
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That's a pretty fucking embarrassing thing to see an American post(white Americans are forced to pay property tax for our own land)
It's pretty unfavorable here for our troops to have "boots on the ground" in any conflict even if we still do all over the fucking place.
you only use our ZOG puppets to do your bidding, landing the country in hot water in the process.
what is worse - you're bigger ZOG puppets than we could ever be. it's all so pathetic
No you aren't dumb fuck, you just got scammed by the same federal reserve snake oil conmen who sweeped the majority of goyim up in their scheme.
I'm not going to sit here and teach you the real U.S. Law or why you are played.
>inb4 you make dumb comments about "muh sovereign citizens' memes
I don't do anything like that.
Stop accusing entire nations and look at yourself in the mirror to realize you are 1 faggot talking to a superior American Being right now.
Take this golden opportunity to ask questions that can help you out in life, instead of wasting your limited english experience trying to insult others.
You can go back to your language if all you wanted to do was be a retarded faggot.
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remember when people said national was going to reduce immigration?
was it the same problem in Afghanistan? Iraq? Vietnam?
then pray tell me - what kind of "military geniuses" would go fight in unfavourable conditions so many times? you're Rome in ~400AD
we get it, you're a faggot
Eventually we'll run out of places to run to, that's the thing about white flight, it stops us from facing our problems. We've already hit

Rhodesia->South Africa->New Zealand->Australia

The time is probably ready for white identity politics. We don't really have any good voice in New Zealand, it's either ACT boomers coping with "The left are the real racists" or fascists doing boxing innawoods.
Absolutely, not arguing any of that. It's just sending troops into places like Yemen would have Americans freaking the fuck out. Again even though we do it all the fucking time.
if they are citizens of New Zealand then they abide by all of the laws that New Zealanders have to.
it's fascinating to see you "people" revert to this "argument" every fucking time.
>don't lump me in with the rest of the ZOG sheeple!
>Murrica, FUCK YEAH!!! burgers and cola!!!
I saw your chest pounding and the real results in Nijmegen.
>be me
>come to Nijmegen march with a military contingent
>be training for the march several weeks
>first day
>murrican contingent start out.
>almost running
>flying colours high and might
>full backpacks
>uneasy glancing among the rest of us, Swedes, Germans, Brits, everyone
>we just start on the easy mode, go as we trained
>120-15 rule
>hydrate, take care of feet
>first murrican straglers appear
>1600 near the end part of first day
>last of murricans overtaken, poor mutts almost crawling
>be back in camp, tend to feet, drink beer, eat french fries with mayo (local quirk there)
>late night party 2300
>last of murricans arrive from the day march
>next morning
>where the murricans at?
>they left at 0400 or something
>do the rest of the marching with breeze, have fun
why should i care about new zealand?
It's already over, 70,000 people moving to Australia every year with only 20,000 coming back and that is just Aussie.
NZ is going to end up as white flight the country and Maori are going to get replaced by Pajeet and Chang Lu
Yes, her very seat in parliament was assigned because of her race. It's a bill destined to die. What they're actually worried about is White people wondering why the hell they should keep getting special treatment
fuck off faggot. they didn't build shit on that island. they are only tolerated because white liberals are faggots.
A lot of land to build suburbs, we can keep running for a century, especially since they're too lazy to chase us and just rob and terrorize each other if nobody else is around
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it's because your empire is crumbling. due to many factors, as it always is. at least you're one of the few that can see what is happening without the cloud of faux patriotism, like your compatriot over there.
my advice - prepare like there's no tomorrow, fren, because there ain't. shit's getting really bad now and will get way worse.
I'm not much into prognostications, but Trump's victory will turn out to be curse in disguise. he will put breaks on runaway accelerationism, making the final end result so much worse for you, and unfortunately, for the rest of the world as well
She's so hot tho
record numbers are leaving at the moment, for 'economic reasons'
but would she cook you some eggs
That's not how being Maori works, retard
Go lick some boots around uvalde while you're this fuckin cucked and stupid about real life, fagboy
I don't care to read that, sorry
You aren't allowed to kill or enslave people for living on an island just because you have big ships and guns actually, nigger.
>You aren't allowed to kill or enslave people for living on an island just because you have big ships and guns actually, nigger.
But that's literally the history of humanity.
>I don't care to read that
oh, don't worry, I now that muttburgers have problems with reading stuff.
I'm sorry, but I don't have means to make that copypasta into a marvel movie which you could understand
You know that's illegal and a crime to post that right? That could get you v& I would take it down right now. Rape threats are serious business.
Not at all. Only a southwesterner with a california
"education" could be so out of touch with life.
Goo goo ga ga zoomer shit is all you type
i think NZ may unironically be the first western nation to completely collapse. our rate of white flight combined with 150k+ jeets, chinks and seamonkeys each year is utterly insane
Ah who cares. I was talking shit earlier but it doesn't concern me. It's exhausting. Just ignore it and live your lives. Be nice to each other. We could all benefit from it.
Indeed dark times are ahead. Lets laugh at coconut niggers in the meantime LOL
Consider that the NZ Government works for Australian interests and it actually makes alot of sense.
jeets will stop coming soon. Chinks basically aren't coming at all now, the ones you see have been here a while. Chinks and jeets want to live in a White nation, once there aren't much of us they'll hate this cunt of a country with shit weather in the middle of nowhere
I saw the news on Romanian TV i bursted out laughing.
I had an ancestral tendency to say "just shoot them".

