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This kind of thing is what will get Trump JFK'd. You don't mess with the MIC.
New draft dodging strategy just dropped.
15k is literally nothing
The military has millions of people in it. He should look into gang affiliated people next
Great. Because they only need straight white men dying for their country.
If you actually believe he's gonna do this then you are hopelessly retarded.
then they become permanent wards of the state
heckin based
$10 says Trump will hide in the bunker under the White House for the term. Only place he can stay to keep safe.
Didn't he already do this, and then cancelled it five minutes later? I swear MIGATards must have the memories of goldfish
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sure sure.

and DACA ends on Day one yada yada
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Terrible idea. We already have plans for trans fats.
bullshit. cool source.
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OK, I put some actual thought into this.
Most troons are highly autistic white males. Meaning that whatever support job they have, they are probably pretty good at it. I'm betting they are better at those jobs than some of the less brilliant races. I don't think kicking them out is that great of an idea. Especially if they are preforming better than some of their peers.
Just imagine his first night in the Whitehouse. Crawls in bed. It's wet. Old Joe laughing about how he pissed the bed one last time. No one was there to change the sheets cause DOGE fired all of them.
>trump will do thing that doesn’t change the status quo and you still pay the highest taxes in human history barely making ends meet while giving Israel your cash
Wow. Huge moves. I’m shock
>medical discharge
Fuck that, medical discharge means 100% disability from the VA. Why the fuck should they give benefits for chopping their own cocks off on their own dime?
There's 15000.unstable troons in the military?
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Support troops with trench crotch. They are already having problems in combat environments. At the very least ban the ones who had bottom surgery.
>Trench crotch
Yeah, we know you got the surgery. Then what happened?
We keep winning bros
>we know you got the surgery. Then what happened?
They died
Will they throw bitchfits and their dilators at Trump because of their loss of status?
It's always status with these retards
Kill all masons!
So, nothing out of the ordinary, then?
>Hello, this is Netflix, you've been greenlit
that can't be real kek
they want trannies and communist pussies in the military so they can turn it on the citizenry without fear of insubordination.
So now you have people solve trench crotch. It leads to better equipment for everyone.
and less than 4 years later it got infinitely worse
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Death to troons and fagmaosns!
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Sounds made up.

Are they going to list "mental illness" as the reason for the medically-unfit determination?

They should. Because that's accurate.
>15 000 trans soldiers in the US army
>an entire trans division
Troon Platoon Status: DISBANDED!
> ...cause DOGE fired them all.

NGL, that's like something out of Yes, Minister.

Jim Hacker: "Sir Humphrey, there seems to be urine in my bed."
Sir Humphrey: "Really, minister? Didn't the staff make the bed?"
Bernard: "Well they would have, but they were all fired by DOGE last week."
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I don't know. It looks like 1 troon is worth 2 of your "men".
This appears to be a made up tweet/phenomenon. Why are people here so obsessed with neovaginas?
Good, I hope so.

