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>Cenk emerges as the voice of reason in today's society
Imagine saying that in 2016.
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…Are you the Keymaster?
What are the Keys? Serious question, no idea what people are talking about
And yet all sat, with their fat asses.. Hm.
buy an ad faggot
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I never got the key master gatekeeper thing being about sex as a kid
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>jewish professor literally sees himself as a Christ-like figure
Chink Wigger
>you loser
Middle school garbage
Fuck both of these assholes with a 10-foot pole, but this unproductive session did provide entertainment, so whatever lol.
if ai kamala had ran she would have won
he set uo a bunch of binary criteria supposedly to preeict rhe outcome. only the candidate with enough keys gets elected. but he didnt account for one thing. that his model is fake bullshit used as a campaign tool and not actually tonpredict elections.
Turkroach trying his best to save his skin under Trump regime.
What what I’ve been seeing he is actually unironically the person I agree with the most
He’s pushing back on the left but isn’t a magacultist and he’s avoiding falling into the trannytrap and instead talking about things that actually matter
lol the headline from the link
Most Trump supporters aren't. You are confused.
Look some of trump's policies are fine. It's just the anti trans stuff that is why a lot of people are against him and his cult.
Gotta respect crazy key guy continuing to claim his keys were still right after he didn't predict the election result. He's just like fuck you cenk I'm right and all your fans were shitting on you in the comments, true liberal.
>the keys never lie. A UFO will come during the next full moon and we will drink cool aid with enough drugs to die. The aliens will pick us up and we will be able to say "Madame president" on another planet. Then we watch earth from afar and laugh at the chuds.
I don't know how desperately you want to believe that, but the reality is the opposite
As Ana, Cenk is making his way slowly to the right
I'd be all for Trump if he didn't go after trans people. I mean wtf. Why go after the most marginalised group in history? I don't get it.
Good that means you werent molested
>Why go after the most marginalised group in history?
Because you want to castrate children.
It truly does not surprise me that a jew thinks he should be worshipped. He makes fantasy liches seem modest and sane.
No. No one wants to do that wtf are you talking about? Why do you guys just have to make things up??
>Cenk later mused that perhaps in another time he would have killed and eaten Lichtman for his "deceitful prophecies"
>No. No one wants to do that wtf are you talking about?
Then why are you mad at Trump? The only "anti-tranny" thing Trump ever said was that it should be illegal for doctors to do tranny surgeries on children.
you're retarded, or shilling, or both.
The "tranny shit" is a very serious problem. The specific issues are trivial, but the greater push for DEI and the culture-apparatus responsible for it is absolutely toxic and quite possibly the most deeply serious problem in the United States today (if a less urgent crisis than Biden's migrant invasion and the Ukraine war). It's a real problem with real consequences. Many organizations in the US have been infected with and are being undermined by this 5th column. Tech companies have been beginning to deliberately higher outside of the insane San Francisco, Silicon Valley Woke bubble to avoid being plagued with these nuisance ideologues.
How does Trump "go after" trans people?
Be specific.
White replacement is the only thing that really matters, tranny shit is enraging and rightfully smacked down, but nevertheless irrelevant compared to replacement
It's literally life changing surgery. You can Trump are basically saying trans ppl should die. Like trans children exist, where is your empathy??
The issue is simple. Trans people want to exist without being killed. Why can't you just leave them alone? Your harming them for literally no reason.
He's gonna ban puberty blockers. Which is crazy.
He realized that the grift was paying off for Ana so he joined it
>Who the hell are you? Are you Jesus Christ, You LOSER?
The way he said this was so funny
may i see these keys?
>Cenk committed "blasphemy" against the Key Master
It is honestly hilarious how a slip of the tongue like that reveals exactly what we all know about leftist academics. They think of themselves as some kind of secular clergy.
Without parental consent. I actually think it's based he's letting these insane families sterilize these dysgenic monsters.
>saying trans ppl should die.
They should be sterilized for sure. The vaccine should handle the rest.
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>Because you want to castrate children.

>No. No one wants to do that wtf are you talking about? Why do you guys just have to make things up??

