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Say what you want about this retard, but at least he went outside and touched grass.
npbpdy would have cared if he lived
Is that trudeau
he'd of just been some go who went out and came back

you're hot on the trail
>I'm alive
Nothin personnel, bushfags
i admire the spirit but he shouldve educated himself more instead of thinking he could just figure out wilderness living on the fly
he was a homosexual
I’m happy that he’s happy
Nigger i've been living in the bush since before that cunt went off hiking around like a retard and i'm still here.
Carl mccunn is way funnier than him dude. Carl mccunn makes Chris McCandless look like bear grylls
Stop eating all of the neighbourhood cats, Zhang.
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>I keep thinking of all the shotgun shells I threw away about two months ago. Had five boxes and when I kept seeing them sitting there I felt rather silly for having brought so many. (Felt like a war monger.) So I threw all away ... but about a dozen ... real bright. ... Who would have known I might need them just to keep from starving?
>Although McCunn thought he had arranged for a friend who was a pilot to return for him in August, he apparently had never confirmed this. McCunn had hired an air taxi service to fly him in and was expecting the friend to pick him up as he did not have enough money to pay for air taxi service out; however, McCunn compounded the error by never telling his friend he had hired the air taxi service to fly him to the remote location. The inbound air taxi pilot later testified "we had instructions he was to be picked up by a friend of his before winter set in, with a float plane." As the weather grew colder and his supplies began running low in early August, when the expected plane had not arrived, he wrote in his diary, "I think I should have used more foresight about arranging my departure. I'll soon find out."
>Although his father knew he would be in the area, he did not know when McCunn planned on returning. McCunn had also told his father not to be concerned if he did not return at the end of the summer
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>Stop eating all of the neighbourhood cats, Zhang.
My duck eats insects for breakfast mate.
>no source, argument, or context
>as always, e-celeb shilling niggers cannot be arsed to actually identify the moron they're illegally promoting, which you would think would be their first task
BUY AN AD. Spamming /pol/ does not spread awareness of your favorite e-celeb faggot. Do not spam.
Shut the fuck up.
wow that's yours? nice, how are you liking that compost thingy. show me your ducks, and why not chickens?
touched too much grass it would seem
If he didn't find that bus he would have died in a few days
Is that your goon cave?
whats the purpose of going to the woods to do nothing other than die?
his stunt seemed very meaningless and nihilistic
newfag dont know who alexander supertramp is.
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>wow that's yours?
Old setup from 4~ years ago, I never post current shit.

>how are you liking that compost thingy.
Bio-digester was honestly great, it produced way more gas than I needed to cook, heat water etc as well as lots of liquid fertilizer for the garden, runs entirely on food scraps and animal shit. I've switched out for an entirely solar/electric system now just to simplify things, but i've still got it tucked away if I need it. Probably a good thing to have if you're on an entirely propane based setup which I know is popular in the rural parts of the US.

>show me your ducks, and why not chickens?
Have both, that duck just rocked up one day and decided to live under the house, he thinks he's a dog these days kek
He was the defintion of a s o yboy
What's porcupussy feel like?
Rinse your acorns, folks.
He seemed very unlikable. Too arrogant to live, reaks of wealth and over confidence.
Probably why young folk like him.
Absolute looser who died because he dint think he needed to actually learn skills to survive.
Porcupine paws typed this post.
That's a jew
>Touched grass
He fucking ate grass too because he's a retard
And then died from eating it.
Have you ever raised other fowl/avians :D?
>ducks vs chickens already asked and answered
I get the posting timers.
Ridiculously overrated homeless man
>dumb yuppie with no survival experience finds out that roughin' it ain't all that glamourous
>I have a tent in my back yard
>I'm a real bear Grylls:)
His Emmersonian mind embiggens the smallest man.
Please hug him for me.
Your mother's voluptuous behind embiggens my huge penis.
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People call Alexander the Great, but if he's so great how come he's dead while I'm alive?
basically just a glorified homeless dude
>homeless guy on the street: :/
>homeless guy in the woods: :O
funny read
what a retard
Timothy Treadwell was another brave and stunning outdoorsman.
i enjoy your posts anon, cool stuff. i assume you post in the /out/ homesteading threads? haven't been over there in a long time. maybe one day i'll be able to work my way up to what you've built for yourself

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