Im proud of my race. We broke these people with creativity, ingenuity and intelligence.
They are animals the whole lot of them!

Shoot them!
btw saw an white parliamentary there, just looking at these animals.
They are anti-white bro.

Just shoot them! :D
Wow, it made Romanian TV, are we in clown world?
if it gives you some kind of relieve
those maori retards are being killed in the ukraine by the dozen
I just wish that so many white people didn't have that fucking white guilt/white man's burden complex.
We are the only race that will shit on our race in order to appease non whites. So many whites feel guilty for white civilizations being so successful and dominant.
I'll never understand this mentality.
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Mong cunt, you need sparking out. You reek of Reddit like human shit.
They cant haka haka maka maka with a bullet in their chest.
They can moan though.
>jeets will stop coming soon.

Bro India is de-industrializing, literally millions of Indians right now are fleeing the cities and heading back to the countryside. It isn't stopping anytime soon, and as long as Modi packages trade deals with migration pacts we'll be getting them.

I don't think it'll collapse but I'm pretty certain the forests will be ripped up and full resource exploitation will occur. Shit like DOC will go soon. Anyone else ever volunteer for DOC? Literally the whitest weekend you'll have, go to any animal charity and it's only pretty white girls looking after bunny rabbits.
we're disarmed now. Ironically the guy all the murrys are protesting was the one guy who didn't vote for gun control
Watching NZ parliament is comfy as fuck. It’s just left wing retards asking stupid questions and getting humiliated over and over.
Mostly I'm just amazed that Romania has electricity.
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oh fugg, cuxon will 100% sign a trade deal with a migration pact
Also the gang lobbying is fucking hilarious
>The worst kind of human on this planet
You reeek of liberal cunt.
They way you speak, you are giving yourself away.
I know you are a liberal / socialist cunt just by the way you speak. YOu give yourself away.

Mark my words in 50 years liberalism and socialist will be illegal.
These words will be an insult.

>ah the retard, the liberals, the ones that like nigger cock.
> ah the guys with tranny kids, the idiots that like lgbt cock in ass.

You are already an insult but you will see how bad it will be in 50 years.
they've probably got the real full fat nuclear stuff
that's just SOP of a third world country
>full fat nuclear
verily, that was most hilarious thing in months!
stay safe!
And God is my witness, if we have a far right gov that will be installed all over the white race, i will participate in the identification of these liberals.
And i will spam the gov officials with videos of white being killed thanks to these liberals.

I will radicalise these people.
Back in the good old days, those savages knew you'd just shoot them so they behaved themselves.
With how these natives act, it seems the only mistake the original colonists made was not wiping them out. That goes for NZ, Aussieland and the North American territories. And India. Fucking hell, we should have wiped them all out.
>Not at all. Only a southwesterner with a california
>"education" could be so out of touch with life.
Name one people that hasn't shed blood for land and resources. Go.
Yeah but it's a bit like you guys with the Welsh and Irish too
You think in terms of "people" because you're the Jewish Master Mind?
>And i will spam the gov officials with videos of white being killed thanks to these liberals.

