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X (twitter) is a honeypot now
Always has been
you're gonna tell me pol is too?
4chan is a honeypot too. it's the only reason it has stayed up while other dissenting sites get blocked by providers and ISPs and governments
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He doesn’t use his autistic neighbors internet so they go after some poor schmuck that would be incapable of refuting any claims.
when was the last time you saw a 'janitor applications are now open' banner? they're all feds
>Far right accelerationist
>Always some loser living with his parents
Why is it always like this?
The Jew's inability to handle criticism is why they're so hated. Like a race of women
Like a week ago
Why would people give Twitter their IRL addresses?
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>assuming your anonymous on the internet
the best part is when you know they know you know
I think nick fuentes (ironically a fed) was right about this incoming Trump administration. Kikes are more bold to doxx and prosecute any criticism
If you Xitter, you are retarded
If you skyblue. You are a pedocrat.

YoU MuSt PiCk OnE.
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this, yet they feel free to "criticize" anybody who's not a jew (and it's usually just bald faced hate for whites anyway)
they never saw one of those internet safety PSAs from the 90s
twitter, the jews, and ISPs work together to dox people.
cry about it wignat
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>he doesn't know
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All of a sudden you like musk now lmfao kys kike

Twitter was never a free speech platform and totally jewish. Musk sucks kike cock.
also, you don't have to make it so easy for them by giving the info away
You mean whites and Jews
i apply every time
you fag
Shut up you jew. Elon is based and Trump will save the white race! So many kikes on here now.
All of us successful people have jobs and families. No one else has time for this jooo, nonsense. Only basement dwelling incels.

Have you bigots ever considered that the criticism is unfounded???!!

It is the rich white men who control the world no "da joooos".
the average jimmy saville and gary glitter defender ladies and gentlemen
you honestly thought that this place wasn't?
>Why are slaves and benefactors of the system not criticizing the system like those disfranchised by it
Stop asking stupid questions.
Identify violators of 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights

Kill them.
Guys look, I have a live shill!
This retard actually believe kikesuckers will care about whites
>if jesus was a jew why didn't he have to register as a sex offender?
Unironically what did he mean by this
Ezog will MIGA
>"And this, Goyim Musk, is where the brisket was that Ben Shapiro stated was a burnt jewish child. But we like to think this happened in spirit, therefore Ben is right."
Euronigs are such govt asshole licking fucking cunts

The world will be a better place when a couple tens of millions of you retards get nuked into ashes
Maybe don't be a hateful Nazi and people won't dox you?
alot of truth to this. But the winners are too busy with their lives to notice (them), thats also the problem. Its mostly the schizo losers who are the noticers
you guys pretend to be us all the time see >>489383258
Kill all reddıt censorship loving niggers
If that's the case, why then was I banned for a month for "violating US law?" Wouldn't the glowniggers have groomed and offered me money to do a heckin terrorism?
kill yourself
Sick people are well adapted to a sick society.
>Don't censor me, I want freedom of speech to say anything I want!
Ok cool. Then how come you need to stay anonymous while doing it? Surely if you truly believed in what you said and if it was true and just then being doxxed would be no big deal, right?
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Elon bought twitter for us! To save the white race from itself. Trump even risked his life for us. The deep state tried to kill him so many times now. There good and bad people in all races and societies. The vast majority of Jews are good people who want to help others.

You have a platform to freely speak your mind and a representative in American government.
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if it wasnt clear to you already when elon did propaganda tour with ben shapiro to justify israeli crimes against humanity you are dumber than most niggers and spics
>another one!

They are using a discord server to coordinate the kike shills and the basement dwelling incels to dog pile me as a form of consensus forming!

MAGA bros!

You send your ID's to an agency that works for Israel (literally) just to get verified. Yes, its a honey pot to protect the jew.
Yeah but i dont have to give my info to israel. They have to go out of their way with a thousand steps to figure out where i am, illegally. Im not handing my ID over to them with consent, nigger
>Why is antisemitism on the rise? I'm just doxxing the goyim!
I fucking hate kikes.
>You send your ID's to an agency that works for Israel (literally) just to get verified.
No longer after many protests AFAIK.
kill yourself
What is even like wrong with you! Why would you say something like that?
Opsec only defends you from civilians investigators, jews and feds obviously have always had backdoor access. No hiding from them so if you want to speak out against this system should be willing to give up everything
>schizo losers

Yes, they are losers big time. But they are wrong. It is the rich white men that ruin the world and the white race.
Um what? I don't get the joke. Jews get away with all sorts of shit, why would they ever be forced to register?
Because there is an entire generation of discontented young men created by recessions, austerity, immigration and outsourcing and the ruling class has been trying to throw them away as cannon-fodder in WW3 for the last decade at least. The smarter option was just to let them rot in their parents basements with tv, video games, and pornographic somatics but the policy wonks couldn't even just lee it at that and instead deliberately antagonized them.
Future historians will be astounded at the collective, willful, self destruction of western societies in the early 21st century.
Post your name and address

Otherwise gas yourself
Death to all govt asshole licking censorship lovers

Zero exceptions
so this is a bot, can't even kill itself, shame!
I am a Human. You must be a russian shill from a farm near moscow. How much does putin pay you for posting? 2 pence? If even that much.

