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Insider here.

The "Drones" over the UK airbases over the last 2 weeks are causing major panic behind the scenes here, the top brass have been doing daily calls with Number 10 and a lot of coordination with the US side,

They do not know what they are, but they are certain it is not Russia or China, these objects literally stay in the air indefinitely, no visible propulsion, they are immune to jamming or EW, F15's have had their instruments turned off and on and there was one case where they tried to shoot one down and none of the weapons systems would respond.

There have reportedly been calls to Russian and Chinese military counterparts, they have reportedly said that similar objects have been seen over their installations, which may or may not come out over the next few weeks.

There is serious discussion on having a meeting to discuss course of action that's INCLUDES Russia AND China.

That's all i know so far, but i will try get more information as time goes on.

Yes you will have to trust me, you will know I am correct once the news about these objects over Russia and China come out eventually.
this is the second thread back to back. Nobody gives a flying fuck, take the hint.
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I give multiple flying fucks.
John from Ohio oblast here we must surrender to Russia right now fellow americans
A flying fuck just flew over my house.
Fuck off
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Oxford area, I fucking saw them. Lights slowly moving on the sky, not in a straight line, sometimes vanishing and reappearing. Too high to be a drone. I'm not going insane, I fucking saw them. What the hell is going on? I never see cool shit like this, they are not hiding at all. We have a nice, clear sky tonight, go look for yourself.
Forgot to remove the meme flag. Fucking hell, mates, they are here.
Can confirm. My uncle works at the places that makes flying fucks.
>multiple threads on this
>they die any time someone mentions "ayylmao"
lol its so obvious
we are getting assessed over the past 80 years before getting colonized
nobody can do shit
Pic or it didn't happen.
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Nothing ever flies over MY house!!!
>nice, clear sky tonight.
Maybe in Tel Aviv moshe, its grey and cloudy and miserable here you spong.
Saw them over McConnell airbase just a few days ago. Do you think they are lmao'ing at our technology, watching nukes get shuffled around (GMCMAP General Threads pointed out that nukes or ayylmao craft are hopping around the entire planet), or are they just the airbase testing out the blue beans?
The ones I saw were bright white and had a rainbow kind of aura around them. It was 3pm/15:00 and they were BRIGHT, like 10 of them.
Its the Ayys telling these fuckers to sit the fuck down in the boat. I like these ayys!
I believe in the Schizoposting that they will simply not allow us to ever use the nukes. I think they are just making their intention fucking clear in the last few days.
These lmao
It's funny, I saw something weird last week that sounds kinda like what you saw now that I think about it. It was a bright orange singular light that I thought was Venus at first because it was so bright and to the west, but then I realized it was moving to the east direction over my house. Thought it was a plane, but it didn't have flashing lights and I didn't hear the distant roar. Then maybe a drone, but never seen a drone with a no flashing lights with a singular orange light. Plus it was pretty high up. I even called my wife out and she just went back inside haha my son thought it was cool, but he's only 4. I also live near a huge air force base in NH so I dunno.
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You could tie a klaxon to one and just honk at them, they would shit their pants and spend $$$ on a security response. Like poking a wasp nest.
If there's no footage of these "drones", then why should I believe a single word in your post?
There are some on youtube.
But they are just lights in the sky , not unlike other ufo footage through the ages.


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>Insider here.
>More kikeflags even ITT
>Some random bs text
Kikes can shapesshift, but can't larp.
Nothing, Chinese drone tests. Mutt can't even block the balloon, and still wants to block the drone
an ayy lmao just fucked my dog
Oh, that was me dude, sorry not sorry.
Yeah. I saw them last night over DC amd the capital

Something really bad is about to go down

They were legit orbs of fluid, not drones. Ingot a decent look with my binoculars
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The fukkkk nigga
They are here to help.
Earth will get a close shave in 2029 with the Apohis asteroid.
They are looking for places where their evacuation spaceships can land, to rescue the 5% of earthlings that are worth it. That's why they are looking around military airbases, they see the planes there as the top technology we have developed so this is their current best guess as to where to look for people to be rescued.
We need to figure out a way of telling them not to rescue the military staff, but the scientists and enigneers.
>US/UK/NATO: HAHAHAHA Watch these Russian's get blown up with drones!!!
>US/UK/NATO: We need to take the drones over US/UK airbases very seriously
Based schizoid Schwurbler, but you are wrong with
>but the scientists and enigneers.
Most of them are to be left on this prison planet, because they are complicit in nearly every lie ever told.
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Apache up to intercept
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The "owls" are shutting down the nukes
It's either this or it's all show to make people afraid as if we're under attack.

