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White collar workers are overwhelmingly in favor of delivering vaccines via ze bugs, without your consent. Pack it up, chuds. It's over.

Look, do you ask for consent for every little thing you do? No? Then I can inject experimental treatments into your bloodstream without consent too.
1st ammendment religious rite violation. Supreme Court will uphold the verdict decided in the 70s with jehovas witnesses vs the gubment
The mosquito is already gonna bite you without consent, so might as well fill it with pharma juice.
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You laughed about the fruit flies but you're not laughing now
Those are some pretty good news actually. Many lives will be saved if this ever comes into fruition.Damn I heckin love science!
KEK imagine if they started modifying mosquitoes to give you the covid shot.
Now put fentanyl laced lsd into them and release them at wallstreet
Why are you guys against stuff like this? I was just in another thread where some faggot was crying about scientists succeeding in creating a human embryo using stem cells and I was saying why are people on /pol/ turning more and more against breakthroughs like this that will actually help humanity? You guys are so caught up in bitching and crying about jews and other stupid pointless shit that you are going against scientific achievements that we as a species should actually be celebrating. Especially since most of you guys are so obsessed with race and these are mainly white men making these achievements in science and technology so if you want to look at it that way look at it that way, just stop all the anti science bullshit. Science isnt just some neckbeard reddit faggot saying "oh my science" to everything, it is actually a tool you idiots here on /pol/ should actually get behind because the only way we will ever come even a sniff close to space exploration is through science.
because shit always will be used to fuck up the common class
Like hecking le scoicense will teach our kids simply letting them watch youtube and now we have epidemic of burnt out kids hooked on a shitty cartoon and kids communicating with only 30 fucking words at grade 4
It wont man, you have been clouded by the disaster that was the covid vaccine rollout, but the entire shit show that was covid should not be used to tarnish the entire field of scientific advancement and achievement. Think critically for frigs sakes. The Africans, yes I know you guys hate them, but a malaria vaccine is something that would actually be a good thing and spreading it through asshole mosquitoes is so common sense that the majority of people, yes even the white people here on /pol/, should support.
yaaay more starving africans in yurop heck ye soicencee 4!444!!!
Well hey man, the majority of the world and your own people dont agree with you, so what can ya go? I guess you can try to gain power and kill the vast majority of humanity that disagree with you? Good luck I guess, didnt work out so well for that faggot kraut Hitler tho.
the scientists said it was safe and effective and it wasn't. what happens when the scientists say their mosquito delivered vaccine is safe and effective and it isn't. should we trust their motives? their competence? i don't know if we can trust either.

creating a human embryo using stem cells? wow, great. now they can just grow humans in tubes and genetically engineer and raise them from birth till death to be the perfect sterile docile servants and kill off the rest of us.
>they wouldn't
why wouldn't they? compassion? because we'd stop them? would we? could we?
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>he thinks innovation and invention will be used to benefit society and uplift the plebians
How fucking retarded are you anon? You have to be 18 to post here

Pic rel destoys a multibillion dollar industry because its more cost effective to treat than cure
You dont make money with curing people moron

Science is just a tool, has no bias one way or the other. I am the camp that it should be pushed as far as it should because that is how this species will expand beyond what it is now. With your type of thinking we should have stayed in the fucking stone age for all time. Yes some humans are bad and will do bad things, who cares. It is called humanity. People use guns for bad should that technology have never existed? People hit other people with cars, there have been doctors like that English guy who was using his position to murder the people in his care, should we stop having doctors? Science as a tool is a net good for humanity and should not be judged by those who use it for bad since they will always be in the minority.
Redditor faggots always will let themselves get fucked over any sci-fi nonsense thinking it will only fucks up the "uneducated" forgetting that they also cogs in a system and cogs get replaced for a better alternative regardless their functions
i built an antivax machine.
check mate, deep state
I want to see this naiveté when you shit yourself to death in some alleyway thanks "experimental" cancer immunity booster which definitely not created to eliminate the useless mouths after AI became good enough for the elite
Why does /pol/ hate science so much? They only want to help people.
do you mean the scientific method? yeah, bias is inherent in every process. data has to be interpreted, and interpreters always have bias.
What people?
Cancer isnt a singular disease asshole. You have to treat a cancer that happens in say the brain differently than you would treat a cancer in the liver. Sure cancer is at its core basically damaged retarded cells growing out of control and destroying healthy cells around them and the body's cell error correction systems not being able to deal with that, but it is a complicated problem to solve. The whole, "drug companies and just treating to make obscene profits" is not one based in reality. Cancer is a complilcated fucking problem to solve and you would have to get into dealing with the aging problem as well to deal with it because human cells are naturally going to start fucking up as you age more and more. That is why science should be pushed as it is being pushed by these trailblazers because to solve these problems will take some pretty advanced techniques and technology. Being afraid because a new scientific technology is being explored such as the stem cell fetus or mosquito malaria vaccine is the type of thinking that will keep humanity stuck in the same place forever and no major breakthroughs in things like a possible cancer cure in the future.
fucking called it
anyway you guys ever try deep fried pickled banana pepper rings? they mog onion rings
Jokes on you glowie, I don't go outside
Hey live in fear of everything clown. I am not in fear and look forward to the future. You guys are afraid of fucking everything so go cry yourself to sleep while crying about the jews or whatever it is people like you do. You wont stop progress, but go ahead and keep trying I guess.