>Elon musk is allowing the ADL to dox users
Big if True.
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Happy people have less of a reason to ask questions.
Are you also under the payroll of putin?! Your actions are a dangerous interference in our democracy.
why do you people pretend putin is hitler?
Why do jews constantly change their names to hide themselves from the public? Why do jews constantly lie and spread bullshit to cover their tracks? Why do jews need to blackmail and groom politicians in foreign countries to control them? Why are you such a piece of subhuman filth?
If Jesus wasn't a Jew, why was he circumcised according to Jewish law? Why was he upset the way the Jews were running the Jewish temple?
Being killed is a big deal, even if what you say is true
America is a republic you bong nigtard

Hurl yourself off an elevated structure into oncoming traffic
what's wrong with doxxing? it is literally public information.
Why blur the bullets in the "crib"? The ones that were unfired but said to have killed the 6million babies
He is about to destroy the world for a tiny stretch of land. Do you not understand that? Get out of your baseement you incel freak.
It'll be hilarious watching you euronigs turned into ash by nukes during ww3
What would a Russian shill farm worker know about America? You are so ignorant.

Democracy, Jesus and multiculturalism are the bedrock of western civilisation and are what made us great.
lol stfu kike
Youre as fail as the "mud joos" faggots

Again end yourself asap
they run america you fagoot what do you expect. get on your knees
>it is literally public information.
disingenuous rat. Its not public information
the ADL has doxxed a bunch of people this past week, which is supposed to be against the rules, lots of people have reported their account and Xitter and Musk just pretend like it never happened. The kikes really have Musk grabbed by the balls if it wasn't obvious before.
What’s a mud jew?
Sounds scary?
I can’t wait to watch the live stream of bibi getting hung
Unrelated to mud Jews but still should be great tv
What are you even saying? Write like a human being you Russian shill, no one is falling for your shilling. You want to destabilise the west by undermine American democracy while attacking the heroes of the white race. Donald J Trump and Elon Musk.

Every oldfag in this thread can smell and taste the russian borsh on your posts. You are not fooling anyone.
He is a kike named Muskovitz
You are all just retarded lel
Non-mainstream social media users stay winning. Never had Xitter. Never will.
What sort of retarded niglet cares what internet strangers think?
Kid youre the newest of newfag niggers

lurk more
A turboniglet?
Not true, sadly it is still going. The company that you send your ID's to is based and housed in Israel. It is still part of the process and hasn't been removed.
Nigger, the entire fucking internet is a honeypot. If you have a device that has internet, the faggots in charge can see everything you’re doing on a whim.
>Maybe don't be a hateful Nazi and people won't dox you?
Why does a post like this exist on 4chan?
>They are privately contacting large anons
>large anons
Is that the latest euphemism for lard asses?
Fuck off newfag, state your regdate.
it enables totalitarianism. Which is soemthing he's supposed to be against.
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Unironically last week.
The responses to this are retarded. You ever think the x account "awesome jew" would spread propaganda that their enemies are pathetic basement dwellers? It's all a psyop.
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I have been here since Trump got elected. You are just Russians shills trying to undermine board culture and /pol/'s commitment to the MAGA cause.

It will never work. No matter how much you dog pile us real organic users.

Proverbs 12:19 (NIV) - "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."


This. So much this.

The whole thread is based on a false premise.

Admins please lock this thread now. Thank you so much for all the great work that you do.
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How new are you?
>if you point out our evildoings we will dox you and get you fired
Why are jews so horrible?
An empty baby crib. That is all they have to show for. These people are insane.
good, accelerate
>X (twitter) is a honeypot
All the trolls and shills have left now. They are defeated now that the misinformation that they have shared has come to light and been proven false.

Another MAGA victory.

This whole year is turning out to be fantastic for us and the movement to save the white race.
I'd tell Jonathan Greenblatt to suck my dick but but that fucking nosferatu would probably just try to steal it for his hooknosed kike rituals
Newfag nigger is a nigger


Licking daddy govts asshole isnt cool kids

The world will be better off when tens of millions euronigs get nuked in ww3
Musk was using Mossad's Crowdstrike software. That's how it happens. He switched to something else but that is like switching from Republican to Democrat or vice versa.
yes it is. ever heard of whitepages??? your address is literally public information. don't use identifying shit OL if you don't want to be known.
>jews just use white pages to dox people
fuck off
>I have been here since Trump got elected.
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>16 posts by this ID
>considers himself successful
I don't post here because I think I am anonymous. It is a litmus test. A Constitutional litmus test.
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You're not even american you're a British kike. Everyone knows about you we hate you.
Jews think very highly of themselves. They are after all.