First pardon Russ Ulbricht, and then do this. Abolish income tax on day 2.
That’s not based. If troons want to die for ZOG we should let them.
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There are 15k trannies in the US military?
I want more trans people in the military. That would mean that they are in the way of harm and I am not.
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they are not dying for zog. they are sitting in cushy jobs and sucking up taxpayer money
He can, and you won't do shit.
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He should look into Chinese too. And furries.
Came here to tap the sign, another indicator that the Jews want war.
They tried, 2x. Luckily democrats cant aim for shit
I want an all trans and women of color military. Israel deserves our best
I think the more likely outcome would be cutting them a one-time check and kicking them out
This is a Correct move. Carry on Lieutenant
Lmao. Trannies absolutely malding in this thread.
Imagine if German Americans had done the same
Wrong. Med discharge vs retirement is based on DoD rating, has nothing to do with the VA
Fuck that, those lunatics deserve administrative separations.
these "15000 warriors" would literally turn tail and run at the first gunshot fired
MiC is a dissolved black book thought circa 2008. Try harder Halloween faggot or kill me at the gate by 9am EST
The smart ones know if they want their new Middle East war they need to get rid of the troons. Then they'll pretend the clot shot mandate never happened, false flag something, and recruit cletus and jamal.
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Tap the sign
kek but he won't
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>Tap the sign
You can now Double Tap
He will spend 3/4 of it at Mar-A-Lago
Tax dollars will pay for any additional security upgrades still needed after 1st term.
>he thinks trannies are put in the frontlines and not just used for office jobs and demoralizing marketing materials
We call it medically discharging them now Sweaty.
>New draft dodging strategy just dropped.
Turns out I was a total lesbo with an enormous cock all along. Good luck with Israel though.
>Israel deserves our best
Absolutely agree and I'm enjoying them sweating.
No ones backing down. The balance of power has shifted. I find these posts confusing, like we havent lived the last 12 years with these people. They will never back down from their positions. They have swapped spiritually and religion for the alter of politics.
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>The balance of power has shifted.
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And now the VA will be stuck with them forever. And you'll keep paying for their bullshit. You'd be better off if they died in war.
Fuck that. Put on a plane and send them to Ukraine.
>fire 15k armed social rejects with mental issues and give them no alternative
Can't wait to see kino troon spergs out. Will they shoot themselves or random people in malls?
Americans have 15000 trannies in the army?
Nigga I just told you, they will all live on the dole. They'll get like $3k/mo from taxes- medical discharge is the worst way to handle this.
Remember that you will be drafted to take their places :)
Purging furries will remove all intel guys and about half of the commo guys, they couldn't absorb those kinds of manpower losses. Just need to institute "don't ask, don't tell" for furfaggotry
This stuff never made any sense in the first place unless they're using them for extremely corrupt evil reasons
Would be an interesting calculation in probability. 15,000 troons blaming a handful of people for their job loss. What's the odds one gets through.

Its almost like the old 20 men vs 5 lions and stuff.
truck doesn't care if you think you're a girl or a boy. it only cares to feed the machine.
kickbacks from the tranny medical industry would be my cynical guess
No they wont, they're getting admin seps. The VA rating schedule for mental is also getting a major revision soon. No longer will fags and women be able to cry to their therapist until they get 100%.
it's big of him to let them go on a medical basis
99% of trannies are straight white men who want to fuck women.
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Anon, we've been here before 8 years ago. You voted for jared kushner.
The world would be in a much better place today
fake and gay
y'all are gullible fucks
if chang really wanted to help he would keep it to himself
this is just to get people riled up
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He should just let them stay as cannon fodder in the upcoming war. Troons can still squeeze triggers.

Ones that had the surgery, should also have to pay back the government the cost of the mutilation.
only post op trannies qualify
means it has to be a medically verifiable condition, not just a psychological thing
they likely got their dicks chopped on the taxpayer dime
so-called gender affirming surgery under obama bin biden
which ones trump
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Absolutely. Must happen.
trans people should be protected not sent to die for jews, that's the white man's job
Oh no! How is this supposed to help Russia?
They all probably had cushy jobs at worked in IT like since many in IT are LGBTQ.
Not so fast, kids
>medically discharged
why? that means we have to pay for their medical care for life to some degree.

Just discharge them.
I didn't vote for Trump for any particular policy. I voted for him so he would make libbies seethe and riot so I would legally be able to shoot at them like my hero Kyle Rittenouse. Kicking all the trans goofs out of the military sure is going to add fuel to the fire.
honestly they should just keep the trannies and fags in the military, any western military is entirely zogged at this point, no self respecting white man is going to sign up to die for israel,
Well said sir.
You can still get a VA rating without being medically discharged. Hopefully they mean administrative separations, because then they won't get the severance pay either. The VA also needs to stop letting fags and women scam the system by crying about their MDD or PTSD for 100%. Some PTSD claims are legitimate, many are likely complete bullshit.
>15000 troons in the US military
>Kamala never touched the wall
>wasn’t allowed to be president
They already tried.
>US military has 15K Troons
>Izreal wants lots of troops for the big Iran invasion, even drafting Haredis because of shortages
Transfer 15K Troons to the IDF.
No longer US troops so not a US war.
>no VAgibbs
>no Fed hiring
kid was a rep

