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Discuss, also please post the files for shows from earlier this week if you have them.
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Telegram frens, plz share link to new Freechads
Was 1268 posted?
it wasn't posted in monday's thread, but if someone has the file please post it.
post that and PnB
We were abandoned.xt8jx
Fuck me!
>2 Jewish names


no the romanina jewish cunt probably drank herself to sleep and hasn't woken up for 3 days now
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hey tom
this consistently retarded poster still think piracy is good for business
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best possible outcome honestly, maybe more will follow suit.
its better than the alternative, pic applies
how are people ripping TDS episodes these days? post links please thank you
this. need link.

anyone else think these guys' takes get worse and worse? imagine being pro vaccine in the current year
This faggot still begs for a shit podcast every fucking day
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make up your mind

furthermore i consider that the holocaust is fake as fuck
They're Slavic names you retarded gas huffing abo. I didn't know abos were literate enough to use the internet.
What are you asking?
their takes are utter dogshit. mike by himself is alright but when he's with those other 2 retards it's like his IQ drops 30 points or so.
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in your subhuman brain are you telling us to buy an ad for someone to post free content or what?
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>interacting with memeflag
Imagine caring about the vax when the mandates have been repealed and their hasn't been a mass dieoff.
second this motion
see above: >>489754428
Or you could wonder why these threads arent pruned despite being an obvious begging thread
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>the mandates have been repealed and their hasn't been a mass dieoff.
This is why they were so right to distance themselves from caring about this issue

i dont really know if most of the people who act like trs disavowwing vaccine-schizos equates to actually supporting are just being illogical, hystrionic or malicious, and it doesnt matter.
all three of those scenarios are toxic retarded and gay.

trs vindicated on this issue, irreperably.
I think it's cause Americans spell the Slavic "ic" the same way jews do, so retards think every "ich" is a kike.
none of that has anything to do with you always being wrong about thinking this is them somehow getting away with free advertising by facilitating piracy
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same sort of people who think the jewish accent is the greater nyc area accent, not the other way around

or, again, malicious posters attempting to influence the aforementioned
> trs vindicated on this issue, irreperably.

not really. trs has no idea what they're talking about on this issue and should stay in their lane, which seems to be sucking mudslime cock and shitting on white people who aren't deferential enough to muh palestine.
a non jew should post the unedited links including 1268
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their is no mass vax dieoff, their will never be a vax dieoff
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was there a mass die off?
are mandates in place?

im sure you feel shit on. have fun pouting while jews die cause you dont like the way it's happening.
Aye, probably malicious.
someone with a crystal ball or a can full of pennies summon the gypojew
i think she died from alcohol poisoning m8

we are forsaken. sven won. it's sveover
Whatever makes you feel better. I'll be around when you have an argument. Gtk I'm living rent free
Some anon will eventually get an account and start posting files again. I will make sure these threads keep getting created until that day comes.
The jew got pissed because you guys kept posting her name and face in every thread so she isn't gonna post the show anymore.
>i think she died from alcohol poisoning
this healthy looking individual? are you sure?
define "mass die off"?

that's the vax enjoyers go-to strawman. easy to disprove, easy to shift the goalposts. nevermind all the excess deaths & other complications.
Gais, Romania is beautiful, isn't it? It's the best country. And the women are just..., oh those perfect European beauties. They are just perfect.
So great.
come on gypsy we need you
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>vax enjoyers
are you suggesting people that arent anti vax are provax?
just like you assume people who laugh at dead jews like arabs more than Whites?

You constantly find yourself at odds with reality and your only recourse to actually straw man people?

I'd like you to provide numbers on deaths.
>looking a gift horse in the mouth
This is why we can't have things.
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>trs has no idea what they're talking about on this issue
apparently you do know youre talking about so crack an egg of knowlege all over our heads.
The rate of side effects is pretty comparable to other pharmaceutical drugs. But the thing about the vax is that it isn’t a political issue.
honestly some makeup and better cloths and she'd be a solid 7/10

at least she's not fat
They really need to do that on so many issues. The bald faggot is a former EMT and doesn't actually know anything about healthcare, medicine, or pharmacology and the other two know even less. Not one of them knows anything about guns, cars, etc. yet they always comment on them and spend an hour going off on harebrained theories that are very far removed from reality. They know almost nothing outside of their little urbanite NY/PA world.
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hey shut up
so anyway
404 khazar milkers not found

