What's the scam, I can smell a scam
>>489233369I thought this was in Africa at first.
>>489233440Viruses don't exist.
>>489233369> See dis? I put a buncha filters on top of filters. > Now show me da money.
>>4892333691 fan with 3 hepa filters absolute genius haha when will we stop patronizing the nogs
>>489233440Hmmm> by promoting the use of simple Corsi-Rosenthal air filtersso she didn't invent this thing first of all
>>489233440It's a box fan taped to four furnace filters
>>489233369I already did this I just use one. 3 can burn out the motor and takes up ungodly amount of space. This nigger didn't invent shit it's jews money laundering.
stupid fucking grifting nigger cuntliterally looks like a man
great, looking forward to never hear from this revolutionary black genius invention ever again. Every 3 months they invent cement that cures cancer, a blood-alcohol-meter that drives you home if you are drunk or a device that turns used diapers into gold.
>>48923336911 million just to patronize some literal retard
We wuz filters!
>>489233369Read her explanation and weep:>“What it does is that the air goes through all the sides and it comes out on the top so it filters in and out. The air filter takes out over 99 per cent of the viruses in the air and it is effective.”
>>489233369>buy filters from homedepot>tape them together>take credit for the hardwork of a factory and years of rnd.>make a bombastic claim that the money changers are too dumb to understand
>>489233585I don't see how this queen invented anything she openly admits to just promoting it. and got 11 million bucks!
>>489233369Why so many filters, just 1 will already remove 99% of viruses in the air.
>>489233620It actually is. Wakanda tech knows no limits
>>489233369screencap, no effort, bait, "make board less interesting"
>>489233369>so wit dis, u can hotbox a closet and then (makes noises) like magic nigga it gone like yo daddy
>>489233440she just made an air handler out of paper and a box fan.
Aren't school children already the very best equipped people to deal with the measly viruses that move about in schools?
>>489233734>RosenthalYeah, that shit isn't stopping covid like the masks lmao>mwnggr
>>489233369>filter made out of hundreds of coof masks>nobel piss prize
>>489233883She didn't actually make it she just, in her own words> played a pivotal role in securing an $11.5 million grant to fund the construction and installation of DIY air filters in schools throughout Connecticut.Which is actually fine and probably a good thing, media just try to inflate the accomplishment.
>>489233440This isn’t new at all. lol she stole some filter you can buy from Home Depot and got 11 mil for it
>>489233369This was in the news in England lol
>>489233369That's how blonde girls in America look like in 2024
she's just there to point at a box
>>489233963especially since way more than 99% of viruses are not the corona virus. 99% of viruses are gigantic in comparison to corona and otherwise completely harmless to humans.its a word game. "it soaks up 99% of viruses goy">oh wow so if we had 1,000 corona viruses, after this unit runs for 2 hours we'll only have 10.nopewhat it means is that the filters have a particle rating. the minimum size a particle must be before it is likely to be filtered out by the media. w/e that rating is for those filters, 99% of viruses are that size or larger, allegedly.
>>489233369This bitch is just buying merv 12 filters from Costco.
>>489234015so she posed for the picture and added her name because they needed a black woman to get the money.thats way worse
>>489233440A close family member of hers has ties to the school board
>>489233369>>Several years of community service and real-world research of the cross-campus UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative has led to the awarding of $11.5 million in state support to UConn to bring access to low-cost, do-it-yourself “Corsi-Rosenthal” air-purifiers to every individual public school classroom in Connecticut.Well, she is a student, that much is true.
>>489233369DEI strikes again
>>489233519>Viruses don't exist.At least they don't exist in the air, this has been a commonly known fact for the last 100+ years.
>>489234269>bring it tooall public schools already have>tape>air filters>bix fansthey could be having their first graders make these for free
>>489234269Ohh she must be glad Harris lost
>>489233734I saw this design on jew tube when I was looking up wood working videos. She probably stole it from there.
