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As a former cop, this is so true. Luckily, I only had this happen a couple of times & was able to talk down my suspect without resorting to more serious methods. But many people do not understand this idea & do not appreciate what cops go through in dealing with the public, never knowing how a person will respond to a question, never knowing if a suspect will try to fight you or cooperate, never knowing what they are walking into on a call for service, & never knowing if they’ll go home or not.
cops are like garbage men but for people
>nigger steals my bike
>cop shoots my dog for some reason
>still don't get my bike back
Thank you for your service #BackTheBlue
I never once seen a garbage man take a knee for gorge flyod.
If any pigs shoot my dog I’m going John wick on ya’ll niggas
You’re a gang that keeps the powers that be in power. Mercenaries for hire. Officer Friendly isn’t.
largest gang in the world.
>cops are no better than niggers except they are tax payer funded
It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers.
Sapp v. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2Nd 363,
Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F. Supp. 1262,
Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247 (N.C. App. 1989).
See also:
Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. 1981)
DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services,
Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005)
Riss v. New York, 22 N.E. 2nd 579,293 N.Y.S. 2nd 897, 240 N.E. 2nd 806 (1958)
Police here have to go to police academy for many years. Is it not the same in the US? Why do anti-socialist liberal democrats want to defund the police when lack of funding is a huge problem?
You don't protect SHIT! Faggot.
Police are human garbage who exist to protect criminals, pedophiles and politicians from vigilantes who actually intend to carry out justice. When you faggots defend the people you swore to protect I'll have respect for you. All you faggots are here to do is faciilitate the invasion of our homelands and hand out parking tickets. Sincerely fuck you.
Garbage men are actually useful for society
lol i just read your pic.
>ThEy PrOtEcT pEoPlE
the supreme court even said cops have no duty to protect peoeple
you are worse than niggers at this point. at least a nigger knows hes a nigger and i can expect to be a nigger
cops are niggers but they just have high opinions for a nigger.
ur trash get a real job.
or better yet go beat your wife and then put your gun in your mouth when she finally never comes home from her sisters place.
Police are needed in America, bud.
What the hell is wrong with you millennial clowns! Cops protect our American society from criminal thugs like BLM and you hate them for it? Go back to your antifa camps libtard!
Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong. it's the faggot that stood by and didn't tell him that the nigger was suffocating that's the killer.
6 months training then 1 year probation period. About 2-4 weeks of in service yearly training after.

I got to train with fedniggers in New Mexico and Texas. Was aight
cops can and will break into your home, destroy your walls, dismantle and ruin your furniture, take doors off hinges, generally make a huge mess when searching your home.

even if it was bad intel, they're not liable for repairs and they don't have to clean up after themselves.

honestly it's kind of fucking ridiculous.
But they don’t. Niggers run roughshod over this country and cops take a knee. There would unironically be more justice without them.
This looks like it was made in MS paint.
My position is that I would rather have cops in society than not but I wish they werent so militant.
You niggers swore to uphold the Constitution but Jordan v. New London means that none of you are smart enough to even read it.
I’m glad you’re a 1pbtid shill because dealing with you retards is legitimately insufferable. I’m not even that intelligent but I find myself needing to dumb my vocabulary down to a 6th grade level every time I speak to a cop
Your best bet in the US when you run into a cop is to shoot on sight desu.
Look up the case Jordan v. New London.
Tldr a man scored too high on the entrance exam at the academy (his IQ was about 98) and they rejected him for being too intelligent.
How bout they just mind their own fuckin business, instead of trying to make a big issue about a guy sleeping in his car. Nigger, as far as you're concerned, there's no one inside. Keep on driving, pig.
>cops protect us from criminals
>please ignore how they all stood down during the floyd riots
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Tell me about your father
ok boomr
thank you o7
Not really, cops are garbage and they're part of the reason for lowering the testosterone level in Whites by killing White criminals.
yes you did, his name is Colin Kaepernick
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Theyre law enforcement, not lawyers
Law enforcement should actually know the law, bootlicker.
Besides, they swore to uphold the Constitution, whether they’re capable of realizing it or not they routinely violate their oath.
Na just listen to a scanner. 99% of what they do is routine nonviolent encounters.
Then one fuck up happens and it gets plastered all over the media to outrage the retards like you into thinking theyre bad
>one fuck up
I can assure you it is far more than just one fuck up. The number of cops who actually understand the law can be counted on one hand nationwide.
But hey, you’re a copsucker. You’ll probably defend them arresting the 6th man at grandma’s funeral during the scamdemic while saying they were justified to sit and watch the floyd riots.
They're literally jannies that were forced to pay
>Muh cherrypick
>Muh confirmation bias
Youll grow up one day
>As a former cop
Most people's impressions of police are getting pulled over when they are not speeding and given a speeding ticket so the cop can collect revenue for his employer. Then they are reminded of that time they were raped on the side of the road for the next five years paying higher insurance premiums.
The only good cop is a dead cop, we would be better off if norms were enforced by cultural lynchings of problem makers.
Retarded anarcuck take
Where are they now?

She is a prostitute on meth, and the dad killed himself

I assure you I am not cherry picking.
>muh bias
That’s what your issue is, you’re incapable of realizing what cops actually are
>you’ll grow up
Ironically the older you get the less you trust unelected bureaucrats
>police..code enforcement
That is because police != sheriffs.
>The number of cops who actually understand the law can be counted on one hand nationwide.
The duty officer and higher would probably be the only ones who know much or cops who have been working twenty-five+ years.
>getting pulled over when they are not speeding and given a speeding ticket so the cop can collect revenue for his employer
armed fundraisers as someone put it the other day?
shouldnt the cop who shot knife bazz have shot the moment she started slashing at him?
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Reminder that cops do not statistically lower crime rates or prevent crime, and that every city in America has a higher per capita murder rate than the 100% armed literally no laws (legally, no courts, no laws, due to being in disputed or unincorporated territories) boom towns and cities of the "wild" west where everyone was armed 24/7.

