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This man is has literally ascended by this point and couldn't lose even if he tried.
Slap another 25% on top for every kvetch.
Trump is more of a whore for the Jews than a literal Jewish female president.

Utterly pathetic. How can you simp for such a loser?
Don’t you have more russian cock to suck?
Trump will do nothing except drain those jew balls and you know it.
reddit meme
lol what exactly is she gonna tariff?
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>meme flag
>reddit spacing
1) you lost
2) you wont do shit
>hes a whore for jews
>started 0 wars
>gave israel 0 aid
>only ever gave jews symbolic things
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illegal mexicans. she'll charge them an exit tax.
They buy about $360 billion worth of our shit and we buy about $490 billions of theirs.
This is objectively false. Try again Paco
The jewish women looks spot on, but there is something off with Trump. He looks emaciated and sleepy.
Probably the >260b in goods we export to Mexico every year, retard
>tarrifs will raise your prices on everything!
>we're gonna tarrif too!
red buttons meme please
great so they can suffer more as we deport all spics to Mexico
In 2022 it was. Of course it varies year to year but the fact is they're one of our biggest trading partners, if not the biggest.
Anyone else actually read the letter she wrote to Trump? It made some sense to me. As an American, I tend to be pretty self-centered. In my own defense, my country is essentially the center of the Western world, so I'm conditioned to do that. What she said about the border's porosity being a two-way problem made a lot of sense though. While we have a good point about the amount of fentanyl coming across the border... they have good points, too; both about the fact that no one would make any money off fent if no one bought it, and about the amount of guns that make their way down to Mexico from up here.

I guess I just empathized with Mexico for a second there, in a way I hadn't. There are large amounts of Americans who hate Mexico and Mexicans for immigration and fentanyl. There are also large amounts of Mexicans who hate us for literally bankrolling their cartels with drug money and providing them with guns. It goes both ways.
Get some help, fren.
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this is about the gist of it. Nothing we can't produce ourselves and/or import from other Central American countries at a cheaper price.
This bitch is vastly overestimating her power in this negotiation.

Mexicans chose a pretty bad time to go woke lmao
>reddit spacing
Maybe the best solution would be to close the border entirely to make sure nothing was getting smuggled in either direction
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Unfortunately, you can't just "close" a stretch of land that's almost 2,000 miles long. I'm all for increased border security, but it's time to come back to reality and figure out how we can come to some kind of agreement that gets both parties what they need.
>just be sympathetic to people who want you dead ok?
I am tired of my sympathy being used as a weapon against me. I dont give a shit what happens to Hispanics once they're deported. We lived under the economy created by supporting illegal immigrants for a long time now and it's been getting worse every generation, they don't have this same sympathy for you and I, so why should I have it for them?
>alternate reality tard
yea, that's whats happening
Shut the fuck up, we can and should. Infact we should employ a militarized zone that starts picking off cartels on their Northern Border.
Evonomies of scale buddy. Whats the national gdp of me ico again? Whts the national gdp of america?

This is fundemental economics. Truml is in the right
The US is already finished. Even black people know this.

You have no idea how bad things are going to get.
we can and it'd cost a fraction of the price of housing and having to criminally pursue illegal immigrants. You've watched too much CNN
This is an actual strong leader, something jews and leftoids hate more than anything
Kill all the cartels and we won't annex your sorry ass country
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But anon most migrants are so poor. What could she tax them - the blood of their children?!
>they don't have this same sympathy for you and I, so why should I have it for them?
What I always say to things like this is something along these lines: ultimately, the standards we hold ourselves to aren't for anyone else but ourselves. By treating others magnanimously and with generosity, we become that kind of society. No behavior occurs in a vacuum; behaviors are almost always expressions of patterns rather than single events. It follows that a culture which is habitually cruel and hateful eventually turns to that cruelty and hatred -- as a matter of habit -- when other behaviors would do as well or better. When we are good, we are good for ourselves. We're good because we want to live in a good society, not an evil one.
None of that happened though
Thats not the issue dumbass hes not sticking it to them hes leveraging the fact that thats a much larger ammount of the mexican national gdp than it is ours. This is macroeconomics 101 baby
>retard noises
he's crashing the system so he can turn it into 1984 like russia. thats why they work with russia
Youre fucking economically illiterate. Exports to america is 1/3rd of the entirety of the mexican gdp, this is very obviously a bargaining chip. They cant just keep fucking us.
Anglos dont owe spaniards anything
Wrong, faggot. You simply deploy machine guns at regular intervals along the border so all the wetbacks get turned into Swiss cheese if they try to cross. There’s no way this can fail. If you disagree, you’re a kike.