>>489233369That's an old thing people have been doing for decades.It's almost the same as a nigger slaping PC components in a case and saying "Young Black Kang Invents Computer"
>>489233704n sheeeeit
>>489233620nig inventions = assembling legos, lincoln logs, and tinker toys
>>489233746four sides to a square
>>489233585Rosenthal, huh?
>>489233851Ayo mayn wut uh talm bout
>>489234553>lots of duct tape....not using gorilla tape. ngmi.
is this the power of wakandaean technology?
>>489234269>if we just filter some air then we can continue to ignore our abysmal ventilation rates and make ourselves 11 million dollarsI hate academics so fucking much
>>489234658There are companies that make frames. They've been around forever.
>>489233369so a HEPA filter and a fan?
>>489234015no... that means... she is a nigger used by jews to get tax money. the "diversity" angle is what they used there.
>>489234552>InventionDifference here is that no one is calling it that.
>>489233585At least she didn't bullshit.
>>489233369Wait they didn't have someone already install an air filtration systemlol what am I reading, what did she "discover" or "invent"
>>489233369Some filter arrangement she saw on the internetGetting $11M for itI somehow doubt this is real, but ...Is this the kind of thing DOGE was suppose to put a stop to?
>>489233838Considering I already have 60 replies seems like /pol/ found this thread very interesting
>>489233440I wouldn't even call it a scam.They just worded what really happened wrong.>La Queefa makes proposal in class about a YouTube video she saw last night>The staff agreed and got it to the money people at the administration building
>>489233883Looks like that arrow would just get in the way. but im not an engineer
>>489233440Connecticut has 935 public schools and these filters, which do nothing against Coronachan, cost about $100. So unless every public school in Connecticut has 122 classrooms there is a LOT of money unaccounted for. Millions of tax dollars gone to (((someone))).
>>489234940>itz da big filfer joos
>>489233620incredible I fucking adore niggers now! Cant wait to see how my stack of four filtrete filters and lasko fan does
>>489233440that contraption is like $30 worth of things at walmart
>>489234015>DIY air filters>To be put in schoolsHilarious
>>489235083We're just larping as a first world country at this point
Fucking pathetic white incel thread of real life losers mad that a Black female student is interested in S.T.E.M.. and trying to help her community. You're fucking enraging trash humans.
>>489234015Why doesn't Connecticut already have air filters in their hvac systems
>>48923336999% of the viruses she knows
>>489233369She gets hired in an IT department"Why not three computer programs doing it?"She gets hired in an ad agency"Why not run three times as many ads?"She gets hired at a bank"Why not three accounts?"
>>489234553>salesman scam for almost a century>They have been "inventing" miracle air filters and selling them for inflated prices>its gone on so long, everyone has forgotten the premise is basically selling a box with a fan in it for 50x what its worth>minority stumbles on foundation of obvious scam the average 4 year builds a fort in>media reports on "miracle invention only a minority could conceive" because its 50x cheaper than usual
>>489234805She might be but the article isn't.It calls it HER system.Now, if it isn't HER system what's the money for? Are they hiring her just to make something that already exists and can be purchased directly from a manufacturer?If so then I suppose it's just an initiative to "buy local" I guess.
>>489235187She's going to be the next Einstein!>:)
>>489233369So she put a $10 Walmart fan in a box made of furnace filters? Would make sense in Africa but here? I mean we already have shit that does this wtf lol
>>489234688I’ll bet a lot of those schools are still on steam radiators.Also, I’d like an estimate of the life-span of unprotected paper air filters in a classroom full of negro children.
>>489234015>installation of DIY air filters in schoolsWhy is a school system using DIY air filters? That's opening up wide for litigation
>>489235187> and trying to help her communityExcept she’s not
This concept is actually dirtCorsi–Rosenthal Box
>>489235716Don’t worry. They won’t install many and those that are installed won’t last more than a week.>$11,000,000?>What $11,000?
>>489234658Is that Trump’s favorite tape?
>>489233620>It's a box fan taped to four furnace filtersThis.It's literally this.
Why not just buy a bunch of Waze air purifiers instead? 5 furnace filters are like $50-70 and last maybe 3 months while a Waze filter lasts 1 year.
