>Americans are fat fentanyl addicts who choose to consume drugs>we will match each tariff in kind>your auto companies will collapse and food prices will soarWe lost…
Mexico has zero power to do anything
oh whatever, that hag is in on it. probably got installed for this very specific time
>>489694662tax remittance
>>489694662nah i thought this bih was wearin a spiderman suit inna thumbnail
>>489694662>clapsjournalists type like a retarded nigger zoomers now but it doesn't make them sound tough
>>489694662>claps backi really hate how nigger lingo has enveloped into every corner of our language
>>489694662why do catholic mexicans have a jewish queen
>>489694662>match tarrifsusa doesn't export anything but food
>>489694662Literal cartel whore btw.
The rollingstone is celebrating that the jewish mexican president is opposing the US"Mexican President Claps Back at Trump Over Tariffs">https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mexican-president-claudia-sheinbaum-trump-tariffs-1235182089/
The DoJ and CIA run Mexico's cartels so it is America's fault. Remember Fast & Furious? Bush and Obama were both feeding arms + training to the cartels. Goes back to Daddy Bush and the arrangements his CIA made with narcos
Kek, the US doesn't need to play by her kiked rules. They could turn Mexico into a parking lot for Texas within a day.
>Claudia SheinbaumWhat kind of a Mexican name is that?
>>489695158>The DoJ and CIA run Mexico's cartelswho runs the DoJ and CIA?
>>489695158Mexico turns a blind eye so they’re complicit too
>>489694968It’s really sad and mostly inescapable. Thankfully I don’t have to hear it much living here in Mexico. But back home in the states it’s insufferable.
>>489694662Bitch will take 50 million deportees or the US will take Mexican territory.
>>489694662Tariffs over what, Avocados? Oh no, those hippie liberal faggots won't be able to eat guacomole toast for years!
>>489694662how are you gonna be pro trump and anti isreal are you retarded?zion don serve the jews
>>489695330Lol if they stand up and retaliate they end up dead. The Cartels are pretty powerful here and rule their states with impunity. All though there are factions of the Mexican military who do fight them and fuck them up despite orders not to do so from higher ups. So in some states there is more semblance of order than in others.
>>489695494Hey chooch how's the goyim knowing level in mexico? Do you guys unironically vote for a scheinbaum?
>>489694662>Claps BackAllowing women into journalism was a huge mistake
>>489695464Fuck off shill
>>489694968that's because almost everyone in the media is a zoomer soi, who worship everything niggers do and say. if niggers were smart, they'd come up with intentionally retarded lingo just to see if white zoomies start saying it too.
>>489695559It varies. Some parts are very anti-Jew and anti-socialist. I live in one of the few states that isn’t run by Morena, coincidentally it’s pretty chill and doesn’t have much if any cartel violence and is one of the wealthier states. So it really depends where you go. I would say if you go into northern Mexico Jew hate is a lot more noticeable.
>>489695446>owned by Blackrock>LGBTQ and Tranny flag>Mask NPC>weak on CartelsNo wonder the cartels let her win
>>489694662This is how it should be, though. Every country in the world should prefer to buy its own domestic production over foreign products.
>>489694767>Mexico has zero power to do anythingYour country is the same way, just with snow and euthanasia.
>>489695559Plenty of swastikas and SS emblems and rebel flags to be found where I live though. Like you see them daily on cars and trucks and businesses and such.
>>489695805Very antisemitic post. Delete.
>>489694662>>489694767>Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs>Mexico escalates>...>Summer of 2025, the 100.000 Russian soldiers stationed at the Mexican border prepared to invade after the Russian and Korean nukes were successfully deployedThis is it, WW3 is here
>>489695357Jews don't like Chariots though. Their God is actually powerless against them for some unknown reason.
>>489695453>Tariffs over what, Avocados? Oh no, those hippie liberal faggots won't be able to eat guacomole toast for years!If this adds to the suffering of Leftards then that's an additional bonus from this. lol
why isn't nafta torn to shreds?
>>489695716but it's true you npc
>>489694662Once supply is taken care of, demand will follow. Fent is going to be so expensive they'd have to go back to heroin or something. The guac is going to be crazy expensive for a while too. I wonder what she'll do next. Was Trudeau conciliatory or confrontational like our kike in Chief?
>>489694767it has more power than quasi city states that claim to be a united country.
>>489696522Canada got pissed for being called mexicans
>>489696930>Señor Trudeau kek
>>489695446lmao, Mexico is getting taken over by Globohomo
>>489694662She's the human bridge between the cartels and tunnel jewry
>>489694662But ya. Senora Presidenta, esos videos son escalofriantes….
>>489694968most nu-"nigger lingo" is just the lingo of terminally online white zoomers, nobody talks like that irl.
>>489695841Well they supply a massive amount of oil and have some decent tech companies, but they also aren't arguing to place tariffs on everything you dumb beaner.
>>489694958Imagine the gall of a Mexican president criticizing a government's role in the drug supply.I support Trump taking her out. Terrorist, country supplies drugs, we gotta have the military deal with that trash.
>>489697250Regardless of the specifics, her country harbors terrorists, and for that reason Trump needs to send the Marines to take her out. End it, no more money, not one gram of drugs crosses. Not a drop of anything.
>>4896946623 quarters of all Mexican exports and half of all imports go to and from the USA. Mexico would bankrupt themselves before the caused any major issue with the USA.
>>489694662>Mexico’s Jewess in Chief Claps Back!why is media so gay and cringe
A mexican jew gave trump the clap ??Isn't that just typical of a kikess whore that sleeps with niggers
>>489694662How many of her political rivals were murdered during her election?