Its crazy how you can be completely and inalienably right on immigration, race differences, crime and traditional families but as long as Jews have control of early childhood education the kids continue to retardedly swing into leftism and cuckoldry. Its clear to me that since the 50s Jews and globoniggers have focused not on persuading people of their arguments but on indoctrinating young children to believe racism and pride in one's heritage is wrong. But afaik there has been no right wing attempt to conquer Western education departments even though they are the absolute crux of the brainwashing modern society is receiving about white privilege and colonialism and shit. Seriously, go to a local education supplies store and read the shit primary and high school kids are reading in school, you will be fucking mindblown how biased and unhinged and woke it is. We are not in a war with globalists of ideas, but a war over developing children. They brainwash kids from a young age to hate themselves, then pressure them into LGBT social support groups in order to make sure they're less likely to reproduce. We need to break those early childhood brainwashing gambits, or better yet, do it ourselves.
>>489756916Homeschooling is the answer.1:1 education allows for dramatically superior results to any classroom setting anyways under a dramatically better schedule allowing time for sleep and exercise with accelerated academic outcomes. This also eliminates supposed "ADHD" excuses used to medicate energetic boys with amphetamines.Homeschooling is generally easy as fuck outside of the most pozzed states. TN is considered "moderate" regulation and all I have to do is fill out a form once a year saying I'm homeschooling my kids and I have a highschool diploma, then circle a calendar on days I teach so that it's at least 180 days a year.
>>489756916it partly is education yes, but the main problem is a lack of strong leadership and a vision. think of collective humanity as female. it needs to be lead or guided, without that leading it turns into chaos. we saw moses went away from the jews for 40 days and in that short moment where there was no leader around (moses), people were running around with panties on their head screaming OOGA BOOGA and worshipping a golden calfpeople will inevitably realize it boils down to leadership, and that leader having a strong vision. but then they will elect in the antichrist, instead of Jesus Christ, to be their leader. if people individually tried to turn to God, repent etc, God might provide them a non shitty leader that would pull everyone out of this mess, as of now though, he hasn't given us good leadership in our governments etc. our current leaders are a curse for disobeying and forsaking God
But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. …We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wished to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature.
>>489757411>Homeschooling is the answer.No it isn't and it will never be mass adopted. Homeschooled kids will also retain peer networks with wider society which willl remain heavily brainwashed by the early education system. We need to launch a complete attack on the the education system itself and take full control of it.
>>489756916has anyone ever actually confirmed this guy's claimed IQ score?Every time I've heard him talk, he sounded like a complete moron.
>>489756916We need to be far less educated. I don't need to know C12H22O11 is sugar etc., 4 to 6 grades should be enough, just reading, basic arithmetic. People should become adults way sooner. I didn't want to play anymore shortly after the age of 10; one's childhood shouldn't be extended beyond reason, but the internet has made many into manchildren. People should pair-bond early, way before 20, and "dating" shouldn't exist. There has to be zero tolerance for fornication, adultery, extra and premarital sex. If teens want to fuck, they should be able to, but in a lawful manner. A 15, 16, 17 yo should be competent enough to be a father. Most people should be on the countryside doing subsistence farming, with the elite having control, maybe a democracy within the elite ring, but otherwise a dictatorship. The general public is too stupid for a democracy, and that's fine. What's not fine is not knowing one's place.
>>489758813Has anyone confirmed yours? Lmao
>>489759781Spoken like a true retard. I'm all for mandatory IQ requirements for voting so we can filter out idiots with horrible dystopian ideas for society like you
>>489758725What do you want? A temporary cope/solution or a long term fix?Short term homeschooling is the only answer, presupposing you find a woman worth having a family with. Long term, you need to destroy the USA Federal Government and its department of Education. And at that point, you can just fix every other problem along the way, too.
>>489759781some things to addhigh IQ correlates with a later menarche, probably to accommodate a longer-lasting education (elite class females)the average age of menarche falls beyond normal under high stress (eg. war), probably so that the next generation is made asap.There should be a harsh penalty for breaking the marriage contract (death obviously). Any deviation from that, and softening of the rules brings us to today's situation, and quite quickly. Men should not touch girls or women. Intimacy needs to be valuable again. Naked bodies should not be on display everywhere like today. (What's common is invaluable.) Modest clothing should be mandatory. race-mixing must be banned, kids should be paired up when they are young and playing together. GSA (genetic sexual selection) would be at work there, since kids with a similar genetic profile would stick together, and children of similar parents tend to be healthier in all areas. Human happiness and a good society is a solved concept, it just won't be brought into practice.