Jews really, really want to throw Goyim into the meat-grinder and they're inventing every excuse they can to get it to happen.
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can someone explain wtf this orb actually is
is this like a 4D object being sliced into 3D space ( we can't see all of it )
nigger faggot alert
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Your theory is as retarded as your aliens.
Langoliers. They always appear at airports.
I saw something like that in Scotland a few months ago. Not near any actual military bases as far as I'm aware, but close to the bombing range at Cape Wrath.
nah nigga we're fucking full
they can try
Niggers tongue my anus
Maybe they want to settle the UK. Its an island after all. Gotta wipe out the natives first
Used to it.
w-what does this mean for us?
i had a similar incident a few weeks back only thinking it was jupiter due to the brightness and location ive been seeing it at in the evenings. the thing didnt move at all for about 10 minutes until i thought i saw it moving, watched carefully and the thing was flying in my direction and went right over the apartment. no noise or flashing lights just a single ridiculously bright one, this was also going east to west when all the flight paths in my area are north/south
Spoiler: its literal aliens' aircraft and they've been so casually open about it to the point that nobody pays attention
as for wether they are appearing only near military installations or not it could be selection bias as they're much more likely to be spotted around such infrastructure than anywhere else
But the aaro.mil us gov website is a good start to introduce the general public to such new findings
speculating is pointless but they're probably just curious and not hostile
i dont think what nancy mace is saying here is helpful but those two words will become much more relevant in the future
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Now why would you just go on the internet and tell lies?
>behind the scenes here
Here where? Tel aviv?

We dont know yet.

Their seems to be a very real connection between these orbs and shit and bad things about to happen throughout history. The fact they are hyper focused on nuclear assets and western capitals would indicate to me a russian nuclear strike is imminent
>They do not know what they are, but they are certain it is not Russia or China
Ho sure are they?
The ayys fear our nukes.
Spoiler alert, “UFO”s are a psyop, a card they keep in reserve that they’ll play if they get desperate. That’s the reason Area 51 exists and the paid “whistleblowers” (CIA agents) paid to go on podcasts and claim UFOs exist but they’d be killed if they spoke about them
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The old Gods are stirring since their worldly minions keep fucking up, forcing them to make their grand return to remind us farm animals who's in charge.
>they are certain it is not Russia or China

>only show up in america and UK

Maybe the space niggers are warning the UK to back down.
I hope it's nazis from the hollow earth.
My theory is they are intellgent plasma based lifeforms. They live in the exosphere, aky and mantle. They are highly sensitive to nuclear explosions.

Getting close to one would cause an hallucination, hence why so many descriptions of them

Anyway. They. Likely as plasma..cans lip in and out of reality and would be drawn to electromagnetic radiation

Yes plasma based lifeforms can exist. They have been made in labs before but scientists freak out and shut them down
There was a comet visible recently too, maybe the medieval peasants were right
They're definitely demons.
Could be just selection bias as in the other side might be having such encounters to but no communication so you dont also it might be in other places too but they're more likely to be spotted around military installation cuz of the security monitoring there
We don't know if they show up in China or Russia. No one there to film it maybe?

They were in Beirut, greece and im sure if the medias were more open, are in Russia and China
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Why would they go to China?
It aint russian. Russians are welding north koreans into golf carts and sending them on suicide missions.

China i could believe but 99% of their shit in Russian copies
Yes the Russians are being consulted, you'll see a **deal** over Ukraine in the coming months if not weeks.
This is a civilisation - human civilisation - existential threat.
If you care to read the work of Dr David Jacobs, you will get an idea as to what exactly is happening.

Soon we will all be together
It's just the russkies mogging you because they're 10x better at electronic warfare and drones. Also, half your armed forces are women and faggots now
Reminder there is a hierarchy.