>Gods chosen people
breaking: jews defend jesus
Of course it is. I've been banned for nearly a month with an appeal on me responding to bernie sanders with 'I honestly thought you died already"
You need to be out of the system grip, if you are a millionaire, you can pull it, else, you have to do that.
If you read or even watch movies, the ones against the system are always have different lifestyle, and mostly off grid in the middle of nowhere if you can afford it.
I dont know about that jews always look for dirt on you using unconventional resources
Why don't you cowards take advantage of this and post info of ADL employees and find out of this "Awesome Jew" is and do the same?
musk is a (((glowie))) wef asset. fucking retard rich celebrity worshippers
Did you miss the part where he sent verification data to a company in Tel-Aviv called AU10T1X? He was the guest of honor at Bibi's speech to congress. He's the US government corporate edition.
hehe.... i never got a response. probably tried 5 times over the years. others have the same story. it could be a smokescreen, adding confusion. who really knows what goes on at 4chan
It always was. Tardlon is a kike, and nothing will change that.
Fake and gay
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>muh honeypot
The entire internet has been a honeypot for at least 15 years. Same with your text messages.
I'm going to take a guess and assume people in the IRC get preferential treatment.
Or at least that's how it used to be many years ago (assuming the IRC is even around still)
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Sweet VR cope glasses you're wearing. I was just telling my friend the other day how we'll know when the savior of the White race comes about cause Ben Shapiro and jewish billionaires would be huge supporters of the guy.
And that's just the US data collection (have fun, look up "att room 6 41a") and doesn't include all of the shit our five eyes partners get and give to the US gov.
>breaking news
Where have you been you stupid retard? What the fuck do you think the stopantismtsm page has been doing?
Elon has always bent the knee for jews
Kek, why is it that all the racist chuds that hate Jews all live with their parents?
Elon's partner at PayPal was Peter Thiel. He's a homosexual tech guy who makes spy software for glowniggers called Palintir. He also put money behind the tradcath grift and other political offramps for dissidents. Musk serves an extremely similar role to Peter Thiel. Also, everyone knows Zuckerberg is a kike but his chief infosec officer is unit 8200 guy from the IDF. There are a ton of unit 8200/mossad employees all over big tech. If you're gonna fight ZOG you better get good at going analog.
They mooch off their parents

Jews mooch off whole civilizations
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Correct. Theres no point in "hiding your power level".
>Say that jews run the world
>this is insulting
>banned from all platforms
>Raped in jail by niggers
I don't think jews are all that powerful this is just a coincidence
All they can do is try to get people fired from their jobs.
King Jake Shields!
You keep posting that pic, but you won't do shit about it.
So much for the superior race, lmao.
Of course it is, and you all deserve what’s coming to you.
When is that?
Doxx the kikes
Not only is it easier for accelerationist groomers to recruit the sad and lonely, but the accelerationists actively work to isolate their recruits.

Here's an example. This meme dates from the 2014-2015 grooming op Steve Bannon ran:
>The smarter option was just to let them rot in their parents basements with tv, video games, and pornographic somatics but the policy wonks couldn't even just lee it at that and instead deliberately antagonized them.

Basically, what Bannon did was start a huge campaign to convince normies that gamers were aggressive misogynists with fascist tendencies, while framing themselves as standing up for an oppressed minority. Bannon's goal wasn't to protect male-gaze-oriented video games; it was to try to isolate young male gamers from female company so they'd be lonelier and easier to manipulate.
He has to play their game to get to Mars
Then he nukes the site from orbit?
Posting online is traceable through clearweb. Always has been I guess?
Because advertisers need to pay if they want their replies to go in front of everyone else's, dumbass.
We feed them, they need us. They need hate to be alive as victims.
they can't do you if you don't hide behind anonymity
Very recently dude. Maybe a week ago.
It's time to put the vape/bong down.
>You have a platform to freely speak your mind and a representative in American government.
And nicely categorize yourself for the government to deal with later. Same as 4chan.
No fucks given, I get the last laugh.
in just two more weeks
>be jew
>message 40 year old self employed retard who shitposts on twitter.
>sir I use my real name and address with this account. Here is my linkdin.

Unhinged jews as always.
Quite simply, we don't care.

We fight an ideological immaterial battle, one kike two kikes, this material realm that they compete in, it doesn't matter. Jews simply increase suffering while anons provide the wisdom required to avoid suffering.

Doxing is cowardly anyway, publishing your list of where everyone nearby you lives? What are we, a phone book?

