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File: test.mp4 (3.78 MB, 1280x720)
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3.78 MB MP4
can we stop posting webms? It's a shitty format (almost as bad as webp for pictures). It's about damn time they allowed MP4 posting. What even was the rationale for forcing webm only?
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gay ass nigga wearing a dress lmao
>still have to strip audio out
Holy shit. This is the most groundbreaking event to occur on 4chan in all my time being here
Damn that MK Ultra conditioning.

Wonder what they do to them to embed this. We see a lot of this reciprocal "freezing" nature. Seen Shaq do it a couple of times before too.
I just want to know how to see video (webm and mp4) file names on iPhone. I don’t get 2/3 of the file name thread jokes on /v/ and those fucking kids won’t tell me how. I used to have an android and it was no problem
I just assumed Google ran 4chan.
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1.01 MB MP4
It would, however, be preferable and optimal, to source the original MP4s for the webms that exist here, rather than re-convert a webm back to MP4.

MP4 to webm is lossy. For you zoomers, that means the original video quality is lost when converting to webm.
webm to MP4 is also lossy. When you convert back to MP4, even more video quality is lost.
webms are good and usually very well compressed compared to other formats.
gookmoot should enable audio on other boards.
pretty sure just /gif/ and /wsg/ have audio.

also let us post multiple images in one post, gookmoot you stupid faggot.
Years of wasting time converting videos to vp8/vp9 webm and now they are allowing mp4. Goddamn cancer niggers run this site
When the fuck are we getting sound? It makes no sense for this board out of all of them, to be mute.
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now we just need gookmoot to allow webps

Please, based gook, the masses yearn for the webp on 4channel dot org
no they definitely don't want this nu fag image format
thats pretty funny actually. he was such a racist at heart.
>still have to strip audio out
desu people would just have really loud audio tracks saying.
>nigger, nigger, nigger
/gif/ starts automuted. this is a non-issue.
Imagine the earrape.
As much as it can be inconvenient I think it's best not to allow audio.
This is a very British vs American disagreement. Ironically England makes it very easy to get a suppressor for your gun whereas America thinks it would be too dangerous to allow that.
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we made this, we're all about the stealth mate.
This video perfectly encapsulates the Biden Administration.
>that video
add some more Mexicans in there and that's America
We should just ban videos entirely then.

People might just post videos that say NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER. You pussy bitch, go back to wherever you came from.
it is impossible in Canada
apple fags are butt hurt about webm because safari doesn't support it.
>This is a very British vs American disagreement. Ironically England makes it very easy to get a suppressor for your gun whereas America thinks it would be too dangerous to allow that.
Yeah, but it's easy for us to get the gun, and any machinest can cut you a suppressor, it's not rocket science.
File: prosport3.webm (3.7 MB, 720x1280)
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why is mp4 better?
>nigger, nigger, nigger
shouted out every time i clicked on a mp4 might cause me a few problems at work anon.
vids start muted by default. Or you could also just turn off your volume if you're browsing 4chan at work, dumbass. Holy shit you are a slave

>we shouldn't have this thing because it might be scary
Slavery is illegal anon, take off your chains or remain a NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
>turn my volume down
>i'm the slave
>nobody should have this thing because it might get me in trouble with my boss
dumb bitch.
>it might get me in trouble with my boss
my boss wouldn't give a fuck but the black guy who sits opposite me might be a bit miffed.
Right. People shouldn't be able to create and share useful things because it might piss off the black guy you work with, and you can't remember to turn off the volume before browsing 4chan (even though vids always start muted). I'm glad not every Brit is as cowardly as you.
He was so still for so long when he finally turned his head it scared the shit out of me.
>why is mp4 better?
because it's an exponentially more common video format than webm and because most webms are sourced from MP4s. You know that the compression / re-encoding process degrades video quality, right?
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i like that apple users cant see webms though
But I saw that. The track lady bending over.
Otherwise probably every third video would be some kind of screamer
No, it wouldn't. You act like it's never been done before. not only are there boards that allow sound on 4chan and that isn't a problem, there have also is/were other chans that allowed vids with sound and that wasn't a problem there, either.

quit being such a pussy, holy shit.
That's not the problem.
Subliminal messaging.
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>people would just have really loud audio tracks saying.
>>nigger, nigger, nigger
how is that a bad thing?
>Subliminal messaging
ivan you can't really be that retarded that you think this jewish shit works, do you?
Hope you don't watch any youtube videos, then.

part of why the feds hated the ol atechan was because people were making and uploading political propaganda that is still making the rounds today. But it's hard to make good, influential media with no sound.
America is such a joke
Biden is literally surrounded by people with 70IQ that also come from shit holes.
I don't see why they don't just remove the audio since they're already stripping metadata. Just accept the video and display a little 'audio removed' notice, and you can cancel the post if you want.
>What even was the rationale for forcing webm only?
It stopped cockmunching retards like you from flooding the board with retarded clips. At least it kept it to those who know how to convert videos.
where am i
>Nuh uh!!! im not just a slave to my boss, Im a slave to a random black guy
>still no sound
deliberately 3rd world. At least >no webm
niggers can stfu. You will get the twitter link, make an account if you want to see the vid.
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Webm is the patrician's choice
Based and sniper elite 4pilled
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You can make better compressed vids with mp4 seeing as it allows non-obsolete encoders that produce higher quality vids for the same bitrate.

Having said that, still using VP9, cause fuck new stuff.
They dont even need to remove it just force volume to hard zero on the player
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1.92 MB WEBM
And waste bandwidth? That costs money. Plebs will reencode videos without the audio for free. FREE. They're no better than jannies.
Why is Ricky in Auschwitz?
this doesn't happen on /wsg/
>applefags btfo

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