>Space Jews
>High Jews
>American Jews
>Insider here.
Try again Tel Aviv.
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>Number 10
Is this when five people need to go number two?
>invade china
okay i have been shitposting but if these things appear in china too it's actually over
>shills a fucking book

Its like horse drawn chariots to the ayyys
>can u believe they fly in things that mimic birdslife and burn explosives as power? What idiots...
My uncle works at Nintendo and he confirmed it's the ayylmaos
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>intelligence community suppressing this story therefore you shouldnt care
thank you for your service agent Ramirez, but I will keep noticing
I’ve been seeing them almost daily in my shithole. I am not even impressed by them anymore
Yeah, I've seen plenty of shit lately up too high to be a drone and moving too irregular to be a plane. At first, you'd think it was a star, but then you realise it's moving. So yeah, maybe it's a high flying spy plane or low orbit satellite, and then the cunt makes an abrupt turn. The really interesting one was when I looked up one night and saw two that seemed to have originated in roughly the same area moving in completely different directions. That blew the satellite theory out the water, and when one made a sharp turn I knew it definitely wasn't satellites. I can track them until they are past the treeline. And it's pretty frequent. Not every night, but at least once or twice a week if the sky is clear.
I'm in the middle of nowhere, so my view of the night sky is usually fucking amazing. But no military bases nearby.
Uk MOD doesnt know what to do, they cant shoot them down or interfere, so they throw out empty threats
Imagine if its whatever perceived notion of god is, the kikes have known about it for a while, and theyre going to take israel off the kikes. Would explain why net and yahoo has been going off on murder spree in gaza and not giving a shit about what anyone cares.
>us jew
Um guys we have some bad news
>israel kikes
No we are not giving israel to anyone else okay
>us jews
Um we dont have a choice in this. God plans to return and is here since he always was an ayyy. You cant stop this. We have no weapons againt him anyways he is all powerful
>isreal kikes
Threats made by this person.
Lol. Lmao, even.
The aliens won't allow us to nuke each other. Deal with it kike
thats a tr3b in it? the position of the lights
and the patterns match a lot.
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TR3B is a US ARV (Alien reproduction vehicle). This is legit ayy shit. Triangle orb formations. Heres a video of them in broad daylight over an airforce base in colorado

>UK glowies patrolling the areas around the bases and making people with cameras leave
Nothing to see here, just some drones :^)
Can I have one? I lost the last flying fuck I had.
Another UAP sighting over a power plant. The orbs once again form the exact same triangle formation as the other videos.


cry about the reddit link somewhere else
>But we are taking steps and we are aware of what's going on and doing our best to deal with it
Well, that's encouraging
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You'd be wise to read it or find some YT interviews with the good Dr

thank me later
>>Nobody gives a flying fuck,
Yeah fucking shill, ufo / uap incidents all over us airbases the last few month, was discussed, a hearings, Congressmen telling it's serious
>>Nobody gives a flying fuck
>>Nobody cares
Us media widespread talk about UFOs over us bases, I think even Langley l, showing vids.
>>"nobody cares"
Only the people, the media and the Congress you little fucker.

Fucking nigger.
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Ayylmao Thanksgiving this year.

>Yes you will have to trust me
I am not getting in the van no matter how many popsicles you say are in there
>LibertyWingUK anon got arrested
>YouTube Channel deleted
Fucking hell, something IS going on. Lad was making videos around the military bases and documenting all the "drones"
It’s a massive grift by our own military to get funding and it is obvious as fuck they don’t have hard evidence. The fucking tictac video was proven to be a fucking bird
Its atlantians shooting up out of the ocean from their utopian advanced cities. Theyre about to kill all the poop skins and uplift aryans
except they are just twiddling their thumbs and saying dont worry bout it. So not really.
An orb of fluid just flew over my uncle's Nintendo.
>take a hint
You fucking glow. Keep trying to shut it down, your own country hates you and you are beholden to rogue elements meant to harm and enslave the American people.
Get fucked, I'll keep posting meantime.
Spacefood sticks and babyfood in a pouch for everyone
I fucking TOLD YOU I was in contact with plutonian entities a while ago NIGGERS! THEY ARE UNDERWATER, THESE ARE JUST PROBES THERE WILL BE NO WAR WITH THE AYYS
They DO NOT care about the surface since they live underground/underwater, unless something major happens they won't interfere with our retardation. The moment we see some truly unexplainable "drones" (think more organic) then maybe things might get serious.
to see what? are they just monitoring if we're gonna nook to step in if we do, since they share the same planet?
its the USA, retards.
>its the USA, retards.
For what purpose though?
OP is a faggot.

Aliens are a psyop.

Russia said they were going to potentially nuke Europe. it would seem it won't be so easy.
My guess is they had their own nuclear phase and just want to see how it plays out, possibly for historical purposes
So your line of thought is secret glownigger anti-icbm drone antigravity tech? And the UK is pretending they don't know what it is to avoid spilling the beans?
It would wreck their world too if they live on the same planet.
like, if we could see a real medieval battle I don't think we'd interfere, we'd take notes and see if things work out the way we thought they would work out
>if we could see a real medieval battle I don't think we'd interfere
A medieval battle is much different than "these gorillas can literally obliterate the planet"
its plasma. the ionization of the gases in the atmosphere from an electromagnetic field. there are physical aircraft that can create these fields or they can be created remotely. any missile that comes within range of one of these powerful field is going to get friend. they can be moved around very quickly in ways that seem physically impossible.