>It's literally life changing surgery. You can Trump are basically saying trans ppl should die. Like trans children exist, where is your empathy??
Some men don't check their keys.
Dude you gotta drop this hardcore right wing act. I don't think you even understand the implications of what your saying. Your just trying to act cool but seriously there are implications that need to be taken seriously.
I see no flaw in my logic.
I meant everything I said, and YOU'RE a fucking retard, KYS faggot.
No. I think your a confused young man looking for community. Probably trans yourself and you don't know how to express it. Well lashing out isn't going to help my guy.
Shut up you cringe disgusting poo dirt bag idiot retard.
I hope a tranny murders you and your family.
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Highly Sciencificated, with much technology.
Wtf no I won't shut up. I mean literally in any other situation you'd allow someone to have surgery to save their life. Yet in this one your a crazy person. Yeah that's right, a total nut.
Ermm trans people are victims of violence not the perpetrators. Look up some stats bigot.
Not reading. Get out pedophile poo halfwit.
Off topic. JANNIES!
I mean they are literally overwhelmingly trans and support me so. Idk wat you think will happen with that (shrugs shoulders).
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>It's literally life changing surgery
This thread is fir the discussion of the 13 keys of mystery.
Any off topic BLASPHEMY by boring child molesters will be nuked like in putin’s wet dream.
This person would be dead without surgery. Yes.
>Chud meltdown
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Spoiled thread by soon to be banned pedophile writing shite nobody will read.
Fucking disgusting.
>It's mad
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hourly reminder the key master is literally 4'8".
Hes going to hang himself 41% chance

Self own
Who hurt you? Honestly I wanna know.
that is the most repulsive abomination I have ever seen. And she feckin CHOSE to do it.

What lunatic could be aroused by that monstrosity?
Doesn't seem crazy at all to me.
>What lunatic could be aroused by that monstrosity?
Ermm someone whose open minded and understanding.
The key master got flushed like a turd. Not so surprising this year.
I mean do you think killing children is a vote winner?
link the full exchange nigger
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Is Trump in the White House yet? No, and he never will be.
He doesn't have the keys.
You all don't have the faintest idea how to turn the keys.
He's a fucking Keebler elf?
Yeah fucking right. MIGAAAAA
But cenk is a fucking bona fide 90IQ retard
no but stringing up liars like you would win a lot of votes in bygone days.
Professor Lichtman is always one key ahead...
Fuck keymeister. He was dead wrong in a "key" election. No news outlet should ever consult this cocksucker ever again about anything. He's collecting social security and medicare until Elon and the lap poo end it. Fuck him.
>everything is a grift
>people can’t change their minds
Retard alert
Pretty much this. The Democrats flushed the toilet. And, they should.
This has to be bait. Has to be.
Well done bong
>ummm I totally changed my mind on Harris and Biden the moment they lost trust me bro
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To be fair it's very obvious Allan Lichtman has aspergers. To him, his keys are like that very specific character in a video game or anime that he's obsessed with, and the creators just radically changed him.
cenk cooked
>dude gets his prediction wrong
>doubles down on it saying he wasn't wrong
>right wing laughs at him
>goes onto piers morgan to hopefully have an echo chamber to pity him and be nice to him
>Cenk, a fellow democrat destroys him
>runs away crying
>states he is leaving twitter for bluesky because people on twitter are mean
>goes and posts on bluesky "hello, I am happy to be here instead of twitter"
>gets flooded by people laughing and making fun of him even HARDER then on twitter
>blue sky proceeds to start collapsing

Good lord is this guy cursed or something?
Cenk is a retard so if you are agreeing with him the most, you are likely extremely retarded too.

With that said, Cenk is a fairly normie representation of the left, in that, until they have a personal experience with it, how they feel about it takes precedence. We just saw Cenk have a very good, positive interaction with people at the highest level of government, and they happened to be republican. That right there, is a game changer for a normie like Cenk, especially since his personal experiences with the lib gov has been lack luster.