You know what I mean man, I am speaking to the science haters here as they are defining it as science in general because they still have these conspiracy theory fears of the covid vaccine and mRNA vaccine technology in general which is actually a breakthrough in vaccine development technology, but ofc /pol/ looks at the world through the lens of conspiracy theories and fear so they cant see anything in a positive light.
>Science is just a tool, has no bias one way or the other.
and? i'm not "against science" just because i can add two and two together and see the obvious abuse potential down the road of various technologies. some of these abuses are very obvious and plausible to occur, potential doomsday scenarios and we're not going to avoid them by pretending there's no risk. we acknowledge the risks because that's the first step to avoiding them.

you like technology so much but if we fuck up and things go wrong that will be the end of all that technology and then we really will be back in the stone age. so lets take things a little more carefully and try to avoid some risks by recognizing them and making necessary changes or at times avoiding some technological applications some of the time. it's not an all or nothing situation.
>conspiracy theory fears of the covid vaccine and mRNA vaccine technology
you mean the fears that someone is averse to injecting experimental gene therapy via lipid distribution into their bloodstream?
not only is that NOT a conspiracy theory, but the nomenclature is a category mistake. a conspiracy theory is a legal term used by investigators or prosecutors to dilineate 2 or more co conspirators involved in a prosecutable criminal case, for example, a RICO case.
the use of the term "conspiracy theory" in reference to anyone who disagrees with something is a mainstream media fallacy and has almost always used as a social engineering tool
tl;dr fuck off and go back
Be a champion for soicence all you want but advances always be exploited by the wicked and corrupt to fuck up the rest of the world it's a fact. Wise will call out the obvious spooks while juvenile retards will call them cowards.
mrna vaccine technology is a breakthrough and it was tested carefully over, lemme check my notes, zero years. we rolled out the first one to like a billion people without actually testing it properly like we do most vaccines oops. people died.

but hey we need to have absolute 100% faith in whatever science comes our way and never once doubt it or treat it with careful respect. no its got to be an absolutely chaotic free for all where radical experimental therapies are pumped out to billions of people overnight without testing because hey wouldn't want to be "against science" cause science is like a cult now and you need to have absolute faith and never ever question it.
"Science" does not get a pass on battery, which is what injecting people with chemicals without their consent is. Fuck off.
how will kikes keep themself save from it?
were not going to be vaccinated we will not tolerate this policy against our organs what it takes is people say were not going to work they will work for US
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How does that not violate civil and human rights? These scientists should be thrown into prison, not white collar prison either, the fuck you in the ass prison.
The only reasonable person here.
>not one based in reality
>no guys the funvaxx wqs like toooootslly a new thing dude bro guy, trust me and le hecking basedence
Youre fucking retarded and a midwit

Nobody here ia afraid, we are calling things as they are and thats a science of skepticism based on the precedent of a million other anecdotal examples
One search into the archives yeilds a bunch of anons who thoroughly investigated peer reviewed journals and foundnout more often than not that most acientific claims are absolute horseshit mixed with dogshit and catshit because as batshit as it sounds they arent able to replicate them indepently
Curious how thats also a marvel never touched and when your tenure goes against a narrative or offers actual solutions to a problem youre (((cohencidentally))) disappeared and silenced
Youre the one who will be living in fear when you meet the Living God and Hes pouring out the cup of His Wrath with no respect of persons upon the world and its inhabitants, and guaranteed in those days folks like you will swallow whatever cooked narrative because you continually worship creation rather than creator
Anons can smell your type a mile away, it aint working here buds

The only thing a guy like me fears is God Almighty because thats the only thing to rationally fear
You need to be properly educated in order to correctly assess the validity of published studies. You are spewing bullshit about cancer and the other anon called you out on it. You are an illiterate schizo narcissist, thinking that you can bebooonk years of research with one simple trick. Fuck outta here.
What does this achieve? More low IQ people in this world, that's what it means.
>You need to be properly educated
go home rabbi, you're drunk
Hey mr Amerimutt. I know geography isn't your people's strong point, but Greece also has a white and blue flag, just like your greatest ally.
my body my choice mr mosqito022r8s
You are a midwit incapable of independent thought.
Retards will call you an anti-science bigot while they eat ass and import millions of diseased people into our countries.
Mosquitoes don't excrete anything from their proboscis, therefore no delivery method.
Oh, of course, who needs education when you havegut feelings? Who cares about years of rigorous study, specialized training, and peer-reviewed evidence when your magical ability to skim abstracts and watch YouTube videos clearly trumps the combined expertise of professionals who’ve dedicated their lives to understanding a field? Silly scientists, wasting decades in school when all they needed was the confidence to declare themselves experts on the internet.

Here’s the thing: understanding and properly evaluating scientific research is not like reading the back of a cereal box. It requires a foundation in scientific methodology, statistics, and domain-specific knowledge. The average research paper is filled with technical jargon, complex methodologies, and nuanced data analysis—none of which magically become understandable without years of formal education and experience. For example, a biologist who judges a physics paper is likely to miss critical aspects, let alone someone without any background at all.

It takes years to learn how to critically evaluate study design, statistical methods, biases, and reproducibility. Scientists spend half their careers debating over details most casual readers wouldn’t even notice. But sure, let’s pretend your primary school education and a biased quick Google search qualify you to dismiss or validate years of peer-reviewed research.
Because it's bullshit you gullible cunt. Mosquitoes don't "inject"
I can tell purely by the way you type that you’re not someone who uses this site regularly. In fact, you seem like someone from a different, more well known site that is teeming with leftists and trannies just like you
I'm calling people anti science retards all the time and I hate trannies, kikes, ass eating and illegal aliens.
Hey look, the memeflaggot is greek this time. Probably still a kike though
>memeflaggot accusations

Nice one, you countered all my points.
The last time shills like you came out to laud a “great medical breakthrough” we called you out on it and lo and behold, we were right and you were wrong.
But hey, just keep trusting the science (TM)
Your points were refuted during the scamdemic. You’re just recycling the same script you used back then with zero awareness as to why you failed.
I’m convinced one of the primary causes for leftism is a lack of self awareness
Still talking about the Vax? It's tiring. We are waiting for billions to die, OK. I'm not talking about the Vax, I'm just pointing out the high levels of science illiteracy in this world. And you are part of the problem, chud
>More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.