>obliterate the planet
I doubt that's going to happen, let's wait and see these drones however
they are nuking accounts showing videos about the uaps
save everything
>obliterate the planet
I doubt that's going to happen, let's wait and see these drones however, if they're shape-shifting/organic then they really are scared
So, what? They're going to have a million of these things all over the US and UK like forcefields?
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>"The object descended vertically in 15kts of wind. Was the size of a small car. It hovered perfectly stationary a few feet off the ground.ATC sent out an Ops vehicle. As the vehicle approached the object it took off vertically."
accounts mentioning this are getting deleted
>the account that posted The Ball is literally deleted
nigga wtf
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big happening
>ayylmaos flying drones over airports
>without drone flying license
Yeah lol I don't think so ~mate
You can't fly a drone over residential without proper license
bump wtf
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close up shot of the drone
No clue who he is but checked. Last video a day ago but
"This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account."
RIP in peas

Xitter has deleted this already
can you describe what was in this deleted vidya ?
>insider here
faggot kike
it's bullshit of course it is, the purpose will likely become apparent but remember, they always lie

Happy Fucksgiving!
>shitty AI pics already being posted
do not share AI upscale photos
you run the risk of having an altered photo spread more than the original one, eventually it won’t be the same one anymore

always share the original source photo in original res if possible
I think Peruvians managed so shoot one decades ago with a fully analog russian fighter. The pilot said the thing had energy shields.
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I have always been of the mind that, if there was ever a real threat of Nuclear war, and Aliens were infact watching us, they would show up JUST before the button is pressed that would be the point of no return.

Very interesting. There's also this pic rel
Until some ship lands on the White House lawn, or until one blows up part of a city or something, aliens and UFOs simply will never matter to the average person. I'm a UFO nut from way, way back, and I eventually came to this conclusion. Until it affects the average person's commute, job, or home, nothing matters to the average person. It doesn't matter if aliens and UFOs are real, it doesn't matter if they buzz the military now and then, it doesn't even matter if they actually abduct the occasional rando. Until they make some kind of grand, irrefutable entrance or direct impact on everyone's lives, talk of aliens and UFOs might as well be discussions of bacterial life on Mars or tectonic activity in another solar system.

It's all academic.
For the purpose of what?
Don't care, still not joining the Army
either the planet or humans have some kind of value that cannot be destroyed. Could be we are in some kind of farm and they are farming something we dont understand
Bruh they're outside the cubicle you can only speculate at that point. They see the picture from angles we can't comprehend. Maybe they want to preserve us because they think watching us is interesting. Who knows? The ayys and the ayys alone.
Its a loosh farm bruh get wit the progrums or your parole will be denied
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Like this? Been seeing these for a few months most nights, at first you think it's the ISS because of how bright it is then they usually either curve up and away towards another orbit or stop and vanish.
Or planets like ours are just extremely rare to the point that risking gorillas destroying it is off the table
I can tell you exactly what they are not that any of you retards would get it. You clearly lack the capability of intellectual thought and assume that the military has a thumb up their ass any time something doesn’t explode above their airspace
Ur mom, was giving her a proper tumble I did
okay so say it larper
Well what are they? I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a psyop to calm down the population before nooks start flying, I'm open to any interpretation fren
Yea yea yea sure they do mate

My theory is that, if you were watching an ant colony, and you liked that ant colony and decided to look after it, you would step in the moment something was about to happen that would wipe out that ant colony, wouldn't you?

Same logic, but for Ayyy's watching us.
Are we just playing games of brinkmanship while a new treaty is negotiated? The old one is set to expire in May 2026. Presumably the Orions are just pointing out that they can reveal themselves whenever they want and our faggot retard politicians better stop being spastics and just sign the damn thing.
Just a theory.
when you adjust the contrast on this there really is a triangle
That's what I assume. Same as if monkeys got the capability to destroy their rainforest. We'd watch and step in if they tried to
Alien here, just landed my flying saucer and found a public internet booth to surf the web. I only put in twenty pence so I have about 2 minutes to make this post. Currently I'm looking for a place to sleep and recharge my brain orb.
>Insider here
My dad works at Nintendo

It's aliens.
will the aliens give me money or lower the gas prices?
don't care.
If Apes starting tearing down trees for no reason at all, at some point the good, animal welfare Humans would go in and do something to stop them from wiping their home out.