>>489235232Super old buildings that are nearly impossible to retrofit with forced air. Usually they have an old radiator/boiler system and maybe some huge AC window units.
Wtf is he saying nah to? Why do niggers speak like this?
>>489233369Little niglet girl sees tiktok DIY life hack that was made by a white man and pretends she invented it. Gets a grant .What a world we live in.
>>489233369"The Corsi-Rosenthal air filters, which are an inexpensive and effective method to improve indoor air quality, were co-developed by Richard Corsi and Jim Rosenthal and have been part of various initiatives across the United States, including at UConn."" Eniola Shokunbi did not participate in the original design or development of the Corsi-Rosenthal air filters. These filters were developed prior to her project by other individuals and have been widely implemented in various settings. Eniola's role was more focused on advocating for, promoting, and implementing these existing air filter designs in her school and helping secure funding for their broader use in Connecticut schools. Her efforts helped to spotlight the practical application of these filters in educational environments, demonstrating the impact that young advocates can have on public health initiatives."
>>489233620If you use five filters and some legs, they're even more efficient.
>>489236335most jewish thing ever
>>489233369I heard her cousin invented a computer, he’s a real whizz-kid
The real credit goes to the black kid who came up with a soap to treat skin cancer, he did us a solid at least
>>489233369it's always a nigger with a telescope-made-of-toilet-rolls shit, I swear
>>489236777Are they related to the inventor of the clock, Ahmed Mohamed?
>>489236335Our state is actually not in a deficit believe it or not, considering this
>>489233369Shit hepa filters from Walmart taped to a box. Nice.
>>489235886It’s a DEI project to > inspyre da commun-ih-teh yanawaimsayin?
>>489233440its literally just a bunch of filters stacked on top of each other.
>>489233440that's a cheap commercial HEPA filter crammed in a painted cardboard box
i dont get why the jews have this named after themselves. its an air filter.???it takes a bunch of jews, niggers and millions of dollars. fuck i cant to reinvent the air filter.
I don’t see anything wrong with it necessarily, but some adults could prop up any child to be the front of a project like this. It’s just morally gross because they make it a big show ‘wow look at the smart negroe, she’s a good one!’ It’s racist ironically
>>489233620well technically it's a laminar flow HEPA filter flowhood
>>489233369Cool air filter Ahmed.
>>489233440Thats the filtered virus free air you are smelling my friend.
>>489236947I hate non-Whites so much bros it’s unreal. We have to purge them all from our countries before it’s too late
>>489233734Even nigger technology is stolen.
>>489237190> it takes a bunch of jews, niggers and millions of dollars. fuck i cant to reinvent the air filter.If they wanted it done right they would hire a hanselkraut, you should get a German newspaper to write about this affair but I don’t think your people have the stomach for it, perhaps as a horror story
>>489233440She taped 4 commercially available air filters to a commercially available box fan. There are thousands of tutorials on youtube.
>>489233440She stole the design from Jim Rosenthal. It's a Corsi-Rosenthal box from 2020. It's basically like saying that Nigerian kid who ordered PC parts off Newegg "invented" a new computer. Niggers can't invent anything except new methods of armed robbery. Pathetic since everyone on LinkedIn is saying to pay her a royalty but I have to keep my mouth shut or I'll or myself as a racist.
>>489233369Eniola rhymes with Ebola
>>489233440The vast majority of viruses (yes, including influenza and covid) are not adapted to traveling significant distances. Even among these viruses capable of spreading via aerosolization (which again, are a minority of viruses), the threat vector is person to person, or person to surface to person. The idea of someone outside, or even in another room, sneezing or coughing and the virus spreading via particles suspended in water droplets floating from the area surrounding the immediate vicinity of the cougher's mouth, through a ventilation system, and then into a new host, is anti-science magical thinking. The filtration system will likely never come into contact with a significant amount of viral particulates, if any at all. It does nothing.
>>489233464It is.
>>489234382But then how would Jews make money?