>> but it gets even worse when you take into account the fact that new research builds upon previous findings. That is to say, if we can’t trust that testing X under Y conditions will always result in Z, then we can’t use Z to figure out anything else. Jay Pujara, director of the Center on Knowledge Graphs at USC’s Information Sciences Institute (ISI) put it quite simply, “People will not believe in science if we can’t demonstrate that scientific research is reproducible.”

science isn't some cult of absolutes that you can just refer to and place absolute faith in. it's a bunch of people who are trying to figure things out and fighting corruption, popularity contest, and other human foibles and managing some successful science and at times failing.

not to mention most people can't read a science study, neither can you, so we end up relying on mainstream media which is not going to be doing a competent or honest take on what's going on. they're just going to say "trust us it's science" and you'll believe it.
The retardium is strong with you. I have never been a leftist. You are only regurgitating old antivaxxer rants. BTW what's your field of expertise?
>science illiteracy
You mean the same kind that got people to trust that the clotshot was sage and effective? The scientifically illiterate are the people like you blindly trusting the “experts” despite their obvious hostility and compulsive dishonesty
>without your consent
Yes, retard that's how bugs work. They don't ask for permission.
Now either you get malaria from the bugs or you get immunity to malaria from the bugs. I know which one I'd choose.
>no ur teh dum-dum
Strangely, the level of medical skepticism is correlated to IQ. The higher IQ people know better than to blindly trust authority, especially when that authority has repeatedly shown their incompetence.
>what’s ur job
I lurk on /pol and bully shills like you. Not like it even matters since I’m apparently more medically literate than your beloved experts
Retarded nigger greek man, this discussion is about not blindly worshipping science niggers as if they are benevolent gods who lack the capacity to make mistakes and have your best interest at heart. Your assertion that the layman is too stupid to properly understand data and so should defer entirely to these people recalls back to when we used to be beholden to priests so that we don't misinterpret the bible. Quit being a cuck fag boy. Scientists are retards like you and me and need to be questioned at all times. Even considering putting biological materials into mosquitos to intentionally inject them into people should have you put in front of a court.
Or, and here’s a thought, we could not genetically modify a species to serve as an involuntary inoculation delivery system, especially since the last time your experts made a new “vaccine” they had to rewrite the definition of “vaccine”.
But I suppose not bending over for daddy govt is an anathema thought to a Brit cuck
Ah yes, the classic "science isn't perfect, so let's throw the baby out with the bathwater" argument. You’ve done a marvelous job of taking the nuance of scientific progress—its self-correcting nature, its battles with bias and error—and twisting it into a reason to dismiss it altogether. Bravo! Truly, why bother with a system that has eradicated diseases, sent humans to space, and put supercomputers in our pockets, just because it occasionally grapples with human imperfections?

You're right that science isn’t a cult of absolutes—it’s a method, not a dogma. But here’s the twist: its strength lies *precisely* in its ability to recognize errors, adapt, and improve over time. The "fighting corruption and foibles" part? That’s called peer review, replication studies, and ongoing debate within the scientific community. The whole point of science is to *not* demand blind faith but to build trust through evidence. It’s messy, sure, but it's miles ahead of "whatever feels right to me today."

And about the claim that I can't understand a scientific paper : fascinating assumption! But unlike science, your assertion offers no evidence. I'm still trying to improve myself in my field of expertise, and I have thoroughly studied hundreds of papers. Tell me about your qualifications, retard. Yes, understanding scientific studies can be challenging, which is why we rely on experts—trained professionals who, unlike random social media hot-takers, spend years learning how to parse data, evaluate methodologies, and identify flaws. Sure, mainstream media often oversimplifies or sensationalizes findings, but that’s a problem with media literacy, not science itself.
So no,chud, "trust us, it's science" isn’t the mantra of educated people. The mantra is: "Trust the *process* of science, because it's the best tool we have for separating fact from fiction—even when it’s imperfect."
>i have absolute faith and trust in the competence and intentions of the people behind this vaccine who i have never met, they can inject whatever they want into me, and into you as well. nothing can go wrong, it will all work exactly as they say it will.
>we don’t trust the science, we trust the process
This is a tired cope, especially when your beloved experts will knowingly abridge the process for financial/political gain.
Ah, fascinating theory! I assume you’ve got a meticulously peer-reviewed study to back that claim, right? Surely, you didn’t just pluck it from the ether of internet conspiracy circles or the echo chamber of social media? No, of course not—you must have painstakingly analyzed datasets, reviewed statistical correlations, and published your findings in a reputable journal. Can’t wait to see the citations!
I'll ask again. What's your field of expertise nigger?
Look my asnwer to the other retard here. Still waiting for you to tell me about your education.
Ah, yes, the “process is corrupt” narrative—because clearly, the entire scientific community is just one big conspiracy, right? Thousands of scientists, across dozens of fields, in countries that don’t even get along, all secretly colluding to abridge the process for... financial gain? Political agendas? Sounds like a logistical marvel, honestly.
And let’s not forget: the same "beloved experts" you distrust are the ones who brought you antibiotics, GPS, modern agriculture, and vaccines, other than the mrna ones . Funny how skepticism of "the process" doesn’t seem to extend to the lifesaving technologies we all take for granted—only to the areas where it’s convenient to disagree. Sure, let’s call the process a "tired cope," while simultaneously benefiting from the very science that skepticism tries to undermine. How’s that for irony?
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purebloods will adapt
i'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, you tried making that argument earlier so i'll just refer you again to my previous response

all i'm doing is pointing out that science is not some perfect absolute thing you can have total faith in. its bloated with an immense amount of corruption and political bias. to pretend otherwise is naive.

