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why aren’t white people reproducing? and you all wonder why you’re getting replaced…
>why aren’t white people reproducing?
Behavioral sink.
nonwhite invasion started in the 1960s
why are you idiots concerned? you are openly dedicated to the global genocide of europeans. just gloating?
>why aren’t white people reproducing?
They are, retard.
You just lie and import foreigners either way.
>cunt want no child
>cut your balls for a femoid
>leave you cause muh reasons
>she gonna be bred by chad
It's shit test
Then a few months later the bitch left him for a Chad. What an idiot
Kek, look how happy he is
White women are not human, asians are the only option for white men.
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trying this out - her body my choice

Every woman wants kids the second she turns 30, or is ovulating around chad
I'd say that's shit taste in women rather than a bad decision about a vasectomy.
>worthless skank whore doesn't want kids

NEVER be a cuck desexed faggot like the looser in OP.
Id beat the living shit out of a bitch if she even suggested a vasectomy. Bitch in OP needs her neck broken.
Should probably be asking white women why they aren't reproducing.

Last time I checked they are the one responsible for having white children you retard.
>Remember to spay and neuter your goyim.
I'm going to kill as many jews as I can get my hands on.
Asian women are the only logical choice.
>rather than a bad decision about a vasectomy.
There is NO scenario where a vasectomy is valid cuck
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this is why, its what the data shows
>the pill

Irony is, after she gets off the pill, she WILL want babies
pretty much. so tiresome really
rapist energy: the image
Is that the couple from the one webm on here sometimes? What's wrong with him? Is he sick or something?
I've been pulling out since for the last 15 years and don't have any kids or stds
t. 50's, couple of kids, missus had beast cancer (estrogen receptive).
We were never going to try for more kids and nutting in her for the 1st time knowing that was Donald Duck boner worthy.

Now run along - adults are talking about adult things.
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>Id beat the living shit out of a bi- ACK
apu will never be a woman
He is just ugly as fuck really, not sick or anything, asian girls dont care how you look as long as you are white.
>. 50's
She has no eggs retard
>tertiary education
Counterpoint: Israel
If your country values mothers and having children, women will have them. The kikes do made valuing motherhood a part of their culture
And she'll cheat on his ass get pregnant try to convince his ass to raise the kid and if he doesn't agree she'll leave him for a simp who will while he's unable to ever further his genetic line.
lol, I was in that thread. I love this place!
You do know vasectomies are 100% reversible right?
You a bit slow aren't you. Do you think my wife of nearly 30 yrs had our kids in her 50's?
I know a guy who got a vasectomy for his girlfriend. She did Onlyfans and demanded an open relationship. She later dumped him but continued living in his house which he owned.
That ginger shouldnt be reproducing honestly
Interesting. When I first saw him I figured he had cancer or something. In reality he just needs to eat a sandwich. Thanks
He has scleroderma retard. How can you look at someone like that and just think that's within the range of normal people??
That being said if it weren't for his autoimmune thing he doesn't look that bad
They aren't
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/L2W8A942JWQ
Can somebody translate this Indonesian sentence?
kontol cewek main kyk tai
thats a lie leftoids push same with stopping puberty, giving estrogen to boys chemically castrates them alan turing commited suicide because of it
Im NOT a little low t zoomie faggot.
I could crush you with one hand
It that Infidel Noodles?
>cuck got castrated
Not my problem
Lol imagine getting surgery on your manhood twice cause of some pussy.
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Shut up brown faggot
Idk. Most mixed race couples tend to have lots of kids and some of them are white passing
Some anyways
>t. Lying jew

But even if they were, what type of bitch ass cuck pussy desexes themselves.
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I bet this self-entitled bitch leaves him for Tyrone and forces him to pay child support for the other man's children.
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white people succeeded in their task of, lets call it, 'generation'
so, technically, they do not need to breed further, universe is satisfied
and technically that applies to all humans
the race was won
i kno what youre thinking
>why just blurt that out
or, more likely
>that cant be true, what are you even saying, me no understand, sound like crazy babble
you guys dont need to understand
rampant breeding is for the low IQ, and leads to africa-tier, or the middle-east-tier
>gets off birth control
>gets seduced by an average man
>dumps her loser mutilated bf
eh nothing personal kid
because even though normies don't realize the problem is the Jew, they still live in the Jews problem

same reason asians aren't. and shitskins that grow up in white countries. feminism.
Because they feel inferior to white people. That's the basis of the constant seething jealousy. All that bombast and they still aren't white, it drives them insane every day.
White """people""" = low T effeminate subhumans
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>the race has won
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rat boys aren't White people nor are they Hebrew or Israelite.
We're already replaced. Idc it's time to goon
This kike would look good with a golf club hanging out it's rat nigger skull.
Imagine wanting to emulate Jews
Counterpoint: Afghanistan