Same thing with Anna and the homeless guy who tried to fug her. 1 bad in person experience, and she's radically changed her ideology. Same thing with normies here in Canada regarding Indians. You HAVE to have personal experiences with them now, since they're everywhere, and now everyone is finding out that their image of them in their head doesn't match the image of them in reality.
So this is good. Normies NEED to deal with personal experiences to change their mind. It's literally how they operate in the world.
>its life changing surgery
More like life ruining surgery, it ruins the child before they are old enough to know what they are
>trans children exist
No, they don't. Confused uneducated children exist, but not trans children.
>no they aren't confused
You don't believe that because if you did, you would be fine with waiting until age of consent. But you aren't. Because you know its not true.
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>As Ana, Cenk is making his way slowly to the right
TYT turning rightwing was NOT on my bingo card.
So many political figures have tried to adopt the abrasive demeanor of Trump but just dont have the charisma to make it work.
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90% of trump voters couldn't name a single complaint they have with trump (including him wanting to import endless pajeets or having unwavering support for israel)
He is “anti-trans” because he doesn’t want doctors to be able to transition children without their parent’s consent?
Get thee hence, you demonic kike!
>his model is fake bullshit used as a campaign tool and not actually tonpredict elections.
His model successfully predicted a Trump victory actually, but he was too biased to admit it and lied and coped.
>90% of trump voters
Kek, polls
You know, before you people were given a microphone, the number of kids whose suicides could credibly be linked to frustrations arising from their parents not approving of them voluntarily ruining healthy and functional sexual organs was functionally zero. My gut tells me that despite all your propaganda, it still is. Anyone that listens to a progressive shout like a shitflinging monkey that disagreeing with anything they say is LITERAL GENOCIDE is a certifiable fucking moron of the highest order.
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Then what do you call hormone blockers for children? You just need a fucking hatchet to your face. Seriously. I’m so done with you twisted fucking demons.
Keys broke doe
Maybe I’ve been too Styxpilled for too long but I still think the keys are a good model, he was just straight up arbitrary and wrong in how he applied them.
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>nuclear levels of sour, nigga this shit will turn off your pacemaker
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Nice to see Cenk recognize Jesus Christ is God, live on air. I, for one, welcome him to the body of the Church.
He is literally murdering trans folx by denying them women's rights, and also by restricting their right to basic constitutionally guaranteed healthcare services like cutting their dicks off. Is that specific enough for you sweaty?
>man made horrors
I hat Chunk, but he was hilarious shitting on a fellow leftist.
Chunk's been kinda cool lately.
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>This has to be bait. Has to be.
I... I... I don't know.
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It’s just another kike getting what it deserves.
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Computer, enhance!
Elon should make an electric version of that Karin, that thing looks cool.
A bunch of yes/no questions, the answers to which supposedly predict the winner of the presidential election.
They're not too bad but he applied them very wrongly.
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shoe status?
Ah, the new tactic the troons cooked up: Try to get the conservatives and moderates on your side by pretending to not be a retarded catamite herder with a feminine penis and push all your equally insane allies under the bus.
nobody gives a flying fuck about trannies, it's why YOU LOST!
Is Cenk the Gatekeeper?
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The suddenly changed their minds when TYT was on the verge of bankruptcy.
It doesn't matter if they lose the left as it isn't paying their bills. They need fresh subscribers.
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>oh bloo bloo I'm such a victim!

Keep crying and you'll never win another election for 50 years. Nobody votes for a LOSER
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Chunk is alright. He predicted Trump would win 2016 on MSNBC.
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We Jews are the chosen people.
If you are not a Jew, you are a filthy goy.
Don't blaspheme me, goy!
Yeah that's reasonable. Your comment made the actual chumo shills shit brix.

Yes, they are. He is a neo religious figure to the low iq. Every reasonable person who may have found him appealing in 2016 ditched him when he became another republican civnat zionist (always was, but this became unavoidable).
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Cenk has the keys now. TYT are the keymasters now. Kiss Ana Kasparian's feet.
Why would you ever waste your time watching that dysgenic fucking retard let alone let him formulate your opinions?
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It doesn't matter. At all.