i'm not saying get rid of science. i'm not saying we need to abandon all technology and retreat back into the caves. people like you who treat science like a cult we must all adhere to and dare not question are actually the ones destroying science.
who edits the journals?
>funny how skepticism only applies to potentially dangerous and suspicious technologies being used irresponsibly and not applied blindly across everything even vaguely science related
funny? no, that's sanity. we don't have to hate all science and tech.

we can be skeptical about some things and welcome other things. and try our imperfect best to make out whats true and isn't for ourselves. we have to, because of all the bias and corruption in the process there's nobody we can just take their word on it.
Interesting that they admit the disease being transferred from host to host is parasites and not non existent 'viruses' which are just dead matter. Probably they knew that hardly anyone would agree to their 'vaccine' knowing they are being injected with parasites, so have to try the non consensual route. Oh but these are nwo modified parasites so it's good. These stories might be demoralization and not true at all. Another one says Gates is releasing modified mosquitos that are sterile which will extinct them. This could cause a host of other issues collapsing the chain of life above it. If real are they planning to extinct the mosquito after it infects everyone around the equator but before it bites them? Put him on trial, it should be for capital crimes, but citizens can do it with a class action lawsuit. Make him reveal what he has done. We need to hold his charitable trusts monetarily accountable for what other arms of the octopus are doing.
I can't disagree with your take. I'm just bothered by the growing community of science deniers and the normalization of the opinion that anyone can be an expert in any field as long as they have read some schizo rants
Meds fast. It's been known since the late 19th century that plasmodium is the causative agent of malaria.
So, all those virologists who've spent decades isolating, sequencing, and studying viruses like HIV, influenza, and SARS-CoV-2 are just... making it up? That’s quite the accusation for someone who presumably hasn’t spent years in a lab. Also, "dead matter" doesn’t hijack host cells to replicate itself, spark immune responses, or evolve into new strains. But hey, who needs centuries of virology when you’ve cracked the code with zero evidence? Truly groundbreaking.
who is gonna tell him?
it's frustrating yes, but you're actually part of the problem by calling them "science deniers"

you're creating two camps, those who have absolute trust and faith in "the science" as is told to them by the mainstream media usually since most people can't read a study themselves very well. and everyone else is lumped in with schizo conspiracies into "science deniers"

both those groups of people are retarded. the right path is in having some interest and enthusiasm for science while not blindly trusting what you're told science is saying. but under your paradigm such people are "science deniers"

nobody is denying science, science is not a religion, do not refer to it in those terms or you taint it. it is not a faith, you should not trust it, to doubt some scientists somewhere is not sacrilege or heresy. act like it is and you'll turn science into a cult.
Faggot if it's a matter of trust every day as you walk down the street other people make the choice not to kill you.
The sort of brain bending you need to do to make infectious vaccines bad is infinitely greater than all of the malicious shit you tolerate daily because it's more familiar to you.
Skepticism is fine. Blind opposition based on willful ignorance is fucking retarded
>skepticism is fine
well i'm skeptical about the intentions and even competence behind the people who are going to vaccinate me against my will through mosquitos.

but you say thats not fine and i should just trust them despite their recent track record of rushing out poorly tested vaccines to mass reports of side effects they try to downplay or bury.

this is not blind opposition or willful ignorance. this is skepticism and its fine.
Ok you put in the brain chip first
Why were doctors reporting positive effects from treating covid patients with anti-parasitical drugs like ivermectin and hcq? At least until a major propaganda campaign was launched against them. Calling it 'horse paste' and 'drinking bleach' but the never talked about why anti-parasiticals would work on a so called virus
exhausting harmful chemicals into air is illegal
you should literally be executed for this post I'm not joking or exaggerating
>despite their recent track record of rushing out poorly tested vaccines to mass reports of side effects they try to downplay or bury.
Except that's not what happened.
Development was accelerated specifically because it was a pandemic, they were tested thoroughly in the short term and when the tiny risk of side effects in absolute terms was understood the rollout was stopped for people in demographics where it didn't make sense.

Your paranoia isn't informed by anything, you're just looking for reasons to freak out. If that wasn't the case you'd say
>"yeah I'm fine with this as long as the risks are well understood"
Rather than

There's clearly no standard of evidence they could use to prove that it's safe/effective to you because you want to soapbox your culture war bs
Answer to what I said biatch. Are those virologists part of the cabal?
The claim that antiparasitic drugs like ivermectin effectively treat COVID-19 has been thoroughly debunked through rigorous studies. While early, poorly designed lab experiments suggested possible antiviral activity, large-scale, randomized clinical trials have repeatedly shown no meaningful benefit for COVID-19 patients. For instance, the *Together Trial* and studies published in leading journals like *The New England Journal of Medicine* found ivermectin to be no more effective than a placebo in improving outcomes for COVID-19.

COVID-19 is caused by a virus (SARS-CoV-2), not a parasite, and drugs targeting parasites don't work against viruses because the biology and replication processes are entirely different. The early hype around antiparasitic drugs was fueled by misinterpreted data, low-quality studies, and wishful thinking—not solid evidence. Relying on these treatments diverts patients from proven therapies.
mrna vaccines had never been tested on humans and then overnight basically they just shot up like a billion people with their experimental mrna vaccine. they were not showing caution or being responsible.

they couldn't be responsible even if they wanted to because of all the corruption and bias, they are unable to behave responsibly once politics or corporate profit has entered the picture. then they all carefully do and say what they need to in order to keep their jobs.

humans are fallible and science is only as good as the humans behind it. humans who fall prey to the same follies as the rest of us. they're going to go along to get along with whatever they're told to say and those who don't can be removed from the process.

and even if i agreed with you that the covid vaccines were perfect and immaculate conceptions of holy science and must not be doubted. i would still doubt putting vaccines into mosquitos so that people can be injected against their will.