Unironically would
memeflags from her shitty podcast, like clockwork
who is this
By now everybody would give her the big D, if only for the team. Why the fuck won't anybody eat her out, then fuck her silly, slap her ass a little and pull her hait just the right amount while finishing in doggy SO SHE CAN FINALLY POST LINK?!
does she have downs?
Musonius' idea of a 10/10 based huwheatfield goddess.
Mike does. He's also 5 feet tall and works for tips.
kill yourself jew lover.
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>5 feet tall!
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I don't have trs1269 yet though, maybe in an hour.
Post tits as payment, poorfags
Today sweaty earned one (1) yike
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>works for tips!
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No, boobs are gross
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pls no bully, I'm at the start of my weight loss journey.
sorry my man boobs shriveled up after i lost some weight

but thx for the links king. will wait for 1269 too. dont go anywhere
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Thank you, sir.
Icke has always been the only guy in the kosher conspiracy world with a shred of v decency.
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forgot lewdz
meh they are just jumping to greener pastures m8. at one time i thought all of these "rockafellar" and "globalists" etc. were just using codewords to not get smithed but in reality they were always kosher. now maybe they are losing funding and/or aren't as relavent so they are just jumping on the bandwagon
in such a condition your hormones are all out of whack and you should not concern yourself with logic, reason, or politics.
Step away from the computer until your life is in order fatty.

I don't even know what her podcast is called or that she had one, I literally only know she exisrs from these threads, but the paranoia that anonymity breeds is hilarious. I've been called Johnny Monoxide in these threads multiple times too
finally, a non jew delivers.
>Hai, Maike's Jewish Waife
Thanks, any chance you have the new Warstrike mp3
Ta muchly.
>a fat codegarch from New York married a jew
And this is supposed to upset me?

Varg(pbuh) teaches that we are all in the gutter, I cannot fault Peinovich for the foibles of youth, the "sins" of circumstance.
oh yea please post, its free on their telegram
Icke would always defend Ernst Zundel in the 2000s, when "free speech" advocates like Jonestein were silent. And, although there was always a kosher angle, he'd talk about the Talmud and the Protocols.
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very good. Here's two sets of booba from our 2-man pol team, BAP approved. We were still pumped from doing pushups and sitjerks.
Who has the better pecs, me or him?
wow didn't know that. good for him then.

my main issue with the old school conspiracy stuff is that they have said/say so much retarded shit that nobody takes them seriously. and you can never be sure it it isn't by design to muddy the water.

but props for him for defending Zundel.
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for fucking real, bro.
ive spent a lot of time in nyc and it demoralizes humans really badly. you see crackhead blowing each other in the subway on your way to work, and your soul becomes sick.

since he got out of there he lost a ton of weight ditched the trashy wife and dropped all the lame libertarianism. i see this as positive, because i live under zog. i know how it poisons the mind and i know how freedom from it feels. how the mind of the White European diaspora returns to its natural keen and faschy state.
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Thank you, kind saar!
Varg is literally several times the man Mike (whom I like) is.

>totally opposes kikes, never would have gone even near a jewess even in his youth
>has renounced kikestianity uttlerly, a driving force in neopaganism
>fathered many (8?) White kids
>maximised natural contempt for audience but not as a gimmick, couldn't give half a shit about piracy, encourages it
>literally fought his enemies with knife and flame
>sat in jail for his beliefs
>prepped for breaking out of jail to fight NATO
>out of prison, vanned by (((swat))) team
>blessed by Forseti, he walks out of prison and resumes impregnation work towards 1488
wasn't she like only 25% or so jewish too? but yeah the main problem was that she was super into all kinds of super jewiy shit in NY like drag queens and what not. that's a double whammy
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your paywall, my free show
>mRNA vaccines are untested and the companies not liable
>degraded food quality is due to corruption from the FDA
>the same (((big-nosed reason))) is the cause of both of those problems!
This was the correct take for TRS to take, but ultimately Sven and Mike are coastal urbanites who would rather sneer at perceived schizos instead of finding out how bad the food and pharma industries are.
>inb4 jewish corruption of meds and food isn't a political or white issue
like i said though, life in these cities forces you to wade through homeless people, gay retards in their underwear on the street, and even billionaires who are fucked up on coke and chokesex.
and this is inescapable. you cant walk to the corner store and get overpriced groceries without Darkest Dungeon tier stress habits forming.

your stupid ex wife having degen friends
10+ years ago is just such a feeble fuckin argument
wait for the unedited link. Fuck this petulent jew