try again
1.4 million, across all branches.
15K is 1%.
The trannies have infested the military at triple the rate than they have infested society.
Oh yeah I forgot the autist incel gamer to tranny pipeline
>15k faggots will be given their veteran benefits without needing to be in the military, and are excempt from all future drafts
Are conservatives tired of wining yet?!?
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uhm why indeed chuds?
15,000 soldiers... Betrayed by their government... Trained to kill... With nothing to lose... Yep, things are going to get pretty spicy in the USA
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>US army has 15k trannies
hahaha, the people who fought for USA 50-100 years ago and founding fathers are spinning in the grave
Why? Wouldn't it be better to have trannies dying at the frontline instead of having them constantly whining back home?
He’s still desperately trying to gain support with bad people because it’s illegal to certify his presence in government. He doesn’t care at all what happens to ANY service members.
I bet same shit will happen during federal government layoffs. Fired employees will get retirement bucks while doing nothing and cuckservatives will claim it as victory.
that's... BRILLIANT!

of course!
you don't wanna put mentally ill faggots in combat situations!

how come the US army didn't think of this before????
this is funny. sex discrimination is illegal now. the military is going to lose in the supreme court on this if they press it
>zog wars but the degenerates don't have to die in them

A trannies life is so completely worthless that their death could never have any value
Holy shit. I dont know if we even have 15k in our army.
What % of US military are trannies?
I reckon their problem was they needed a white incel to make it look like a jaded Trump supporter. Otherwise Vance would take over and crush it. Too late notice to get someone to build a plausoble backstory.
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Yes we know you glownigger troons are seething. Some of you won't get discharged though, you'll just get executed for treason.
And what about the furries? There are a lot of them too.
This. Far from pulling them out I say we should make it mandatory.

Also, I'm really not a fan of creating massive upheavel for anything that doesn't have an extreme need for it. It's the first rule of power - don't fuck around where there's no need for it, cause there is plenty of more need for it in other places. I mean why not shut down all transgender clinics for children and potentially put many of them in prison. Priorities.
We need straight, white men to fight for Israel again
There's no leg skin dick attached to her.
She only cut her tits off and got abdominal implants to pretend to be male.
The vagina is still there if you are brave.
Something tells me that they removed trannies and faggots for a reason other than for moral.

Are the troops gonna be sent somewhere? I have an inkling that they want to protect their faggot golems and send Whites to die. I wouldn't be surprised if this is being used to excuse their fellow kikes as well.

It's likely that they'll go after kids and randoms. Be careful out there, as these pieces of shit will definitely crack at either made up shit or from waking up wrong alone.

I expect this.
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The Israelis are very busy replacing all their losses so far. Picrel should be ready in a million years.
>new draft dodging technique just dropped
you'll fight and die while they'll have a lot of sex in your homeland
>you won't do shit
This shit needs to be filtered at this point
May as well be a fucking bot
>You don't mess with the MIC.
>Laughs in Fidel
Go do a flip faggot.
And then your wife left her nigger bf for you to be a family again, THE END.
1.4 million is active duty military. It’s more like 2.2 million when you count active, reserve and national guard.
I’m guessing this is just a general cull of salary vampires that would be useless in an active combat situation and 90% of them happen to be trannies.
1%, fuckwit.
Across the entirety of the Armed Forces.
If you want a more concise measurement, the rate of trannies in the National Guard is 10X the rate of active duty.
An active duty brigade of 5K plus may have three trannies.
NG has much more.
A single tranny fucks it up for thousands of soldiers.
Not even the gays, who vastly outnumber the trannies, make a mess like that.
90% of fags make everyday life in the military far more difficult.
Trannies fuck it up for ALL military. Across all branches.
Okay, okay.
I give you your increase from .6% to .8%.
Your kind are still insignificant and need to be executed.
Happy now, faggot?
The medical issues and costs arising from some dude who got an infection in the field because he couldn’t get a clean dilator or because his wound closed up wouldn’t be worth equipping them, training them and sending them out to be cannon fodder.
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I hope it's fucking true and will be done.
The seethe will be glorious
The dilation will cause internal damage
The wounds will rot again
They should overlay it with racial demographics.
Under MIGA only White Male Trump supporters will die for Israel as oppose to the Democrats who wanted to use minorities and trannies as cannon fodder. The right never ceases to lose even when they win.
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Why the fuck are you opening your mouth except to receive kike dicks, faggot?
Get lost, subhuman faggot shitskin.
Everyone knows that your country is good for two things:
Laundering money
Buying underage faggots or girls.
That is all your country is known for.
You are good for nothing else.
>Will be replaced by white men
This isnt a good thing at all tap the sogn retards
the worm has turned
Stop sending us money and shut the fuck up, nigger.
>medically discharged