The entire lgbtq identity was a construct of the Jew left/right media as a repellant with which to drive support for the right wing today, which they will need to further their plans for this era (transhumanism, new wars for Israel, White genocide legally, antisemitism laws/hate speech laws, restricting the internet under the guise of free speech).

Do you seriously think they couldn't see opposition to faggots and trannies marketing their perversion to kids? Of course they could, they wanted war with Iran, to quell White nationalism and steer it's now dead momentum back to the controllable right wing, and knew the way to do that is to make a decoy that reasonable people would attack that only one side of their spectrum opposes, thereby making that side more appealing to the masses. Essentially creating the status quo on the right for now. Ans like cattle, the goyim flock to their new champions who are just agents of the Jew (trump, musk, jones, rogan, gaetz, etc.) and politics they meticulously plotted and rolled out via the mainstream and alternative media, both of which jews control.
Cenk should have said
>now go home and get your fuckin shine box
if you were gonna have a frankendick installed, would you do a normal sized one or would you pick a monster chungus like this lady and other FTMs usually do?
"turning rightwing" now just means "not being an ultra-marxist pro-pedophilia commie".

The so-called "right wing" is in reality just the center, while the most radical farthest left screams at everyone else calling them "right wing".
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fpbp, what the fuck
Blaspheming against the church of the left.
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Cenk has always been one of the people /pol/ was most annoyed with because he is so fucking close to being correct but always swerves off at the last moment. A lot of the left are just written off from the start as jews, retards, critical thinkers, or various other groups that are simply incapable of reason, or on a slightly higher rung the tankies and anarcho-anarchists who have a form of 'logic' that is internally consistent in structure but the actual foundation of their premises are all unsound. Those people arent even worth getting angry at, you just feel sorry for them as you put them down. Cenk gets this board riled up because he strikes the average /pol/ poster as someone who they can sit down with for half an hour and actually teach him how he is wrong and how to be right instead.
checked, just now watched the clip elsewhere after seeing it shilled for two days.
To be fair, even Nate Molybdenum warned that Lichtman's model prerequisites were off base for '24.
But as predictive modeling (no matter how robust Lichtman's own personal academic career ivory tower might be) the arbitrary '17 keys' predictive model technique is and always has been 100% bullshit, not actual social science.
He just got lucky
Especially since the post-1996 era of U.S. presidential elections have been the most specious, anomalous and bizarre in the country's entire 248 year history.

Cenk is irrational and always has been.
His out-of-control temperament just makes him that much more annoying than typical presumptive progressive leftists (now in 2034 a dying dodo species)
Same thing that happened to shitloads of us is happening to him: left just keeps moving further left towards insanity and now he's found his position has him standing on the right. He just started further to the left than most of us so took longer. Trump, Elon, RFK and Tulsi Gabbard all used to be part of the left too.
What if this dude becomes a key-themed supervillain
Out of curiosity what are Cenks views on India and Indians?
Look at the early life section.
lol this is great.
We chose our destroy.

Donald Trump is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
delegateposting was so kino
Until a lefty advocates for leftwing gene editing to slowly phase it out of the gene pull you've never seen a lefty turn right wing, you think you'd have one that would go "Yeah i'm fucked up, I can't fix it but maybe you guys can fix it by force, I hate you but I willing to help if you can do this in my liftime" you'd think a lot of people would say this but nope never not even once
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It was /pol/ at its apex, and I doubt we'll ever have something as great as the 2016 primaries ever again.
>Good lord is this guy cursed or something?
Yeah, he's from the sinagogue of Satan after all.
That was funny af!

They're both silly people, ridiculously insane, I can't belive cenk the cockroach made me laugh.
bro you have to be kidding, the 2028 primaries are going to be pure kino
LOL Most Boomers are like that.
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>Then we watch earth from afar and laugh at the chuds
>Then we watch earth from afar and laugh at the chuds
Then we watch earth from afar and laugh at the chuds
>Then we watch earth from afar and laugh at the chuds
>Then we watch earth from afar and laugh at the chuds
So it's not keys, they are questions? Why did he named them keys?

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