>>488983184Bullets are cheap and effective.
>>488983184Machine guns?
>>488983184would it be that expensive to have sensors and border guards for every half mile?
>>488983184Zyclon C
>>488983306I’m wondering that too. The national guard would have their work cut out for them going about this in a way that isn’t a bad look
>>488983184LandminesSnipersSentry guns
>>488983184Form a militia go down there and shoot the cunts what do you mean?
>>488983184Invade mexico.
>>488983184Liberate them from Sheinbaum's jewish regime.
MacArthur had the right idea
>>488983184Mexico has shown when sufficiently threatened that they can handle the flood if they choose to.
>>488983184Four things:>mandatory nationwide E-verify with strong employer sanction and the ability for state/local enforcement >reform of asylum laws to include mandatory detention until asylum is granted or alien is deported (no matter how many are detained and no matter how long)>deny Federal funds to any government that does not cooperate with immigration enforcement authorities, thereby ending “sanctuary” jurisdictions>greatly expand the H-2A visa program to allow a new Bracero Program which will let farmers get necessary temporary labor.Do these things and the border will become a ghost town, except for a few wetbacks and drug smugglers. There will be no place for criminal aliens to hide because ICE will pick them up from the city jails. And many illegals will self-deport due to the inability to find employment. They won’t ever be implemented, though, because Republicans talk a big game but they love the wedge issue and also are controlled by Big Business, which loves their cheap and subservient labor.
Glue pennies onto illegals' backs before deporting them so jews will follow them out of the country.
Catch and release but you sell them to slaver states like China
Giant carnivorous garloids
punish employers, tax remittances to latin america. mr and mrs john q taxpayer wont be able to stomach the images of deportation raids on illegal immigrants. I don't mean the gangs, most everyone would applaud that. but to see the barrage on social media of the average family with their anchor babies? you might. I might. pol as a whole would. the average citizen would start to feel bad, and that would be so sad :(