the fda just rubber stamps approval reading whatever studies the corporations who made the products submitted. they don't do any tests themselves.

if you want science to be strong and robust then the worst thing you could do is demand people trust it and then make excuses for everything.
it's up to me to decide if the science has been done sufficiently. it's not up to anyone else. don't decide for me and then inject me against my will with a mosquito just because you think its safe. its not your place. its not your call. my body my choice. i have rights as a human being not to have weird shit injected into my veins against my say so.
Of course most are not part of the cabal, but they accept virus theory. I am not the only one who doubts it, plenty of knowledgeable people do. I take it you are quite eager of a large dose of these 'modified malaria parasites'. You presumably think you are smarter for trusting the 'science juice' but the data shows it is the midwits who trust it and people on the ends of the spectrum who thoroughly (and correctly) don't
Virus deniers are like flat earthers. No point in arguing with them. You need meds.
This is soft disclosure btw. They've already tried and tested that successfully.
i'll agree with you on this post
unfortunately the end result of not being able to trust "the science" and having to figure it out yourself is that some people are going to end up with very wrong ideas. all the more reason to be upset when "the science" endorses transsexualism and other obviously retarded things for political correctness and loses trust. all the more reason to be upset when big money or big politics has more control over what "the science" is saying then they should.
Great position. If you don't like our meds or trust our science then you need to be put on meds. Because it is a radical desperate position to try to maintain power before the whole house of cards collapses. The scamdemic was the death blow to your credibility and we will never forget it. So you can go fuck yourself med pushing kike
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Nice he found the exact quoted studies in my other post
Heres a 10/10 (((you))) as a reward, fuck the odher midwits calling me a narcassist when im literally advocating against pharmashills and want to help people genuinely not cripple them for life with TrEAtmEnts, oh btw deworming meds/ antiparasiticals kill cancer and make gays straight: there is more than enough ample testimonies from ex gays and cancer survivors that engaged in those treatments

This, and instinct has saved more than blabk trust assigned to authority figures, pic rel
I hate the onions overload that migrated here from all swaths of normiedom and plebbit
>and even if i agreed with you that the covid vaccines were perfect and immaculate conceptions of holy science and must not be doubted. i would still doubt putting vaccines into mosquitos so that people can be injected against their will.
Which is the entire point.
You can't be honest because a priori you've decided that it's bad
Everything else is just seasoning, that's the entire reason for your opinion

I don't particularly have much trust in modern scientific institutions, but medicine specifically is practical enough and has had enough high profile controversies to be generally rigorous and trustworthy these days.
There's not much you can do that's malicious and negligence and corruption is too costly relative to the ridiculous margins that it already makes.
When you argue that it could be bad, you're engaging purely hypothetically rather than recognizing the specific context of the modern medicine industry.
There's no dogma in it for me - medicine is a field comprised of human beings who can obviously be flawed. The incentive structure around modern medicine generally makes it robust to the kind of problems you're worried about though.

Anyone who pushes this sort of thing has forfeit their life. There is nothing about immoral about ending the life of anyone who would do this, preferably before they do it.
Insanely unethical and will never see the light of day anywhere people have even the idea they have rights. Its just a research project.
Nigger please get help. For your own good. You need a psychiatrist. I'm genuinely worried.
That's right and that's why I often lose my temper.
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>eradicates diseases
In reality they create diaeases and sell you the treatment, ala plovid among other things, say polio when it was eradicated by working class men implementing basic sanitation via plumbing and hygenic practice faggot, but go ahead and take credit
Also fake and fucking gay lol
>science isnt a cult
Beg to differ fagboy
>its strength lies in its ability
Imma stop your dumbass right there and say no, man is responsible for that, and it doesnt take an expert to know this in any given field, if you look at any body politic and or tenure youd find that much face, faggot
>peer review
Tell that to the multitudes censored, imprisoned, or quite literally murdered when exposing the funvaxx
And rhis aint the first rodeo where that was the precedent, many other instances faggot
>muh qualifications
Nobody fucking cares you midwit, go pontificate your degree of expertise to some other circlejerk fuck sakes

Here, have some peered review go fuck yourself and shut up already
Schizo alert.
it's already been done and they're letting you know this way
You're a goddamn retard and new to /pol/
If there's one thing that unites the old/fags/ in this cesspool of filth then it's that we all support freedom of choice.
We aren't against scientific breakthroughs, but we are most adamantly against someone injecting something into our veins without our consent.
You're a retard, anon, you don't understand reality and you will get what you fucking deserve
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Speaking of meds, fuck that, go do deadlifts
I wonder how pale and weak this greek philospher is, truly the statement of character was when that one just did a deadlift to silence his opponent during a debate
Nevertheless socrates iirc just revealed his physique once in a recorded debate to silence the moron adjacent lol
Ah, yes, the "evil scientists create diseases to sell treatments" trope—a classic! Because clearly, centuries of advancements in public health, vaccines, and medicine are all part of some nefarious profit scheme, rather than a genuine effort to reduce human suffering. I’m sure the plumbers who installed sanitation systems are thrilled to learn they’re actually responsible for eradicating polio, not the decades of work by virologists and epidemiologists who developed vaccines that have wiped out the disease in nearly every corner of the world. Incredible insight!

And about the alleged “FunVax” conspiracy—fascinating how there's never any actual evidence to back these claims, just vague accusations about “censorship” and shadowy murders. If this was all so clear-cut, surely there’d be hard data, whistleblowers, or leaked documents that stood up to scrutiny instead of internet rumors. But no, it’s always easier to shout “cover-up!” than engage with facts. And noooo, actual degrees and scientific education is useless. Only schizo chambers matter. Post your credentials, nigger.