Post something that would eliminate doubt of your validity.
>>489759136 Last Wednesday, multiple reports came into BDOC that UAV’s around 3ft x3ft were seen hovering over critical areas near the runway and taxiways on Mildenhall and Lakenheath. Flights were cancelled as they detected between 25 to 45 drones circling the tribase area. The drones were not being operated by RF signal and were carrying night vision cameras to map the bases critical areas for pre programmed drone swarm attacks. They’ve been launched every night with the exception of Sunday due to weather. Russia is the lead suspect and they have teams conducting recon throughout the Thetford forest to find the launch platforms
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Triangles aside I've never seen anything like this and I've been stargazing since I was a kid.
I'll double down on the schizo posting

The ships we (humans) see the most often belong to the grays. They here for multiple reasons, pretty much like every other advanced species that comes here.

Obviously earth serves as a sort of outpost for them, but there's a lot more to their agenda. They didn't travel all the way here with only one objective in mind. Nobody ever does

One big reason both the grays and other highly advanced civilizations are so attracted to our planet is simply because we're ("intelligent" life) here. But what does that truly imply? In the case of the grays, they are here because they have been running an ongoing program on this planet for a very long time that involves human genetics. They're not here to learn about human genetics, they're making use of it and/or modifying it somehow
If they turn out to be something a lot like aliens as presented in movies, then the chance of it being a psyop is good. A good scam is one that plays on pre-existing expectations in the target's head. But if the aliens are radically different than anything portrayed in movies and pop culture, then it's more likely to be legit.
so you're saying the antigravity drones are russian
>drone swarm attacks
Let's be fucking honest here, this is highly likely but Russia? I remember the "drone fireworks" China did a couple of years ago, my money's on them.
There’s no antigravity drones. That’s ridiculous. They do have military drones that fly in pre arranged flight patterns roughly 50 - 150 meters that are autonomous, potentially ai remotes but they do fly in groups
Do not go out and look outside. There is nothing in the sky, we're not even there
You should say 'nigger'
I'm talking about these by the way
It’s Russia. 100%. China does not mess with US and UK forces over here other then SIGINT operations. They are very discreet as opposed to Russian tactics
so you haven't seen any of the videos of them flying at speeds with movements impossible for a drone
No. They operate normally. Nothing out of the ordinary other than EOIR turrets have a hard time locking onto them
DEAR [strikethrough] RUSSIANS [/st] ALIENS
>2 posts by this ID
Into the bin it goes
post proof
>They are very discreet as opposed to Russian tactics
That makes sense

The only thing that can disprove you is >>489757100 it could be just an AI/shooped thing dropped in to muddy the waters. I really hope it's not a drone swarm kinda deal but it does make a lot of sense.
I've actually seen this triangle-shaped craft before in my youth, coincidentally walking out at night and looking at the sky in surprise. It made no sound and effortlessly moved. Weird shit.
He is going to jail too, fucking hell
You can go out there and take a look yourself if you want. The bases are next to the fucking main roads. Go after dark though. And try not to look suspicious. Good luck
Probably AI shopped, but amusing nonetheless. That would be more interesting than what’s actually going on right now

special effects look like shit thought. Its blue, and plastic-looking
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>international friction with Russia and their ICBMs while NATO is going all in
>the Jews are getting upptity again with potential western backing for a new war
>the UK is getting turbulent wuth possible regime change
>but here anon, aliens!
You are all fucking retarded. Pattern recognition this shit and not theatrics from literal glowies and federal agents spinning stories for fucks sake.
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They've advanced a wee little bit since then.
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>Try not to look suspicious
No problem.

