Ce facem în turul 2 edition
>>489547710votam lasconi
>>489547710Holy shit your mommy looks like every aparatčikica ever.
>>489547710listen nigga here is what we do.we will march on the pidorussian embassy with torches in hand. You go ahead, i'll be right behind you frate! believe me brother!!!together we will take down the slavonic world cabal that controls all the media and governments and finally have anal sex in NATO
>>489547710Am votat pentru Georgescu
>>489547710Bă băieți eu mă simt ca într-un vis febril cu așa candidați. Fără PSD și/sau PNL în turul al doilea?...
>>489547948dont advertise roast beef, there's zero substance always.
>>489548063Să fiu sincer sunt neîncrezător cred că o să mobilizeze mass media masele prin propaganda fricii că ne paște conflict cu Rusia că ne vinde la ruși yada yadaLasconi are adepții ei convinși plus că e încă nedumirire cu privire la ascensiunea lui Georgescu și cred că media o să se folosească de asta să indice o legătură cu RusiaOr să găsească ei destule tertipuri să-l înstrăineze pe călin de electorat
>>489547710Fine, you won me over.How do we get Mr. Friendly Mason here to win?
Taticul Romaniei este prietenul Japoniei.
>>489547710Legionarul all the way
>>489547710What happened to that AUR gypsy yall were hyping up this week? Wasn't he supposed to be le next ultra based Hitler or something?
>>489548799daca ar fi existat un candidat legionar as fi stiutt. legionar
>>489547710Distrugem ziggerii
>>489548854all simioncucks, like Tate, just dumped him.
>>489548854they all worship kikes for some reason. someone come tell me the russians are behind this one as well.
>>489548915Distrugi scaunul pe care stai toata ziua.
>>489548915muie retardescu
>>489548854He got number 4 and now he shrugs. Next is the parliamentary elections and mister based grandpa has no party. So nobody knows wtf is gonna happen. We're likely to get a minority government no matter what so based grandpa will decide who will be prime minister.
>>489549009>>489549061Pregatiti cope-ul, ziggerilor. 70-30.
>>489548915They both hit the wall
>>489548450Am auzit ca PSD este “sexist” si este posibil ca merge cu Georgescu. Este adeverat?
>>489548915Fi-mi-ar scârbă
>>489547710What kind of response is this on rw xitter did nigga get shell shocked
>>489548993>>489548996>>489549089Was he an actual promising candidate or just another trojan horse like Meloni? Why is he shilled so much on /pol /?
>>489549218Credeți că regretă că o făcut-o
>>489549239Nu. Ciolacu a felicitat-o pe Lasconi si PSD o sa o sustina dupa parlamentare.
>>489549239It would be extremely funny.Once their rage is over, we'll see if the socialist tv stations start cuddling up to him.
>>489548879Nu înțeleg de ce îi zice lumea descentratului ăstuia "legionar", indiferent dacă o fac laudativ sau depreciativ. Legionarii nu îi pupau în cur pe ruși
>>489549320>Was he an actual promising candidate or just another trojan horse like MeloniNimeni nu știe
>>489549239Nu PSD-ul, ci țărani care votează PSD in mediul rural.Frica me-a nu îi de voturile PSDNLUDMR. Ci ca baza luie George să scadă după parlamentare si sa scadă prezența la vot cât să poată fura.
>>489549320kike worship is mandatory in EU politics and nobody (the peasants) know why
>>489549369>Legionarii nu îi pupau în cur pe rușiRepetă după mine:Gospodin Prezident!
>>489549320I think people imagine more out of him than he really is.His policies are a mix of 2004 PSD, some none retarded early PNL and stuff stolen from Vox, AfD, Trump. He lost because he wasn't based enough, right wing enough and presidential enough.I think in parliament he is more likely to do what the people want but unlikely to have good ideas.
>>489549320he literally called himself the Romanian Meloni
>>489549320ba ia sugi tu pulavorbeste romaneste sau iesi in pula mea de aicisa ne sugi pula, asta sa nu avem dubiimoldovean scriind in engleza, du-te-n sloboz sa te bata
>>489549656repeta dupa mine:>Nu trageti! Ma predau!
>>489549568imagineaza-ti mirosul
#489549717Hai să mai lăsăm ostilitățile gratuite la o parte >De ce pe fiecare thread englezo românul ăla se ia la trântă cu nu știu ce prost>Literalmente +60posts doar disensiunile dintre ei>Ce pl mea mergeți la un concurs de supt pl că să vedeți care ii mai tare in bot
>>489549828În visele tale umede, iudeu.
>>489549656Oricine face shilling pentru ruși e un trădător de țarăDeocamdată afirmațiile denigratoare la adresa lui Georgescu nu se mențin
>>489549949moarte statului romanmoarte tiemoarte colegilor tai de la srimoarte la tot neamul tausi cacat de tigani pe mormintele voastre
>>489550170>That second wall shape
>>489550177>Oricine face shilling pentru ruși e un trădător de țarăMarș mă d-aici, căcat cu ochi. Făcut în mână și aruncat în pizdă.
>>489550045in visele mele umede incendiez rusi si alti sclavi globohomo cu un aruncator de flacari lol
>>489550177>Deocamdată afirmațiile denigratoare la adresa lui Georgescu nu se menținDar nici bunicul nu e prea sigur
>>489550170Zici că Ciucă și-a pus perucă.
>>489549949Contemplă mirosul, vrei să zici, puști cordit care nu ești în stare să încropești o propoziție în română.
>>489550298Misca-ti curul inapoi la moscova
>>489550298Nu vei fi niciodată român Ești doar o abominațiune aservită străinilor
>>489550246>moarte la tot neamul tauneamul romanesc n-are moarte>>489550298nu te impacienta, Ivan
>>489550419mediteaza asupra aromeiinvata si ce-s alea sinonime daca ai timp
>>489550298they always tell you what but never why
>>489550387HmmNu știu nu e treaba noastră să intervenim în conflictele lor
>>489548450Romanii nu vor vota o pizda presedinte, cu atat mai putin o pizda divortata care pare la fel de proasta ca dancila. Acum invata pe pielea lor jigodiile de la putere ca nu avem memoria chiar asa scurta. Tot pushbackul asta anti-georgescu (care pare totally organic si legit amirite?) o sa intarate si mai tare oamenii, nu o să-i îndepărteze
>>489550514esti gabor de la sridefechez pe tot sri si serviciile secrete (pe tine)
Incredibil cati oligofreni vor sa se arunce la moarte pe front.Drum bun spre Siberia!