You will never be a woman.
based retard
Can you do me a favor? First, visualize a stretch of land that's 2,000 miles long. Imagine all the kinks and corners of that border as it wends over bluffs, through gulleys, over small cliffs, across wadis. You can't do it, can you? You can't build a picture in your mind of what that looks like because it's impossible. We aren't designed to deal with quantities that large; it's outside our biology. Why do I say this? Because I'm trying to show you that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about kek. You live in a bubble where you can think it and you can say it so it must be true. In reality, you've never tried to plan so much as perimeter guard for a firebase or FOB. I'm trying to tell you that these things are orders of magnitude more complex than you think they are.
Worth noting is the $63 billion in remittances sent from the US to Mexico annually (with no exchange of goods).
maybe the US should stop the flow of weapons into mexico

might even make fewer people want to leave
The point is that we're fucking them, too. Maybe a better starting point would be to stop fucking each other over instead of trying to fuck each other over even harder.
Good. Fuck NAFTA.
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So America spends more on illegals every year than they even buy from Mexico. Got it.
i dont care about the political sophistry of all of this.

1) I just care that illlegals are crossing the border and making America into a shithole
2) they pretend we need them when both sides would be better off with a border wall (less guns from US, less fent from Mexico)
If you really wanted to Make Mexico Great Again, put guns into the hands of lawful Mexican citizens instead of corrupt government officials and other criminals.
Not interested in actually building a better world; just looking for a scapegoat. Got it kek.
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Just launch missiles at mexico. 1/4 of their citizens have invaded our country. That is an act of war. Drop the fucking bombs already.
Or the profit made from Mexico pays the bulk of Mexican care so it's a net loss not using 60c landmines and calling it a day.
so youre whole philosophy relies on getting drug addicts to care about ethnic replacement and foreign immigration?
how are you going to transform drug addicts to not care about cheap fent in the us moron? You really think they're the pillars of white society that will shape things?
>better world
You better make six figures or you are a fucking idiot and a deuce with that position. I dont mind either way. I also have a Mexican housekeeper and gardener.
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It's exhausting. U.S. should just slap a military base there and declare the area classified highly top secret, set up motion sensors and vibration detectors.
Or fuckit, just mine the fucker and be done with it. Have a kill team deploy to exterminate anything within a mile of any reported landmines or alarms going off. Was it an illegal? It's comrades are probably hiding nearby, kill everything. Was it a wild animal? More animals will come and waste more mines, better play it safe and kill everything large enough to set off a mine for a square mile. Was it an American? Not anymore, serves em fuckin right for not driving a car. Kill everything within a mile just in case there were witnesses.
>I guess I just empathized with Mexico for a second there, in a way I hadn't. There are large amounts of Americans who hate Mexico and Mexicans for immigration and fentanyl. There are also large amounts of Mexicans who hate us for literally bankrolling their cartels with drug money and providing them with guns. It goes both ways.
stopping them the problem at the border is very easy, its a manufactured conflict, for the benefit of you know yahoos. Hegelian dialectic of some sort, for sure
also how would Mexico not be better off by getting rid of drug cartels who push fent into America? Your whole premise is white bad and can change his ways to support non whites, while non whites = people just brought up into that lifestyle that know no better. You're unironically claiming whites are superior
You lost.
>we're fucking them
We're fucking them by telling them to control their own fucking cartels?
Wouldn't they also benefit, FFS?
>you can't just-

You can
The funniest thing is how Americans are doing it back to them, and they hate it.
We get their squat mystery meat, and they get our hipster faggots. The hipsters are turning everywhere they go into some expensive faggot nest like that episode of King of the Hill.
miggers still don't realize they're gonna pay the tariffs. Gonna be a fun four years.

We've asked God to Bless this man to be Fuhrer of All Mankind.

