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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Cut the bullcrap. Instead of buying shit you don’t need, invest. Cancel your Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, subscriptions. Stop ordering Uber Eats and DoorDash. If zoomers used that money wisely then they wouldn’t be complaining about housing and not being able to support a family. Get a fucking grip.
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> 19 % average annual ROI
(((Stocks))) is a form of gambling. Many problem have destroyed their families that way.
investments won't matter that much when nukes start flying
No it isn’t. You’re just a retard that buys high and sells low. Also you should only invest the money you don’t need.
Nice cope. Enjoy staying poor.
I'm sure that all of the boomers that say not to enjoy the little things in life have never went on a vacation or spent lavishly on clothes or got that new couch despite the old one being just a little bit worn etc etc.

Anyways, we should be encouraging people to spend money while trying to bring manufacturing back. Go out and live a little, life isn't all about who has the most money in the end. Just save enough to be safe.
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enjoy being poor with me
General idea works, but that's a shit example.
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I'm thinking of exchanging my family's drink cans for money and dollar cost averaging silver with it. What is my IQ?
>20 years
>19% roi
>just baghold for 20 years and wageslave for Mr. Shekelberg bro

Nigger, I make 300K/year and I still can't afford a $1.5M house. The system is broken.

You wont lose that much if you put 4$ a day thats the Catch and put the money slowly for cost averaging.
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Who do you think made this meme?
Why would Starbucks stock go up?
What are they going to do to generate any more value than they already have?
You may as well invest in AT&T or IBM or General Electric.
kek, the minimal order on frac shares is $5. Made me laugh op.
can you eat/drink stocks?
>red watch bracelet
Holy tasteless
>Put in $80 a month
>Get $229 a month in dividends
Either the person who made this image is an idiot or I am.
Everyone should just buy the company's stock and not their products. That's how you get rich!
buy an ad for your next sell signal pl0x
>grows sleepy on drive home from work
>has a fatal accident
>you children have no father
>but you saved them $19,200
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I can't even afford $4 a day coffee, why do boomers think we are poor because we buy things they could always afford without being financially ruined?
The US economy is completely fake (fiat) and gay
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Exactly, I would have made more money if I had saved packs of unopened Pokémon cards from a childhood.
Kids, if you know a card game is amazing right now, save a few of those unopened packs because people go nuts for that shit in 15 years.
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I buy whatever the fuck I want and I also invest wisely.
What are you, poor?
What if I've become comfortable being poor? I know it means dieing alone but I really don't feel like killing myself for another few k that the government will just tax the shit out of anyway.
Imagine investing into starbucks. Never drank their slop, never buying their slop stock
I never had a Netflix, Hulu or Apple TV subscription, I don't even own a TV. I never ordered Uber eats and DoorDash. I have no idea what you're talking about...
Starbucks was $1/drink 20 years ago. This meme starts from a faulty premise
Instead of eating expensive food and paying a lot for beer at a pub I buy everything from the discounter and invest all my money in bitcoin. Doing this since the coof started. I even started a small garden and me and my friends established a parallel economy based on bitcoin.
I bought SBUX in the spring and I'm still down 200 dollars :(
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I've been investing in BBW a lot recently. Not huge numbers but been working well.
Good idea, I will do this with beer instead of buying beer.
Pump fun is the only way to really make money
it's actually accurate. americans love their caramel frappaccino goyslop
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Need a platform where on actually can buy and sell stock first

Not a fake platform that locks you out wjen you need it most
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>buying things costs money
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Non wealthy people only exist in the first world because of corporate and government theft. Unironically if you aren't financially well off in 2024 in America it is not your fault, and you should blame others.

post your investment portfolio

19 percent is dogshit
>implying I would buy 4 dollars worth of vaguely coffee flavored sugar everyday
Hard pass. You can find a decent moka grind for like 3,5€ and it gives you two weeks worth of pots.
Even if he posted a realistic ROI, the argument would still be bullshit.
The person is.
>19% ROI
nice job using fake returns instead of historical returns but their fathers are paying them their stock profits so it evens out.
Also these numbers are fucking wrong
>Cut the bullcrap. Instead of buying shit you don’t need, invest.
Yeah like buying 50$ worth of btc in 2010.
It's funny
because starbucks coffee tastes like fucking dogshit and they went bankrupt here once already

0. I fell for the silver squeeze argument in 2021 and missed out on potentially life-changing wealth.
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>go back to when you were 9 yo and buy SBUX for $3
boomer logic is frustrating. they just want you to buy their bags now that everyone has outsourced, slave labored, and saturated to the max stagnating growth.

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