>>489550711>SRIlol da sunt pe listele lor, ma cauta si-n cur de fiecare data cand trec granitace nu stiu ei e ca am memorat carticica sefului de cuib, nu-mi trebuie sa car nimic cu mine, pot fi rasist pe orice meridian sau paralela am chef
>>489550649Dar nici să dezactivăm scutul antirachetă ca să fim complet lipsiți de apărare în eventualitatea unui conflict nu e ok. E una să adopți o politică fermă dar rezonabilă și cu totul alta să aplici metoda "ne demilitarizăm și stăm ca proștii să vină lumina de la Răsărit" sub pretextul neimplicării în problemele altora.
>>489550462>Misca-ti curul inapoi la moscovaN-am fost niciodată la Moscova.N-am părăsit niciodată frontierele țării. Nici în vacanță.>>489550479>Nu vei fi niciodată românBucureștean de a 3-a generație.Corcitură de olteni, munteni și moldoveni.>>489550514>nu te impacienta, IvanSunt cât se poate de calm. Atât că am treabă și în curând nu mă voi mai putea distra cu voi. Până spre dimineață.>>489550598>mediteaza asupra aromeiNu înțelegi. Astea-s exprimări de limbă de lemn de kinderi sparți în cur care traduc mot-a-mot din angleză.Și-am plecat, pușlamalele dreacu. Am treburi de om mare.
>>489551037esti aici pentru totdeauma
>>489550811Pentru că dincolo de delirul in care se află unii postaci Rusia nu e bastionul anti globohomo așa cum pretind ei
>>489550978gaozare, ai donat scutul Ucrainei acum 3 luni, tot lipsit de aparare esti
>>489549717Your break is over Florin, the toilet needs cleaning
>>489550978nothing will happen nigga relax. the only reason for this pussy shit is because weapons were sent to ukranians.who the fuck made that decision?kikes ofcourse. let's all point our fingers to le roosi again and say "Er ist schuld!"
>>489550964Nu sunt moldovan
>>489551257Și atunci mai bine îl dezmembrăm de tot după mintea ta, nu?>>489551403>nothing will happen niggaI want to believe that but I can't be sure and neither can you.
>>489551201>Pentru că dincolo de delirul in care se află unii postaci Rusia nu e bastionul anti globohomo așa cum pretind eiis this the reason we fellate globohomo? because "maybe" globohomo might be globohomo too and the only way to combat globohomo is to suck off globohomo?NIGGA GET OUT OF HERE
>>489547943>votam lasconiVecina si ruda lu georgescu.Atat de prosti sunteti ca nu vedeti blatul in fata voastra.
>>489550978>Dar nici să dezactivăm scutul antirachetă ca să fim complet lipsiți de apărare în eventualitatea unui conflict nu e okSunt de acord
>>489551598>>nothing will happen nigga>I want to believe that but I can't be sure and neither can you.it was revealed unto me and i refuse to elaborate further. relax frate, kikes are too busy for another war right now. nothing will happen.
>>489551257Plus, ca să punctez: Am donat un sistem de rachete Ucrainei acum trei luni, idiotule, nu scutul. Sunteți atât de proști încât nici nu știți ce se întâmplă, dar voi votați după cai verzi pe pereți
>>489551598Retardatul dracu tocamai ti-am spus ca ai donat toate cele 3 baterii patriot, lansatorul Aegis, radarul si cabina de comanda Ucrainei. Nu mai ai scut la Deveselu
>>489548342Search it.
>>489551275ivan nahuyenko fac mai multi bani intrun an (in Romania) cat face tot satul tau intru-un an
>>489551835gaozare eu sunt la baza la Deveselu si stii mai bine decat mine ce a mai ramas in baza?
>>489551883who needs p*triots and *egis. i have god's protection.
>>489552000dute in plm cu pozele tale, esti patetic copile si nu te crede nimeni asa ca hai mars de aici >>489547710deci pana la urma votem cu domnu, eu cu o femeie ca aia clar nu votez
>>489552011we don't need that shit anyways
>>489547710Nobody cares gypsylander.
>>489552011Thank you for your service sir
>>489549320Trojan horse. He is the neighbour and relative of the Lasconi woman. They both have family in Austria and landplots in the same village. Trolls say it's just a coincidence.
>>489552219wtf,that's literally me, delete that picture, MODS
>>489552272nu sunt soldat, sunt angajat pe post de armurier si mecanic sa tin fiarele functionale
>>489552281>it's just a coincidence.ah ok, dar unde am m ai auzit de pura coincidenta ?
#489549717Iar începe retardul >De ce pe fiecare thread englezo românul ăla se ia la trântă cu nu știu ce prost>Literalmente +60posts doar disensiunile dintre ei>Ce pl mea mergeți la un concurs de supt pl că să vedeți care ii mai tare in bot
>>489552184de cand nu am mai postat am tras la bucitu, tot la munca?
>>489547943votez Georgescupur si simplu
>>489547710I hate ziggers so fucking much but i cant bring myself to vote for a bitch with such a large lgbt lobbyAlso the iron guard shit he said is based
>>489552414n-ai tinut nici 5 minute, trist
>>489549369Ai citit literatură legionară măcar?Plus, dacă Georgescu îi pupă în cur pe ruși înseamnă că Lasconi et al sunt complet submersați în curul alde americanilor. Hai să fim serioși, a spus câteva lucruri pozitive, nu mai este 1927 să fie Rusia sub un regim comunist bolșevic.
>>489552414tu realizezi ca nu te crede nimeni, de 3 zile incoace faci spume pe aici, cum intru cum te vad pe tine cu spume la gura si spamand aceleasi pozestim ca esti terminat dar m ai dute in mortii mati ca esti enervant deja
>>489552368Câștigi bine măcar
>>489552545sunt angajat de americani, deci da
retardatii astia zoomeri useristi imi dau tot mai multe motive sa votez cu Georgescujur pe ce-am mai sfant
>>489552569cat vrei pe un ak ?