Consider what you could do with $12/mo instead of paying these shills. If you have put that into BTC over the last 7 years you'd have like..... a lot. But more importantly Sven would have less.
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>open mp3 in mpv
>tap right arrow key until I hear intro music
Nothing personnel, Diana.
>mRNA vaccines are untested and the companies not liable
this was covered, and there was never, ever any time where they advocate that you take it.
the sneering is directed at you and people like you who are obviously still obsessed with this shit AND AND AND AND
do exactly what youre STILL doing right now, which is put it before broader rhetoric,
instead of subordinate to it.

no. stop. youre still doing it. stop what youre typing and read this again. think about it again. reflect. engage in radical acceptance.
its exactly what you did and what youre still doing.
you are not getting your bang access back, you are not ever going to be successful elevating your subordinate niche issues as superlative, no matter how hard you try to make the case that seed oils matter compared to israel being bombed.
its never gonna happen, ever.
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pay with tits poorfags

turdstrike 71
post tuesdays turdstrike pika
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thx dood
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Thank you, again.
>ditched the trashy wife
She divorced him and Mike cried like a bitch for months
Old fashioned whores were so much better
The covid psyop was a huge IQ and character test, and everyone in TRS flunked it. You fags will never recover from it.
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These do ya?
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Jesse Dunstan of The Right Stuff podcast group (a fake Alt Right group that lures naive Whites into honeypots) wanted the National Guard to enforce lockdowns with shoot-to-kill orders. He also said "Fuck your small business" to anyone who complained about going bankrupt because of the lockdowns.


The Latinx "former" communist Eric Stryker of TRS and the National Justice Party (NJP, another scam outfit and honeypot) said the Science™ is settled and the clot shot is Safe and Effective.


Meanwhile, Chairman Mike Peinovich of TRS and NJP, who married a B'nai B'rith jewess, says if you think the clot shots are dangerous, you're a fucking moron who needs to shut up:


>This is why I hate, hate, hate stupid covid vaccine shit so much! And I have zero respect for anyone that continues to peddle it, and frankly if I see it in any of my chats I think you're stupid! I think you're fucking stupid! I'm done pretending anymore! When I see you say "sudden death" shit, FUCK YOU! That shit you're falling for was used to totally deep six any ability to maybe control the border and prevent millions more brown people in this country! So enjoy it! Enjoy your stupid fucking memes! That you don't believe someone had a heart attack! Why the fuck wouldn't a nigger have a heart attack?! What you're mad about, because you're dumb, ok I'm sorry, the people that do this are just dumb, you got tricked, and if you did, it's never too late to simply stop!

Remember these names when the time comes to remove traitors from our midst.
>Jesse Dunstan
I thought his real name was James Augustine?
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The founder and leader of TRS is Mike Peinovich, who turned out to be married to a B'nai B'rith jewess named Ames Friedman, who liked to hang out with drag queens. He kept this information a secret from his listeners for years while he larped as a White Nationalist and anti-semite. Finally he was doxed and his jewish wife couldn't take the heat and divorced him. Mike cried like a bitch when she dumped him.

What kind of weak, beta-male simp faggot lets his wife go to drag-queen shows? Or did Mike go with her?
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By the way, for the longest time Mike Peinovich angrily insisted that anyone who even suggested Israel was behind 9/11 was a crazy "conspiracy theorist" and a moron. It took 15 years to drag him kicking and screaming into FINALLY admitting that maybe Israel was involved. Naturally Mike Peinovich took the weakest version of that theory, where the Israelis knew about the plot, failed to warn us, and let it happen. It's always damage control with that fat kike.
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>It's always damage control with that fat kike.
See picrel for Mike's accidental confession of his partial jewish ancestry.
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TRS is a magnet for degenerate types. Here's a typical example: Ghoul, whose real name is Cooper Ward, was a frequent podcast guest and high-ranking member of the old TRS. Let's hear what some former TRS insiders have to say about Ghoul:


Cooper Ward AKA Ghoul
-was involved in TRS and American Vanguard
- self described deputy commander which later became Patriot Front
-doxed by Antifa
-has two lesbian mothers
-once dated a Jewish tranny
-is gay, rumored to have been soliciting dick pictures
-rumored to have groomed and had sex with a 15 year old boy
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Then there was "Rhodes", whose full name is Harold Rhodes Sloke. He was a close friend of Sven's and a TRS/NJP pool party regular. He would force his wife to fuck niggers while he jerked off in the corner and afterwards licked the nigger's cum out of his wife's pussy. Rhodes now has an OnlyFans account where he does interracial gay porn.
Then there's "Jack McCracken" (what a giveaway that pseudonym is, it's as if they WANT to be caught), whose real name is John R. Metz.