you will never be Israel, stop dreaming about it muttdog
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>to white people
the white people
Who's that guy, or is it a girl, looks like Akhenaten.
He looks just like me and I am perfectly healthy
Strongest white man hahahahaha I almost feel bad for these pathetic fucks
those are jews
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Rampant breeding does indeed lead to Africa tier. Most children will basically become unwanted and leads to criminal behavior.
Cringe shill
Knew a dude who’s wife made him get snipped then left him. Lol
If you're with a woman near your age who doesn't want children, just leave her for a younger woman who does.
Kek, those are anglos. We all know they honorary Jews
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>cherry picking
You know you are inferior, sub human.
My girlfriend is in her 30s and absolutely doesn’t want kids. Neither do I. The world is completely and irrevocably fucked and I’m not brining a child into this world just for them to be raped and/or murdered by government sanctioned invaders. Nor am I bringing them up to live in the incoming technology dominated dystopia that has digital currency at the forefront to be used to control people and their purchases
>hey there citizen!
>looks like you bought more than your monthly allowance of red meat (200 grams)
>we’ve deducted £250 from your account to be used to offset the carbon footprint!
Fuck that shit
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>My girlfriend is in her 30s
Turbo cuck.
>so weak he doesnt even have confidence in raising his kids correctly
Giga turbo cuck
and then when she stops she wants to have kids and then cheats
hmmmmm weird how that works
>22 in id
>22 in post
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>ID: a7yb22LO
in case you guys missed it
>Don't want to have children
They just have to not have sex about one week in every month. Is that too much to ask?
The racial equity woke social justice warriors want, BTW.
because i feel it is my duty to rid the world of kikes, niggers and other subhumans before putting my own progeny into it.
Came here to post this
>so weak he doesnt even have confidence in raising his kids correctly
You can’t raise your kids to not be murdered by an invader you retard. Unless you just want to shelter them their entire lives? Yeah, that’ll work out great. You also can’t protect them from digital currency, either. That’s the way it’s clearly going and all governments are frothing at the mouth to complete and implement it because that means they can keep people as slaves indefinitely and tax people’s accounts directly for any reason they fucking want
"a part of their culture"
they are so gynocentric they have been tracing their bloodlines maternally FOREVER

they are a matriachral cancer.
their birthrates are stable cuz their bitches run the fucking show; educated women only work when they outperform males; the balance between the sexes is dominance, not fencesitting.
Simps getting what they fucking deserve, per ush
>either of those people
jesus christ just look at the nose on that dude and that skull pattern
I thought that "man" was a fucking lesbian at first
Of course she doesn’t wanna have kids with that beta faggot
Honestly, if their fits weren't so bad and they weren't so miserable, they'd look fine.
by white we mean 100% bavarian phenotype
Mexican half with filters. Not white.
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White women are extremely hostile to their male children. Every white dude who struggles with women had some insane helicopter mom who would threaten to call the cops on him if he so much as went outside without her controlling his every movement. Talk to any black or hispanic woman and it's like "my son loves sports and Jesus, his girlfriend is an atheist but he convinced her to go to church- I tell him be careful if you fool around you don't want to get in trouble with teen pregnancy!". They just accept it as growing up, instead of trying to crush their kid out of feminist hatred and then their kid is 30 and they're like "why can't he move out and start a family" after they stole everything they could from him and crippled his job prospects and friendships until he was all alone.
Anyone who asks this question must be a fed shill who nevers gets outside the Green Zone.
Birthrates are plummeting almost everywhere, not just with whites.
The only people still at above replacement are extremely strict religious communities like the amish and ultra-orthodox jews (the latter of which are parasites who wouldn't make it if the system collapsed), and ooga boogas in africa (who also can't stand on their own 2 legs).
And that being said, there are too many damn people so maybe it's not a bad thing.
You think that qt gonna breed with this guy? top kek
these are Irish traveling folk.
qt? meh. 5/10 tops, more like 4.5
Is that asmongold?

Even as someone who doesn't want kids getting sterilised just feels too Jewy for me.
Replacement is not the same as TFR. After the Baby Boom when 3.5 million white kids were born each year it was normal for birthrates to fall and later return to a normal trend, the problem is that boomers being the worthless shits they are had 1.7-2.7 million kids a year (for an average of about 2.3 million) from the time the first boomer turned 18 in 1964 to the time more than 95% of boomer women had hit menopause around 2010, which tanked the long term white growth rate.

For brownoids it's like "they were having 7 kids and now they're only having 2.1!" which translates into they were having 20 million kids 30 years ago and now it's only 19 million,
Men who do vasectomy are ultimate cuck subhumans. Women have anuses
Because their parents hate them.
to be fair those are some ugly ass asians
Ewhores like here
1. they both look very jewish
2. they look like brother and sister
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Billions more locusts, roaches, and ants than White people and always will be, but they will never replace us. If we go down, they go down. They need us, that simple.
exactly, i don't wanna be reborn with a mug such as that fuckers.
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Russians reproduce. The Old Believers on the Yenesei.
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Behead all satans
when she said "you mean" i thought he was going to propose anal
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Why the left shiner? Masonic ritual?
the fuck? dude should be a maniac killer or something, 4 white of the eyes, square eyes, superior to Seppuku eyes!
>implying the average /pol/simp wouldn't do the same just to get a taste of that beauty's puss

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They look like siblings
Niggers smile before they sucker punch you.
Yeah the world really is fucked you could just kill yourself that would make everything better
Middle one is a qt314
Those are basically neutered dogs, not men.
it's a good thing that faggot got neutered
>white people
>video of darkies cutting their balls off
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You already got a king. When are you going back?
>Typically, success rates for sperm returning to semen after a reversal procedure range from 60% to 95%.
>Implying the bitch won't cheat on you with Chad when she gets off the pills anyway
Those are two jews
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>why aren’t white people reproducing?

90% of white women dogpile on top of the 1% of white men and refuse to consider any sub-Chad guy. Either that or they just go and suck off the trashiest drug-dealing ugly shitskin thug they can find right off the street.

Of course this shit doesn't work out. Only total white shariah will save our birth rates.
Israel's birthrate is propt up by very traditional Jewish communities where the women aren't educated. Imagine the USA with 10% of the population being Amish who act as our child factory. That's Israel.
me on the left

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