doesn't this mean they get a ton of benefits?
>1 post by this id
>the whole post is just a picture of an article and a link to it
How does this thread not break the rule of no advertising?
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>15k troons
"Janissaries 2.0: Dilation Station Edition"
Niggers, even my captcha is 0T0K0
He won’t so shit
that was before October 7. Now the Big Jews will back him
We just want your women.
With enough beatings, they are acceptable to receive sperm.
You just have to dedicate your life to beating the females, the males should justr be aborted.
Ukrainian women need beatings, and the father needs to warn any man that dates his daughters to beat the fuck out of her daily for best results.
Your race is good for looks, but holy shit the level of commitment to beating your kind into some semblance of humanity is huge.
It's not really worth it.
not spam
Not for long.
Why not send them to fight in Ukraine?
Kid was told to register rep and vote for rinos, considering he was in a state that openly advocated to do just that.
He was a shit-tier soros funded hitman, probably a troon.
>Gets spared of the upcomming carnages
>Gets to keeps benefits
>Gets to say you served
>Got your cosmetic surgery done with taxpayer money
Trannies, explain how is this bad?
Do you really want to die for zog that much?
>be tranny
>sign away rights to join army
>cut dick off
>on penis inspection day its discovered you lost your weapon
>dishonorable discharge
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Imagine wanting to have a functional military.
What a raging antisemite
the mic has been trying to turn us all into retards for decades, they tried to send an assassin but suprise he was a retard, they gummed themsleves
You can also "loan" them to Ukraine in exchange for money.
Wouldn't it be better to just send them to Ukraine as cannon fodder instead of releasing these mentally ill people into the public?
If I were conscripted by force I would just defect to the ’’enemy’’
How come only semite dominated countries have functional militaries then?
Ukraine, Russia, the US, Israel - all full of jews, all functional militaries.

The tranny faggotry undermining militaries coincides much more strongly with islam.
So these guys signed up to to do the dirty work the Great Satan. Most of you here say you will never fight if drafted let alone dying for Israel. How come you guys are against others doing your dirt job? Are you guys slightly fucking retarded?
are there really 15,000 troons in the military?
who thought that it would be a good idea to give these mentally ill faggots access to machine guns?
>Ukraine, Russia, the US, Israel - all full of jews, all functional militaries.
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well, you can send them into combat, but their only role will be cannon fodder, and 41% won't even make it close enough to the battlefield for that
Well there's few contestants for the first three currently and the fourth, while most questionnable, does illustrate its relative competence compared to islamic countries very well.

I mean the only one that otherwise comes close are the chinks and they're basically asian jews anyhow.
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Trump is pro troon.
The mechanics are usually the gunners for the helicopter
Ah so if you let your enemies stay in government positions, you win.
if you have to put up a sign to tell people you're a woman, you're not a woman
Trans are too fabulous to risk
Fucking BASED
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>kicking all the tech pos in the army is best idea ever
>wonders why burgerland is 3rd world tier army now
As if women and trannies would ever be sent to the front line
Why don't Americans just grind them on the Kharkiiiyiiyv front? It's a win/win/win for everyone.
15,000 trannies in the military is way more than I thought.
Depends on what you mean by troon. Transgenderism used to be primarily a male thing (not just white, plenty of blacks into that too) but now have been eclipsed by social contagion transgenderism that spreads through populations of teenage girls like a hot knife through butter. Male trannies are now vastly outnumbers be female trannies but much of it for females is trend chasing.
The connection with autism for males is a bit interesting but autistic males are only about twice as likely to become trannies as the general population. They do seem to have a special interest in FOSS, where they make up a much MUCH higher percentage than in the general population or greater autistic population. Unfortunately some of the largest corporation in the world pander to this small population, mostly due to the financial rewards for doing so, both in terms of ESG money and free labor in FOSS that's increasingly directed towards corporate goals.
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Look up eunuchs and many late-stage empires. They are a loyal buffer between the elites and the peasants once the middle class has been destroyed. All because they were seen as a competitive threat to their children retaining dynastic power.
Good about time wtf are this troons doing in the army ..
I hope that this "admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps" is at the top of the list
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Damnit it quoted the wrong post!

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