Our prophet Dawkins has kneeled to the god of the enemyHow did this happen ?
He's coming around to the truth eh?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNdhq0-cjxY
>>489099415He literally called himself a cultural christian IN The God Delusion. This is not new.
>>489099415Stfu cunt discharge tranny faggot jizz hoover. K Y S
>>489099415Well he knows he is old and he is going to die eventually so he has to believe in a god now.
>>489099415>Israel in danger>suddenly "atheist scholars" like Russel Brand, Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson become hardcore christcucksreally makes u think
>>489099415You are a massive cum hoover
>>489099415People become more religious when they're closer to death.
>>489099544i dont understand why people are shocked. creatures of the machine are NOT loyal to you if you are not in charge. They should prepare for more ass stabbings from their heroes.
>>489099415because he's too much of a chickenshit faggot to say WHITE CULTUREunless he wants to name the jew, in which case ... let him cook
The Joe and Mika of atheism.
>>489099756sheepdogs gonna sheepdog
>>489099756>muh atheismbig academics have always believed in bullshit, its how it works
>>489099415The vast majority of atheists are a "cultural Christian". Their criticism of Christianity itself is based on morals that originate in Christianity. To be truly atheist would be to question absolutely all beliefs and values, fundamentally, which most atheists won't do.
>>489099415>dawkins>cultural christian