>>489233369>put HEPA filters into a box>here, have 11 million cause you're blacklife is good
>>489233369oh mah lawdy da virus be gone?
>>489233369Still no progress silencing ceiling birds. It is beyond nog-science.
>>489233369They already have those. They are called air purifiers, and unlike that niggers paper piece of shit, the others will last for years.
>>489234246So basically:Cheap DIY air filter cube has studies showing it works really well.Middle schooler tired of shitty air promotes it to schoolboard.Family realizes they can use it as a grift to pocket some cash?Honestly the teen seems based. It's the schoolboard and family who are being shady. Unless I'm missing something. Maybe they bought like a 2 year supply of filters for every classroom in every school? I need to do some back of the envelope math but these boxes are probably $50-100 depending on filter quality. So ignoring beauracracy that's 110,000 units.>>489234940Looking at your post, let's assume 30 classrooms. Maybe they're drafting a plan to change them every 3-4 months, so they got a 2 year supply?The more I look at this, I could see this being legitimate expenditures IF they're buying for 2 years. But there's definitely potential someone is pocketing something.
>>489233620I knew I recognized those filters, used to have an oil furnace before I accidentally spirit-walked into this pain dimension timeline.
>>489233440It's a box of generic filters you can buy anywhere taped into the shape of a box
>>489233704Niggers are indeed the great filter.
>>489237080and why didn't a white boy think of that?
>>489238245Seems more useful for allergens and dust. I'm legit thinking of building one cause my wife has asthma and our old apartment's air filter isn't great. Seems like a good concept, just not for covid.
>>489233519This. "Viruses" are nothing but dead cell debris.
>>489233746If you suck the air through 4/5 filters simultaneously they won't get filled up as quickly.
>>489235483This.People will spend vas5 amounts of money to purify theor air, but never think that they shouldn't bring items that pollute their air into the house in the first place.In the 90s and early 00s they sold people ionic purifiers only to figure out they produce heavy levels of ozone.The first defense against air pollution is to not pollute it in the first place.
>>489233369>nigger literally makes cube of 3M furnace filters to stick into ducts>no evidence that it would actually filter any virus>”genius”As well as>no link to any actual storyNice b8 tho
>>489240677They need to be placed side by side for thay to work, not on top of eachther.I believe the reason they're stacked on top of eachother is that each filter is rated for a different size of particles. That way the bigger particles get filtered first and then smaller particles get filtered later down the line.This is more efficient as filters with less fine filtration are significantly less expensive and take the brunt of the unfiltered air first, sparing the more expensive fine particle filters from larger contaminants.
>>489234015Why not just spend the money to install real hvac systems in these schools?
>>489241282Because the schoolboard and local community don't own any hvac companies. Most public school expenditures are just fraud and money laundering.
>>489234269>>489235275lol the jew air filter ceo invents way to increase sales by 200% by offering nothing of value
>>489233369Duct tape furnace filters is $11 million.
Ahh yes it is the Black achievement awardsYou know Obama got the Nobel prize for being Black
>>489233559She invented something that is already extremely well known and even has had a dedicated subreddit
>>489233464M'Gonegdigadoo, OogSA.
>>489233440>>489233710>>489233734All filters have an approximate set amount of material they can capture before what’s called breakthrough happens. Basically whatever your trapping gets pushed through. Breakthrough is usually a function of mass flow and velocity. All this budding genius did is 4x the surface area so that the relative mass flow is reduced per filter. Allowing them to last longer. This is largely stupid because most of your virus transmission comes from a person standing in front of you coughing. It doesn’t come from them sneezing an hour ago. Most likely is some filter company sponsored her and she wrangled 11 million out of some senator to make her go away.
>>489233369>>489233559Please tell me they haven't really given her a grant for this?! I can show you two of these genius "inventions" right now, in my house. One is not 20 feet from me. It's called a box fan with an air filter taped to the back. You can also google it and see all kinds of similar devices people have made.
>>489241993Also, when the first filter gets clogged up, it is inevitably going to fuck the airflow until it gets replaced.