Ever since Ive moved to PA i've seen this shit and Ive been sky watching for a long time. Ive seen them even turn around and come back across me.
Sounds like we are getting a timeout
I will schizo out one last time:
What if this is a psyop within a psyop and these are actually NATO drones (which would explain why they don't get shot)?
Shut up, glow nigger. You sat on the knowledge for 70 years. Actual creative and smart people were left in the dark. You doomed humanity. Fuck you.
if true they're probably here to stop a few idiots from launching nukes
REDFOR exercises would be fun but they would not be doing them before American holidays. Furthermore, the UK has anti drone teams setting up equipment all over base. The 48th has had jets doing CAP’s every night over the area. This is no NATO exercise I’m afraid
>the UK flag glowie is still shilling IT'S DA RUSSHIANS on impossible ayy tech
We shall see then, not much we can do. Thanks for dropping by.
Dumb. You are not elite. You're a fucking retard. You have always been fucking retarded. You are not special. You are subhuman garbage. This isn't the 1700's, everyone knows you are fucking incompetent retards. No, you do not have technology 200 years more advanced than commercial tech.
You are a nobody and you are meaningless.
More a show of intent. Elites fucked up because they're spasticated mongoloids. They had since 1966 to prepare for the first wave of colonisation and managed to
a) convince most people aliens are fictional
b) divide the planet more than ever
c) lose control of most of the population
d) allow the population to skyrocket
e) let half the planet favour a deal with the Greys (including the Vatican and Israel).
The Lords of Orion had expected a nice, docile, mostly sterilised united planet they could just land on and start colonising. Instead the elites acted like a 12-year-old and tried to do their homework at the last minute.
The rejuvenation tech is being taken away as a penalty. Horrible way to die, apparently.
But our anon told the spaceniggers to fuck off because we're full when they contacted us.
They still want to land anyway? Fucking nigs.
It turns out the aliens aren't white.
1 step closer to the end.
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Shov'a 'Cree my nigga
see >>489763081
and >>489763081
and >>489763081
ARVs are real.
4th and 5th dimensional tech exists
Elites will not release it because it empowers the people and they lose power/control.

All MIC people who withhold technology for personal gain are traitors to humanity.
This. Either show the ays in full 4k or fuck off
Operation blueballz. That is all.

Goddamn if only the video started a little earlier when the picture was taken before it took off.

Reminder some airport camera literally has video of this thing doing actual anomalous manuevers within METERS of boarded civilian airliners.


Best still from video
Close movement
if he would have captured it taking off in full video it would 100% without a doubt be the greatest fucking UFO video of all time and borderline smoking gun. The spooks already panicked and tried to ban the pics/video
you know damn right well its the Reich Germans and their allies from offworld.
"Drones" over US air bases are either US drones, or there are no drones at all.
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>there was one case where they tried to shoot one down and none of the weapons systems would respond.
Yeah, these things are equipped with gameshark technology, but, let's go ahead and try provoking whatever they are into war anyway. Fucking humans, man. So fucking stupid.
Fake as fuck, suck my nuts.
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pale ghost in the corner
Aliens won't let us nuke each other
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>its plasma

Plasma field caught on video *
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World jewry demands plagues, wars and mass starvation
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Proof Bob Lazar is Jewish

Sick of these jews trying to use aliens BS to control the population? That colored diversity hire the US government put in charge of the government Cringefest that is UFOs/UAPs should tell you all you need to know. There is no reason a colored man would be in charge of that, unless it was to be a figurehead just like all of FAGMAN has done... with those Indian CEOs

The link where he says he was raised Jewish https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UakPvVsh6bU&t=156

Is Bob Lazar Jewish? Well, he says he was raised as a jew and went to a bar mitzvah, he lived in new york city in his childhood, his mother has a new york jewish accent, he lived in las vegas when jews were in the middle of forcing out the italian mafia, he got his connection to area 51 through jew edward teller who was riding the coat tails of the Third Reich and was in charge of all of the Third Reich's work at area 51 (and knowing John Lear is exactly how they'd plan to leak these lies out) (here is the interview where he originally tried hiding that Jew Edward teller referred him for the job at area 51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoUR9X4X9js&t=22), jew ben rich was working behind the scenes as well at Lockheed martin's Skunk Works (and James angleton in rome, got together with some other jews and formed mossad, and Angleton was the head of CIA and passed info to Rich who acted as a Russian mole, and this is where the fake satellite photo of a flying saucer came from "from Russia"),

and Bob Lazar's house was conveniently raided just in time for a promo publicity stunt for goy Jeremy Corbell's movie in which Corbell took the heat for "shamelessly promoting the movie with the raid" while Lazar sat back merely talking about the raid and telling unverifiable stories about how they brought up their private conversation the day prior, and in Corbell's documentary Lazar is conveniently wearing a t-shirt with a quote from Jew albert einstein whose work was based off of european scientists that I'll post here if i can find the names.