>>489552569locotenentul comandor roman de la baza are 5600 roni salariu net, te doare sufletul
>>489552609zoomeri vor sa fie condusi de poponari, trist...fmm de panarame ce sunteti, ma injurati cand ziceam de zoomeri ca sunt terminati , poftim acum
>>489552621ce AK coaie ca americani au numa M4, M249 si M240, ai nostrii au pistoalele mitraliera model 63, dar nu am treaba cu intretinerea la ei
>>489552787>model 63trist, dar am auzit ca vor sa schimbe arma din dotare a armatei cu ceva berretta daca nu ma insel sau?
>>489548342An old pseudo-Soviet word for a lady who's worked for the government her entire life and is therefore a bit separated from the real world and her countrymen. Think of the old lady at the post office, financial agency, city hall or whatever who's been working there from before you were even born and will stay there until she retires or dies. Bonus points if she's in the ruling party, a board member of some NGO or a syndicate.
>>489552475stiu eu cat a fost pula nu stie carte
>>489552569Cum e pe acoloCum sunt americanii Însă denunță talmudul înainte să răspunzi
>>489552787mai vin din joi in paste cu cate un mortier sau un aruncator de grenade automat mk47 care sunt montate pe Strikere ( sunt mult mai bune Piranha ale noastre )
>>489552875Cu ARX 160 din cate stiu, dar nu se inteleg ca ai nostrii vor sa facem fabrica aici si pasta niggers nu vor
>>489552491hahahahhahahaha te-am acritlasa ca fac o serie noua de poze, pun on serie sa faca €500,000 sa-ti faci sepuku hahahhahahahahahaha
>>489547710Don't do it bros, for the love of God don't elect a fucking woman.
>>489552935cand te a futut ala atat de bine ca ai uitat cum sa vorbesti
>>489549657>a mix of 2004 PSD, some none retarded early PNLI only listenend to him today. Sounds like ceausescu but educated and coherent. His speech would have caught on late 99's early 2000. I think it's a USR scam to put a stupid woman in power and advance globohomo. Good cop bad cop routine when in fact they are relatives and come from the same city while owning land plots in the same village. What I don't understand and eally puzzles me how mainstream parties allowed this shit to happen. Are they fucking retarded or something?
>>489550177>Oricine face shilling pentru ruși e un trădător de țarăBazat.
>>489553060ce face? pai cum dracu sa iti fabrici armele armatei la ei? Dar de ce nu lucram cu americanii daca tot luam de la ei ?>>489553062da da, am auzit de tine, copil facut din laba,aruncat pe perete si carat de musca in pizdahai dute si scuipal pe tactu in varful pulii dar de la un minimetru daca poti
>>489553060E ca si frigatele franțuzești. Contractul sa semnat înainte de pandemie iar costul unei lini de producție in România sa triplat asa ca nimeni nu vrea sa respecte contractul.
>>489553092pizda is a helluva drugthe smell goes str8 to the brain and cock lmao
>>489552943>Însă denunță talmudul înainte să răspunzipostez pe /chug , e denuntat deja talmudul>Cum e pe acolofrig>Cum sunt americaniimajoritatea sunt cu capul pe umeri, dar un pluton e bad juju cu ei, simt ca e ceva necurat la mijloc
>>489553162> Are they fucking retardedwhere the fuck do you REALLY live?it can't be Romania, if you lived here you'd already know they are both corrupt AND retarded
>>489553257nu cumparam nimic de la americani cu privire la arme usoare ale infanteriei, luam automate de la nemti si lupe de la britanici si francezi
>>489553329pe scurt ai facut o laba rapida in baie sa nu te prinda mata cu tactubravo, nu ai teme ceva copilu ?
>>489553162I was talking about Simion. Not Grandpa.Grandpa sounds like a modern take on the peasants party. PNTCD. His work in the UN is all about healthy food and stopping mass transportation of resources instead promoting local production. His dream is like golden age inter belic Romania where everyone had land and you could start a business in your own home and your community would support you
>>489553306problema e ca nu ai sudori sa iti lucreze in dock-uri. Americanii zic ca un sudor roman care stie meserie ar face 50-60 dolari pe ora in SUA
>>489553440ah e bine, deci iar o sa fie o pusca la 5 oameni
>>489553519i dare say that is everyone's dream, but we need to face the facts and the fact is that each and every one of these animals worships israel
>>489553524Problema nu ii forta de muncă ci lipsul de echipament industrial. Unele chestii gen roboții industriali nici acum nu sunt in stoc si au prețul umflat.
>>489547710>a literal /pol/ user vs kamala harris
>>489553549mai pune, ca ai donat rezervele din buncarele lui Ceasca Ucrainei. La exercitii militare, HUMVEE cu 12.7mm din poza de mai sus e limitat la 32 de gloante. 2 de incalzire, 10 pe semi si 4 rafale de cate 5. Intre timp americani golesc doua cutii de 200 de gloante in 30 de minute
>>489553735The problem is that Romanians like Israel. Those not on the know on the JQ support Israel simply because Mudshits are bad(which they are)
>>489553746o sa o franga pe genunchi pe lasconi si o sa avem nou presedinte pe Maresalul Calin Ion Antonescu Codreanu xD
>>489553745ti-as da poze, dar nu am voie, de Uzina Mecanica Bucuresti. Nu e urma de robot si tot scot 2 Piranha V pe saptamana baietii de acolo
>>489553836nici nu suntsurprins , ma crezi ?Eram surprins daca ziceai ceva de bine Tancurile alea ce se aude de ele ?
>>489553524american funny money has no value, don't be deceived. let alone the hidden taxes and american inflation. woe to whoever accidentally welds their foot lest they will receive generational debt unless they behave like a nigger and disappear.>>489553881i don't know any such romanians to be honest. maybe 1 or 2 in my direct environment who wouldn't mind some pula on the side as well.which really makes one ponder the essence.
>>489553413>if you lived here you'd already know they are both corrupt AND retardedI do live here, I know they are corrupt, I know that some of them are retarded but I DID NOT know ALL of them are THAT retarded. I mean come on, they own the damn country, they can't be THAT retarded. And this whole same city same village same husband name is very very shady. WTF? Oh and by the way, what did the US embassy had to say?
