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I broke my 33 day nofap streak at 9 am and have started slop maxxing. It's like I can't quit eating shit and I feel constantly bored now. I've ate 3 honey buns and I feel like shit.
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it's meant to be teach you about self-control, if you're slopmaxxing then you learnt nothing
Yes but why after ejaculation does my overall willpower seem to decrease? I was eating right and disciplined this morning.
Suck a nigga dick you knowamsayin
why do we have to stop masturbating and shave our mustache in the same month? couldn't they spread it out at least?
oh wait we're supposed to grow the mustache aren't we
will not masturbating make the mustache grow faster?
>ate 3 honey buns and I feel like shit
Your point?
willpower borns from selfishness, anger and animal instinct, it's basically wanting to impose yourself over anything because you must procreate and spread your genes

lack of will leads you to let someone else's will win over you (in your case, failing for buy useless shit) masturbation makes this worse cuz you gets more relaxed and you "turn off temporaly" your animal instinct after cumming, thus becoming more docile and weaker
You're the girl who burned coal to lose her virginity and now you feel bad. Good. You should feel bad. Now you're going to be the fat girl with a multiracial goblin. Have a good life, cunt.
I'm 29 and never fapped. Just thought I'd add in my perspective because I've never really liked sweet things either. My favorite candy is Reese's but that's mostly because of all the peanut butter inside it. I love protein and meat, my habits are probably the reason why I lift so much more than my peers as well. I hope to one day die of prostate cancer, still alone and loveless, to prove that God doesn't love people based on devotion to Him.
Ah yes, willpower. That feels like such a funny word to me now. I never knew I actually had much of it until I realized nobody else I know is capable of water fasting for more than a week, let alone more than a month like me on my first time.
Eating shit will make you feel like shit.
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