Here’s the truth: diseases are caused by biological pathogens, not plumbing conspiracies or imaginary government projects. Vaccines and modern medicine have saved billions of lives, and no amount of pseudo-historical revisionism changes that.
Lets see your deadlift buddy
Im gonna pull a socrates cause you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
>cherrypicks a "study", doesn't post link
>ignores thousands more which invalidate his beliefs

You are beyond redemption
How many jew jabs did Poseidon get in the end?
Imagine trusting jewish pharma shilling. what a fuck up.
Mrna shots aren't a vaccine by the classical sense, and those diseases were on the dying end before any injection was pushed to market. /pol/ sees through your shilltactics, faggot glowie.
Polio basically disappeared before the injections were released. Check the fucking charts
Hacker News gets more and more midwit insane by the day.
1. **Data Misrepresentation**: The chart shows that deadlifts have a large effect size (Hedges' g), but look at the confidence intervals (CI)—they are very wide (-1.36 to -0.56), indicating significant uncertainty in the data. This suggests that the sample size or study quality for deadlifts was likely small or inconsistent. In contrast, SSRIs and other treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), have tighter confidence intervals, reflecting more reliable data.

2. **No Context on Study Design**: It’s unclear whether this comparison controls for variables like severity of depression, participant characteristics, or duration of treatment. SSRIs, for example, are typically prescribed for moderate to severe depression, whereas exercise interventions may work better for milder cases. Without knowing these details, the conclusions drawn here are retarded, at best.
And that's a pretty basic criticism for your picture. Imagine if you hadn't been a terminal retard who doesn't swallow misinformation and doesn't take his time to actually research the subject at hand. We would have been able to have a discussion, if that were the case. Post credentials.
He's coping because he got an arm full and pushed other whites to take them too.
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>posts evidence
holy fuck youre retarded, proof is in the pudding when they froze the shit at -70c to stabilize distribution of the nanotech inside you dumb dumb

Oh yeah lets ignore ever climbing mortality ratea yep yep sweep it under the rug with an overall decline in births and an increase in miscarriages surely nothing to see here etc.
Fuck youre a patronizing queer

Goes off about one post with two responses, wont even post his deadlift and is inherently focused on the tunnelvision to his ego
Youre truly a stupid dolt with ZERO self awareness to whats actually being referenced yet away you go lololol

Post a deadlift bigbrain boy
I see. I never had doubts about your reading comprehension. You are not answering my points, related to the obvious flaws in the picture you posted.
>lol lmao even
Nice argument buddy. Try to read what I said. Try really hard and I'm here to help you understand ^.^
Before the polio vaccine was introduced, polio was still a major threat. In the U.S. alone, there were over **35,000 cases of polio** annually in the early 1950s, and it was causing widespread paralysis and death, especially among children. The number of cases peaked in 1952, when more than **57,000 cases** were reported. This was a significant public health crisis, not something "dying off."

While sanitation and hygiene improvements did help reduce the spread of polio to some degree, the disease had not disappeared before the vaccine was introduced. In fact, polio could have continued spreading for years, with seasonal outbreaks, and the number of cases would likely have remained high without the vaccine.

The polio vaccine, developed by Jonas Salk and introduced in 1955, led to a dramatic decline in polio cases. Within just a few years of the vaccine’s introduction, cases dropped by over **90%** in the U.S. Polio was officially eradicated from the Western Hemisphere by 1994, and today, the disease is almost entirely eliminated worldwide due to vaccination efforts.

4. **Ongoing Threats Pre-Vaccine**: Even with improvements in sanitation, polio continued to spread. The virus was still circulating, and without vaccination, it could have easily resurged, as it still does in a few parts of the world where vaccination rates are low.
Post credentials hillbilly
Well, I was vaccinated 4 times against covid and I made all members of my extended family and all my friends get the vaxx. Two more weeks till they die I suppose.
Let’s clear up the confusion with some facts, shall we?

1. **Birth Rates and Mortality**: Yes, birth rates in many countries are declining—but that’s primarily due to social, economic, and demographic factors like increased access to education, better family planning, and lifestyle changes. There’s no evidence that vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, are directly causing a global decline in birth rates. In fact, some countries with the highest vaccine uptake have seen stable or even rising birth rates due to better healthcare.

2. Miscarriages
While there are naturally some claims about miscarriages, extensive research has shown no significant link between COVID-19 vaccines and an increased risk of miscarriage.

3: Claiming that vaccines are causing these issues without evidence is dangerous and misleading. Public health studies are thoroughly peer-reviewed and based on large-scale data, unlike anecdotal claims that cherry-pick outliers to support conspiratorial thinking. Vaccines save lives—they don’t alter reproductive health on a large scale.

Instead of resorting to conspiracy theories, let's rely on solid scientific data—which shows no causal relationship between vaccination and birth or miscarriage rates, just as with countless other vaccines that have been used for decades. The spread of misinformation can be harmful, especially when it distracts from actual public health efforts to save lives. So no, there’s nothing to "sweep under the rug" here—just science and data standing firmly against unsubstantiated claims.
>took 2+2 funvaxx
You need to get another booster ao your medicine keeps working!