>>489552901Kek, we need a word for that too.
>>489550298Muie Rusia :)
>>489553985sunt intretinute, daca te refereai la Abrams, mai asteapta
>>489553985ce frad ai belimisar pulan mata, fara cratimeam un vecin mai oligofren, cred ca ar fu seful vostru la serviciivine georgescu si simion si o sa va futa in cur prin gat
>>489553072All our women will vote for her, our voters are the least informed retards out there, most people vote if they like the candidate's face or if they like their name or something.
>>489554124baiatu asta a plecat spre Ghencea pt repetitii la parada
>>489554155ba copil prost, lasa ne in pula mea in pace ca vorbesc adultii aici, dute si ceartal pe tactu ca aici nu te ia nimeni in serios >>489554124chiar sunt ? alea stiu ca in 10 ani le primim daca avem noroc dar astea autohtone cum sunt ?
>>489553921Îi greu de lucrat cu armata?Mereu am vrut să umblu cu puști. Dacă as putea as lucra acolo si dacă salariu ii de cacao.
489547943489548915>Mindbroken N*FO Troons
>>489554528e foarte usor cat timp nu esti in armata, protocolul si gradatii imi fac scarba
>>489554528Stiu pe cineva care a intrat la 40 de ani in armata, era gras, fumator si boland asa, armata primeste aproape pe oricine.
>>489554478E ok tancul, cum am zis, a plecat spre Ghencea pt parada. E pe platforma sa nu futa soselele
>>489554274i like my odds in politics. i will run an anti-israel party and invite Andrew Tate to be in my party.After i publically naturalize him ofcourse.
>>489554274Nigger women hate women. No woman is gonna vote an ugly woman.
>>489554478am tras la nuci prima oara in 1994 cand romania a pierdut cu elvetia si vladoiu a luat rosu in 2 minute dupa ce a intrat pe terenbai mucosule
>>489554799pai nu le pun senile de cauciuc pentru sosele, bine cand merge ala cu 20 mai bine asa. Chiar sunt uimit si multumesc ca ai venit sa ne informezi despre starea armatei, eu chiar nu cred ca zic astia ca devenim putere militara in zona
>>489553519>inter belicAgreed but inter belic not 2024.Plus many things he said on that Cotdidianul 1 hour interview before election were straight out of ceaushescus speeches and policies that in practice in romania right out failed. I literally cringed when I heard communal irigation and lets get alone with all the countries especially china and russia and be neutral in conflicts. We need peace. Ew! That's romanias attitude before ribentrop molotov ultimatum - appeasement never worked. You need to fight to defend yourself plus when you're in a gang nato/warsaw pact doesnt matter you need to put in work when gang leader asks you to. And is not normal to get along with everybody - you have allies you have enemies and indifferent countries. All this is like a very poor play.
>>489554877>1994in 94 descoperea tactu laba, lasa ne in pula mea copile ca ne am prins toti ca esti un anti social sifilitic care spameaza pozele alea de parca esti cineva. Mars in cacat de copil oligofren
>>489554053Nigger have you never hated your neighbours or relatives?And have you forgotten we have like 200 family names between the entire nation.The tell that the man is based is simply because everyone that screeches at him hates me and wants me dead.
>>489554528you make your salary on the side obviously. you take 50% of what the americans give you.diesel is a great one. two years in and you'll have your own apartment in floreasca.
>>489554938>pai nu le pun senile de cauciuc pentru soseledistrug soselele oricum>Chiar sunt uimit si multumesc ca ai venit sa ne informezi despre starea armatei, eu chiar nu cred ca zic astia ca devenim putere militara in zonam-a enervat grav sclavul ala spalat pe creier care ma contrazicea cu privire la scutul anti-racheta
>>489555011>We need peace. Ew! That's romanias attitude before ribentrop molotov ultimatum - appeasement never worked.pretty sure that means being like buttfuck cambodia and just tend to your own chickens. basically means don't be a zog retard, which is very fair.
>>489555209da stiu, sunt multi sclavi pe aici care habar nu au ce vorbesc, copii oligofreni ca ala cu steagul de uk si preferatul meu tiganul pe jumatate ungur care ataca toate steagurile romanesti si e suparat ca femeile rad de el
>>489555019in 94 eram in locei si eram in liceu cu Rosca din clanul sportivilor de mai tarziucine avea bani avea cielo, cine avea super bani avea leganza cine avea giga bani avea septar sau 600 mercba pula, sunt sanse mari ca am futut-o pe ma-ta in laptaria lu' enache, slobozimas pe sor-ta
>>489555350mai sunt jucarelele astea de 33 de tone
>>489555430erai pe pula mea sa te bata aia erai, bai copile, uitate cum faci, zici ca ai boala lu calache, lasa ne dracu in pace si dute si fa inca o laba
>>489555536am avut bafta sa dau si o tura cu una prin Bucuresti
>>489552748sunteti prosti? zoomerii au votat cel mai mult cu oligofrenul asta
>>489555536frate nu prea am incredere in ele dupa ce am vazut cum le bubuie si rusii si ucrainienii cu drone de pe ali baba Avem ceva impotriva dronelor sau ?
>>489555622>zoomerii au votat cel mai mult cu oligofrenul astade asta sunt toti la universitate si denunta votul ?
>>489555623nu stiu, nu lucrez cu ele si nu imi place sa vorbesc din cur
>>489555148>Nigger have you never hated your neighbours or relatives?>And have you forgotten we have like 200 family names between the entire nation.How is that relevant ? Are the presidential finalists blood or allianceliance related or not? I think it is important to know. And while I agree with the name thing, I find it too much of a coincidennce especially when it occurs at the highest level of the state. I don't believe in coincidences.
>>489555670banuiam ca sunt sisteme de brutait semnalul plasate pe vehicule deci nu avem , am inteles
>>489547710Woah! Romanians are White?
>>489555148>like 200 family names between the entire nation.mine is the only one in the nation :D
>>489555209Esti din armata anon? Destul de bazat. Sti daca maine zboara avioanele la repetitie? Tare imi place sa le vad.Si ai idee cum dracu face rost cineva de entry pass la parada? Anu trecut nu am vazut nimic ca era aglomerat ca naiba pe Kiseleff, dar am vazut ca erau oameni care puteau sa intre pe langa Herastrau spre piara presei cumva under era liber, da aveau un bilet sau o legitimatie ceva.