We're past the point of pretending they give a shit, my old mate, we're at the "well you deserve it for historical injustices" point now. Same way they stopped calling mass migration "our strength" and call it just desserts for "colonialism" (AKA sweeping into their shitholes and cruelly increasing lifespans, eliminating food insecurity and dragging mud-people several technological ages ahead at a time).
People have operated tribalistically based on ethnicity for all of human history. You are utterly disconnected from reality.
Yes, the Māori people of New Zealand practiced cannibalism, but only on traditional enemies, such as members of other tribes and hapuu. The Māori considered cannibalism to be a form of revenge, and believed that killing and eating an enemy was the most degrading and vengeful act one could commit.
Nah, rabbi. You're going to admit defeat eventually.
I formally welcome you to hate Maori with me.
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John Batman landed on the wrong island.
Kill yourself you brown subhuman faggot
Indians literally have it as policy to seed their diaspora around the world. It works too, Canada and the UK have been forced shut the fuck up about Kashmir shenanigans because they need Indian votes.

Browsing the national subreddit makes me hate my race so much its unreal. How the fuck did we ever survive as a people with those dodo birds among us.
Imagine being this deluded
That word "subhuman" means less when it's the only word a poltard can think of
You too brother.
From the little i read about the treaty, it seems that the English actually signed a shit treaty for once lol.
Its pronounced "moldy"
"funga ray"
"Toe paw"
"Fuck a tarny"
you would have read a modern interpretation of it
the british colonizing india and teaching them english was one of the greatest mistakes in all of human history

thanks a lot you cunt.
the treaty is incredibly vague and poorly written.

its ''interpreted'' much like a religious document by leftist judges and maori activists
yeah if only they knew they'd do all the business in French
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>yes sar wery gud sar
We did it as a joke but now there's fucking billions of them. It was just a joke...
NZ isnt a nation it is a quasi-australian territory
It almost makes me wish they'd force whites out of the country (myself included) just so we could witness China/India taking over and genociding the lot of them.
Mmmmm settlers potatos
it would have been funny if only you were flooded with this nurgle scourge
I'm happy to be a white minority in this country if China wants to take over and clean out the trash.

For the Indians perhaps. Without us those bong cucks would be nothing. Just another shithole island that they are reverting to anyway
they're the best
I can see why the maori cling to it so desperately especially since im sure they only push the text from their interpretations.
its literally 4 paragraphs long but has been ''interpreted'' and used to justify all kinds of shit for them
So you admit to being an alien android made in God's image...

"Man" made in God's image. Your Christ is your creator.

Humans don't have a creator.

Maori are more human than you albino african niggers.

They have Neanderthal DNA.

You're not a settler. You're an English Albino African Nigger.

Te Tangata waniwania taku tara!
Nana nei i tiki mai!
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I've been following this self hating Indian called Jayant Bhandari. He had a seminar in Canada recently where he and other self hating Indians got together to warn whites what was going to happen as Canada became majority third world.

Some points I'll summarize because I found it interesting.

-White people underestimate the extent of the Great Replacement because their friendship circles and dating circles are all white, the country is a lot more non-white than your personal experience suggests

-We can read the foreign language journals as we speak Indian languages, Indians are laughing at you amongst themselves, they are talking down at your culture and laugh at the idea of assimilation

-People reveal their true nature when they have power over you, the day will come soon when they have power over whites. I had to struggle as a private tutor when I first came here, and had to go into Somalian and Indian communities to teach. I was mistreated and abused by them when I first came here, I know what they're really like.

-During the covid protests Indians were pro-crackdown. Amongst themselves they were saying "these white people are getting a bit uppity, better stop this before they realize what's going on"

Then there was a moment where a white stood up and gave an impassioned speech about how he believed in the human spirit, the power of assimilation, yadayada. The Indian replied

-You are very idealistic, nice white people, you have no idea what's coming. People like you are the first thrown under the bus, you will suffer.


Anyway I thought you boys might find it interesting.
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>what the FUCK is a maori
>search youtube
>pic rel

at least our indigeniggers only """"""""""sing""""""""""" and dont dance or have facial tourettes
Haven't you ever made a joke that went a little too far?
Why can't they?
They were only here a hundred years longer.
Oh yeah because they have no fucking idea where they came from because they have no written records because they had no written language because they were fucking savages from the stone age.
It's a miracle they managed to get here in the first place.
Civilisation has been gifted to them on a silver platter. If we hadn't arrived they would be enslaved and eaten by each other to this day.

If aliens arrived tomorrow and uplifted humanity to a higher standard, ended all war and solved all poverty by our standards would you be bitching about how they are specieous
It's the changs and bibidis giving Canadia problems.
It doesn't matter.

World war 3 happens and most people die anyway.