"Jack McCracken" reused one of his screen names on a dating site where he had a profile saying he was looking for trannies. He also often went to gay clubs on drag/tranny nights. When he got doxxed to antifa it was by trannies that had slept with him. Given that he has male-male sex with a demographic that has like 50% HIV+ rates, in New York of all places, he almost certainly has HIV as well.

What is it about TRS that attracts these freaks? Why did Mike and Jesse cover for them for so long? Imagine bringing your teenage son to one of their infamous pool parties so he can be pawed and groomed by one of the numerous resident TRS pederasts. Disgraceful.
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The co-founder of the now-defunct NJP and former handler of TRS, "Eric Striker" (whose real name is Joseph Jordan), is very likely a closeted homosexual. Consider the following:

Joseph Jordan (or JoJo, as his gay lovers call him) is a single, childless, middle-aged man who has never been married or even had a girlfriend.

Joseph Jordan is extremely short and has an off-putting personality, so it is very unlikely that women would ever find him attractive.

Joseph Jordan dresses like Freddie Mercury (wife-beaters, tight jeans, high-heeled boots--the standard attire of gay male prostitutes).

Joseph Jordan "accidentally" chose the name of a dead gay porn actor as his pseudonym. (Look up "Eric Stryker" on Wikipedia and IMDB.)

Joseph Jordan frequently discusses anal sex and gives two-hour in-depth reviews of "art films" about homosexuals.

Joseph Jordan drinks heavily and is reported to use cocaine. Homosexuals have higher than average rates of drug and alcohol abuse.

Given all the above, it is a safe bet that Joseph Jordan is a homosexual. That's why he used to fit in so well with the rest of the degenerates who populate this little cult.
Striker's dating an Irish lass, former leftist journo. I forget her name
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>a fake Alt Right group that lures naive Whites into honeypots
See picrel for one example. James Fields was foolish enough to trust Peinovich and marched with him at the Unite The Right rally at Charlottesville, Virginia. At that rally Mr. Fields was caught in a trap set up by feds and Antifa (useful idiots for the system) and is now serving 419 years in a federal prison on trumped-up charges. TRSodomites in these threads used to defend Mr. Fields, but now they smear him and call him guilty because his mere existence embarrasses their cult leader, Mike Peinovich. James Fields now languishes abandoned and slandered by the very people he thought were his allies and brothers. This cowardly betrayal of a White Nationalist political prisoner should come as no surprise to people who know about Peinovich's background.
hey gypsie guess what?
we don’t need you, we got other pirates now, you can go away now, you are obsolete
This TRS shit is inorganic. Everybody left, nobody gives a fuck, and the NJP grift has been redone twice now.

The a-logs won, Mike is a Jew, and Jesse is a literal my wife’s son cuck.

Stop posting this shit to try to regenerate interest, WN has moved beyond this garbage. Fuck your small business
Bless you. Although I want you to know I had to truck across the great state of Sweden in the land of the free home of the brave while listening to the radio like some fucking retard Monday and Tuesday. Don't know if I can forgive you for that
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Why hasn't TRS or NJP ever done a Free James Fields campaign? He's a political prisoner railroaded on bullshit charges. He was there at the Cville march because Mike Peinovich had been promoting it as safe and effective (just like the covid mRNA jab!).

But Mike and his cultists just want to forget about Mr. Fields and hope that we'll forget about him, too. Fair-weather friends, those TRSodomites.
Loyal TRSfags are, predictably, stuck in the 2016 memegeist. You’re out of touch, that’s why you still listen to these retards,
What do anti-TRS people propose? You gave lots of flimsy critiques but no positive solutions or ideas. Give me something better or fuck off.
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What are the Mike copes for the Hezbollah ceasefire by the way? Forgot tiddies so I'll post the best ones that no one ever will be able to top. You're welcome.
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Damn brother
>uhm.. ackshully jews lose with this agreement
continues saying that sandniggers will go back to south Lebanon.
ok, then there is no deal to be had, Michelangelo.
Aren't kikes in Israel literally turning on netanyooho because of the ceasefire deal? idk much about this conflict though...
if no one abides by this agreement then there is no deal.
>TRS's "positive solutions": 3-hour "deep dives" on Cobra Kai and koi fish collecting
Gibs dohNATIONS NAO so Sben can buy his 24th Chink Flying V knockoff
lel alright I'm expecting there to be some tasty copes. I'll listen on my way home. I hope they'll eventually drop their retarded third worldism once the wars end. Unfortunately the war in Ukraine will continue so they will continue being nurtured by the supposed epic Putin win there against *squints* Ukraine.
that's probably what's gonna happen then
Angela Nagel and I think they got married

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