>>489555799No, better.
>>489554053>what did the US embassy had to say?"a guh bloo have more anal touch more grass" probablywho the fuck cares, this is Romanian /pol/itics
>>489555799Mind your own business memeflag
>>489555784au o pereche de chestii pe acoperis care cred ca pentru asta sunt, dar cum am zis, nu lucrez cu ele
>>489555548in 94 vara scoteam televizoarele afara la cupa mondiala si steaguri intre blocurinu era iluminat publicmetroul lua foc constant aparusera autobuzele DAF dar mai erau si Ikarus, mai ales 312 spre berceninu ai tu de unde sa stii astea ca erai proiect in ouale lu' ma-tacacat proaspat ce esti, puti pana in angliamuie la sri (tie)
>>489555011>appeasement never worked. You need to fight to defend yourselfO trimitem pe ma-ta pe front,ce zici? ca eu n-am chef sa mor. Ce parte din " suveranitate" nu intelegi din discursul lui?>you need to put in work when gang leader asks you toDaca ne ataca cineva e clar ca nu o sa stam ca prostii,unde a spus el asa ceva?
>>489555846nu sunt militar, lucrez cu americanii ca civil la Deveselu
Calin Georgescu was kicked out of AUR because his views were considered too radical. consider that.
>>489555893am inteles, nu e problemain rest cu ce ne mandrim ?>>489555935copile , nu am chef de tine si nici de minciuniile tale , te rog , dute si enerveazal pe tactu
>>489555964>too radical.si inca un motiv sa il votez
>>489555345>that means being like buttfuck cambodia and just tend to your own chickens. basically means don't be a zog retard, wHow did that turn out for the cambodians? Had it not been for vietnam to save their asses they would have all been pol potted. Ceausescu wanted the same thing and we almost starved to death. Isolationism doesn' t work for countries! Proven in practice without shadow of a doubt!
>>489556041nu incerc sa te conving doar imi place sa te chis in freza
>>489556082frankly, i wanna know how obsessed he is with israel before casting judgement.>>489556108just a figure of speech, indeed they suffered the same and unlike us, they are unaligned and life Is GOOD. we should definitely take lessons from them for that reason alone. nobody takes note of them and nobody cares.plus we should always be wary of *mericans
>>489556041nu prea ai cu ce sincer, am auzit ca vor sa cumpere niste masini 4x4 de la turcafleti, niste elicoptere de atac de la americani, f-35 si Abrams, dar probabil ca astea au dat si pe la stiri deja
>>489555799No, it's just a myth!
>>489556108And looking at modern Germany and new germans it's clear that the oposite, being too open is also fucking bad. The thing is he is running for President. He doesn't make laws or checks who breaks them, his job is to enforce them. And I would rather have him than the Cunt that let her daughter get diddled.
>>489556279>we should be more like an irrelevant jungle shitholeI vill not live in ze podI vill not eat ze bugz
>>489556305da alea am auzit si eu doar ca stiu ca o sa le avem cam in 10 ani daca avem norochai ca e bine>>489556279un singur lucru te poate da afara din AUR
>>489555666>totiesti retardat? voteaza cu Lorin Fortuna din partea mea, macar o sa fie amuzant. sper sa nu faci cancer cand iti ia chimioterapia de la nas ca nici aia nu ii place
>>489556459>>un singur lucru te poate da afara din AURim convinced.WE HEBBEN EEN SERIEUS PROBLEEM
>>489555873>who the fuck cares, this is Romanian /pol/iticsExactly! Nothing happens in Romania unless US sanctioned so no embassy reaction seems pretty strange! Wtf is going on? It's surreal! It feels like somebody is pulling a fast one!
Far left American newspapers are hitting the panic button on Romanias far right politicians taking the leadWho is the most far right candidate? And who is actually going to win by a Romanians estimation? I dont trust american media
>>489556676Mutts don't care about us you stupid nigger.
>>489556592ii vad zilnic cat sunt de terminati zoomerii ....>>489556638da, de unde pana unde e asta legionar ca din ce am auzit despre el pare m ai mult de centru decat legionar
>>489556676>nooo daddy Xiden pls save usare you retarded, by any chance?did you get dropped on your head as a child?
>>489556676https://youtu.be/LOlcIZa_z8chere is the embassy's reaction. their lapdogs are telling us for them
>>489556952>de unde pana unde e asta legionar e o pulae globohomo dinasta, militeaza pentru "dezvoltare durabila" adica mai putini oameni si mai putina industrie , adica pentru o Romanie slaba la cheremul globohom, ceea ce e pe placul lui Putinica, probabil
look out gypsybros, soon there might be armed drag queen squads patrolling the streets of Bucharest
>>489557345>100 retards Wow, now tell us about gypsy king orban please :DThe slovak was right all along about the semitic nature of magyar ciganny
>>489557322o nu, ce o sa ne facem fara cei 10000 de livratori glovo din pakistan
>>489557345kek, they look exactly how I imagined.
>>489557322i don't think that's accurate but whatever
>>489557470romanul ala de era cu brazilianul dupa fiecare indian infect trebuie declarat erou national
>>489557345imagine za smell
>>489556952what can i say? i despise jews and their lapdogs. i'm pretty laissez faire otherwise.
>>489555940>O trimitem pe ma-ta pe front,ce zici? ca eu n-am chef sa mor. Ce parte din " suveranitate" nu intelegi din discursul lui?Reddit spacing aside, why do people like you always have to resort to harsh language especially when you "n-ai chef sa mor"? Don't you know this is a fast way to get killed. Rudeness is offensive and this leads to conflict.Turning back, how do you plan to survive by appeasement when it clearly didn't work. Both russians and hungarians invaded and started rounding up people shipping them to siberia or simply killing them.You can not have sovereignity if you can't defend it. Yours and his is a very cowardly attitude.>>you need to put in work when gang leader asks you to>Daca ne ataca cineva e clar ca nu o sa stam ca prostii,unde a spus el asa ceva?He didn't but advocated peace above all else. That is wrong and it has been so since roman times hence the adage Si vis pacem parabellum! - If you want peace prepare for war!
