Debating someone on race issues who doesn't believe race exists, is like debating someone on trannyism who doesn't believe gender exists. It's completely pointless and I don't know why the best of us have wasted time on this shit for decades now.
You can't win them over because "race doesn't exist" is a religious stance for them, and blaspheming against that is like blaspheming against the holy holocaust.
>>489752648Genders dont existThere's only male and female
Gender doesn't exist.
>>489754421You know what I meant and you're ignoring the point.
>>489752648Buy an ad22OPOW
>>489752648I get the sense from Destiny that he’s actually killed before.
>>489754896he's probably put a bunch of hits out (told women to get abortions)
>>489754896he killed millions of future babies by swallowing cum
>>489752709Correct. Its like trying to convince religious people there is no god. It cant be done. Its a matter of faith. I mean they have been killing each other for centuries because of faith,There is one big difference though, when racial mixing has reduced countries like Brazil to absolute shitholes (it can get a lot worse, believe me) , people will realize that race is a thing. A god will never show itself.
>>489752648yo that hairline is FUCKED
>>489752648If they're hung up on the word "race," talk about it a different way. It's over 100,000 years of geographical separation and divergent evolution. Try to get them to agree to that. Then move on to what differences resulted from that. There are the ones that are obvious to anyone, such as skin color. But what other differences are there? How can intelligence differences be ruled out?
>>489759266>There is one big difference though, when racial mixing has reduced countries like Brazil to absolute shitholes (it can get a lot worse, believe me) , people will realize that race is a thing.look at Detroit before and afterthese people will deny it until the day they get murdered
>>489760528>Then move on to what differences resulted from that.they'll just pull out their copy of Guns, Germs, and Steel
>>489754597>>it's completely pointless>>the best of us have wasted time on this shit>you're ignoring the pointhaha