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Nobody seems to care we're one slip from total nuclear death,
You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
They said that in the 1980s then everyone died of AIDs.
Were probably farthest away from it than ever before. Everyone is used to threats now
>one slip
anons will think we're "le closest we've ever been" despite there being multiple moments in history where keys were out and buttons about to be pushed lmao
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Lol lmao
Because it's been that way for 40 fucking years and you've only just wisened up to it.
>holy shit everyone, did you see star wars, it's so good!
That's what you sound like. Everyone already knows and is jaded to the idea.
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Not crazy, just retarded.
the only thing that happened is Covid and still, poltards deny it.
>we're one slip from total nuclear death
duck and cover
how much money has your government spent on this man that you're "not taking seriously?"
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keep me posted
guess what, nigger. you're going to die one way or the other.
i care because i want it
yea whatever two more weeks something will finally happen this time for sure
that's because we all secretly think it would be better than having to wake up another day in jewish hell
Whats the point? Go live your life and be happy. If nukes start flying ain't shit you are going to do, so stop acting like a sissy faggot.
People are more worried about living under the overpass right now. Everybody in the west is one missed paycheck away from it.
Cause 4chan is your echo chamber and you lost the contact to other "realities".
the second they use them is the second people realize nukes aren't a big deal and BILLIONS of dollars of propaganda stops being useful immediately

so they'll milk that propaganda, it's like how they promise to legalize weed every election cycle then don't, then promise again next time
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Fuck off Sarah Connor
I want to peacefully enjoy my AI slops
Is there an anon who doesn't dream about being the last person left alive in whatever city he lives in? For me that would be paradise.
I have been preparing for nuclear amageddon since the 1980s.

there's talk of actually invading russia "preemptively" going on right now. do you get it?
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Yeah but you'll probably break your glasses like Burgis Meredith did in that Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episode.
I'm back living with my mom and sister now, everything kept getting more expensive and my rent kept going up.

I want this country to burn at this point
literally this. bring on the destruction
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I live 15 miles from a military base but theres huge mountains in the way, how fucked am I?
>we're one slip from total nuclear death
Stop giving false hope
Take another xanax you weak cunt. It's not happening.
Name one thing that's ever happened in the history of humanity
Bros, will nuclear hellfire be extremely painful?
Good news is you'll be able to see the mushroom cloud for a bit until it hits you
It was total alien invasion, then total ai paperclip extinction, and it has been total nuclear Armageddon since the fifties.
Team 'Nothing Happens' always wins.
I replied to your post, to there's that.
>tell your mom I said hi, and to get tested for HIV
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Because the world has gone insane.
That never happened (ur response) and I'm not a necromancer so I cannot relay that information legally
would it be an air burst or a ground rape
theres a couple bunkers a bit away from the main base
can you stop it?
why care?
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>Nobody seems to care we're one slip from total nuclear death,
There's lots of shills on /pol/ ironically this is the same method for trapping pigs, you get them inured to smaller actions over time so when things are done that if done at the start of the conflict there would be palpable objections from the public, and concern, there is none.
I hope billions die in nuclear fire and let a new world be reborn from their ashes. We'll know when the Fifth Angel sounds his trumpet. Repent now.
because we're actually not, drama queen
we were a lot closer when a NATO exercise (in the Baltic) simulated a bomber penetration into Soviet Union in the 1980s
we were also a lot closer when early warning Soviet satellites gave a false positive, but the controller waited until he got more data (radar) which never came. Why? the satellite used an IR sensor and the Sun reflecting in some types of clouds would fool the satellite.
Because they won't do it. Nuclear war will be a point of no return for the banksters. They're already on thin ice after the covid hoax.
we haven't spent it ON him
>I live 15 miles from a military base but theres huge mountains in the way, how fucked am I?
You are already dead, unless you move now.
He ordered them to deploy "as soon as possible" so it'll probably still be a couple of weeks till they can be launched.
that is not the same as someone literally reaching for the buttons and turning the keys you retard.
Whatever. You spent all that fuckton on money on a war against him, I bet the investments will yield fruit soon, kek
>how much money has your government spent on this man that you're "not taking seriously?"
More than the GDP of Hungary, then Europe although it gave way less, has spent over a trillion Euros on energy subsidies because of it.
People have become immune to the truth. We have been lied to so much for so long, even if we were close to the horrors of nuclear war, it just does not register.
Nukes r fake or
you would've been long dead. Grow up pussy.
>It was total alien invasion
Aliens are going to save us to see what we become, they will use their unfathomable technology to deactivate any nuclear bombs. Do zookeepers let their monkeys kill each other?
Furthermore, space is teeming with radiation, thus the aliens would rather preserve the rare pockets like earth, rather than letting us contaminate for countless generations.
Have faith in aliens.
Nothing happens in latin america with nuclear war, bean soup. I am more worried about our government making us in a giant Venezuela in less than 2 years.
>war against him
he crossed an internationally recognized border, not us
>all fuckton on money
(I imagine "of money")
peanuts, and much of it in mothballed or obsolete military equipment, to be replaced with new production by investing in Europe's industry