>>489557412i like magyars unironically NGL.i know.. terrible.
>>489557937this you ? >>489555350
>>489547710intrebare sincera , de ce o votati pe aia? nu a fost in stare sa isi educe fica si voi credeti ca este in stare sa conduca tara ?
>>489557470ce are sula cu prefectura?>>489557579a fost presedintele ERCIS, care e un fel de data center pentru Clubul de la Roma
"In 2-3 ani petrolul va fi sub apă. România va face prima conductă de apă din lume; Apa va fi pe primul loc, cucerim lumea" https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/comments/1gzsdk1/cgin_23_ani_petrolul_va_fi_sub_ap%C4%83_rom%C3%A2nia_va/
>>489549089Din păcate, nu așa funcționează numirea prim-ministrului, îi trebuie votul de învestitură acordat de Parlament. Vezi art. 103 din Constituție.Om trăi și-om vedea, momentan habar n-avem ce va fi la parlamentare, e o futere și-un haos total. Sper să fie tăticu' președinte și Simion premier
>>489556279>they are unaligned and life Is GOODNot sure but I think they are aligned to either vietnam or china. As for life is good I doubt that. I was always under the impression it was a backward country. We can't have that ! At least not anymore. As for alignment you need a tribe/pack whatever. Nobody can walk alone and certainly not in this neck of woods. Both Hitler and Sun Tzu dedicated chapters to allies policy so it's a must.
>>489558485>I was always under the impression it was a backward countryi hate to be the one to tell you this frate... i cannot..
>>489552609e live ? aia protesteaza sau ce se intampla ? la ce statie de metrou e asta ?
>>489558196omu a zis ca ne scapa de indieni, pakistanezi si nepalezi, nu ca iti distruge industria, pe care oricum nu o ai ca au vandut-o PSD-istii din 1995 incoace
>>489558621la universitate unde se stang toti drogatii
>>489547710WILL MOMMY WIN?
>>489552609where is this, lets beat them
>>489558774she is pro butt sex so no
>>489558196>a fost presedintele ERCIS, care e un fel de data center pentru Clubul de la Romaredpill me?
>>489557904>Rudeness is offensive and this leads to conflict.rudeness is offensive but attacking other countries is not?, got it. retard. >Both russians and hungarians invadedwhere? nobody attacked my country or nato countries. >how do you plan to survive by diplomacyExactly how western europe survived and prospered in the second half of 20st century. Also,I might add :+ Without homo,wokeism,cultural marxism and importation of third worlders is a good start.> if you can't defend itWho said anything about not defending it? You confuse offense with defense..fucks sake the utter state of leftoids >If you want peace prepare for war!Perfect,sa ne pregatim de orice zic si eu pana atunci sa fie pace. esti ukrainean ,asa-i?
>>489547710Just vote Georgescu and later we will partition Ukraine together
>>489558485>Not sure but I think they are aligned to either vietnam or china.basically unaligned ironically unironically. look ideally we should just align with some resource rich country and tell these faggots to fuck off but apparently this idea is too far out there.
>>489558977uhh what the fuck a based pole???
>>489558977hell yea
>>489556332>And looking at modern Germany and new germans it's clear that the oposite, being too open is also fucking bad. I was talking from an economical standpoint but I see what you mean and I agree.>The thing is he is running for President. He doesn't make laws or checks who breaks them, He can make laws and presides over csm.>His job is to enforce them. Not really but close.>And I would rather have him than the Cunt that let her daughter get diddledObviously. Question is, is he for real? Do we risk a player president with outdated and/or ineffective carmaci style ideas?At this point nothing can be done about it anymore so I would very much like to know where is this shit taking us to? Looks very very dodgy!
>>489558794In fata la TNB, sunt 7 masini de jandarmerie acolo.
>>489558284Are dreptate.Suntem printre cele 10 tari din lume cu resurse suficiente de apa potabile.
>>489556891>stupid nigger.Why the insult? Are you insecure or something and need to act tough on a more or ess anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum? Or you're too overconfident in your obviously limited capabilities? Watch your language genius!
>>489558885Clubul de la Roma e un think-tank neo-malthusian care a produs toate politicile pe care acuma le stim drept "globohomo" ca raspuns la criza demografica ce se prevedea in anii '70 ai secolului trecutGeorgexu a redactat de exemplu asta:https://cndd.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/SNDD_2008_EN_.pdf>Environmental protection through measures thatmake it possible to decouple economic growth fromnegative environmental impacts;> Social equity and cohesion through observance offundamental human rights, cultural diversity, gender equality and combating discrimination of any kind;etc etc
>>489559610Acu pe bune, putini oameni stiu asta da aqua carpatica cica e singura apa din lume care nu contine nitrati, e gen cea mai pura apa, se pisa pe evian, pacat ca nu stim sa ne facem reclama, jegosii aia de francezi fac reclama la orice cacat si il vand ca fita de 10 ori mai scump dupa.
>>489557022>are you retarded, by any chance?>did you get dropped on your head as a child?Jesus! Another one.Do you people have psychological problems or you lack intelligence so you compensate through aggressive language? There is a war just east of the border you know. Go there if you want to act tough! This a discussion not a tiganeala!
>>489560478lame attempt at gatekeeping is lame
>>489559899i dont know what to make of this one. 2008 is before the great pozzing of merkel so idk.change of heart?10% chance of that. hope for him his involvement in this was near zero.
>>489558677cand a zis?
