MTG is blackmailing the whole Republican caucus!! How many of them do you think were involved in Matt Gaetz's Pedo sex parties or on Epstein Island?
>>489001497Based tranny. You go gurl!
>>489001497>the rest of Epstein>the other pimps still working>release them IF...Why don't they regardless?
>>489001497Isn't blackmail illegal and she is literally commiting obstruction of justice with her post?She should be summoned to Grand Jury immediately.
>>489001497>the whole Republican caucus!!I think she's swinging for more than that, Moshe.>How many of them do you think were involved in Mossad's Pedo sex parties or on Epstein Island?Too many.Especially the Dems.
>>489001936>she is literally commiting obstruction of justice with her post?Show your flag, Moshe.And the answer to your question is obviously "No."You know that, because shitheads like you do nothing but play semantics all day, so you know what she actually said.
>>489001936I dont think it counts as blackmail if its the threat of exposing a crime they did independent of you
>>489001497I wonder if MTG is going to suddenly be in the news for a bout of unreported depression that led to her committing suicide with two gunshot wounds to the back of the head.
>>489001497what the fuck does magic the gathering have to do with the republican party???
>>489002165I like how this time around trump has managed to get a bunch of loyal people on his side instead of swamp monsters like last time. I hope shes protected. I feel the “republicans” clinging to the previous order are gonna be shaken off/free soon.
>>489002546>I hope shes protectedYeah, she's constantly yoked to a rich man. Wears the fucker like a designer bag.
>>489002546>loyal people>vance
>>489001497You think gaetz hit that? Subsequently having to sword fight that undoubtedly large roid clit in the process?
>>489006086She bitched him into producing her podcast that nobody watched as a first term rep. He was not on top in a relationship with that masculine rich bitch.