There is two dimensions.

Truth and ego.

In ego they seem beautiful but are self centered.

In truth they are ugly.

If they are beautiful in the dimension of truth then they are beautiful. But if they are also ugly in the dimension of ego, they are still ugly.

Only truth is being beautiful in both.
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what bill they were protesting?
What's in it???
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>all new Zealanders are equal under the law
Which means that if new zealand drafts for the military they will also draft the Maori.

They are against the draft bro.
Expel the Maori.
Before it said that New Zealand has the right to govern all citizens. The new bill now says the right to authority over all new Zealanders.
chinks are authoritarian pricks, you'd be lickin the pavement too if they became majority.
oh, well
they don't want to die for the globohomo?
that is actually understandable
why are the anglo-newzelanders so stupid to keep electing this shith
It also says that all people born in New Zealand will become citizens.

Right now it is only if your parents are citizens.

They don't want to be replaced by Indians.
they should be allowed to skip the line.
carry the shame. you deserve it.
Some fag put "hello my ragtime gal" music to it and its beautiful, works perfectly
For fucking what?
Because it's their fucking land!!!
They stole the land from Moriori. White people have as much claim.
(and would have stayed that way, except kiwis doubled down on ZOG)
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>Britain developed the printing press around the same time they turned up on new zealand
>somehow their silly dance needs treated like some ancient ritual
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Ka mate ka mate
i ka ora te ra tangata e!
Ka mate ka mate!!
because white people have not have a collective sing-along/war chant worth shit for centuries.
soooo are women even allowed to do that polynesian screaming shit?

that one dude with the face tats looked cool. but the hoe looked like she would get clobbered and raped by a true maori warrior
No it's not. They sold it.
>uh they didn't understand the concept of sale
Then they didn't fucking deserve it. Even birds understand trade
Go to a pub
Whites were in NZ before Maori.
Maori are going to be exempt from the draft because whiteys gotta pay.
If the government sells the land that they own for you to live on it, if you still owe them a debt, can they seize it!!!

Under law all Maori have the rights to re seize their land back from you all.
>mfw I accidentally shit myself in public
And they were killed by the Maori. And the Maori agreed to give governance of NZ to the crown for protection
So by moral grounds we did nothing wrong
By might makes right grounds it's ours
By legal grounds it's ours
Maori haven't been wronged in any way
They want their 1.3 million hectares back.
yeah so women weren't allowed to do the screaming. they had a different version.

once again fucking simps letting their women get out of line. maori are finished.
and we have the right to blast them with gunpowder
>mfw they wrapped me in maori toilet paper because they know she coming for me
>if you owe a debt they can sieze it
I don't own Maori any debt.
If anything they owe my ancestors a debt worth 2000 years
Fucking pending image hold up
>Heh, you didn't write that down? I guess my paperwork is right then
You should try talking to people in American bars with all your... ideas
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They traced their DNA back to Taiwan they are the Chinese immigrants that you complain about
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You owe them 1.3 million Hector's of stolen land.
>Americans are cannibals who haven't discovered metal, the written word or even the wheel
I'm sure your estimation of them will go over great in a bar too
Stolen how?
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The haka is so fucking gay but people have to pretend it's SO INTIMIDATING BRO because it's from a brown culture.

People take the piss out of the royal guards in London doing their shift change where they stomp up and down the courtyard and hand over, but any of those guys would gut you with their bayonet in front of a screaming crowd of people if you were an actual threat.