You chose to associate with him and Xi, now reap the just rewards when your gas is cut and your nuclear power plant remains without fuel. You could've gone for a Western reactor design but they weren't willing to fill Orbán's friends' pockets in the same way. Don't blame others for your bad choices, magyar tzigany.
The whole world is full of boomers and idiots. Only a very small few know the score, and only a few, of the small few, won't immediately blame whatever boogie man the jew media points their finger at as the bad guy. Even though he's smart enough to know better. The kikesters aren't that scared.
Don't worry, i'm bringing the loot. The boss fight was though but I won.
Do you think illegal immigrants and minorities will fight for their country of residence when the time comes?
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I think they're already here. They invaded in September. They're hiding out under the oceans, waiting for their chance to do just what you described. They're not here to save us, but they will pretend to. They're the ones behind all this shit. Problem, reaction, solution.
Jackie Chan
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Nuclear war would erase hundreds of millions currently living in cities. The cities are utterly crammed with NPC's, subhumans, traitors, whores and jews. Them dying in mass all and once or over the following weeks would leave the west as a coherent singular white ethno centric population wholly removed from the current debauchery and jew controlled faggotry.

Anyone left after those bombs fall will be easily crushed and killed off by the resulting warlords led by competent men. And those who are competent but still stupid, will be crushed by their warlord peers who will rightfully see their weakness and pathetic disposition. And the idea to forgive and forget, after having to live thru the hell of our current society and the aftermath of tens of millions dying in a global war and the following world wide famine it crush any semblance of 'white guilt' we have hoisted upon us now.

By the end of the night, the world will have erased the jewish dominated culture of hate white's and returned to a world of only the strongest and most ruthless whites rule. The world will not be ready for that either.

Nuclear war is a fucking gift. Fuck the rest, only whites matter. And that would leave whites off in a far better world from the moment the first bombs drop. If you don't get what I just said, don't worry about it, you were never going to survive anyway.
Why? you have a good life in this jewish hellhole of their own making? I wish for all of it to end.
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This, I will help burn it down. I hate this Jewish federal government so much it’s fking unreal.
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some of us are doing just fine in this system and its super comfy. Most people wanting the "collapse" are just dudes who cant get a good job or a girlfriend
>I think they're already here.
Aliens are essentially proven to be here, at least based on the various recent testimonies. We have to accept they exist, it makes more sense than not given all the video evidence.
The malicious angle, I do not agree with because they could do so much worse overtly, e.g. torture us, slavery, etc. Additionally if they have the power to travel interstellarly, we have nothing to offer them except crude physical resources like water and minerals, which they could simply take if they wanted.
If they were maliciously influencing world events for experimentation or entertainment, they would not show themselves at all, but they have, given the video evidence. Our knowledge of their presence contaminates the results of their actions.
Why do people still believe in nukes? They are outdated. There is no point in killing 100million innocents when drones and hypersonic missles can kill your opponent. Putin literally just has to drop a few on his opponents washington uk media will be dead silent about anything for the longest time lmao

And itt will be memory holed faster then the plane that hit the pentagon.
>15 miles from a military base but theres huge mountains
they cant be that big if they are only 15 miles
Sane post
Why do you fear death? There's no afterlife as much as religious copers would have you believe but that's alright. What was it like before you were born? Wasn't so bad was it? That will happen again and it's fine. It doesn't matter. Now the process of dying... yes that in itself will more than likely be very painful... but when it's all said and done there's literally nothing left to worry about ever. Chill out. And in nuclear holocaust you will more than likely die instantly if you're anywhere near the explosion.
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>nuclear death
because it doesn't matter.
you still have to drag your ass into work to stay alive.
>Nobody seems to care we're one slip from total nuclear death,
If they destroy globohomo cities, will the world really be worse? If Israel, DC, and NYC were glassed, how would your life really be worse?
165,000 acres is fucking massive
jews made my 40 years of life miserable.

