GIBSON takes Legal Action Against TRUMP GUITARSAfter just a few days, Gibson Guitars has already hit Trump Guitars with a cease and desist letter, claiming the guitar officially endorsed by Donald Trump infringes on the intellectual property rights of Gibson.
>>489754930>cease and desist letterlol
>>489754930>memeflag Nothing you say has any worth.The dried, parasite infested fecal matter, rotting on your diseased mutilated microdick has more worth than ANYTHING you say.Kill yourself, you worthless kike.
>>489754930post the raid
>>489754930For what, the les paul body? How many guitar makers have les paul style guitars now
>>489754930All that retard did was make Trump's limited edition guitars even more valuable lmao.
>>489754930Trump's product line is mega cringe.
>>489754930This dude in the video talking shit about Trump hats LMAO. They have made in the USA clearly stitched onto them, not China.
>>489756773>It's the sugar too.>They put pounds of sugsr into their spaghetti sauce, they marinade pork chops in dr. Pepper, they alwaysMany. Gibson just chose to file a cease and desist because it's Blormph.Fender should jump on it and make a shit ton of money off the boomers.