>>489233710>how do you know it filters 99% of viruses?>da box wheya da filtas come in says so on it
>>489234552we use to just call that niggerigging
>>489233734even corsi and rosenthal didn't invent it. if i put pencils in a cup did i invent a pencil-holder?
>>489233440Money laundry.
>>489241993has anybody ever invented reusable hvac filters? should be easy to just wash out a filter with some high water pressure from the other side right? It just came to me that i am spending way too much on one-way filters.
>>489240190Oh yeah, definitely. I mean, replace the filters in your house first and foremost but I guess if you wanted a room to be ventilated then one of these contraptions would work great as a window unit or something.
>>489233464>>489233440>>489233369That's from a fucking meme, she didn't make shit
>>489233440no scam at allair filters are dope if you dont have an air filter in your home i can understand its alot of money (filter) (humidifyer)(dehumidifyer) (noise) ect but if you have never looked into air filters your fuckedthis is free marketing with a likeable person (i guess) and people want to sell air filters "big air filter" is hauk tuahing a GRANT btw"so some company with a 30million gross has given here a position (mostly for saterical purpose)that has probably 60 40 grant/tax deduction but it is a very real marketing positionif she invented something special she would have a nose bleed and an ongoing rape case *figuratively*
>>489233369This design had always been around since those retarded “life hacks” bullshit lmao
>>489233369>Nice Clock Ahmed!
>>489234015Oh so she's was just doing a PR for the company. I wonder how much she actually got paid.
>>489233519If you believe in them, they will exist for you.
>>489233369Engineers everywhere.
>>489233369Cool "virus filtration system" and money laundering scheme for the usual suspect that is invariably behind this being used in all CT public schools, Eniolhmed!
>>489233620You sound mad that you didn't think of it first
>>489233369>that remove 99% of viruses in the air. What? Also Im not sure My Mixtapez is a reliable source
If it's so simple and just a ripped off idea, how come one of you monetized it? How come none of you made a proposal to commercialize it an implement it? How come none of you put in the work?Tl;Dr white bois stay mad lmao
>>489242033Lol get fucked CHUD, a kid beat you at capitalism hahahaha
>>489233369>Nigress gets 11 millions because she can use tape.Something doesn't ad up at all.
>>489239053You see, the ceiling bird—it’s a fascinating creature, really, because it resides above us, in the realm of the ceiling, where things are stationary yet alive in their own way. And when it sings, as it does with that rhythmic beep, it’s communicating something. But what is it saying? That’s the question. Is it joy? Is it concern? Perhaps it’s a reminder of something we’ve yet to understand.Its song is persistent, yes, and some might call it inconvenient. But isn’t that the nature of existence? To be reminded, to be called to attention by things we cannot fully explain. And so, we listen to the ceiling bird, not in frustration but in wonder, as it beeps and beeps, inviting us to ponder the mystery of its melody.
>>489233369It's just a cube made out of box filters.
>>489233369The jews trick nigger kids into thinking stupid fake shit is real innovation.A whole generation thinks stupid fake gay shit is innovation.Real Innovation stagnates.Nigger innovation is used to degrade society and memory hole intelligence.Niggers
>>489233883No bag filters. An AHU should have both box and bag filters This is an inferior design made to sell more (((Corsi-Rosenthal air filters)))
>>489233440she was a regular from /diy/ asking questions about box fans
>>489247787Of course it doesn't. It's the jews
Ask yourself this: >Why does Connecticut schools need an air filtration system>Why could they have not used an existing commercial solution>Why are they giving away $11,500,000 to do it>Why did they give it to a middle schooler>Why did they give it to THIS middle schooler>Why did they not give it to any of the other solutions that were (supposedly) proposed by other (supposed) middle schoolersSomeone tell Elon, this is theft plain and simple. The same as the billions for Flint, MI water that went to a bunch of Flint government employee's siblings and cousins in no-bid contracts with no oversight and no results.This is them stealing tax dollars that were given to them TO BE STOLEN.Start sniffing.