Thats just a quick skim, 4plebs has plethoras of information on this subject if youre enough of an autist to parse filter information, but your own self confession of ratting yourself out as a boosted retard is as obvious
Thabks for making it that much more easier for myself and others to ignore your stupidity

Whats fully vaccinated again? Last i checked it was still n+1, looks like you need to catch up on a few boosters
ever heard of replicon mrna injections? they just released in japan, all it takes is a mosquito to bite a vaccinated person and everyone else it bites is now vaxxed
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>Upset over losing.
>Goes into childish rage.
Cope, your side lost.
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>No statutes of limitation for Nuremberg Code violations of informed consent

A lot of Germans hanged for a lot less for having the audacity to put communist criminals to the sword.
You just need to find someone that will enforce that rule, and if you have been paying attention, the people that are supposed to enforce it, are the ones violating it.
Lmao you retard didn't even read the article you linked.
This article you’ve posted is full of red flags and contains several misleading claims that deserve a closer look.
Yes, it’s true that immunity from the COVID-19 vaccine can decrease over time. However, this is typical for many vaccines, not just COVID-19. Booster doses have been shown to restore protection, particularly against severe disease and hospitalization, which is the main goal. The idea that this means the vaccines are ineffective is a misrepresentation. What waning immunity means is that we need **boosters**, not that the vaccines are worthless.The suggestion that elevated IgG4 levels from repeated mRNA vaccinations are somehow causing immune tolerance or promoting infection is **highly speculative** and not supported by robust clinical data. IgG4 responses in the body are generally associated with **tolerance** (as in allergy treatments), and while it’s true that high levels of certain antibodies can sometimes be linked to immune suppression, there is no strong evidence indicating that the elevated IgG4 after COVID-19 vaccination is causing harm or facilitating COVID infections. In fact, **IgG4** has been noted to **help prevent harmful overreactions** from the immune system, which could be protective rather than detrimental..
**Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, Myocarditis**: The claim that mRNA vaccines cause cancer, autoimmune diseases, or myocarditis in susceptible individuals is misleading and often based on conspiracy theories. While myocarditis has been observed in rare cases after vaccination, particularly in younger males, it is still an **extremely rare** occurrence, and the risk is much lower than the risk of myocarditis from a COVID-19 infection itself. There is **no credible evidence** linking the vaccines to an increased risk of cancer, nor is there any suggestion that the vaccines trigger autoimmune diseases.It's important to note that **sterilizing immunity**—which completely prevents any infection—is rare in most vaccines, especially when it comes to respiratory viruses like COVID-19. What COVID-19 vaccines do exceptionally well is **prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death**, which is the primary goal of a vaccine. Saying that vaccines don’t produce sterilizing immunity is misleading, as it’s not necessarily expected or required for a vaccine to be effective.
This article is heavily biased and selectively cherry-picks data while ignoring the broader context. The COVID-19 vaccines have undergone extensive safety and efficacy testing, and billions of people have received them with overwhelmingly positive results in terms of reducing severe disease and death.
I'll keep saying it. Post credentials
>science deniers
Lmao We’re right about far more than you are
Bro, this lid had 4 shots
>ivermectin doesn’t treat covid
Except it objectively does, the actual vaxfag shill
This is why no one respects any of you SCIENCE (TM) cultists
virology is fake and gay.
germ theory is fake and gay.
the idea that insects carry pathogens is retarded.
more idiotic fear mongering on this loosh farm.
they will replace the air we breath with vaxx in the future
It's pointless trying to argue with you uneducated nigger plebs. Luckily, Darwin's theory of evolution will make your kind extinct, but it will take some time, I'm not sure if I ll be there to enjoy it.
Read the published studies then we can talk, but I'm afraid you can't read scientific papers.
Easy. Put on bugspray before going innawoods.
You can call us whatever you want, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re right and you’re not.
inb4 “you were right by accident” cope
K retard. What's your field of expertise?
Man-made horrors
Post proof, I have replied to all your unsubstantiated claims, using solid counter arguments. Proof or gtfo.
I have, they say that ivermectin is much more effective than your beloved clotshot. But hey, your cult doesn’t let you acknowledge that your prophets are corrupt and unable to replicate any of their studies
My proof is the reality of living through the scamdemic where every last one of your vaunted “experts” were either wrong or lying through their teeth.
I know denying reality is a core tenet of your cult though.
>they say
That's convincing but I'm afraid it will take more than that. Post credible sources. Your echo chambers are not credible sources. I'm sorry. And tell me about your field of expertise.
The observations of an uneducated retard are not in any way some kind of proof. It takes evidence, schizo. But how would you know about the scientific methods, with your primary school degree?
>observations of an uneducated retard
Why are you insulting your own opinions, little vaxfag?
You finally resorted to "no u" arguments. About time you did that. I'm expecting mother jokes now.
>no not that one
>tell me what you do for a living
Already told you, I lurk on /pol and bully the people who still “truss deh exbirds” after watching them lie through their teeth for the whole scamdemic.
What do you do for a living? Pickpocket tourists in Athens?
bull gayts am mayken a sitisins armrest on yu
There’s no point in showing you any research, simply because your cult requires you to reject anything that contradicts your beloved “experts”.
It’s what you did to Robert Malone. Now line up for more experimental therapies, I’m sure they’ll be 100% sage and effective like they promised you
they already did the vaxquitoes over the summer
Does anyone remember in the very early days of cuckvid reports about Bill Gates funded "research" where millions of modified mosquitoes were released into...can't recall exactly where...Florida or something. Thought that was bizarre. Right amid the cuckvid hysteria. And what do you know...Gates soon becomes one of the giant expert faces of cuckvid. All over the media.
I deboonked your "sources", but you never answered to my core points. And to answer your question, I'm a medical doctor, doing my residency in public health and epidemiology. Your turn. If what you said is the truth, well it's sad to hear that you are a poor neetfag who's also afraid of admitting his lack of education. You are trying compensate by convincing yourself that you are the enlightened one. Don't do that. It's never too late to study. You are not condemned to this pitiful situation. I'll gladly offer my help, if you ever want to escape this science illiteracy which plagues you. You deserve to become an educated person.
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I thought they had to keep the injections at an extremely low temperature.
>I'm a medical doctor
Drink more koolaid for more $cience
>The observations of an uneducated retard are not in any way some kind of proof
>Don't believe what you see, believe what others tell you you're seeing
Source? You can't just claim you're a doctor without a source buddy.
Well, he asked and I answered. It doesn't matter whether you believe this or not.
>>489775103 You need to be educated on the subject at hand. Otherwise your perception has no value.
You people should really start to love science.
>You need to be educated in order to be skeptical of having shit possibly being administered to you without your consent.
Being educated on a subject doesn't make you immune to having shitty takes. Plenty of educated retards out there...
And to say you need to be educated or else one's perception has no value, how can I know your perception is valuable without you proving your credentials?
You can't know that. And even if I do provide credentials, it doesn't change anything. You can't claim to have an opinion on a scientific subject, without having researched it thoroughly. But all I'm seeing here is retards with schizo takes and a narcissistic approach.
Holy fuck, you’re still seething over the fact that no one trusts your beloved experts anymore in the aftermath of their blatant lies about covid.
Funny thing is, for all your talk of being “much more educated” the people you mock as uneducated clearly understand more than you do.
>even if I do provide credentials
Lmao like you’ve been demanding everyone else do? You leftists are such vile hypocrites that no one will ever trust you again. Now go get more science juice, you reddit tourist
I'm not seething.
Noone trusts the experts? Funny. Statistics describe a very different picture.( %of people who accepted covid vaccination all those normal people who follow conventional treatments etc.)
>Funny thing is, for all your talk of being “much more educated” the people you mock as uneducated clearly understand more than you do
Narcissism. You havent said anything of value. I have replied to all your unsubstantiated claims and you still haven't said anything to support your opinions. Looks like I won, chud.
Again, as I said before, I have never been a leftist in my life. If you had actually paid attention to my replies, you would have known.
>and a narcissistic approach.
I would say it's pretty narcissistic to say that only YOUR opinion matters and everyone else is clearly just uneducated and stupid...
Also anybody can claim to have an opinion on anything. It's an opinion. What you SHOULD say is you can't claim something to be 100% fact without having researched it thoroughly, and expect people to really care about your claim. Maybe if you were so educated you would be able to explain to people why you're take is the correct one without having to resort to condescension.
The only thing that really matters here though is the main topic of the thread though. It's not okay to administer shit to people without them knowing, despite your intentions.
It seems like you are well intentioned, but you also come off as very pretentious and faggoty and that's going to make people not listen to you, and if people aren't going to listen to you why are you even bothering?
Shut up faggot!
>matters here though is the main topic of the thread though
>double though
grammar moment
>why you're take
-2 cred points for this one too
This is a diversion, mRNA can be delivered in food. As soon as it's in your mouth the advanced lipids are transporting it through your cheeks and gums into your blood
As everyone has said you're even dumber than a shuckin and jiving pavement ape because at least the pavement ape has zero ability to conceptualize this. You on the other hand who have just seen the greatest psyop pulled on the human race since the desert religions wrote a new chapter have still decided that trust and faith needs to be placed in our leaders.