The fun stops once he's sworn in, everyone sobers up and finds themselves trapped with the Orange Doofus again.
1) you lost
2) you wont do shit sweaty
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You mean everything will be affordable again?
Awesome can’t wait
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How many would be assassins are in dirt already
3? 4? 5?
They can't do shit even if they tried.
Kill yourself
American government Ivy League "geniuses" don't know how to play hardball with foreign leaders.
They only know how to involve us in endless wars that we eventually have to walk away from.
kek true
Americans haven't been colonizing Mexico for the last 40 years. Vacationing isn't colonizing.
You're getting deported too
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>at a cheaper price.
we'd already be importing them then, retard.

The Stage is Set!
I understand the complexity. Your insistence that it has to be infallible is the midwit take. Secure it as well as possible within reason and that alone will deter much of the problem. Fucking run satellite imagery 24/7 w. AI analyzing it and LIDAR scans going to find subterranean tunnels. You’re just being a contrarian bitch
you retards remember he was president before right? We remember what it was like when he used tariffs the last time
25% tariff is a weak ass bitch economy move

Real leaders mobilize troops and start fucking killing mother fuckers.

I mean, the argument is that drugs kill people, right? Weak ass bitch response
I understand the complexity. Your insistence that it has to be infallible is the midwit take. Secure it as well as possible within reason and that alone will deter much of the problem. Fucking run satellite imagery 24/7 w. AI analyzing it and LIDAR scans going to find subterranean tunnels. You’re just being a contrarian bitch who will never get anything hard (read:worthwhile) done. You brown fuck, we will do it anyways.
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First, it's not Trump it's rat.

Second, nobody wears the rat hat outside of KKK rallies.

Third, nobody admits to voting for the rat. Ever.

Put it all together and the rat's time is extremely short. Another year at best, two or three more impeachments, and gone.
>americans think tariffs are a tax on foreign governments
it's so over
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Sheinbaum es judía, lo que significa que Trump le debe besar los pies y hacer todo lo que ella quiera.
Pinches gringos pendejos, nos la pelan y nos la seguirán pelando.
Post beaner claws
How about Trump taking care of his own mess first in his so called great country? drugs and firearms are out of control thanks to you gringos. You import the weapons and make us dodge the bullets because you can't stop consuming drugs. fuck you gringos
He is a good Golem, a good Shabbos Goy.
This is just going to give more fire to the ongoing globohomo backed communist movement currently taking over Latin America. Latam gets closer to China. I can't wait for muttland to fall. Mutts are too prideful. It's easy being the top dog when your country was chosen to be the issuer of the global reserve currency. It was never a fair game. The only part that sucks is that the world will move from bad to worse. A Chink World Order is even worse.
She's Jewish but she looks indistinguishable from any other spic or Latin woman.

Who cares. Mexicans are browner and more violent.
Son unos pendejos de mierda. Se les va a acabar la sonrisa muy pronto. Igual, tu judía es una puta zurda llena de sida.
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>zion don is looking for my interests
>gave israel 0 aid
The Trump administration gave Israel $14.6 billion in aid.
This isn't about emotions, it's about money anon.
>building a better world
>these people would rather you be dead
fuck off spic
The truth is complicated
Yes, Trump is embarrassingly pro pissreal. His grandkids are ethnically jewish. He’s on board with pretty much everything pissreal wants to do.
However, I believe he genuinely loves America abd does as much as he can to do whats right for this country. Unfortunately, his definition of doing his best to do what’s right for America is very civnat and not at all wignat, because he’s a New York boomer. He doesn’t care what anyone looks like so long as they can keep the machine of American capitalism humming along with as few lives lost as possible.
Tl;dr he’s not a total golem, which is why jews conspired against him in 2020. He does their bidding, but not in the traditional empty suit Washington way they’re accustomed to and not as agreeably as they’d like because he’s still trying to be a pro American jewish pawn. He’s basically a chess piece that will occasionally argue with you, its master, about what square it should fall on.