Eu personal o sa ma stric de ras cand o sa vad pe homosexualii de pe r/romania inghesuindu-se sa voteze o baba care pupa cruci. >>489560018Si mai putin oameni stiu ca Borsec are ditamai emblema Kosher pe sticle. Daca punea (((Cretu))) ala o cruce iesea tot rezistul in strada.Cand despre "alegere" mie mi-e clar ca nea Georgescu asta e un glownigger international, a zis cateva chestii controversate dupa care in mod convenient a devenit "independent". Lumea de peste tot in spatiul globohomo musca bine la ideea de "independent". Au creat o situatie in care au RAS efectiv conducerea celor mai importante doua partide din tara in timp ce Uniunea Sugatorilor din Romania iese in castig cu toti senatorii lor jidani fericiti. Globohomo are asigurata acum o formula presedinte/pm singura necunoscuta este cat de mult va lua uniunea sugatorilor la parlamentare si daca va poate face o majoritate cu udmr si ramasitele pnl. Votantii lor sunt extrem de mobilizati acum ca fascistul pro-Rusia vine si le confisca dildourile, si mai iesi si din nato si raman fara clienti la gay bar, asa cum a fost prezentat Georgescu. Dovada imbecilismul postacilor cu 30-40 posturi, disperati ca-n 2020 ca nu pot sa-si faca al 3-lea booster semestrial.Cred ca pe 24 s-a sfarsit cu sarada asta cu falcosi prin partide facand "politica" basindu-se pe scaune scarpinandu-se in nas votand la manivela toate imbecilitatile din EU si state doar dupa ce le discuta de complezenta sa para ca au si ei ceva acolo. Nu mai este nevoie de ei, si asta s-a intamplat peste tot in europa unde extremele stangi au pozitii importante si la carma sunt doar niste pizde proaste (macron e si el una) care fac tot ce li se dicteaza pe mail cu entuziasm si de indata, cum se zicea in armata.Muie nato, sper ca WW3 sa insemne sfarsitul acestei structuri mafiote.
>>489557195>their lapdogsThat's not their lapdogs it's british lapdogs but okay. Thank you for the link. That's exactly what I wanted to see.I may be wrong but from what I see, for me at least it's a scam to force a woman president and possibly a far leftist usr government. This guy seems to be a jackrabbit for lasconi which makes even more sense if they are also related through lasconis spouse catalin georgescu. Gentleman I may be wrong but we are about to witness the unbelievable :we are going to have a female president and to our woe she is severely underpowered in terms of brain capability.
>>489562198yeah, so, about that...
>>489562299i know why you feel that there is a distinction, but i assure you that there is not. but indeed, it does seem that way if the number of wokies went up while we didnt' pay attention. >>489562412there's a metric fuckton of names involved here. this does not say much.i'd much rather know what he's responsible for. i have my name on documents i'd rather not give a fuck about either.
Noapte bună doamnelor domnilorEu unul mă pun să mă culc
>>489562628A spus ca este impotriva scutului antiracheta Nato de la Deveselu, ce vrei mai mult?
>>489562761noapte bună
>>489562597he is the only one listed as Co-ordinator, presumably of the Drafting Groupin other words, everything was passed over his deskin any case it's not the only globohomo initiative he's put his name to, he was part of the Agenda 21 working group in Romania etc etcit's all about those SDGs, bby!
ha si noi pe >>489562895
>>489563037cine pizda ma-tii a murit si te-a lasat sef pe fir?
>>489562898what you're saying is that they are all poZZed?every single one of them?from simion to georgescu?
>>489563003Lasa ca vine Putin si va da tajikistanezi si ceceni sa va sature.
>>489559089Pretty rare, isn't it?
>>489563456it was kind of depressing actually, but i think they might be some mutt rats from some airbase.more then 80% of them didn't know about wolyn
>>489563456And after we partition Ukraine together based Russia comes and fucks us both in the ass. They will also tell the Ukrainians they came to liberate them from nazi romanians and jewish poles.
>>489563270of course both candidates who made it to the second round are globohomo stoogesdunno why anyone would expect otherwisebut you guys keep vooting and seething if you want, it's only making the inevitable more entertaining
>>489563661they had up until now to do that. you present this to some capeshit marvel writer and he'd blush at your fantasticalities.
Who are we rooting for?
why can't Romania be normal for just five fucking minutes ??Imagine voluntarily voting for Ziggers
>>489563832Mr Friendly Mason, of course.
>>489563573Maybe, but I think that milions of Ukrainians in Poland make the difference, also troons from "Wykop" come here very foten. Even on Twitter Poles are generally more based than here
>>489563661There is no reason for that. If you think other way, then tell me why Russia didn;t annex whole Georgia in 2008 despite flawless win at war?
>>489563899Didn't you do the same?I don't blame you, bacasue that was the right decision
>>489563802>they had up until now to do that.poftim?
>>489564117it was rigged lmao
>>489564204Rigged xD.Every election that doesn't allign with anglo's interests is rigged
it's over iT+S OVER
>>489564343Low iq sarcasm
>>489558901>>Rudeness is offensive and this leads to conflict.>rudeness is offensive but attacking other countries is not?, got it. retard.You have issues. Both psychological and comprehending. The retard is in your mirror. Take him to the doctor>>Both russians and hungarians invaded>where? nobody attacked my country or nato countries.Comprehending issues again and inability to grasp context. Vienna Diktat and ribbentrop-molotov pact. >>how do you plan to survive by diplomacy>Exactly how western europe survived and prospered in the second half of 20st century. You lack basic history knowledge - there was a cold war with the world on the brink of nuclear annihilation plus multiple other low intensity conflict.Also,I might add :+ Without homo,wokeism,cultural marxism and importation of third worlders is a good start.Again basic lack of history knowledge largest communist party was un France and all major western cities had perversion centers and hq like sankt pauli and cartendrecht>> if you can't defend it>Who said anything about not defending it? He did. >You confuse offense with defense..fucks sake the utter state of leftoidHmm... are you troll? You are blattantly twisting everything I said. Nobody can be that stupid not even you. Also you obsess about leftists and see them everywhere including where they are not.>>If you want peace prepare for war!>Perfect,sa ne pregatim de orice zic si eu pana atunci sa fie pace. esti ukrainean ,asa-i?No I am not ucrainean. Nobody is arguing for war. I am arguing for readiness. Your candidate did not. He advocated for peace and appeasement toward all and a general attitude of submission .That simply doesn't work. Look at you: you are an edgy aggressive arrogant little prick without even knowing me all under the cover of a not so certain anonimity. Imagine a powerfull country taht knows exactly what you're made of.Follow your leaders advice - be polite, you don't know who you're gonna stumble upon!
>>489547710Nimic. Lasconi aduce coruptie democrata. Georgescu pare o momeala ca sa ceva.