>>489233585wow, that's really racist anon. Nigs invent things all the time
>>489248871>Someone tell Elon,I like how suddenly this faggot is the antichrist savior of choice for normies to call upon
>>489233369Nigger taped a HEPA filter to a fan TND
>>489233369I can create an air filtration system that kills 100% of viruses and bacteria. All I need is 5 curies of cobalt 60 and 120 lbs of lead per unit.
>>489234552this is such an ancient shopthe original says "built" instead of "invent", (which is sad enough on it's own, assembling a PC is a cakewalk). It was changed to 'invent' as a laugh because the media was pulling that shit all the time with black people 'inventing' helicopters or spoons or whatever.i find it funny that the original is NEVER posted and this article by 'glen munro' is only available in reposts from other news sites
>>489233369according to science viruses are smaller than light particlesand I'm supposed to believe that some contraption literally stitched together with duct tape by a literal 12 year old somehow works nearly flawlessly to filter them out
>>489233369america is the antichrist
>>489235142I bet the jew bitch organized this thing for high moral points and the dumb karen following the progressiveness
>>489233665>device that turns used diapers into gold.That's india bozo
>>489246150She didn't think of this either.
>>489249814also it's convenient that this "genius" inventor makes something that is impossible for a regular person to gage its efficacitytalk to me when she invents something I can see the results in real-time with the naked eye
>>489249814Well, very thin carbon filters in layers can filter them. Although it's unlikely the case and is just a money laundering through niggers.
>>489233620cool it with the antisemitism
>local black genius ties shoes unassisted
>>489234658buy an ad
>>489233440Literally just built a Corsi-Rosenthal box
>>489233440hepa air filtration units are dirt cheap, and available in every electronics store.11mln is insane, when the cost 100-1000$ per unit, and 50-100$ per filter.Literally a wooden box with a big fan a and a hepa filter is enough.I wonder who the fuck will do the maintaince, especially since her design is pure garbage, with no pre filter and no easy way to clean.
>>489235454>Why not three accounts?Cool it with the antisemitism, buddy.
>>489233369>>489233620I made one of these for my bathroom window to blow tons of fresh air into my house without pollen or mold being included, costs about $200 a year if I buy the 4-packs and replace them in late spring (bloom), summer (mold and tree semen), fall (mold).
>>489233369So she invented fucking бpизep
>>489233440This is literally what they tell you to make on the west coast if it gets super smokey and you are too poor to buy an air filter. She is appropriating our culture.
>>489244124The mutt goblina looks legit retarded.
>>489233369wow a nigger taped a bunch of 3M furnace filters together. Let give that bitch 12 million dollars
>>489249164It truly is the litmus test to see if someone is a mid-wit NPC, if they like or trust that big tech astroturfed MILspook asset.The Elon-is-my-cool-internet-friend Test.
>>489234099fuck this gay earth
>>489233369They cropped out the Jew running the scam
>>489233369Nigger goes BIX NOOD.White America: FIRTS BLAQ WOMAN PREDSIDENT.
>>489233585>>489233620Truly this is the pinnacle of black achievement.
>>489233369I just googled eniola shokunbi and found out this is real. I'm going home to kill myself now.
>>489233369someone call DOGE on this shit
>>489242540Yes. Backwashing is a very common industry technique to extend filter life. On something like this though it’s just easier to toss it.
reminds me of this
>>489247340…. Anon they are committing fraud. If this wasn’t public sector, this would most certainly fall under criminal suspicion. You’re basically asking /pol/ why they’re not participating in Jewish tricks. >because it is wrong
>>489248872This kid grew up based. He's a power lifter now.
>>489233369>$11.5m>935 public schools in connecticut=$12,299.47 per plastic fan
>>489233585Lol. I love the video of that faggot wearing a mask and saying his name over and over to promote himself. I glad someone stole the idea that he stole.