Your feckless and worthless hopes that a "tool" will serve a noble purpose due to it's amoral nature seems to have forgotten how many mountains of corpses it has taken us to get where we are, and how many of those corpse mountains were completely meaningless to the progress of civilization and only existed because the more power a smaller sect of humans have the easier it is for it to be used flippantly.

We're discussing the ability to completely rewire our genetic code, ostensibly the closest you will ever get to interfacing with the 1's and 0's that dictate this reality and/or our ability to interface with it. Shut the fuck up retard.
hopefully they don't think to put it in semen. you'd be fucked then
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Not my problem.
> this will actually help humanity...
He’s still here seething.
>noo I’m not a leftist, I just blindly trust unelected bureaucrats and get angry when others are smart enough not to
God I hope you keep posting. You don’t even realize you’re a lolcow
They thought it would treat viral infections because it interferes with RNA replication. Like you say, some studies showed it was effective and some studies showed it wasn't.

Allowing people to use therapies that weren't proven effective but were at least proven safe by decades of extensive trials and medical use would have been considered fine if the pandemic was being taken seriously by the medical authorities.

Do you know of any treatments for covid that were proven effective? I can't think of one.
There’s a fungus that produces a human safe insecticide. You could pass these pills out to every person and wipe out mosquitos over night. Guess there’s no money in that?
The greek leftist lacks self-awareness, like all leftists
You’d think the vaxfag would have learned from their last failure
Oh it’s called Spinosad if you want to look into it yourself.
If they release this I'm going to shoot them

How exactly would you define a "leftist" because dude guy seems to reject being one, and I feel that this is one of those things where people are operating under different definitions.
nigger balls kill kikes marmite. I AM NOT A BOT
I wonder how many people in this thread are real btw
Can it make my dick bigger?
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>nigger flag
>"muh dick"
Damn, you played yourself. First day on the job?
What's an ignorant cunt alex for 800
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>we're gonna heckin save the environment
>and we're gonna kill all the mosquitoes
>all mosquitoes die
>entire ecosystems collapse because we need to ensure niggers and spics don't catch malaria and zika
>yay science
There are many telling factors, the two biggest being 1) an almost religious adherence to “teh experts” and 2) a near total lack of self awareness. The fact he’s a eurofag doesn’t help him either
You guys do realise a misquote does not inject blood in to your body, right???
Why is there this cult of retards that think science is taking experimental technologies and immediately standardizing them or even mandating them into law? You have to fucking prove that it's safe and especially in this case you're putting the cart before the horse. If you can use mosquitos to inject synthetic vaccines into people why can't you just breed mosquitos that can't spread malaria? Surely that would be safer and easier and doesn't tread all over the rights of the entire planet. Fucking asswipes they should be shot dead.
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>engineering mosquitos to deliver vaccines without consent
What will they think of next, engineering a new oligarch class with lead injection machines? That's extreme and absurd. There need to be checks and balances on these things.
>Mosquito bites me
>vaccine delivered
>another bites me
>double vaxxed now
>another and another
>another and another...
they ban anyone that even slightly disagrees with consensus opinion and also anyone that likes to debate without treating everyone like a damaged care bear.

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