>>489559899>>489562198That's not a Club of Rome document, he worked for the Romanian government in 2008 because he had international experience.If that proves anything is that he worked with Dan Barna from USR in same group, was he not a fascist pro russian then when they worked together?Lasconi is the establishment candidate, Georgescu seems to be part of some sovereign group, seems to have had a similar career like Viktor Orban
>>489566279>That's not a Club of Rome documenttrue, and I never claimed otherwisebut he really was one of themhttps://saccsiv.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/lista-membri-romani-clubul-de-la-roma-adunare-generala-club-of-rome-la-bucuresti-1-3-octombrie-2012/
>>489566815In his book he mixes Club of Rome ideas with Romanian nationalism, if he is controlled opposition then he is the alternative to something worse that might come if Lasconi is elected and fails. He seems closer to some 90s American conservative than a fascist, the fact that media denigrates him so much says a lot.
>>489566279the wayback machine has the goodshttps://web.archive.org/web/20130106071800/http://www.clubofrome.ro/aboutus.htmlisn't it just so annoying, how the Internet remembers shit?
>>489567905opposition to what, nigger?he's openly aligned with globohomo
>>489560018aqua carpatica se gaseste la tesco langa mine la litru e £1,50un irlandez de langa mine numai apa carpatica bea
>>489568186securistul tot la munca e cat iei pe luna ma, 5200 si bonuri? pisamas pe tine si pe colegii tai de la sri
>>489567905ordinul pe unitate a fost lasconiei primesc o fisa si dau copy paste nu-i intereseaza daca prinde sau nu, doar sa creeze ideea ca exista pareri organice care se aliniaza cu ce vor eidaca exista dreptate astia TOTI trebuie eviscerati public
>>489565373>You have issues.Both psychological and comprehendingWhat is it with some of you midwits projecting your problems onto others as rebutal?>Comprehending issues again and inability to grasp context. Vienna Diktat and ribbentrop-molotov pact.You are stupid, don't take it as an offense, it's an observation my good fellow brother in Christ. Much love.Let me explain why:When you say "Both russians and hungarians invaded" a trillion years ago in a totally different political climate inferring that we cannot use appeasement because "look ,bad things happened in the past with x,y,z countries so we have to do something now against these pesky russians" and then you continue by saying " you need to fight" ,what other conclusion do you want me to have except "go and be offensive"? Think before you write , please ,otherwise you end up embarrassing yourself on basketweaving appalachian forums like this. much love.>there was a cold warExactly, what part of cold war don't you understand? Why do you want an active hot war as per your previous words? " you need to fight">the brink of nuclear annihilation plus multiple other low intensity conflict.In western europe? Teach me, i'm willing to learn, seriously. Keep in mind the subject is "diplomacy" with external Superpowers and not red light districts or some commies having a few seats in the government for 10 years ...>He did.post the source, he never said we shouldn't defend. You're lying about this specific part until proven otherwise. Keep in mind this Georgescu guy tends to say a lot of things in other interviews.. that sometimes contradict themselves, he's not the best candidate in the world, never claimed that .. just better of two evils. waiting on that proof though.>Also you obsess about leftistsyou are right, unfortunately the internet is full of them lately, you're probably a good guy from ukraine, sorry bro.
>>489569217te-ai oparit unpic la curuletz?nu-ti convine ca candidatul "tau" e "unpic" globalist? sau nu-ti convine ca se stie?intrebare bonus: stii ce a fost Agenda 21?
>>489569724ai vot pe 8 Septembrievoteaza tu si cu toti prietnii taipana una alta candidatul meu e pe primul loc si al tau nu stiu sa-si gaseasca pizdalosers today losers always
>>489552450>Votam glownigger
>>489569856>ai vot pe 8 Septembrie...ce?> al tau nu stiu sa-si gaseasca pizdaa, esti doar prost si iti inchipui ca o sprijin pe userista? poti sa te linistesti atunci, consider ca USR e tot globohomo, nu am de ce sa ma bucur ca a ajuns nici aia in turul doioricum o dai, Romania si-o ia de la globohomo la runda asta
>>489547943te dracu cu jegoasa ta lgbtista
>>489565373>You are blattantly twisting everything I said.How so? I'm for defense and creating a better defense military strategy.You said we should go and preemptively fight because it happened before a million years ago [paraphrasing]If I got it wrong, my bad, i'm willing to change my opinion . >Nobody is arguing for war.You did though. See previous post.>He advocated for peace and appeasement toward all and a general attitude of submission .That simply doesn't work.>Nobody is arguing for war. I am arguing for readinessYeah, he advocated for not getting in wars that don't involve us.Not submission or whatever you think.>you are an edgy aggressive arrogant little prick without even knowing me all under the cover of a not so certain anonimitywho gives a fuck? Why are you so emotional about a little banter? > Imagine a powerfull country taht knows exactly what you're made of.Sorry but that doesn't precipitate my balls into shrinking, I wish you ukraineans the best but couldn't care less.I'm for my good romanians not dying in useless wars,unless provoked.>Follow your leaders advice - be polite, you don't know who you're gonna stumble upon!Nah,he's not my leader and never will be, I'm my own leader and I say what's right and wrong in this corrupt primitive world however I feel necessary.
Sal prostilor, deci votam milei 2.0 sa dam afara bugetarii pan la urma>inb4 rust platit nazist fascist comunist globalist
>>489570906>under the cover of a not so certain anonimitythere is no anonimity in here,this is a honey pot,if you posted the glowniggers probably know who you are
>>489550387întrebare de genul>îți mai bați soția?
>>489571024alo handi, majoritatea usereilor au devenit bugetari atunci când au prins un loc la stat.
>>489571848Vreau si eu sa vand bilete 4 ore pe zi pt 5000 de lei pe luna
>>489572170literalmente useristii sunt muritori de foame care acum au devenit bugetari. lasconi și-a angajat concubinul pe post de consilier. că era șomer.https://newsweek.ro/investigatii/minciunile-prin-care-lasconi-explica-angajarea-sotului-somer-drept-consilier-usr-cu-7000-lei-salariu
>>489571735>cand ai incetat sa iti mai bati sotia?
>>489572084>nipples protrudingvery disrespectful
Not even /b/ has gibberish threads. /pol/ really has hit the absolute rock bottom
>>489572552pt asta votez Georgescu si daca pierde imi caut si eu o femeie de 50 de ani din partid sa prind si eu un job
>>489573949seethe jamal