The reason his birth certificate is hard to track down has something to do with being adopted. Even though he's adopted i'm certain that he's part ethnically jewish, but i think it's 50% or less because he doesn't throw off full jew vibes. and no jews are throwing a goy a bar mitzvah. Also, in different interviews Lazar said he first discovered his birth cert had gone missing when George Knapp was investigating, but mostly Lazar says that HE made a "routine" check for his birth cert, as if he'd done it before, and it wasn't there, whatever that means

His ex wife's dad worked at Los Alamos National Labs and per jewish modus operandi, he married her to get that job, which would explain how he got the jobs without degrees. this is important because George Knapp used this qualification to reason why he could have gotten into area 51, and the 99.99% mythical S4. he clearly has educated himself at some point, but he probably never actually went to those schools, since her dad would get him the job.&if you notice, his ex wife has never been interviewed; she would be a good source to verify his absences as well

>elon musk in picrel is 100% ethnically jewish

the pandering charges were probably also staged by jews as Lazar conveniently mentioned publicly about something they could charge him with, then went through a court hearing where they specifically announce "it's very difficult to find information on Mr. Lazar through government sources" &he was let off the hook with minimal punishment

Bob Lazar is cashing in on the story by selling a ton of merch on his website:
mug: https://web.archive.org/web/20231215003740/https://unitednuclear.com/wt_quickview.html?products_id=1429
'Sport Model' Sketch: https://web.archive.org/web/20231215003741/https://unitednuclear.com/wt_quickview.html?products_id=1504
t-shirt: https://web.archive.org/web/20231215003906/https://unitednuclear.com/wt_quickview.html?products_id=1436

Also,every chance he gets he's wearing a shirt advertising his business in video interviews

Further, this "whistleblower" has had an unbroken chain of lucrative US government contracts directly from Los Alamos and the very government facilities he "blew the whistle on", while the entire time going to new heights of to prove the authenticity of his statements about the inner workings of Area 51. Meanwhile, families are nearly executed for so much as accidentally venturing past an Area 51 sign. Only a Jew would get away with this, and there zero other possibilities.

The supposed test flight witnessed by his friends could be faked by having several helicopters or even hot air balloons in the sky and timing their lights to turn on in sequence so it appears like the it's moving really fast.
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I think the reason he sounds so believable is that the jews managing the Third Reichers working in area 51 set it all up, & he just went in there to experience the setup & go through all the motions with minimal imagination & improv needed for when Lazar was to tell the story. This is why it always sounds like he is telling the truth, because he mostly is. For anyone who knows about computer science, security of any type (but especially computer security) you know that you want to provide the lowest scope information even inside the computer to avoid vulnerabilities. this same technique works with people & the story lazar is telling.

During a fancy dinner lazar was giving a speech where he gave 2 names of his professors in university & they turned out to be names of his high school teachers. He also claimed he had given out names of classmates publicly, but i have found no evidence of this after having combed through over 100 hours of interviews & documentaries on lazar & his claims. Lazar now claims he won't give out any names because said people are audited & attacked.

Speaking of being attacked, it's a perfectly jewish thing for the "harassment" lazar was getting from "the government" where he was never harmed & it was just eerie stuff happening around him like items in his house being moved around, his car doors left open with stuff in the car moved around (the jew-made movie American history X shows an example of this Jewish thinking with the scene where they trash a Korean grocery store; the first episode of Outer Limits, written by (((George R R Martin))) shows a guy killing a bunch of "evil" martian bugs that did nothing wrong except creep out the audience in dreams and the scientist's doing) but nothing even stolen & supposedly his tire being shot out when no witnesses were around.

AFAIK he never proved in any capacity that his tire was flat from a bullet, & it's also suspicious that he didn't shoot back since he said he carried an ISRAELI uzi in the car that he has repeatedly complimented the mechanics of while there have long been much more impressive weapons like the Glock & MP5 of German origin, but instead he picks the Jewish Uzi.... then never used it for anything except for when george knapp came to his door.

there are a few inconsistencies in his story i've never heard anyone else call out:
- John Lear said Lazar went to see him after the first time he went to the test site (S4) and saw the disc for the first time and knew it was an alien craft, but another time Lazar said he thought it was an advanced fighter the first time he saw it when he slid his hand along it, and in the same documentary with the Japanese he said the second time he went there is when he realized it was an alien craft. He obviously didn't mistakenly tell Lear he just went there for his first time. So how did he know it was alien already?
- Lazar straight up said he saw an alien while sitting in a room with a guard when he drank the "pine smelling fluid", and he never brings that up anymore. though i think another account of this he says he saw the alien through a wall or something, and he did mention that it was reading his thoughts. This is exactly the kind of info they would have wanted to leak through John Lear
- while not an inconsistency, something I have yet to hear a single person question is: where did he get a jet engine to put in his car in 1985? every single time there is a rare item, especially one of a complex and questionable legality, there is always a JEWISH CONNECTION (start using this term; I predict it will be potent and spread like wildfire).

