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new truth nuke just dropped
Poles and Finns are still worse
Umm actually this is russian propaganda ok
Because like I dont like it pal!
You better stop or im going to sanction you for violating our heckin rules based democracy.
ammazzati terrone
Is this "transgender" in the room with you now?

Also Vatniks can't meme
>someone else noticed
Why these two countries in particular? I think if you banned them, probably no one would ever talk about Russia again.
Pepperoni macaroni, fucking retard
you shouldve put SERBI*NS
terrone lo dici a quel frocio di tuo padre, mohamed
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il giorno in cui vedrai il mondo a testa in giù ritardato

2021 newfags
I see you've never met a Lithuanian
You realize nobody reads your retard meatball language, right?

Remember to pay your dues to NATO, cucks.
Deep-seated leftover WW2 butthurt
Russian propaganda
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>Russian propaganda
>mutts have 0 self awareness
Yeah its not the foreigners constantly sucking russian cock 24/7 in endless threads thats insufferable.
Torna al tuo paese Bogdan
Yeah he's your father/mother
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what we have to do to win Poles?
but what did trans people ever do to you why not just let trans people live their lives? genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you
Why Finns?
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If only. Here's a hint:
This is the first time rock throw actually made me laugh out loud.
Reminder you call the baltic sea, your only swa, IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE, "the eastern sea" despite it being to your west because that's what swedes call it in swedish as it actually is to their east.
Basically, (1) you were such beasts that you didn't have a name for the baltic sea and just called it the big lake and (2) you were buckbroken by swedes so hard that you just translated the name, like many others, without adapting it and (3) you did so in an effort to get rid of swedish wordloans in finnic.
Lmao on all fronts.
Imagine getting called a newfag and getting so butthurt about it you go create a whole altchan to circlejerk about being a newfag and "why that's ok™"
The Ukrainian has only become relevant since 2 years ago and already so insufferable. With trannies it was gradual
Worst thread on pol right now
Why are you brown
Oink louder.
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Most Finflags here are hohol shills. And let's be frank, 98% of Finns are statist globohomo cocksuckers who parrot the current thing worse than the worst 'Murican democrats.
Not really
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MIGA tards tend to be the most insufferable. They complain and complain some more but when they're actual in office and are responsible they either don't do anything, infight inbetween each other, provide the most dumbest solutions to problems and give Israel everything they point at.
/lgbt/ vs /k/
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>Muh nazis

So you are admitting that you're Jewish?
non sarai mai un tedesco, ambrogino
Kek saved
I'm a properly (canonically) baptized orthodox Christian, I wear a silver cross and go to church from time to time (not for sermons, though). Tryharder.
Hitler killed Slavs and specifically Russians, who he considered "contaminated" by Jewry, so the Nazis go fuck themselves.
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Piggers and their Westoid cheerleaders, the nafotroons, ruined the Stalker 2 release
Game is indiscussable because any criticism has become an attack on Urine itself
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Okay so you're both jew lovers then. Gotcha.
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>Is this "transgender" in the room with you now?
god i wish
Thanks for opening my eyes. Now I support the Jew controlling Ukraine, the Jews controlling the US, and of course every single Jew in Israel. I wish every Christian in Ukraine just dies.

unrelated, but why is Israel sending weapons to Ukraine, and Russia sending weapons to Iran? Asking for a friend.
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most polak and finn flags are actually hohol draft dodgers
Are the ukrainians really the issue or the insufferable faggots that support them instead?
trans "people" lmao what a joke
The dumb Dane doesn't realise that you don't have to choose between two kinds of shit.
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