Cops are sheep dogs. Niggers are sheep. jews are the farmers.

Whites are and always were the wolves.
Quit and join park ranger/park police. Much more chill job and if you do day shift you can join the mounted unit, get a tan while riding your horse down the trail, or if you work nights, you get to kick teenagers and young adults out of the park after curfew. You will stumble on a LOT of sex in cars, or its just drunk dudes fishing late past park hours. You still get some pursuits and homicides, drownings, etc. but it beats the traditional city pd.
If they just wanted $200 from someone who's not speeding or having any violations at all they would gladly pay them. Because then the Insurance Premiums they will have to pay over the next five years are going to be where it really hurts their wallet.
>As a
shill thread
kys ZOGpig
Idk about your shithole in "Montenegro" I have never even heard about that country, that's how irrelevant you are...but we have a lot of good officers here in the US. Many are down to earth and really underappreciated of how much good they do and the many public service responsibilities and civilian interaction in between real, meaningful police work. Crime is down in a lot of parts of the US, and sworn peace officers allow that. Hating cops is the edgiest thing you can do when they stand between good and evil...they would save your ass without hesitation. You all probably got drug charges, DUIs and speeding / traffic citations, it's why you are so edgy and jaded
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>uphold their oath
Niggers are taxpayer funded...
It's typically 6 month academy, 6 months field training, 1 year probation which is basically having your trainers on speed dial and having to run every arrest by a supervisor before booking them in. The US does it via on the job training rather than in school training, it's just cheaper that way. The ones failing in ways that look bad to the public typically aren't new officers, they're ones with a lot of years on that go schizo and snap on someone.
all cops do is protect niggers from consequences. we'd literally all be better off without you
>Crime is down in a lot of parts of the US, and sworn peace officers allow that.
crime rose in 2020 because cops allowed niggers to burn the whole fucking country down. the only reason it's finally started falling is because niggers had 4 years to commit crime with such levels of impunity that they finally ran out of things to steal.
These all pay shit, not even sure which park police you're talking about. There's city, state, and national park police/rangers. They're all pretty shit pay unless it's a posh city like beach cities that have park patrol. My city is just a boring suburb that has park police and it's only slightly above minimum wage, like a security job. Federal park rangers get paid shit, federal pay is just garbage all around. I'd do border patrol or coast guard if the pay wasn't laughable. There's a chance I could get hired at level GS11 with my higher level LE experience which would get me 97k starting but I doubt it and I don't like having to deal with beaners. Plus I'd be a fucking fed. None of those searches they do are warranted or have probable cause.
People only get mad when the laws apply to them and they get policed. Otherwise they want others to be policed so they don't get victimized. People are self centered and men generally have egos driving them to not like other men who are cooler or more masculine than them.
Canadian Police killed an illustrator from Ed, Edd, and Eddie.
Fuck em.
>As a former cop, this is so true.
I don't ask for your protection. I wouldn't get it if I did. And, you don't protect anyone. I see much more enthusiasm for civil forfeiture than I do for rescue missions. Most of all though, from what we've seen just this past week if I called 911 for some crazy bitch trying to stab me and my kid to death, you'd just show up and shoot me dead. I won't call you until the assailant's dead, maybe not even then if I think I can dispose of the body without much risk.

For the rest of you reading this, who do you think they'll call when it's time to confiscate the guns? Will it be some blue-haired social worker, or some thin-blue-line goon? Be less trusting.
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>take away the people's right and ability to defend themselves and their property
>force the existence of an armed mercenary class on the people (who don't protect them anyway)
Problem, goyim?
>As a former cop
We don't like freemasons in here.
Ty officer
Whites lived happily with no formal police forces for 99% of history and all of prehistory.
The idea of police-esque medieval guards is largely fantasy.

In fact, police forces like those used in every country today only appeared historically briefly before the collapse of an empire or kingdom.
Cops aren't superior to feds.
There was always armed security, i.e. guards in medieval Europe. Stop coping
But like, don’t just walk up to my house and shoot my basset hound.
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All aboard the PeePeePooPoo, let's go,
Chugging through memes like a dank cargo show.
Stops at stations like UwU and LOL,
This train’s got no brakes; it’s outta control.

Whistle goes “REEEEEE!”, conductor’s a Chad,
Karen in the back screaming, “This train’s so bad!”
Sigma grindset in the first-class seat,
While NPCs chant, “PeePoo can’t be beat!”

Through the Tunnel of Cringe, over Bridge of the Dank,
Fueled by Mountain Dew and a gamer’s rank.
No refunds, no rules, just vibes and regret,
A shitpost on wheels you’ll never forget.

PeePeePooPoo: where dreams go to die,
But you’ll laugh so hard, you’ll still say goodbye.
So hop on board, let the nonsense reign,
This cursed choo-choo is the meme domain.
Church militia tier psyop
>protect civilians
I've never seen a cop do this. Protect themselves, corporate property, politicians, all yes. Steal cash, cars, or other property from people when no crime was committed and call it asset forfeiture as if people willing gave it to them? Also yes.
Protect Civilians? Never. Supreme Court even had to provide a ruling stating police have no duty to protect the public.
The bill of rights no longer exists.
the protect thing has been officially discontinued
>split second decisions

Especially in the hiring process

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