Meanwhile some fat cunts living off American processed foods from the nearby army bases start going "OOOOH WA WA GO WA, CHUMBA WUMBA DO DO" and slapping their knees is cool. Get fucked.
>and no-one can tell!
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1860s to punish the Kīngitanga movement for attempting to set up an alternative Māori form of government that forbade the selling of land to European settlers
Under the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863, the Crown could confiscate the land of any iwi 'engaged in rebellion' against the government. Altogether 1.3 million hectares of Māori land was confiscated
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Stuff upper lip, chaps.
You’re not humiliated, humility would be knowing when you’d been a nigger, not having them around you.
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The face tats and hat are to distract from this.
maori war party chads vs raindancing furfags
>Heh, Americans would agree with me in your bars, I talk to Americans on reddit all day and they upvote my intelligent posts actually
So they want a civil war then? :D
So they put down a rebellion and confiscated land from rebels. That's not stealing dumbass
stop replying to that irish nigger, hes just trying to bait you
Yeah bro calling out Maori for being cannibals from the stone age goes over real well on reddit
That one street in the neighborhood with all the state houses... Hear sirens, go outside, yep there go the cops to deal with the natives again.
who knew crocodiles were such pussies
I thought abbos were bad. For some reason the natives get obscenely more violent and unhinged when they intermarry with whites. What happened in your parliament was hilarious and very embarassing for you. Nevertheless, we haven't got much better here, we are run by champagne trotskyists. Sad.....
>Heh, Americans love racism in their bars. I could go to San Francisco and not get my ASS. KICKED.
Yeah. I said it.
Nothing was here, Goyim. Just some water monkeys, not any ancient aryans or anything like that, so stop looking into it.
The same reason Americans have to pay business or property tax. They're citizens of NZ, subjects of the crown and the crown is in charge, the treaty is very clear about that. There is absolutely nothing about the Maori being tax exempt in the treaty.
No, that's not how life works.
NZ is a McDonald's franchise on the Maori's island chain.
You can get deported still.
wasn’t the fucking treaty basically a meme and barely even discussed at all until the 60s and then the maori gaslit everyone into thinking it was actually the super important founding document of nz
Im pretty sure it's a chink crocodile farm so you can only imagine the twisted shit those insects do to these crocodiles.
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They tried to form a government and were considered rebels.

That is by definition theft. For your phone is yours and you claim it's yours, but I say you're posting on 4chan is illegal, so I take it from you and arrest you and take your land.

Have you been posting on 4chan?
I remember every once in a while someone would bring up warhammer and the entire threat would just start dicussing 40k for the night.
Thats not what the treaty says. Deal with it.
That's what the treaty is, a franchisee contract.
Knock knock you once said the word nigger in January...

We have to seize your property..
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Sorry but I have to stop your rebellion against the crown. You know the law states that you must never be engaging in anti social behavior.

6 months in lockup.
You guys should just start morris dancing in response at sports games.
The crown isn't a franchise.
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How many timeloops have we been in anon? 17,000? And about 5,000 world war 3's?

When will you learn...

It's not your land.
So can somebody give me a qrd?

The Māoris signed a treaty with bongs a few centuries ago and now the government doesn't want to respect the treaty?
Its wasn't supposed to be a fundamental document for rights. There were two main purposes of it.
>Prevent other european colonial nations from colonizing NZ
>Make NZ part of the british empire and NZ subject to british laws (including making the Maori british citizens).
At the time the French were about to colonize the south island and europeans were able to go to NZ and do whatever they wanted without consequence. The treaty put an end to both of those things as intended.
It's about interpretation of the treaty (always is about that). Currently the treaty is being interpreted by courts and tribunals with "Treaty Principles" arising over time from their interpretations. A bill is being introduced to instead have these "principles" be explicitly defined by legislation and make interpretation a democratic process rather than decided by the judiciary.
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Here's a pic for your next bread.
You will never be thin goblina
A lot of the "treaty principles" are created by faceless, unelected public servants.
Why haven't you exterminated those worthless pieces of shit yet?
that tat makes her look like she's dripping shit from her mouth
beautiful and powerful!
I had to endure rugby tours to New Zealand. They could play a bit but having to stand around in a dog park whilst a bunch of lads who looked like us and had the same names as we did danced about is forever burned into my memory

Awful, awful stuff
That's what we are doing you dumb nigger and they are chimping the fuck out

Uno reverse racism
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Lmao make that lady your Prime minister. The look on fatass’s face holy shit.
i'll say this and all of you will laugh at me, Maori chicks are hotter than latinas. latinas are trash.
>It's about interpretation of the treaty
Can you name some examples of interpreting the treaty differently?
they will eat you?
Crown sovereignty. The tribunals/courts interpretation claims the treaty didn't give the crown full sovereignty over NZ and that instead the government and the Maori have a "Partnership". The interpretation in the Bill being proposed is that the crown does have full sovereignty
>Principle 1: The Executive Government of New Zealand has full power to govern, and the Parliament of New Zealand has full power to make laws, (a) in the best interests of everyone; and (b) in accordance with the rule of law and the maintenance of a free and democratic society.
>muh crown
You guys still hang on to this shit?
Just replace the word "crown" with "government" if it causes you that much butthurt.
That would make things much clearer
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Ok, then back to the mudhut and wiping your ass with banana leaves
You can't be proud of who you are whilst enjoying the works of a society built by those you claim to be against

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