i only care for food and paying my rent and debts. nothing else.
couldn't agree more.
>anxious over some retarded ass nooks
boohoo, nigga. im feeling anxious with my new job, the scheduling is shit
just fucking do it already pussy
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Who cares if nukes drop it’s not a big deal
I certainly don't. My country is protected by geographical advantage. Now if all the rest of you is going to die in a fucking nuclear war I couldn't care less.
Welcome to how life was for most of the last hundred years? This is was daily life for like 40 years for the Cold War. And before that it was WW1 followed by Great Depression and then WW2 The 90s "Everything will be great and we'll have money and peace forever" was a rare exception that won't come back anytime soon.
The downside is you’d be stuck with endless trannies still while liberal centers get destroyed.
I care. Everyone else does the cope by pretending everything is fine and how dare you be such a doomer get off your phone! approach.
When it has to happen it will happen, why do you fucking care about it? you will still be having to live in your waggie caggie and struggling to make to the end of the month, and remember, nothing ever happens.
man I would love to live in Brazil, and there are majority white areas left or is it all macaco now
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
if it happens, it's no longer my problem
if it doesn't happen, it's no longer my problem
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You should focus your energy on something you have control over instead of being a hysterical faggot.
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Because they know they aren't going to have to fight it, that's for White boys only
Prepare for atrocities in your home nations!
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I think nukes on shit hole overpopulated places are dope. People imagining them in nice advanced places is that Hollywood programming you made this post about for that specific reason. Bro India NEEDS dope and sick civil wars and stuff. its gonna be lit all over the 3rd worlds!
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>feeling anxious every day now.
I will not hurt, just relax
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WOOOHOOO LE NOBODY CATS WE DID IT! Kek you're so subhuman
Lolol bro kids are being executed for protesting famine in Africa rn
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>society could literally end tomorrow
>I'm still terrified of going all in on crypto in case it crashes
Bros why am I such a pussy. I pass up on life changing gains for no reason.
Mexican Jewish female president..
LOOOOL IM PSYOOPING XD FEEL THOSE WOUNDS? they really don't heal on weak retards lol
I am not saying this to make fun of you or as a joke: You may need medication. Sometimes I think about getting an Lorazepam prescription.
>many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
there's nothing to worry about if you live here
but yeah I'd be a little bit worried if i lived in poland or england. looks like the russians have whatever missiles they have aimed at those countries.
You based all your hopes on movie fantasies designed to control people with fear of nukes? Thats fear... Your plan is to be afraid? I have very very intricate and specific plans for handling this mess... You keep on watching the red deer obama movie while those trash piles burn more and more and more in india
Long it, son. Bring it home, 100x leverage, no stops.
You kinda become indifferent to world ending events when they've been the topic of discussion since before we were all born.. Unless you're a boomer of course but then I wonder why the fuck you're here to begin with
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Yeah your people need to suffer because you're obsessed with Whites even as a powerless ant... Kill yourself...
War... You asked for it. It's coming in 5g or kinetic or covert form to your little shit hole home Nations now. Enjoy the show. You cheered on another brother war in Europe and expected how many Europeans to die? You begged for the repercussions..
Humanity will end in our lifetime one way or another. Nuclear war is one of the survivable scenarios. AI and grey goo will scour the entire planet of every biological organism if we don't nuke ourselves back to the stone age first.
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"Nobody"? Oh man... A confession that lands you an ez gitmo sentence. Huh Kitty? Kitty... Do you want to play?
No point in worrying about it until it happens.
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Kitty... Mr nobody kitty... OP... Its time to come back to reality. Remember... Those are just movies... What did you do kitty?
i live in canada sweatheart. even if russia launched 1000 nukes, the USA would protect us and shoot them out of the sky.

canada actually pays around 10 billion USD anually for nuke protection
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You should have killed yourself. You've endangered your family now... Did you really need this much attention? And you picked this subject? You're very needy.
Why are you posting? Nobody is reading your retarded schizo shit. They really need to take away your phone when you're in a mental institution.
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why are you trying to maintain the illusion?
It's karma, pal. You've dropped nukes at someone it's just natural that someone will drop nukes at you.
You're getting murdered tonight. Idc who ya are.
Elon... Do you need an update?
god you genxer retards should have your fingers removed. us approves deep strikes into russia which are actually from america and youre like "bro, the 80s we were closer". youre way too retarded to use this board, just like the rest of the genx corpses
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not going to happen
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I'm safe here. My place is no target for any nukes.
Death would be a massive improvement over having to spend (((money))) anymore, fuck (((money))).
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Little buddy. You been clowning around a bit too kuch lately?
I don't need anyone doing "damage control". The laws in the real world just don't work like how you see on the TV... do they?
Because Whites are cowards
goddamn... Sistas... Touch grass.. take meds! Get some toilets in your mud huts! Ba zing! Le nobody!
Makes me hard as diamonds. Imagine getting slaughtered instead of living in globalist clown world! Bliss.
Nah senpai. Earth is going to war against the ayys
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I care. I have my hot cocoa and I'm waiting for the happening. But it never happens and that makes me sad.
The ayys are pledian blue eye pale skin nordic nazis. They're just going to fix the overpopulation issue.
You can literally nuke your own existence. Do a flip.
nukes arent real, grow up
my faith is too strong and plus i have a medical marijuana card.
Anon. What nobody is interested in... Is the people who need to have their social credit score dropped into the negatives for their views on subjects like "european destruction".
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A bonsai cat. They stopped making those.
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Genuine fearmongering nothingburger as always, 2 more weeks etc

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