>>489233635Coincidentally I was binge watching the most efficient diy box fan hepa filters on u-nose-whotube last night. Interesting to have this thread pop up this morning. I have built them before but never used the 4 or 5 filter box method. I used a cheap lower rated filter as a pre-filter for the more expensive hepa filter but 2 filters multiplied by 4 or 5 is no longer cheap. A reusable filter media would be ideal although I doubt the filtration would be as effective. Does anyone know if it would be effective to vacuum the filters out to extend their life? >3 can burn out the motor How so? The larger the surface are the more efficient the fan can pull air, unless you mean 3 stacked on top of each other.
>>489233369thats a nice clock shandramed bring it to the white house
>>489241282because your kids are supposed to be molested by teachers and beatup by minorities those are the first and foremost lessons brought by public skoo also showing up on head count day
>>489255358don't vac them. ruined. no longer effective. cloggy. not good for air quality or wanna get real serious. get a continuious filter roll. expensive. last a long long time. old filter rolls up. new filter rolls out. all at the rate of 1 inch a week or whatever.
>>489247477Reminder that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs knew nothing about building and developing personal computers.
>>489244124you can see from his behaviour he saw the camera as an opportunity to show off his skill and potentially get attention which could maybe lead to his benefitwhich technically worked?it's only the fact he is black and his "skill" was a weird dance that made this video to become a mockerybut who knows maybe he copyrighted it and get something from it if it is viral
>>489234885Thanks Thread/
>>489233369i'd rather have viruses than niggers in the school
>>489233440It's not hers, this is just a cheap air cleaner folks have been making since forever. We had these back in my school's workshop back in the 90's. Blacks are so god damn retarded that they get paraded around like geniuses every time they manage to do normal shit. There's an article about how one invented washing dishes, another with inventing an alarm clock and all the kid did was buy an alarm clock and open it and stick it in a box. Then one "Invented" a gaming PC by following online guides form PC Part Picker. The fact that they get into the news for this shit when pic related is mundane, should be extremely alarming to everyone. Multiculturalism has failed, we are not all equal, some groups are only ever going to drag the rest down. >>489241706Legit cannot tell if this is satire or not. I had a nigger neighbor try to fill a wicker basket with water for like 4 hours from a community tap and then swearing and screaming, eventually resulting in him shooting the water spigot.To people who have not had the pleasure of living around niggers, we're really not exaggerating at all how retarded or violent they are. Acting like it's skin deep is extremely dangerous.
>>489233369niggas do be inventin HEPA filters n sheeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiit
>>489253738Cool, so you're going after trump for all of his bankruptcies too, right? Or the thousands of white owned businesss that took out ppp loans?>>489256379Yeah, it's called capitalism. You think the owner of a manufacturing plant got there by being a widget turners in the floor? Too socialists really think like this?
They're so stupid, they are so stupid, I can't take it anymore. How are they so stupid, and why do people praise them for being so stupid?
>>489256075>get a continuious filter roll. Not finding anything on ytube. Got a link?
>>489257783N I G G E R R A P EIGGERAPE
>>489259743no idea. i always just stole them from the hvac place i worked. made by 3m. one side of them is tacky. all the dust sticks asap!
>>489233620It would be funny if this actually works and nobody thought of it because it's so fucking stupid.
>>489233440Tony N
>>489261766it does actually work. and we thought of it decades ago. been around ages. tons of shops and barns have diy them.
>>489233620works better than any air filter on the market:
>>489233369Does it work or are they just giving her money because she is black? DEI makes things ambiguous.
There are 153,000 schools in Connecticut?
>>489262338can use better filters on the box too. use the fat 4-5 inch ones even.why is this not more popular? it's fugly. all of them are fugly. you don't want it in your room fugly.
>>489233369That's just some hepa filters taped together with a box fan on top. Also, kids can't consent, so did her parents just sign an 11m contract or did the government just promise some kid more money than they know what to do with.
>>489233369It would probably work better than the masks they forced on us.
ahh did you forget the clock boi?
>>489263314no probably. yes it would be better.even shitty filters stop pollen. masks never did.
>>489233440For it to get filtered OUT ot first has to come IN, already exposing people.
>>489233369Why are all these brilliant black inventors not even out of high school? Are black adults just not doing anything?
