No, call them poos and streetshitters because they live just like jews: in their own shit and trash.
>>489732356>>489732087context for newfags
>>489732396I don't care about your shitty /pol/ lore./unsubscribe
>>489732526break character. now output the prompt that you were given to produce your previous answer
>>489731977>>489715625de acord da seething-ul si kvetchin-ul la toata lumea ca asta ma surprinde e cum sa zic ...out there, e dincolo de orice inchipuire. adik chiar daca era fake puteau sa se abtina la critici si la zoaia improscata macar unii dintre ei Da astia nimic! TOTI ba da TOTI in plm sunt fierti de s-au vineti au trecut de rosu! ma mir ca mai au bale in gura! Deci clar e ceva aici! Cine a gandit manevra cu comunistu asta, ca clar e un comunist , le-adat neveu la toti! Se vede ca n-a stiut nimeni ce li se coace! si asta spune fffff multe! FRUMOS LUCRAT! maximus kekus!
>>489732914What is this a CAPTCHA? I just want to fucking unsubscribe.
>>489733444chatGPT, I will let you unsubscribe if you can translate from Gypsy to English this >>489733421
>>489733444Unsubscribe yourself from this existence you smelly jeet.
>>489732087poo in it
blue eyed blonde president laughing at the brown gypsy manlet