Seriously, you niggas try to play police and jannie with retards posting on social media for fun. What kind of hall monitor retard shit is that? You think in 6 months anyone is gonna care about whatever dirt you tried to associate with them?

Jews might, but nobody else will.
Because people already know and try to find excuses to make sure anons don't work.
If you get doxxed, just take revenge against the person or group who doxxed you. If enough people did this and did it right, people would think twice about doxing. The problem now is people get doxed and then just delete socials, look for another job, and move on with life instead of fighting back.
Instead of using a computer to lawfully defend yourself against jews, why not use a gun and hockey mask?
Good, that's what you get for using Twitter, and not only that, PAYING to use Twitter. What? You though Elon was based? Lmao get fucked.
Blackmail attempts are an entirely morally legitimate justification to kill ANYONE proven to be responsible.
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I literally have a vagina now
How about you get in the oven, kike? Actually, that is not a request. Get in the fucking oven, cunt!
Always has been.
>"Fuck the jews"
>well dox you
>gets doxed
>"still fuck the jews but now also eat my ass"
oh no im scared
fucking hook nosed kikes
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It's all too much for him
The ADL is a terrorist organization.
lmao imagine trusting a globalist trillionaire who performs satanic rituals at Auschwitz
Why are rightoids so dumb?
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It doesnt matter because all the people who love muslims are going to be replaced by them lmao
then why is the side that is opposite to bannon have even more incels?
I hope the kikes keep escalating and bring heavily armed white men to the breaking
That would be fun
No replies to this anon? Oh right, kikes avoid the truth, by definition
They told Elon they'll trans more if his kids if he doesn't comply. And instead of telling the whole world he actually goes along with it.
They only doxx the ones who don’t have guns, sad :(
You are neither successful or a winner. You are cattle. Slaving away just to survive. Too busy being whipped to know who is whipping you.
>doxing is legal
How is that bad? Get to work instead of crying.
It’s sad
Even the people who leftists call “extreme right wing MAGA Nazis” would, in reality, never lift a finger against their oppressors
It’s why I think acceleration, at this point, is the only way to wake these stupid niggers up once and for all
Jake is a washed up has-been lmao
Why not just doxxed these ADL in return? It's not like they are some invinicble god. Their family can be gutted as well.
>a new antisemite joins the cause
>kike complains about it in this thread
I see this is as an absolute win
>Even the people who leftists call “extreme right wing MAGA Nazis” would, in reality, never lift a finger against their oppressors
This. Imagine not doxing the shit out of the opposition now that you know it's legal.

I would but doxing is highly illegal in Germany.
Unironic spook label. Fucking EVERYONE with hostilities to anything gets lumped in that shit, from /pol/lacks to r*dditors to dumb rednecks who crash their fords into electrical towers.
Lots of of alternatives exist, but they're allowed to because nobody uses them.
When FC ("our systems thinks your post is spam") started to pick up, it suddenly vanished without any good explanation.
You don't need 2 brain cells or more to know this.
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That's a shitskin.
Opinion discarded.
At least it allows free speech.
>Breaking news, I am going to dox OP
OP is a faggot
Funnily enough the week when Trump was called. I presume there was a lot of Coincidental rapid openings after that night
Any source of catalogue of "manufactured entity", the history or process of such?
>when you outsource your bot script to a jeet
Don't care he is doing the right thing by exposing kikes
A boatload of medals?
I've tapped the sign so many times lately I think I lost it
Captcha: ADAMK
Muskrat has a Mossad agent as the head of Twitter's safety and trust team. The Mossad agent's name is Zach Shapira. Look him up.
>>kike complains about it in this thread

Riiiight we just keep winning you goypig animal

kek, that comment tho hahah, tickle me pink.
You people are losing men everyday and more get demoralized to the point of desertion, Israeli invulnerability is a myth, you think you have everything on lock down yet you get showed up by cab drivers in Amsterdam.
Try it in America

You goypigs will get dealt with in due time

Tick tock
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>not filtering namefags
wtf is your problem
newfag is delusional lmao
>twitter posts
>these must be true!
I hate you fags
if you do illegal stuff
other than that - I don't think so. Of course, they could have some rogue mods and they could leak your IP to the authorities easily even if what you're doing ain't illegal but questionable
maybe they get a bomb during this war. would save a lot of doxxing.
with very reasonable justification of being active in euro working hours
never got a response either
and now i've got a job so wouldn't even apply
I mean its all connected
>formerly musmatch
u need to go back
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Out of all the antisemites they could doxx do you think they're going to go after Chad Thundercock or Tendies NEET?
The entire social media apparatus promotes doxxing/swatting/imprisoning decent people while the jewish tranny glowniggers at the FBI write the Narratives for mass consensus-manufacturing.
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we know how fat, retarded, and useless you are.

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