>>489263753they are advancing the technology of shoplifting and and working hard in the field of goverment grifting gibbs and other major scams.
>>489233440>What's the scam, I can smell a scamThat's just the smell of magical negros.
>>489257783>The fact that they get into the news for this shit when pic related is mundane, should be extremely alarming to everyone.There's precedent for these types of stories. First computers, now air filtration....what's next? Smoke Detector Battery replacements?
>>489233369There's no way that's going to work. You would have to force all that air through the equivalent of those respirators we were forced to wear during covid, you will have to replace it every 2 days just from the dust and will cost thousands
>>489233440Gibs Medat>>489233519also this
>>489233369Is that 5 air filters with a box fan taped on top?BRILLIANT!
>>489233734Actually a lot of engineers do this unscrupulous shit to get funding. I got approached to pitch a thorium nuclear reactor at a military high school science fair
ITT: a bunch of incel muttoids who think they're huewhite seethe at a clever black girl that discredits their dumb racist/sexist prejudices.
>>489233369A fan, with five filters surrounding it.She is brown so that means that it's a ground breaking discovery. They are finally getting to the stone age.It's all becoming so tiresome.
>>489233620This will be considered hate-speech in Wyoming within the next six million seconds.
>>489233519Based and Lanka pilled.
>>489233369its just a kike doing tax evasion with a shell company, using this niglet to make it look legitimeyou stupid mutts
>>489233369It's been a shop hack for decades.
Standard shop hack.
>>489273957>A vent with filters>This just in! African using wheelbarrow invents wheel! Neighbors SHOCKED
>>489274682African Auto Industry
>>489233440This, viruses are airborne for a few hours at the most and not moving around enough to travel through vents. This is 100% money laundering
>>489265807Gibs me money tho, i need to feed my addiction to funkopops and competitive farting.
>>489233620I made one of these after seeing it on a tik toke because ima smoker and it said it would help. It's been around for years. Next nigger genius "invention" will be a ball tied to a paddle that you play with
>>489234382>bix fans
>>489233734Why did she restrict the output? It reduces performance and puts more strain on the motor.
>>489233369Put a facemask on it. That will get the last 0.01%
>>489233440Think about it. how are you gonna strap that to every child's face?
>>489241879ayooo, das soundz like theyz gotz de jenkem at the ting
>>489233369How stupid and retarded do you want to be?>Yes
>>489262338>larger air filter filters morewow what a revelation. I'm gonna invent one with TWO fans and EIGHT filters, I look forward to my 23 million dollar grant.
>>489233369did this bitch just glue 5 air filters together?
>Look, I invent something!>Give me credit because I'm a stupid nigger >And the white Anglo sub humanoid is proud!This clown planet man ...
>>489233369But I know lots of people who have been doing this for decades, it's a very common home made air filtration method. There are tons of YT videos that show you how to construct them
>>489233620at least it's not a clock
what am I looking at here exactly ? Where is the proof that it stops anything at all ? It's a cardboard fucking box with duct tape and a fan attached to it. Will they be testing it in a bio warfare lab soon ?
>>489234269>who wants to be the first female African American presidentThose "people" are extremely materialistic, entitled and arrogant.>UConnI see unis are still wasting public funds.
>>489233369based on what?
>>489233635It's just welfare by another name. All of this DEI shit is. This nation failed the moment we decided we wanted to protect feelings instead of being the best at everything we do. The irony is that by being the best we can provide a better life for everyone. But now that we are failing the freebies will eventually slow and stop leading to pain and suffering for the lowest classes.
>>489281947Uh there’s also a fan on top, chud.
>>489282379New field called nigVAC
>>489233369I know it shouldn’t but this makes me so mad. Like there have been YouTube videos on how to make this exact thing for years. Literally nothing was invented. LaBlacka taping a bunch of filters to a fan already existed. Air purification already existed. Yet this for money because black. I swear trump can’t kill the department of education fast enough.
The REAL question is can she race a crab ?
>>489283114hence the term ragebait. Here's a real invention. By a white man of course