>claudia (((Sheinbaum))) is looking out for yours

Throwing stones from your glass hovel, I see.
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>everyone votes, no exceptions.

si, pendejo, quieres ver mi pulgar para que veas que vote o mi verga en tu boca es suficiente?
TARIFFS are in

>do what i say or i'll fuck up our highly integrated economies
>no go to hell or i'll fuck them up even more
I know the borders are beyond fucked up, but I doubt Americans really want to pay more to import oil and car parts and all kinds of other shit from what are basically your territories.
the dumb whore hired cartels to murder her political competition by promising then that the drugs and power continues to flow freely for them..
Trump forcing her to stop that would mean the cartels will kill her for not paying up... which is why the dumb whore will fight tooth and nails, selfpreservation.
This faggot wants to talk tarriffs when he couldn't even build a decent Wall so instead it's
>$50/lb coffee for the wagies
>$100/lb avacados for the purplehaired troons avacado toast addiction
Its a good thing the USA grows it's own coffee beans amirite my fellow Trumpjews?

This time next year these kikes will be selling you higher taxes so you can pay for the new war ZOG has cooked up for ya.
>He’s basically a chess piece that will occasionally argue with you, its master, about what square it should fall on.

Sort of true.
he was already in power you uninformed retard and he had traffis at that point in time as well and the same idiots warned about it as well and got it wrong

why do you insist on being a retarded uninformed mongloid?
Who's making these rat threads? Does anybody really give a shit about Rat / Putin sharing the U.S. Presidency? This is old, old news now.
Lol retard
We are not one of those middle Eastern states you fucked in 2000s, why would we want to destroy America? Yeah we are not fans but a basic cordial relationship should be maintained
>The federal government taxing Chinese consumer goods hurts us jews
Good thing you get billions of US tax dollars to wipe away your tears..
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Tax remittances. A big chunk of Mexico's gdp comes from beaners in the US sending money back home. Billions of dollars taken out of the US economy and put into theirs.
Well she is jewish
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>Hey I want to stop this invasion of the lands my ancestors made into a top tier place
>Y U no wan build fantasy world?!
Is pic related (You)?
>Worshipping Trump
For fuck sake you dumb yanks, hes a kike, hold his balls to the fire and make him do based stuff for once.
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Oh damn Juan
-Pattern recognition genius take: "Trump has dedicated a lot of effort in the belief that the jews of Israel are the chosen ones. The same people who betrayed him in his last presidency. In truth, Trump is on the side of america and americans, however his trust in Israel is likely to be waning. He knows how opportunistic they are. And he knows that they will betray him the instant he does not agree to give into what they want. Trump will likely cause the creation of Greater Israel overall. So he will cause Israel to aggressively complete its genocide, make their ego and confidence explode, and make them think and feel invincible. But eventually, its only a matter of time till they request something he cannot give them, resulting in the betrayal we all know is inevitable. But keep this in mind, this is Trump's final term, his reputation has no merit to him now, and he won't be around after his term to stop Israel from doing something stupid, under a new president that clearly won't like them as much as Trump did. If you know history, recognize patterns, and know what Israel is like, then you can tell what kind of future they have coming to them."
-Average take: "Trump is just pretending to be allied with jews, because they rule the means of communcation and information in america, and will deplatform him otherwise, but he really does support Israel"
-Moron take: "Trump worships jews and plans to only serve jews forever"
Yeah bro, a fucking shit hole like Venezuela is going to provide cheaper sugar and shit.
Or maybe you can bring it from Europe or Brazil
>This time it will be different, ignore his picks
Not like the old codger faggots in the Senate would even let someone in who would actually rip tear and do the needful
Look at the hysteronics they pulled when Gaetz was nominated for Attorney general
Cognitive dissonance of those who love Trump but hate Jews is wild.
If you want to dunk on beans, shut off the western union money transfers to Mexico and it’s a wrap.
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This. I don't give a fuck about ukrainians or these woke crybabies here crying about trump. Shit was already so expensive it's unaffordable like that sign. It's like that everywhere. I want them to hang themselves lol

The troons promised they would. Can't even keep a promise?
You don't see many rat threads now that Russian shills have left. The last four years must have cost them a fortune.
Trump is a deranged philosemite and his cabinet picks confirm it

We just call it rat here in the States. Real Americans don't use the word Trump except to deceive something really shitty like I just took a massive Trump in the bathroom. Or that car wreck totally Trumped my ride!

Just call it rat. Everyone knows who you're referring to.
We actually don't think about you guys at all.
Wait wasn't Trump the piss candidate?
Trump will do nothing just like the last time, you worthless goytards.
Precisely the kind of quality comments I'd expect to see from you complete retards.
You seem upset

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