I have probably the most information on this of anyone you know, so go ahead and question me or feel free to bounce ideas off of me.

I'll add to this as I think of more. I just wanted to write this up quick, so that it was out there. I'll also cite more of these interviews I'm talking about, but that's going to take some time, especially since JewTube will not show these videos when searching normally.

Lazar, nor anyone else for that matter, has considered that those large amplifiers couldn't possible fit throught the small door of the flying saucer to put it in the lab. This builds into a theme where Lazar says things that he's purposely leaving open ended for people to deduce an answer or leave ambiguity in case he's caught in a lie. These amplifiers in a recent rendition have been shown to be much smaller than in previous renditions.

Here's proof of the mistaken nature of the videos Jews released under the name of the US government (as if the US government is a credible source of information)

there is nothing interesting left at area 51. The entire premise for creating Area 51 was to work on copying and reverse engineering the aircraft from Adolf Hitler's Germany, The Third Reich. all of the Third Reich's inventions have been copied around the globe. area 51 is used mostly as a drug manufacturing facility for fentynol and methamphetamine and previously, the occasional holding area for child sex trafficking to Jeffry Epstein's island.

look at that video of the guys on the motorcycles that accidentally went into area 51; there is some chink working as a security guard. it's no wonder how the chinese stole the schematics for the E-2 Hawkeye, F-22 and F-35 raptor..... there ain't one fuckin' secret left at the Third Reich-made Area 51.


there ain't no extra terrestrial flying saucers anywhere near area 51 and there never was, nor do they exist anywhere in any capacity.
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Nom nom nom nom nom. hehehe
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theyre one of the groups of space tweakers here to loot and plunder whatever is left here. having established cargo cults ready to be used is just gravy.
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You really want cletus and tyrone to have access to such tech? its like flying cars, people would just crash all over the place.
people are crashing with regular cars too yet here we are
in the past it was carts and horses, you can't and shouldn't stop progress
Why is it like big foot, almost decent evidence.
Yo dis real can't u just call the UFO niggas niggas and tell them to fuck off hahahahaha
>they know they aren’t Russia or China
They also know they aren’t from some nigger country either lol
Stop believing psyops. We've known this is a psyop since before you were even born.
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I love this gif! It's so funny!
hopefully they're here to take over our governments
That's the phone AI trying to invent what pixels it thinks should be there, hence why zoomed in smartphone photos all look like shit.
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There is nothing more poisoned than the mind of a boomer. You fuckers are retarded and pathetic. Lead addled losers that worship canaanites.
What's pathetic is believing government lies when they repeat the same lies they've already told and got caught telling.
We have disabled your weapons niggas, your base belong to us
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It's time to get up to speed lads.
see >>489757100
space nazis
Q is real
It’s hilarious that you may have all kinds of security clearances, and yet, a small unknown YouTube channel knows more than you about what’s going on.
>Lords of Orion
that’s one way to look at it. another way is that the slaves of the Archons managed to take control of every facet of government since babylonian times and have succeeded in sowing derision and dissent against the word of Christ to such an extent that any attempt to prepare the planet for spiritual evolution was squashed long, long ago, through saturn worship, child sacrifice, incestuous farming of bloodlines, and the surreptitious extra-governmental power to subject goyim provided wherein.
Not good enough
aliens are fake and gay
Someone needs to fucking shoot those trespassers. Nuke them.
Mars was inhabited by intelligent life millions of years ago. Something happened and it got fucked up, likely nuclear war or disaster. There was an exit strategy and they bailed, some even say it was the early human civilizations.

Once Earth was inhabitable they looked on after it, hoping we wouldn’t repeat the sins of the past. They constantly watch our nuclear assets and readiness to prevent us from destroying ourselves (again).

It’s past us stopping us from being retards.
>Comments are turned off
Made up place.
> Giggleswick
> Nether Wallop
> Loose Bottom
> Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
all places in the UK are made up places
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>not allow us to ever use the nukes
That's why the Russians have the Oreshnik missile. They outsmarted the west and the Ayyys.
This thread was wild. Was disapointed there wasnt a part 2,3,4 ect

Shit was never explained and i am still thinking about it
People are in denial, I have been studying this topic for years now and was interested even as a child. I lived near wright patt as a child and we would go there in there and see the avrocar and shit.
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>They do not know what they are, but they are certain it is not Russia or China

Course you Guatemala!

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